- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * gistscan.c
- * routines to manage scans on index relations
- *
- *
- * /usr/local/devel/pglite/cvs/src/backend/access/gist/gistscan.c,v 1.7 1995/06/14 00:10:05 jolly Exp
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- #include "postgres.h"
- #include "access/genam.h"
- #include "access/gist.h"
- #include "access/gistscan.h"
- /* routines defined and used here */
- static void gistregscan(IndexScanDesc s);
- static void gistdropscan(IndexScanDesc s);
- static void gistadjone(IndexScanDesc s, int op, BlockNumber blkno,
- OffsetNumber offnum);
- static void adjuststack(GISTSTACK *stk, BlockNumber blkno,
- OffsetNumber offnum);
- static void adjustiptr(IndexScanDesc s, ItemPointer iptr,
- int op, BlockNumber blkno, OffsetNumber offnum);
- /*
- * Whenever we start a GiST scan in a backend, we register it in private
- * space. Then if the GiST index gets updated, we check all registered
- * scans and adjust them if the tuple they point at got moved by the
- * update. We only need to do this in private space, because when we update
- * an GiST we have a write lock on the tree, so no other process can have
- * any locks at all on it. A single transaction can have write and read
- * locks on the same object, so that's why we need to handle this case.
- */
- typedef struct GISTScanListData
- {
- IndexScanDesc gsl_scan;
- struct GISTScanListData *gsl_next;
- } GISTScanListData;
- typedef GISTScanListData *GISTScanList;
- /* pointer to list of local scans on GiSTs */
- static GISTScanList GISTScans = (GISTScanList) NULL;
- IndexScanDesc
- gistbeginscan(Relation r,
- bool fromEnd,
- uint16 nkeys,
- ScanKey key)
- {
- IndexScanDesc s;
- /*
- * Let index_beginscan does its work...
- *
- * RelationSetLockForRead(r);
- */
- s = RelationGetIndexScan(r, fromEnd, nkeys, key);
- gistregscan(s);
- return s;
- }
- void
- gistrescan(IndexScanDesc s, bool fromEnd, ScanKey key)
- {
- GISTScanOpaque p;
- int i;
- if (!IndexScanIsValid(s))
- {
- elog(ERROR, "gistrescan: invalid scan.");
- return;
- }
- /*
- * Clear all the pointers.
- */
- ItemPointerSetInvalid(&s->previousItemData);
- ItemPointerSetInvalid(&s->currentItemData);
- ItemPointerSetInvalid(&s->nextItemData);
- ItemPointerSetInvalid(&s->previousMarkData);
- ItemPointerSetInvalid(&s->currentMarkData);
- ItemPointerSetInvalid(&s->nextMarkData);
- /*
- * Set flags.
- */
- if (RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(s->relation) == 0)
- s->flags = ScanUnmarked;
- else if (fromEnd)
- s->flags = ScanUnmarked | ScanUncheckedPrevious;
- else
- s->flags = ScanUnmarked | ScanUncheckedNext;
- s->scanFromEnd = fromEnd;
- if (s->numberOfKeys > 0)
- {
- memmove(s->keyData,
- key,
- s->numberOfKeys * sizeof(ScanKeyData));
- }
- p = (GISTScanOpaque) s->opaque;
- if (p != (GISTScanOpaque) NULL)
- {
- gistfreestack(p->s_stack);
- gistfreestack(p->s_markstk);
- p->s_stack = p->s_markstk = (GISTSTACK *) NULL;
- p->s_flags = 0x0;
- for (i = 0; i < s->numberOfKeys; i++)
- {
- s->keyData[i].sk_procedure
- = RelationGetGISTStrategy(s->relation, s->keyData[i].sk_attno,
- s->keyData[i].sk_procedure);
- s->keyData[i].sk_func = p->giststate->consistentFn;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* initialize opaque data */
- p = (GISTScanOpaque) palloc(sizeof(GISTScanOpaqueData));
- p->s_stack = p->s_markstk = (GISTSTACK *) NULL;
- p->s_flags = 0x0;
- s->opaque = p;
- p->giststate = (GISTSTATE *) palloc(sizeof(GISTSTATE));
- initGISTstate(p->giststate, s->relation);
- if (s->numberOfKeys > 0)
- /*
- * * Play games here with the scan key to use the Consistent *
- * function for all comparisons: * 1) the sk_procedure field
- * will now be used to hold the * strategy number * 2) the
- * sk_func field will point to the Consistent function
- */
- for (i = 0; i < s->numberOfKeys; i++)
- {
- /*
- * s->keyData[i].sk_procedure =
- * index_getprocid(s->relation, 1, GIST_CONSISTENT_PROC);
- */
- s->keyData[i].sk_procedure
- = RelationGetGISTStrategy(s->relation, s->keyData[i].sk_attno,
- s->keyData[i].sk_procedure);
- s->keyData[i].sk_func = p->giststate->consistentFn;
- }
- }
- }
- void
- gistmarkpos(IndexScanDesc s)
- {
- GISTScanOpaque p;
- *n,
- *tmp;
- s->currentMarkData = s->currentItemData;
- p = (GISTScanOpaque) s->opaque;
- if (p->s_flags & GS_CURBEFORE)
- p->s_flags |= GS_MRKBEFORE;
- else
- p->s_flags &= ~GS_MRKBEFORE;
- n = p->s_stack;
- /* copy the parent stack from the current item data */
- while (n != (GISTSTACK *) NULL)
- {
- tmp = (GISTSTACK *) palloc(sizeof(GISTSTACK));
- tmp->gs_child = n->gs_child;
- tmp->gs_blk = n->gs_blk;
- tmp->gs_parent = o;
- o = tmp;
- n = n->gs_parent;
- }
- gistfreestack(p->s_markstk);
- p->s_markstk = o;
- }
- void
- gistrestrpos(IndexScanDesc s)
- {
- GISTScanOpaque p;
- *n,
- *tmp;
- s->currentItemData = s->currentMarkData;
- p = (GISTScanOpaque) s->opaque;
- if (p->s_flags & GS_MRKBEFORE)
- p->s_flags |= GS_CURBEFORE;
- else
- p->s_flags &= ~GS_CURBEFORE;
- n = p->s_markstk;
- /* copy the parent stack from the current item data */
- while (n != (GISTSTACK *) NULL)
- {
- tmp = (GISTSTACK *) palloc(sizeof(GISTSTACK));
- tmp->gs_child = n->gs_child;
- tmp->gs_blk = n->gs_blk;
- tmp->gs_parent = o;
- o = tmp;
- n = n->gs_parent;
- }
- gistfreestack(p->s_stack);
- p->s_stack = o;
- }
- void
- gistendscan(IndexScanDesc s)
- {
- GISTScanOpaque p;
- p = (GISTScanOpaque) s->opaque;
- if (p != (GISTScanOpaque) NULL)
- {
- gistfreestack(p->s_stack);
- gistfreestack(p->s_markstk);
- pfree(s->opaque);
- }
- gistdropscan(s);
- /* XXX don't unset read lock -- two-phase locking */
- }
- static void
- gistregscan(IndexScanDesc s)
- {
- GISTScanList l;
- l = (GISTScanList) palloc(sizeof(GISTScanListData));
- l->gsl_scan = s;
- l->gsl_next = GISTScans;
- GISTScans = l;
- }
- static void
- gistdropscan(IndexScanDesc s)
- {
- GISTScanList l;
- GISTScanList prev;
- prev = (GISTScanList) NULL;
- for (l = GISTScans;
- l != (GISTScanList) NULL && l->gsl_scan != s;
- l = l->gsl_next)
- prev = l;
- if (l == (GISTScanList) NULL)
- elog(ERROR, "GiST scan list corrupted -- cannot find 0x%lx", s);
- if (prev == (GISTScanList) NULL)
- GISTScans = l->gsl_next;
- else
- prev->gsl_next = l->gsl_next;
- pfree(l);
- }
- void
- gistadjscans(Relation rel, int op, BlockNumber blkno, OffsetNumber offnum)
- {
- GISTScanList l;
- Oid relid;
- relid = RelationGetRelid(rel);
- for (l = GISTScans; l != (GISTScanList) NULL; l = l->gsl_next)
- {
- if (l->gsl_scan->relation->rd_id == relid)
- gistadjone(l->gsl_scan, op, blkno, offnum);
- }
- }
- /*
- * gistadjone() -- adjust one scan for update.
- *
- * By here, the scan passed in is on a modified relation. Op tells
- * us what the modification is, and blkno and offind tell us what
- * block and offset index were affected. This routine checks the
- * current and marked positions, and the current and marked stacks,
- * to see if any stored location needs to be changed because of the
- * update. If so, we make the change here.
- */
- static void
- gistadjone(IndexScanDesc s,
- int op,
- BlockNumber blkno,
- OffsetNumber offnum)
- {
- GISTScanOpaque so;
- adjustiptr(s, &(s->currentItemData), op, blkno, offnum);
- adjustiptr(s, &(s->currentMarkData), op, blkno, offnum);
- so = (GISTScanOpaque) s->opaque;
- if (op == GISTOP_SPLIT)
- {
- adjuststack(so->s_stack, blkno, offnum);
- adjuststack(so->s_markstk, blkno, offnum);
- }
- }
- /*
- * adjustiptr() -- adjust current and marked item pointers in the scan
- *
- * Depending on the type of update and the place it happened, we
- * need to do nothing, to back up one record, or to start over on
- * the same page.
- */
- static void
- adjustiptr(IndexScanDesc s,
- ItemPointer iptr,
- int op,
- BlockNumber blkno,
- OffsetNumber offnum)
- {
- OffsetNumber curoff;
- GISTScanOpaque so;
- if (ItemPointerIsValid(iptr))
- {
- if (ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(iptr) == blkno)
- {
- curoff = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(iptr);
- so = (GISTScanOpaque) s->opaque;
- switch (op)
- {
- case GISTOP_DEL:
- /* back up one if we need to */
- if (curoff >= offnum)
- {
- if (curoff > FirstOffsetNumber)
- {
- /* just adjust the item pointer */
- ItemPointerSet(iptr, blkno, OffsetNumberPrev(curoff));
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * remember that we're before the current
- * tuple
- */
- ItemPointerSet(iptr, blkno, FirstOffsetNumber);
- if (iptr == &(s->currentItemData))
- so->s_flags |= GS_CURBEFORE;
- else
- so->s_flags |= GS_MRKBEFORE;
- }
- }
- break;
- /* back to start of page on split */
- ItemPointerSet(iptr, blkno, FirstOffsetNumber);
- if (iptr == &(s->currentItemData))
- so->s_flags &= ~GS_CURBEFORE;
- else
- so->s_flags &= ~GS_MRKBEFORE;
- break;
- default:
- elog(ERROR, "Bad operation in GiST scan adjust: %d", op);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * adjuststack() -- adjust the supplied stack for a split on a page in
- * the index we're scanning.
- *
- * If a page on our parent stack has split, we need to back up to the
- * beginning of the page and rescan it. The reason for this is that
- * the split algorithm for GiSTs doesn't order tuples in any useful
- * way on a single page. This means on that a split, we may wind up
- * looking at some heap tuples more than once. This is handled in the
- * access method update code for heaps; if we've modified the tuple we
- * are looking at already in this transaction, we ignore the update
- * request.
- */
- static void
- adjuststack(GISTSTACK *stk,
- BlockNumber blkno,
- OffsetNumber offnum)
- {
- while (stk != (GISTSTACK *) NULL)
- {
- if (stk->gs_blk == blkno)
- stk->gs_child = FirstOffsetNumber;
- stk = stk->gs_parent;
- }
- }