- /* RCS $Id: CosQueryCollection.idl,v 1.1 1998/11/16 18:03:34 scrappy Exp $
- *
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * This is unmarked software provided by the Object Management Group,Inc. (OMG)
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /**
- * CosQueryCollection is the Common Object Services Specification query
- * query colleciton module as it it appears in COSS1, v1.0.
- */
- #ifndef CosQueryCollection_idl
- #define CosQueryCollection_idl
- module CosQueryCollection {
- exception ElementInvalid {};
- exception IteratorInvalid {};
- exception PositionInvalid {};
- typedef string Istring;
- struct NVPair {
- Istring name;
- any value;
- };
- typedef sequence<NVPair> ParameterList;
- interface Collection;
- interface Iterator;
- interface CollectionFactory {
- Collection create (in ParameterList params);
- };
- interface Collection {
- readonly attribute long cardinality;
- void add_element (in any element)
- raises(ElementInvalid);
- void add_all_elements (in Collection elements)
- raises(ElementInvalid);
- void insert_element_at (in any element, in Iterator where)
- raises(IteratorInvalid,
- ElementInvalid);
- void replace_element_at (in any element, in Iterator where)
- raises(IteratorInvalid,
- PositionInvalid,
- ElementInvalid);
- void remove_element_at (in Iterator where)
- raises(IteratorInvalid,
- PositionInvalid);
- void remove_all_elements ();
- any retrieve_element_at (in Iterator where)
- raises(IteratorInvalid,
- PositionInvalid);
- Iterator create_iterator ();
- };
- interface Iterator {
- any next ()
- raises(IteratorInvalid,
- PositionInvalid);
- void reset ();
- boolean more ();
- };
- };
- #endif // CosQueryCollection_idl