- /*
- * parse.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) Aaron Holtzman - May 1999
- *
- * This file is part of ac3dec, a free Dolby AC-3 stream decoder.
- *
- * ac3dec is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * ac3dec is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- *
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "ac3.h"
- #include "decode.h"
- #include "bitstream.h"
- #include "stats.h"
- #include "debug.h"
- #include "parse.h"
- /* Misc LUT */
- static uint_16 nfchans[] = {2,1,2,3,3,4,4,5};
- struct frmsize_s
- {
- uint_16 bit_rate;
- uint_16 frm_size[3];
- };
- struct frmsize_s frmsizecod_tbl[] = {
- { 32 ,{64 ,69 ,96 } },
- { 32 ,{64 ,70 ,96 } },
- { 40 ,{80 ,87 ,120 } },
- { 40 ,{80 ,88 ,120 } },
- { 48 ,{96 ,104 ,144 } },
- { 48 ,{96 ,105 ,144 } },
- { 56 ,{112 ,121 ,168 } },
- { 56 ,{112 ,122 ,168 } },
- { 64 ,{128 ,139 ,192 } },
- { 64 ,{128 ,140 ,192 } },
- { 80 ,{160 ,174 ,240 } },
- { 80 ,{160 ,175 ,240 } },
- { 96 ,{192 ,208 ,288 } },
- { 96 ,{192 ,209 ,288 } },
- { 112 ,{224 ,243 ,336 } },
- { 112 ,{224 ,244 ,336 } },
- { 128 ,{256 ,278 ,384 } },
- { 128 ,{256 ,279 ,384 } },
- { 160 ,{320 ,348 ,480 } },
- { 160 ,{320 ,349 ,480 } },
- { 192 ,{384 ,417 ,576 } },
- { 192 ,{384 ,418 ,576 } },
- { 224 ,{448 ,487 ,672 } },
- { 224 ,{448 ,488 ,672 } },
- { 256 ,{512 ,557 ,768 } },
- { 256 ,{512 ,558 ,768 } },
- { 320 ,{640 ,696 ,960 } },
- { 320 ,{640 ,697 ,960 } },
- { 384 ,{768 ,835 ,1152 } },
- { 384 ,{768 ,836 ,1152 } },
- { 448 ,{896 ,975 ,1344 } },
- { 448 ,{896 ,976 ,1344 } },
- { 512 ,{1024 ,1114 ,1536 } },
- { 512 ,{1024 ,1115 ,1536 } },
- { 576 ,{1152 ,1253 ,1728 } },
- { 576 ,{1152 ,1254 ,1728 } },
- { 640 ,{1280 ,1393 ,1920 } },
- { 640 ,{1280 ,1394 ,1920 } }};
- /* Parse a syncinfo structure, minus the sync word */
- void
- parse_syncinfo(syncinfo_t *syncinfo,bitstream_t *bs)
- {
- /* Get crc1 - we don't actually use this data though */
- bitstream_get(bs,16);
- /* Get the sampling rate */
- syncinfo->fscod = bitstream_get(bs,2);
- /* Get the frame size code */
- syncinfo->frmsizecod = bitstream_get(bs,6);
- syncinfo->bit_rate = frmsizecod_tbl[syncinfo->frmsizecod].bit_rate;
- syncinfo->frame_size = frmsizecod_tbl[syncinfo->frmsizecod].frm_size[syncinfo->fscod];
- stats_printf_syncinfo(syncinfo);
- }
- /*
- * This routine fills a bsi struct from the AC3 stream
- */
- void
- parse_bsi(bsi_t *bsi,bitstream_t *bs)
- {
- uint_32 i;
- /* Check the AC-3 version number */
- bsi->bsid = bitstream_get(bs,5);
- /* Get the audio service provided by the steram */
- bsi->bsmod = bitstream_get(bs,3);
- /* Get the audio coding mode (ie how many channels)*/
- bsi->acmod = bitstream_get(bs,3);
- /* Predecode the number of full bandwidth channels as we use this
- * number a lot */
- bsi->nfchans = nfchans[bsi->acmod];
- /* If it is in use, get the centre channel mix level */
- if ((bsi->acmod & 0x1) && (bsi->acmod != 0x1))
- bsi->cmixlev = bitstream_get(bs,2);
- /* If it is in use, get the surround channel mix level */
- if (bsi->acmod & 0x4)
- bsi->surmixlev = bitstream_get(bs,2);
- /* Get the dolby surround mode if in 2/0 mode */
- if(bsi->acmod == 0x2)
- bsi->dsurmod= bitstream_get(bs,2);
- /* Is the low frequency effects channel on? */
- bsi->lfeon = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- /* Get the dialogue normalization level */
- bsi->dialnorm = bitstream_get(bs,5);
- /* Does compression gain exist? */
- bsi->compre = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if (bsi->compre)
- {
- /* Get compression gain */
- bsi->compr = bitstream_get(bs,8);
- }
- /* Does language code exist? */
- bsi->langcode = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if (bsi->langcode)
- {
- /* Get langauge code */
- bsi->langcod = bitstream_get(bs,8);
- }
- /* Does audio production info exist? */
- bsi->audprodie = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if (bsi->audprodie)
- {
- /* Get mix level */
- bsi->mixlevel = bitstream_get(bs,5);
- /* Get room type */
- bsi->roomtyp = bitstream_get(bs,2);
- }
- /* If we're in dual mono mode then get some extra info */
- if (bsi->acmod ==0)
- {
- /* Get the dialogue normalization level two */
- bsi->dialnorm2 = bitstream_get(bs,5);
- /* Does compression gain two exist? */
- bsi->compr2e = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if (bsi->compr2e)
- {
- /* Get compression gain two */
- bsi->compr2 = bitstream_get(bs,8);
- }
- /* Does language code two exist? */
- bsi->langcod2e = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if (bsi->langcod2e)
- {
- /* Get langauge code two */
- bsi->langcod2 = bitstream_get(bs,8);
- }
- /* Does audio production info two exist? */
- bsi->audprodi2e = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if (bsi->audprodi2e)
- {
- /* Get mix level two */
- bsi->mixlevel2 = bitstream_get(bs,5);
- /* Get room type two */
- bsi->roomtyp2 = bitstream_get(bs,2);
- }
- }
- /* Get the copyright bit */
- bsi->copyrightb = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- /* Get the original bit */
- bsi->origbs = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- /* Does timecode one exist? */
- bsi->timecod1e = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if(bsi->timecod1e)
- bsi->timecod1 = bitstream_get(bs,14);
- /* Does timecode two exist? */
- bsi->timecod2e = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if(bsi->timecod2e)
- bsi->timecod2 = bitstream_get(bs,14);
- /* Does addition info exist? */
- bsi->addbsie = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if(bsi->addbsie)
- {
- /* Get how much info is there */
- bsi->addbsil = bitstream_get(bs,6);
- /* Get the additional info */
- for(i=0;i<(bsi->addbsil + 1);i++)
- bsi->addbsi[i] = bitstream_get(bs,8);
- }
- stats_printf_bsi(bsi);
- }
- /* More pain inducing parsing */
- void
- parse_audblk(bsi_t *bsi,audblk_t *audblk,bitstream_t *bs)
- {
- int i,j;
- for (i=0;i < bsi->nfchans; i++)
- {
- /* Is this channel an interleaved 256 + 256 block ? */
- audblk->blksw[i] = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- }
- for (i=0;i < bsi->nfchans; i++)
- {
- /* Should we dither this channel? */
- audblk->dithflag[i] = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- }
- /* Does dynamic range control exist? */
- audblk->dynrnge = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if (audblk->dynrnge)
- {
- /* Get dynamic range info */
- audblk->dynrng = bitstream_get(bs,8);
- }
- /* If we're in dual mono mode then get the second channel DR info */
- if (bsi->acmod == 0)
- {
- /* Does dynamic range control two exist? */
- audblk->dynrng2e = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if (audblk->dynrng2e)
- {
- /* Get dynamic range info */
- audblk->dynrng2 = bitstream_get(bs,8);
- }
- }
- /* Does coupling strategy exist? */
- audblk->cplstre = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if (audblk->cplstre)
- {
- /* Is coupling turned on? */
- audblk->cplinu = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if(audblk->cplinu)
- {
- for(i=0;i < bsi->nfchans; i++)
- audblk->chincpl[i] = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if(bsi->acmod == 0x2)
- audblk->phsflginu = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- audblk->cplbegf = bitstream_get(bs,4);
- audblk->cplendf = bitstream_get(bs,4);
- audblk->ncplsubnd = (audblk->cplendf + 2) - audblk->cplbegf + 1;
- /* Calculate the start and end bins of the coupling channel */
- audblk->cplstrtmant = (audblk->cplbegf * 12) + 37 ;
- audblk->cplendmant = ((audblk->cplendf + 3) * 12) + 37;
- /* The number of combined subbands is ncplsubnd minus each combined
- * band */
- audblk->ncplbnd = audblk->ncplsubnd;
- for(i=1; i< audblk->ncplsubnd; i++)
- {
- audblk->cplbndstrc[i] = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- audblk->ncplbnd -= audblk->cplbndstrc[i];
- }
- }
- }
- if(audblk->cplinu)
- {
- /* Loop through all the channels and get their coupling co-ords */
- for(i=0;i < bsi->nfchans;i++)
- {
- if(!audblk->chincpl[i])
- continue;
- /* Is there new coupling co-ordinate info? */
- audblk->cplcoe[i] = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if(audblk->cplcoe[i])
- {
- audblk->mstrcplco[i] = bitstream_get(bs,2);
- for(j=0;j < audblk->ncplbnd; j++)
- {
- audblk->cplcoexp[i][j] = bitstream_get(bs,4);
- audblk->cplcomant[i][j] = bitstream_get(bs,4);
- }
- }
- }
- /* If we're in dual mono mode, there's going to be some phase info */
- if( (bsi->acmod == 0x2) && audblk->phsflginu &&
- (audblk->cplcoe[0] || audblk->cplcoe[1]))
- {
- for(j=0;j < audblk->ncplbnd; j++)
- audblk->phsflg[j] = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- }
- }
- /* If we're in dual mono mode, there may be a rematrix strategy */
- if(bsi->acmod == 0x2)
- {
- audblk->rematstr = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if(audblk->rematstr)
- {
- if (audblk->cplinu == 0)
- {
- for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- audblk->rematflg[i] = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- }
- if((audblk->cplbegf > 2) && audblk->cplinu)
- {
- for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- audblk->rematflg[i] = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- }
- if((audblk->cplbegf <= 2) && audblk->cplinu)
- {
- for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- audblk->rematflg[i] = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- }
- if((audblk->cplbegf == 0) && audblk->cplinu)
- for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- audblk->rematflg[i] = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- }
- }
- if (audblk->cplinu)
- {
- /* Get the coupling channel exponent strategy */
- audblk->cplexpstr = bitstream_get(bs,2);
- audblk->ncplgrps = (audblk->cplendmant - audblk->cplstrtmant) /
- (3 << (audblk->cplexpstr-1));
- }
- for(i = 0; i < bsi->nfchans; i++)
- audblk->chexpstr[i] = bitstream_get(bs,2);
- /* Get the exponent strategy for lfe channel */
- if(bsi->lfeon)
- audblk->lfeexpstr = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- /* Determine the bandwidths of all the fbw channels */
- for(i = 0; i < bsi->nfchans; i++)
- {
- uint_16 grp_size;
- if(audblk->chexpstr[i] != EXP_REUSE)
- {
- if (audblk->cplinu && audblk->chincpl[i])
- {
- audblk->endmant[i] = audblk->cplstrtmant;
- }
- else
- {
- audblk->chbwcod[i] = bitstream_get(bs,6);
- audblk->endmant[i] = ((audblk->chbwcod[i] + 12) * 3) + 37;
- }
- /* Calculate the number of exponent groups to fetch */
- grp_size = 3 * (1 << (audblk->chexpstr[i] - 1));
- audblk->nchgrps[i] = (audblk->endmant[i] - 1 + (grp_size - 3)) / grp_size;
- }
- }
- /* Get the coupling exponents if they exist */
- if(audblk->cplinu && (audblk->cplexpstr != EXP_REUSE))
- {
- audblk->cplabsexp = bitstream_get(bs,4);
- for(i=0;i< audblk->ncplgrps;i++)
- audblk->cplexps[i] = bitstream_get(bs,7);
- }
- /* Get the fwb channel exponents */
- for(i=0;i < bsi->nfchans; i++)
- {
- if(audblk->chexpstr[i] != EXP_REUSE)
- {
- audblk->exps[i][0] = bitstream_get(bs,4);
- for(j=1;j<=audblk->nchgrps[i];j++)
- audblk->exps[i][j] = bitstream_get(bs,7);
- audblk->gainrng[i] = bitstream_get(bs,2);
- }
- }
- /* Get the lfe channel exponents */
- if(bsi->lfeon && (audblk->lfeexpstr != EXP_REUSE))
- {
- audblk->lfeexps[0] = bitstream_get(bs,4);
- audblk->lfeexps[1] = bitstream_get(bs,7);
- audblk->lfeexps[2] = bitstream_get(bs,7);
- }
- /* Get the parametric bit allocation parameters */
- audblk->baie = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if(audblk->baie)
- {
- audblk->sdcycod = bitstream_get(bs,2);
- audblk->fdcycod = bitstream_get(bs,2);
- audblk->sgaincod = bitstream_get(bs,2);
- audblk->dbpbcod = bitstream_get(bs,2);
- audblk->floorcod = bitstream_get(bs,3);
- }
- /* Get the SNR off set info if it exists */
- audblk->snroffste = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if(audblk->snroffste)
- {
- audblk->csnroffst = bitstream_get(bs,6);
- if(audblk->cplinu)
- {
- audblk->cplfsnroffst = bitstream_get(bs,4);
- audblk->cplfgaincod = bitstream_get(bs,3);
- }
- for(i = 0;i < bsi->nfchans; i++)
- {
- audblk->fsnroffst[i] = bitstream_get(bs,4);
- audblk->fgaincod[i] = bitstream_get(bs,3);
- }
- if(bsi->lfeon)
- {
- audblk->lfefsnroffst = bitstream_get(bs,4);
- audblk->lfefgaincod = bitstream_get(bs,3);
- }
- }
- /* Get coupling leakage info if it exists */
- if(audblk->cplinu)
- {
- audblk->cplleake = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if(audblk->cplleake)
- {
- audblk->cplfleak = bitstream_get(bs,3);
- audblk->cplsleak = bitstream_get(bs,3);
- }
- }
- /* Get the delta bit alloaction info */
- audblk->deltbaie = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- if(audblk->deltbaie)
- {
- if(audblk->cplinu)
- audblk->cpldeltbae = bitstream_get(bs,2);
- for(i = 0;i < bsi->nfchans; i++)
- audblk->deltbae[i] = bitstream_get(bs,2);
- if (audblk->cplinu && (audblk->cpldeltbae == DELTA_BIT_NEW))
- {
- audblk->cpldeltnseg = bitstream_get(bs,3);
- for(i = 0;i < audblk->cpldeltnseg + 1; i++)
- {
- audblk->cpldeltoffst[i] = bitstream_get(bs,5);
- audblk->cpldeltlen[i] = bitstream_get(bs,4);
- audblk->cpldeltba[i] = bitstream_get(bs,3);
- }
- }
- for(i = 0;i < bsi->nfchans; i++)
- {
- if (audblk->deltbae[i] == DELTA_BIT_NEW)
- {
- audblk->deltnseg[i] = bitstream_get(bs,3);
- for(j = 0; j < audblk->deltnseg[i] + 1; j++)
- {
- audblk->deltoffst[i][j] = bitstream_get(bs,5);
- audblk->deltlen[i][j] = bitstream_get(bs,4);
- audblk->deltba[i][j] = bitstream_get(bs,3);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Check to see if there's any dummy info to get */
- if((audblk->skiple = bitstream_get(bs,1)))
- {
- uint_16 skip_data;
- audblk->skipl = bitstream_get(bs,9);
- //XXX remove
- //fprintf(stderr,"(parse) skipping %d bytesn",audblk->skipl);
- for(i = 0; i < audblk->skipl ; i++)
- {
- skip_data = bitstream_get(bs,8);
- //XXX remove
- //fprintf(stderr,"skipped data %2xn",skip_data);
- //if(skip_data != 0)
- //{
- //dprintf("(parse) Invalid skipped data %2xn",skip_data);
- //exit(1);
- //}
- }
- }
- stats_printf_audblk(audblk);
- }
- void
- parse_auxdata(syncinfo_t *syncinfo,bitstream_t *bs)
- {
- int i;
- int skip_length;
- uint_16 crc;
- uint_16 auxdatae;
- skip_length = (syncinfo->frame_size * 16) - bs->total_bits_read - 17 - 1;
- //XXX remove
- //dprintf("(auxdata) skipping %d auxbitsn",skip_length);
- for(i=0; i < skip_length; i++)
- //printf("Skipped bit %in",(uint_16)bitstream_get(bs,1));
- bitstream_get(bs,1);
- //get the auxdata exists bit
- auxdatae = bitstream_get(bs,1);
- //XXX remove
- //dprintf("auxdatae = %in",auxdatae);
- //Skip the CRC reserved bit
- bitstream_get(bs,1);
- //Get the crc
- crc = bitstream_get(bs,16);
- }