资源名称 [点击查看]
- #==============================================================================
- # Makefile for UnZip, UnZipSFX & fUnZip: Atari ST Chris Herborth
- # Version: UnZip 5.20+, MiNT, GNU C 11 February 1996
- #==============================================================================
- # Based on the original unix Makefile and modified by Chris Herborth
- # (, Nov.13/93.
- # Be sure to test your new UnZip (and UnZipSFX and fUnZip); successful com-
- # pilation does not always imply a working program.
- #####################
- #####################
- # Defaults most systems use (use LOCAL_UNZIP in environment to add flags,
- # such as -DDOSWILD).
- # UnZip flags
- # NOTE: 'cgcc' is my cross-compiler; you'll probably use 'gcc' instead.
- CC = cgcc
- LD = cgcc
- CF = -mbaserel -mpcrel -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -I. $(LOC)
- # CF = -O -I. $(LOC)
- # CF = -mbaserel -O -I. $(LOC)
- LF = -mbaserel -mpcrel -o unzip.ttp
- LF2 = -s -lbiio
- # UnZipSFX flags
- XC = -DSFX
- XL = -mbaserel -mpcrel -o unzipsfx.ttp
- XL2 = $(LF2)
- # fUnZip flags
- FL = -mbaserel -mpcrel -o funzip.ttp
- FL2 = $(LF2)
- # general-purpose stuff
- CP = cp
- LN = ln -s
- RM = rm -f
- E = .ttp
- O = .o
- M = atari
- SHELL = /bin/sh
- # object files
- OBJS1 = unzip$O crc32$O crctab$O crypt$O envargs$O explode$O
- OBJS2 = extract$O fileio$O globals$O inflate$O list$O match$O
- OBJS3 = process$O ttyio$O unreduce$O unshrink$O zipinfo$O
- OBJS = $(OBJS1) $(OBJS2) $(OBJS3) $M$O
- OBJX = unzipsfx$O crc32$O crctab$O crypt$O extract_$O fileio$O globals$O
- inflate$O match$O process_$O ttyio$O $M_$O
- OBJF = funzip$O crc32$O crypt_$O globals_$O inflate_$O ttyio_$O
- UNZIP_H = unzip.h unzpriv.h globals.h
- # installation
- INSTALL = cp# probably can change this to 'install' if you have it
- # on some systems, manext=l and MANDIR=/usr/man/man$(manext) may be appropriate
- manext = 1
- MANDIR = /usr/local/man/man$(manext)# where to install man pages
- BINDIR = /usr/local/bin# where to install executables
- #
- UNZIPS = unzip$E funzip$E unzipsfx$E zipinfo$E
- MANS = unzip.$(manext) unzipsfx.$(manext) zipinfo.$(manext) funzip.$(manext)
- DOCS = unzip.doc unzipsfx.doc zipinfo.doc funzip.doc
- # this is a little ugly...
- INSTALLED = $(BINDIR)/unzip$E $(BINDIR)/zipinfo$E $(BINDIR)/funzip$E
- $(BINDIR)/unzipsfx$E $(MANDIR)/unzipsfx.$(manext)
- $(MANDIR)/unzip.$(manext) $(MANDIR)/zipinfo.$(manext)
- $(MANDIR)/funzip.$(manext)
- ###############################################
- ###############################################
- .c$O:
- $(CC) -c $(CF) $*.c
- all: unzips
- unzips: $(UNZIPS)
- docs: $(DOCS)
- unzipsman: unzips docs
- unzipsdocs: unzips docs
- clean:
- rm -f $(OBJS) $(OBJF) $(OBJX) $(UNZIPS)
- install: $(UNZIPS) $(MANS)
- $(LN) $(BINDIR)/unzip$E $(BINDIR)/zipinfo$E
- $(INSTALL) unix/unzip.1 $(MANDIR)/unzip.$(manext)
- $(INSTALL) unix/unzipsfx.1 $(MANDIR)/unzipsfx.$(manext)
- $(INSTALL) unix/zipinfo.1 $(MANDIR)/zipinfo.$(manext)
- $(INSTALL) unix/funzip.1 $(MANDIR)/funzip.$(manext)
- # alternatively, could use zip method: -cd $(BINDIR); rm -f $(UNZIPS) [etc.]
- uninstall:
- rm -f $(INSTALLED)
- unzip$E: $(OBJS) # add `&' if parallel makes supported
- $(LD) $(LF) $(LOBJS) $(LF2)
- unzipsfx$E: $(OBJX) # add `&' if parallel makes supported
- $(LD) $(XL) $(OBJX) $(XL2)
- funzip$E: $(OBJF) # add `&' if parallel makes supported
- $(LD) $(FL) $(OBJF) $(FL2)
- zipinfo$E: unzip$E
- @echo
- ' This is a Unix-inspired target. If your filesystem does not support'
- @echo
- ' symbolic links, copy unzip.ttp to zipinfo.ttp rather than linking it,'
- @echo
- ' or else invoke as "unzip -Z".'
- $(LN) unzip$E zipinfo$E
- crc32$O: crc32.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h
- crctab$O: crctab.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h
- crypt$O: crypt.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h ttyio.h
- envargs$O: envargs.c $(UNZIP_H)
- explode$O: explode.c $(UNZIP_H)
- extract$O: extract.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h
- fileio$O: fileio.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h ttyio.h ebcdic.h
- funzip$O: funzip.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h ttyio.h tables.h
- globals$O: globals.c $(UNZIP_H)
- inflate$O: inflate.c inflate.h $(UNZIP_H)
- list$O: list.c $(UNZIP_H)
- match$O: match.c $(UNZIP_H)
- process$O: process.c $(UNZIP_H)
- ttyio$O: ttyio.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h ttyio.h
- unreduce$O: unreduce.c $(UNZIP_H)
- unshrink$O: unshrink.c $(UNZIP_H)
- unzip$O: unzip.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h version.h consts.h
- zipinfo$O: zipinfo.c $(UNZIP_H)
- crypt_$O: crypt.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h ttyio.h # funzip only
- $(CP) crypt.c crypt_.c
- $(CC) -c $(CF) $(FC) crypt_.c
- $(RM) crypt_.c
- globals_$O: globals.c $(UNZIP_H)
- $(CP) globals.c globals_.c
- $(CC) -c $(CF) $(FC) globals_.c
- $(RM) globals_.c
- inflate_$O: inflate.c inflate.h $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h # funzip only
- $(CP) inflate.c inflate_.c
- $(CC) -c $(CF) $(FC) inflate_.c
- $(RM) inflate_.c
- ttyio_$O: ttyio.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h crypt.h ttyio.h # funzip only
- $(CP) ttyio.c ttyio_.c
- $(CC) -c $(CF) $(FC) ttyio_.c
- $(RM) ttyio_.c
- unzipsfx$O: unzip.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h version.h consts.h # unzipsfx only
- $(CP) unzip.c unzip_.c
- $(CC) -c $(CF) $(XC) unzip_.c
- $(RM) unzip_.c
- extract_$O: extract.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h # unzipsfx only
- $(CP) extract.c extract_.c
- $(CC) -c $(CF) $(XC) extract_.c
- $(RM) extract_.c
- process_$O: process.c $(UNZIP_H) # unzipsfx only
- $(CP) process.c process_.c
- $(CC) -c $(CF) $(XC) process_.c
- $(RM) process_.c
- # atari$O: atari/atari.c $(UNZIP_H) # Atari only
- # $(CC) -c $(CF) atari/atari.c
- atari$O: atari.c $(UNZIP_H)
- atari_$O: atari.c $(UNZIP_H) # unzipsfx only
- $(CP) atari.c atari_.c
- $(CC) -c $(CF) $(XC) atari_.c
- $(RM) atari_.c