资源名称:unzip540.zip [点击查看]
- First information about the binary distribution of VMS UnZip 5.4
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- This archive comes in different variations:
- "unz540x-vms-<cpu-compiler>-{obj|exe}.exe",
- and
- "unz540x-vms-<cpu-compiler>-obj.bck",
- where <cpu-compiler> is "axp", "vax-decc", or "vax-vaxc", depending on
- the environment used for creating the binaries.
- ...-obj.exe denotes object library distributions that require
- a link step on the local machine.
- ...-exe.exe denotes "ready-to-run" executable distributions, that do
- not require additional work. The caveat of these executable distribution
- is that they do not run on VMS versions that are older than the system
- used for building the executables (typical error message: "shareable
- library mismatch").
- ...-obj.bck are uncompressed VMS backup saveset distributions of the
- object libraries. They are much larger than the self-extracting Zip
- archives and are only supplied for people with (old) versions of VMS
- where the supplied SFX archives do not work. Therefore, if you already
- have an old version of UnZip for VMS (5.0p1, better: 5.2), the better
- choice is to fetch the Zip SFX archive and extract it manually, using
- the older VMS UnZip program.
- Note that backup savesets are 32256-bytes-fixed-length-record files;
- when tranfered via binary FTP, the resulting file's record format is
- usually 512-bytes-fixed-length. Before extracting them with BACKUP, the
- record size of the saveset has to be restored to 32256 bytes (best done
- with the public domain "FILE" utility, available from DECUS; or found on
- ftp.wku.edu.). The contents of these saveset are identically to the
- corresponding ...-obj.exe archives.
- Contents of the "vms" executables self extracting archives
- for UnZip 5.4:
- a) common files (documentation etc.):
- 00binary.vms this file
- readme.vms general VMS info about using UnZip and zipfiles
- readme what UnZip is; general information
- copying copyrights and distribution policy
- where pointer to Zip/UnZip support archives
- makesfx.com command file to create self-extracting archives
- unzip.doc UnZip manual page, human-readable format
- unzipsfx.doc UnZipSFX manual page, human-readable format
- zipinfo.doc ZipInfo manual page, human-readable format
- 3rdparty.bug known bugs in PK[UN]ZIP, WinZip, etc.
- unzip.hlp UnZip help module, for default command interface
- unzip_cli.hlp UnZip help module, for VMSCLI command interface
- unzipsfx.hlp UnZipSFX pre-formatted help page
- b) object library distributions:
- link_unz.com command procedure for the linking step
- vms/unzip.opt auxiliary files required for linking step
- vms/unzipsfx.opt ...
- unzip.<cpu_compiler>_olb object libraries for UnZip and UnZipSFX
- unzipsfx.<cpu_compiler>_olb (both command interfaces)
- unzipcli.<cpu_compiler>_olb additional object libraries for UnZip and
- unzsfxcli.<cpu_compiler>_olb UnZipSFX, VMSCLI (DCL like) interface
- c) executable distributions:
- unzip.exe UnZip executable, default command interface
- unzipsfx.exe UnZipSFX executable, default command interace
- unzip_cli.exe UnZip executable, VMSCLI command interface
- (To save space, unzipsfx_cli.exe has been omitted from the executable
- distributions. The command interface of the SFX stubs is of minor
- importance, anyway, since it cannot be used without first defining a
- "foreign command" to run the SFX archive. In most cases, it is much
- easier to use "$run <zipsfxarchive>.exe" at the command prompt.)
- The binary files "*.<...>_olb" and "*.exe" have been stored in the Zip
- archives with VMS attributes saved! If you extract them using a non-VMS
- port of UnZip, you may get unusable files.
- If you decided to fetch the object library distribution, you have to
- link the executables on your local site. This requires runtime support
- for the C runtime library to be installed, which may not be present
- on older VAX VMS systems (prior to VMS 6).
- To create the executables, just invoke the "link_unz.com" command procedure.
- This will generate all executables (both unzip with UNIX-style command syntax
- and with VMSCLI command interface), but note that the executable's
- extension is ".<cpu_compiler>_exe"!
- In case your system is a VAX and your current working directory carries
- both the DEC C and the VAX C object distributions, you have to specify
- either "VAXC" or "DECC" to tell link_unz.com which binaries you want
- to build.
- Additionally, link_unz.com defines foreign commands for the newly linked
- executables, so you can test them without any further work.
- In order to use the default (UNIX-like) command interface, you can
- proceed straight ahead after unpacking the distribution.
- If you rather prefer to use the VMSCLI interface, you have to specify
- the option "VMSCLI" (or just "CLI") to the command starting link_unz.com.
- The executables (object libraries) in this archive have been compiled
- with the following options enabled:
- * [decription support]
- The environment used for compilation was:
- a) On Alpha AXP : OpenVMS(AXP) 6.2; DEC C V 5.6-003
- b1) On VAX : OpenVMS(VAX) 6.1; DEC C V 4.0
- b2) alternatively VAX C V 3.2
- One final note:
- The binary files of the distribution have been archived with "saving all VMS
- attributes" enabled. Please do not repack the binary part of the archives on
- a non-VMS system, to prevent corruption of the files.
- 04 December 1997, Christian Spieler