- /*
- * display_x11.c, X11 interface
- *
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Hacked into mpeg2dec by
- *
- * Aaron Holtzman <aholtzma@ess.engr.uvic.ca>
- *
- * 15 & 16 bpp support added by Franck Sicard <Franck.Sicard@solsoft.fr>
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include <X11/Xutil.h>
- #include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include "mpeg2.h"
- #include "mpeg2_internal.h"
- int Inverse_Table_6_9[8][4] =
- {
- {117504, 138453, 13954, 34903}, /* no sequence_display_extension */
- {117504, 138453, 13954, 34903}, /* ITU-R Rec. 709 (1990) */
- {104597, 132201, 25675, 53279}, /* unspecified */
- {104597, 132201, 25675, 53279}, /* reserved */
- {104448, 132798, 24759, 53109}, /* FCC */
- {104597, 132201, 25675, 53279}, /* ITU-R Rec. 624-4 System B, G */
- {104597, 132201, 25675, 53279}, /* SMPTE 170M */
- {117579, 136230, 16907, 35559} /* SMPTE 240M (1987) */
- };
- /* private prototypes */
- static void Display_Image (XImage * myximage, unsigned char *ImageData);
- /* local data */
- static unsigned char *ImageData;
- /* X11 related variables */
- static Display *mydisplay;
- static Window mywindow;
- static GC mygc;
- static XImage *myximage;
- static int bpp;
- static XWindowAttributes attribs;
- static int X_already_started = 0;
- #define SH_MEM
- #ifdef SH_MEM
- #include <sys/ipc.h>
- #include <sys/shm.h>
- #include <X11/extensions/XShm.h>
- //static int HandleXError _ANSI_ARGS_((Display * dpy, XErrorEvent * event));
- static void InstallXErrorHandler (void);
- static void DeInstallXErrorHandler (void);
- static int Shmem_Flag;
- static int Quiet_Flag;
- static XShmSegmentInfo Shminfo1;
- static int gXErrorFlag;
- static int CompletionType = -1;
- /*
- static int HandleXfprintf(stderr,Dpy, Event)
- Display *Dpy;
- XErrorEvent *Event;
- {
- gXErrorFlag = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- */
- static void InstallXErrorHandler()
- {
- //XSetErrorHandler(HandleXError);
- XFlush(mydisplay);
- }
- static void DeInstallXErrorHandler()
- {
- XSetErrorHandler(NULL);
- XFlush(mydisplay);
- }
- #endif
- // Clamp to [0,255]
- static uint_8 clip_tbl[1024]; /* clipping table */
- static uint_8 *clip;
- uint_32 image_width;
- uint_32 image_height;
- uint_32 progressive_sequence = 0;
- uint_32 matrix_coefficients = 1;
- /* connect to server, create and map window,
- * allocate colors and (shared) memory
- */
- void display_init(uint_32 width, uint_32 height)
- {
- int screen;
- unsigned int fg, bg;
- sint_32 i;
- char *hello = "I hate X11";
- char *name = ":0.0";
- XSizeHints hint;
- XVisualInfo vinfo;
- XEvent xev;
- XGCValues xgcv;
- Colormap theCmap;
- XSetWindowAttributes xswa;
- unsigned long xswamask;
- clip = clip_tbl + 384;
- for (i= -384; i< 640; i++)
- clip[i] = (i < 0) ? 0 : ((i > 255) ? 255 : i);
- image_height = height;
- image_width = width;
- if (X_already_started)
- return;
- if(getenv("DISPLAY"))
- name = getenv("DISPLAY");
- mydisplay = XOpenDisplay(name);
- if (mydisplay == NULL)
- fprintf(stderr,"Can not open displayn");
- screen = DefaultScreen(mydisplay);
- hint.x = 0;
- hint.y = 10;
- hint.width = image_width;
- hint.height = image_height;
- hint.flags = PPosition | PSize;
- /* Get some colors */
- bg = WhitePixel(mydisplay, screen);
- fg = BlackPixel(mydisplay, screen);
- /* Make the window */
- XGetWindowAttributes(mydisplay, DefaultRootWindow(mydisplay), &attribs);
- bpp = attribs.depth;
- if (bpp != 15 && bpp != 16 && bpp != 24 && bpp != 32) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Only 15,16,24, and 32bpp supported. Trying 24bpp!n");
- bpp = 24;
- }
- //mywindow = XCreateSimpleWindow(mydisplay, DefaultRootWindow(mydisplay),
- //hint.x, hint.y, hint.width, hint.height, 4, fg, bg);
- //
- XMatchVisualInfo(mydisplay,screen,bpp,TrueColor,&vinfo);
- printf("visual id is %lxn",vinfo.visualid);
- theCmap = XCreateColormap(mydisplay, RootWindow(mydisplay,screen),
- vinfo.visual, AllocNone);
- xswa.background_pixel = 0;
- xswa.border_pixel = 1;
- xswa.colormap = theCmap;
- xswamask = CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel |CWColormap;
- mywindow = XCreateWindow(mydisplay, RootWindow(mydisplay,screen),
- hint.x, hint.y, hint.width, hint.height, 4, bpp,CopyFromParent,vinfo.visual,xswamask,&xswa);
- XSelectInput(mydisplay, mywindow, StructureNotifyMask);
- /* Tell other applications about this window */
- XSetStandardProperties(mydisplay, mywindow, hello, hello, None, NULL, 0, &hint);
- /* Map window. */
- XMapWindow(mydisplay, mywindow);
- /* Wait for map. */
- do {
- XNextEvent(mydisplay, &xev);
- }
- while (xev.type != MapNotify || xev.xmap.event != mywindow);
- XSelectInput(mydisplay, mywindow, NoEventMask);
- XFlush(mydisplay);
- XSync(mydisplay, False);
- mygc = XCreateGC(mydisplay, mywindow, 0L, &xgcv);
- #ifdef SH_MEM
- if (XShmQueryExtension(mydisplay))
- Shmem_Flag = 1;
- else
- {
- Shmem_Flag = 0;
- if (!Quiet_Flag)
- fprintf(stderr, "Shared memory not supportednReverting to normal Xlibn");
- }
- if (Shmem_Flag)
- CompletionType = XShmGetEventBase(mydisplay) + ShmCompletion;
- InstallXErrorHandler();
- if (Shmem_Flag) {
- myximage = XShmCreateImage(mydisplay, vinfo.visual, bpp,
- ZPixmap, NULL, &Shminfo1, width,
- image_height);
- /* If no go, then revert to normal Xlib calls. */
- if (myximage == NULL )
- {
- if (myximage != NULL)
- XDestroyImage(myximage);
- if (!Quiet_Flag)
- fprintf(stderr, "Shared memory error, disabling (Ximage error)n");
- goto shmemerror;
- }
- /* Success here, continue. */
- Shminfo1.shmid = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE,
- myximage->bytes_per_line * myximage->height ,
- IPC_CREAT | 0777);
- if (Shminfo1.shmid < 0 ) {
- XDestroyImage(myximage);
- if (!Quiet_Flag)
- {
- printf("%sn",strerror(errno));
- perror(strerror(errno));
- fprintf(stderr, "Shared memory error, disabling (seg id error)n");
- }
- goto shmemerror;
- }
- Shminfo1.shmaddr = (char *) shmat(Shminfo1.shmid, 0, 0);
- if (Shminfo1.shmaddr == ((char *) -1)) {
- XDestroyImage(myximage);
- if (Shminfo1.shmaddr != ((char *) -1))
- shmdt(Shminfo1.shmaddr);
- if (!Quiet_Flag) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Shared memory error, disabling (address error)n");
- }
- goto shmemerror;
- }
- myximage->data = Shminfo1.shmaddr;
- ImageData = (unsigned char *) myximage->data;
- Shminfo1.readOnly = False;
- XShmAttach(mydisplay, &Shminfo1);
- XSync(mydisplay, False);
- if (gXErrorFlag) {
- /* Ultimate failure here. */
- XDestroyImage(myximage);
- shmdt(Shminfo1.shmaddr);
- if (!Quiet_Flag)
- fprintf(stderr, "Shared memory error, disabling.n");
- gXErrorFlag = 0;
- goto shmemerror;
- } else {
- shmctl(Shminfo1.shmid, IPC_RMID, 0);
- }
- if (!Quiet_Flag) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Sharing memory.n");
- }
- } else {
- shmemerror:
- Shmem_Flag = 0;
- #endif
- myximage = XGetImage(mydisplay, mywindow, 0, 0,
- width, image_height, AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
- ImageData = myximage->data;
- #ifdef SH_MEM
- }
- DeInstallXErrorHandler();
- #endif
- X_already_started++;
- bpp = myximage->bits_per_pixel;
- }
- void Terminate_Display_Process() {
- getchar(); /* wait for enter to remove window */
- #ifdef SH_MEM
- if (Shmem_Flag) {
- XShmDetach(mydisplay, &Shminfo1);
- XDestroyImage(myximage);
- shmdt(Shminfo1.shmaddr);
- }
- #endif
- XDestroyWindow(mydisplay, mywindow);
- XCloseDisplay(mydisplay);
- X_already_started = 0;
- }
- static void Display_Image(myximage, ImageData)
- XImage *myximage;
- unsigned char *ImageData;
- {
- #ifdef SH_MEM
- if (Shmem_Flag) {
- XShmPutImage(mydisplay, mywindow, mygc, myximage,
- 0, 0, 0, 0, myximage->width, myximage->height, True);
- XFlush(mydisplay);
- #if 0
- //I don't know why this code is here, but it craashes
- //when I don't compile with -pg. Very odd.
- while (1) {
- XEvent xev;
- XNextEvent(mydisplay, &xev);
- if (xev.type == CompletionType)
- break;
- }
- #endif
- } else
- #endif
- XPutImage(mydisplay, mywindow, mygc, myximage, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, myximage->width, myximage->height);
- }
- void Display_First_Field(void) { /* nothing */ }
- void Display_Second_Field(void) { /* nothing */ }
- unsigned char *dst, *py, *pu, *pv;
- static void display_frame_32bpp_420(const uint_8 * py, const uint_8 * pv,
- const uint_8 * pu, uint_8 * image,
- int h_size, int v_size, int bpp);
- static void display_frame_24bpp_420(const uint_8 * py, const uint_8 * pv,
- const uint_8 * pu, uint_8 * image,
- int h_size, int v_size, int bpp);
- static void display_frame_16bpp_420(const uint_8 * py, const uint_8 * pv,
- const uint_8 * pu, uint_8 * image,
- int h_size, int v_size, int bpp);
- void display_frame(uint_8 *src[])
- {
- if (bpp==32)
- {
- display_frame_32bpp_420(src[0],src[1],src[2],ImageData,
- image_width, image_height, bpp);
- }
- else if (bpp==24)
- {
- display_frame_24bpp_420(src[0],src[1],src[2],ImageData,
- image_width, image_height, bpp);
- }
- else if (bpp == 15 || bpp == 16)
- {
- display_frame_16bpp_420(src[0],src[1],src[2],ImageData,
- image_width, image_height, bpp);
- }
- Display_Image(myximage, ImageData);
- }
- /* do 32 bpp output */
- static void display_frame_32bpp_420(const uint_8 * py, const uint_8 * pv,
- const uint_8 * pu, uint_8 * image, int h_size, int v_size, int bpp)
- {
- sint_32 Y,U,V;
- sint_32 g_common,b_common,r_common;
- uint_32 x,y;
- uint_8 *dst_line_1;
- uint_8 *dst_line_2;
- const uint_8* py_line_1;
- const uint_8* py_line_2;
- volatile char prefetch;
- int byte_per_line=h_size*(bpp/8);
- int crv,cbu,cgu,cgv;
- /* matrix coefficients */
- crv = Inverse_Table_6_9[matrix_coefficients][0];
- cbu = Inverse_Table_6_9[matrix_coefficients][1];
- cgu = Inverse_Table_6_9[matrix_coefficients][2];
- cgv = Inverse_Table_6_9[matrix_coefficients][3];
- dst_line_1 = dst_line_2 = image;
- dst_line_2 = dst_line_1 + byte_per_line;
- py_line_1 = py;
- py_line_2 = py + h_size;
- for (y = 0; y < v_size / 2; y++)
- {
- for (x = 0; x < h_size / 2; x++)
- {
- //Common to all four pixels
- prefetch = pu[32];
- U = (*pu++) - 128;
- prefetch = pv[32];
- V = (*pv++) - 128;
- g_common = cgu * U + cgv * V - 32768;
- b_common = cbu * U + 32768;
- r_common = crv * V;
- //Pixel I
- prefetch = py_line_1[32];
- Y = 76309 * ((*py_line_1++) - 16);
- *dst_line_1++ = clip[(Y+r_common)>>16];
- *dst_line_1++ = clip[(Y-g_common)>>16];
- *dst_line_1++ = clip[(Y+b_common)>>16];
- dst_line_1++;
- //Pixel II
- Y = 76309 * ((*py_line_1++) - 16);
- *dst_line_1++ = clip[(Y+r_common)>>16];
- *dst_line_1++ = clip[(Y-g_common)>>16];
- *dst_line_1++ = clip[(Y+b_common)>>16];
- dst_line_1++;
- //Pixel III
- prefetch = py_line_2[32];
- Y = 76309 * ((*py_line_2++) - 16);
- *dst_line_2++ = clip[(Y+r_common)>>16];
- *dst_line_2++ = clip[(Y-g_common)>>16];
- *dst_line_2++ = clip[(Y+b_common)>>16];
- dst_line_2++;
- //Pixel IV
- Y = 76309 * ((*py_line_2++) - 16);
- *dst_line_2++ = clip[(Y+r_common)>>16];
- *dst_line_2++ = clip[(Y-g_common)>>16];
- *dst_line_2++ = clip[(Y+b_common)>>16];
- dst_line_2++;
- }
- py_line_1 += h_size;
- py_line_2 += h_size;
- dst_line_1 += byte_per_line;
- dst_line_2 += byte_per_line;
- }
- }
- /* do 24 bpp output */
- static void display_frame_24bpp_420(const uint_8 * py, const uint_8 * pv,
- const uint_8 * pu, uint_8 * image, int h_size, int v_size, int bpp)
- {
- sint_32 Y,U,V;
- sint_32 g_common,b_common,r_common;
- uint_32 x,y;
- uint_8 *dst_line_1;
- uint_8 *dst_line_2;
- const uint_8* py_line_1;
- const uint_8* py_line_2;
- volatile char prefetch;
- int byte_per_line=h_size*(bpp/8);
- int crv,cbu,cgu,cgv;
- /* matrix coefficients */
- crv = Inverse_Table_6_9[matrix_coefficients][0];
- cbu = Inverse_Table_6_9[matrix_coefficients][1];
- cgu = Inverse_Table_6_9[matrix_coefficients][2];
- cgv = Inverse_Table_6_9[matrix_coefficients][3];
- dst_line_1 = dst_line_2 = image;
- dst_line_2 = dst_line_1 + byte_per_line;
- py_line_1 = py;
- py_line_2 = py + h_size;
- for (y = 0; y < v_size / 2; y++)
- {
- for (x = 0; x < h_size / 2; x++)
- {
- //Common to all four pixels
- prefetch = pu[32];
- U = (*pu++) - 128;
- prefetch = pv[32];
- V = (*pv++) - 128;
- g_common = cgu * U + cgv * V - 32768;
- b_common = cbu * U + 32768;
- r_common = crv * V;
- //Pixel I
- prefetch = py_line_1[32];
- Y = 76309 * ((*py_line_1++) - 16);
- *dst_line_1++ = clip[(Y+r_common)>>16];
- *dst_line_1++ = clip[(Y-g_common)>>16];
- *dst_line_1++ = clip[(Y+b_common)>>16];
- if (bpp==32)
- {
- dst_line_1++;
- }
- //Pixel II
- Y = 76309 * ((*py_line_1++) - 16);
- *dst_line_1++ = clip[(Y+r_common)>>16];
- *dst_line_1++ = clip[(Y-g_common)>>16];
- *dst_line_1++ = clip[(Y+b_common)>>16];
- if (bpp==32)
- {
- dst_line_1++;
- }
- //Pixel III
- prefetch = py_line_2[32];
- Y = 76309 * ((*py_line_2++) - 16);
- *dst_line_2++ = clip[(Y+r_common)>>16];
- *dst_line_2++ = clip[(Y-g_common)>>16];
- *dst_line_2++ = clip[(Y+b_common)>>16];
- if (bpp==32)
- {
- dst_line_1++;
- }
- //Pixel IV
- Y = 76309 * ((*py_line_2++) - 16);
- *dst_line_2++ = clip[(Y+r_common)>>16];
- *dst_line_2++ = clip[(Y-g_common)>>16];
- *dst_line_2++ = clip[(Y+b_common)>>16];
- if (bpp==32)
- {
- dst_line_1++;
- }
- }
- py_line_1 += h_size;
- py_line_2 += h_size;
- dst_line_1 += byte_per_line;
- dst_line_2 += byte_per_line;
- }
- }
- /* do 16 and 15 bpp output */
- static void display_frame_16bpp_420(const uint_8 * py, const uint_8 * pv,
- const uint_8 * pu, uint_8 * image, int h_size, int v_size, int bpp)
- {
- uint_32 U,V;
- uint_32 pixel_idx;
- uint_32 x,y;
- uint_16 *dst_line_1;
- uint_16 *dst_line_2;
- const uint_8* py_line_1;
- const uint_8* py_line_2;
- uint_8 r,v,b;
- static uint_16 * lookUpTable=NULL;
- int i,j,k;
- //not sure if this is a win using the LUT. Can someone try
- //the direct calculation (like in the 32bpp) and compare?
- if (lookUpTable==NULL)
- {
- lookUpTable=malloc((1<<18)*sizeof(uint_16));
- for (i=0;i<(1<<6);++i)
- { /* Y */
- int Y=i<<2;
- for(j=0;j<(1<<6);++j)
- { /* Cr */
- int Cb=j<<2;
- for(k=0;k<(1<<6);k++)
- { /* Cb */
- int Cr=k<<2;
- /*
- R = clp[(int)(*Y + 1.371*(*Cr-128))];
- V = clp[(int)(*Y - 0.698*(*Cr-128) - 0.336*(*Cr-128))];
- B = clp[(int)(*Y++ + 1.732*(*Cb-128))];
- */
- r=clip[(Y*1000 + 1371*(Cr-128))/1000] >>3;
- v=clip[(Y*1000 - 698*(Cr-128) - 336*(Cr-128))/1000] >> (bpp==16?2:3);
- b=clip[(Y*1000 + 1732*(Cb-128))/1000] >> 3;
- lookUpTable[i|(j<<6)|(k<<12)] = r | (v << 5) | (b << (bpp==16?11:10));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- dst_line_1 = dst_line_2 = (uint_16*) image;
- dst_line_2 = dst_line_1 + h_size;
- py_line_1 = py;
- py_line_2 = py + h_size;
- for (y = 0; y < v_size / 2; y++)
- {
- for (x = 0; x < h_size / 2; x++)
- {
- //Common to all four pixels
- U = (*pu++)>>2;
- V = (*pv++)>>2;
- pixel_idx=U<<6|V<<12;
- //Pixel I
- *dst_line_1++=lookUpTable[(*py_line_1++)>>2|pixel_idx];
- //Pixel II
- *dst_line_1++=lookUpTable[(*py_line_1++)>>2|pixel_idx];
- //Pixel III
- *dst_line_2++=lookUpTable[(*py_line_2++)>>2|pixel_idx];
- //Pixel IV
- *dst_line_2++=lookUpTable[(*py_line_2++)>>2|pixel_idx];
- }
- py_line_1 += h_size;
- py_line_2 += h_size;
- dst_line_1 += h_size;
- dst_line_2 += h_size;
- }
- }