- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * primnodes.h
- * Definitions for parse tree/query tree ("primitive") nodes.
- *
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- *
- * $Id: primnodes.h,v 1.29 1999/05/25 22:42:59 momjian Exp $
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- #ifndef PRIMNODES_H
- #define PRIMNODES_H
- #include <utils/fcache.h>
- #include <access/attnum.h>
- #include <nodes/pg_list.h>
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
- * node definitions
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /* ----------------
- * Resdom (Result Domain)
- * resno - attribute number
- * restype - type of the resdom
- * restypmod - type-specific modifier of the result
- * resname - name of the resdom (could be NULL)
- * reskey - order of key in a sort (for those > 0)
- * reskeyop - sort operator Oid
- * resgroupref - set to nonzero if referenced from a group by clause
- * resjunk - set to true to eliminate the attribute
- * from final target list
- *
- * ----------------
- */
- typedef struct Resdom
- {
- NodeTag type;
- AttrNumber resno;
- Oid restype;
- int32 restypmod;
- char *resname;
- Index reskey;
- Oid reskeyop;
- Index resgroupref;
- bool resjunk;
- } Resdom;
- /* -------------
- * Fjoin
- * initialized - true if the Fjoin has already been initialized for
- * the current target list evaluation
- * nNodes - The number of Iter nodes returning sets that the
- * node will flatten
- * outerList - 1 or more Iter nodes
- * inner - exactly one Iter node. We eval every node in the
- * outerList once then eval the inner node to completion
- * pair the outerList result vector with each inner
- * result to form the full result. When the inner has
- * been exhausted, we get the next outer result vector
- * and reset the inner.
- * results - The complete (flattened) result vector
- * alwaysNull - a null vector to indicate sets with a cardinality of
- * 0, we treat them as the set {NULL}.
- */
- typedef struct Fjoin
- {
- NodeTag type;
- bool fj_initialized;
- int fj_nNodes;
- List *fj_innerNode;
- DatumPtr fj_results;
- BoolPtr fj_alwaysDone;
- } Fjoin;
- /* ----------------
- * Expr
- * typeOid - oid of the type of this expression
- * opType - type of this expression
- * oper - the Oper node if it is an OPER_EXPR or the
- * Func node if it is a FUNC_EXPR
- * args - arguments to this expression
- * ----------------
- */
- typedef enum OpType
- {
- } OpType;
- typedef struct Expr
- {
- NodeTag type;
- Oid typeOid; /* oid of the type of this expr */
- OpType opType; /* type of the op */
- Node *oper; /* could be Oper or Func or SubPlan */
- List *args; /* list of argument nodes */
- } Expr;
- /* ----------------
- * Var
- * varno - index of this var's relation in the range table
- * (could be INNER or OUTER)
- * varattno - attribute number of this var, or zero for all
- * vartype - pg_type tuple oid for the type of this var
- * vartypmod - pg_attribute typmod value
- * varlevelsup - for subquery variables referencing outer relations
- * varnoold - keep varno around in case it got changed to INNER/
- * OUTER (see match_varid)
- * varoattno - attribute number of this var
- * [ '(varnoold varoattno) was varid -ay 2/95]
- * ----------------
- */
- #define INNER 65000
- #define OUTER 65001
- #define PRS2_CURRENT_VARNO 1
- #define PRS2_NEW_VARNO 2
- typedef struct Var
- {
- NodeTag type;
- Index varno;
- AttrNumber varattno;
- Oid vartype;
- int32 vartypmod;
- Index varlevelsup; /* erased by upper optimizer */
- Index varnoold; /* only used by optimizer */
- AttrNumber varoattno; /* only used by optimizer */
- } Var;
- /* ----------------
- * Oper
- * opno - PG_OPERATOR OID of the operator
- * opid - PG_PROC OID for the operator
- * opresulttype - PG_TYPE OID of the operator's return value
- * opsize - size of return result (cached by executor)
- * op_fcache - XXX comment me.
- *
- * ----
- * NOTE: in the good old days 'opno' used to be both (or either, or
- * neither) the pg_operator oid, and/or the pg_proc oid depending
- * on the postgres module in question (parser->pg_operator,
- * executor->pg_proc, planner->both), the mood of the programmer,
- * and the phase of the moon (rumors that it was also depending on the day
- * of the week are probably false). To make things even more postgres-like
- * (i.e. a mess) some comments were referring to 'opno' using the name
- * 'opid'. Anyway, now we have two separate fields, and of course that
- * immediately removes all bugs from the code... [ sp :-) ].
- * ----------------
- */
- typedef struct Oper
- {
- NodeTag type;
- Oid opno;
- Oid opid;
- Oid opresulttype;
- int opsize;
- FunctionCachePtr op_fcache;
- } Oper;
- /* ----------------
- * Const
- * consttype - PG_TYPE OID of the constant's value
- * constlen - length in bytes of the constant's value
- * constvalue - the constant's value
- * constisnull - whether the constant is null
- * (if true, the other fields are undefined)
- * constbyval - whether the information in constvalue
- * if passed by value. If true, then all the information
- * is stored in the datum. If false, then the datum
- * contains a pointer to the information.
- * constisset - whether the const represents a set. The const
- * value corresponding will be the query that defines
- * the set.
- * ----------------
- */
- typedef struct Const
- {
- NodeTag type;
- Oid consttype;
- int constlen;
- Datum constvalue;
- bool constisnull;
- bool constbyval;
- bool constisset;
- bool constiscast;
- } Const;
- /* ----------------
- * Param
- * paramkind - specifies the kind of parameter. The possible values
- * for this field are specified in "params.h", and they are:
- *
- * PARAM_NAMED: The parameter has a name, i.e. something
- * like `$.salary' or `$.foobar'.
- * In this case field `paramname' must be a valid Name.
- *
- * PARAM_NUM: The parameter has only a numeric identifier,
- * i.e. something like `$1', `$2' etc.
- * The number is contained in the `paramid' field.
- *
- * PARAM_NEW: Used in PRS2 rule, similar to PARAM_NAMED.
- * The `paramname' and `paramid' refer to the "NEW" tuple
- * The `pramname' is the attribute name and `paramid'
- * is the attribute number.
- *
- * PARAM_OLD: Same as PARAM_NEW, but in this case we refer to
- * the "OLD" tuple.
- *
- * paramid - numeric identifier for literal-constant parameters ("$1")
- * paramname - attribute name for tuple-substitution parameters ("$.foo")
- * paramtype - PG_TYPE OID of the parameter's value
- * param_tlist - allows for projection in a param node.
- * ----------------
- */
- typedef struct Param
- {
- NodeTag type;
- int paramkind;
- AttrNumber paramid;
- char *paramname;
- Oid paramtype;
- List *param_tlist;
- } Param;
- /* ----------------
- * Func
- * funcid - PG_FUNCTION OID of the function
- * functype - PG_TYPE OID of the function's return value
- * funcisindex - the function can be evaluated by scanning an index
- * (set during query optimization)
- * funcsize - size of return result (cached by executor)
- * func_fcache - runtime state while running this function. Where
- * we are in the execution of the function if it
- * returns more than one value, etc.
- * See utils/fcache.h
- * func_tlist - projection of functions returning tuples
- * func_planlist - result of planning this func, if it's a PQ func
- * ----------------
- */
- typedef struct Func
- {
- NodeTag type;
- Oid funcid;
- Oid functype;
- bool funcisindex;
- int funcsize;
- FunctionCachePtr func_fcache;
- List *func_tlist;
- List *func_planlist;
- } Func;
- /* ----------------
- * Aggref
- * aggname - name of the aggregate
- * basetype - base type Oid of the aggregate
- * aggtype - type Oid of final result of the aggregate
- * target - attribute or expression we are aggregating on
- * aggno - index to ecxt_values
- * ----------------
- */
- typedef struct Aggref
- {
- NodeTag type;
- char *aggname;
- Oid basetype;
- Oid aggtype;
- Node *target;
- int aggno;
- bool usenulls;
- } Aggref;
- /* ----------------
- * SubLink
- * subLinkType - EXISTS, ALL, ANY, EXPR
- * useor - TRUE for <>
- * lefthand - list of Var/Const nodes on the left
- * oper - list of Oper nodes
- * subselect - subselect as Query* or parsetree
- * ----------------
- */
- typedef enum SubLinkType
- {
- } SubLinkType;
- typedef struct SubLink
- {
- NodeTag type;
- SubLinkType subLinkType;
- bool useor;
- List *lefthand;
- List *oper;
- Node *subselect;
- } SubLink;
- /* ----------------
- * Array
- * arrayelemtype - base type of the array's elements (homogenous!)
- * arrayelemlength - length of that type
- * arrayelembyval - can you pass this element by value?
- * arrayndim - number of dimensions of the array
- * arraylow - base for array indexing
- * arrayhigh - limit for array indexing
- * arraylen -
- * ----------------
- *
- * memo from mao: the array support we inherited from 3.1 is just
- * wrong. when time exists, we should redesign this stuff to get
- * around a bunch of unfortunate implementation decisions made there.
- */
- typedef struct Array
- {
- NodeTag type;
- Oid arrayelemtype;
- int arrayelemlength;
- bool arrayelembyval;
- int arrayndim;
- IntArray arraylow;
- IntArray arrayhigh;
- int arraylen;
- } Array;
- /* ----------------
- * ArrayRef:
- * refelemtype - type of the element referenced here
- * refelemlength - length of that type
- * refelembyval - can you pass this element type by value?
- * refupperindexpr - expressions that evaluate to upper array index
- * reflowerexpr- the expressions that evaluate to a lower array index
- * refexpr - the expression that evaluates to an array
- * refassignexpr- the expression that evaluates to the new value
- * to be assigned to the array in case of replace.
- * ----------------
- */
- typedef struct ArrayRef
- {
- NodeTag type;
- int refattrlength;
- int refelemlength;
- Oid refelemtype;
- bool refelembyval;
- List *refupperindexpr;
- List *reflowerindexpr;
- Node *refexpr;
- Node *refassgnexpr;
- } ArrayRef;
- #endif /* PRIMNODES_H */