- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * be-dumpdata.c
- * support for collection of returned tuples from an internal
- * PQ call into a backend buffer.
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- *
- * $Id: be-dumpdata.c,v 1.25 1999/05/25 22:41:06 momjian Exp $
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /*
- * be_portalinit - initialize backend portal administration
- * be_portalpush - add a portal to the top of the portal stack
- * be_portalpop - remove portal on the top of the stack & return it
- * be_currentportal - return the top portal on the portal stack
- * be_newportal - return a new portal.
- * be_portalinit - initialize backend portal expected to hold results.
- * be_printtup - add a tuple to a backend portal
- *
- * Since backend user-defined operators can call queries
- * which in turn call user-defined operators can call queries...
- * we have to keep track of portals on a stack. BeginCommand()
- * puts portals on the stack and the PQ functions remove them.
- *
- */
- #include <string.h>
- #include <postgres.h>
- #include <lib/dllist.h>
- #include <libpq/libpq.h>
- #include <access/heapam.h>
- #include <access/htup.h>
- #include <storage/buf.h>
- #include <utils/memutils.h>
- #include <fmgr.h>
- #include <utils/mcxt.h>
- #include <utils/exc.h>
- #include <utils/syscache.h>
- #include <catalog/pg_type.h>
- #include <catalog/catalog.h>
- #include <access/printtup.h>
- /* ----------------
- * backend portal stack for recursive PQexec calls
- * ----------------
- */
- static Dllist *be_portalstack;
- /* ----------------
- * be_portalinit - initialize backend portal administration
- *
- * This is called once from InitPostgres() to initialize
- * the portal stack.
- * ----------------
- */
- void
- be_portalinit(void)
- {
- be_portalstack = DLNewList();
- }
- /* ----------------
- * be_portalpush - add a portal to the top of the portal stack
- *
- * used by BeginCommand()
- * ----------------
- */
- void
- be_portalpush(PortalEntry *entry)
- {
- DLAddTail(be_portalstack, DLNewElem(entry));
- }
- /* ----------------
- * be_portalpop - remove the portal on the top of the stack & return it
- *
- * used by PQexec()
- * ----------------
- */
- PortalEntry *
- be_portalpop(void)
- {
- PortalEntry *p;
- Dlelem *elt;
- elt = DLRemTail(be_portalstack);
- p = (elt ? (PortalEntry *) DLE_VAL(elt) : NULL);
- DLFreeElem(elt);
- return p;
- }
- /* ----------------
- * be_currentportal - return the top portal on the portal stack
- *
- * used by be_printtup()
- * ----------------
- */
- PortalEntry *
- be_currentportal(void)
- {
- Dlelem *elt;
- elt = DLGetTail(be_portalstack);
- return elt ? (PortalEntry *) DLE_VAL(elt) : NULL;
- }
- /* ----------------
- * be_newportal - return a new portal.
- *
- * If the user-defined function does not specify a portal name,
- * we generate a unique one. Names are generated from a combination
- * of a postgres oid and an integer counter which is incremented
- * every time we ask for a local portal.
- *
- * used by BeginCommand()
- * ----------------
- */
- static Oid be_portaloid;
- static u_int be_portalcnt = 0;
- PortalEntry *
- be_newportal(void)
- {
- PortalEntry *entry;
- char buf[PortalNameLength];
- /* ----------------
- * generate a new name
- * ----------------
- */
- if (be_portalcnt == 0)
- be_portaloid = newoid();
- be_portalcnt++;
- snprintf(buf, PortalNameLength, "be_%u_%d", be_portaloid, be_portalcnt);
- /* ----------------
- * initialize the new portal entry and keep track
- * of the current memory context for be_printtup().
- * This is important - otherwise whatever we allocate
- * will go away and the contents of the portal after
- * PQexec() returns will be meaningless.
- * ----------------
- */
- entry = pbuf_setup(buf);
- entry->portalcxt = (Pointer) CurrentMemoryContext;
- return entry;
- }
- /* ----------------
- * be_typeinit - initialize backend portal expected to hold
- * query results.
- *
- * used by BeginCommand()
- * ----------------
- */
- void
- be_typeinit(PortalEntry *entry,
- TupleDesc tupDesc,
- int natts)
- {
- PortalBuffer *portal;
- GroupBuffer *group;
- int i;
- Form_pg_attribute *attrs = tupDesc->attrs;
- /* ----------------
- * add a new portal group to the portal
- * ----------------
- */
- portal = entry->portal;
- portal->no_groups++;
- portal->groups = group = pbuf_addGroup(portal);
- group->no_fields = natts;
- /* ----------------
- * initialize portal group type info
- * ----------------
- */
- if (natts > 0)
- {
- group->types = pbuf_addTypes(natts);
- for (i = 0; i < natts; ++i)
- {
- strncpy(group->types[i].name, attrs[i]->, NAMEDATALEN);
- group->types[i].typid = attrs[i]->atttypid;
- group->types[i].typlen = attrs[i]->attlen;
- }
- }
- }
- /* ----------------
- * be_printtup - add a tuple to a backend portal
- *
- * used indirectly by ExecRetrieve()
- *
- * This code is pretty much copied from printtup(), dump_type()
- * and dump_data(). -cim 2/12/91
- * ----------------
- */
- void
- be_printtup(HeapTuple tuple, TupleDesc typeinfo, DestReceiver *self)
- {
- int i;
- Datum attr;
- bool isnull;
- Oid typoutput,
- typelem;
- PortalEntry *entry = NULL;
- PortalBuffer *portal = NULL;
- GroupBuffer *group = NULL;
- TupleBlock *tuples = NULL;
- char **values;
- int *lengths;
- MemoryContext savecxt;
- /* ----------------
- * get the current portal and group
- * ----------------
- */
- entry = be_currentportal();
- portal = entry->portal;
- group = portal->groups;
- /* ----------------
- * switch to the portal's memory context so that
- * the tuples we allocate are returned to the user.
- * ----------------
- */
- savecxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo((MemoryContext) entry->portalcxt);
- /* ----------------
- * If no tuple block yet, allocate one.
- * If the current block is full, allocate another one.
- * ----------------
- */
- if (group->tuples == NULL)
- {
- tuples = group->tuples = pbuf_addTuples();
- tuples->tuple_index = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- tuples = group->tuples;
- /* walk to the end of the linked list of TupleBlocks */
- while (tuples->next)
- tuples = tuples->next;
- /*
- * now, tuples is the last TupleBlock, check to see if it is full.
- * If so, allocate a new TupleBlock and add it to the end of the
- * chain
- */
- if (tuples->tuple_index == TupleBlockSize)
- {
- tuples->next = pbuf_addTuples();
- tuples = tuples->next;
- tuples->tuple_index = 0;
- }
- }
- /* ----------------
- * Allocate space for a tuple.
- * ----------------
- */
- tuples->values[tuples->tuple_index] = pbuf_addTuple(tuple->t_data->t_natts);
- tuples->lengths[tuples->tuple_index] = pbuf_addTupleValueLengths(tuple->t_data->t_natts);
- /* ----------------
- * copy printable representations of the tuple's attributes
- * to the portal.
- *
- * This seems silly, because the user's function which is calling
- * PQexec() or PQfn() will probably just convert this back into the
- * internal form anyways, but the point here is to provide a uniform
- * libpq interface and this is how the fe libpq interface currently
- * works. Pretty soon we'll have to add code to let the fe or be
- * select the desired data representation and then deal with that.
- * This should not be too hard, as there already exist typrecieve()
- * and typsend() procedures for user-defined types (see pg_type.h)
- * -cim 2/11/91
- * ----------------
- */
- values = tuples->values[tuples->tuple_index];
- lengths = tuples->lengths[tuples->tuple_index];
- for (i = 0; i < tuple->t_data->t_natts; i++)
- {
- attr = heap_getattr(tuple, i + 1, typeinfo, &isnull);
- getTypeOutAndElem((Oid) typeinfo->attrs[i]->atttypid,
- &typoutput, &typelem);
- lengths[i] = typeinfo->attrs[i]->attlen;
- if (lengths[i] == -1) /* variable length attribute */
- {
- if (!isnull)
- lengths[i] = VARSIZE(attr) - VARHDRSZ;
- else
- lengths[i] = 0;
- }
- if (!isnull && OidIsValid(typoutput))
- values[i] = fmgr(typoutput, attr, typelem,
- typeinfo->attrs[i]->atttypmod);
- else
- values[i] = NULL;
- }
- /* ----------------
- * increment tuple group counters
- * ----------------
- */
- portal->no_tuples++;
- group->no_tuples++;
- tuples->tuple_index++;
- /* ----------------
- * return to the original memory context
- * ----------------
- */
- MemoryContextSwitchTo(savecxt);
- }