- QUERY: create function tg_room_au() returns opaque as '
- begin
- if new.roomno != old.roomno then
- update WSlot set roomno = new.roomno where roomno = old.roomno;
- end if;
- return new;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_room_au after update
- on Room for each row execute procedure tg_room_au();
- QUERY: create function tg_room_ad() returns opaque as '
- begin
- delete from WSlot where roomno = old.roomno;
- return old;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_room_ad after delete
- on Room for each row execute procedure tg_room_ad();
- QUERY: create function tg_wslot_biu() returns opaque as '
- begin
- if count(*) = 0 from Room where roomno = new.roomno then
- raise exception ''Room % does not exist'', new.roomno;
- end if;
- return new;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_wslot_biu before insert or update
- on WSlot for each row execute procedure tg_wslot_biu();
- QUERY: create function tg_pfield_au() returns opaque as '
- begin
- if != then
- update PSlot set pfname = where pfname =;
- end if;
- return new;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_pfield_au after update
- on PField for each row execute procedure tg_pfield_au();
- QUERY: create function tg_pfield_ad() returns opaque as '
- begin
- delete from PSlot where pfname =;
- return old;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_pfield_ad after delete
- on PField for each row execute procedure tg_pfield_ad();
- QUERY: create function tg_pslot_biu() returns opaque as '
- declare
- pfrec record;
- rename new to ps;
- begin
- select into pfrec * from PField where name = ps.pfname;
- if not found then
- raise exception ''Patchfield "%" does not exist'', ps.pfname;
- end if;
- return ps;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_pslot_biu before insert or update
- on PSlot for each row execute procedure tg_pslot_biu();
- QUERY: create function tg_system_au() returns opaque as '
- begin
- if != then
- update IFace set sysname = where sysname =;
- end if;
- return new;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_system_au after update
- on System for each row execute procedure tg_system_au();
- QUERY: create function tg_iface_biu() returns opaque as '
- declare
- sname text;
- sysrec record;
- begin
- select into sysrec * from system where name = new.sysname;
- if not found then
- raise exception ''system "%" does not exist'', new.sysname;
- end if;
- sname := ''IF.'' || new.sysname;
- sname := sname || ''.'';
- sname := sname || new.ifname;
- if length(sname) > 20 then
- raise exception ''IFace slotname "%" too long (20 char max)'', sname;
- end if;
- new.slotname := sname;
- return new;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_iface_biu before insert or update
- on IFace for each row execute procedure tg_iface_biu();
- QUERY: create function tg_hub_a() returns opaque as '
- declare
- hname text;
- dummy integer;
- begin
- if tg_op = ''INSERT'' then
- dummy := tg_hub_adjustslots(, 0, new.nslots);
- return new;
- end if;
- if tg_op = ''UPDATE'' then
- if != then
- update HSlot set hubname = where hubname =;
- end if;
- dummy := tg_hub_adjustslots(, old.nslots, new.nslots);
- return new;
- end if;
- if tg_op = ''DELETE'' then
- dummy := tg_hub_adjustslots(, old.nslots, 0);
- return old;
- end if;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_hub_a after insert or update or delete
- on Hub for each row execute procedure tg_hub_a();
- QUERY: create function tg_hub_adjustslots(bpchar, integer, integer)
- returns integer as '
- declare
- hname alias for $1;
- oldnslots alias for $2;
- newnslots alias for $3;
- begin
- if newnslots = oldnslots then
- return 0;
- end if;
- if newnslots < oldnslots then
- delete from HSlot where hubname = hname and slotno > newnslots;
- return 0;
- end if;
- for i in oldnslots + 1 .. newnslots loop
- insert into HSlot (slotname, hubname, slotno, slotlink)
- values (''HS.dummy'', hname, i, '''');
- end loop;
- return 0;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create function tg_hslot_biu() returns opaque as '
- declare
- sname text;
- xname HSlot.slotname%TYPE;
- hubrec record;
- begin
- select into hubrec * from Hub where name = new.hubname;
- if not found then
- raise exception ''no manual manipulation of HSlot'';
- end if;
- if new.slotno < 1 or new.slotno > hubrec.nslots then
- raise exception ''no manual manipulation of HSlot'';
- end if;
- if tg_op = ''UPDATE'' then
- if new.hubname != old.hubname then
- if count(*) > 0 from Hub where name = old.hubname then
- raise exception ''no manual manipulation of HSlot'';
- end if;
- end if;
- end if;
- sname := ''HS.'' || trim(new.hubname);
- sname := sname || ''.'';
- sname := sname || new.slotno::text;
- if length(sname) > 20 then
- raise exception ''HSlot slotname "%" too long (20 char max)'', sname;
- end if;
- new.slotname := sname;
- return new;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_hslot_biu before insert or update
- on HSlot for each row execute procedure tg_hslot_biu();
- QUERY: create function tg_hslot_bd() returns opaque as '
- declare
- hubrec record;
- begin
- select into hubrec * from Hub where name = old.hubname;
- if not found then
- return old;
- end if;
- if old.slotno > hubrec.nslots then
- return old;
- end if;
- raise exception ''no manual manipulation of HSlot'';
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_hslot_bd before delete
- on HSlot for each row execute procedure tg_hslot_bd();
- QUERY: create function tg_chkslotname() returns opaque as '
- begin
- if substr(new.slotname, 1, 2) != tg_argv[0] then
- raise exception ''slotname must begin with %'', tg_argv[0];
- end if;
- return new;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_chkslotname before insert
- on PSlot for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotname('PS');
- QUERY: create trigger tg_chkslotname before insert
- on WSlot for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotname('WS');
- QUERY: create trigger tg_chkslotname before insert
- on PLine for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotname('PL');
- QUERY: create trigger tg_chkslotname before insert
- on IFace for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotname('IF');
- QUERY: create trigger tg_chkslotname before insert
- on PHone for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotname('PH');
- QUERY: create function tg_chkslotlink() returns opaque as '
- begin
- if new.slotlink isnull then
- new.slotlink := '''';
- end if;
- return new;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_chkslotlink before insert or update
- on PSlot for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotlink();
- QUERY: create trigger tg_chkslotlink before insert or update
- on WSlot for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotlink();
- QUERY: create trigger tg_chkslotlink before insert or update
- on IFace for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotlink();
- QUERY: create trigger tg_chkslotlink before insert or update
- on HSlot for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotlink();
- QUERY: create trigger tg_chkslotlink before insert or update
- on PHone for each row execute procedure tg_chkslotlink();
- QUERY: create function tg_chkbacklink() returns opaque as '
- begin
- if new.backlink isnull then
- new.backlink := '''';
- end if;
- return new;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_chkbacklink before insert or update
- on PSlot for each row execute procedure tg_chkbacklink();
- QUERY: create trigger tg_chkbacklink before insert or update
- on WSlot for each row execute procedure tg_chkbacklink();
- QUERY: create trigger tg_chkbacklink before insert or update
- on PLine for each row execute procedure tg_chkbacklink();
- QUERY: create function tg_pslot_bu() returns opaque as '
- begin
- if new.slotname != old.slotname then
- delete from PSlot where slotname = old.slotname;
- insert into PSlot (
- slotname,
- pfname,
- slotlink,
- backlink
- ) values (
- new.slotname,
- new.pfname,
- new.slotlink,
- new.backlink
- );
- return null;
- end if;
- return new;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_pslot_bu before update
- on PSlot for each row execute procedure tg_pslot_bu();
- QUERY: create function tg_wslot_bu() returns opaque as '
- begin
- if new.slotname != old.slotname then
- delete from WSlot where slotname = old.slotname;
- insert into WSlot (
- slotname,
- roomno,
- slotlink,
- backlink
- ) values (
- new.slotname,
- new.roomno,
- new.slotlink,
- new.backlink
- );
- return null;
- end if;
- return new;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_wslot_bu before update
- on WSlot for each row execute procedure tg_Wslot_bu();
- QUERY: create function tg_pline_bu() returns opaque as '
- begin
- if new.slotname != old.slotname then
- delete from PLine where slotname = old.slotname;
- insert into PLine (
- slotname,
- phonenumber,
- comment,
- backlink
- ) values (
- new.slotname,
- new.phonenumber,
- new.comment,
- new.backlink
- );
- return null;
- end if;
- return new;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_pline_bu before update
- on PLine for each row execute procedure tg_pline_bu();
- QUERY: create function tg_iface_bu() returns opaque as '
- begin
- if new.slotname != old.slotname then
- delete from IFace where slotname = old.slotname;
- insert into IFace (
- slotname,
- sysname,
- ifname,
- slotlink
- ) values (
- new.slotname,
- new.sysname,
- new.ifname,
- new.slotlink
- );
- return null;
- end if;
- return new;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_iface_bu before update
- on IFace for each row execute procedure tg_iface_bu();
- QUERY: create function tg_hslot_bu() returns opaque as '
- begin
- if new.slotname != old.slotname or new.hubname != old.hubname then
- delete from HSlot where slotname = old.slotname;
- insert into HSlot (
- slotname,
- hubname,
- slotno,
- slotlink
- ) values (
- new.slotname,
- new.hubname,
- new.slotno,
- new.slotlink
- );
- return null;
- end if;
- return new;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_hslot_bu before update
- on HSlot for each row execute procedure tg_hslot_bu();
- QUERY: create function tg_phone_bu() returns opaque as '
- begin
- if new.slotname != old.slotname then
- delete from PHone where slotname = old.slotname;
- insert into PHone (
- slotname,
- comment,
- slotlink
- ) values (
- new.slotname,
- new.comment,
- new.slotlink
- );
- return null;
- end if;
- return new;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_phone_bu before update
- on PHone for each row execute procedure tg_phone_bu();
- QUERY: create function tg_backlink_a() returns opaque as '
- declare
- dummy integer;
- begin
- if tg_op = ''INSERT'' then
- if new.backlink != '''' then
- dummy := tg_backlink_set(new.backlink, new.slotname);
- end if;
- return new;
- end if;
- if tg_op = ''UPDATE'' then
- if new.backlink != old.backlink then
- if old.backlink != '''' then
- dummy := tg_backlink_unset(old.backlink, old.slotname);
- end if;
- if new.backlink != '''' then
- dummy := tg_backlink_set(new.backlink, new.slotname);
- end if;
- else
- if new.slotname != old.slotname and new.backlink != '''' then
- dummy := tg_slotlink_set(new.backlink, new.slotname);
- end if;
- end if;
- return new;
- end if;
- if tg_op = ''DELETE'' then
- if old.backlink != '''' then
- dummy := tg_backlink_unset(old.backlink, old.slotname);
- end if;
- return old;
- end if;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_backlink_a after insert or update or delete
- on PSlot for each row execute procedure tg_backlink_a('PS');
- QUERY: create trigger tg_backlink_a after insert or update or delete
- on WSlot for each row execute procedure tg_backlink_a('WS');
- QUERY: create trigger tg_backlink_a after insert or update or delete
- on PLine for each row execute procedure tg_backlink_a('PL');
- QUERY: create function tg_backlink_set(bpchar, bpchar)
- returns integer as '
- declare
- myname alias for $1;
- blname alias for $2;
- mytype char(2);
- link char(4);
- rec record;
- begin
- mytype := substr(myname, 1, 2);
- link := mytype || substr(blname, 1, 2);
- if link = ''PLPL'' then
- raise exception
- ''backlink between two phone lines does not make sense'';
- end if;
- if link in (''PLWS'', ''WSPL'') then
- raise exception
- ''direct link of phone line to wall slot not permitted'';
- end if;
- if mytype = ''PS'' then
- select into rec * from PSlot where slotname = myname;
- if not found then
- raise exception ''% does not exists'', myname;
- end if;
- if rec.backlink != blname then
- update PSlot set backlink = blname where slotname = myname;
- end if;
- return 0;
- end if;
- if mytype = ''WS'' then
- select into rec * from WSlot where slotname = myname;
- if not found then
- raise exception ''% does not exists'', myname;
- end if;
- if rec.backlink != blname then
- update WSlot set backlink = blname where slotname = myname;
- end if;
- return 0;
- end if;
- if mytype = ''PL'' then
- select into rec * from PLine where slotname = myname;
- if not found then
- raise exception ''% does not exists'', myname;
- end if;
- if rec.backlink != blname then
- update PLine set backlink = blname where slotname = myname;
- end if;
- return 0;
- end if;
- raise exception ''illegal backlink beginning with %'', mytype;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create function tg_backlink_unset(bpchar, bpchar)
- returns integer as '
- declare
- myname alias for $1;
- blname alias for $2;
- mytype char(2);
- rec record;
- begin
- mytype := substr(myname, 1, 2);
- if mytype = ''PS'' then
- select into rec * from PSlot where slotname = myname;
- if not found then
- return 0;
- end if;
- if rec.backlink = blname then
- update PSlot set backlink = '''' where slotname = myname;
- end if;
- return 0;
- end if;
- if mytype = ''WS'' then
- select into rec * from WSlot where slotname = myname;
- if not found then
- return 0;
- end if;
- if rec.backlink = blname then
- update WSlot set backlink = '''' where slotname = myname;
- end if;
- return 0;
- end if;
- if mytype = ''PL'' then
- select into rec * from PLine where slotname = myname;
- if not found then
- return 0;
- end if;
- if rec.backlink = blname then
- update PLine set backlink = '''' where slotname = myname;
- end if;
- return 0;
- end if;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create function tg_slotlink_a() returns opaque as '
- declare
- dummy integer;
- begin
- if tg_op = ''INSERT'' then
- if new.slotlink != '''' then
- dummy := tg_slotlink_set(new.slotlink, new.slotname);
- end if;
- return new;
- end if;
- if tg_op = ''UPDATE'' then
- if new.slotlink != old.slotlink then
- if old.slotlink != '''' then
- dummy := tg_slotlink_unset(old.slotlink, old.slotname);
- end if;
- if new.slotlink != '''' then
- dummy := tg_slotlink_set(new.slotlink, new.slotname);
- end if;
- else
- if new.slotname != old.slotname and new.slotlink != '''' then
- dummy := tg_slotlink_set(new.slotlink, new.slotname);
- end if;
- end if;
- return new;
- end if;
- if tg_op = ''DELETE'' then
- if old.slotlink != '''' then
- dummy := tg_slotlink_unset(old.slotlink, old.slotname);
- end if;
- return old;
- end if;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create trigger tg_slotlink_a after insert or update or delete
- on PSlot for each row execute procedure tg_slotlink_a('PS');
- QUERY: create trigger tg_slotlink_a after insert or update or delete
- on WSlot for each row execute procedure tg_slotlink_a('WS');
- QUERY: create trigger tg_slotlink_a after insert or update or delete
- on IFace for each row execute procedure tg_slotlink_a('IF');
- QUERY: create trigger tg_slotlink_a after insert or update or delete
- on HSlot for each row execute procedure tg_slotlink_a('HS');
- QUERY: create trigger tg_slotlink_a after insert or update or delete
- on PHone for each row execute procedure tg_slotlink_a('PH');
- QUERY: create function tg_slotlink_set(bpchar, bpchar)
- returns integer as '
- declare
- myname alias for $1;
- blname alias for $2;
- mytype char(2);
- link char(4);
- rec record;
- begin
- mytype := substr(myname, 1, 2);
- link := mytype || substr(blname, 1, 2);
- if link = ''PHPH'' then
- raise exception
- ''slotlink between two phones does not make sense'';
- end if;
- if link in (''PHHS'', ''HSPH'') then
- raise exception
- ''link of phone to hub does not make sense'';
- end if;
- if link in (''PHIF'', ''IFPH'') then
- raise exception
- ''link of phone to hub does not make sense'';
- end if;
- if link in (''PSWS'', ''WSPS'') then
- raise exception
- ''slotlink from patchslot to wallslot not permitted'';
- end if;
- if mytype = ''PS'' then
- select into rec * from PSlot where slotname = myname;
- if not found then
- raise exception ''% does not exists'', myname;
- end if;
- if rec.slotlink != blname then
- update PSlot set slotlink = blname where slotname = myname;
- end if;
- return 0;
- end if;
- if mytype = ''WS'' then
- select into rec * from WSlot where slotname = myname;
- if not found then
- raise exception ''% does not exists'', myname;
- end if;
- if rec.slotlink != blname then
- update WSlot set slotlink = blname where slotname = myname;
- end if;
- return 0;
- end if;
- if mytype = ''IF'' then
- select into rec * from IFace where slotname = myname;
- if not found then
- raise exception ''% does not exists'', myname;
- end if;
- if rec.slotlink != blname then
- update IFace set slotlink = blname where slotname = myname;
- end if;
- return 0;
- end if;
- if mytype = ''HS'' then
- select into rec * from HSlot where slotname = myname;
- if not found then
- raise exception ''% does not exists'', myname;
- end if;
- if rec.slotlink != blname then
- update HSlot set slotlink = blname where slotname = myname;
- end if;
- return 0;
- end if;
- if mytype = ''PH'' then
- select into rec * from PHone where slotname = myname;
- if not found then
- raise exception ''% does not exists'', myname;
- end if;
- if rec.slotlink != blname then
- update PHone set slotlink = blname where slotname = myname;
- end if;
- return 0;
- end if;
- raise exception ''illegal slotlink beginning with %'', mytype;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';
- QUERY: create function tg_slotlink_unset(bpchar, bpchar)
- returns integer as '
- declare
- myname alias for $1;
- blname alias for $2;
- mytype char(2);
- rec record;
- begin
- mytype := substr(myname, 1, 2);
- if mytype = ''PS'' then
- select into rec * from PSlot where slotname = myname;
- if not found then
- return 0;
- end if;
- if rec.slotlink = blname then
- update PSlot set slotlink = '''' where slotname = myname;
- end if;
- return 0;
- end if;
- if mytype = ''WS'' then
- select into rec * from WSlot where slotname = myname;
- if not found then
- return 0;
- end if;
- if rec.slotlink = blname then
- update WSlot set slotlink = '''' where slotname = myname;
- end if;
- return 0;
- end if;
- if mytype = ''IF'' then
- select into rec * from IFace where slotname = myname;
- if not found then
- return 0;
- end if;
- if rec.slotlink = blname then
- update IFace set slotlink = '''' where slotname = myname;
- end if;
- return 0;
- end if;
- if mytype = ''HS'' then
- select into rec * from HSlot where slotname = myname;
- if not found then
- return 0;
- end if;
- if rec.slotlink = blname then
- update HSlot set slotlink = '''' where slotname = myname;
- end if;
- return 0;
- end if;
- if mytype = ''PH'' then
- select into rec * from PHone where slotname = myname;
- if not found then
- return 0;
- end if;
- if rec.slotlink = blname then
- update PHone set slotlink = '''' where slotname = myname;
- end if;
- return 0;
- end if;
- end;
- ' language 'plpgsql';