- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # Makefile.inc--
- # Build and install postgres.
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- #
- #
- # $Header: /usr/local/cvsroot/pgsql/src/GNUmakefile.in,v 1.42 1999/07/01 00:06:28 tgl Exp $
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- include Makefile.global
- FIND = @find@
- # assuming gnu tar and split here
- TAR = @tar@
- SPLIT = @split@
- ETAGS = @etags@
- XARGS = @xargs@
- all:
- $(MAKE) lexverify
- $(MAKE) -C utils all
- $(MAKE) -C backend all
- $(MAKE) -C interfaces all
- $(MAKE) -C bin all
- $(MAKE) -C pl all
- @if test $@. = all. -o $@. = .; then
- echo All of PostgreSQL is successfully made. Ready to install. ;
- fi
- install:
- $(MAKE) lexverify
- $(MAKE) -C utils install
- $(MAKE) -C backend install
- $(MAKE) -C interfaces install
- $(MAKE) -C bin install
- $(MAKE) -C pl install
- cat ../register.txt
- install-man:
- $(MAKE) -C man install
- lexverify:
- $(MAKE) -C lextest all
- @if test ! -f lextest/lextest; then
- echo "";
- echo "You have a buggy version of flex. Read INSTALL and search for flex for a fix.";
- echo "";
- false;
- else
- true;
- fi
- clean:
- $(MAKE) -C lextest clean
- $(MAKE) -C utils clean
- $(MAKE) -C backend clean
- $(MAKE) -C interfaces clean
- $(MAKE) -C bin clean
- $(MAKE) -C pl clean
- $(MAKE) -C test clean
- $(MAKE) -C ../contrib/spi clean
- distclean: clean
- # Remove files and symlinks created by configure script
- rm -f
- Makefile.port
- config.cache
- config.status
- config.log
- include/config.h
- include/dynloader.h
- include/os.h
- backend/port/tas.s
- backend/port/dynloader.c
- backend/utils/Gen_fmgrtab.sh
- interfaces/odbc/port
- interfaces/odbc/makefiles
- interfaces/odbc/template
- interfaces/odbc/config.h
- GNUmakefile
- Makefile.global
- backend/port/Makefile
- backend/catalog/genbki.sh
- backend/utils/Gen_fmgrtab.sh
- bin/pg_dump/Makefile
- bin/pg_version/Makefile
- bin/psql/Makefile
- bin/pgtclsh/mkMakefile.tcldefs.sh
- bin/pgtclsh/mkMakefile.tkdefs.sh
- include/version.h
- interfaces/libpq/Makefile
- interfaces/ecpg/lib/Makefile
- interfaces/libpq++/Makefile
- interfaces/libpgtcl/Makefile
- interfaces/odbc/GNUmakefile
- interfaces/odbc/Makefile.global
- pl/plpgsql/src/Makefile
- pl/plpgsql/src/mklang.sql
- pl/tcl/mkMakefile.tcldefs.sh
- $(MAKE) -C lextest $@
- $(MAKE) -C utils $@
- $(MAKE) -C backend $@
- $(MAKE) -C interfaces $@
- $(MAKE) -C bin $@
- $(MAKE) -C pl $@
- @if test $@. = all. -o $@. = .; then
- echo All of PostgreSQL is successfully made. Ready to install. ;
- fi
- rm -f TAGS;
- for i in backend interfaces/libpq bin; do
- $(FIND) $$i -name '*.[chyl]' -print | $(XARGS) $(ETAGS) -a ;
- done
- # target to generate a backup tar file and split files that can be
- # saved to 1.44M floppy
- rm -f BACKUP.filelist BACKUP.tgz;
- $(FIND) . -not -path '*obj/*' -not -path '*data/*' -type f -print > BACKUP.filelist;
- $(TAR) --files-from BACKUP.filelist -c -z -v -f BACKUP.tgz
- $(SPLIT) --bytes=1400k BACKUP.tgz pgBACKUP.