- (*
- ANTLR Translator Generator
- Project led by Terence Parr at
- Software rights:
- $Id: //depot/code/org.antlr/release/antlr-2.7.0/lib/sather/Antlr/ $
- *)
- abstract class $ANTLR_AST{ AST < $ANTLR_AST{AST} } is
- equals( t : AST ) : BOOL;
- equals_list( t : AST ) : BOOL ;
- equals_list_partial( t : AST ) : BOOL;
- equals_tree( t : AST) : BOOL ;
- equals_tree_partial( t : AST ) : BOOL;
- find_all( tree : AST ) : ARRAY{AST};
- find_all_partial( subtree : AST ) : ARRAY{AST};
- dup : AST;
- create( t : INT, txt : STR ) : AST;
- create_from_ast( t : AST ) : AST;
- create_from_token( t : $ANTLR_TOKEN ) : AST;
- -- add a (rightmost child to this node
- add_child( c : AST );
- -- Get the first child of this node; null if no children
- first_child : AST;
- -- Set the first child of a node.
- first_child( c : AST );
- -- Get the next sibling in line after this one
- next_sibling : AST;
- -- Set the next sibling after this one.
- next_sibling( n : AST );
- -- Get the token text for this node
- text : STR;
- -- Set the token text for this node
- text( text : STR );
- -- Get the token type for this node
- ttype : INT;
- -- Set the token type for this node
- ttype( ttype : INT );
- str : STR;
- str_list : STR;
- str_tree : STR;
- end;