- QUERY: select 1
- select
- select * from nonesuch;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "select"
- QUERY: select nonesuch from pg_database;
- ERROR: attribute 'nonesuch' not found
- QUERY: select * from pg_database where nonesuch = pg_database.datname;
- ERROR: attribute 'nonesuch' not found
- QUERY: select * from pg_database where pg_database.datname = nonesuch;
- ERROR: attribute 'nonesuch' not found
- QUERY: select distinct on foobar from pg_database;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "from"
- QUERY: select distinct on foobar * from pg_database;
- ERROR: All fields in the UNIQUE ON clause must appear in the target list
- QUERY: delete from;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ";"
- QUERY: delete from nonesuch;
- ERROR: nonesuch: Table does not exist.
- QUERY: drop table;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ";"
- QUERY: drop table nonesuch;
- ERROR: Relation 'nonesuch' does not exist
- QUERY: alter table rename;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ";"
- QUERY: alter table nonesuch rename to newnonesuch;
- ERROR: renamerel: relation "nonesuch" does not exist
- QUERY: alter table nonesuch rename to stud_emp;
- ERROR: renamerel: relation "nonesuch" does not exist
- QUERY: alter table stud_emp rename to pg_stud_emp;
- ERROR: renamerel: Illegal class name: "pg_stud_emp" -- pg_ is reserved for system catalogs
- QUERY: alter table stud_emp rename to aggtest;
- ERROR: renamerel: relation "aggtest" exists
- QUERY: alter table stud_emp rename to stud_emp;
- ERROR: renamerel: relation "stud_emp" exists
- QUERY: alter table nonesuchrel rename column nonesuchatt to newnonesuchatt;
- ERROR: renameatt: relation "nonesuchrel" nonexistent
- QUERY: alter table emp rename column nonesuchatt to newnonesuchatt;
- ERROR: renameatt: attribute "nonesuchatt" nonexistent
- QUERY: alter table emp rename column salary to manager;
- ERROR: renameatt: attribute "manager" exists
- QUERY: alter table emp rename column salary to oid;
- ERROR: renameatt: attribute "oid" exists
- QUERY: abort;
- NOTICE: UserAbortTransactionBlock and not in in-progress state
- QUERY: end;
- NOTICE: EndTransactionBlock and not inprogress/abort state
- QUERY: create aggregate newavg1 (sfunc1 = int4pl,
- basetype = int4,
- stype1 = int4,
- sfunc2 = int4inc,
- stype2 = int4,
- initcond1 = '0',
- initcond2 = '0');
- ERROR: AggregateCreate: Aggregate must have final function with both transition functions
- QUERY: create aggregate newavg2 (sfunc1 = int4pl,
- basetype = int4,
- stype1 = int4,
- sfunc2 = int2inc,
- stype2 = int2,
- finalfunc = int4div,
- initcond1 = '0',
- initcond2 = '0');
- ERROR: AggregateCreate: 'int4div'('int4','int2') does not exist
- QUERY: create aggregate newavg3 (sfunc1 = int4pl,
- basetype = int4,
- stype1 = int4,
- sfunc2 = int4inc,
- stype2 = int4,
- finalfunc = int2div,
- initcond1 = '0',
- initcond2 = '0');
- ERROR: AggregateCreate: 'int2div'('int4','int4') does not exist
- QUERY: create aggregate newcnt1 (sfunc2 = int4inc,
- stype2 = int4,
- initcond2 = '0');
- ERROR: Define: "basetype" unspecified
- QUERY: create aggregate newcnt1 (sfunc2 = int4inc,
- basetype = int4,
- stype2 = int4);
- ERROR: AggregateCreate: transition function 2 MUST have an initial value
- QUERY: drop index;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ";"
- QUERY: drop index 314159;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "314159"
- QUERY: drop index nonesuch;
- ERROR: index "nonesuch" nonexistent
- QUERY: drop aggregate;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ";"
- QUERY: drop aggregate 314159;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "314159"
- QUERY: drop aggregate nonesuch;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ";"
- QUERY: drop aggregate newcnt1;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ";"
- QUERY: drop aggregate newcnt nonesuch;
- ERROR: RemoveAggregate: type 'nonesuch' does not exist
- QUERY: drop aggregate newcnt float4;
- ERROR: RemoveAggregate: aggregate 'newcnt' for 'float4' does not exist
- QUERY: drop function ();
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
- QUERY: drop function 314159();
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "314159"
- QUERY: drop function nonesuch();
- ERROR: RemoveFunction: function 'nonesuch()' does not exist
- QUERY: drop type;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ";"
- QUERY: drop type 314159;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "314159"
- QUERY: drop type nonesuch;
- ERROR: RemoveType: type 'nonesuch' does not exist
- QUERY: drop operator;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ";"
- QUERY: drop operator equals;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "equals"
- QUERY: drop operator ===;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ";"
- QUERY: drop operator int4, int4;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "int4"
- QUERY: drop operator (int4, int4);
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "("
- QUERY: drop operator === ();
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ")"
- QUERY: drop operator === (int4);
- ERROR: parser: argument type missing (use NONE for unary operators)
- QUERY: drop operator === (int4, int4);
- ERROR: RemoveOperator: binary operator '===' taking 'int4' and 'int4' does not exist
- QUERY: drop operator = (nonesuch);
- ERROR: parser: argument type missing (use NONE for unary operators)
- QUERY: drop operator = ( , int4);
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ","
- QUERY: drop operator = (nonesuch, int4);
- ERROR: RemoveOperator: type 'nonesuch' does not exist
- QUERY: drop operator = (int4, nonesuch);
- ERROR: RemoveOperator: type 'nonesuch' does not exist
- QUERY: drop operator = (int4, );
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ")"
- QUERY: drop rule;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near ";"
- QUERY: drop rule 314159;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "314159"
- QUERY: drop rule nonesuch;
- ERROR: Rule or view 'nonesuch' not found
- QUERY: drop tuple rule nonesuch;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "tuple"
- QUERY: drop instance rule nonesuch;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "instance"
- QUERY: drop rewrite rule nonesuch;
- ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "rewrite"