- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * setrefs.c
- * Routines to change varno/attno entries to contain references
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- *
- *
- * $Header: /usr/local/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/plan/setrefs.c,v 1999/08/02 06:27:03 scrappy Exp $
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include "postgres.h"
- #include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
- #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
- #include "optimizer/clauses.h"
- #include "optimizer/planmain.h"
- #include "optimizer/tlist.h"
- #include "optimizer/var.h"
- static void set_join_tlist_references(Join *join);
- static void set_nonamescan_tlist_references(SeqScan *nonamescan);
- static void set_noname_tlist_references(Noname *noname);
- static Node *replace_clause_joinvar_refs(Node *clause,
- List *outer_tlist,
- List *inner_tlist);
- static Var *replace_joinvar_refs(Var *var,
- List *outer_tlist,
- List *inner_tlist);
- static List *tlist_noname_references(Oid nonameid, List *tlist);
- static bool OperandIsInner(Node *opnd, int inner_relid);
- static List *pull_agg_clause(Node *clause);
- static void set_result_tlist_references(Result *resultNode);
- static void replace_vars_with_subplan_refs(Node *clause,
- Index subvarno,
- List *subplanTargetList);
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*
- * set_tlist_references
- * Modifies the target list of nodes in a plan to reference target lists
- * at lower levels.
- *
- * 'plan' is the plan whose target list and children's target lists will
- * be modified
- *
- * Returns nothing of interest, but modifies internal fields of nodes.
- *
- */
- void
- set_tlist_references(Plan *plan)
- {
- if (plan == NULL)
- return;
- if (IsA_Join(plan))
- set_join_tlist_references((Join *) plan);
- else if (IsA(plan, SeqScan) &&plan->lefttree &&
- IsA_Noname(plan->lefttree))
- set_nonamescan_tlist_references((SeqScan *) plan);
- else if (IsA(plan, Sort))
- set_noname_tlist_references((Noname *) plan);
- else if (IsA(plan, Result))
- set_result_tlist_references((Result *) plan);
- else if (IsA(plan, Hash))
- set_tlist_references(plan->lefttree);
- }
- /*
- * set_join_tlist_references
- * Modifies the target list of a join node by setting the varnos and
- * varattnos to reference the target list of the outer and inner join
- * relations.
- *
- * Creates a target list for a join node to contain references by setting
- * varno values to OUTER or INNER and setting attno values to the
- * result domain number of either the corresponding outer or inner join
- * tuple.
- *
- * 'join' is a join plan node
- *
- * Returns nothing of interest, but modifies internal fields of nodes.
- *
- */
- static void
- set_join_tlist_references(Join *join)
- {
- Plan *outer = ((Plan *) join)->lefttree;
- Plan *inner = ((Plan *) join)->righttree;
- List *outer_tlist = ((outer == NULL) ? NIL : outer->targetlist);
- List *inner_tlist = ((inner == NULL) ? NIL : inner->targetlist);
- List *new_join_targetlist = NIL;
- List *qptlist = ((Plan *) join)->targetlist;
- List *entry;
- foreach(entry, qptlist)
- {
- TargetEntry *xtl = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(entry);
- Node *joinvar = replace_clause_joinvar_refs(xtl->expr,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist);
- new_join_targetlist = lappend(new_join_targetlist,
- makeTargetEntry(xtl->resdom, joinvar));
- }
- ((Plan *) join)->targetlist = new_join_targetlist;
- if (outer != NULL)
- set_tlist_references(outer);
- if (inner != NULL)
- set_tlist_references(inner);
- }
- /*
- * set_nonamescan_tlist_references
- * Modifies the target list of a node that scans a noname relation (i.e., a
- * sort or hash node) so that the varnos refer to the child noname.
- *
- * 'nonamescan' is a seqscan node
- *
- * Returns nothing of interest, but modifies internal fields of nodes.
- *
- */
- static void
- set_nonamescan_tlist_references(SeqScan *nonamescan)
- {
- Noname *noname = (Noname *) ((Plan *) nonamescan)->lefttree;
- ((Plan *) nonamescan)->targetlist = tlist_noname_references(noname->nonameid,
- ((Plan *) nonamescan)->targetlist);
- set_noname_tlist_references(noname);
- }
- /*
- * set_noname_tlist_references
- * The noname's vars are made consistent with (actually, identical to) the
- * modified version of the target list of the node from which noname node
- * receives its tuples.
- *
- * 'noname' is a noname (e.g., sort, hash) plan node
- *
- * Returns nothing of interest, but modifies internal fields of nodes.
- *
- */
- static void
- set_noname_tlist_references(Noname *noname)
- {
- Plan *source = ((Plan *) noname)->lefttree;
- if (source != NULL)
- {
- set_tlist_references(source);
- ((Plan *) noname)->targetlist = copy_vars(((Plan *) noname)->targetlist,
- (source)->targetlist);
- }
- else
- elog(ERROR, "calling set_noname_tlist_references with empty lefttree");
- }
- /*
- * join_references
- * Creates a new set of join clauses by changing the varno/varattno
- * values of variables in the clauses to reference target list values
- * from the outer and inner join relation target lists.
- * This is just an external interface for replace_clause_joinvar_refs.
- *
- * 'clauses' is the list of join clauses
- * 'outer_tlist' is the target list of the outer join relation
- * 'inner_tlist' is the target list of the inner join relation
- *
- * Returns the new join clauses. The original clause structure is
- * not modified.
- *
- */
- List *
- join_references(List *clauses,
- List *outer_tlist,
- List *inner_tlist)
- {
- return (List *) replace_clause_joinvar_refs((Node *) clauses,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist);
- }
- /*
- * index_outerjoin_references
- * Given a list of join clauses, replace the operand corresponding to the
- * outer relation in the join with references to the corresponding target
- * list element in 'outer_tlist' (the outer is rather obscurely
- * identified as the side that doesn't contain a var whose varno equals
- * 'inner_relid').
- *
- * As a side effect, the operator is replaced by the regproc id.
- *
- * 'inner_indxqual' is the list of join clauses (so-called because they
- * are used as qualifications for the inner (inbex) scan of a nestloop)
- *
- * Returns the new list of clauses.
- *
- */
- List *
- index_outerjoin_references(List *inner_indxqual,
- List *outer_tlist,
- Index inner_relid)
- {
- List *t_list = NIL;
- Expr *temp = NULL;
- List *t_clause = NIL;
- Expr *clause = NULL;
- foreach(t_clause, inner_indxqual)
- {
- clause = lfirst(t_clause);
- /*
- * if inner scan on the right.
- */
- if (OperandIsInner((Node *) get_rightop(clause), inner_relid))
- {
- Var *joinvar = (Var *)
- replace_clause_joinvar_refs((Node *) get_leftop(clause),
- outer_tlist,
- NIL);
- temp = make_opclause(replace_opid((Oper *) ((Expr *) clause)->oper),
- joinvar,
- get_rightop(clause));
- t_list = lappend(t_list, temp);
- }
- else
- {
- /* inner scan on left */
- Var *joinvar = (Var *)
- replace_clause_joinvar_refs((Node *) get_rightop(clause),
- outer_tlist,
- NIL);
- temp = make_opclause(replace_opid((Oper *) ((Expr *) clause)->oper),
- get_leftop(clause),
- joinvar);
- t_list = lappend(t_list, temp);
- }
- }
- return t_list;
- }
- /*
- * replace_clause_joinvar_refs
- * replace_joinvar_refs
- *
- * Replaces all variables within a join clause with a new var node
- * whose varno/varattno fields contain a reference to a target list
- * element from either the outer or inner join relation.
- *
- * 'clause' is the join clause
- * 'outer_tlist' is the target list of the outer join relation
- * 'inner_tlist' is the target list of the inner join relation
- *
- * Returns the new join clause.
- * NB: it is critical that the original clause structure not be modified!
- * The changes must be applied to a copy.
- *
- * XXX the current implementation does not copy unchanged primitive
- * nodes; they remain shared with the original. Is this safe?
- */
- static Node *
- replace_clause_joinvar_refs(Node *clause,
- List *outer_tlist,
- List *inner_tlist)
- {
- if (clause == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (IsA(clause, Var))
- {
- Var *temp = replace_joinvar_refs((Var *) clause,
- outer_tlist, inner_tlist);
- if (temp != NULL)
- return (Node *) temp;
- else
- return clause;
- }
- else if (single_node(clause))
- return clause;
- else if (and_clause(clause))
- {
- return (Node *) make_andclause((List *)
- replace_clause_joinvar_refs((Node *) ((Expr *) clause)->args,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist));
- }
- else if (or_clause(clause))
- {
- return (Node *) make_orclause((List *)
- replace_clause_joinvar_refs((Node *) ((Expr *) clause)->args,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist));
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, ArrayRef))
- {
- ArrayRef *oldnode = (ArrayRef *) clause;
- ArrayRef *newnode = makeNode(ArrayRef);
- newnode->refattrlength = oldnode->refattrlength;
- newnode->refelemlength = oldnode->refelemlength;
- newnode->refelemtype = oldnode->refelemtype;
- newnode->refelembyval = oldnode->refelembyval;
- newnode->refupperindexpr = (List *)
- replace_clause_joinvar_refs((Node *) oldnode->refupperindexpr,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist);
- newnode->reflowerindexpr = (List *)
- replace_clause_joinvar_refs((Node *) oldnode->reflowerindexpr,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist);
- newnode->refexpr =
- replace_clause_joinvar_refs(oldnode->refexpr,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist);
- newnode->refassgnexpr =
- replace_clause_joinvar_refs(oldnode->refassgnexpr,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist);
- return (Node *) newnode;
- }
- else if (is_funcclause(clause))
- {
- return (Node *) make_funcclause(
- (Func *) ((Expr *) clause)->oper,
- (List *) replace_clause_joinvar_refs(
- (Node *) ((Expr *) clause)->args,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist));
- }
- else if (not_clause(clause))
- {
- return (Node *) make_notclause((Expr *)
- replace_clause_joinvar_refs(
- (Node *) get_notclausearg((Expr *) clause),
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist));
- }
- else if (is_opclause(clause))
- {
- return (Node *) make_opclause(
- replace_opid((Oper *) ((Expr *) clause)->oper),
- (Var *) replace_clause_joinvar_refs(
- (Node *) get_leftop((Expr *) clause),
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist),
- (Var *) replace_clause_joinvar_refs(
- (Node *) get_rightop((Expr *) clause),
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist));
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, List))
- {
- List *t_list = NIL;
- List *subclause;
- foreach(subclause, (List *) clause)
- {
- t_list = lappend(t_list,
- replace_clause_joinvar_refs(lfirst(subclause),
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist));
- }
- return (Node *) t_list;
- }
- else if (is_subplan(clause))
- {
- /* This is a tad wasteful of space, but it works... */
- Expr *newclause = (Expr *) copyObject(clause);
- newclause->args = (List *)
- replace_clause_joinvar_refs((Node *) newclause->args,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist);
- ((SubPlan *) newclause->oper)->sublink->oper = (List *)
- replace_clause_joinvar_refs(
- (Node *) ((SubPlan *) newclause->oper)->sublink->oper,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist);
- return (Node *) newclause;
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, CaseExpr))
- {
- CaseExpr *oldnode = (CaseExpr *) clause;
- CaseExpr *newnode = makeNode(CaseExpr);
- newnode->casetype = oldnode->casetype;
- newnode->arg = oldnode->arg; /* XXX should always be null
- * anyway ... */
- newnode->args = (List *)
- replace_clause_joinvar_refs((Node *) oldnode->args,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist);
- newnode->defresult =
- replace_clause_joinvar_refs(oldnode->defresult,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist);
- return (Node *) newnode;
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, CaseWhen))
- {
- CaseWhen *oldnode = (CaseWhen *) clause;
- CaseWhen *newnode = makeNode(CaseWhen);
- newnode->expr =
- replace_clause_joinvar_refs(oldnode->expr,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist);
- newnode->result =
- replace_clause_joinvar_refs(oldnode->result,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist);
- return (Node *) newnode;
- }
- else
- {
- elog(ERROR, "replace_clause_joinvar_refs: unsupported clause %d",
- nodeTag(clause));
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- static Var *
- replace_joinvar_refs(Var *var, List *outer_tlist, List *inner_tlist)
- {
- Resdom *outer_resdom;
- outer_resdom = tlist_member(var, outer_tlist);
- if (outer_resdom != NULL && IsA(outer_resdom, Resdom))
- {
- return (makeVar(OUTER,
- outer_resdom->resno,
- var->vartype,
- var->vartypmod,
- 0,
- var->varnoold,
- var->varoattno));
- }
- else
- {
- Resdom *inner_resdom;
- inner_resdom = tlist_member(var, inner_tlist);
- if (inner_resdom != NULL && IsA(inner_resdom, Resdom))
- {
- return (makeVar(INNER,
- inner_resdom->resno,
- var->vartype,
- var->vartypmod,
- 0,
- var->varnoold,
- var->varoattno));
- }
- }
- return (Var *) NULL;
- }
- /*
- * tlist_noname_references
- * Creates a new target list for a node that scans a noname relation,
- * setting the varnos to the id of the noname relation and setting varids
- * if necessary (varids are only needed if this is a targetlist internal
- * to the tree, in which case the targetlist entry always contains a var
- * node, so we can just copy it from the noname).
- *
- * 'nonameid' is the id of the noname relation
- * 'tlist' is the target list to be modified
- *
- * Returns new target list
- *
- */
- static List *
- tlist_noname_references(Oid nonameid,
- List *tlist)
- {
- List *t_list = NIL;
- TargetEntry *noname = (TargetEntry *) NULL;
- TargetEntry *xtl = NULL;
- List *entry;
- foreach(entry, tlist)
- {
- AttrNumber oattno;
- xtl = lfirst(entry);
- if (IsA(get_expr(xtl), Var))
- oattno = ((Var *) xtl->expr)->varoattno;
- else
- oattno = 0;
- noname = makeTargetEntry(xtl->resdom,
- (Node *) makeVar(nonameid,
- xtl->resdom->resno,
- xtl->resdom->restype,
- xtl->resdom->restypmod,
- 0,
- nonameid,
- oattno));
- t_list = lappend(t_list, noname);
- }
- return t_list;
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * set_result_tlist_references
- *
- * Change the target list of a Result node, so that it correctly
- * addresses the tuples returned by its left tree subplan.
- *
- * NOTE:
- * 1) we ignore the right tree! (in the current implementation
- * it is always nil
- * 2) this routine will probably *NOT* work with nested dot
- * fields....
- */
- static void
- set_result_tlist_references(Result *resultNode)
- {
- Plan *subplan;
- List *resultTargetList;
- List *subplanTargetList;
- resultTargetList = ((Plan *) resultNode)->targetlist;
- /*
- * NOTE: we only consider the left tree subplan. This is usually a seq
- * scan.
- */
- subplan = ((Plan *) resultNode)->lefttree;
- if (subplan != NULL)
- subplanTargetList = subplan->targetlist;
- else
- subplanTargetList = NIL;
- replace_tlist_with_subplan_refs(resultTargetList,
- (Index) OUTER,
- subplanTargetList);
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * replace_tlist_with_subplan_refs
- *
- * Applies replace_vars_with_subplan_refs() to each entry of a targetlist.
- */
- void
- replace_tlist_with_subplan_refs(List *tlist,
- Index subvarno,
- List *subplanTargetList)
- {
- List *t;
- foreach(t, tlist)
- {
- TargetEntry *entry = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(t);
- replace_vars_with_subplan_refs((Node *) get_expr(entry),
- subvarno, subplanTargetList);
- }
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * replace_vars_with_subplan_refs
- *
- * This routine modifies (destructively!) an expression tree so that all
- * Var nodes reference target nodes of a subplan. It is used to fix up
- * target expressions of upper-level plan nodes.
- *
- * 'clause': the tree to be fixed
- * 'subvarno': varno to be assigned to all Vars
- * 'subplanTargetList': target list for subplan
- *
- * Afterwards, all Var nodes have varno = subvarno, varattno = resno
- * of corresponding subplan target.
- */
- static void
- replace_vars_with_subplan_refs(Node *clause,
- Index subvarno,
- List *subplanTargetList)
- {
- List *t;
- if (clause == NULL)
- return;
- if (IsA(clause, Var))
- {
- /*
- * Ha! A Var node!
- *
- * It could be that this varnode has been created by make_groupplan
- * and is already set up to reference the subplan target list. We
- * recognize that case by varno = 1, varnoold = -1, varattno =
- * varoattno, and varlevelsup = 0. (Probably ought to have an
- * explicit flag, but this should do for now.)
- */
- Var *var = (Var *) clause;
- TargetEntry *subplanVar;
- if (var->varno == (Index) 1 &&
- var->varnoold == ((Index) -1) &&
- var->varattno == var->varoattno &&
- var->varlevelsup == 0)
- return; /* OK to leave it alone */
- /* Otherwise it had better be in the subplan list. */
- subplanVar = match_varid(var, subplanTargetList);
- if (!subplanVar)
- elog(ERROR, "replace_vars_with_subplan_refs: variable not in target list");
- /*
- * Change the varno & varattno fields of the var node.
- */
- var->varno = subvarno;
- var->varattno = subplanVar->resdom->resno;
- }
- else if (single_node(clause))
- {
- /* do nothing! */
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, Iter))
- replace_vars_with_subplan_refs(((Iter *) clause)->iterexpr,
- subvarno, subplanTargetList);
- else if (is_subplan(clause))
- {
- foreach(t, ((Expr *) clause)->args)
- replace_vars_with_subplan_refs(lfirst(t),
- subvarno, subplanTargetList);
- foreach(t, ((SubPlan *) ((Expr *) clause)->oper)->sublink->oper)
- replace_vars_with_subplan_refs(lfirst(((Expr *) lfirst(t))->args),
- subvarno, subplanTargetList);
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, Expr))
- {
- /*
- * Recursively scan the arguments of an expression. NOTE: this
- * must come after is_subplan() case since subplan is a kind of
- * Expr node.
- */
- foreach(t, ((Expr *) clause)->args)
- replace_vars_with_subplan_refs(lfirst(t),
- subvarno, subplanTargetList);
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, Aggref))
- replace_vars_with_subplan_refs(((Aggref *) clause)->target,
- subvarno, subplanTargetList);
- else if (IsA(clause, ArrayRef))
- {
- ArrayRef *aref = (ArrayRef *) clause;
- foreach(t, aref->refupperindexpr)
- replace_vars_with_subplan_refs(lfirst(t),
- subvarno, subplanTargetList);
- foreach(t, aref->reflowerindexpr)
- replace_vars_with_subplan_refs(lfirst(t),
- subvarno, subplanTargetList);
- replace_vars_with_subplan_refs(aref->refexpr,
- subvarno, subplanTargetList);
- replace_vars_with_subplan_refs(aref->refassgnexpr,
- subvarno, subplanTargetList);
- }
- else if (case_clause(clause))
- {
- foreach(t, ((CaseExpr *) clause)->args)
- {
- CaseWhen *when = (CaseWhen *) lfirst(t);
- replace_vars_with_subplan_refs(when->expr,
- subvarno, subplanTargetList);
- replace_vars_with_subplan_refs(when->result,
- subvarno, subplanTargetList);
- }
- replace_vars_with_subplan_refs(((CaseExpr *) clause)->defresult,
- subvarno, subplanTargetList);
- }
- else
- {
- elog(ERROR, "replace_vars_with_subplan_refs: Cannot handle node type %d",
- nodeTag(clause));
- }
- }
- static bool
- OperandIsInner(Node *opnd, int inner_relid)
- {
- /*
- * Can be the inner scan if its a varnode or a function and the
- * inner_relid is equal to the varnode's var number or in the case of
- * a function the first argument's var number (all args in a
- * functional index are from the same relation).
- */
- if (IsA(opnd, Var) &&
- (inner_relid == ((Var *) opnd)->varno))
- return true;
- if (is_funcclause(opnd))
- {
- List *firstArg = lfirst(((Expr *) opnd)->args);
- if (IsA(firstArg, Var) &&
- (inner_relid == ((Var *) firstArg)->varno))
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*---------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * set_agg_tlist_references -
- * This routine has several responsibilities:
- * * Update the target list of an Agg node so that it points to
- * the tuples returned by its left tree subplan.
- * * If there is a qual list (from a HAVING clause), similarly update
- * vars in it to point to the subplan target list.
- * * Generate the aggNode->aggs list of Aggref nodes contained in the Agg.
- *
- * The return value is TRUE if all qual clauses include Aggrefs, or FALSE
- * if any do not (caller may choose to raise an error condition).
- */
- bool
- set_agg_tlist_references(Agg *aggNode)
- {
- List *subplanTargetList;
- List *tl;
- List *ql;
- bool all_quals_ok;
- subplanTargetList = aggNode->plan.lefttree->targetlist;
- aggNode->aggs = NIL;
- foreach(tl, aggNode->plan.targetlist)
- {
- TargetEntry *tle = lfirst(tl);
- replace_vars_with_subplan_refs(tle->expr,
- (Index) 0,
- subplanTargetList);
- aggNode->aggs = nconc(pull_agg_clause(tle->expr), aggNode->aggs);
- }
- all_quals_ok = true;
- foreach(ql, aggNode->plan.qual)
- {
- Node *qual = lfirst(ql);
- List *qualaggs;
- replace_vars_with_subplan_refs(qual,
- (Index) 0,
- subplanTargetList);
- qualaggs = pull_agg_clause(qual);
- if (qualaggs == NIL)
- all_quals_ok = false; /* this qual clause has no agg
- * functions! */
- else
- aggNode->aggs = nconc(qualaggs, aggNode->aggs);
- }
- return all_quals_ok;
- }
- /*
- * Make a list of all Aggref nodes contained in the given expression.
- */
- static List *
- pull_agg_clause(Node *clause)
- {
- List *agg_list = NIL;
- List *t;
- if (clause == NULL)
- return NIL;
- else if (single_node(clause))
- return NIL;
- else if (IsA(clause, Iter))
- return pull_agg_clause(((Iter *) clause)->iterexpr);
- else if (is_subplan(clause))
- {
- SubLink *sublink = ((SubPlan *) ((Expr *) clause)->oper)->sublink;
- /*
- * Only the lefthand side of the sublink should be checked for
- * aggregates to be attached to the aggs list
- */
- foreach(t, sublink->lefthand)
- agg_list = nconc(pull_agg_clause(lfirst(t)), agg_list);
- /* The first argument of ...->oper has also to be checked */
- foreach(t, sublink->oper)
- agg_list = nconc(pull_agg_clause(lfirst(t)), agg_list);
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, Expr))
- {
- /*
- * Recursively scan the arguments of an expression. NOTE: this
- * must come after is_subplan() case since subplan is a kind of
- * Expr node.
- */
- foreach(t, ((Expr *) clause)->args)
- agg_list = nconc(pull_agg_clause(lfirst(t)), agg_list);
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, Aggref))
- {
- return lcons(clause,
- pull_agg_clause(((Aggref *) clause)->target));
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, ArrayRef))
- {
- ArrayRef *aref = (ArrayRef *) clause;
- foreach(t, aref->refupperindexpr)
- agg_list = nconc(pull_agg_clause(lfirst(t)), agg_list);
- foreach(t, aref->reflowerindexpr)
- agg_list = nconc(pull_agg_clause(lfirst(t)), agg_list);
- agg_list = nconc(pull_agg_clause(aref->refexpr), agg_list);
- agg_list = nconc(pull_agg_clause(aref->refassgnexpr), agg_list);
- }
- else if (case_clause(clause))
- {
- foreach(t, ((CaseExpr *) clause)->args)
- {
- CaseWhen *when = (CaseWhen *) lfirst(t);
- agg_list = nconc(agg_list, pull_agg_clause(when->expr));
- agg_list = nconc(agg_list, pull_agg_clause(when->result));
- }
- agg_list = nconc(pull_agg_clause(((CaseExpr *) clause)->defresult),
- agg_list);
- }
- else
- {
- elog(ERROR, "pull_agg_clause: Cannot handle node type %d",
- nodeTag(clause));
- }
- return agg_list;
- }
- /*
- * check_having_for_ungrouped_vars takes the havingQual and the list of
- * GROUP BY clauses and checks for subplans in the havingQual that are being
- * passed ungrouped variables as parameters. In other contexts, ungrouped
- * vars in the havingQual will be detected by the parser (see parse_agg.c,
- * exprIsAggOrGroupCol()). But that routine currently does not check subplans,
- * because the necessary info is not computed until the planner runs.
- * This ought to be cleaned up someday.
- *
- * NOTE: the havingClause has been cnf-ified, so AND subclauses have been
- * turned into a plain List. Thus, this routine has to cope with List nodes
- * where the routine above does not...
- */
- void
- check_having_for_ungrouped_vars(Node *clause, List *groupClause,
- List *targetList)
- {
- List *t;
- if (clause == NULL)
- return;
- if (IsA(clause, Var))
- {
- /*
- * Ignore vars elsewhere in the having clause, since the parser
- * already checked 'em.
- */
- }
- else if (single_node(clause))
- {
- /* ignore */
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, Iter))
- {
- check_having_for_ungrouped_vars(((Iter *) clause)->iterexpr,
- groupClause, targetList);
- }
- else if (is_subplan(clause))
- {
- /*
- * The args list of the subplan node represents attributes from
- * outside passed into the sublink.
- */
- foreach(t, ((Expr *) clause)->args)
- {
- bool contained_in_group_clause = false;
- List *gl;
- foreach(gl, groupClause)
- {
- if (var_equal(lfirst(t),
- get_groupclause_expr((GroupClause *)
- lfirst(gl), targetList)))
- {
- contained_in_group_clause = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!contained_in_group_clause)
- elog(ERROR, "Sub-SELECT in HAVING clause must use only GROUPed attributes from outer SELECT");
- }
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, Expr))
- {
- /*
- * Recursively scan the arguments of an expression. NOTE: this
- * must come after is_subplan() case since subplan is a kind of
- * Expr node.
- */
- foreach(t, ((Expr *) clause)->args)
- check_having_for_ungrouped_vars(lfirst(t), groupClause,
- targetList);
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, List))
- {
- /*
- * Recursively scan AND subclauses (see NOTE above).
- */
- foreach(t, ((List *) clause))
- check_having_for_ungrouped_vars(lfirst(t), groupClause,
- targetList);
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, Aggref))
- {
- check_having_for_ungrouped_vars(((Aggref *) clause)->target,
- groupClause, targetList);
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, ArrayRef))
- {
- ArrayRef *aref = (ArrayRef *) clause;
- /*
- * This is an arrayref. Recursively call this routine for its
- * expression and its index expression...
- */
- foreach(t, aref->refupperindexpr)
- check_having_for_ungrouped_vars(lfirst(t), groupClause,
- targetList);
- foreach(t, aref->reflowerindexpr)
- check_having_for_ungrouped_vars(lfirst(t), groupClause,
- targetList);
- check_having_for_ungrouped_vars(aref->refexpr, groupClause,
- targetList);
- check_having_for_ungrouped_vars(aref->refassgnexpr, groupClause,
- targetList);
- }
- else if (case_clause(clause))
- {
- foreach(t, ((CaseExpr *) clause)->args)
- {
- CaseWhen *when = (CaseWhen *) lfirst(t);
- check_having_for_ungrouped_vars(when->expr, groupClause,
- targetList);
- check_having_for_ungrouped_vars(when->result, groupClause,
- targetList);
- }
- check_having_for_ungrouped_vars(((CaseExpr *) clause)->defresult,
- groupClause, targetList);
- }
- else
- {
- elog(ERROR, "check_having_for_ungrouped_vars: Cannot handle node type %d",
- nodeTag(clause));
- }
- }