- { program 4.5
- compute the cosine using the expansion:
- cos(x) = 1 - x**2/(2*1) + x**4/(4*3*2*1) - ... }
- program cosine(input, output);
- const
- eps = 1e-14;
- var
- x, sx, s, t : real;
- i, k, n : integer;
- begin
- read(n);
- for i:=1 to n do
- begin
- read(x);
- t := 1; k := 0; s := 1; sx := sqr(x);
- while abs(t) > eps*abs(s) do
- begin
- k := k+2;
- t := -t*sx/(k*(k-1));
- s := s+t;
- wnd; { error here! }
- writeln(x,s,k div 2)
- end
- end.