- .pgaw:Help.f.t insert end "Forms" {title} "
- Forms" {bold} " tab is used to inspect, create and design
- database stored forms that can be later executed.
- Forms are actually Tcl/Tk code stored in the opened database in a special table called "pga_forms"
- and they can be executed by selecting it and pressing the "Open" button.
- The design module will allow you do define the graphical layout of the form and
- to bind Tcl/Tk code to different widgets. You will really need to know Tcl/Tk in
- order to be able to write PgAccess forms.
- Due to internal limits of PostgreSQL that cannot store more than 8Kb per record
- and taking into account that pga_forms store one form per record it's possible that
- too complicated forms cannot be stored into the table. Too complicated code in
- forms could be stored in scripts instead thought scripts also are limited to the
- 8 Kb size.
- See also " {} "form designing" {link form_design}