- #ifndef __IFO_H__
- #define __IFO_H__
- #ifndef DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN
- #define DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN 2048
- #endif
- /**
- * Video Info Table
- */
- typedef struct {
- u_char compression : 2;
- u_char system : 2;
- u_char ratio : 2;
- u_char perm_displ : 2;
- u_char line21_1 : 1;
- u_char line21_2 : 1;
- u_char source_res : 2;
- u_char letterboxed : 1;
- u_char mode : 1;
- #else
- u_char perm_displ : 2;
- u_char ratio : 2;
- u_char system : 2;
- u_char compression : 2;
- u_char mode : 1;
- u_char letterboxed : 1;
- u_char source_res : 2;
- u_char line21_2 : 1;
- u_char line21_1 : 1;
- #endif
- } ifo_video_info_t;
- /**
- * Audio Sub Table
- */
- typedef struct ifo_audio_sub_struct {
- u_short lang_code; // Language Code
- u_char coding_mode; // Audio Coding mode
- u_char multichannel_extension; // Audio Coding mode
- u_char type; // Audio Coding mode
- u_char appl_mode; // Application mode
- u_char quantization; // Audio Coding mode
- u_char sample_freq; // Frequency
- u_char num_channels; // Quantization/DRC
- u_char caption; // Caption
- } ifo_audio_sub_t;
- /**
- * Audio Table
- */
- typedef struct {
- u_int num; // Number of Audio Subchannels
- ifo_audio_sub_t *sub; // Audio Sub Channel-Descriptors
- } ifo_audio_t;
- /**
- * Subpicture Sub Table
- */
- typedef struct ifo_subpic_sub_struct {
- u_short lang_code; // Language Code
- u_char caption; // Caption
- } ifo_subpic_sub_t;
- /**
- * Subpicture Table
- */
- typedef struct {
- u_int num; // Number of Audio Subchannels
- ifo_subpic_sub_t *sub; // Audio Sub Channel-Descriptors
- } ifo_subpic_t;
- /**
- * hmm
- */
- typedef struct {
- u_short vob_id : 16; // Video Object Identifier
- u_char cell_id : 8; // Cell Identifier
- u_char : 8; // don't know
- u_int start : 32; // Cell start
- u_int end : 32; // Cell end
- } ifo_cell_addr_t;
- typedef struct {
- u_short vob_id : 16; // Video Object Identifier
- u_short cell_id : 16; // Cell Identifier
- } ifo_pgc_cell_pos_t;
- /**
- * Part of Title AND Title set Cell Address
- */
- typedef struct {
- u_short pgc; // Program Chain (PTT)
- u_short pg; // Program (PTT)
- u_long start; // Start of VOBU (VTS? CADDR)
- u_long end; // End of VOBU (VTS? CADDR)
- } ifo_ptt_data_t;
- typedef struct {
- u_int num; // Number of Chapters
- ifo_ptt_data_t *data; // Data
- } ifo_ptt_sub_t;
- typedef struct {
- u_int num; // Number of Titles
- ifo_ptt_sub_t *title; // Titles
- } ifo_ptt_t;
- typedef struct {
- u_int foo : 32;
- u_int len_time : 32;
- u_int vobu_start : 32; // 1st vobu start
- u_int ilvu_end : 32;
- u_int vobu_last_start : 32;
- u_int vobu_last_end : 32;
- } ifo_pgci_cell_addr_t;
- #define PGCI_CELL_ADDR_LEN 24
- #define ID_NUM_MENU_VOBS 0
- #define ID_NUM_TITLE_VOBS 1
- #define ID_MAT 0
- #define ID_PTT 1
- #define ID_TITLE_PGCI 2
- #define ID_MENU_PGCI 3
- #define ID_TMT 4
- #define ID_MENU_CELL_ADDR 5
- #define ID_TITLE_CELL_ADDR 7
- /**
- * Information Table - for internal use only
- */
- typedef struct {
- u_int num_menu_vobs;
- u_int vob_start;
- u_char *data[10];
- int fd; // file descriptor
- __off64_t pos; // offset of ifo file on device
- } ifo_t;
- /**
- * Generic header
- */
- #define IFO_HDR_LEN 8
- typedef struct {
- u_short num : 16; // number of entries
- u_short : 16; // don't known (reserved?)
- u_int len : 32; // length of table
- } ifo_hdr_t;
- /**
- * Prototypes
- */
- ifo_t *ifoOpen (int fd, __off64_t pos);
- int ifoClose (ifo_t *ifo);
- int ifoGetVOBStart (ifo_t *ifo);
- int ifoGetNumberOfTitles (ifo_t *ifo);
- int ifoGetNumberOfParts (ifo_t *ifo);
- int ifoGetVMGPTT (ifo_hdr_t *hdr, char **ptr);
- int ifoGetPGCI (ifo_hdr_t *hdr, int title, char **ptr);
- int ifoGetCLUT (char *pgc, char **ptr);
- int ifoGetCellPlayInfo (char *pgc, char **ptr);
- int ifoGetCellPos (char *pgc, char **ptr);
- int ifoGetProgramMap (char *pgc, char **ptr);
- int ifoGetCellAddr (char *cell_addr, char **ptr);
- ifo_subpic_t *ifoGetSPU (u_char *ptr);
- ifo_audio_t *ifoGetAudio (u_char *ptr);
- ifo_ptt_t *ifo_get_ptt (ifo_t *ifo);
- int ifo_get_num_title_pgci (ifo_t *ifo);
- u_char *ifo_get_ptr_title_pgci (ifo_t *ifo, int index);
- int ifoIsVTS (ifo_t *ifo);
- int ifoIsVMG (ifo_t *ifo);
- void ifoPrintVideo (u_char *ptr);
- void ifoPrintCellPlayInfo (u_char *ptr, u_int num);
- void ifoPrintCellInfo (u_char *ptr, u_int num);
- void ifoPrintCellPos (u_char *ptr, u_int num);
- void ifoPrintCLUT (u_char *ptr);
- void ifoPrintProgramMap (u_char *ptr, u_int num);
- #ifdef PARSER
- void ifoPrintSPU (ifo_subpic_t *audio);
- void ifoPrintAudio (ifo_audio_t *audio);
- void ifo_print_ptt (ifo_ptt_t *ptt);
- void ifo_print_vts_vobu_addr_map (ifo_t *ifo);
- void ifo_print_vtsm_vobu_addr_map (ifo_t *ifo);
- void ifo_print_vts_cell_addr (ifo_t *ifo);
- void ifo_print_vtsm_cell_addr (ifo_t *ifo);
- void ifo_print_title_pgci (ifo_t *ifo);
- void ifo_print_tmt (ifo_t *ifo);
- void ifo_print_pgc_cmd (u_char *pgc_ptr);
- void ifo_print_toast (u_char *toast);
- #endif
- //DENT move this out
- #include "misc.h"
- #endif