资源名称 [点击查看]
- Contents of the "macos" sub-archive for UnZip 5.4 and later:
- Contents this file
- README.TXT Dirk Haase's infos on updated Macintosh ports of Zip/UnZip
- HISTORY.TXT Dirk Haase's MacOS specific ChangeLog
- UnZp.h config header used to build standalone app with GUI
- UnZpLib.h config header used to build a static library
- UnZpSFX.h config header used to build the SFX stub
- UnZpSx.h config header for building a standalone app. with MW Sioux
- UnZpPrj.hqx Metrowerks CodeWarrior pro3 project file (BinHex)
- source/ subdirectory containing all sources:
- a) UnZip specific code
- mac.c Mac-specific filesystem code
- maccfg.h Mac-specific configuration and global declarations
- macdir.c Macintosh Posix-style directory emulation ("dirent")
- macdir.h header file for directory emulation
- macscreen.c screen functions to be used in standalone UnZip application
- macstat.c Macintosh stat() emulation
- macstat.h header file for stat() emulation
- macunzip.c Macintosh standalone version main function
- sxunzip.c main function for use with static library (SIOUX)
- unzip_rc.hqx UnZip resource file for standalone application (BinHex)
- b) general utilities shared between Zip and UnZip
- charmap.h character mapping tables ISO 8859-1 <--> MacRoman
- getenv.c simulation of unix compatible getenv() on MacOS
- helpers.c some helper functions
- helpers.h
- macstuff.c Mac filemanager routines copied from MoreFiles 1.4.8
- macstuff.h
- mactime.c replacement for broken Metrowerks RTL time functions
- mactime.h
- pathname.c functions for handling MacOS HFS path- /filenames
- pathname.h
- The new UnZpPrj.hqx project file should be "un-BinHex'ed" into UnZpPrj,
- which builds the following targets:
- Unzip (68k) -> standalone unzip for 68k
- Unzip (PPC) -> standalone unzip for PPC
- Unzip Lib (68k) -> static library 68k
- Unzip Lib (PPC) -> static library PPC
- Unzip Sioux (68k) -> MW Sioux standoalone App, good for debugging
- Unzip Sioux (PPC) -> MW Sioux standoalone App, good for debugging
- Before you start a build on your Macintosh:
- Extract "*.hqx" and "source:*.hqx" first!
- And PLEASE, read the MacOS specific documentation in README.TXT!
- The resource files and the compiler project files are in BinHex form because
- they contain Macintosh resource forks. The resource info cannot be
- maintained when handling (e.g. repacking) the master source collection on
- non-Macintosh systems. The BinHex form is the traditional way for
- transferring such files via non-Macintosh systems.
- It's also the safest since it uses only printable characters. The ".hqx"
- files must be converted with StuffitExpander or BinHex 4.0 (or equivalent)
- on a Macintosh system before using them.