- //
- // Pascal Parser Grammar
- //
- // Adapted from,
- // Pascal User Manual And Report (Second Edition-1978)
- // Kathleen Jensen - Niklaus Wirth
- //
- // Hakki Dogusan dogusanh@tr-net.net.tr
- //
- // Import the necessary classes
- {
- import java.io.*;
- }
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Define a Parser, calling it PascalParser
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class PascalParser extends Parser;
- options {
- k = 2; // two token lookahead
- exportVocab=Pascal; // Call its vocabulary "Pascal"
- codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold = 2; // Some optimizations
- codeGenBitsetTestThreshold = 3;
- defaultErrorHandler = false; // Don't generate parser error handlers
- buildAST = false;
- }
- // Define some methods and variables to use in the generated parser.
- {
- // Define a main
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- // Use a try/catch block for parser exceptions
- try {
- // if we have at least one command-line argument
- if (args.length > 0 ) {
- System.err.println("Parsing...");
- // for each directory/file specified on the command line
- for(int i=0; i< args.length;i++)
- doFile(new File(args[i])); // parse it
- }
- else
- System.err.println("Usage: java PascalParser <file/directory name>");
- }
- catch(Exception e) {
- System.err.println("exception: "+e);
- e.printStackTrace(System.err); // so we can get stack trace
- }
- }
- // This method decides what action to take based on the type of
- // file we are looking at
- public static void doFile(File f) throws Exception {
- // If this is a directory, walk each file/dir in that directory
- if (f.isDirectory()) {
- String files[] = f.list();
- for(int i=0; i < files.length; i++)
- doFile(new File(f, files[i]));
- }
- // otherwise, if this is a Pascal file, parse it!
- else if ((f.getName().length()>4) &&
- f.getName().substring(f.getName().length()-4).equals(".pas")) {
- System.err.println(" "+f.getAbsolutePath());
- parseFile(new FileInputStream(f));
- }
- }
- // Here's where we do the real work...
- public static void parseFile(InputStream s) throws Exception {
- try {
- // Create a scanner that reads from the input stream passed to us
- PascalLexer lexer = new PascalLexer(s);
- // Create a parser that reads from the scanner
- PascalParser parser = new PascalParser(lexer);
- // start parsing at the program rule
- parser.program();
- }
- catch (Exception e) {
- System.err.println("parser exception: "+e);
- e.printStackTrace(); // so we can get stack trace
- }
- }
- }
- program
- : programHeading
- block
- ;
- programHeading
- : PROGRAM identifier
- LPAREN fileIdentifier ( COMMA fileIdentifier )* RPAREN
- ;
- fileIdentifier
- : identifier
- ;
- identifier
- ;
- block
- : ( labelDeclarationPart
- | constantDefinitionPart
- | typeDefinitionPart
- | variableDeclarationPart
- | procedureAndFunctionDeclarationPart
- )*
- statementPart
- ;
- labelDeclarationPart
- : LABEL label ( COMMA label )* SEMI
- ;
- label
- : unsignedInteger
- ;
- constantDefinitionPart
- : CONST constantDefinition ( SEMI constantDefinition )* SEMI
- ;
- constantDefinition
- : identifier EQUAL constant
- ;
- constant
- : unsignedNumber
- | sign unsignedNumber
- | constantIdentifier
- | sign constantIdentifier
- | string
- ;
- unsignedNumber
- : unsignedInteger
- | unsignedReal
- ;
- unsignedInteger
- ;
- unsignedReal
- ;
- sign
- ;
- constantIdentifier
- : identifier
- ;
- string
- ;
- typeDefinitionPart
- : TYPE typeDefinition ( SEMI typeDefinition )* SEMI
- ;
- typeDefinition
- : identifier EQUAL type
- ;
- type
- : simpleType
- | structuredType
- | pointerType
- ;
- simpleType
- : scalarType
- | subrangeType
- | typeIdentifier
- ;
- scalarType
- : LPAREN identifier ( COMMA identifier )* RPAREN
- ;
- subrangeType
- : constant DOTDOT constant
- ;
- typeIdentifier
- : identifier
- | CHAR
- | REAL
- ;
- structuredType
- : ( PACKED
- | empty
- ) unpackedStructuredType
- ;
- unpackedStructuredType
- : arrayType
- | recordType
- | setType
- | fileType
- ;
- arrayType
- : ARRAY LBRACK indexType ( COMMA indexType )* RBRACK OF
- componentType
- ;
- indexType
- : simpleType
- ;
- componentType
- : type
- ;
- recordType
- : RECORD fieldList END
- ;
- fieldList
- : fixedPart
- ( SEMI variantPart
- | empty
- )
- | variantPart
- ;
- fixedPart
- : recordSection ( SEMI recordSection )*
- ;
- recordSection
- : fieldIdentifier ( COMMA fieldIdentifier )* COLON type
- | empty
- ;
- variantPart
- : CASE tagField typeIdentifier OF
- variant ( SEMI variant )*
- ;
- tagField
- : fieldIdentifier COLON
- | empty
- ;
- variant
- : caseLabelList COLON LPAREN fieldList RPAREN
- | empty
- ;
- caseLabelList
- : caseLabel ( COMMA caseLabel )*
- ;
- caseLabel
- : constant
- ;
- setType
- : SET OF baseType
- ;
- baseType
- : simpleType
- ;
- fileType
- : FILE OF type
- ;
- pointerType
- : POINTER typeIdentifier
- ;
- variableDeclarationPart
- : VAR variableDeclaration ( SEMI variableDeclaration )* SEMI
- ;
- variableDeclaration
- : identifier ( COMMA identifier )* COLON type
- ;
- procedureAndFunctionDeclarationPart
- : procedureOrFunctionDeclaration SEMI
- ;
- procedureOrFunctionDeclaration
- : procedureDeclaration
- | functionDeclaration
- ;
- procedureDeclaration
- : procedureHeading
- block
- ;
- procedureHeading
- : PROCEDURE identifier parameterList SEMI
- ;
- parameterList
- : empty
- | LPAREN formalParameterSection ( SEMI formalParameterSection )* RPAREN
- ;
- formalParameterSection
- : parameterGroup
- | VAR parameterGroup
- | FUNCTION parameterGroup
- | PROCEDURE identifier ( COMMA identifier )*
- ;
- parameterGroup
- : identifier ( COMMA identifier )* COLON typeIdentifier
- ;
- functionDeclaration
- : functionHeading
- block
- ;
- functionHeading
- : FUNCTION identifier parameterList COLON resultType SEMI
- ;
- resultType
- : typeIdentifier
- ;
- statementPart
- : compoundStatement
- ;
- statement
- : ( label COLON
- | empty
- )
- unlabelledStatement
- ;
- unlabelledStatement
- : simpleStatement
- | structuredStatement
- ;
- simpleStatement
- : assignmentStatement
- | procedureStatement
- | gotoStatement
- | emptyStatement
- ;
- assignmentStatement
- : variable ASSIGN expression
- | functionIdentifier ASSIGN expression
- ;
- variable
- : entireVariable
- | componentVariable
- | referencedVariable
- ;
- entireVariable
- : variableIdentifier
- ;
- variableIdentifier
- : identifier
- ;
- componentVariable
- : indexedVariable
- | fieldDesignator
- | fileBuffer
- ;
- indexedVariable
- : arrayVariable LBRACK expression ( COMMA expression)* RBRACK
- ;
- arrayVariable
- : identifier
- ;
- fieldDesignator
- : recordVariable DOT fieldIdentifier
- ;
- recordVariable
- : identifier
- ;
- fieldIdentifier
- : identifier
- ;
- fileBuffer
- : fileVariable POINTER
- ;
- fileVariable
- : identifier
- ;
- referencedVariable
- : pointerVariable POINTER
- ;
- pointerVariable
- : identifier
- ;
- expression
- : simpleExpression
- ( empty
- | relationalOperator simpleExpression
- )
- ;
- relationalOperator
- : EQUAL | NOT_EQUAL | LT | LE | GE | GT | IN
- ;
- simpleExpression
- : ( sign
- | empty
- )
- term ( addingOperator term )*
- ;
- addingOperator
- ;
- term
- : factor ( multiplyingOperator factor )*
- ;
- multiplyingOperator
- ;
- factor
- : variable
- | unsignedConstant
- | LPAREN expression RPAREN
- | functionDesignator
- | set
- | NOT factor
- ;
- unsignedConstant
- : unsignedNumber
- | string
- | constantIdentifier
- | NIL
- ;
- functionDesignator
- : functionIdentifier
- ( LPAREN actualParameter ( COMMA actualParameter ) * RPAREN
- | empty
- )
- ;
- functionIdentifier
- : identifier
- ;
- set
- : LBRACK elementList RBRACK
- ;
- elementList
- : element ( COMMA element )*
- | empty
- ;
- element
- : expression
- ( DOTDOT expression
- | empty
- )
- ;
- procedureStatement
- : procedureIdentifier
- ( LPAREN actualParameter ( COMMA actualParameter )* RPAREN
- | empty
- )
- ;
- procedureIdentifier
- : identifier
- ;
- actualParameter
- : expression
- | variable
- | procedureIdentifier
- | functionIdentifier
- ;
- gotoStatement
- : GOTO label
- ;
- emptyStatement
- : empty
- ;
- empty
- : /* empty */
- ;
- structuredStatement
- : compoundStatement
- | conditionalStatement
- | repetetiveStatement
- | withStatement
- ;
- compoundStatement
- statement ( SEMI statement )*
- ;
- conditionalStatement
- : ifStatement
- | caseStatement
- ;
- ifStatement
- : IF expression THEN statement
- ( ELSE statement
- | empty
- )
- ;
- caseStatement
- : CASE expression OF
- caseListElement ( SEMI caseListElement )*
- ;
- caseListElement
- : caseLabelList COLON statement
- | empty
- ;
- repetetiveStatement
- : whileStatement
- | repeatStatement
- | forStatement
- ;
- whileStatement
- : WHILE expression DO
- statement
- ;
- repeatStatement
- statement ( SEMI statement )*
- UNTIL expression
- ;
- forStatement
- : FOR controlVariable ASSIGN forList DO
- statement
- ;
- forList
- : initialValue ( TO | DOWNTO ) finalValue
- ;
- controlVariable
- : identifier
- ;
- initialValue
- : expression
- ;
- finalValue
- : expression
- ;
- withStatement
- : WITH recordVariableList DO
- statement
- ;
- recordVariableList
- : recordVariable ( COMMA recordVariable )*
- ;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // The Pascal scanner
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class PascalLexer extends Lexer;
- options {
- charVocabulary = ' '..'377';
- exportVocab = Pascal; // call the vocabulary "Pascal"
- testLiterals = false; // don't automatically test for literals
- k = 4; // four characters of lookahead
- caseSensitive = false;
- caseSensitiveLiterals = false;
- }
- tokens {
- AND = "and" ;
- ARRAY = "array" ;
- BEGIN = "begin" ;
- BOOLEAN = "boolean" ;
- CASE = "case" ;
- CHAR = "char" ;
- CONST = "const" ;
- DIV = "div" ;
- DO = "do" ;
- DOWNTO = "downto" ;
- ELSE = "else" ;
- END = "end" ;
- FILE = "file" ;
- FOR = "for" ;
- FUNCTION = "function" ;
- GOTO = "goto" ;
- IF = "if" ;
- IN = "in" ;
- INTEGER = "integer" ;
- LABEL = "label" ;
- MOD = "mod" ;
- NIL = "nil" ;
- NOT = "not" ;
- OF = "of" ;
- OR = "or" ;
- PACKED = "packed" ;
- PROCEDURE = "procedure" ;
- PROGRAM = "program" ;
- REAL = "real" ;
- RECORD = "record" ;
- REPEAT = "repeat" ;
- SET = "set" ;
- THEN = "then" ;
- TO = "to" ;
- TYPE = "type" ;
- UNTIL = "until" ;
- VAR = "var" ;
- WHILE = "while" ;
- WITH = "with" ;
- }
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PLUS : '+' ;
- MINUS : '-' ;
- STAR : '*' ;
- SLASH : '/' ;
- ASSIGN : ":=" ;
- COMMA : ',' ;
- SEMI : ';' ;
- COLON : ':' ;
- EQUAL : '=' ;
- NOT_EQUAL : "<>" ;
- LT : '<' ;
- LE : "<=" ;
- GE : ">=" ;
- GT : '>' ;
- LPAREN : '(' ;
- RPAREN : ')' ;
- LBRACK : '[' ;
- RBRACK : ']' ;
- POINTER : '^' ;
- //DOT : '.' ;
- //DOTDOT : ".." ;
- // Whitespace -- ignored
- WS : ( ' '
- | 't'
- | 'f'
- // handle newlines
- | ( "rn" // Evil DOS
- | 'r' // Macintosh
- | 'n' // Unix (the right way)
- )
- { newline(); }
- )
- { _ttype = Token.SKIP; }
- ;
- : "(*"
- ( options { generateAmbigWarnings=false; }
- : { LA(2) != ')' }? '*'
- | 'r' 'n' {newline();}
- | 'r' {newline();}
- | 'n' {newline();}
- | ~('*' | 'n' | 'r')
- )*
- "*)"
- {$setType(Token.SKIP);}
- ;
- : '{'
- ( options {generateAmbigWarnings=false;}
- : 'r' 'n' {newline();}
- | 'r' {newline();}
- | 'n' {newline();}
- | ~('}' | 'n' | 'r')
- )*
- '}'
- {$setType(Token.SKIP);}
- ;
- // an identifier. Note that testLiterals is set to true! This means
- // that after we match the rule, we look in the literals table to see
- // if it's a literal or really an identifer
- options {testLiterals=true;}
- : ('a'..'z') ('a'..'z'|'0'..'9')*
- ;
- // string literals
- : ''' ("''" | ~('''))+ '''
- ;
- // a numeric literal
- {boolean isDecimal=false;}
- : ".." {_ttype = DOTDOT;}
- | '.' {_ttype = DOT;}
- (('0'..'9')+ (EXPONENT)? { _ttype = NUM_REAL; })?
- | ( '0' {isDecimal = true;} // special case for just '0'
- | ('1'..'9') ('0'..'9')* {isDecimal=true;} // non-zero decimal
- )
- // only check to see if it's a float if looks like decimal so far
- ( { LA(2)!='.' && LA(3)!='.' && isDecimal}?
- ( '.' ('0'..'9')* (EXPONENT)?
- )
- { _ttype = NUM_REAL; }
- )?
- ;
- // a couple protected methods to assist in matching floating point numbers
- protected
- : ('e') ('+'|'-')? ('0'..'9')+
- ;