- /* X Window Video for Linux Two Control Panel Tool
- *
- * For testing a Video for Linux Two driver
- *
- * This program was written by Bill Dirks.
- * This program is in the public domain.
- *
- * gcc -o vidpanel -L/usr/X11R6/lib/ -lXt -lXaw -Wall vidpanel.c
- */
- /* Set these according to your set-up */
- #define MY_DEVICE "/dev/video0"
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sys/mman.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- /* These are needed to use the V4L2 driver */
- #include <linux/fs.h>
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/videodev2.h> /* Video for Linux Two */
- #include <X11/StringDefs.h>
- #include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
- #include <X11/Xaw/Command.h>
- #include <X11/Xaw/Box.h>
- #include <X11/Xaw/Scrollbar.h>
- #include <X11/Xaw/MenuButton.h>
- #include <X11/Xaw/SimpleMenu.h>
- #include <X11/Xaw/SmeBSB.h>
- #include <X11/Xaw/Toggle.h>
- typedef struct
- {
- int index;
- int ctrl_id;
- Widget menuitem;
- } MenuEntry;
- #define MAXMENU 12
- typedef struct
- {
- struct v4l2_queryctrl qc;
- Widget box;
- Widget label;
- Widget widget;
- Widget menu;
- MenuEntry menuentry[MAXMENU];
- } GuiCtrl;
- typedef struct
- {
- XtAppContext xtapp;
- Widget w_toplevel;
- Widget w_mainbox;
- Widget w_menubox;
- Widget w_videobox;
- Widget w_inputmb;
- Widget w_inputmenu;
- Widget w_quit;
- Widget w_videodefault;
- Widget w_device;
- } PanelApp;
- int vid;
- GuiCtrl ctrl[12];
- PanelApp app;
- #define SLIDERLEN 160
- void init_all_controls();
- void quit(Widget w, XtPointer client, XtPointer call)
- {
- exit(0);
- }
- /*
- * Scrollbar-type widgets for V4L2 INTEGER controls
- */
- void
- scroll_jump_proc(Widget w, XtPointer client, XtPointer call)
- {
- struct v4l2_control vc;
- GuiCtrl *ctrl = (GuiCtrl *)client;
- float percent = *(float *)call;
- = ctrl->;
- vc.value = ctrl->qc.minimum
- + (int)(percent * (ctrl->qc.maximum - ctrl->qc.minimum + 1));
- if (vc.value > ctrl->qc.maximum)
- vc.value = ctrl->qc.maximum;
- ioctl(vid, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &vc);
- }
- void
- scroll_proc(Widget w, XtPointer client, XtPointer call)
- {
- Arg arg[1];
- XtArgVal *p;
- int d = (int)call;
- static float f;
- XtVaGetValues(w, XtNtopOfThumb, &f, NULL);
- f += (float)d / (float)SLIDERLEN;
- if (f < 0) f = 0;
- if (f > 1) f = 1;
- p = (XtArgVal *)&f;
- if (sizeof(float) > sizeof(XtArgVal))
- XtSetArg(arg[0], XtNtopOfThumb, &f);
- else
- XtSetArg(arg[0], XtNtopOfThumb, *p);
- XtSetValues(w, arg, 1);
- scroll_jump_proc(w, client, &f);/* to change the control */
- }
- void
- init_scroll_control(GuiCtrl *ctrl)
- {
- struct v4l2_control vc;
- int d;
- static float f;
- Arg arg[1];
- XtArgVal *p;
- /* Initialize the thumb position */
- = ctrl->;
- if (ioctl(vid, VIDIOC_G_CTRL, &vc))
- return;
- d = (SLIDERLEN * (vc.value - ctrl->qc.minimum)
- + ((ctrl->qc.maximum - ctrl->qc.minimum) >> 1))
- / (ctrl->qc.maximum - ctrl->qc.minimum);
- f = 0;
- p = (XtArgVal *)&f;
- if (sizeof(float) > sizeof(XtArgVal))
- XtSetArg(arg[0], XtNtopOfThumb, &f);
- else
- XtSetArg(arg[0], XtNtopOfThumb, *p);
- XtSetValues(ctrl->widget, arg, 1);
- scroll_proc(ctrl->widget, ctrl, (XtPointer)d);
- }
- void
- add_scroll_control(GuiCtrl *ctrl)
- {
- ctrl->widget =
- XtVaCreateManagedWidget("scroll",
- scrollbarWidgetClass,
- ctrl->box,
- XtNorientation, XtorientHorizontal,
- XtNlength, SLIDERLEN,
- XtNminimumThumb, 14,
- XtNthickness, 18,
- NULL);
- ctrl->label =
- XtVaCreateManagedWidget("label",
- labelWidgetClass, ctrl->box,
- XtNlabel, ctrl->,
- XtNborderWidth, 0,
- NULL);
- XtAddCallback(ctrl->widget, XtNscrollProc, scroll_proc, ctrl);
- XtAddCallback(ctrl->widget, XtNjumpProc, scroll_jump_proc, ctrl);
- }
- /*
- * Toggle-type widgets for V4L2 BOOLEAN controls
- */
- void
- boolproc(Widget w, XtPointer client, XtPointer call)
- {
- GuiCtrl *ctrl = (GuiCtrl *)client;
- int d = (int)call;
- struct v4l2_control vc;
- = ctrl->;
- vc.value = d;
- ioctl(vid, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &vc);
- }
- void
- init_bool_control(GuiCtrl *ctrl)
- {
- struct v4l2_control vc;
- Arg arg[1];
- = ctrl->;
- if (ioctl(vid, VIDIOC_G_CTRL, &vc))
- return;
- XtSetArg(arg[0], XtNstate, vc.value);
- XtSetValues(ctrl->widget, arg, 1);
- }
- void
- add_bool_control(GuiCtrl *ctrl)
- {
- ctrl->widget =
- XtVaCreateManagedWidget("bool",
- toggleWidgetClass,
- ctrl->box,
- XtNlabel, ctrl->,
- XtNorientation, XtorientHorizontal,
- XtNwidth, SLIDERLEN,
- NULL);
- XtAddCallback(ctrl->widget, XtNcallback, boolproc, ctrl);
- }
- /*
- * Menu-type widgets for V4L2 MENU controls
- */
- #define VIDIN_ID 1010
- void
- menu_proc(Widget w, XtPointer client, XtPointer call)
- {
- MenuEntry *menuentry = (MenuEntry *)client;
- struct v4l2_control vc;
- if (menuentry->ctrl_id == VIDIN_ID)
- {
- ioctl(vid, VIDIOC_S_INPUT, menuentry->index);
- init_all_controls();
- return;
- }
- = menuentry->ctrl_id;
- vc.value = menuentry->index;
- ioctl(vid, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &vc);
- }
- void
- add_menu_control(GuiCtrl *ctrl)
- {
- int i, n;
- struct v4l2_querymenu qm;
- struct v4l2_input vi;
- char itemlabel[40];
- char menulabel[40];
- strcpy(menulabel, ctrl->;
- strcat(menulabel, "...");
- ctrl->widget = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(
- "menubutton",
- menuButtonWidgetClass, ctrl->box,
- XtNlabel, menulabel,
- XtNmenuName, ctrl->,
- XtNborderWidth, 1,
- XtNorientation, XtorientHorizontal,
- XtNwidth, SLIDERLEN,
- NULL);
- ctrl->menu = XtVaCreatePopupShell(
- ctrl->,
- simpleMenuWidgetClass, ctrl->widget,
- NULL);
- for (i = n = 0; i < MAXMENU && i <= ctrl->qc.maximum; ++i)
- {
- if (ctrl-> == VIDIN_ID)
- {
- vi.index = i;
- if (ioctl(vid, VIDIOC_ENUMINPUT, &vi) != 0)
- continue;
- strcpy(itemlabel,;
- }
- else
- {
- = ctrl->;
- qm.index = i;
- if (ioctl(vid, VIDIOC_QUERYMENU, &qm) != 0)
- break;
- strcpy(itemlabel,;
- }
- ctrl->menuentry[n].index = i;
- ctrl->menuentry[n].ctrl_id = ctrl->;
- ctrl->menuentry[n].menuitem = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(
- "item",
- smeBSBObjectClass, ctrl->menu,
- XtNlabel, itemlabel,
- XtNwidth, SLIDERLEN,
- NULL);
- XtAddCallback(ctrl->menuentry[n].menuitem,
- XtNcallback, menu_proc, &ctrl->menuentry[n]);
- ++n;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Action Button-type widgets for V4L2 BUTTON controls
- */
- void
- button_proc(Widget w, XtPointer client, XtPointer call)
- {
- GuiCtrl *ctrl = (GuiCtrl *)client;
- struct v4l2_control vc;
- = ctrl->;
- vc.value = 0;
- ioctl(vid, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &vc);
- }
- void
- add_button_control(GuiCtrl *ctrl)
- {
- ctrl->widget = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(
- ctrl->,
- commandWidgetClass, ctrl->box,
- XtNborderWidth, 2,
- XtNorientation, XtorientHorizontal,
- XtNwidth, SLIDERLEN,
- NULL);
- XtAddCallback(ctrl->widget, XtNcallback, button_proc, ctrl);
- }
- /*
- * Top-level control-handling functions
- */
- void
- init_control(GuiCtrl *ctrl)
- {
- if (ctrl->widget == 0)
- return;
- if (ctrl->qc.type == V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_INTEGER)
- init_scroll_control(ctrl);
- if (ctrl->qc.type == V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_BOOLEAN)
- init_bool_control(ctrl);
- }
- void
- add_control(GuiCtrl *ctrl, Widget parent)
- {
- ctrl->box =
- XtVaCreateManagedWidget("ctrlbox",
- boxWidgetClass, parent,
- XtNorientation, XtorientHorizontal,
- XtNhSpace, 2,
- XtNvSpace, 2,
- XtNborderWidth, 0,
- NULL);
- if (ctrl->qc.type == V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_INTEGER)
- add_scroll_control(ctrl);
- if (ctrl->qc.type == V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_BOOLEAN)
- add_bool_control(ctrl);
- if (ctrl->qc.type == V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_MENU)
- add_menu_control(ctrl);
- if (ctrl->qc.type == V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_BUTTON)
- add_button_control(ctrl);
- init_control(ctrl);
- }
- void
- init_all_controls()
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ctrl)/sizeof(ctrl[0]); ++i)
- init_control(&ctrl[i]);
- }
- void
- default_all_controls()
- {
- struct v4l2_control vc;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ctrl)/sizeof(ctrl[0]); ++i)
- {
- if (ctrl[i].widget == 0)
- continue;
- if (ctrl[i].qc.type == V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_BUTTON)
- continue;
- = ctrl[i];
- vc.value = ctrl[i].qc.default_value;
- ioctl(vid, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &vc);
- }
- init_all_controls();
- }
- void
- create_video_controls(Widget parent)
- {
- int i, id, err;
- app.w_videobox = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(
- "Video Controls",
- boxWidgetClass, parent,
- XtNorientation, XtorientVertical,
- XtNvSpace, 5,
- XtNborderWidth, 0,
- NULL);
- i = 0;
- /* Video Input menu first (handled special) */
- ctrl[i] = VIDIN_ID;
- ctrl[i].qc.type = V4L2_CTRL_TYPE_MENU;
- ctrl[i].qc.minimum = 0;
- ctrl[i].qc.maximum = 10;
- strcpy(ctrl[i], "Video Input");
- add_control(&ctrl[i], app.w_videobox);
- ++i;
- for (id = 0; id < 100; ++id)
- {
- ctrl[i] = V4L2_CID_BASE + id;
- err = ioctl(vid, VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL, &ctrl[i].qc);
- if (err && errno == EDOM)
- break;
- if (err == 0 && ctrl[i].qc.category == V4L2_CTRL_CAT_VIDEO)
- {
- add_control(&ctrl[i], app.w_videobox);
- ++i;
- }
- }
- for (id = 0; id < 100; ++id)
- {
- ctrl[i] = V4L2_CID_PRIVATE_BASE + id;
- err = ioctl(vid, VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL, &ctrl[i].qc);
- if (err && errno == EDOM)
- break;
- if (err == 0 && ctrl[i].qc.category == V4L2_CTRL_CAT_VIDEO)
- {
- add_control(&ctrl[i], app.w_videobox);
- ++i;
- }
- }
- app.w_videodefault = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(
- "Default All Controls",
- commandWidgetClass, app.w_videobox,
- XtNborderWidth, 2,
- XtNorientation, XtorientHorizontal,
- XtNwidth, SLIDERLEN,
- NULL);
- XtAddCallback(app.w_videodefault,
- XtNcallback, default_all_controls,
- NULL);
- }
- /*
- * Main
- */
- int
- main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- char my_device[64];
- struct v4l2_capability caps;
- char device_label[96];
- /*-> Put in the device node name */
- strcpy(my_device, MY_DEVICE);
- if (argc >= 2)
- strcpy(my_device, argv[1]);
- vid = open(my_device, O_NONCAP);
- if (vid < 0)
- {
- printf("No video device "%s"n", my_device);
- return 1;
- }
- ioctl(vid, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &caps);
- app.w_toplevel = XtAppInitialize(
- &app.xtapp, "V4L2 Control Panel", NULL, 0,
- &argc, argv, NULL, NULL, 0);
- app.w_mainbox = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(
- "mainbox",
- boxWidgetClass, app.w_toplevel,
- XtNorientation, XtorientVertical,
- XtNhSpace, 0,
- XtNvSpace, 0,
- NULL);
- sprintf(device_label, "%s: %s", my_device,;
- app.w_device = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(
- "device",
- labelWidgetClass, app.w_mainbox,
- XtNlabel, device_label,
- XtNborderWidth, 0,
- NULL);
- app.w_menubox = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(
- "menubox",
- boxWidgetClass, app.w_mainbox,
- XtNorientation, XtorientHorizontal,
- XtNhSpace, 7,
- XtNvSpace, 2,
- XtNborderWidth, 0,
- NULL);
- app.w_quit = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(
- "Quit!",
- commandWidgetClass, app.w_menubox,
- XtNborderWidth, 2,
- NULL);
- XtAddCallback(app.w_quit, XtNcallback, quit, NULL);
- create_video_controls(app.w_mainbox);
- XtRealizeWidget(app.w_toplevel);
- XtAppMainLoop(app.xtapp);
- return 0;
- }