- header {
- #include "SupportTestTokenTypes.hpp"
- #include <iostream>
- }
- options {
- language=Cpp;
- }
- class SupportTest extends Parser;
- options {
- buildAST = true;
- }
- {
- /** Test the equals, equalsSubtree, and findAll methods plus AST enumeration.
- * The output should be:
- t is ( = a 1 )
- u is ( = b )
- v is ( = 4 )
- w is =
- t.equalsTree(t) is true
- t.equalsTree(u) is false
- t.equalsTree(v) is false
- t.equalsTree(w) is false
- t.equalsTree(null) is false
- t.equalsTreePartial(t) is true
- t.equalsTreePartial(u) is false
- t.equalsTreePartial(v) is false
- t.equalsTreePartial(w) is true
- t.equalsTreePartial(null) is true
- a is ( A ( B C ( A B ) ) ( A B ) ( F ( A B ) ) ( A ( A B ) ) ) J
- A---------------------J
- |
- B-----A-----F----A
- | | | |
- C--A B A A
- | | |
- B B B
- x is second sibling of upperleftmost A: ( A B ) ( F ( A B ) ) ( A ( A B ) )
- y is child B of x: B
- x.equalsTree(#(A B)) is true
- x.equalsList(#(A B)) is false
- x.equalsListPartial(#(A B)) is true
- a.equalsTree(#(A B)) is false
- a.equalsTreePartial(#(A B)) is true
- y.equalsList(#[B]) is true
- y.equalsListPartial(#[B]) is true
- a.findAllPartial(#(A B)):
- ( A ( B C ( A B ) ) ( A B ) ( F ( A B ) ) ( A ( A B ) ) ) J
- ( A B )
- ( A B ) ( F ( A B ) ) ( A ( A B ) )
- ( A B )
- ( A B )
- a.findAllPartial(#[A])):
- ( A ( B C ( A B ) ) ( A B ) ( F ( A B ) ) ( A ( A B ) ) ) J
- ( A B )
- ( A B ) ( F ( A B ) ) ( A ( A B ) )
- ( A B )
- ( A ( A B ) )
- ( A B )
- a.findAll(#(A B)):
- ( A B )
- ( A B ) ( F ( A B ) ) ( A ( A B ) )
- ( A B )
- ( A B )
- Test results:
- equalsTree is ok
- equalsTreePartial is ok
- equalsList is ok
- equalsListPartial is ok
- */
- public:
- static void main()
- {
- bool r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11,r12,r13,r14,r15,r16,r17;
- // define "astFactory" so translation of #(...) works
- ASTFactory astFactory;
- RefAST t = #([ASSIGN,"="], [ID,"a"], [INT,"1"]); // build "a=1" tree
- cout << "t is " << t->toStringList() << endl;
- RefAST u = #([ASSIGN,"="], [ID,"b"]); // build "b=?" tree
- cout << "u is " << u->toStringList() << endl;
- RefAST v = #([ASSIGN,"="], [INT,"4"]); // build "4=?" tree
- cout << "v is " << v->toStringList() << endl;
- RefAST w = #[ASSIGN,"="]; // build "=" tree
- cout << "w is " << w->toStringList() << endl;
- cout << endl;
- cout << "t.equalsTree(t) is " << (r1=t->equalsTree(t)) << endl;
- cout << "t.equalsTree(u) is " << (r2=t->equalsTree(u)) << endl;
- cout << "t.equalsTree(v) is " << (r3=t->equalsTree(v)) << endl;
- cout << "t.equalsTree(w) is " << (r4=t->equalsTree(w)) << endl;
- cout << "t.equalsTree(null) is " << (r5=t->equalsTree(nullAST)) << endl;
- cout << endl;
- cout << "t.equalsTreePartial(t) is " << (r6=t->equalsTreePartial(t)) << endl;
- cout << "t.equalsTreePartial(u) is " << (r7=t->equalsTreePartial(u)) << endl;
- cout << "t.equalsTreePartial(v) is " << (r8=t->equalsTreePartial(v)) << endl;
- cout << "t.equalsTreePartial(w) is " << (r9=t->equalsTreePartial(w)) << endl;
- cout << "t.equalsTreePartial(null) is " << (r10=t->equalsTreePartial(nullAST)) << endl;
- cout << endl;
- /* (A (B C (A B)) (A B) (F (A B)) (A (A B)) ) J
- Visually:
- A---------------------J
- |
- B-----A-----F----A
- | | | |
- C--A B A A
- | | |
- B B B
- */
- RefAST a = #(nullAST,
- ([A,"A"],
- ([B,"B"], [C,"C"], ([A,"A"],[B,"B"])),
- ([A,"A"],[B,"B"]),
- ([F,"F"], #([A,"A"], [B,"B"])),
- ([A,"A"], #([A,"A"], [B,"B"]))),
- [J,"J"]);
- cout << "a is "<<a->toStringList()<<"n" << endl;
- cout << " A---------------------J" << endl;
- cout << " |" << endl;
- cout << " B-----A-----F----A" << endl;
- cout << " | | | |" << endl;
- cout << " C--A B A A" << endl;
- cout << " | | |" << endl;
- cout << " B B Bn" << endl;
- RefAST x = a->getFirstChild()->getNextSibling();
- cout << "x is second sibling of upperleftmost A: "<<x->toStringList() << endl;
- RefAST y = a->getFirstChild()->getNextSibling()->getFirstChild();
- cout << "y is child B of x: "<<y->toStringList() << endl;
- cout << "x.equalsTree(#(A B)) is "<<(r11=x->equalsTree(#([A,"A"],[B,"B"]))) << endl;
- cout << "x.equalsList(#(A B)) is "<<(r12=x->equalsList(#([A,"A"],[B,"B"]))) << endl;
- cout << "x.equalsListPartial(#(A B)) is "<<(r13=x->equalsListPartial(#([A,"A"],[B,"B"]))) << endl;
- cout << "a.equalsTree(#(A B)) is "<<(r14=a->equalsTree(#([A,"A"],[B,"B"]))) << endl;
- cout << "a.equalsTreePartial(#(A B)) is "<<(r15=a->equalsTreePartial(#([A,"A"],[B,"B"]))) << endl;
- cout << "y.equalsList(#[B]) is "<<(r16=y->equalsList(#[B,"B"])) << endl;
- cout << "y.equalsListPartial(#[B]) is "<<(r17=y->equalsList(#[B,"B"])) << endl;
- vector<RefAST> _enum;
- cout << "na.findAllPartial(#(A B)):" << endl;
- _enum = a->findAllPartial(#([A,"A"],[B,"B"]));
- {for (vector<RefAST>::const_iterator i=_enum.begin();i!=_enum.end();i++) {
- cout << (*i)->toStringList() << endl;
- }}
- cout << "na.findAllPartial(#[A])):" << endl;
- _enum = a->findAllPartial(#[A,"A"]);
- {for (vector<RefAST>::const_iterator i=_enum.begin();i!=_enum.end();i++) {
- cout << (*i)->toStringList() << endl;
- }}
- cout << "na.findAll(#(A B)):" << endl;
- _enum = a->findAll(#([A,"A"],[B,"B"]));
- {for (vector<RefAST>::const_iterator i=_enum.begin();i!=_enum.end();i++) {
- cout << (*i)->toStringList() << endl;
- }}
- // check results
- cout << "nTest results:" << endl;
- if ( r1==true && r2==false && r3==false && r4==false &&
- r5==false && r11==true && r14==false) {
- cout << "equalsTree is ok" << endl;
- }
- else {
- cout << "equalsTree is bad" << endl;
- }
- if ( r6==true && r7==false && r8==false && r9==true && r10==true ) {
- cout << "equalsTreePartial is ok" << endl;
- }
- else {
- cout << "equalsTreePartial is bad" << endl;
- }
- if ( r12==false && r16==true ) {
- cout << "equalsList is ok" << endl;
- }
- else {
- cout << "equalslist is bad" << endl;
- }
- if ( r13==true && r17==true ) {
- cout << "equalsListPartial is ok" << endl;
- }
- else {
- cout << "equalslistPartial is bad" << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- defTokenTypes
- ;
- /*
- rule[AST t] : BLAH;
- another
- {
- #another = on here. // should translate
- }
- : rule[#another=foo] rule[#another] A
- // should get errors on those rule refs
- ;
- */