资源名称 [点击查看]
- There are now several entry points to the dll.
- There is a single "unzipping" entry point of:
- Wiz_SingleEntryUnzip(int ifnc, char **ifnv, int xfnc, char **xfnv,
- where the arguments are:
- ifnc = number of file names being passed. If all files are to be
- extracted, then this can be zero.
- ifnv = file names to be unarchived. Wildcard patterns are recognized
- and expanded. If all files are to be extracted, then this can
- be NULL.
- xfnc = number of "file names to be excluded from processing" being
- passed. If all files are to be extracted, set this to zero.
- xfnv = file names to be excluded from the unarchiving process. Wildcard
- characters are allowed and expanded. If all files are to be
- extracted, set this argument to NULL.
- lpDCL = pointer to a structure with the flags for setting the
- various options, as well as the zip file name.
- lpUserFunc = pointer to a structure that contains pointers to functions
- in the calling application, as well as sizes passed back to
- the calling application etc. See below for a detailed description
- of all the parameters
- The DCL structure is shown below:
- typedef struct {
- int ExtractOnlyNewer; = true if you are to extract only newer
- int SpaceToUnderscore; = true if convert space to underscore
- int PromptToOverwrite; = true if prompt to overwrite is wanted
- int fQuiet; = quiet flag. 1 = few messages, 2 = no messages, 0 = all messages
- int ncflag = write to stdout if true
- int ntflag = test zip file
- int nvflag = verbose listing
- int nUflag = "update" (extract only newer/new files)
- int nzflag = display zip file comment
- int ndflag = all args are files/dir to be extracted
- int noflag = true if you are to always over-write files, false if not
- int naflag = do end-of-line translation
- int nZIflag; = get zip info if true
- int C_flag; = be case insensitive if TRUE
- int fPrivilege = 1 => restore Acl's, 2 => Use privileges
- LPSTR lpszZipFN = zip file name
- LPSTR lpszExtractDir = Directory to extract to. This should be NULL if you
- are extracting to the current directory.
- } DCL, far * LPDCL;
- The typedef's for the function pointers in the structure USERFUNCTIONS
- are shown immediately below.
- typedef unsigned short ush;
- typedef int (WINAPI DLLPRNT) (LPSTR, unsigned long);
- typedef int (WINAPI DLLSERVICE) (LPSTR, unsigned long);
- typedef void (WINAPI DLLSND) (void);
- typedef void (WINAPI DLLMESSAGE)(unsigned long, unsigned long, unsigned,
- unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, unsigned,
- char, LPSTR, LPSTR, unsigned long, char);
- typedef struct {
- DLLPRNT *print; = a pointer to the application's print routine.
- DLLSND *sound; = a pointer to the application's sound routine. This
- can be NULL if your application doesn't use
- sound.
- DLLREPLACE *replace = a pointer to the application's replace routine.
- DLLPASSWORD *password = a pointer to the application's password routine.
- DLLMESSAGE *SendApplicationMessage = a pointer to the application's routine
- for displaying information about specific files
- in the archive. Used for listing the contents of
- an archive.
- DLLSERVICE *ServCallBk = Callback function designed to be used for
- allowing the application to process Windows messages,
- or canceling the operation, as well as giving the
- option of a progress indicator. If this function
- returns a non-zero value, then it will terminate
- what it is doing. It provides the application with
- the name of the name of the archive member it has
- just processed, as well as it's original size.
- NOTE: The values below are filled in only when listing the contents of an
- archive.
- unsigned long TotalSizeComp = value to be filled in by the dll for the
- compressed total size of the archive. Note this
- value does not include the size of the archive
- header and central directory list.
- unsigned long TotalSize = value to be filled in by the dll for the total
- size of all files in the archive.
- int CompFactor = value to be filled in by the dll for the overall
- compression factor. This could actually be computed
- from the other values, but it is available.
- unsigned int NumMembers = total number of files in the archive.
- WORD cchComment; = flag to be set if archive has a comment
- For examples of how the actual calls to the dll are set up in WiZ, look in
- the files action.c and wizmain.c in the WiZ source directory. For a trival
- example of how to load and call the dll, look in example.c and example.h.
- For examples of how the actual loading and unloading of the dll's themselves
- was done, look in wizmain.c in the WiZ source directory. Note that WiZ looks
- specifically for a particular version number of the dll, and also expects to
- find the company name to be Info-ZIP. This is to protect from getting
- different versions of the dll loaded, with resulting unknown behavior.
- Additional entry points:
- void WINAPI UzpVersion2(UzpVer far *);
- where UzpVer is defined as:
- typedef struct _UzpVer {
- ulg structlen; /* length of the struct being passed */
- ulg flag; /* bit 0: is_beta bit 1: uses_zlib */
- LPSTR betalevel; /* e.g., "g BETA" or "" */
- LPSTR date; /* e.g., "4 Sep 95" (beta) or "4 September 1995" */
- LPSTR zlib_version; /* e.g., "1.0.5" or NULL */
- _version_type unzip;
- _version_type zipinfo;
- _version_type os2dll;
- _version_type windll;
- } UzpVer;
- and _version_type is defined as:
- typedef struct _ver {
- uch major; /* e.g., integer 5 */
- uch minor; /* e.g., 2 */
- uch patchlevel; /* e.g., 0 */
- uch not_used;
- } _version_type;
- See api.c for exactly what UzpVersion2 does, but the short version of
- what it does is fill in the version information in the UzpVer structure.
- void WINAPI Wiz_NoPrinting(int flag)
- This entry point simply turns off all messages to the calling application if
- flag is true, and turns them on if flag is false.
- int WINAPI Wiz_Validate(LPSTR archive, int AllCodes)
- If AllCodes is FALSE, then Unz_Validate returns TRUE if archive points to a
- valid archive, and FALSE otherwise. If AllCodes is TRUE, then Unz_Validate
- returns whatever error code process_zipfiles returns, without evaluating it.
- int WINAPI Wiz_UnzipToMemory(LPSTR zip, LPSTR file, LPUSERFUNCTIONS lpUserFunc,
- UzpBuffer *retstr)
- Where UzpBuffer is defined as:
- typedef struct _UzpBuffer {
- ulg strlength; /* length of string */
- char * strptr; /* pointer to string */
- } UzpBuffer
- Pass the name of the zip file in zip and the name of the file you wish to
- extract in file. UzpUnzipToMemory will create a buffer and return it in
- *retstr. 0 on return indicates failure.
- int WINAPI Wiz_Grep(LPSTR archive, LPSTR file, LPSTR pattern, int cmd,
- int SkipBin, LPUSERFUNCTIONS lpUserFunc)
- Pass the name of the zip file in "zip", the name of the zip entry you wish
- to perform the "grep" on in "file", and the string you wish to look for in
- "pattern". There are four possible options for code:
- 0 => case insensitive search
- 1 => case sensitive search
- 2 => case insensitive search, whole words only
- 3 => case sensitive search, whole words only
- If SkipBin is TRUE, then any binary (loosely interpreted) files will be
- ignored.
- lpUserFunc is a pointer to a USERFUNCTION structure as shown above.
- UzpGrep returns:
- -1 => error such as unable to allocate memory, unable to find file, etc.
- 0 => match not found, based on the search criteria
- 1 => match found, based on the search criteria
- There is an additional function call that does not specifically deal with
- "unzipping", but is a quite useful function that is currently used in Wiz
- itself in several places. This call is currently only available in the
- static library, not in the DLL.
- Match the pattern (wildcard) against the string (fixed):
- match(string, pattern, ignore_case);
- returns TRUE if string matches pattern, FALSE otherwise. In the pattern:
- `*' matches any sequence of characters (zero or more)
- `?' matches any single character
- [SET] matches any character in the specified set,
- [!SET] or [^SET] matches any character not in the specified set.
- A set is composed of characters or ranges; a range looks like ``character
- hyphen character'' (as in 0-9 or A-Z). [0-9a-zA-Z_] is the minimal set of
- characters allowed in the [..] pattern construct. Other characters are
- allowed (i.e., 8-bit characters) if your system will support them.
- To suppress the special syntactic significance of any of ``[]*?!^-'', in-
- side or outside a [..] construct, and match the character exactly, precede
- it with a ``'' (backslash).
- The remaining functions are linked together. Their use would be as
- follows (explanations for each function are shown further below):
- #include "windll.h"
- #include "structs.h"
- MyApiCallingRoutine()
- {
- .
- .
- .
- Wiz_Init(pG, lpUserFunctions); /* Set up user functions */
- /* zvoid *pG, LPUSERFUNCTIONS lpUserFunctions */
- .
- .
- .
- Wiz_SetOpts(pG, C); /* Set up unzipping options */
- /* zvoid *pG, LPDCL C */
- .
- .
- .
- Wiz_Unzip(pG, ifnc, ifnv, xfnc, xfnv); /* Unzip files */
- .
- .
- .
- }
- Each entry point is as defined below:
- BOOL WINAPI Wiz_SetOpts(zvoid *, LPDCL);
- int WINAPI Wiz_Unzip(zvoid *, int, char **, int, char **);
- Note that you should use either windll_unzip OR the series of calls
- described above. Using both, depending on how you do it, could cause
- problems.
- Last revised June 13, 1998.
- Mike White