- #!/bin/sh
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # createlang.sh--
- # Remove a procedural language from a database
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- #
- #
- # $Header: /usr/local/cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/destroylang/destroylang.sh,v 1.1 1999/05/20 16:50:03 wieck Exp $
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CMDNAME=`basename $0`
- # ----------
- # Determine username
- # ----------
- if [ -z "$USER" ]; then
- if [ -z "$LOGNAME" ]; then
- if [ -z "`whoami`" ]; then
- echo "$CMDNAME: cannot determine user name"
- exit 1
- fi
- else
- export USER
- fi
- fi
- # ----------
- # Get options, language name and dbname
- # ----------
- dbname=$USER
- while [ -n "$1" ]
- do
- case $1 in
- -a) AUTHSYS=$2; shift;;
- -h) PGHOST=$2; shift;;
- -p) PGPORT=$2; shift;;
- *) langname=$1
- if [ -n "$2" ]; then
- shift
- dbname=$1
- fi;;
- esac
- shift;
- done
- # ----------
- # If not given on the commandline, ask for the language
- # ----------
- if [ -z "$langname" ]; then
- echo -n "Language to remove from database $dbname: "
- read langname
- fi
- # ----------
- # Check if supported and set related values
- # ----------
- case "$langname" in
- plpgsql) lancomp="PL/pgSQL"
- handler="plpgsql_call_handler";;
- pltcl) lancomp="PL/Tcl"
- handler="pltcl_call_handler";;
- *) echo "$CMDNAME: unsupported language '$langname'"
- echo " supported languages are plpgsql and pltcl"
- exit 1;;
- esac
- # ----------
- # Combine psql with options given
- # ----------
- if [ -z "$AUTHSYS" ]; then
- else
- fi
- if [ -z "$PGHOST" ]; then
- else
- fi
- if [ -z "$PGPORT" ]; then
- else
- fi
- # ----------
- # Make sure the language is installed
- # ----------
- res=`$MONITOR "select oid from pg_language where lanname = '$langname'" $dbname`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Cannot remove language"
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ -z "$res" ]; then
- echo "The language '$langname' isn't installed in database $dbname"
- exit 1
- fi
- # ----------
- # Check that there are no functions left defined in that language
- # ----------
- res=`$MONITOR "select count(proname) from pg_proc P, pg_language L where P.prolang = L.oid and L.lanname = '$langname'" $dbname`
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Cannot remove language"
- exit 1
- fi
- if [ $res -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "There are $res functions/trigger procedures actually declared"
- echo "in language $lancomp."
- echo "Language not removed."
- exit 1
- fi
- # ----------
- # Drop the language and the call handler function
- # ----------
- $MONITOR "drop procedural language '$langname'" $dbname
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Language removal failed"
- exit 1
- fi
- $MONITOR "drop function $handler()" $dbname
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Language removal failed"
- exit 1
- fi
- exit 0