- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * common.c
- * common routines between pg_dump and pg4_dump
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- *
- *
- * $Header: /usr/local/cvsroot/pgsql/src/bin/pg_dump/common.c,v 1.32 1999/05/27 16:29:03 momjian Exp $
- *
- * Modifications - 6/12/96 - - version 1.13.dhb.2
- *
- * - Fixed dumpTable output to output lengths for char and varchar types!
- * - Added single. quote to twin single quote expansion for 'insert' string
- * mode.
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <sys/param.h> /* for MAXHOSTNAMELEN on most */
- #ifdef solaris_sparc
- #include <netdb.h> /* for MAXHOSTNAMELEN on some */
- #endif
- #include "postgres.h"
- #include "libpq-fe.h"
- #ifndef HAVE_STRDUP
- #include "strdup.h"
- #endif
- #include "pg_dump.h"
- static char **findParentsByOid(TableInfo *tbinfo, int numTables,
- InhInfo *inhinfo, int numInherits,
- const char *oid,
- int *numParents);
- static int findTableByOid(TableInfo *tbinfo, int numTables, const char *oid);
- static void flagInhAttrs(TableInfo *tbinfo, int numTables,
- InhInfo *inhinfo, int numInherits);
- static int strInArray(const char *pattern, char **arr, int arr_size);
- /*
- * findTypeByOid
- * given an oid of a type, return its typename
- *
- * if oid is "0", return "opaque" -- this is a special case
- *
- * NOTE: should hash this, but just do linear search for now
- */
- char *
- findTypeByOid(TypeInfo *tinfo, int numTypes, const char *oid)
- {
- int i;
- if (strcmp(oid, "0") == 0)
- return g_opaque_type;
- for (i = 0; i < numTypes; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(tinfo[i].oid, oid) == 0)
- return tinfo[i].typname;
- }
- /* should never get here */
- fprintf(stderr, "failed sanity check, type with oid %s was not foundn",
- oid);
- exit(2);
- }
- /*
- * findOprByOid
- * given the oid of an operator, return the name of the operator
- *
- *
- * NOTE: should hash this, but just do linear search for now
- *
- */
- char *
- findOprByOid(OprInfo *oprinfo, int numOprs, const char *oid)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < numOprs; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(oprinfo[i].oid, oid) == 0)
- return oprinfo[i].oprname;
- }
- /* should never get here */
- fprintf(stderr, "failed sanity check, opr with oid %s was not foundn",
- oid);
- exit(2);
- }
- /*
- * findParentsByOid
- * given the oid of a class, return the names of its parent classes
- * and assign the number of parents to the last argument.
- *
- *
- * returns NULL if none
- */
- static char **
- findParentsByOid(TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables,
- InhInfo *inhinfo, int numInherits, const char *oid,
- int *numParentsPtr)
- {
- int i,
- j;
- int parentInd,
- selfInd;
- char **result;
- int numParents;
- numParents = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < numInherits; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(inhinfo[i].inhrel, oid) == 0)
- numParents++;
- }
- *numParentsPtr = numParents;
- if (numParents > 0)
- {
- result = (char **) malloc(sizeof(char *) * numParents);
- j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < numInherits; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(inhinfo[i].inhrel, oid) == 0)
- {
- parentInd = findTableByOid(tblinfo, numTables,
- inhinfo[i].inhparent);
- if (parentInd < 0)
- {
- selfInd = findTableByOid(tblinfo, numTables, oid);
- fprintf(stderr,
- "failed sanity check, parent oid %s of table %s (oid %s) was not foundn",
- inhinfo[i].inhparent,
- (selfInd >= 0) ? tblinfo[selfInd].relname : "",
- oid);
- exit(2);
- }
- result[j++] = tblinfo[parentInd].relname;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- else
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- * parseArgTypes
- * parse a string of eight numbers delimited by spaces
- * into a character array
- */
- void
- parseArgTypes(char **argtypes, const char *str)
- {
- int j,
- argNum;
- char temp[100];
- char s;
- argNum = 0;
- j = 0;
- while ((s = *str) != ' ')
- {
- if (s == ' ')
- {
- temp[j] = ' ';
- argtypes[argNum] = strdup(temp);
- argNum++;
- j = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- temp[j] = s;
- j++;
- }
- str++;
- }
- if (j != 0)
- {
- temp[j] = ' ';
- argtypes[argNum] = strdup(temp);
- }
- }
- /*
- * strInArray:
- * takes in a string and a string array and the number of elements in the
- * string array.
- * returns the index if the string is somewhere in the array, -1 otherwise
- *
- */
- static int
- strInArray(const char *pattern, char **arr, int arr_size)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < arr_size; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(pattern, arr[i]) == 0)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- /*
- * dumpSchema:
- * we have a valid connection, we are now going to dump the schema
- * into the file
- *
- */
- TableInfo *
- dumpSchema(FILE *fout,
- int *numTablesPtr,
- const char *tablename,
- const bool aclsSkip)
- {
- int numTypes;
- int numFuncs;
- int numTables;
- int numInherits;
- int numAggregates;
- int numOperators;
- TypeInfo *tinfo = NULL;
- FuncInfo *finfo = NULL;
- AggInfo *agginfo = NULL;
- TableInfo *tblinfo = NULL;
- InhInfo *inhinfo = NULL;
- OprInfo *oprinfo = NULL;
- if (g_verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s reading user-defined types %sn",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- tinfo = getTypes(&numTypes);
- if (g_verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s reading user-defined functions %sn",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- finfo = getFuncs(&numFuncs);
- if (g_verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s reading user-defined aggregates %sn",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- agginfo = getAggregates(&numAggregates);
- if (g_verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s reading user-defined operators %sn",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- oprinfo = getOperators(&numOperators);
- if (g_verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s reading user-defined tables %sn",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- tblinfo = getTables(&numTables, finfo, numFuncs);
- if (g_verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s reading table inheritance information %sn",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- inhinfo = getInherits(&numInherits);
- if (g_verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s finding the attribute names and types for each table %sn",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- getTableAttrs(tblinfo, numTables);
- if (g_verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s flagging inherited attributes in subtables %sn",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- flagInhAttrs(tblinfo, numTables, inhinfo, numInherits);
- if (!tablename && fout)
- {
- if (g_verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s dumping out user-defined types %sn",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- dumpTypes(fout, finfo, numFuncs, tinfo, numTypes);
- }
- if (fout)
- {
- if (g_verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s dumping out tables %sn",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- dumpTables(fout, tblinfo, numTables, inhinfo, numInherits,
- tinfo, numTypes, tablename, aclsSkip);
- }
- if (!tablename && fout)
- {
- if (g_verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s dumping out user-defined procedural languages %sn",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- dumpProcLangs(fout, finfo, numFuncs, tinfo, numTypes);
- }
- if (!tablename && fout)
- {
- if (g_verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s dumping out user-defined functions %sn",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- dumpFuncs(fout, finfo, numFuncs, tinfo, numTypes);
- }
- if (!tablename && fout)
- {
- if (g_verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s dumping out user-defined aggregates %sn",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- dumpAggs(fout, agginfo, numAggregates, tinfo, numTypes);
- }
- if (!tablename && fout)
- {
- if (g_verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s dumping out user-defined operators %sn",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- dumpOprs(fout, oprinfo, numOperators, tinfo, numTypes);
- }
- *numTablesPtr = numTables;
- clearAggInfo(agginfo, numAggregates);
- clearOprInfo(oprinfo, numOperators);
- clearTypeInfo(tinfo, numTypes);
- clearFuncInfo(finfo, numFuncs);
- clearInhInfo(inhinfo, numInherits);
- return tblinfo;
- }
- /*
- * dumpSchemaIdx:
- * dump indexes at the end for performance
- *
- */
- extern void
- dumpSchemaIdx(FILE *fout, const char *tablename,
- TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables)
- {
- int numIndices;
- IndInfo *indinfo;
- if (g_verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s reading indices information %sn",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- indinfo = getIndices(&numIndices);
- if (fout)
- {
- if (g_verbose)
- fprintf(stderr, "%s dumping out indices %sn",
- g_comment_start, g_comment_end);
- dumpIndices(fout, indinfo, numIndices, tblinfo, numTables, tablename);
- }
- clearIndInfo(indinfo, numIndices);
- }
- /* flagInhAttrs -
- * for each table in tblinfo, flag its inherited attributes
- * so when we dump the table out, we don't dump out the inherited attributes
- *
- * initializes the parentRels field of each table
- *
- * modifies tblinfo
- *
- */
- static void
- flagInhAttrs(TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables,
- InhInfo *inhinfo, int numInherits)
- {
- int i,
- j,
- k;
- int parentInd;
- /*
- * we go backwards because the tables in tblinfo are in OID order,
- * meaning the subtables are after the parent tables we flag inherited
- * attributes from child tables first
- */
- for (i = numTables - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- tblinfo[i].parentRels = findParentsByOid(tblinfo, numTables,
- inhinfo, numInherits,
- tblinfo[i].oid,
- &tblinfo[i].numParents);
- for (k = 0; k < tblinfo[i].numParents; k++)
- {
- parentInd = findTableByName(tblinfo, numTables,
- tblinfo[i].parentRels[k]);
- if (parentInd < 0)
- {
- /* shouldn't happen unless findParentsByOid is broken */
- fprintf(stderr, "failed sanity check, table %s not found by flagInhAttrsn",
- tblinfo[i].parentRels[k]);
- exit(2);
- }
- for (j = 0; j < tblinfo[i].numatts; j++)
- {
- if (strInArray(tblinfo[i].attnames[j],
- tblinfo[parentInd].attnames,
- tblinfo[parentInd].numatts) != -1)
- tblinfo[i].inhAttrs[j] = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * findTableByName
- * finds the index (in tblinfo) of the table with the given relname
- * returns -1 if not found
- *
- * NOTE: should hash this, but just do linear search for now
- */
- int
- findTableByName(TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables, const char *relname)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < numTables; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(tblinfo[i].relname, relname) == 0)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- /*
- * findTableByOid
- * finds the index (in tblinfo) of the table with the given oid
- * returns -1 if not found
- *
- * NOTE: should hash this, but just do linear search for now
- */
- static int
- findTableByOid(TableInfo *tblinfo, int numTables, const char *oid)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < numTables; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(tblinfo[i].oid, oid) == 0)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- /*
- * findFuncByName
- * finds the index (in finfo) of the function with the given name
- * returns -1 if not found
- *
- * NOTE: should hash this, but just do linear search for now
- */
- int
- findFuncByName(FuncInfo *finfo, int numFuncs, const char *name)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < numFuncs; i++)
- {
- if (strcmp(finfo[i].proname, name) == 0)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- /*
- * fmtId
- *
- * checks input string for non-lowercase characters
- * returns pointer to input string or string surrounded by double quotes
- *
- * Note that the returned string should be used immediately since it
- * uses a static buffer to hold the string. Non-reentrant but faster?
- */
- const char *
- fmtId(const char *rawid, bool force_quotes)
- {
- const char *cp;
- static char id[MAX_QUERY_SIZE];
- if (!force_quotes)
- for (cp = rawid; *cp != ' '; cp++)
- if (!(islower(*cp) || isdigit(*cp) || (*cp == '_')))
- break;
- if (force_quotes || (*cp != ' '))
- {
- strcpy(id, """);
- strcat(id, rawid);
- strcat(id, """);
- cp = id;
- }
- else
- cp = rawid;
- return cp;
- } /* fmtId() */