- --
- -- rules.sql
- -- From Jan's original setup_ruletest.sql and run_ruletest.sql
- -- - thomas 1998-09-13
- --
- --
- -- Tables and rules for the view test
- --
- create table rtest_t1 (a int4, b int4);
- create table rtest_t2 (a int4, b int4);
- create table rtest_t3 (a int4, b int4);
- create view rtest_v1 as select * from rtest_t1;
- create rule rtest_v1_ins as on insert to rtest_v1 do instead
- insert into rtest_t1 values (new.a, new.b);
- create rule rtest_v1_upd as on update to rtest_v1 do instead
- update rtest_t1 set a = new.a, b = new.b
- where a = old.a;
- create rule rtest_v1_del as on delete to rtest_v1 do instead
- delete from rtest_t1 where a = old.a;
- --
- -- Tables and rules for the constraint update/delete test
- --
- -- Note:
- -- Now that we have multiple action rule support, we check
- -- both possible syntaxes to define them (The last action
- -- can but must not have a semicolon at the end).
- --
- create table rtest_system (sysname text, sysdesc text);
- create table rtest_interface (sysname text, ifname text);
- create table rtest_person (pname text, pdesc text);
- create table rtest_admin (pname text, sysname text);
- create rule rtest_sys_upd as on update to rtest_system do (
- update rtest_interface set sysname = new.sysname
- where sysname = old.sysname;
- update rtest_admin set sysname = new.sysname
- where sysname = old.sysname
- );
- create rule rtest_sys_del as on delete to rtest_system do (
- delete from rtest_interface where sysname = old.sysname;
- delete from rtest_admin where sysname = old.sysname;
- );
- create rule rtest_pers_upd as on update to rtest_person do
- update rtest_admin set pname = new.pname where pname = old.pname;
- create rule rtest_pers_del as on delete to rtest_person do
- delete from rtest_admin where pname = old.pname;
- --
- -- Tables and rules for the logging test
- --
- create table rtest_emp (ename char(20), salary money);
- create table rtest_emplog (ename char(20), who name, action char(10), newsal money, oldsal money);
- create table rtest_empmass (ename char(20), salary money);
- create rule rtest_emp_ins as on insert to rtest_emp do
- insert into rtest_emplog values (new.ename, current_user,
- 'hired', new.salary, '0.00');
- create rule rtest_emp_upd as on update to rtest_emp where new.salary != old.salary do
- insert into rtest_emplog values (new.ename, current_user,
- 'honored', new.salary, old.salary);
- create rule rtest_emp_del as on delete to rtest_emp do
- insert into rtest_emplog values (old.ename, current_user,
- 'fired', '0.00', old.salary);
- --
- -- Tables and rules for the multiple cascaded qualified instead
- -- rule test
- --
- create table rtest_t4 (a int4, b text);
- create table rtest_t5 (a int4, b text);
- create table rtest_t6 (a int4, b text);
- create table rtest_t7 (a int4, b text);
- create table rtest_t8 (a int4, b text);
- create table rtest_t9 (a int4, b text);
- create rule rtest_t4_ins1 as on insert to rtest_t4
- where new.a >= 10 and new.a < 20 do instead
- insert into rtest_t5 values (new.a, new.b);
- create rule rtest_t4_ins2 as on insert to rtest_t4
- where new.a >= 20 and new.a < 30 do
- insert into rtest_t6 values (new.a, new.b);
- create rule rtest_t5_ins as on insert to rtest_t5
- where new.a > 15 do
- insert into rtest_t7 values (new.a, new.b);
- create rule rtest_t6_ins as on insert to rtest_t6
- where new.a > 25 do instead
- insert into rtest_t8 values (new.a, new.b);
- --
- -- Tables and rules for the rule fire order test
- --
- create table rtest_order1 (a int4);
- create table rtest_order2 (a int4, b int4, c text);
- create sequence rtest_seq;
- create rule rtest_order_r3 as on insert to rtest_order1 do instead
- insert into rtest_order2 values (new.a, nextval('rtest_seq'),
- 'rule 3 - this should run 3rd or 4th');
- create rule rtest_order_r4 as on insert to rtest_order1
- where a < 100 do instead
- insert into rtest_order2 values (new.a, nextval('rtest_seq'),
- 'rule 4 - this should run 2nd');
- create rule rtest_order_r2 as on insert to rtest_order1 do
- insert into rtest_order2 values (new.a, nextval('rtest_seq'),
- 'rule 2 - this should run 1st');
- create rule rtest_order_r1 as on insert to rtest_order1 do instead
- insert into rtest_order2 values (new.a, nextval('rtest_seq'),
- 'rule 1 - this should run 3rd or 4th');
- --
- -- Tables and rules for the instead nothing test
- --
- create table rtest_nothn1 (a int4, b text);
- create table rtest_nothn2 (a int4, b text);
- create table rtest_nothn3 (a int4, b text);
- create table rtest_nothn4 (a int4, b text);
- create rule rtest_nothn_r1 as on insert to rtest_nothn1
- where new.a >= 10 and new.a < 20 do instead (select 1);
- create rule rtest_nothn_r2 as on insert to rtest_nothn1
- where new.a >= 30 and new.a < 40 do instead nothing;
- create rule rtest_nothn_r3 as on insert to rtest_nothn2
- where new.a >= 100 do instead
- insert into rtest_nothn3 values (new.a, new.b);
- create rule rtest_nothn_r4 as on insert to rtest_nothn2
- do instead nothing;
- --
- -- Tests on a view that is select * of a table
- -- and has insert/update/delete instead rules to
- -- behave close like the real table.
- --
- --
- -- We need test date later
- --
- insert into rtest_t2 values (1, 21);
- insert into rtest_t2 values (2, 22);
- insert into rtest_t2 values (3, 23);
- insert into rtest_t3 values (1, 31);
- insert into rtest_t3 values (2, 32);
- insert into rtest_t3 values (3, 33);
- insert into rtest_t3 values (4, 34);
- insert into rtest_t3 values (5, 35);
- -- insert values
- insert into rtest_v1 values (1, 11);
- insert into rtest_v1 values (2, 12);
- select * from rtest_v1;
- -- delete with constant expression
- delete from rtest_v1 where a = 1;
- select * from rtest_v1;
- insert into rtest_v1 values (1, 11);
- delete from rtest_v1 where b = 12;
- select * from rtest_v1;
- insert into rtest_v1 values (2, 12);
- insert into rtest_v1 values (2, 13);
- select * from rtest_v1;
- ** Remember the delete rule on rtest_v1: It says
- ** DO INSTEAD DELETE FROM rtest_t1 WHERE a = old.a
- ** So this time both rows with a = 2 must get deleted
- p
- r
- delete from rtest_v1 where b = 12;
- select * from rtest_v1;
- delete from rtest_v1;
- -- insert select
- insert into rtest_v1 select * from rtest_t2;
- select * from rtest_v1;
- delete from rtest_v1;
- -- same with swapped targetlist
- insert into rtest_v1 (b, a) select b, a from rtest_t2;
- select * from rtest_v1;
- -- now with only one target attribute
- insert into rtest_v1 (a) select a from rtest_t3;
- select * from rtest_v1;
- select * from rtest_v1 where b isnull;
- -- let attribute a differ (must be done on rtest_t1 - see above)
- update rtest_t1 set a = a + 10 where b isnull;
- delete from rtest_v1 where b isnull;
- select * from rtest_v1;
- -- now updates with constant expression
- update rtest_v1 set b = 42 where a = 2;
- select * from rtest_v1;
- update rtest_v1 set b = 99 where b = 42;
- select * from rtest_v1;
- update rtest_v1 set b = 88 where b < 50;
- select * from rtest_v1;
- delete from rtest_v1;
- insert into rtest_v1 select rtest_t2.a, rtest_t3.b where rtest_t2.a = rtest_t3.a;
- select * from rtest_v1;
- -- updates in a mergejoin
- update rtest_v1 set b = rtest_t2.b where a = rtest_t2.a;
- select * from rtest_v1;
- insert into rtest_v1 select * from rtest_t3;
- select * from rtest_v1;
- update rtest_t1 set a = a + 10 where b > 30;
- select * from rtest_v1;
- update rtest_v1 set a = rtest_t3.a + 20 where b = rtest_t3.b;
- select * from rtest_v1;
- --
- -- Test for constraint updates/deletes
- --
- insert into rtest_system values ('orion', 'Linux Jan Wieck');
- insert into rtest_system values ('notjw', 'WinNT Jan Wieck (notebook)');
- insert into rtest_system values ('neptun', 'Fileserver');
- insert into rtest_interface values ('orion', 'eth0');
- insert into rtest_interface values ('orion', 'eth1');
- insert into rtest_interface values ('notjw', 'eth0');
- insert into rtest_interface values ('neptun', 'eth0');
- insert into rtest_person values ('jw', 'Jan Wieck');
- insert into rtest_person values ('bm', 'Bruce Momjian');
- insert into rtest_admin values ('jw', 'orion');
- insert into rtest_admin values ('jw', 'notjw');
- insert into rtest_admin values ('bm', 'neptun');
- update rtest_system set sysname = 'pluto' where sysname = 'neptun';
- select * from rtest_interface;
- select * from rtest_admin;
- update rtest_person set pname = 'jwieck' where pdesc = 'Jan Wieck';
- -- Note: use ORDER BY here to ensure consistent output across all systems.
- -- The above UPDATE affects two rows with equal keys, so they could be
- -- updated in either order depending on the whim of the local qsort().
- select * from rtest_admin order by pname, sysname;
- delete from rtest_system where sysname = 'orion';
- select * from rtest_interface;
- select * from rtest_admin;
- --
- -- Rule qualification test
- --
- insert into rtest_emp values ('wiech', '5000.00');
- insert into rtest_emp values ('gates', '80000.00');
- update rtest_emp set ename = 'wiecx' where ename = 'wiech';
- update rtest_emp set ename = 'wieck', salary = '6000.00' where ename = 'wiecx';
- update rtest_emp set salary = '7000.00' where ename = 'wieck';
- delete from rtest_emp where ename = 'gates';
- select ename, who = current_user as "matches user", action, newsal, oldsal from rtest_emplog order by ename, action, newsal;
- insert into rtest_empmass values ('meyer', '4000.00');
- insert into rtest_empmass values ('maier', '5000.00');
- insert into rtest_empmass values ('mayr', '6000.00');
- insert into rtest_emp select * from rtest_empmass;
- select ename, who = current_user as "matches user", action, newsal, oldsal from rtest_emplog order by ename, action, newsal;
- update rtest_empmass set salary = salary + '1000.00';
- update rtest_emp set salary = rtest_empmass.salary where ename = rtest_empmass.ename;
- select ename, who = current_user as "matches user", action, newsal, oldsal from rtest_emplog order by ename, action, newsal;
- delete from rtest_emp where ename = rtest_empmass.ename;
- select ename, who = current_user as "matches user", action, newsal, oldsal from rtest_emplog order by ename, action, newsal;
- --
- -- Multiple cascaded qualified instead rule test
- --
- insert into rtest_t4 values (1, 'Record should go to rtest_t4');
- insert into rtest_t4 values (2, 'Record should go to rtest_t4');
- insert into rtest_t4 values (10, 'Record should go to rtest_t5');
- insert into rtest_t4 values (15, 'Record should go to rtest_t5');
- insert into rtest_t4 values (19, 'Record should go to rtest_t5 and t7');
- insert into rtest_t4 values (20, 'Record should go to rtest_t4 and t6');
- insert into rtest_t4 values (26, 'Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8');
- insert into rtest_t4 values (28, 'Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8');
- insert into rtest_t4 values (30, 'Record should go to rtest_t4');
- insert into rtest_t4 values (40, 'Record should go to rtest_t4');
- select * from rtest_t4;
- select * from rtest_t5;
- select * from rtest_t6;
- select * from rtest_t7;
- select * from rtest_t8;
- delete from rtest_t4;
- delete from rtest_t5;
- delete from rtest_t6;
- delete from rtest_t7;
- delete from rtest_t8;
- insert into rtest_t9 values (1, 'Record should go to rtest_t4');
- insert into rtest_t9 values (2, 'Record should go to rtest_t4');
- insert into rtest_t9 values (10, 'Record should go to rtest_t5');
- insert into rtest_t9 values (15, 'Record should go to rtest_t5');
- insert into rtest_t9 values (19, 'Record should go to rtest_t5 and t7');
- insert into rtest_t9 values (20, 'Record should go to rtest_t4 and t6');
- insert into rtest_t9 values (26, 'Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8');
- insert into rtest_t9 values (28, 'Record should go to rtest_t4 and t8');
- insert into rtest_t9 values (30, 'Record should go to rtest_t4');
- insert into rtest_t9 values (40, 'Record should go to rtest_t4');
- insert into rtest_t4 select * from rtest_t9 where a < 20;
- select * from rtest_t4;
- select * from rtest_t5;
- select * from rtest_t6;
- select * from rtest_t7;
- select * from rtest_t8;
- insert into rtest_t4 select * from rtest_t9 where b ~ 'and t8';
- select * from rtest_t4;
- select * from rtest_t5;
- select * from rtest_t6;
- select * from rtest_t7;
- select * from rtest_t8;
- insert into rtest_t4 select a + 1, b from rtest_t9 where a in (20, 30, 40);
- select * from rtest_t4;
- select * from rtest_t5;
- select * from rtest_t6;
- select * from rtest_t7;
- select * from rtest_t8;
- --
- -- Check that the ordering of rules fired is correct
- --
- insert into rtest_order1 values (1);
- select * from rtest_order2;
- --
- -- Check if instead nothing w/without qualification works
- --
- insert into rtest_nothn1 values (1, 'want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn1 values (2, 'want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn1 values (10, 'don''t want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn1 values (19, 'don''t want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn1 values (20, 'want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn1 values (29, 'want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn1 values (30, 'don''t want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn1 values (39, 'don''t want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn1 values (40, 'want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn1 values (50, 'want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn1 values (60, 'want this');
- select * from rtest_nothn1;
- insert into rtest_nothn2 values (10, 'too small');
- insert into rtest_nothn2 values (50, 'too small');
- insert into rtest_nothn2 values (100, 'OK');
- insert into rtest_nothn2 values (200, 'OK');
- select * from rtest_nothn2;
- select * from rtest_nothn3;
- delete from rtest_nothn1;
- delete from rtest_nothn2;
- delete from rtest_nothn3;
- insert into rtest_nothn4 values (1, 'want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn4 values (2, 'want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn4 values (10, 'don''t want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn4 values (19, 'don''t want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn4 values (20, 'want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn4 values (29, 'want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn4 values (30, 'don''t want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn4 values (39, 'don''t want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn4 values (40, 'want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn4 values (50, 'want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn4 values (60, 'want this');
- insert into rtest_nothn1 select * from rtest_nothn4;
- select * from rtest_nothn1;
- delete from rtest_nothn4;
- insert into rtest_nothn4 values (10, 'too small');
- insert into rtest_nothn4 values (50, 'too small');
- insert into rtest_nothn4 values (100, 'OK');
- insert into rtest_nothn4 values (200, 'OK');
- insert into rtest_nothn2 select * from rtest_nothn4;
- select * from rtest_nothn2;
- select * from rtest_nothn3;
- create table rtest_view1 (a int4, b text, v bool);
- create table rtest_view2 (a int4);
- create table rtest_view3 (a int4, b text);
- create table rtest_view4 (a int4, b text, c int4);
- create view rtest_vview1 as select a, b from rtest_view1 X
- where 0 < (select count(*) from rtest_view2 Y where Y.a = X.a);
- create view rtest_vview2 as select a, b from rtest_view1 where v;
- create view rtest_vview3 as select a, b from rtest_vview2 X
- where 0 < (select count(*) from rtest_view2 Y where Y.a = X.a);
- create view rtest_vview4 as select X.a, X.b, count(Y.a) as refcount
- from rtest_view1 X, rtest_view2 Y
- where X.a = Y.a
- group by X.a, X.b;
- create function rtest_viewfunc1(int4) returns int4 as
- 'select count(*) from rtest_view2 where a = $1'
- language 'sql';
- create view rtest_vview5 as select a, b, rtest_viewfunc1(a) as refcount
- from rtest_view1;
- insert into rtest_view1 values (1, 'item 1', 't');
- insert into rtest_view1 values (2, 'item 2', 't');
- insert into rtest_view1 values (3, 'item 3', 't');
- insert into rtest_view1 values (4, 'item 4', 'f');
- insert into rtest_view1 values (5, 'item 5', 't');
- insert into rtest_view1 values (6, 'item 6', 'f');
- insert into rtest_view1 values (7, 'item 7', 't');
- insert into rtest_view1 values (8, 'item 8', 't');
- insert into rtest_view2 values (2);
- insert into rtest_view2 values (2);
- insert into rtest_view2 values (4);
- insert into rtest_view2 values (5);
- insert into rtest_view2 values (7);
- insert into rtest_view2 values (7);
- insert into rtest_view2 values (7);
- insert into rtest_view2 values (7);
- select * from rtest_vview1;
- select * from rtest_vview2;
- select * from rtest_vview3;
- select * from rtest_vview4;
- select * from rtest_vview5;
- insert into rtest_view3 select * from rtest_vview1 where a < 7;
- select * from rtest_view3;
- delete from rtest_view3;
- insert into rtest_view3 select * from rtest_vview2 where a != 5 and b !~ '2';
- select * from rtest_view3;
- delete from rtest_view3;
- insert into rtest_view3 select * from rtest_vview3;
- select * from rtest_view3;
- delete from rtest_view3;
- insert into rtest_view4 select * from rtest_vview4 where 3 > refcount;
- select * from rtest_view4;
- delete from rtest_view4;
- insert into rtest_view4 select * from rtest_vview5 where a > 2 and refcount = 0;
- select * from rtest_view4;
- delete from rtest_view4;
- --
- -- Test for computations in views
- --
- create table rtest_comp (
- part text,
- unit char(4),
- size float
- );
- create table rtest_unitfact (
- unit char(4),
- factor float
- );
- create view rtest_vcomp as
- select X.part, (X.size * Y.factor) as size_in_cm
- from rtest_comp X, rtest_unitfact Y
- where X.unit = Y.unit;
- insert into rtest_unitfact values ('m', 100.0);
- insert into rtest_unitfact values ('cm', 1.0);
- insert into rtest_unitfact values ('inch', 2.54);
- insert into rtest_comp values ('p1', 'm', 5.0);
- insert into rtest_comp values ('p2', 'm', 3.0);
- insert into rtest_comp values ('p3', 'cm', 5.0);
- insert into rtest_comp values ('p4', 'cm', 15.0);
- insert into rtest_comp values ('p5', 'inch', 7.0);
- insert into rtest_comp values ('p6', 'inch', 4.4);
- select * from rtest_vcomp order by part;
- select * from rtest_vcomp where size_in_cm > 10.0 order by size_in_cm using >;
- --
- -- In addition run the (slightly modified) queries from the
- -- programmers manual section on the rule system.
- --
- CREATE TABLE shoe_data (
- shoename char(10), -- primary key
- sh_avail integer, -- available # of pairs
- slcolor char(10), -- preferred shoelace color
- slminlen float, -- miminum shoelace length
- slmaxlen float, -- maximum shoelace length
- slunit char(8) -- length unit
- );
- CREATE TABLE shoelace_data (
- sl_name char(10), -- primary key
- sl_avail integer, -- available # of pairs
- sl_color char(10), -- shoelace color
- sl_len float, -- shoelace length
- sl_unit char(8) -- length unit
- );
- un_name char(8), -- the primary key
- un_fact float -- factor to transform to cm
- );
- SELECT sh.shoename,
- sh.sh_avail,
- sh.slcolor,
- sh.slminlen,
- sh.slminlen * un.un_fact AS slminlen_cm,
- sh.slmaxlen,
- sh.slmaxlen * un.un_fact AS slmaxlen_cm,
- sh.slunit
- FROM shoe_data sh, unit un
- WHERE sh.slunit = un.un_name;
- CREATE VIEW shoelace AS
- SELECT s.sl_name,
- s.sl_avail,
- s.sl_color,
- s.sl_len,
- s.sl_unit,
- s.sl_len * u.un_fact AS sl_len_cm
- FROM shoelace_data s, unit u
- WHERE s.sl_unit = u.un_name;
- CREATE VIEW shoe_ready AS
- SELECT rsh.shoename,
- rsh.sh_avail,
- rsl.sl_name,
- rsl.sl_avail,
- int4smaller(rsh.sh_avail, rsl.sl_avail) AS total_avail
- FROM shoe rsh, shoelace rsl
- WHERE rsl.sl_color = rsh.slcolor
- AND rsl.sl_len_cm >= rsh.slminlen_cm
- AND rsl.sl_len_cm <= rsh.slmaxlen_cm;
- INSERT INTO unit VALUES ('cm', 1.0);
- INSERT INTO unit VALUES ('m', 100.0);
- INSERT INTO unit VALUES ('inch', 2.54);
- INSERT INTO shoe_data VALUES ('sh1', 2, 'black', 70.0, 90.0, 'cm');
- INSERT INTO shoe_data VALUES ('sh2', 0, 'black', 30.0, 40.0, 'inch');
- INSERT INTO shoe_data VALUES ('sh3', 4, 'brown', 50.0, 65.0, 'cm');
- INSERT INTO shoe_data VALUES ('sh4', 3, 'brown', 40.0, 50.0, 'inch');
- INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES ('sl1', 5, 'black', 80.0, 'cm');
- INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES ('sl2', 6, 'black', 100.0, 'cm');
- INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES ('sl3', 0, 'black', 35.0 , 'inch');
- INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES ('sl4', 8, 'black', 40.0 , 'inch');
- INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES ('sl5', 4, 'brown', 1.0 , 'm');
- INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES ('sl6', 0, 'brown', 0.9 , 'm');
- INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES ('sl7', 7, 'brown', 60 , 'cm');
- INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES ('sl8', 1, 'brown', 40 , 'inch');
- -- SELECTs in doc
- SELECT * FROM shoelace ORDER BY sl_name;
- SELECT * FROM shoe_ready WHERE total_avail >= 2;
- CREATE TABLE shoelace_log (
- sl_name char(10), -- shoelace changed
- sl_avail integer, -- new available value
- log_who name, -- who did it
- log_when datetime -- when
- );
- -- Want "log_who" to be CURRENT_USER,
- -- but that is non-portable for the regression test
- -- - thomas 1999-02-21
- CREATE RULE log_shoelace AS ON UPDATE TO shoelace_data
- WHERE NEW.sl_avail != OLD.sl_avail
- DO INSERT INTO shoelace_log VALUES (
- NEW.sl_name,
- NEW.sl_avail,
- 'Al Bundy',
- 'epoch'::text
- );
- UPDATE shoelace_data SET sl_avail = 6 WHERE sl_name = 'sl7';
- SELECT * FROM shoelace_log;
- CREATE RULE shoelace_ins AS ON INSERT TO shoelace
- INSERT INTO shoelace_data VALUES (
- NEW.sl_name,
- NEW.sl_avail,
- NEW.sl_color,
- NEW.sl_len,
- NEW.sl_unit);
- CREATE RULE shoelace_upd AS ON UPDATE TO shoelace
- UPDATE shoelace_data SET
- sl_name = NEW.sl_name,
- sl_avail = NEW.sl_avail,
- sl_color = NEW.sl_color,
- sl_len = NEW.sl_len,
- sl_unit = NEW.sl_unit
- WHERE sl_name = OLD.sl_name;
- CREATE RULE shoelace_del AS ON DELETE TO shoelace
- DELETE FROM shoelace_data
- WHERE sl_name = OLD.sl_name;
- CREATE TABLE shoelace_arrive (
- arr_name char(10),
- arr_quant integer
- );
- CREATE TABLE shoelace_ok (
- ok_name char(10),
- ok_quant integer
- );
- CREATE RULE shoelace_ok_ins AS ON INSERT TO shoelace_ok
- UPDATE shoelace SET
- sl_avail = sl_avail + NEW.ok_quant
- WHERE sl_name = NEW.ok_name;
- INSERT INTO shoelace_arrive VALUES ('sl3', 10);
- INSERT INTO shoelace_arrive VALUES ('sl6', 20);
- INSERT INTO shoelace_arrive VALUES ('sl8', 20);
- SELECT * FROM shoelace ORDER BY sl_name;
- insert into shoelace_ok select * from shoelace_arrive;
- SELECT * FROM shoelace ORDER BY sl_name;
- SELECT * FROM shoelace_log;
- CREATE VIEW shoelace_obsolete AS
- (SELECT shoename FROM shoe WHERE slcolor = sl_color);
- CREATE VIEW shoelace_candelete AS
- SELECT * FROM shoelace_obsolete WHERE sl_avail = 0;
- insert into shoelace values ('sl9', 0, 'pink', 35.0, 'inch', 0.0);
- insert into shoelace values ('sl10', 1000, 'magenta', 40.0, 'inch', 0.0);
- SELECT * FROM shoelace_obsolete;
- SELECT * FROM shoelace_candelete;
- (SELECT * FROM shoelace_candelete
- WHERE sl_name = shoelace.sl_name);
- SELECT * FROM shoelace ORDER BY sl_name;
- --
- -- Check that ruleutils are working
- --
- SELECT viewname, definition FROM pg_views ORDER BY viewname;
- SELECT tablename, rulename, definition FROM pg_rules
- ORDER BY tablename, rulename;