- // $ANTLR 2.7.0a11: "preproc.g" -> ""$
- package antlr.preprocessor;
- import;
- import antlr.TokenStreamException;
- import antlr.TokenStreamIOException;
- import antlr.TokenStreamRecognitionException;
- import antlr.CharStreamException;
- import antlr.CharStreamIOException;
- import antlr.ANTLRException;
- import;
- import java.util.Hashtable;
- import antlr.CharScanner;
- import antlr.InputBuffer;
- import antlr.ByteBuffer;
- import antlr.CharBuffer;
- import antlr.Token;
- import antlr.CommonToken;
- import antlr.RecognitionException;
- import antlr.NoViableAltForCharException;
- import antlr.MismatchedCharException;
- import antlr.TokenStream;
- import antlr.ANTLRHashString;
- import antlr.LexerSharedInputState;
- import antlr.collections.impl.BitSet;
- public class PreprocessorLexer extends antlr.CharScanner implements PreprocessorTokenTypes, TokenStream
- {
- public PreprocessorLexer(InputStream in) {
- this(new ByteBuffer(in));
- }
- public PreprocessorLexer(Reader in) {
- this(new CharBuffer(in));
- }
- public PreprocessorLexer(InputBuffer ib) {
- this(new LexerSharedInputState(ib));
- }
- public PreprocessorLexer(LexerSharedInputState state) {
- super(state);
- literals = new Hashtable();
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("catch", this), new Integer(23));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("exception", this), new Integer(22));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("class", this), new Integer(7));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("public", this), new Integer(17));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("tokens", this), new Integer(4));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("returns", this), new Integer(20));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("private", this), new Integer(16));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("protected", this), new Integer(15));
- literals.put(new ANTLRHashString("extends", this), new Integer(9));
- caseSensitiveLiterals = true;
- setCaseSensitive(true);
- }
- public Token nextToken() throws TokenStreamException {
- Token theRetToken=null;
- tryAgain:
- for (;;) {
- Token _token = null;
- int _ttype = Token.INVALID_TYPE;
- resetText();
- try { // for char stream error handling
- try { // for lexical error handling
- switch ( LA(1)) {
- case ':':
- {
- mRULE_BLOCK(true);
- theRetToken=_returnToken;
- break;
- }
- case 't': case 'n': case 'r': case ' ':
- {
- mWS(true);
- theRetToken=_returnToken;
- break;
- }
- case '(':
- {
- theRetToken=_returnToken;
- break;
- }
- case '/':
- {
- mCOMMENT(true);
- theRetToken=_returnToken;
- break;
- }
- case '{':
- {
- mACTION(true);
- theRetToken=_returnToken;
- break;
- }
- case '"':
- {
- theRetToken=_returnToken;
- break;
- }
- case ''':
- {
- mCHAR_LITERAL(true);
- theRetToken=_returnToken;
- break;
- }
- case '!':
- {
- mBANG(true);
- theRetToken=_returnToken;
- break;
- }
- case ';':
- {
- mSEMI(true);
- theRetToken=_returnToken;
- break;
- }
- case '}':
- {
- mRCURLY(true);
- theRetToken=_returnToken;
- break;
- }
- case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D':
- case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H':
- case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L':
- case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P':
- case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T':
- case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X':
- case 'Y': case 'Z': case '_': case 'a':
- case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e':
- case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i':
- case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm':
- case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q':
- case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u':
- case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y':
- case 'z':
- {
- mID_OR_KEYWORD(true);
- theRetToken=_returnToken;
- break;
- }
- case '=':
- {
- mASSIGN_RHS(true);
- theRetToken=_returnToken;
- break;
- }
- case '[':
- {
- mARG_ACTION(true);
- theRetToken=_returnToken;
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- if (LA(1)==EOF_CHAR) {uponEOF(); _returnToken = makeToken(Token.EOF_TYPE);}
- else {throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());}
- }
- }
- if ( _returnToken==null ) continue tryAgain; // found SKIP token
- _ttype = _returnToken.getType();
- _ttype = testLiteralsTable(_ttype);
- _returnToken.setType(_ttype);
- return _returnToken;
- }
- catch (RecognitionException e) {
- reportError(e);
- consume();
- }
- }
- catch (CharStreamException cse) {
- if ( cse instanceof CharStreamIOException ) {
- throw new TokenStreamIOException(((CharStreamIOException)cse).io);
- }
- else {
- throw new TokenStreamException(cse.getMessage());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public final void mRULE_BLOCK(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = RULE_BLOCK;
- int _saveIndex;
- match(':');
- {
- if ((_tokenSet_0.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_1.member(LA(2)))) {
- _saveIndex=text.length();
- mWS(false);
- text.setLength(_saveIndex);
- }
- else if ((_tokenSet_1.member(LA(1))) && (true)) {
- }
- else {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- mALT(false);
- {
- switch ( LA(1)) {
- case 't': case 'n': case 'r': case ' ':
- {
- _saveIndex=text.length();
- mWS(false);
- text.setLength(_saveIndex);
- break;
- }
- case ';': case '|':
- {
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- }
- {
- _loop38:
- do {
- if ((LA(1)=='|')) {
- match('|');
- {
- if ((_tokenSet_0.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_1.member(LA(2)))) {
- _saveIndex=text.length();
- mWS(false);
- text.setLength(_saveIndex);
- }
- else if ((_tokenSet_1.member(LA(1))) && (true)) {
- }
- else {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- mALT(false);
- {
- switch ( LA(1)) {
- case 't': case 'n': case 'r': case ' ':
- {
- _saveIndex=text.length();
- mWS(false);
- text.setLength(_saveIndex);
- break;
- }
- case ';': case '|':
- {
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- break _loop38;
- }
- } while (true);
- }
- match(';');
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- public final void mWS(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = WS;
- int _saveIndex;
- {
- int _cnt74=0;
- _loop74:
- do {
- if ((LA(1)==' ') && (true)) {
- match(' ');
- }
- else if ((LA(1)=='t') && (true)) {
- match('t');
- }
- else if ((LA(1)=='n'||LA(1)=='r') && (true)) {
- mNEWLINE(false);
- }
- else {
- if ( _cnt74>=1 ) { break _loop74; } else {throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());}
- }
- _cnt74++;
- } while (true);
- }
- _ttype = Token.SKIP;
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- protected final void mALT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = ALT;
- int _saveIndex;
- {
- _loop49:
- do {
- if ((_tokenSet_2.member(LA(1))) && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- mELEMENT(false);
- }
- else {
- break _loop49;
- }
- } while (true);
- }
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- public final void mSUBRULE_BLOCK(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = SUBRULE_BLOCK;
- int _saveIndex;
- match('(');
- {
- if ((_tokenSet_0.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_3.member(LA(2)))) {
- mWS(false);
- }
- else if ((_tokenSet_3.member(LA(1))) && (true)) {
- }
- else {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- mALT(false);
- {
- _loop44:
- do {
- if ((_tokenSet_4.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_3.member(LA(2)))) {
- {
- switch ( LA(1)) {
- case 't': case 'n': case 'r': case ' ':
- {
- mWS(false);
- break;
- }
- case '|':
- {
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- }
- match('|');
- {
- if ((_tokenSet_0.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_3.member(LA(2)))) {
- mWS(false);
- }
- else if ((_tokenSet_3.member(LA(1))) && (true)) {
- }
- else {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- mALT(false);
- }
- else {
- break _loop44;
- }
- } while (true);
- }
- {
- switch ( LA(1)) {
- case 't': case 'n': case 'r': case ' ':
- {
- mWS(false);
- break;
- }
- case ')':
- {
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- }
- match(')');
- {
- if ((LA(1)=='=') && (LA(2)=='>')) {
- match("=>");
- }
- else if ((LA(1)=='*') && (true)) {
- match('*');
- }
- else if ((LA(1)=='+') && (true)) {
- match('+');
- }
- else if ((LA(1)=='?') && (true)) {
- match('?');
- }
- else {
- }
- }
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- protected final void mELEMENT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = ELEMENT;
- int _saveIndex;
- switch ( LA(1)) {
- case '/':
- {
- mCOMMENT(false);
- break;
- }
- case '{':
- {
- mACTION(false);
- break;
- }
- case '"':
- {
- break;
- }
- case ''':
- {
- mCHAR_LITERAL(false);
- break;
- }
- case '(':
- {
- mSUBRULE_BLOCK(false);
- break;
- }
- case 'n': case 'r':
- {
- mNEWLINE(false);
- break;
- }
- case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6':
- case '7': case '10': case 't': case '13':
- case '14': case '16': case '17': case '20':
- case '21': case '22': case '23': case '24':
- case '25': case '26': case '27': case '30':
- case '31': case '32': case '33': case '34':
- case '35': case '36': case '37': case ' ':
- case '!': case '#': case '$': case '%':
- case '&': case '*': case '+': case ',':
- case '-': case '.': case '0': case '1':
- case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5':
- case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
- case ':': case '<': case '=': case '>':
- case '?': case '@': case 'A': case 'B':
- case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F':
- case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J':
- case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N':
- case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R':
- case 'S': case 'T': case 'U': case 'V':
- case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z':
- case '[': case '\': case ']': case '^':
- case '_': case '`': case 'a': case 'b':
- case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f':
- case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j':
- case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n':
- case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r':
- case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v':
- case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z':
- case '|': case '}': case '~':
- {
- {
- match(_tokenSet_5);
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- public final void mCOMMENT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = COMMENT;
- int _saveIndex;
- {
- if ((LA(1)=='/') && (LA(2)=='/')) {
- mSL_COMMENT(false);
- }
- else if ((LA(1)=='/') && (LA(2)=='*')) {
- mML_COMMENT(false);
- }
- else {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- _ttype = Token.SKIP;
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- public final void mACTION(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = ACTION;
- int _saveIndex;
- match('{');
- {
- _loop104:
- do {
- // nongreedy exit test
- if ((LA(1)=='}') && (true)) break _loop104;
- if ((LA(1)=='n'||LA(1)=='r') && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- mNEWLINE(false);
- }
- else if ((LA(1)=='{') && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- mACTION(false);
- }
- else if ((LA(1)==''') && (_tokenSet_6.member(LA(2)))) {
- mCHAR_LITERAL(false);
- }
- else if ((LA(1)=='/') && (LA(2)=='*'||LA(2)=='/')) {
- mCOMMENT(false);
- }
- else if ((LA(1)=='"') && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- }
- else if (((LA(1) >= '3' && LA(1) <= '~')) && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- matchNot(EOF_CHAR);
- }
- else {
- break _loop104;
- }
- } while (true);
- }
- match('}');
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- public final void mSTRING_LITERAL(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = STRING_LITERAL;
- int _saveIndex;
- match('"');
- {
- _loop89:
- do {
- switch ( LA(1)) {
- case '\':
- {
- mESC(false);
- break;
- }
- case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6':
- case '7': case '10': case 't': case 'n':
- case '13': case '14': case 'r': case '16':
- case '17': case '20': case '21': case '22':
- case '23': case '24': case '25': case '26':
- case '27': case '30': case '31': case '32':
- case '33': case '34': case '35': case '36':
- case '37': case ' ': case '!': case '#':
- case '$': case '%': case '&': case ''':
- case '(': case ')': case '*': case '+':
- case ',': case '-': case '.': case '/':
- case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
- case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
- case '8': case '9': case ':': case ';':
- case '<': case '=': case '>': case '?':
- case '@': case 'A': case 'B': case 'C':
- case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G':
- case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K':
- case 'L': case 'M': case 'N': case 'O':
- case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S':
- case 'T': case 'U': case 'V': case 'W':
- case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z': case '[':
- case ']': case '^': case '_': case '`':
- case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd':
- case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h':
- case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l':
- case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p':
- case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't':
- case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x':
- case 'y': case 'z': case '{': case '|':
- case '}': case '~':
- {
- matchNot('"');
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- break _loop89;
- }
- }
- } while (true);
- }
- match('"');
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- public final void mCHAR_LITERAL(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = CHAR_LITERAL;
- int _saveIndex;
- match(''');
- {
- switch ( LA(1)) {
- case '\':
- {
- mESC(false);
- break;
- }
- case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6':
- case '7': case '10': case 't': case 'n':
- case '13': case '14': case 'r': case '16':
- case '17': case '20': case '21': case '22':
- case '23': case '24': case '25': case '26':
- case '27': case '30': case '31': case '32':
- case '33': case '34': case '35': case '36':
- case '37': case ' ': case '!': case '"':
- case '#': case '$': case '%': case '&':
- case '(': case ')': case '*': case '+':
- case ',': case '-': case '.': case '/':
- case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
- case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
- case '8': case '9': case ':': case ';':
- case '<': case '=': case '>': case '?':
- case '@': case 'A': case 'B': case 'C':
- case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G':
- case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K':
- case 'L': case 'M': case 'N': case 'O':
- case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S':
- case 'T': case 'U': case 'V': case 'W':
- case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z': case '[':
- case ']': case '^': case '_': case '`':
- case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd':
- case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h':
- case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l':
- case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p':
- case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't':
- case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x':
- case 'y': case 'z': case '{': case '|':
- case '}': case '~':
- {
- matchNot(''');
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- }
- match(''');
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- protected final void mNEWLINE(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = NEWLINE;
- int _saveIndex;
- {
- if ((LA(1)=='r') && (LA(2)=='n')) {
- match('r');
- match('n');
- newline();
- }
- else if ((LA(1)=='r') && (true)) {
- match('r');
- newline();
- }
- else if ((LA(1)=='n')) {
- match('n');
- newline();
- }
- else {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- public final void mBANG(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = BANG;
- int _saveIndex;
- match('!');
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- public final void mSEMI(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = SEMI;
- int _saveIndex;
- match(';');
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- public final void mRCURLY(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = RCURLY;
- int _saveIndex;
- match('}');
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- /** This rule picks off keywords in the lexer that need to be
- * handled specially. For example, "header" is the start
- * of the header action (used to distinguish between options
- * block and an action). We do not want "header" to go back
- * to the parser as a simple must pick off
- * the action afterwards.
- */
- public final void mID_OR_KEYWORD(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = ID_OR_KEYWORD;
- int _saveIndex;
- Token id=null;
- mID(true);
- id=_returnToken;
- _ttype = id.getType();
- {
- if (((_tokenSet_7.member(LA(1))) && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~')))&&(id.getText().equals("header"))) {
- {
- if ((_tokenSet_0.member(LA(1))) && (_tokenSet_7.member(LA(2)))) {
- mWS(false);
- }
- else if ((_tokenSet_7.member(LA(1))) && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- }
- else {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- {
- switch ( LA(1)) {
- case '"':
- {
- break;
- }
- case 't': case 'n': case 'r': case ' ':
- case '{':
- {
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- }
- {
- switch ( LA(1)) {
- case 't': case 'n': case 'r': case ' ':
- {
- mWS(false);
- break;
- }
- case '{':
- {
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- }
- mACTION(false);
- _ttype = HEADER_ACTION;
- }
- else if (((_tokenSet_8.member(LA(1))) && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~')))&&(id.getText().equals("tokens"))) {
- {
- switch ( LA(1)) {
- case 't': case 'n': case 'r': case ' ':
- {
- mWS(false);
- break;
- }
- case '{':
- {
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- }
- _ttype = TOKENS_SPEC;
- }
- else if (((_tokenSet_8.member(LA(1))) && (true))&&(id.getText().equals("options"))) {
- {
- switch ( LA(1)) {
- case 't': case 'n': case 'r': case ' ':
- {
- mWS(false);
- break;
- }
- case '{':
- {
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- }
- match('{');
- _ttype = OPTIONS_START;
- }
- else {
- }
- }
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- protected final void mID(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = ID;
- int _saveIndex;
- {
- switch ( LA(1)) {
- case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd':
- case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h':
- case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l':
- case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p':
- case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't':
- case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x':
- case 'y': case 'z':
- {
- matchRange('a','z');
- break;
- }
- case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D':
- case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H':
- case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L':
- case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P':
- case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T':
- case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X':
- case 'Y': case 'Z':
- {
- matchRange('A','Z');
- break;
- }
- case '_':
- {
- match('_');
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- }
- {
- _loop68:
- do {
- switch ( LA(1)) {
- case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd':
- case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h':
- case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l':
- case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p':
- case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't':
- case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x':
- case 'y': case 'z':
- {
- matchRange('a','z');
- break;
- }
- case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D':
- case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H':
- case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L':
- case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P':
- case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T':
- case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X':
- case 'Y': case 'Z':
- {
- matchRange('A','Z');
- break;
- }
- case '_':
- {
- match('_');
- break;
- }
- case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
- case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
- case '8': case '9':
- {
- matchRange('0','9');
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- break _loop68;
- }
- }
- } while (true);
- }
- _ttype = testLiteralsTable(new String(text.getBuffer(),_begin,text.length()-_begin),_ttype);
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- protected final void mCURLY_BLOCK_SCARF(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- int _saveIndex;
- match('{');
- {
- _loop64:
- do {
- // nongreedy exit test
- if ((LA(1)=='}') && (true)) break _loop64;
- if ((LA(1)=='n'||LA(1)=='r') && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- mNEWLINE(false);
- }
- else if (((LA(1) >= '3' && LA(1) <= '~')) && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- matchNot(EOF_CHAR);
- }
- else {
- break _loop64;
- }
- } while (true);
- }
- match('}');
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- public final void mASSIGN_RHS(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = ASSIGN_RHS;
- int _saveIndex;
- _saveIndex=text.length();
- match('=');
- text.setLength(_saveIndex);
- {
- _loop71:
- do {
- // nongreedy exit test
- if ((LA(1)==';') && (true)) break _loop71;
- if ((LA(1)=='"') && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- }
- else if ((LA(1)==''') && (_tokenSet_6.member(LA(2)))) {
- mCHAR_LITERAL(false);
- }
- else if ((LA(1)=='n'||LA(1)=='r') && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- mNEWLINE(false);
- }
- else if (((LA(1) >= '3' && LA(1) <= '~')) && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- matchNot(EOF_CHAR);
- }
- else {
- break _loop71;
- }
- } while (true);
- }
- match(';');
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- protected final void mSL_COMMENT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = SL_COMMENT;
- int _saveIndex;
- match("//");
- {
- _loop81:
- do {
- // nongreedy exit test
- if ((LA(1)=='n'||LA(1)=='r') && (true)) break _loop81;
- if (((LA(1) >= '3' && LA(1) <= '~')) && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- matchNot(EOF_CHAR);
- }
- else {
- break _loop81;
- }
- } while (true);
- }
- mNEWLINE(false);
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- protected final void mML_COMMENT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = ML_COMMENT;
- int _saveIndex;
- match("/*");
- {
- _loop84:
- do {
- // nongreedy exit test
- if ((LA(1)=='*') && (LA(2)=='/')) break _loop84;
- if ((LA(1)=='n'||LA(1)=='r') && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- mNEWLINE(false);
- }
- else if (((LA(1) >= '3' && LA(1) <= '~')) && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- matchNot(EOF_CHAR);
- }
- else {
- break _loop84;
- }
- } while (true);
- }
- match("*/");
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- protected final void mESC(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = ESC;
- int _saveIndex;
- match('\');
- {
- switch ( LA(1)) {
- case 'n':
- {
- match('n');
- break;
- }
- case 'r':
- {
- match('r');
- break;
- }
- case 't':
- {
- match('t');
- break;
- }
- case 'b':
- {
- match('b');
- break;
- }
- case 'f':
- {
- match('f');
- break;
- }
- case 'w':
- {
- match('w');
- break;
- }
- case 'a':
- {
- match('a');
- break;
- }
- case '"':
- {
- match('"');
- break;
- }
- case ''':
- {
- match(''');
- break;
- }
- case '\':
- {
- match('\');
- break;
- }
- case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
- {
- {
- matchRange('0','3');
- }
- {
- if (((LA(1) >= '0' && LA(1) <= '9')) && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- mDIGIT(false);
- {
- if (((LA(1) >= '0' && LA(1) <= '9')) && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- mDIGIT(false);
- }
- else if (((LA(1) >= '3' && LA(1) <= '~')) && (true)) {
- }
- else {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- }
- else if (((LA(1) >= '3' && LA(1) <= '~')) && (true)) {
- }
- else {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
- {
- {
- matchRange('4','7');
- }
- {
- if (((LA(1) >= '0' && LA(1) <= '9')) && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- mDIGIT(false);
- }
- else if (((LA(1) >= '3' && LA(1) <= '~')) && (true)) {
- }
- else {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- case 'u':
- {
- match('u');
- mXDIGIT(false);
- mXDIGIT(false);
- mXDIGIT(false);
- mXDIGIT(false);
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- }
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- protected final void mDIGIT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = DIGIT;
- int _saveIndex;
- matchRange('0','9');
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- protected final void mXDIGIT(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = XDIGIT;
- int _saveIndex;
- switch ( LA(1)) {
- case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
- case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
- case '8': case '9':
- {
- matchRange('0','9');
- break;
- }
- case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd':
- case 'e': case 'f':
- {
- matchRange('a','f');
- break;
- }
- case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D':
- case 'E': case 'F':
- {
- matchRange('A','F');
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- throw new NoViableAltForCharException((char)LA(1), getFilename(), getLine());
- }
- }
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- public final void mARG_ACTION(boolean _createToken) throws RecognitionException, CharStreamException, TokenStreamException {
- int _ttype; Token _token=null; int _begin=text.length();
- _ttype = ARG_ACTION;
- int _saveIndex;
- match('[');
- {
- _loop101:
- do {
- // nongreedy exit test
- if ((LA(1)==']') && (true)) break _loop101;
- if ((LA(1)=='[') && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- mARG_ACTION(false);
- }
- else if ((LA(1)=='n'||LA(1)=='r') && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- mNEWLINE(false);
- }
- else if ((LA(1)==''') && (_tokenSet_6.member(LA(2)))) {
- mCHAR_LITERAL(false);
- }
- else if ((LA(1)=='"') && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- }
- else if (((LA(1) >= '3' && LA(1) <= '~')) && ((LA(2) >= '3' && LA(2) <= '~'))) {
- matchNot(EOF_CHAR);
- }
- else {
- break _loop101;
- }
- } while (true);
- }
- match(']');
- if ( _createToken && _token==null && _ttype!=Token.SKIP ) {
- _token = makeToken(_ttype);
- _token.setText(new String(text.getBuffer(), _begin, text.length()-_begin));
- }
- _returnToken = _token;
- }
- private static final long _tokenSet_0_data_[] = { 4294977024L, 0L, 0L };
- public static final BitSet _tokenSet_0 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_0_data_);
- private static final long _tokenSet_1_data_[] = { -2199023255560L, 9223372036854775807L, 0L, 0L };
- public static final BitSet _tokenSet_1 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_1_data_);
- private static final long _tokenSet_2_data_[] = { -576462951326679048L, 9223372036854775807L, 0L, 0L };
- public static final BitSet _tokenSet_2 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_2_data_);
- private static final long _tokenSet_3_data_[] = { -576460752303423496L, 9223372036854775807L, 0L, 0L };
- public static final BitSet _tokenSet_3 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_3_data_);
- private static final long _tokenSet_4_data_[] = { 4294977024L, 1152921504606846976L, 0L, 0L };
- public static final BitSet _tokenSet_4 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_4_data_);
- private static final long _tokenSet_5_data_[] = { -576605355262354440L, 8646911284551352319L, 0L, 0L };
- public static final BitSet _tokenSet_5 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_5_data_);
- private static final long _tokenSet_6_data_[] = { -549755813896L, 9223372036854775807L, 0L, 0L };
- public static final BitSet _tokenSet_6 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_6_data_);
- private static final long _tokenSet_7_data_[] = { 21474846208L, 576460752303423488L, 0L, 0L };
- public static final BitSet _tokenSet_7 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_7_data_);
- private static final long _tokenSet_8_data_[] = { 4294977024L, 576460752303423488L, 0L, 0L };
- public static final BitSet _tokenSet_8 = new BitSet(_tokenSet_8_data_);
- }