- /*************************************************************/
- /* DVDPlayerAPI.h - Linux DVD Player Application Interface */
- /* in accordance with Annex J of the DVD specifications */
- /* Written 1999/07/28 by Christian Wolff of */
- /* convergence integrated media GmbH, Berlin */
- /*************************************************************/
- // As of 07/September/1999
- #ifndef _DVD_PLAYER_API_H_
- #define _DVD_PLAYER_API_H_
- #define Time2TimeCode(hour,min,sec,frame,rate) (
- ((((hour) /10)<<28)|(((hour) %10)<<24)&0xFF000000L)|
- ((((min) /10)<<20)|(((min) %10)<<16)&0x00FF0000L)|
- ((((sec) /10)<<12)|(((sec) %10)<<8 )&0x0000FF00L)|
- ((((frame)/10)<<4 )|( (frame)%10) &0x0000003FL)|
- (((rate)<<6)&0x000000C0L)
- )
- #define TimeCode2Time(bcdtime,hour,min,sec,frame,rate) {
- hour =((bcdtime>>28)&0x0F)*10+((bcdtime>>24)&0x0F);
- min =((bcdtime>>20)&0x0F)*10+((bcdtime>>16)&0x0F);
- sec =((bcdtime>>12)&0x0F)*10+((bcdtime>>8 )&0x0F);
- frame=((bcdtime>>4 )&0x03)*10+( bcdtime &0x0F);
- rate = (bcdtime>>6 )&0x03; /* 1=25fps, 3=30fps */
- }
- typedef enum DVDDomain {
- DVDDomainVideoManagerMenu=0x01,
- DVDDomainFirstPlay=0x02,
- DVDDomainVideoTitleSetMenu=0x04,
- DVDDomainTitle=0x08,
- DVDDomainStop=0x10
- } DVDDomainID;
- typedef enum MenuCall {
- MenuIDNone=0,
- MenuIDTitle=2,
- MenuIDRoot=3,
- MenuIDSubPicture=4,
- MenuIDAudio=5,
- MenuIDAngle=6,
- MenuIDPart=7
- } MenuCallID;
- #define DVD_PLAYER_OK 0 /* Successful */
- #define DVD_PLAYER_ERROR 1 /* Unknown or general error */
- #define DVD_PLAYER_INVALID 2 /* Invalid parameter */
- #define DVD_PLAYER_NOT_AVAILABLE 3 /* Feature or function not available */
- #define DVD_PLAYER_WRONG_DOMAIN 4 /* Player is in wrong state for this command */
- #define DVD_PLAYER_NOT_FOUND 5 /* Device, path, or file not found */
- /* Command functions */
- /* Play the specified title of the DVD */
- /* Title: 1..99 */
- int TitlePlay(int Title);
- /* Play the specified title of the DVD,
- from the specified part on */
- /* Title: 1..99 */
- /* Part: 1..999 */
- int PartPlay(int Title, int Part);
- /* Play the specified amount of parts
- of the specified title of the DVD,
- from the specified part on */
- /* Title: 1..99 */
- /* Part: 1..999 */
- /* PartsToPlay: 1..999 */
- int PartPlayAutoStop(int Title, int Part, int PartsToPlay);
- /* Play the specified title of the DVD,
- from the specified time on */
- /* Title: 1..99 */
- /* Time: hours, minutes, seconds, and frames */
- int TimePlay(int Title, unsigned long int TimeCode);
- /* Stop playing current title */
- int Stop(void);
- /* Stop playing current title and
- play the "GoUp"-program chain */
- int GoUp(void);
- /* Stop playing current title and
- play current title from the specified timecode on */
- int TimeSearch(unsigned long int TimeCode);
- /* Stop playing current title and
- play current title from the specified part on */
- /* Part: 1..999 */
- int PartSearch(int Part);
- /* Stop playing current title and
- play current title from the previous program on */
- int PrevPGSearch(void);
- /* Stop playing current title and
- play current title from the first program on */
- int TopPGSearch(void);
- /* Stop playing current title and
- play current title from the next program on */
- int NextPGSearch(void);
- /* Scan play forward at specified speed */
- /* 0 < speed < 1 : slow motion
- speed > 1 : fast forward play */
- int ForwardScan(float Speed);
- /* Scan play backward at specified speed */
- /* 0 < speed < 1 : slow motion
- speed > 1 : fast reverse play */
- int BackwardScan(float Speed);
- /* proposal:
- make the function to accept negative values
- for backward scan - more nifty ;-) */
- #define ScanPlay(Speed) ((Speed<0)?BackwardScan(-1*Speed):ForwardScan(Speed))
- /* Call specified Menu */
- /* MenuIDTitle: call title menu
- MenuIDRoot: call root menu
- MenuIDAudio: call audio menu
- MenuIDSubPicture: call sub picture menu
- MenuIDAngle: call angle menu
- MenuIDPart: call title part menu */
- int MenuCall(MenuCallID MenuID);
- /* End menu mode*/
- int Resume(void);
- /* Menu action of user arrow keys,
- moving highlight to next button */
- int UpperButtonSelect(void);
- int LowerButtonSelect(void);
- int LeftButtonSelect(void);
- int RightButtonSelect(void);
- /* Activate (press) highlighted button */
- int ButtonActivate(void);
- /* Activate (press) specified button */
- /* Button: 1..36 */
- int ButtonSelectAndActivate(int Button);
- /* Select button at specified coordinates */
- int MouseSelect(int x, int y);
- /* Activate (press) button at specified coordinates */
- int MouseActivate(int x, int y);
- /* Release still mode */
- int StillOff(void);
- /* Enter pause mode and display still frame*/
- int PauseOn(void);
- /* Release pause mode */
- int PauseOff(void);
- /* Set specified language for the menus */
- /* LanguageCode: 2 characters ISO 639 Language Code */
- int MenuLanguageSelect(char *LanguageCode);
- /* Select specified audio stream */
- /* Audio: 0..7 */
- int AudioStreamChange(int Audio);
- /* Select specified sub picture stream and
- set if sub picture should be displayed or not*/
- /* Subpicture: 0..31 or 63 (dummy stream) */
- /* Display: 0 or 1 */
- int SubpictureStreamChange(int Subpicture, int Display);
- /* Select specified angle */
- /* Angle: 1..9 */
- int AngleChange(int Angle);
- /* Set the level of the parental management system */
- /* ParentalLevel: 0 (disabled) or 1..8 */
- int ParentalLevelSelect(int ParentalLevel);
- /* Set the country of the parental management system */
- /* CountryCode: 2 characters ISO 3166 Alpha 2 Country Code*/
- int ParentalCountrySelect(char *CountryCode);
- /* MixMode: bitmap to set source to mix into left/right channel
- Bit 2: 0=don't mix, 1=mix Ch2 to Ch1 (Melody? to Right?)
- Bit 3: 0=don't mix, 1=mix Ch3 to Ch1 (Voice 1? to Right?)
- Bit 4: 0=don't mix, 1=mix Ch4 to Ch1 (Voice 2? to Right?)
- Bit 10: 0=don't mix, 1=mix Ch2 to Ch0 (Melody? to Left?)
- Bit 11: 0=don't mix, 1=mix Ch3 to Ch0 (Voice 1? to Left?)
- Bit 12: 0=don't mix, 1=mix Ch4 to Ch0 (Voice 2? to Left?) */
- int KaraokeAudioPresentationModeChange(int MixMode);
- /* Set the Video display presentation mode */
- /* InitialDisplay (...aspect ratio): 0=4:3, 1=not specified 3=16:9
- CurrentDisplay (...mode): 0=Normal (4:3 or 16:9), 1=Pan-Scan, 2=Letterbox */
- int VideoPresentationModeChange(int InitialDisplay, int CurrentDisplay);
- /* Set the path to the UDF mounted DVD disc */
- int SetRoot(char *Path);
- /* Set the path to the device that displays the DVD data */
- /* This file has to accept the I/O-Controls defined in this */
- /* convergence DVD Device API http://linuxtv.org/dvd/api/ */
- int SetDevice(char *Path);
- /* Informational functions */
- /* retrieves content of GPRM[0] thru GPRM[15] in RegisterArray */
- /* see DVD-Video Specifications for format */
- int GetAllGPRMs(unsigned int *RegisterArray);
- /* retrieves content of SPRM[0] thru SPRM[20] in RegisterArray */
- /* see DVD-Video Specifications for format */
- int GetAllSPRMs(unsigned int *RegisterArray);
- /* retrieves 2 bytes video attributes of the current title */
- /* */
- int GetCurrentVideoAttributes(unsigned char *ATR);
- /* retrieves 3 characters in LanguageCode: 2 characters ISO 639 or 0xFFXX, */
- /* one character extension */
- int GetAudioLanguage(int Stream, char *LanguageCode);
- /* retrieves number of audio streams in this title and the currently selected one */
- int GetCurrentAudio(int *StreamsAvailable, int *CurrentStream);
- /* retrieves 8 bytes audio attributes of the current title */
- /* */
- int GetCurrentAudioAttributes(unsigned char *ATR);
- /* retrieves number of audio streams in this title and the currently selected one */
- /* IsDisabled is set to 1 if display of stream is disabled, otherwise to 0 */
- int GetCurrentSubpicture(int *StreamsAvailable, int *CurrentStream, int *IsDisabled);
- /* retrieves 6 bytes sub-picture attributes of the current title */
- /* */
- int GetCurrentSubpictureAttributes(unsigned char *ATR);
- /* retrieves 3 characters in LanguageCode: */
- /* 2 characters ISO 639 or 0xFFXX, */
- /* one character extension */
- int GetSubpictureLanguage(int Stream, char *LanguageCode);
- /* retrieves number of angles in this title and the currently selected one */
- int GetCurrentAngle(int *AnglesAvailable, int *CurrentAngle);
- /* retrieves number of buttons in this section and the currently selected one */
- int GetCurrentButton(int *ButtonsAvailable, int *CurrentButton);
- /* retrieves the current domain the player is in */
- int GetCurrentDomain(DVDDomainID *Domain);
- /* retrieves current title and part number, as well as timecode of current play location */
- /* TimeCode: hours, minutes, seconds, and frames
- bit 31-24 contain the hour value as 2 digit BCD,
- bit 23-16 contain the minute value as 2 digit BCD,
- bit 15-8 contain the second value as 2 digit BCD,
- bit 5-0 contain the frame value as 1.5 digit BCD,
- bit 7-6 contain the frame rate: 01=25fps, 11=30fps */
- int GetCurrentLocation(int *TitleNum, int *PartNum, unsigned long int *TimeCode);
- /* retrieves bit table of prohibited user operations */
- /* if a bit is set, the corresponding action is prohibited */
- /* Bit: Flag:
- 0 Title Or Time Play
- 1 Part Search Or Play
- 2 Title Play
- 3 Stop
- 4 GoUp
- 5 Time Or Part Search
- 6 Prev Or Top PG Search
- 7 Next PG Search
- 8 Forward Scan
- 9 Backward Scan
- 10 Title Menu Call
- 11 Root Menu Call
- 12 SubPic Menu Call
- 13 Audio Menu Call
- 14 Angle Menu Call
- 15 Part Menu Call
- 16 Resume
- 17 Button Select Or Activate
- 18 Still Off
- 19 Pause On
- 20 Audio Stream Change
- 21 SubPic Stream Change
- 22 Angle Change
- 23 Karaoke Audio Pres Mode Change
- 24 Video Pres Mode Change */
- int GetCurrentUOPS(unsigned long int *UOP);
- /* retrieves information about the currently inserted disc */
- /* NumOfVol: Total number of volumes in this volume set */
- /* ThisVolNum: Volume number of this disc */
- /* Side: 1=Side A, 2=Side B */
- /* NumOfTitles: number of titles on this disc */
- int GetCurrentVolumeInfo(int *NumOfVol, int *ThisVolNum, int *Side, int *NumOfTitles);
- /* retreives the txtdt_mg structure of the disc. */
- /* if the buffersize, indicated by BufSize, is too small, DVD_PLAYER_INVALID is returned
- and the required amount of bytes is put into ActualSize */
- int GetDVDTextInfo(char *TextManager, int BufSize, int *ActualSize);
- /* retrieves the number of Parts of a specified title */
- /* Title: 1..99 */
- int GetNumberOfParts(int Title, int *NumberOfParts);
- /* retrieves the parental settings of the player */
- /* ParentalLevel: parental level the player is set to */
- /* CountryCode: 2 bytes ISO 639 country code of the player, or 0xFFFF if not set */
- int GetPlayerParentalLevel(unsigned int *ParentalLevel, unsigned int *CountryCode);
- /* retrieves the combined parental settings of the title */
- /* Title: 1..99 */
- int GetTitleParentalLevels(int Title, unsigned int *ParentalLevels);
- /* retreives 768 bytes (256 trough 1023) of the VMGI_MAT of the current disc */
- /* see DVD-Video Specifications for format */
- int GetVMGAttributes(unsigned int *ATR);
- /* retreives 768 bytes (256 trough 1023) of the VTSI_MAT of the specified title */
- /* Title: -1 for current title, or 1..99 */
- /* see DVD-Video Specifications for format */
- int GetTitleAttributes(int Title, unsigned int *ATR);
- /* retreives playback time of the current title */
- /* TotalTime: hours, minutes, seconds, and frames
- bit 31-24 contain the hour value as 2 digit BCD,
- bit 23-16 contain the minute value as 2 digit BCD,
- bit 15-8 contain the second value as 2 digit BCD,
- bit 5-0 contain the frame value as 1.5 digit BCD,
- bit 7-6 contain the frame rate: 01=25fps, 11=30fps */
- int GetTotalTitleTime(unsigned long int *TotalTime);
- /* retreives current path to the DVD disc */
- int GetRoot(char *Root, int BufSize, int *ActualSize);
- #endif /* _DVD_PLAYER_API_H_ */