- package antlr;
- /* ANTLR Translator Generator
- * Project led by Terence Parr at http://www.jGuru.com
- * Software rights: http://www.antlr.org/RIGHTS.html
- *
- * $Id: //depot/code/org.antlr/release/antlr-2.7.0/antlr/CppCharFormatter.java#1 $
- */
- // C++ code generator by Pete Wells: pete@yamuna.demon.co.uk
- class CppCharFormatter implements CharFormatter {
- /** Given a character value, return a string representing the character
- * that can be embedded inside a string literal or character literal
- * This works for Java/C/C++ code-generation and languages with compatible
- * special-character-escapment.
- * Code-generators for languages should override this method.
- * @param c The character of interest.
- * @param forCharLiteral true to escape for char literal, false for string literal
- */
- public String escapeChar(int c, boolean forCharLiteral) {
- switch (c) {
- case 'n' : return "\n";
- case 't' : return "\t";
- case 'r' : return "\r";
- case '\' : return "\\";
- case ''' : return forCharLiteral ? "\'" : "'";
- case '"' : return forCharLiteral ? """ : "\"";
- default :
- if ( c<' '||c>126 ) {
- if (c > 255) {
- return "\u" + Integer.toString(c,16);
- }
- else {
- return "\" + Integer.toString(c,8);
- }
- }
- else {
- return String.valueOf((char)c);
- }
- }
- }
- /** Converts a String into a representation that can be use as a literal
- * when surrounded by double-quotes.
- * @param s The String to be changed into a literal
- */
- public String escapeString(String s)
- {
- String retval = new String();
- for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++)
- {
- retval += escapeChar(s.charAt(i), false);
- }
- return retval;
- }
- /** Given a character value, return a string representing the character
- * literal that can be recognized by the target language compiler.
- * This works for languages that use single-quotes for character literals.
- * Code-generators for languages should override this method.
- * @param c The character of interest.
- */
- public String literalChar(int c) {
- return "static_cast<unsigned char>('" + escapeChar(c, true) + "')";
- }
- /** Converts a String into a string literal
- * This works for languages that use double-quotes for string literals.
- * Code-generators for languages should override this method.
- * @param s The String to be changed into a literal
- */
- public String literalString(String s)
- {
- return """ + escapeString(s) + """;
- }
- }