- /*
- **********************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright 1999, 2000 Creative Labs, Inc.
- *
- **********************************************************************
- *
- * Date Author Summary of changes
- * ---- ------ ------------------
- * October 20, 1999 Andrew de Quincey Rewrote and extended
- * Lucien Murray-Pitts original incomplete
- * driver.
- *
- * April 18, 1999 Andrew Veliath Original Driver
- * implementation
- *
- **********************************************************************
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
- * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
- * Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139,
- * USA.
- *
- **********************************************************************
- */
- /**
- *
- * Driver for the Auravision VxP524 video processor
- * Include file
- *
- */
- #ifndef __VXP524_H__
- #define __VXP524_H__
- #include <asm/atomic.h>
- // *******************************************************************
- // useful defines
- // full name of the supported thing
- #define VXP524_FULLNAME "Auravision VxP524"
- // log name of the driver
- #define VXP524_LOGNAME "VXP524"
- // memory range used by the chip
- #define VXP524_MEMRANGE 1024ul * 1024ul
- // *******************************************************************
- // register names
- #define VXP524_PCI_DMA_ADDR0 0x00
- #define VXP524_PCI_DMA_ADDR1 0x01
- #define VXP524_PCI_DMA_ADDR2 0x02
- #define VXP524_PCI_DMA_ADDR3 0x03
- #define VXP524_PCI_DMA_CNT0 0x04
- #define VXP524_PCI_DMA_CNT1 0x05
- #define VXP524_PCI_DMA_CNT2 0x06
- #define VXP524_PCI_BURST_SIZE 0x07
- #define VXP524_PCI_FIFO_THRESH 0x08
- #define VXP524_PCI_GLOBAL_REGS 0x09
- #define VXP524_REFRESH_CNT 0x12
- #define VXP524_REFRESH_PENDING 0x13
- #define VXP524_DRAM_CTRL 0x17
- #define VXP524_CLK_MODE 0x1f
- #define VXP524_CLK_FREQ_LOW 0x27
- #define VXP524_CLK_FREQ_HIGH 0x28
- #define VXP524_VIO_HS_WIDTH 0x29
- #define VXP524_VIO_VS_HEIGHT 0x2a
- #define VXP524_VIO_WIDTH_A 0x2b
- #define VXP524_VIO_HEIGHT_A 0x2c
- #define VXP524_VIO_SYNC_B 0x2d
- #define VXP524_CODEC_CFG 0x2f
- #define VXP524_I2C 0x34
- #define VXP524_INPUT_CFG 0x35
- #define VXP524_PLL_CTRL_A 0x36
- #define VXP524_PLL_CTRL_B 0x37
- #define VXP524_INPUT_CFG_A 0x38
- #define VXP524_INPUT_CFG_B 0x39
- #define VXP524_PCI_SRC_WIDTH_A 0x3a
- #define VXP524_PCI_SRC_WIDTH_B 0x3b
- #define VXP524_PCI_SRC_HEIGHT_A 0x3c
- #define VXP524_PCI_SRC_HEIGHT_B 0x3d
- #define VXP524_HORZ_CROP_LEFT_A 0x40
- #define VXP524_HORZ_CROP_LEFT_B 0x41
- #define VXP524_HORZ_CROP_RIGHT_A 0x44
- #define VXP524_HORZ_CROP_RIGHT_B 0x45
- #define VXP524_VERT_CROP_TOP_A 0x48
- #define VXP524_VERT_CROP_TOP_B 0x49
- #define VXP524_VERT_CROP_BOTTOM_A 0x4c
- #define VXP524_VERT_CROP_BOTTOM_B 0x4d
- #define VXP524_FILTER_CTRL 0x50
- #define VXP524_HORZ_SCALE_CTRL_A 0x54
- #define VXP524_HORZ_SCALE_CTRL_B 0x55
- #define VXP524_VERT_SCALE_CTRL_A 0x5b
- #define VXP524_VERT_SCALE_CTRL_B 0x5c
- #define VXP524_PICTURE_CTRL_ADDR 0x5d
- #define VXP524_PICTURE_CTRL_LUMA 0x5e
- #define VXP524_PICTURE_CTRL_CHROMA 0x5f
- #define VXP524_INTR_CTRL 0x60
- #define VXP524_INTR_STATUS 0x61
- #define VXP524_IN_REQ_LEVEL 0x67
- #define VXP524_VIN_MULTIBUF_DEPTH_A 0x68
- #define VXP524_TIME_SCALE_CTRL 0x6d
- #define VXP524_VIDEO_LAYOUT_CTRL 0x73
- #define VXP524_INPUT_FIFO 0x78
- #define VXP524_CAPTURE_CTRL 0x80
- #define VXP524_CAPTURE_VP_WIDTH_A 0x84
- #define VXP524_CAPTURE_VP_WIDTH_B 0x85
- #define VXP524_CAPTURE_VP_HEIGHT_A 0x86
- #define VXP524_CAPTURE_VP_HEIGHT_B 0x87
- #define VXP524_OFIFO_LTHRESH_CTRL 0x8f
- #define VXP524_OFIFO_HTHRESH_CTRL 0x90
- #define VXP524_OREQ_ACTIVE_LEVEL 0x91
- #define VXP524_DISP_CTRL 0x92
- #define VXP524_MULTIBUF_DEPTH_CTRL 0x93
- #define VXP524_VGA_CTRL_A 0x94
- #define VXP524_VGA_CTRL_B 0x95
- #define VXP524_OUTPUT_PROC_CTRL_A 0x96
- #define VXP524_OUTPUT_PROC_CTRL_B 0x97
- #define VXP524_OUTPUT_PROC_CTRL_C 0x98
- #define VXP524_CHROMA_KEY_CTRL 0x9b
- #define VXP524_KEY_COLOR 0x9c
- #define VXP524_KEY_COLOR_HI 0x9d
- #define VXP524_KEY_COLOR_HI2 0x9e
- #define VXP524_VIDEON_CTRL 0x9f
- #define VXP524_VP_START_ADDR_A 0xa0
- #define VXP524_VP_WIDTH_A 0xa4
- #define VXP524_VP_HEIGHT_A 0xa6
- #define VXP524_VP_ADDR_WH_B 0xa7
- #define VXP524_VP_DORG_TOP_A 0xa8
- #define VXP524_VP_DORG_LEFT_A 0xaa
- #define VXP524_VP_DORG_TOP_LEFT_B 0xab
- #define VXP524_DWIN_LEFT_A 0xb0
- #define VXP524_DWIN_RIGHT_A 0xb4
- #define VXP524_DWIN_LEFT_RIGHT_B 0xb5
- #define VXP524_DWIN_TOP_A 0xb8
- #define VXP524_DWIN_BOTTOM_A 0xbc
- #define VXP524_DWIN_TOP_BOTTOM_B 0xbd
- #define VXP524_OVERT_ZOOM_CTRL_A 0xc0
- #define VXP524_OVERT_ZOOM_CTRL_B 0xc1
- #define VXP524_OHORZ_ZOOM_CTRL_A 0xc4
- #define VXP524_OHORZ_ZOOM_CTRL_B 0xc5
- #define VXP524_VERT_COORD_OFFSET 0xc6
- #define VXP524_HORZ_COORD_OFFSET 0xc7
- #define VXP524_GPO_DATA1 0xcc
- #define VXP524_VGA_CTRL_C 0xcd
- #define VXP524_VGA_CTRL_D 0xce
- #define VXP524_MAX_HCOUNT1 0xd0
- #define VXP524_MAX_HCOUNT2 0xd1
- #define VXP524_INTR_CTRL2 0xd2
- #define VXP524_INTR_STATUS2 0xd3
- #define VXP524_VGA_DB0 0xd5
- #define VXP524_VGA_DB1 0xd6
- #define VXP524_VGA_DB2 0xd7
- #define VXP524_CHROMA_KEY_RED_LOW 0xd8
- #define VXP524_CHROMA_KEY_RED_HIGH 0xd9
- #define VXP524_CHROMA_KEY_GREEN_LOW 0xda
- #define VXP524_CHROMA_KEY_GREEN_HIGH 0xdb
- #define VXP524_CHROMA_KEY_BLUE_LOW 0xdc
- #define VXP524_CHROMA_KEY_BLUE_HIGH 0xdd
- // *******************************************************************
- // Structures
- typedef struct _vxp524_ops_t vxp524_ops_t;
- typedef struct _vxp524_t vxp524_t;
- // generic driver structure
- struct _vxp524_t {
- struct pci_dev* pci_dev;
- vxp524_ops_t* ops;
- void* data;
- unsigned long base;
- unsigned long mem;
- unsigned long memlen;
- // is BM in use?
- int bmInUse;
- };
- // lowlevel access operations
- struct _vxp524_ops_t {
- char name[32];
- };
- // *******************************************************************
- // function declarations
- // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- // Driver maintenance functions
- /**
- *
- * Create new vxp524 driver instance
- *
- * @param pci_dev PCI device structure
- * @param ops Lowlevel operations to talk to chip
- * @param data Any extra data for said functions
- *
- */
- extern vxp524_t* vxp524_new(vxp524_ops_t *ops, void *data);
- /**
- *
- * Destroy a vxp524 driver instance
- *
- * @param instance The instance to destroy
- *
- */
- extern void vxp524_free(vxp524_t* instance);
- // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- // High level convenience functions
- /**
- *
- * Initlialises the VXP524
- *
- * @param instance instance to use
- *
- * @return 0 on success, <0 on error
- *
- */
- extern int vxp524_init(vxp524_t* instance);
- /**
- *
- * Enable memory mapped access & IRQ for the VxP524
- *
- * @param instance instance to do this for
- *
- */
- extern void vxp524_enable_mem(vxp524_t* instance);
- /**
- *
- * Disable memory mapped access & IRQ for the VxP524
- *
- * @param instance instance to do this for
- *
- */
- extern void vxp524_disable_mem(vxp524_t* instance);
- // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- // Low level i2s functions
- /**
- *
- * Initialise the i2s bus
- *
- * @param instance VxP524 instance to use
- */
- extern void vxp524_i2s_init(vxp524_t* instance);
- /**
- *
- * Close the i2s bus after use
- *
- * @param instance VxP524 instance to use
- *
- */
- extern void vxp524_i2s_close(vxp524_t* instance);
- /**
- *
- * Set the DATA line on the i2s bus
- *
- * @param instance VxP524 instance to use
- *
- */
- extern void vxp524_i2s_set_sda(vxp524_t* instance);
- /**
- *
- * Clear the DATA line on the i2s bus
- *
- * @param instance VxP524 instance to use
- *
- */
- extern void vxp524_i2s_clear_sda(vxp524_t* instance);
- /**
- *
- * Tristate the DATA line on the i2s bus
- *
- * @param instance VxP524 instance to use
- *
- */
- extern void vxp524_i2s_tri_sda(vxp524_t* instance);
- /**
- *
- * Un-Tristate the DATA line on the i2s bus
- *
- * @param instance VxP524 instance to use
- *
- */
- extern void vxp524_i2s_untri_sda(vxp524_t* instance);
- /**
- *
- * Get the current value of the DATA line on the i2s bus
- *
- * @param instance the VxP524 instance to use
- *
- */
- extern int vxp524_i2s_get_sda(vxp524_t* instance);
- /**
- *
- * Set the CLOCK line on the i2s bus
- *
- * @param instance VxP524 instance to use
- *
- */
- extern void vxp524_i2s_set_scl(vxp524_t* instance);
- /**
- *
- * Clear the clock line on the i2s bus
- *
- * @param instance the VxP524 instance to use
- *
- */
- extern void vxp524_i2s_clear_scl(vxp524_t* instance);
- /**
- *
- * Reads the DATA line until it becomes set. Max. count reads
- *
- * @param instance the VxP524 instance to use
- * @param count Maximum number of reads
- *
- * @return 0 on success, -ETIMEDOUT if the DATA line never became set
- *
- */
- extern int vxp524_i2s_wait_till_sda_set(vxp524_t* instance, int count);
- /**
- *
- * Reads the CLOCK line until it becomes set. Max. count reads
- *
- * @param instance the VxP524 instance to use
- * @param count Maximum number of reads
- *
- * @return 0 on success, -ETIMEDOUT if the CLOCK line never became set
- *
- */
- extern int vxp524_i2s_wait_till_scl_set(vxp524_t* instance, int count);
- // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- // i2c functions
- /**
- *
- * Read a value from a register on a device connected to the i2c bus
- *
- * @param instance VXP524 instance to use
- * @param devId Device id to read from
- * @param reg Register on the device to read from
- *
- * @return Value on success (>=0), or <0 on error
- *
- */
- extern int vxp524_i2c_read_reg(vxp524_t* instance, int devId, int reg);
- /**
- *
- * Write a value to a register on a device connected to the i2c bus
- *
- * @param instance VXP524 instance to use
- * @param devId Device id to write to
- * @param reg Register on the device to write to
- * @param val Value to write
- *
- * @return 0 on success, or <0 on error
- *
- */
- extern int vxp524_i2c_write_reg(vxp524_t* instance, int devId, int reg, int val);
- // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- // vxp524 Bus mastering routines
- /**
- *
- * Start bus master TX to VXP524
- *
- * @param instance VXP524 instance to use
- * @param buffer Buffer start address (this is the BUS ADDRESS of it BTW)
- * @param count Number of bytes to TX
- * @param irqEndFlag 1=> cause IRQ on tx end, 0=>no IRQ on tx end
- *
- */
- extern void vxp524_bm_send_data(vxp524_t* instance,
- unsigned long buffer, unsigned long count,
- int irqEndFlag);
- /**
- *
- * Flush the vxp BM system
- *
- * @param instance Vxp524 instance to use
- *
- */
- extern void vxp524_bm_flush(vxp524_t* instance);
- /**
- *
- * Reset the Vxp524 BM system
- *
- * @param instance Vxp524 instance to use
- *
- */
- extern void vxp524_bm_reset(vxp524_t* instance);
- /**
- *
- * Check whether the BM operation has completed yet?
- *
- * @param instance Vxp524 instance to use
- * @param checkType 0 => see if the PCI master cycle has finished yet...
- * 1 => see if the IRQ has occurred yet, and clear it if so
- *
- * @return 1 if the operation HAS completed, 0 if not
- *
- */
- extern int vxp524_bm_completed(vxp524_t* instance, int checkType);
- /**
- *
- * Checks if BM in use, and sets BM in use flag if it wasn't
- *
- * @param instance vxp524 instance to use
- *
- * @return 0 on success, -EBUSY if BM is already in use
- *
- */
- extern int vxp524_bm_check_status(vxp524_t* instance);
- /**
- *
- * Mark BM as no longer in use
- *
- */
- extern int vxp524_bm_not_in_use(vxp524_t* instance);
- // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- // Register get/set functions
- /**
- *
- * Get (8bit) register from the Vxp524
- * This retrives the value: [reg] (LSB first)
- *
- * @param instance Instance of the VxP524 to use
- * @param reg Register to retrieve
- * @return The register's value (or negative on error)
- *
- */
- extern int vxp524_get_reg(vxp524_t* instance, int reg);
- /**
- *
- * Set (8bit) register on the Vxp524
- * This sets the value: [reg] (LSB first)
- *
- * @param instance Instance of the VxP524 to use
- * @param reg Register to retrieve
- * @param val 8 bit value to set
- *
- */
- extern void vxp524_set_reg(vxp524_t* instance, int reg, int val);
- /**
- *
- * Get (16bit) register from the Vxp524
- * This retrives the value: [reg] | ([reg+1] <<8) (LSB first)
- *
- * @param instance Instance of the VxP524 to use
- * @param reg Register to retrieve
- * @return The register's value (or negative on error)
- *
- */
- extern int vxp524_get_reg16(vxp524_t* instance, int reg);
- /**
- *
- * Set (16bit) register on the Vxp524
- * This sets the value: [reg], [reg+1] (LSB first)
- *
- * @param instance Instance of the VxP524 to use
- * @param reg Register to retrieve
- * @param val 8 bit value to set
- *
- */
- extern void vxp524_set_reg16(vxp524_t* instance, int reg, int val);
- /**
- *
- * Get (24bit) register from the Vxp524
- * This retrives the value: [reg] | ([reg+1] <<8) | ([reg+2]<<16) (LSB first)
- *
- * @param instance Instance of the VxP524 to use
- * @param reg Register to retrieve
- * @return The register's value (or negative on error)
- *
- */
- extern int vxp524_get_reg24(vxp524_t* instance, int reg);
- /**
- *
- * Set (24bit) register on the Vxp524
- * This sets the value: [reg], [reg+1], [reg+2] (LSB first)
- *
- * @param instance Instance of the VxP524 to use
- * @param reg Register to retrieve
- * @param val 8 bit value to set
- *
- */
- extern void vxp524_set_reg24(vxp524_t* instance, int reg, int val);
- /**
- *
- * Get (32bit) register from the Vxp524
- * This retrives the value: [reg] | ([reg+1] <<8) | ([reg+2]<<16) | ([reg+3]<<24) (LSB first)
- *
- * @param instance Instance of the VxP524 to use
- * @param reg Register to retrieve
- * @return The register's value (or negative on error)
- *
- */
- extern int vxp524_get_reg32(vxp524_t* instance, int reg);
- /**
- *
- * Set (32bit) register on the Vxp524
- * This sets the value: [reg], [reg+1], [reg+2], [reg+3] (LSB first)
- *
- * @param instance Instance of the VxP524 to use
- * @param reg Register to retrieve
- * @param val 8 bit value to set
- *
- */
- extern void vxp524_set_reg32(vxp524_t* instance, int reg, int val);
- /**
- *
- * Get specified bitmask of an (8bit) register from vxp524
- *
- * @param instance Instance of the vxp524 to use
- * @param reg Register to retrieve
- * @param bitmask Bitmask of bits to retrive from that register
- *
- * @return The register bitvalues
- *
- */
- extern int vxp524_get_bits(vxp524_t* instance, int reg, int bitmask);
- /**
- *
- * Set specified bits of an (8bit) register on vxp524
- *
- * @param instance Instance of the vxp524 to use
- * @param reg Register to retrieve
- * @param bitmask Bitmask of bits to set from that register
- * @param valuemask Values of the bits in the bitmask
- *
- */
- extern void vxp524_set_bits(vxp524_t* instance, int reg, int bitmask, int valuemask);
- #endif