



  1. header{ package tinybasic; import java.util.*; } class TinyBasicParser extends Parser; options { k = 4; // two token lookahead exportVocab=TinyBasic; // Call its vocabulary "TinyBasic" //codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold = 2;  // Some optimizations //codeGenBitsetTestThreshold = 3; defaultErrorHandler = false;     // Don't generate parser error handlers //analyzerDebug=true; buildAST = true; } { Context theContext=null; } imaginaryTokenDefinitions : SLIST TYPE PROGRAM_DEF SUBROUTINE_DEF FUNCTION_DEF EXIT_MODULE PARAMETERS PARAMETER_DEF LABELED_STAT NUMBERED_STAT UNARY_MINUS UNARY_PLUS CASE_GROUP ARGLIST FOR_LOOP FOR_FROM FOR_TO FOR_BY FOR_BY_ONE FOR_BODY INT_FN_EXECUTE FLT_FN_EXECUTE STR_FN_EXECUTE SUB_EXECUTE EQ_COMP INDEX_OP SUBSTRING_OP  DOT ARRAY1D ARRAY2D ARRAY3D ARRAY1D_PROXY ARRAY2D_PROXY ARRAY3D_PROXY VAR_PROXY WHEN_ERROR_CALL WHEN_ERROR_IN PRINT_ASCII PRINT_TAB PRINT_NUMERIC PRINT_STRING PRINT_COMMA PRINT_SEMI IF_THEN_BLOCK IF_BLOCK ELSE_IF_BLOCK ELSE_BLOCK CODE_BLOCK CONDITION ; // Compilation Unit: In TinyBasic, this is a single file.  This is the start //   rule for this parser compilationUnit[Context context] { theContext=context; //new Context(); } : // A compilation unit starts with an optional program definition ( programDefinition | /* nothing */ ) // Next we have a series of zero or more sub/function blocks ( subroutineDefinition | functionDefinition )* EOF! ; // PROGRAM ( parameter, parameter) programDefinition options {defaultErrorHandler = true;} // let ANTLR handle errors { Vector pVector=null; } : "program"! { //#p.setType(PROGRAM_DEF,"PROGRAM_DEF"); theContext.setProgramScope(new ProgramScope(theContext.getCurrentScope())); } pVector=parameters eol! // now parse the body cb:procedureBlock quit:"end"  eol! { #quit.setType(EXIT_MODULE); #programDefinition = #(#[PROGRAM_DEF,"PROGRAM_DEF"],#programDefinition); theContext.popScope(); } ; // SUB IDENT ( parameter)* subroutineDefinition options {defaultErrorHandler = true;} // let ANTLR handle errors { Vector pVector=null; } : p:"sub"! n:subName { theContext.pushScope(new SubroutineScope(theContext.getCurrentScope())); } pVector=params:parameters eol! // now parse the body of the class cb:procedureBlock quit:"end" "sub"! eol! { #quit.setType(EXIT_MODULE); DTCodeType sub; #subroutineDefinition = #(#[SUBROUTINE_DEF,"SUBROUTINE_DEF"],#subroutineDefinition); sub=new DTSubroutine(#subroutineDefinition, #cb,theContext.getCurrentScope(),pVector,#n.getText()); theContext.popScope(); theContext.insertSubroutine(#n.getText(),sub); } ; // FUNCTION IDENT ( parameter)* functionDefinition options {defaultErrorHandler = true;} // let ANTLR handle errors { int fnType=0; Vector pVector=null; } : p:"function"^ fnType=n:newFunction {#p.setType(FUNCTION_DEF);} { theContext.pushScope(new FunctionScope(theContext.getCurrentScope())); } pVector=params:parameters eol! // now parse the body of the class cb:procedureBlock quit:"end" "function"! eol! { #quit.setType(EXIT_MODULE); DTCodeType fnc; fnc=new DTFunction(fnType,#params,#cb,theContext.getCurrentScope(),pVector,#n.getText()); #functionDefinition = #(#[FUNCTION_DEF,"FUNCTION_DEF"],#functionDefinition); theContext.popScope(); theContext.insertFunction(#n.getText(),fnc); } ; //funcName // : // INT_FN // | FLT_FN // | STR_FN // ; newFunction returns [int t] { t=0;} : INT_FN { t=INT_FN; } | STR_FN { t=STR_FN; } | FLT_FN { t=FLT_FN; } ; // This is the body of a procedure.   procedureBlock : codeBlock //{#procedureBlock = #([OBJBLOCK, "OBJBLOCK"], #procedureBlock);} ; statement : nl ( singleStatement | ifStatements | compoundStatement ) ; parameters returns [ Vector v ] { v=new Vector(); } : ( (LPAREN)=> LPAREN! parameterDeclarationList[v] RPAREN! | ) ; // A list of formal parameters parameterDeclarationList [ Vector v] { DTDataType tbd=null; } : tbd=parameterDeclaration { v.addElement(tbd); } ( COMMA! tbd=parameterDeclaration  { v.addElement(tbd); } )* {#parameterDeclarationList = #(#[PARAMETERS,"PARAMETERS"], #parameterDeclarationList);} ; parameterDeclaration returns [DTDataType arg] { int varType=0; arg=null; } : varType=v:newVariable ( LPAREN! //d1:integerExpression ( COMMA! //d2:integerExpression ( COMMA! //d3:integerExpression { arg=new DTDataTypeProxy(varType,theContext.getCurrentScope(),3); //arg=new DTArray3DProxy(varType,theContext.getCurrentScope()); //#parameterDeclaration = #([ARRAY3D_PROXY], #parameterDeclaration); } | { arg=new DTDataTypeProxy(varType,theContext.getCurrentScope(),2); //arg=new DTArray2DProxy(varType,theContext.getCurrentScope()); //#parameterDeclaration = #([ARRAY2D_PROXY], #parameterDeclaration); } ) | { arg=new DTDataTypeProxy(varType,theContext.getCurrentScope(),1); //arg=new DTArray1DProxy(varType,theContext.getCurrentScope()); //#parameterDeclaration = #([ARRAY1D_PROXY], #parameterDeclaration); } ) RPAREN! | { arg=new DTDataTypeProxy(varType,theContext.getCurrentScope(),0); //#parameterDeclaration = #([VAR_PROXY], #parameterDeclaration); } ) { #parameterDeclaration = #([VAR_PROXY], #parameterDeclaration); theContext.insertVariable(#v.getText(),arg); } ; compoundStatement : forNextBlock | doUntilLoopBlock | doLoopUntilBlock | selectCaseBlock | eventCompoundStatements ; ifThenBlock : ifBlock ( options {
  2. warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
  3. } : elseIfBlock )* ( options {
  4. warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
  5. } : elseBlock  )? endIfBlock { #ifThenBlock = #(#[IF_THEN_BLOCK,"IF_THEN_BLOCK"],#ifThenBlock);} ; ifStatements : (ifStatement)=> ifStatement | ifThenBlock ; ifStatement : "if"!  condition "then"! singleStatement eol! ; ifBlock : "if"!  condition "then"! eol! codeBlock { #ifBlock = #(#[IF_BLOCK,"IF_BLOCK"],#ifBlock);} ; elseIfBlock : nl ("else"! "if"! | "elseif"! ) condition "then"! eol! codeBlock { #elseIfBlock = #(#[ELSE_IF_BLOCK,"ELSE_IF_BLOCK"],#elseIfBlock);} ; elseBlock : nl "else"! eol! codeBlock { #elseBlock = #(#[ELSE_BLOCK,"ELSE_BLOCK"],#elseBlock);} ; endIfBlock : nl ("end"! "if"! | "endif"! ) eol! ; condition : relationalExpression { #condition = #(#[CONDITION,"CONDITION"],#condition);} ; codeBlock : ( options {
  6. warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
  7. } : statement )* {#codeBlock = #(#[CODE_BLOCK,"CODE_BLOCK"],#codeBlock);} ; forNextBlock : "for"! ( // I=1    TO 2    (BY 1)? forFrom   forTo   forBy        eol! forBody ) {#forNextBlock = #(#[FOR_LOOP,"FOR_LOOP"],#forNextBlock);} ; // The initializer for a for loop forFrom : numericStore EQ^ numericExpression {#forFrom = #(#[FOR_FROM,"FOR_FROM"],#forFrom);} ; forTo :  "to"! numericExpression {#forTo = #(#[FOR_TO,"FOR_TO"],#forTo);} ; forBy : ( "by"! numericExpression {#forBy = #(#[FOR_BY,"FOR_BY"],#forBy);} | {#forBy = #(#[FOR_BY_ONE,"FOR_BY_ONE"],#forBy);} ) ; forBody : codeBlock nextStatement! {#forBody = #(#[FOR_BODY,"FOR_BODY"],#forBody);} ; nextStatement : nl "next" numericStore eol! ; doUntilLoopBlock : "do"! "until"^  condition eol! codeBlock nl "loop"! eol! ; doLoopUntilBlock : "do"^  eol! codeBlock nl "loop"! "until"!  condition eol! ; selectCaseBlock : "select"^ "case"! expression eol (casesGroup)* nl "end" "select" eol! ; singleStatement : ( "library"^ STR_CONST | "dim"^ dimensionedVariables | "global"^ parameterDeclarationList[new Vector()] | "beep" | "chain"^ stringExpression ("with" LPAREN! argList RPAREN!)? | "gosub"^ lineLabel | "goto"^ lineLabel | callSubroutineStatement | "return"^ (expression)? | ex:"exit"^ "sub"! {#ex.setType(EXIT_MODULE);} | ("let"!)? assignmentExpression | ("on" numericExpression)=> "on"^ numericExpression ("goto"^ | "gosub"^ ) lineLabel  (COMMA! lineLabel)* | eventSingleStatements | "option"^ "base" INT_CONST | "out"^ integerExpression COMMA! integerExpression | "pause"^ (numericExpression)? | "redim"^ dimensionedVariables | "poke"^ integerExpression COMMA! integerExpression COMMA!  integerExpression | "randomize"^ integerExpression | graphicsOutput | inputOutput | line_stuff | set_stuff ) eol! ; callSubroutineStatement : call:"call"^ subName (LPAREN! argList RPAREN!)? { #call.setType(SUB_EXECUTE); } ; dimensionedVariables { DTDataType av=null; int varType=0;} : ( varType=v:newVariable LPAREN! d1:integerExpression ( COMMA! d2:integerExpression ( COMMA! d3:integerExpression { av=new DTArray3D(varType,theContext.getCurrentScope()); #dimensionedVariables = #([ARRAY3D, "ARRAY3D"], #dimensionedVariables); } | { av=new DTArray2D(varType,theContext.getCurrentScope()); #dimensionedVariables = #([ARRAY2D, "ARRAY2D"], #dimensionedVariables); } ) | { av=new DTArray1D(varType,theContext.getCurrentScope()); #dimensionedVariables = #([ARRAY1D, "ARRAY1D"], #dimensionedVariables); } ) RPAREN! { theContext.insertVariable(#v.getText(),av);} ) ( COMMA dimensionedVariables )? ; lineLabel : INT_CONST | IDENT ; nl : ( options {
  8. warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
  9. } : IDENT^ c:COLON! {#c.setType(LABELED_STAT);} | INT_CONST^ {#c.setType(NUMBERED_STAT);} )? ; constant : stringConstant | floatNumber ; binaryReadVariables : ( numericStore | stringStore "until" integerExpression ) (COMMA binaryReadVariables)? ; printList : ( tabExpression | printString | printNumeric ) ( ( c:COMMA { #c.setType(PRINT_COMMA);} | s:SEMI { #s.setType(PRINT_SEMI);} ) (printList)? )? ; tabExpression : "tab"! LPAREN! numericExpression RPAREN! { #tabExpression = #(#[PRINT_TAB,"PRINT_TAB"],#tabExpression);} ; printString : stringExpression { #printString = #(#[PRINT_STRING,"PRINT_STRING"],#printString);} ; printNumeric : numericExpression { #printNumeric = #(#[PRINT_NUMERIC,"PRINT_NUMERIC"],#printNumeric);} ; inputList : ( numericStore | stringStore ) (COMMA inputList)? ; inputOutput : "close"^ (POUND! integerExpression)? //| "cominfo" | "data"^ constant (COMMA! constant)* | "deletefile" stringExpression //| "fileinfo" | "input" ( "binary" (chanNumber)? binaryReadVariables | chanAndPrompt inputList ) | "open" chanNumber stringExpression  ( COMMA ( "access" ( "input" | "output" | "outin" | "append" ) | "organization"  ( "sequential" | "random" | "stream" | "append" ) | "recsize" integerExpression ) )+ //| "output" | print_ascii | "print" "binary" (chanNumber)? printList | "read" inputList | "restore" ; set_stuff : "set" ( "timer" numericExpression | "loc" LPAREN integerExpression COMMA integerExpression RPAREN | (chanNumber)? specifier integerExpression ) ; print_ascii : "print"! (chanNumber)? ("using" stringExpression)? printList {#print_ascii = #([PRINT_ASCII, "PRINT_ASCII"], #print_ascii);} ; specifier : "margin" | "zonewidth" | "address" | "record" ; chanNumber : POUND integerExpression COLON ; prompt : "prompt" stringExpression COLON ; chanAndPrompt : (chanNumber)? (prompt)?  ; casesGroup : aCase codeBlock {#casesGroup = #([CASE_GROUP, "CASE_GROUP"], #casesGroup);} ; integerArray : argArray ; symbolicAddress : stringExpression ; deviceAddress : (adapterAddress COMMA!)? primaryAddress (COMMA! secondaryAddress)? ; primaryAddress : integerExpression ; secondaryAddress : integerExpression ; adapterAddress : stringExpression | "@" integerExpression ; combinationAddress : (deviceAddress)=> deviceAddress | adapterAddress ; aCase : "case"^ expression (COMMA! expression)* eol! ; integerArrayVariable : integerVariable ; stringArrayVariable : stringVariable ; floatArrayVariable : floatVariable ; arrayVariable : integerArrayVariable | stringArrayVariable | floatArrayVariable ; graphicsOutput : "brush"^ integerExpression | "circle"^ LPAREN! integerExpression COMMA integerExpression RPAREN! COMMA integerExpression ( COMMA integerExpression )? | "clear"^ ("metafileon" | "metafileoff" )? | "ellipse"^ LPAREN! integerExpression COMMA integerExpression RPAREN! MINUS LPAREN! integerExpression COMMA integerExpression RPAREN! ( COMMA integerExpression )? | "font"^ integerExpression ( COMMA integerExpression ( COMMA integerExpression )? )?  | "loc"^ integerStore COMMA integerStore | "pen"^ integerExpression COMMA integerExpression COMMA integerExpression | "picture"^ stringExpression COMMA LPAREN! integerExpression COMMA integerExpression RPAREN! ( COMMA integerExpression )? | "polyline"^ integerArrayVariable LPAREN COMMA RPAREN ( COMMA integerExpression )? | "rectangle"^ LPAREN! integerExpression COMMA integerExpression RPAREN! MINUS LPAREN! integerExpression COMMA integerExpression RPAREN! ( COMMA integerExpression )? | "screen"^ ( "normal" | "condensed" | "display" | "zoom" | "unzoom" | "close_basic" ) ; line_stuff // ambiguity forced left factoring : "line" ( "input" (chanNumber)? stringStore | "enter" combinationAddress (prompt)? stringStore ("until" integerExpression)? | (LPAREN! integerExpression COMMA integerExpression RPAREN!)? MINUS LPAREN! integerExpression COMMA integerExpression RPAREN! ( COMMA integerExpression )? ) ; eventSingleStatements : "cause" ("error")? integerExpression | "cause" "event" integerExpression | ("disable" | "enable") ("srq"|"timer"|"gpib") ("discard")? | ("disable" | "enable") "event" integerExpression ("discard")? | "error" ( "abort" integerExpression | "retry" | "continue" | "stop" ) | "on" ( "event" integerExpression | "srq" | "timer" | "gpib" ) "call" subName ; eventCompoundStatements : w:"when"^ "error" ( "call"^ subName (LPAREN! argList RPAREN!)? eol! {#w.setType(WHEN_ERROR_CALL);} | "in"! eol! {#w.setType(WHEN_ERROR_IN);} (singleStatement)+ "use"^ eol! (singleStatement)+ ("end"! "when"! | "endwhen"!)  eol ) ; subName : IDENT ; expression : numericExpression | stringExpression ; argList : arg ( COMMA! arg )* {#argList = #(#[ARGLIST,"ARGLIST"], argList);} ; arg : //(variable LPAREN COMMA)=> //variable LPAREN COMMA {dimCount=2;} (  COMMA {dimCount++;} )* RPAREN (argArray)=>argArray //| (variable LPAREN RPAREN)=> //variable LPAREN   RPAREN | expression ; argArray : (variable LPAREN COMMA)=> v23:variable LPAREN! COMMA! (  COMMA! { #v23.setType(ARRAY3D); } |  { #v23.setType(ARRAY2D); } ) RPAREN! | //(variable LPAREN RPAREN)=> v1:variable LPAREN   RPAREN { #v1.setType(ARRAY1D); } ; // assignment expression (level 13) assignmentExpression : stringStore EQ^  stringExpression | integerStore EQ^ integerExpression | floatStore EQ^ numericExpression ; stringStore : (stringVariable LPAREN)=> {theContext.isArrayVariable(LT(1).getText())}? stringVariable lp:LPAREN^ {#lp.setType(INDEX_OP);} indices RPAREN | (stringVariable LBRACK)=> stringVariable lb:LBRACK^ {#lb.setType(SUBSTRING_OP);} integerExpression COLON!  integerExpression RBRACK! | stringVariable ; integerStore : ( integerVariable LPAREN )=> {theContext.isArrayVariable(LT(1).getText())}? integerVariable lp:LPAREN^ {#lp.setType(INDEX_OP);} indices RPAREN! | integerVariable ; floatStore : ( floatVariable LPAREN )=> {theContext.isArrayVariable(LT(1).getText())}? floatVariable lp:LPAREN^ {#lp.setType(INDEX_OP);} indices RPAREN! | floatVariable ; numericStore : integerStore | floatStore ; stringVariable : STR_VAR ; integerVariable : INT_VAR ; floatVariable : ( FLT_VAR | IDENT ) ; // boolean relational expressions (level 5) relationalExpression : relationalXORExpression ; relationalXORExpression : relationalORExpression ( "xor"^ relationalORExpression )* ; relationalORExpression : relationalANDExpression ( "or"^  relationalANDExpression  )* ; relationalANDExpression : relationalNOTExpression ( "and"^ relationalNOTExpression )* ; relationalNOTExpression : ("not"^)? primaryRelationalExpression ; primaryRelationalExpression : (numericExpression)=> numericExpression ( LT^ | GT^ | LE^ | GE^ | e1:EQ^ {#e1.setType( EQ_COMP );} | NE_COMP^ ) numericExpression | stringExpression ( LT^ | GT^ | LE^ | GE^ | e2:EQ^ {#e2.setType( EQ_COMP );} | NE_COMP^ ) stringExpression | LPAREN! relationalExpression RPAREN! ; numericValuedFunctionExpression : "abs"^ LPAREN! numericExpression RPAREN! | "acos"^ LPAREN! numericExpression RPAREN! | "asc"^ LPAREN! stringExpression RPAREN! | "atn"^ LPAREN! numericExpression RPAREN! | "cos"^ LPAREN! numericExpression RPAREN! | "dround"^ LPAREN! numericExpression COMMA! integerExpression RPAREN! | "errl"^ | "errn"^ | "exp"^ LPAREN! numericExpression RPAREN! | "fract"^ LPAREN! numericExpression RPAREN! | "get_event"^ LPAREN! numericExpression RPAREN! | "in"^ LPAREN! numericExpression RPAREN! | "instr"^ LPAREN! stringExpression COMMA! stringExpression RPAREN! | "int"^ LPAREN! numericExpression RPAREN! | "ival"^ LPAREN! stringExpression RPAREN! | "len"^ LPAREN! stringExpression RPAREN! | "lgt"^ LPAREN! numericExpression RPAREN! | "log"^ LPAREN! numericExpression RPAREN! | "max"^ LPAREN! (numericExpression)+ RPAREN! | "min"^ LPAREN! (numericExpression)+ RPAREN! | "peek"^ LPAREN! numericExpression COMMA! integerExpression RPAREN! | "pi"^ | "rnd"^ | "sgn"^ LPAREN! numericExpression RPAREN! | "signed"^ LPAREN! integerExpression RPAREN! | "sin"^ LPAREN! numericExpression RPAREN! | "sqr"^ LPAREN! numericExpression RPAREN! | "tan"^ LPAREN! numericExpression RPAREN! | "time"^ | "ubound"^ LPAREN! stringExpression COMMA! integerExpression RPAREN! | "val"^ LPAREN! stringExpression RPAREN! // BIT Functions | "andb"^ LPAREN! integerExpression COMMA! integerExpression RPAREN! | "orb"^ LPAREN! integerExpression COMMA! integerExpression RPAREN! | "notb"^ LPAREN! integerExpression RPAREN! | "shiftb"^ LPAREN! integerExpression COMMA! integerExpression RPAREN! | "xorb"^ LPAREN! integerExpression COMMA! integerExpression RPAREN! ; integerExpression : numericExpression ; stringValuedFunctionExpression : "chr$"^ LPAREN! integerExpression RPAREN! | "date$"^ | "dround$"^ LPAREN! numericExpression COMMA! integerExpression RPAREN! | "errl$"^ | "errn$"^ LPAREN! integerExpression RPAREN! | "inchr$"^ | "ival$"^ LPAREN! integerExpression COMMA! integerExpression RPAREN! | "lwc$"^ LPAREN! stringExpression RPAREN! | "rpt$"^ LPAREN! stringExpression COMMA! integerExpression RPAREN! | "time$"^ | "upc$"^ LPAREN! stringExpression RPAREN! | "val$"^ LPAREN! numericExpression RPAREN! ; //numericExpression // : numericAdditiveExpression // ; // binary addition/subtraction (level 3) numericExpression : numericMultiplicativeExpression  ( options {
  10. warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
  11. } : (PLUS^ | MINUS^) numericMultiplicativeExpression )* ; // multiplication/division/modulo (level 2)  numericMultiplicativeExpression : numericExponentialExpression ((STAR^ | "div"^ | "mod"^ | SLASH^ ) numericExponentialExpression)* ; numericExponentialExpression : numericUnaryExpression ( EXPO^  numericUnaryExpression)* ; numericUnaryExpression : ( p:PLUS^ {#p.setType(UNARY_PLUS);} | m:MINUS^ {#m.setType(UNARY_PLUS);} )?  numericPrimaryExpression ; numericPrimaryExpression : floatNumber | numericStore | //(FLT_FN|INT_FN)=> ( FLT_FN^ {#FLT_FN.setType(FLT_FN_EXECUTE);} | INT_FN^ {#INT_FN.setType(INT_FN_EXECUTE);} ) ( (LPAREN)=> LPAREN argList RPAREN | ) | numericValuedFunctionExpression | e:LPAREN! numericExpression RPAREN! ; floatNumber : integerNumber | FLT_CONST ; stringExpression : stringConcatanateExpression ; // binary addition/subtraction (level 3) stringConcatanateExpression : stringPrimaryExpression ( AMPERSAND^ stringConcatanateExpression)? ; stringPrimaryExpression : stringStore | stringConstant | STR_FN^ ((LPAREN)=>LPAREN! argList RPAREN!)? {#STR_FN.setType(STR_FN_EXECUTE);} | stringValuedFunctionExpression ; indices : numericExpression (COMMA! indices)? ; stringConstant : STR_CONST ; integerNumber : INT_CONST | BINARY_INTEGER | OCTAL_INTEGER | HEXADECIMAL_INTEGER ; newVariable returns [int t] { t=0;} : INT_VAR { t=INT_VAR; } | STR_VAR { t=STR_VAR; } | FLT_VAR { t=FLT_VAR; } | IDENT { t=FLT_VAR; } ; variable : numericStore | stringStore ; eol! : ( options {
  12. warnWhenFollowAmbig = false;
  13. } : EOL! )+ ; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The TinyBasic scanner //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TinyBasicLexer extends Lexer; options { importVocab=TinyBasic;  // call the vocabulary "TinyBasic" testLiterals=true;     // automatically test for literals k=6;                   // four characters of lookahead caseSensitive=false; caseSensitiveLiterals = false; } // OPERATORS AMPERSAND : '&' ; LPAREN : '(' ; RPAREN : ')' ; LBRACK : '[' ; RBRACK : ']' ; COLON : ':' ; COMMA : ',' ; //DOT : '.' ; EQ : '=' ; NE_COMP : "<>" ; //BNOT : '~' ; SLASH : '/' ; PLUS : '+' ; MINUS : '-' ; STAR : '*' ; GE : ">=" ; GT : ">" ; LE : "<=" ; LT : '<' ; SEMI : ';' ; POUND : '#' ; BINARY_INTEGER : "&b" ('0' | '1' ) + ; OCTAL_INTEGER : "&o" ('0'..'7' ) + ; HEXADECIMAL_INTEGER : "&h" ('0'..'9' | 'a'..'f' ) + ; // Whitespace -- ignored WS : ( ' ' | 't' | 'f' ) { _ttype = Token.SKIP; } ; EOL : ( "rn"  // Evil DOS | 'r'    // Macintosh | 'n'    // Unix (the right way) ) { newline(); } ; // Single-line comments SL_COMMENT : '!' (~('n'|'r'))* //('n'|'r'('n')?) { $setType(Token.SKIP); //newline(); } ; // character literals CHAR_LITERAL : ''' ( (ESCc)=> ESCc | ~''' ) ''' ; // string literals STR_CONST : '"'! ( (ESCs)=> ESCs | (ESCqs)=> ESCqs | ~('"'))* '"'! ; protected ESCc : '<' ('0'..'9')+ '>' ; protected ESCs : "<<" ('0'..'9')+ ">>" ; protected ESCqs : '"' '"'! ; // hexadecimal digit (again, note it's protected!) protected HEX_DIGIT : ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f') ; // a dummy rule to force vocabulary to be all characters (except special //   ones that ANTLR uses internally (0 to 2) protected VOCAB : '3'..'377' ; // an identifier.  Note that testLiterals is set to true!  This means // that after we match the rule, we look in the literals table to see // if it's a literal or really an identifer IDENT options {testLiterals=true;} : ('a'..'z') ('a'..'z'|'0'..'9'|'_'|'.')* ( '$'   {  if($getText.substring(0,2).toLowerCase().equals("fn")){ _ttype=STR_FN; } else { _ttype=STR_VAR; } } | '%'   {  if($getText.substring(0,2).toLowerCase().equals("fn")){ _ttype=INT_FN; } else { _ttype=INT_VAR; } } | '#'   {  if($getText.substring(0,2).toLowerCase().equals("fn")){ _ttype=FLT_FN; } else { _ttype=FLT_VAR; } } |   {  if($getText.substring(0,2).toLowerCase().equals("fn")){ _ttype=FLT_FN; //} else { // _ttype=FLT_VAR; } } ) ; // a numeric literal INT_CONST {boolean isDecimal=false;} : '.' {_ttype = DOT;} (('0'..'9')+ (EXPONENT)? (FLT_SUFFIX)? { _ttype = FLT_CONST; })? | ( '0' {isDecimal = true;} // special case for just '0' ( ('x') ( // hex // the 'e'|'E' and float suffix stuff look // like hex digits, hence the (...)+ doesn't // know when to stop: ambig.  ANTLR resolves // it correctly by matching immediately.  It // is therefor ok to hush warning. options { warnWhenFollowAmbig=false; } : HEX_DIGIT )+ | ('0'..'7')+ // octal )? | ('1'..'9') ('0'..'9')*  {isDecimal=true;} // non-zero decimal ) ( ('l') // only check to see if it's a float if looks like decimal so far | {isDecimal}? ( '.' ('0'..'9')* (EXPONENT)? (FLT_SUFFIX)? | EXPONENT (FLT_SUFFIX)? | FLT_SUFFIX ) { _ttype = FLT_CONST; } )? ; // a couple protected methods to assist in matching floating point numbers protected EXPONENT : ('e') ('+'|'-')? ('0'..'9')+ ; protected FLT_SUFFIX : 'f'|'d' ;