- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * mm.c
- * main memory storage manager
- *
- * This code manages relations that reside in (presumably stable)
- * main memory.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- *
- *
- * $Header: /usr/local/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/storage/smgr/mm.c,v 1.16 1999/05/25 16:11:32 momjian Exp $
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- #include "postgres.h"
- #include <math.h>
- #include "storage/ipc.h"
- #include "storage/smgr.h" /* where the declarations go */
- #include "storage/block.h"
- #include "storage/shmem.h"
- #include "storage/spin.h"
- #include "utils/hsearch.h"
- #include "utils/rel.h"
- #include "utils/memutils.h"
- /*
- * MMCacheTag -- Unique triplet for blocks stored by the main memory
- * storage manager.
- */
- typedef struct MMCacheTag
- {
- Oid mmct_dbid;
- Oid mmct_relid;
- BlockNumber mmct_blkno;
- } MMCacheTag;
- /*
- * Shared-memory hash table for main memory relations contains
- * entries of this form.
- */
- typedef struct MMHashEntry
- {
- MMCacheTag mmhe_tag;
- int mmhe_bufno;
- } MMHashEntry;
- /*
- * MMRelTag -- Unique identifier for each relation that is stored in the
- * main-memory storage manager.
- */
- typedef struct MMRelTag
- {
- Oid mmrt_dbid;
- Oid mmrt_relid;
- } MMRelTag;
- /*
- * Shared-memory hash table for # blocks in main memory relations contains
- * entries of this form.
- */
- typedef struct MMRelHashEntry
- {
- MMRelTag mmrhe_tag;
- int mmrhe_nblocks;
- } MMRelHashEntry;
- #define MMNBUFFERS 10
- #define MMNRELATIONS 2
- extern Oid MyDatabaseId;
- static int *MMCurTop;
- static int *MMCurRelno;
- static MMCacheTag *MMBlockTags;
- static char *MMBlockCache;
- static HTAB *MMCacheHT;
- static HTAB *MMRelCacheHT;
- int
- mminit()
- {
- char *mmcacheblk;
- int mmsize = 0;
- bool found;
- HASHCTL info;
- SpinAcquire(MMCacheLock);
- mmsize += MAXALIGN(sizeof(*MMCurTop));
- mmsize += MAXALIGN(sizeof(*MMCurRelno));
- mmsize += MAXALIGN((MMNBUFFERS * sizeof(MMCacheTag)));
- mmcacheblk = (char *) ShmemInitStruct("Main memory smgr", mmsize, &found);
- if (mmcacheblk == (char *) NULL)
- {
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- return SM_FAIL;
- }
- info.keysize = sizeof(MMCacheTag);
- info.datasize = sizeof(MMHashEntry) - sizeof(MMCacheTag);
- info.hash = tag_hash;
- MMCacheHT = (HTAB *) ShmemInitHash("Main memory store HT",
- if (MMCacheHT == (HTAB *) NULL)
- {
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- return SM_FAIL;
- }
- info.keysize = sizeof(MMRelTag);
- info.datasize = sizeof(MMRelHashEntry) - sizeof(MMRelTag);
- info.hash = tag_hash;
- MMRelCacheHT = (HTAB *) ShmemInitHash("Main memory rel HT",
- if (MMRelCacheHT == (HTAB *) NULL)
- {
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- return SM_FAIL;
- }
- if (IsUnderPostmaster) /* was IsPostmaster bjm */
- {
- MemSet(mmcacheblk, 0, mmsize);
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- return SM_SUCCESS;
- }
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- MMCurTop = (int *) mmcacheblk;
- mmcacheblk += sizeof(int);
- MMCurRelno = (int *) mmcacheblk;
- mmcacheblk += sizeof(int);
- MMBlockTags = (MMCacheTag *) mmcacheblk;
- mmcacheblk += (MMNBUFFERS * sizeof(MMCacheTag));
- MMBlockCache = mmcacheblk;
- return SM_SUCCESS;
- }
- int
- mmshutdown()
- {
- return SM_SUCCESS;
- }
- int
- mmcreate(Relation reln)
- {
- MMRelHashEntry *entry;
- bool found;
- MMRelTag tag;
- SpinAcquire(MMCacheLock);
- if (*MMCurRelno == MMNRELATIONS)
- {
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- return SM_FAIL;
- }
- (*MMCurRelno)++;
- tag.mmrt_relid = RelationGetRelid(reln);
- if (reln->rd_rel->relisshared)
- tag.mmrt_dbid = (Oid) 0;
- else
- tag.mmrt_dbid = MyDatabaseId;
- entry = (MMRelHashEntry *) hash_search(MMRelCacheHT,
- (char *) &tag, HASH_ENTER, &found);
- if (entry == (MMRelHashEntry *) NULL)
- {
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- elog(FATAL, "main memory storage mgr rel cache hash table corrupt");
- }
- if (found)
- {
- /* already exists */
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- return SM_FAIL;
- }
- entry->mmrhe_nblocks = 0;
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- return SM_SUCCESS;
- }
- /*
- * mmunlink() -- Unlink a relation.
- */
- int
- mmunlink(Relation reln)
- {
- int i;
- Oid reldbid;
- MMHashEntry *entry;
- MMRelHashEntry *rentry;
- bool found;
- MMRelTag rtag;
- if (reln->rd_rel->relisshared)
- reldbid = (Oid) 0;
- else
- reldbid = MyDatabaseId;
- SpinAcquire(MMCacheLock);
- for (i = 0; i < MMNBUFFERS; i++)
- {
- if (MMBlockTags[i].mmct_dbid == reldbid
- && MMBlockTags[i].mmct_relid == RelationGetRelid(reln))
- {
- entry = (MMHashEntry *) hash_search(MMCacheHT,
- (char *) &MMBlockTags[i],
- HASH_REMOVE, &found);
- if (entry == (MMHashEntry *) NULL || !found)
- {
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- elog(FATAL, "mmunlink: cache hash table corrupted");
- }
- MMBlockTags[i].mmct_dbid = (Oid) 0;
- MMBlockTags[i].mmct_relid = (Oid) 0;
- MMBlockTags[i].mmct_blkno = (BlockNumber) 0;
- }
- }
- rtag.mmrt_dbid = reldbid;
- rtag.mmrt_relid = RelationGetRelid(reln);
- rentry = (MMRelHashEntry *) hash_search(MMRelCacheHT, (char *) &rtag,
- HASH_REMOVE, &found);
- if (rentry == (MMRelHashEntry *) NULL || !found)
- {
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- elog(FATAL, "mmunlink: rel cache hash table corrupted");
- }
- (*MMCurRelno)--;
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * mmextend() -- Add a block to the specified relation.
- *
- * This routine returns SM_FAIL or SM_SUCCESS, with errno set as
- * appropriate.
- */
- int
- mmextend(Relation reln, char *buffer)
- {
- MMRelHashEntry *rentry;
- MMHashEntry *entry;
- int i;
- Oid reldbid;
- int offset;
- bool found;
- MMRelTag rtag;
- MMCacheTag tag;
- if (reln->rd_rel->relisshared)
- reldbid = (Oid) 0;
- else
- reldbid = MyDatabaseId;
- tag.mmct_dbid = rtag.mmrt_dbid = reldbid;
- tag.mmct_relid = rtag.mmrt_relid = RelationGetRelid(reln);
- SpinAcquire(MMCacheLock);
- if (*MMCurTop == MMNBUFFERS)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < MMNBUFFERS; i++)
- {
- if (MMBlockTags[i].mmct_dbid == 0 &&
- MMBlockTags[i].mmct_relid == 0)
- break;
- }
- if (i == MMNBUFFERS)
- {
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- return SM_FAIL;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- i = *MMCurTop;
- (*MMCurTop)++;
- }
- rentry = (MMRelHashEntry *) hash_search(MMRelCacheHT, (char *) &rtag,
- HASH_FIND, &found);
- if (rentry == (MMRelHashEntry *) NULL || !found)
- {
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- elog(FATAL, "mmextend: rel cache hash table corrupt");
- }
- tag.mmct_blkno = rentry->mmrhe_nblocks;
- entry = (MMHashEntry *) hash_search(MMCacheHT, (char *) &tag,
- HASH_ENTER, &found);
- if (entry == (MMHashEntry *) NULL || found)
- {
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- elog(FATAL, "mmextend: cache hash table corrupt");
- }
- entry->mmhe_bufno = i;
- MMBlockTags[i].mmct_dbid = reldbid;
- MMBlockTags[i].mmct_relid = RelationGetRelid(reln);
- MMBlockTags[i].mmct_blkno = rentry->mmrhe_nblocks;
- /* page numbers are zero-based, so we increment this at the end */
- (rentry->mmrhe_nblocks)++;
- /* write the extended page */
- offset = (i * BLCKSZ);
- memmove(&(MMBlockCache[offset]), buffer, BLCKSZ);
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- return SM_SUCCESS;
- }
- /*
- * mmopen() -- Open the specified relation.
- */
- int
- mmopen(Relation reln)
- {
- /* automatically successful */
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * mmclose() -- Close the specified relation.
- *
- * Returns SM_SUCCESS or SM_FAIL with errno set as appropriate.
- */
- int
- mmclose(Relation reln)
- {
- /* automatically successful */
- return SM_SUCCESS;
- }
- /*
- * mmread() -- Read the specified block from a relation.
- *
- * Returns SM_SUCCESS or SM_FAIL.
- */
- int
- mmread(Relation reln, BlockNumber blocknum, char *buffer)
- {
- MMHashEntry *entry;
- bool found;
- int offset;
- MMCacheTag tag;
- if (reln->rd_rel->relisshared)
- tag.mmct_dbid = (Oid) 0;
- else
- tag.mmct_dbid = MyDatabaseId;
- tag.mmct_relid = RelationGetRelid(reln);
- tag.mmct_blkno = blocknum;
- SpinAcquire(MMCacheLock);
- entry = (MMHashEntry *) hash_search(MMCacheHT, (char *) &tag,
- HASH_FIND, &found);
- if (entry == (MMHashEntry *) NULL)
- {
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- elog(FATAL, "mmread: hash table corrupt");
- }
- if (!found)
- {
- /* reading nonexistent pages is defined to fill them with zeroes */
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- MemSet(buffer, 0, BLCKSZ);
- return SM_SUCCESS;
- }
- offset = (entry->mmhe_bufno * BLCKSZ);
- memmove(buffer, &MMBlockCache[offset], BLCKSZ);
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- return SM_SUCCESS;
- }
- /*
- * mmwrite() -- Write the supplied block at the appropriate location.
- *
- * Returns SM_SUCCESS or SM_FAIL.
- */
- int
- mmwrite(Relation reln, BlockNumber blocknum, char *buffer)
- {
- MMHashEntry *entry;
- bool found;
- int offset;
- MMCacheTag tag;
- if (reln->rd_rel->relisshared)
- tag.mmct_dbid = (Oid) 0;
- else
- tag.mmct_dbid = MyDatabaseId;
- tag.mmct_relid = RelationGetRelid(reln);
- tag.mmct_blkno = blocknum;
- SpinAcquire(MMCacheLock);
- entry = (MMHashEntry *) hash_search(MMCacheHT, (char *) &tag,
- HASH_FIND, &found);
- if (entry == (MMHashEntry *) NULL)
- {
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- elog(FATAL, "mmread: hash table corrupt");
- }
- if (!found)
- {
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- elog(FATAL, "mmwrite: hash table missing requested page");
- }
- offset = (entry->mmhe_bufno * BLCKSZ);
- memmove(&MMBlockCache[offset], buffer, BLCKSZ);
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- return SM_SUCCESS;
- }
- /*
- * mmflush() -- Synchronously write a block to stable storage.
- *
- * For main-memory relations, this is exactly equivalent to mmwrite().
- */
- int
- mmflush(Relation reln, BlockNumber blocknum, char *buffer)
- {
- return mmwrite(reln, blocknum, buffer);
- }
- /*
- * mmblindwrt() -- Write a block to stable storage blind.
- *
- * We have to be able to do this using only the name and OID of
- * the database and relation in which the block belongs.
- */
- int
- mmblindwrt(char *dbstr,
- char *relstr,
- Oid dbid,
- Oid relid,
- BlockNumber blkno,
- char *buffer)
- {
- return SM_FAIL;
- }
- /*
- * mmnblocks() -- Get the number of blocks stored in a relation.
- *
- * Returns # of blocks or -1 on error.
- */
- int
- mmnblocks(Relation reln)
- {
- MMRelTag rtag;
- MMRelHashEntry *rentry;
- bool found;
- int nblocks;
- if (reln->rd_rel->relisshared)
- rtag.mmrt_dbid = (Oid) 0;
- else
- rtag.mmrt_dbid = MyDatabaseId;
- rtag.mmrt_relid = RelationGetRelid(reln);
- SpinAcquire(MMCacheLock);
- rentry = (MMRelHashEntry *) hash_search(MMRelCacheHT, (char *) &rtag,
- HASH_FIND, &found);
- if (rentry == (MMRelHashEntry *) NULL)
- {
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- elog(FATAL, "mmnblocks: rel cache hash table corrupt");
- }
- if (found)
- nblocks = rentry->mmrhe_nblocks;
- else
- nblocks = -1;
- SpinRelease(MMCacheLock);
- return nblocks;
- }
- /*
- * mmcommit() -- Commit a transaction.
- *
- * Returns SM_SUCCESS or SM_FAIL with errno set as appropriate.
- */
- int
- mmcommit()
- {
- return SM_SUCCESS;
- }
- /*
- * mmabort() -- Abort a transaction.
- */
- int
- mmabort()
- {
- return SM_SUCCESS;
- }
- /*
- * MMShmemSize() -- Declare amount of shared memory we require.
- *
- * The shared memory initialization code creates a block of shared
- * memory exactly big enough to hold all the structures it needs to.
- * This routine declares how much space the main memory storage
- * manager will use.
- */
- int
- MMShmemSize()
- {
- int size = 0;
- /*
- * first compute space occupied by the (dbid,relid,blkno) hash table
- */
- size += hash_estimate_size(MMNBUFFERS,
- 0, /* MMHashEntry includes key */
- sizeof(MMHashEntry));
- /*
- * now do the same for the rel hash table
- */
- size += hash_estimate_size(MMNRELATIONS,
- 0, /* MMRelHashEntry includes key */
- sizeof(MMRelHashEntry));
- /*
- * finally, add in the memory block we use directly
- */
- size += MAXALIGN(sizeof(*MMCurTop));
- size += MAXALIGN(sizeof(*MMCurRelno));
- size += MAXALIGN(MMNBUFFERS * sizeof(MMCacheTag));
- return size;
- }