资源名称 [点击查看]
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Makefile for UnZip 5.2 and later Jean-loup Gailly
- # Version: Turbo C (edit and use makefile.bc for Turbo C++) 28 Sep 97
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # GNU make doesn't like the return value from "rem"
- #STRIP=rem
- STRIP=echo Ignore this line. :-)
- # If you don't have LZEXE or PKLITE, get one of them. Then define:
- #STRIP=lzexe
- # or
- #STRIP=pklite
- # This makes a big difference in .exe size (and possibly load time).
- # Optional nonstandard preprocessor flags (as -DCHECK_EOF or -DDOS_WILD)
- # should be added to the environment via "set LOCAL_UNZIP=-DFOO" or added
- # to the declaration of LOC here:
- # Type for CPU required: 0: 8086, 1: 80186, 2: 80286, 3: 80386, etc.
- CPU_TYP = 0
- # memory model for UnZip (conflicting reports on whether Turbo C can or
- # cannot put strings into far memory; for now assume it can and use small
- # model *with* ZipInfo enabled...if fails, either define NO_ZIPINFO or
- # use large model) [GRR 940712: sigh, no go--inflate fails. Back to
- # large model...]
- #UNMODEL = s
- # funzip is always small-model
- # name of Flag to select memory model for assembler compiles, supported
- # values are __SMALL__ , __MEDIUM__ , __COMPACT__ , __LARGE__ :
- ASUNMODEL=__LARGE__ # keep in sync with UNMODEL definition !!
- ASFUMODEL=__SMALL__ # keep in sync with FUMODEL definition !!
- # Uncomment the following three macros to use the optimized CRC32 assembler
- # routine in UnZip and UnZipSFX:
- ASMOBJS = crc_i86.obj
- ASMOBJF = crc_i86_.obj
- CC = tcc
- AS = tasm
- ASFLAGS = -ml -m2 -w0 -D$(ASCPUFLAG) $(LOC)
- CFLAGS = -O -Z -I. -DFar= $(ASMFLG) $(LOC)
- OBJS = unzip.obj crc32.obj crctab.obj crypt.obj envargs.obj explode.obj
- extract.obj fileio.obj globals.obj inflate.obj list.obj match.obj
- process.obj ttyio.obj unreduce.obj unshrink.obj zipinfo.obj
- msdos.obj $(ASMOBJS)
- OBJX = unzipsfx.obj crc32.obj crctab.obj crypt.obj extract_.obj fileio.obj
- globals.obj inflate.obj match.obj process_.obj ttyio.obj
- msdos_.obj $(ASMOBJS)
- OBJF = funzip.obj crc32_.obj crypt_.obj globals_.obj inflate_.obj ttyio_.obj
- UNZIP_H = unzip.h unzpriv.h globals.h msdos/doscfg.h
- default: unzip.exe unzipsfx.exe funzip.exe
- clean:
- rem Ignore any errors in the following...
- del *.ob
- del *.obu
- del *.obj
- del unzip.exe
- del funzip.exe
- del unzipsfx.exe
- .asm.obj:
- $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -D$(ASUNMODEL) $*.asm
- .c.obj:
- $(CC) -c $(UCFLAGS) $*.c
- crc_i86.obj: msdos/crc_i86.asm
- $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -D$(ASUNMODEL) msdoscrc_i86.asm, $*.obj ;
- crc_i86_.obj: msdos/crc_i86.asm
- $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -D$(ASFUMODEL) msdoscrc_i86.asm, $*.obj ;
- crc32.obj: crc32.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h
- crc32_.obj: crc32.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h
- $(CC) -c $(FCFLAGS) -DFUNZIP -ocrc32_.obj crc32.c
- crctab.obj: crctab.c $(UNZIP_H) zip.h
- crypt.obj: crypt.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h ttyio.h zip.h
- crypt_.obj: crypt.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h ttyio.h zip.h
- $(CC) -c $(FCFLAGS) -DFUNZIP -ocrypt_.obj crypt.c
- envargs.obj: envargs.c $(UNZIP_H)
- explode.obj: explode.c $(UNZIP_H)
- extract.obj: extract.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h
- extract_.obj: extract.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h
- $(CC) -c $(UCFLAGS) -DSFX -oextract_.obj extract.c
- fileio.obj: fileio.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h ttyio.h ebcdic.h
- funzip.obj: funzip.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h ttyio.h tables.h
- $(CC) -c $(FCFLAGS) funzip.c
- globals.obj: globals.c $(UNZIP_H)
- globals_.obj: globals.c $(UNZIP_H)
- $(CC) -c $(FCFLAGS) -DFUNZIP -oglobals_.obj globals.c
- inflate.obj: inflate.c inflate.h $(UNZIP_H)
- inflate_.obj: inflate.c inflate.h $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h
- $(CC) -c $(FCFLAGS) -DFUNZIP -oinflate_.obj inflate.c
- list.obj: list.c $(UNZIP_H)
- match.obj: match.c $(UNZIP_H)
- msdos.obj: msdos/msdos.c $(UNZIP_H)
- $(CC) -c $(UCFLAGS) msdos/msdos.c
- msdos_.obj: msdos/msdos.c $(UNZIP_H)
- $(CC) -c $(UCFLAGS) -DSFX -omsdos_.obj msdos/msdos.c
- process.obj: process.c $(UNZIP_H)
- process_.obj: process.c $(UNZIP_H)
- $(CC) -c $(UCFLAGS) -DSFX -oprocess_.obj process.c
- ttyio.obj: ttyio.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h ttyio.h zip.h
- ttyio_.obj: ttyio.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h ttyio.h zip.h
- $(CC) -c $(FCFLAGS) -DFUNZIP -ottyio_.obj ttyio.c
- unreduce.obj: unreduce.c $(UNZIP_H)
- unshrink.obj: unshrink.c $(UNZIP_H)
- unzip.obj: unzip.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h version.h consts.h
- unzipsfx.obj: unzip.c $(UNZIP_H) crypt.h version.h consts.h
- $(CC) -c $(UCFLAGS) -DSFX -ounzipsfx.obj unzip.c
- zipinfo.obj: zipinfo.c $(UNZIP_H)
- # Turbo Make, which cannot deal with the MS-DOS 128-byte limit:
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- unzip.exe: $(OBJS)
- rem Ignore any warnings in the following commands:
- del *.ob
- ren crc32_.obj *.ob
- ren crc_i86_.obj *.ob
- ren crypt_.obj *.ob
- ren extract_.obj *.ob
- ren funzip.obj *.ob
- ren globals_.obj *.ob
- ren inflate_.obj *.ob
- ren msdos_.obj *.ob
- ren process_.obj *.ob
- ren ttyio_.obj *.ob
- ren unzipsfx.obj *.ob
- $(CC) $(ULDFLAGS) -eunzip.exe *.obj
- ren *.ob *.obj
- @$(STRIP) unzip.exe
- # GRR 970901
- unzipsfx.exe: $(OBJX)
- rem Ignore any warnings in the following commands:
- del *.ob
- ren crc32_.obj *.ob
- ren crc_i86_.obj *.ob
- ren crypt_.obj *.ob
- ren envargs.obj *.ob
- ren explode.obj *.ob
- ren extract.obj *.ob
- ren funzip.obj *.ob
- ren globals_.obj *.ob
- ren inflate_.obj *.ob
- ren list.obj *.ob
- ren msdos.obj *.ob
- ren process.obj *.ob
- ren ttyio_.obj *.ob
- ren unreduce.obj *.ob
- ren unshrink.obj *.ob
- ren unzip.obj *.ob
- ren zipinfo.obj *.ob
- $(CC) $(ULDFLAGS) -eunzipsfx.exe *.obj
- ren *.ob *.obj
- @$(STRIP) unzipsfx.exe
- # better makes that know how to deal with 128-char limit on command line:
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- #unzip.exe: $(OBJS)
- # @$(STRIP) unzip.exe
- #
- #unzipsfx.exe: $(OBJX)
- # @$(STRIP) unzipsfx.exe
- # both makes:
- # ----------
- funzip.exe: $(OBJF)
- @$(STRIP) funzip.exe