- #
- # updateStats
- # updates the statistic of number of distinct attribute values
- # (this should really be done by the vacuum command)
- # this is kind of brute force and slow, but it works
- # since we use SELECT DISTINCT to calculate the number of distinct values
- # and that does a sort, you need to have plenty of disk space for the
- # intermediate sort files.
- #
- # - jolly 6/8/95
- #
- # update_attnvals
- # takes in a table and updates the attnvals columns for the attributes
- # of that table
- #
- # conn is the database connection
- # rel is the table name
- proc update_attnvals {conn rel} {
- # first, get the oid of the rel
- set res [pg_exec $conn "SELECT oid FROM pg_class where relname = '$rel'"]
- if { [pg_result $res -numTuples] == "0"} {
- puts stderr "update_attnvals: Relation named $rel was not found"
- return
- }
- set oid [pg_result $res -getTuple 0]
- pg_result $res -clear
- # use this query to find the names of the attributes
- set res [pg_exec $conn "SELECT * FROM $rel WHERE 'f'::bool"]
- set attrNames [pg_result $res -attributes]
- puts "attrNames = $attrNames"
- foreach att $attrNames {
- # find how many distinct values there are for this attribute
- # this may fail if the user-defined type doesn't have
- # comparison operators defined
- set res2 [pg_exec $conn "SELECT DISTINCT $att FROM $rel"]
- set NVALS($att) [pg_result $res2 -numTuples]
- puts "NVALS($att) is $NVALS($att)"
- pg_result $res2 -clear
- }
- pg_result $res -clear
- # now, update the pg_attribute table
- foreach att $attrNames {
- # first find the oid of the row to change
- set res [pg_exec $conn "SELECT oid FROM pg_attribute a WHERE a.attname = '$att' and a.attrelid = '$oid'"]
- set attoid [pg_result $res -getTuple 0]
- set res2 [pg_exec $conn "UPDATE pg_attribute SET attnvals = $NVALS($att) where pg_attribute.oid = '$attoid'::oid"]
- }
- }
- # updateStats
- # takes in a database name
- # and updates the attnval stat for all the user-defined tables
- # in the database
- proc updateStats { dbName } {
- # datnames is the list to be result
- set conn [pg_connect $dbName]
- set res [pg_exec $conn "SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'r' and relname !~ '^pg_' and relname !~ '^xinv'"]
- set ntups [pg_result $res -numTuples]
- for {set i 0} {$i < $ntups} {incr i} {
- set rel [pg_result $res -getTuple $i]
- puts "updating attnvals stats on table $rel"
- update_attnvals $conn $rel
- }
- pg_disconnect $conn
- }