- .pgaw:Help.f.t insert end "CREATE DATABASE" {bold} " creates a new Postgres database. The creator becomes the administrator of the new database.
- " {} "Synopsis" {bold} "
- " {} "
- " {code} "Inputs" {bold} "
- " {} "name" {italic} "
- The name of a database to create.
- " {} "dbpath" {italic} "
- An alternate location can be specified as either an environment variable known to the backend server (e.g. 'PGDATA2') or as an absolute path name (e.g. '/usr/local/pgsql/data'). In
- either case, the location must be pre-configured by initlocation.
- " {} "Outputs" {bold} "
- " {} "CREATEDB" {italic} "
- Message returned if the command completes successfully.
- " {} "WARN: createdb: database "name" already exists." {italic} "
- This occurs if database specified already exists.
- " {} "ERROR: Unable to create database directory directory" {italic} "
- There was a problem with creating the required directory; this operation will need permissions for the postgres user on the specified location.
- " {} "Usage" {bold} "
- To create a new database:
- olly=> create database lusiadas;
- To create a new database in an alternate area ~/private_db:
- $ mkdir private_db
- $ initlocation ~/private_db
- Creating Postgres database system directory /home/olly/private_db/base
- $ psql olly
- Welcome to the POSTGRESQL interactive sql monitor:
- Please read the file COPYRIGHT for copyright terms of POSTGRESQL
- type \? for help on slash commands
- type \q to quit
- type \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
- You are currently connected to the database: template1
- olly=> create database elsewhere with location = '/home/olly/private_db';
- " {} "Bugs" {bold} "
- There are security and data integrity issues involved with using alternate database locations specified with absolute path names, and by default only an environment variable known to the
- backend may be specified for an alternate location. See the Administrator's Guide for more information.
- " {} "Notes" {bold} "
- " {} "CREATE DATABASE" {italic} " is a Postgres language extension.
- Use " {} "DROP DATABASE" {italic} " to remove a database. "