- package antlr.debug;
- import antlr.ParserSharedInputState;
- import antlr.TokenStreamException;
- import antlr.LLkParser;
- import antlr.TokenBuffer;
- import antlr.TokenStream;
- import antlr.MismatchedTokenException;
- import antlr.RecognitionException;
- import antlr.collections.impl.BitSet;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import antlr.TokenStreamException;
- import antlr.debug.ParserEventSupport;
- import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
- public class LLkDebuggingParser extends LLkParser implements DebuggingParser {
- protected ParserEventSupport parserEventSupport = new ParserEventSupport(this);
- private boolean _notDebugMode = false;
- protected String ruleNames[];
- protected String semPredNames[];
- public LLkDebuggingParser(int k_) {
- super(k_);
- }
- public LLkDebuggingParser(ParserSharedInputState state, int k_) {
- super(state, k_);
- }
- public LLkDebuggingParser(TokenBuffer tokenBuf, int k_) {
- super(tokenBuf, k_);
- }
- public LLkDebuggingParser(TokenStream lexer, int k_) {
- super(lexer, k_);
- }
- public void addMessageListener(MessageListener l) {
- parserEventSupport.addMessageListener(l);
- }
- public void addParserListener(ParserListener l) {
- parserEventSupport.addParserListener(l);
- }
- public void addParserMatchListener(ParserMatchListener l) {
- parserEventSupport.addParserMatchListener(l);
- }
- public void addParserTokenListener(ParserTokenListener l) {
- parserEventSupport.addParserTokenListener(l);
- }
- public void addSemanticPredicateListener(SemanticPredicateListener l) {
- parserEventSupport.addSemanticPredicateListener(l);
- }
- public void addSyntacticPredicateListener(SyntacticPredicateListener l) {
- parserEventSupport.addSyntacticPredicateListener(l);
- }
- public void addTraceListener(TraceListener l) {
- parserEventSupport.addTraceListener(l);
- }
- /**Get another token object from the token stream */
- public void consume() {
- int la_1 = -99;
- try {la_1 = LA(1);}
- catch (TokenStreamException ignoreAnException) {}
- super.consume();
- parserEventSupport.fireConsume(la_1);
- }
- protected void fireEnterRule(int num,int data) {
- if (isDebugMode())
- parserEventSupport.fireEnterRule(num,inputState.guessing,data);
- }
- protected void fireExitRule(int num,int data) {
- if (isDebugMode())
- parserEventSupport.fireExitRule(num,inputState.guessing,data);
- }
- protected boolean fireSemanticPredicateEvaluated(int type, int num, boolean condition) {
- if (isDebugMode())
- return parserEventSupport.fireSemanticPredicateEvaluated(type,num,condition,inputState.guessing);
- else
- return condition;
- }
- protected void fireSyntacticPredicateFailed() {
- if (isDebugMode())
- parserEventSupport.fireSyntacticPredicateFailed(inputState.guessing);
- }
- protected void fireSyntacticPredicateStarted() {
- if (isDebugMode())
- parserEventSupport.fireSyntacticPredicateStarted(inputState.guessing);
- }
- protected void fireSyntacticPredicateSucceeded() {
- if (isDebugMode())
- parserEventSupport.fireSyntacticPredicateSucceeded(inputState.guessing);
- }
- public String getRuleName(int num) {
- return ruleNames[num];
- }
- public String getSemPredName(int num) {
- return semPredNames[num];
- }
- public synchronized void goToSleep() {
- try {wait();}
- catch (InterruptedException e) { }
- }
- public boolean isDebugMode() {
- return !_notDebugMode;
- }
- public boolean isGuessing() {
- return inputState.guessing > 0;
- }
- /** Return the token type of the ith token of lookahead where i=1
- * is the current token being examined by the parser (i.e., it
- * has not been matched yet).
- */
- public int LA(int i) throws TokenStreamException {
- int la = super.LA(i);
- parserEventSupport.fireLA(i, la);
- return la;
- }
- /**Make sure current lookahead symbol matches token type <tt>t</tt>.
- * Throw an exception upon mismatch, which is catch by either the
- * error handler or by the syntactic predicate.
- */
- public void match(int t) throws MismatchedTokenException, TokenStreamException {
- String text = LT(1).getText();
- int la_1 = LA(1);
- try {
- super.match(t);
- parserEventSupport.fireMatch(t, text, inputState.guessing);
- }
- catch (MismatchedTokenException e) {
- if (inputState.guessing == 0)
- parserEventSupport.fireMismatch(la_1, t, text, inputState.guessing);
- throw e;
- }
- }
- /**Make sure current lookahead symbol matches the given set
- * Throw an exception upon mismatch, which is catch by either the
- * error handler or by the syntactic predicate.
- */
- public void match(BitSet b) throws MismatchedTokenException, TokenStreamException {
- String text = LT(1).getText();
- int la_1 = LA(1);
- try {
- super.match(b);
- parserEventSupport.fireMatch(la_1,b, text, inputState.guessing);
- }
- catch (MismatchedTokenException e) {
- if (inputState.guessing == 0)
- parserEventSupport.fireMismatch(la_1, b, text, inputState.guessing);
- throw e;
- }
- }
- public void matchNot(int t) throws MismatchedTokenException, TokenStreamException {
- String text = LT(1).getText();
- int la_1 = LA(1);
- try {
- super.matchNot(t);
- parserEventSupport.fireMatchNot(la_1, t, text, inputState.guessing);
- }
- catch (MismatchedTokenException e) {
- if (inputState.guessing == 0)
- parserEventSupport.fireMismatchNot(la_1, t, text, inputState.guessing);
- throw e;
- }
- }
- public void removeMessageListener(MessageListener l) {
- parserEventSupport.removeMessageListener(l);
- }
- public void removeParserListener(ParserListener l) {
- parserEventSupport.removeParserListener(l);
- }
- public void removeParserMatchListener(ParserMatchListener l) {
- parserEventSupport.removeParserMatchListener(l);
- }
- public void removeParserTokenListener(ParserTokenListener l) {
- parserEventSupport.removeParserTokenListener(l);
- }
- public void removeSemanticPredicateListener(SemanticPredicateListener l) {
- parserEventSupport.removeSemanticPredicateListener(l);
- }
- public void removeSyntacticPredicateListener(SyntacticPredicateListener l) {
- parserEventSupport.removeSyntacticPredicateListener(l);
- }
- public void removeTraceListener(TraceListener l) {
- parserEventSupport.removeTraceListener(l);
- }
- /** Parser error-reporting function can be overridden in subclass */
- public void reportError(RecognitionException ex) {
- parserEventSupport.fireReportError(ex);
- super.reportError(ex);
- }
- /** Parser error-reporting function can be overridden in subclass */
- public void reportError(String s) {
- parserEventSupport.fireReportError(s);
- super.reportError(s);
- }
- /** Parser warning-reporting function can be overridden in subclass */
- public void reportWarning(String s) {
- parserEventSupport.fireReportWarning(s);
- super.reportWarning(s);
- }
- public void setDebugMode(boolean value) {
- _notDebugMode = !value;
- }
- public void setupDebugging(TokenBuffer tokenBuf) {
- setupDebugging(null, tokenBuf);
- }
- public void setupDebugging(TokenStream lexer) {
- setupDebugging(lexer, null);
- }
- /** User can override to do their own debugging */
- protected void setupDebugging(TokenStream lexer, TokenBuffer tokenBuf) {
- setDebugMode(true);
- // default parser debug setup is ParseView
- try {
- try {
- Class.forName("javax.swing.JButton");
- }
- catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- System.err.println("Swing is required to use ParseView, but is not present in your CLASSPATH");
- System.exit(1);
- }
- Class c = Class.forName("antlr.parseview.ParseView");
- Constructor constructor = c.getConstructor(new Class[] {LLkDebuggingParser.class, TokenStream.class, TokenBuffer.class});
- constructor.newInstance(new Object[] {this, lexer, tokenBuf});
- }
- catch(Exception e) {
- System.err.println("Error initializing ParseView: "+e);
- System.err.println("Please report this to Scott Stanchfield, thetick@magelang.com");
- System.exit(1);
- }
- }
- public synchronized void wakeUp() {
- notify();
- }
- }