- package antlr;
- /* ANTLR Translator Generator
- * Project led by Terence Parr at
- * Software rights:
- *
- * $Id: //depot/code/org.antlr/release/antlr-2.7.0/antlr/ $
- */
- /** A private circular buffer object used by the token buffer */
- class TokenQueue {
- // Physical circular buffer of tokens
- private Token[] buffer;
- // buffer.length-1 for quick modulous
- private int sizeLessOne;
- // physical index of front token
- private int offset;
- // number of tokens in the queue
- protected int nbrEntries;
- public TokenQueue(int minSize) {
- // Find first power of 2 >= to requested size
- int size;
- for (size = 2; size < minSize; size *= 2) {;}
- init(size);
- }
- /** Add token to end of the queue
- * @param tok The token to add
- */
- public final void append(Token tok)
- {
- if (nbrEntries == buffer.length)
- {
- expand();
- }
- buffer[(offset + nbrEntries) & sizeLessOne] = tok;
- nbrEntries++;
- }
- /** Fetch a token from the queue by index
- * @param idx The index of the token to fetch, where zero is the token at the front of the queue
- */
- public final Token elementAt(int idx) {
- return buffer[(offset + idx) & sizeLessOne];
- }
- /** Expand the token buffer by doubling its capacity */
- private final void expand()
- {
- Token[] newBuffer = new Token[buffer.length * 2];
- // Copy the contents to the new buffer
- // Note that this will store the first logical item in the
- // first physical array element.
- for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++)
- {
- newBuffer[i] = elementAt(i);
- }
- // Re-initialize with new contents, keep old nbrEntries
- buffer = newBuffer;
- sizeLessOne = buffer.length - 1;
- offset = 0;
- }
- /** Initialize the queue.
- * @param size The initial size of the queue
- */
- private final void init(int size) {
- // Allocate buffer
- buffer = new Token[size];
- // Other initialization
- sizeLessOne = size - 1;
- offset = 0;
- nbrEntries = 0;
- }
- /** Remove token from front of queue */
- public final void removeFirst() {
- offset = (offset+1) & sizeLessOne;
- nbrEntries--;
- }
- }