- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * createplan.c
- * Routines to create the desired plan for processing a query
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- *
- *
- * $Header: /usr/local/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/plan/createplan.c,v 1999/07/29 03:34:11 tgl Exp $
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- #include <string.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include "postgres.h"
- #include <utils/syscache.h>
- #include <catalog/pg_index.h>
- #include "nodes/execnodes.h"
- #include "nodes/plannodes.h"
- #include "nodes/relation.h"
- #include "nodes/primnodes.h"
- #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h"
- #include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
- #include "utils/lsyscache.h"
- #include "utils/palloc.h"
- #include "utils/builtins.h"
- #include "optimizer/restrictinfo.h"
- #include "optimizer/cost.h"
- #include "optimizer/clauses.h"
- #include "optimizer/planmain.h"
- #include "optimizer/tlist.h"
- #include "optimizer/planner.h"
- #include "optimizer/xfunc.h"
- #include "optimizer/internal.h"
- #define NONAME_SORT 1
- static List *switch_outer(List *clauses);
- static Oid *generate_merge_input_sortorder(List *pathkeys,
- MergeOrder *mergeorder);
- static Scan *create_scan_node(Path *best_path, List *tlist);
- static Join *create_join_node(JoinPath *best_path, List *tlist);
- static SeqScan *create_seqscan_node(Path *best_path, List *tlist,
- List *scan_clauses);
- static IndexScan *create_indexscan_node(IndexPath *best_path, List *tlist,
- List *scan_clauses);
- static NestLoop *create_nestloop_node(NestPath *best_path, List *tlist,
- List *clauses, Plan *outer_node, List *outer_tlist,
- Plan *inner_node, List *inner_tlist);
- static MergeJoin *create_mergejoin_node(MergePath *best_path, List *tlist,
- List *clauses, Plan *outer_node, List *outer_tlist,
- Plan *inner_node, List *inner_tlist);
- static HashJoin *create_hashjoin_node(HashPath *best_path, List *tlist,
- List *clauses, Plan *outer_node, List *outer_tlist,
- Plan *inner_node, List *inner_tlist);
- static Node *fix_indxqual_references(Node *clause, Path *index_path);
- static Noname *make_noname(List *tlist, List *pathkeys, Oid *operators,
- Plan *plan_node, int nonametype);
- static IndexScan *make_indexscan(List *qptlist, List *qpqual, Index scanrelid,
- List *indxid, List *indxqual, List *indxqualorig);
- static NestLoop *make_nestloop(List *qptlist, List *qpqual, Plan *lefttree,
- Plan *righttree);
- static HashJoin *make_hashjoin(List *tlist, List *qpqual,
- List *hashclauses, Plan *lefttree, Plan *righttree);
- static Hash *make_hash(List *tlist, Var *hashkey, Plan *lefttree);
- static MergeJoin *make_mergejoin(List *tlist, List *qpqual,
- List *mergeclauses, Plan *righttree, Plan *lefttree);
- static Material *make_material(List *tlist, Oid nonameid, Plan *lefttree,
- int keycount);
- static void copy_costsize(Plan *dest, Plan *src);
- /*
- * create_plan
- * Creates the access plan for a query by tracing backwards through the
- * desired chain of pathnodes, starting at the node 'best_path'. For
- * every pathnode found:
- * (1) Create a corresponding plan node containing appropriate id,
- * target list, and qualification information.
- * (2) Modify ALL clauses so that attributes are referenced using
- * relative values.
- * (3) Target lists are not modified, but will be in another routine.
- *
- * best_path is the best access path
- *
- * Returns the optimal(?) access plan.
- */
- Plan *
- create_plan(Path *best_path)
- {
- List *tlist;
- Plan *plan_node = (Plan *) NULL;
- RelOptInfo *parent_rel;
- int size;
- int width;
- int pages;
- int tuples;
- parent_rel = best_path->parent;
- tlist = get_actual_tlist(parent_rel->targetlist);
- size = parent_rel->size;
- width = parent_rel->width;
- pages = parent_rel->pages;
- tuples = parent_rel->tuples;
- switch (best_path->pathtype)
- {
- case T_IndexScan:
- case T_SeqScan:
- plan_node = (Plan *) create_scan_node(best_path, tlist);
- break;
- case T_HashJoin:
- case T_MergeJoin:
- case T_NestLoop:
- plan_node = (Plan *) create_join_node((JoinPath *) best_path, tlist);
- break;
- default:
- /* do nothing */
- break;
- }
- plan_node->plan_size = size;
- plan_node->plan_width = width;
- if (pages == 0)
- pages = 1;
- plan_node->plan_tupperpage = tuples / pages;
- #ifdef NOT_USED /* fix xfunc */
- /* sort clauses by cost/(1-selectivity) -- JMH 2/26/92 */
- if (XfuncMode != XFUNC_OFF)
- {
- set_qpqual((Plan) plan_node,
- lisp_qsort(get_qpqual((Plan) plan_node),
- xfunc_clause_compare));
- if (XfuncMode != XFUNC_NOR)
- /* sort the disjuncts within each clause by cost -- JMH 3/4/92 */
- xfunc_disjunct_sort(plan_node->qpqual);
- }
- #endif
- return plan_node;
- }
- /*
- * create_scan_node
- * Create a scan path for the parent relation of 'best_path'.
- *
- * tlist is the targetlist for the base relation scanned by 'best_path'
- *
- * Returns the scan node.
- */
- static Scan *
- create_scan_node(Path *best_path, List *tlist)
- {
- Scan *node = NULL;
- List *scan_clauses;
- /*
- * Extract the relevant clauses from the parent relation and replace
- * the operator OIDs with the corresponding regproc ids.
- *
- * now that local predicate clauses are copied into paths in
- * find_rel_paths() and then (possibly) pulled up in
- * xfunc_trypullup(), we get the relevant clauses from the path
- * itself, not its parent relation. --- JMH, 6/15/92
- */
- scan_clauses = fix_opids(get_actual_clauses(best_path->loc_restrictinfo));
- switch (best_path->pathtype)
- {
- case T_SeqScan:
- node = (Scan *) create_seqscan_node(best_path, tlist, scan_clauses);
- break;
- case T_IndexScan:
- node = (Scan *) create_indexscan_node((IndexPath *) best_path,
- tlist,
- scan_clauses);
- break;
- default:
- elog(ERROR, "create_scan_node: unknown node type",
- best_path->pathtype);
- break;
- }
- return node;
- }
- /*
- * create_join_node
- * Create a join path for 'best_path' and(recursively) paths for its
- * inner and outer paths.
- *
- * 'tlist' is the targetlist for the join relation corresponding to
- * 'best_path'
- *
- * Returns the join node.
- */
- static Join *
- create_join_node(JoinPath *best_path, List *tlist)
- {
- Plan *outer_node;
- List *outer_tlist;
- Plan *inner_node;
- List *inner_tlist;
- List *clauses;
- Join *retval = NULL;
- outer_node = create_plan((Path *) best_path->outerjoinpath);
- outer_tlist = outer_node->targetlist;
- inner_node = create_plan((Path *) best_path->innerjoinpath);
- inner_tlist = inner_node->targetlist;
- clauses = get_actual_clauses(best_path->pathinfo);
- switch (best_path->path.pathtype)
- {
- case T_MergeJoin:
- retval = (Join *) create_mergejoin_node((MergePath *) best_path,
- tlist,
- clauses,
- outer_node,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_node,
- inner_tlist);
- break;
- case T_HashJoin:
- retval = (Join *) create_hashjoin_node((HashPath *) best_path,
- tlist,
- clauses,
- outer_node,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_node,
- inner_tlist);
- break;
- case T_NestLoop:
- retval = (Join *) create_nestloop_node((NestPath *) best_path,
- tlist,
- clauses,
- outer_node,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_node,
- inner_tlist);
- break;
- default:
- /* do nothing */
- elog(ERROR, "create_join_node: unknown node type",
- best_path->path.pathtype);
- }
- #if 0
- /*
- * * Expensive function pullups may have pulled local predicates *
- * into this path node. Put them in the qpqual of the plan node. *
- * JMH, 6/15/92
- */
- if (get_loc_restrictinfo(best_path) != NIL)
- set_qpqual((Plan) retval,
- nconc(get_qpqual((Plan) retval),
- fix_opids(get_actual_clauses
- (get_loc_restrictinfo(best_path)))));
- #endif
- return retval;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*
- * create_seqscan_node
- * Returns a seqscan node for the base relation scanned by 'best_path'
- * with restriction clauses 'scan_clauses' and targetlist 'tlist'.
- */
- static SeqScan *
- create_seqscan_node(Path *best_path, List *tlist, List *scan_clauses)
- {
- SeqScan *scan_node = (SeqScan *) NULL;
- Index scan_relid = -1;
- List *temp;
- temp = best_path->parent->relids;
- if (temp == NULL)
- elog(ERROR, "scanrelid is empty");
- else
- scan_relid = (Index) lfirsti(temp); /* ??? who takes care of
- * lnext? - ay */
- scan_node = make_seqscan(tlist,
- scan_clauses,
- scan_relid,
- (Plan *) NULL);
- scan_node->plan.cost = best_path->path_cost;
- return scan_node;
- }
- /*
- * create_indexscan_node
- * Returns a indexscan node for the base relation scanned by 'best_path'
- * with restriction clauses 'scan_clauses' and targetlist 'tlist'.
- */
- static IndexScan *
- create_indexscan_node(IndexPath *best_path,
- List *tlist,
- List *scan_clauses)
- {
- /*
- * Extract the(first if conjunct, only if disjunct) clause from the
- * restrictinfo list.
- */
- Expr *index_clause = (Expr *) NULL;
- List *indxqual = NIL;
- List *qpqual = NIL;
- List *fixed_indxqual = NIL;
- List *ixid;
- IndexScan *scan_node = (IndexScan *) NULL;
- bool lossy = FALSE;
- HeapTuple indexTuple;
- Form_pg_index index;
- /*
- * If an 'or' clause is to be used with this index, the indxqual field
- * will contain a list of the 'or' clause arguments, e.g., the
- * clause(OR a b c) will generate: ((a) (b) (c)). Otherwise, the
- * indxqual will simply contain one conjunctive qualification: ((a)).
- */
- if (best_path->indexqual != NULL)
- /* added call to fix_opids, JMH 6/23/92 */
- index_clause = (Expr *)
- lfirst(fix_opids(get_actual_clauses(best_path->indexqual)));
- if (or_clause((Node *) index_clause))
- {
- List *temp = NIL;
- foreach(temp, index_clause->args)
- indxqual = lappend(indxqual, lcons(lfirst(temp), NIL));
- }
- else
- {
- indxqual = lcons(get_actual_clauses(best_path->indexqual),
- NIL);
- }
- /* check and see if any indices are lossy */
- foreach(ixid, best_path->indexid)
- {
- indexTuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(INDEXRELID,
- ObjectIdGetDatum(lfirsti(ixid)),
- 0, 0, 0);
- if (!HeapTupleIsValid(indexTuple))
- elog(ERROR, "create_plan: index %u not found", lfirsti(ixid));
- index = (Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(indexTuple);
- if (index->indislossy)
- lossy = TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * The qpqual field contains all restrictions not automatically
- * handled by the index. Note that for non-lossy indices, the
- * predicates in the indxqual are handled by the index, while for
- * lossy indices the indxqual predicates need to be double-checked
- * after the index fetches the best-guess tuples.
- */
- if (or_clause((Node *) index_clause))
- {
- qpqual = set_difference(scan_clauses,
- lcons(index_clause, NIL));
- if (lossy)
- qpqual = lappend(qpqual, (List *) copyObject(index_clause));
- }
- else
- {
- qpqual = set_difference(scan_clauses, lfirst(indxqual));
- if (lossy)
- qpqual = nconc(qpqual,
- (List *) copyObject(lfirst(indxqual)));
- }
- fixed_indxqual = (List *) fix_indxqual_references((Node *) indxqual, (Path *) best_path);
- scan_node = make_indexscan(tlist,
- qpqual,
- lfirsti(best_path->path.parent->relids),
- best_path->indexid,
- fixed_indxqual,
- indxqual);
- scan_node->scan.plan.cost = best_path->path.path_cost;
- return scan_node;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- static NestLoop *
- create_nestloop_node(NestPath *best_path,
- List *tlist,
- List *clauses,
- Plan *outer_node,
- List *outer_tlist,
- Plan *inner_node,
- List *inner_tlist)
- {
- NestLoop *join_node = (NestLoop *) NULL;
- if (IsA(inner_node, IndexScan))
- {
- /*
- * An index is being used to reduce the number of tuples scanned
- * in the inner relation. There will never be more than one index
- * used in the inner scan path, so we need only consider the first
- * set of qualifications in indxqual.
- *
- * But there may be more than one clause in this "first set" in the
- * case of multi-column indices. - vadim 03/18/97
- */
- List *inner_indxqual = lfirst(((IndexScan *) inner_node)->indxqual);
- List *inner_qual;
- bool found = false;
- foreach(inner_qual, inner_indxqual)
- {
- if (!qual_clause_p((Node *) lfirst(inner_qual)))
- {
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * If we have in fact found a join index qualification, remove
- * these index clauses from the nestloop's join clauses and reset
- * the inner(index) scan's qualification so that the var nodes
- * refer to the proper outer join relation attributes.
- *
- * XXX Re-moving index clauses doesn't work properly: 1.
- * fix_indxqual_references may change varattno-s in
- * inner_indxqual; 2. clauses may be commuted I havn't time to fix
- * it at the moment. - vadim 04/24/97
- */
- if (found)
- {
- List *new_inner_qual = NIL;
- clauses = set_difference(clauses, inner_indxqual); /* XXX */
- new_inner_qual = index_outerjoin_references(inner_indxqual,
- outer_node->targetlist,
- ((Scan *) inner_node)->scanrelid);
- ((IndexScan *) inner_node)->indxqual = lcons(new_inner_qual, NIL);
- }
- }
- else if (IsA_Join(inner_node))
- {
- inner_node = (Plan *) make_noname(inner_tlist,
- NIL,
- inner_node,
- }
- join_node = make_nestloop(tlist,
- join_references(clauses,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist),
- outer_node,
- inner_node);
- join_node->join.cost = best_path->path.path_cost;
- return join_node;
- }
- static MergeJoin *
- create_mergejoin_node(MergePath *best_path,
- List *tlist,
- List *clauses,
- Plan *outer_node,
- List *outer_tlist,
- Plan *inner_node,
- List *inner_tlist)
- {
- List *qpqual,
- *mergeclauses;
- MergeJoin *join_node;
- /*
- * Separate the mergeclauses from the other join qualification clauses
- * and set those clauses to contain references to lower attributes.
- */
- qpqual = join_references(set_difference(clauses,
- best_path->path_mergeclauses),
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist);
- /*
- * Now set the references in the mergeclauses and rearrange them so
- * that the outer variable is always on the left.
- */
- mergeclauses = switch_outer(join_references(best_path->path_mergeclauses,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist));
- /*
- * Create explicit sort paths for the outer and inner join paths if
- * necessary. The sort cost was already accounted for in the path.
- */
- if (best_path->outersortkeys)
- {
- Oid *outer_order = generate_merge_input_sortorder(
- best_path->outersortkeys,
- best_path->jpath.path.pathorder->ord.merge);
- outer_node = (Plan *) make_noname(outer_tlist,
- best_path->outersortkeys,
- outer_order,
- outer_node,
- }
- if (best_path->innersortkeys)
- {
- Oid *inner_order = generate_merge_input_sortorder(
- best_path->innersortkeys,
- best_path->jpath.path.pathorder->ord.merge);
- inner_node = (Plan *) make_noname(inner_tlist,
- best_path->innersortkeys,
- inner_order,
- inner_node,
- }
- join_node = make_mergejoin(tlist,
- qpqual,
- mergeclauses,
- inner_node,
- outer_node);
- join_node->join.cost = best_path->jpath.path.path_cost;
- return join_node;
- }
- /*
- * create_hashjoin_node-- XXX HASH
- *
- * Returns a new hashjoin node.
- *
- * XXX hash join ops are totally bogus -- how the hell do we choose
- * these?? at runtime? what about a hash index?
- */
- static HashJoin *
- create_hashjoin_node(HashPath *best_path,
- List *tlist,
- List *clauses,
- Plan *outer_node,
- List *outer_tlist,
- Plan *inner_node,
- List *inner_tlist)
- {
- List *qpqual;
- List *hashclauses;
- HashJoin *join_node;
- Hash *hash_node;
- Var *innerhashkey;
- /*
- * Separate the hashclauses from the other join qualification clauses
- * and set those clauses to contain references to lower attributes.
- */
- qpqual = join_references(set_difference(clauses,
- best_path->path_hashclauses),
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist);
- /*
- * Now set the references in the hashclauses and rearrange them so
- * that the outer variable is always on the left.
- */
- hashclauses = switch_outer(join_references(best_path->path_hashclauses,
- outer_tlist,
- inner_tlist));
- innerhashkey = get_rightop(lfirst(hashclauses));
- hash_node = make_hash(inner_tlist, innerhashkey, inner_node);
- join_node = make_hashjoin(tlist,
- qpqual,
- hashclauses,
- outer_node,
- (Plan *) hash_node);
- join_node->join.cost = best_path->jpath.path.path_cost;
- return join_node;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*
- * fix_indxqual_references
- * Adjust a qual clause to refer to an index instead of the original relation.
- *
- * Returns a modified copy of the given clause --- the original is not changed.
- */
- static Node *
- fix_indxqual_references(Node *clause, Path *index_path)
- {
- if (clause == NULL)
- return NULL;
- else if (IsA(clause, Var))
- {
- if (lfirsti(index_path->parent->relids) == ((Var *) clause)->varno)
- {
- Node *newclause;
- int pos = 0;
- int varatt = ((Var *) clause)->varattno;
- int *indexkeys = ((IndexPath *) index_path)->indexkeys;
- if (indexkeys)
- {
- while (indexkeys[pos] != 0)
- {
- if (varatt == indexkeys[pos])
- break;
- pos++;
- }
- }
- newclause = copyObject(clause);
- ((Var *) newclause)->varattno = pos + 1;
- return newclause;
- }
- /* The Var is not part of the indexed relation, leave it alone */
- return copyObject(clause);
- }
- else if (single_node(clause))
- return copyObject(clause);
- else if (is_opclause(clause) &&
- is_funcclause((Node *) get_leftop((Expr *) clause)) &&
- ((Func *) ((Expr *) get_leftop((Expr *) clause))->oper)->funcisindex)
- {
- /*
- * This looks pretty seriously wrong to me, but I'm not sure what
- * it's supposed to be doing ... tgl 5/99
- */
- Var *newvar = makeVar((Index) lfirsti(index_path->parent->relids),
- 1, /* func indices have one key */
- ((Func *) ((Expr *) clause)->oper)->functype,
- -1,
- 0,
- (Index) lfirsti(index_path->parent->relids),
- 0);
- return ((Node *) make_opclause((Oper *) ((Expr *) clause)->oper,
- newvar,
- get_rightop((Expr *) clause)));
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, Expr))
- {
- Expr *expr = (Expr *) clause;
- List *new_subclauses = NIL;
- List *i;
- foreach(i, expr->args)
- {
- Node *subclause = lfirst(i);
- new_subclauses = lappend(new_subclauses,
- fix_indxqual_references(subclause,
- index_path));
- }
- return (Node *) make_clause(expr->opType, expr->oper, new_subclauses);
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, List))
- {
- List *new_subclauses = NIL;
- List *i;
- foreach(i, (List *) clause)
- {
- Node *subclause = lfirst(i);
- new_subclauses = lappend(new_subclauses,
- fix_indxqual_references(subclause,
- index_path));
- }
- return (Node *) new_subclauses;
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, ArrayRef))
- {
- ArrayRef *oldnode = (ArrayRef *) clause;
- ArrayRef *newnode = makeNode(ArrayRef);
- newnode->refattrlength = oldnode->refattrlength;
- newnode->refelemlength = oldnode->refelemlength;
- newnode->refelemtype = oldnode->refelemtype;
- newnode->refelembyval = oldnode->refelembyval;
- newnode->refupperindexpr = (List *)
- fix_indxqual_references((Node *) oldnode->refupperindexpr,
- index_path);
- newnode->reflowerindexpr = (List *)
- fix_indxqual_references((Node *) oldnode->reflowerindexpr,
- index_path);
- newnode->refexpr =
- fix_indxqual_references(oldnode->refexpr, index_path);
- newnode->refassgnexpr =
- fix_indxqual_references(oldnode->refassgnexpr, index_path);
- return (Node *) newnode;
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, CaseExpr))
- {
- CaseExpr *oldnode = (CaseExpr *) clause;
- CaseExpr *newnode = makeNode(CaseExpr);
- newnode->casetype = oldnode->casetype;
- newnode->arg = oldnode->arg; /* XXX should always be null
- * anyway ... */
- newnode->args = (List *)
- fix_indxqual_references((Node *) oldnode->args,
- index_path);
- newnode->defresult =
- fix_indxqual_references(oldnode->defresult,
- index_path);
- return (Node *) newnode;
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, CaseWhen))
- {
- CaseWhen *oldnode = (CaseWhen *) clause;
- CaseWhen *newnode = makeNode(CaseWhen);
- newnode->expr =
- fix_indxqual_references(oldnode->expr,
- index_path);
- newnode->result =
- fix_indxqual_references(oldnode->result,
- index_path);
- return (Node *) newnode;
- }
- else
- {
- elog(ERROR, "fix_indxqual_references: Cannot handle node type %d",
- nodeTag(clause));
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- /*
- * switch_outer
- * Given a list of merge clauses, rearranges the elements within the
- * clauses so the outer join variable is on the left and the inner is on
- * the right. The original list is not touched; a modified list
- * is returned.
- */
- static List *
- switch_outer(List *clauses)
- {
- List *t_list = NIL;
- Expr *temp;
- List *i;
- Expr *clause;
- Node *op;
- foreach(i, clauses)
- {
- clause = lfirst(i);
- Assert(is_opclause((Node *) clause));
- op = (Node *) get_rightop(clause);
- Assert(op != (Node *) NULL);
- if (IsA(op, ArrayRef))
- op = ((ArrayRef *) op)->refexpr;
- Assert(IsA(op, Var));
- if (var_is_outer((Var *) op))
- {
- /*
- * Duplicate just enough of the structure to allow commuting
- * the clause without changing the original list. Could use
- * copyObject, but a complete deep copy is overkill.
- */
- temp = make_clause(clause->opType, clause->oper,
- lcons(get_leftop(clause),
- lcons(get_rightop(clause),
- NIL)));
- /* Commute it --- note this modifies the temp node in-place. */
- CommuteClause((Node *) temp);
- t_list = lappend(t_list, temp);
- }
- else
- t_list = lappend(t_list, clause);
- }
- return t_list;
- }
- /*
- * generate_merge_input_sortorder
- *
- * Generate the list of sort ops needed to sort one of the input paths for
- * a merge. We may have to use either left or right sortop for each item,
- * since the original mergejoin clause may or may not have been commuted
- * (compare switch_outer above).
- *
- * XXX This is largely a crock. It works only because group_clauses_by_order
- * only groups together mergejoin clauses that have identical MergeOrder info,
- * which means we can safely use a single MergeOrder input to deal with all
- * the data. There should be a more general data structure that allows coping
- * with groups of mergejoin clauses that have different join operators.
- */
- static Oid *
- generate_merge_input_sortorder(List *pathkeys, MergeOrder *mergeorder)
- {
- int listlength = length(pathkeys);
- Oid *result = (Oid *) palloc(sizeof(Oid) * (listlength + 1));
- Oid *nextsortop = result;
- List *p;
- foreach(p, pathkeys)
- {
- Var *pkey = (Var *) lfirst((List *) lfirst(p));
- Assert(IsA(pkey, Var));
- if (pkey->vartype == mergeorder->left_type)
- *nextsortop++ = mergeorder->left_operator;
- else if (pkey->vartype == mergeorder->right_type)
- *nextsortop++ = mergeorder->right_operator;
- else
- elog(ERROR,
- "generate_merge_input_sortorder: can't handle data type %d",
- pkey->vartype);
- }
- *nextsortop++ = InvalidOid;
- return result;
- }
- /*
- * set_noname_tlist_operators
- * Sets the key and keyop fields of resdom nodes in a target list.
- *
- * 'tlist' is the target list
- * 'pathkeys' is a list of N keys in the form((key1) (key2)...(keyn)),
- * corresponding to vars in the target list that are to
- * be sorted or hashed
- * 'operators' is the corresponding list of N sort or hash operators
- *
- * Returns the modified-in-place target list.
- */
- static List *
- set_noname_tlist_operators(List *tlist, List *pathkeys, Oid *operators)
- {
- int keyno = 1;
- Node *pathkey;
- Resdom *resdom;
- List *i;
- foreach(i, pathkeys)
- {
- pathkey = lfirst((List *) lfirst(i));
- resdom = tlist_member((Var *) pathkey, tlist);
- if (resdom)
- {
- /*
- * Order the resdom pathkey and replace the operator OID for
- * each key with the regproc OID.
- */
- resdom->reskey = keyno;
- resdom->reskeyop = get_opcode(operators[keyno - 1]);
- }
- keyno += 1;
- }
- return tlist;
- }
- /*
- * Copy cost and size info from a lower plan node to an inserted node.
- * This is not critical, since the decisions have already been made,
- * but it helps produce more reasonable-looking EXPLAIN output.
- */
- static void
- copy_costsize(Plan *dest, Plan *src)
- {
- if (src)
- {
- dest->cost = src->cost;
- dest->plan_size = src->plan_size;
- dest->plan_width = src->plan_width;
- }
- else
- {
- dest->cost = 0;
- dest->plan_size = 0;
- dest->plan_width = 0;
- }
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*
- * make_noname
- * Create plan nodes to sort or materialize relations into noname. The
- * result returned for a sort will look like (SEQSCAN(SORT(plan_node)))
- * or (SEQSCAN(MATERIAL(plan_node)))
- *
- * 'tlist' is the target list of the scan to be sorted or hashed
- * 'pathkeys' is the list of keys which the sort or hash will be done on
- * 'operators' is the operators with which the sort or hash is to be done
- * (a list of operator OIDs)
- * 'plan_node' is the node which yields tuples for the sort
- * 'nonametype' indicates which operation(sort or hash) to perform
- */
- static Noname *
- make_noname(List *tlist,
- List *pathkeys,
- Oid *operators,
- Plan *plan_node,
- int nonametype)
- {
- List *noname_tlist;
- Noname *retval = NULL;
- /* Create a new target list for the noname, with keys set. */
- noname_tlist = set_noname_tlist_operators(new_unsorted_tlist(tlist),
- pathkeys,
- operators);
- switch (nonametype)
- {
- retval = (Noname *) make_seqscan(tlist,
- NIL,
- (Plan *) make_sort(noname_tlist,
- plan_node,
- length(pathkeys)));
- break;
- retval = (Noname *) make_seqscan(tlist,
- NIL,
- (Plan *) make_material(noname_tlist,
- plan_node,
- length(pathkeys)));
- break;
- default:
- elog(ERROR, "make_noname: unknown noname type %d", nonametype);
- }
- return retval;
- }
- SeqScan *
- make_seqscan(List *qptlist,
- List *qpqual,
- Index scanrelid,
- Plan *lefttree)
- {
- SeqScan *node = makeNode(SeqScan);
- Plan *plan = &node->plan;
- copy_costsize(plan, lefttree);
- plan->state = (EState *) NULL;
- plan->targetlist = qptlist;
- plan->qual = qpqual;
- plan->lefttree = lefttree;
- plan->righttree = NULL;
- node->scanrelid = scanrelid;
- node->scanstate = (CommonScanState *) NULL;
- return node;
- }
- static IndexScan *
- make_indexscan(List *qptlist,
- List *qpqual,
- Index scanrelid,
- List *indxid,
- List *indxqual,
- List *indxqualorig)
- {
- IndexScan *node = makeNode(IndexScan);
- Plan *plan = &node->scan.plan;
- copy_costsize(plan, NULL);
- plan->state = (EState *) NULL;
- plan->targetlist = qptlist;
- plan->qual = qpqual;
- plan->lefttree = NULL;
- plan->righttree = NULL;
- node->scan.scanrelid = scanrelid;
- node->indxid = indxid;
- node->indxqual = indxqual;
- node->indxqualorig = indxqualorig;
- node->scan.scanstate = (CommonScanState *) NULL;
- return node;
- }
- static NestLoop *
- make_nestloop(List *qptlist,
- List *qpqual,
- Plan *lefttree,
- Plan *righttree)
- {
- NestLoop *node = makeNode(NestLoop);
- Plan *plan = &node->join;
- /*
- * this cost estimate is entirely bogus... hopefully it will be
- * overwritten by caller.
- */
- plan->cost = (lefttree ? lefttree->cost : 0) +
- (righttree ? righttree->cost : 0);
- plan->state = (EState *) NULL;
- plan->targetlist = qptlist;
- plan->qual = qpqual;
- plan->lefttree = lefttree;
- plan->righttree = righttree;
- node->nlstate = (NestLoopState *) NULL;
- return node;
- }
- static HashJoin *
- make_hashjoin(List *tlist,
- List *qpqual,
- List *hashclauses,
- Plan *lefttree,
- Plan *righttree)
- {
- HashJoin *node = makeNode(HashJoin);
- Plan *plan = &node->join;
- /*
- * this cost estimate is entirely bogus... hopefully it will be
- * overwritten by caller.
- */
- plan->cost = (lefttree ? lefttree->cost : 0) +
- (righttree ? righttree->cost : 0);
- plan->state = (EState *) NULL;
- plan->targetlist = tlist;
- plan->qual = qpqual;
- plan->lefttree = lefttree;
- plan->righttree = righttree;
- node->hashclauses = hashclauses;
- node->hashdone = false;
- return node;
- }
- static Hash *
- make_hash(List *tlist, Var *hashkey, Plan *lefttree)
- {
- Hash *node = makeNode(Hash);
- Plan *plan = &node->plan;
- copy_costsize(plan, lefttree);
- plan->state = (EState *) NULL;
- plan->targetlist = tlist;
- plan->qual = NULL;
- plan->lefttree = lefttree;
- plan->righttree = NULL;
- node->hashkey = hashkey;
- return node;
- }
- static MergeJoin *
- make_mergejoin(List *tlist,
- List *qpqual,
- List *mergeclauses,
- Plan *righttree,
- Plan *lefttree)
- {
- MergeJoin *node = makeNode(MergeJoin);
- Plan *plan = &node->join;
- /*
- * this cost estimate is entirely bogus... hopefully it will be
- * overwritten by caller.
- */
- plan->cost = (lefttree ? lefttree->cost : 0) +
- (righttree ? righttree->cost : 0);
- plan->state = (EState *) NULL;
- plan->targetlist = tlist;
- plan->qual = qpqual;
- plan->lefttree = lefttree;
- plan->righttree = righttree;
- node->mergeclauses = mergeclauses;
- return node;
- }
- Sort *
- make_sort(List *tlist, Oid nonameid, Plan *lefttree, int keycount)
- {
- Sort *node = makeNode(Sort);
- Plan *plan = &node->plan;
- copy_costsize(plan, lefttree);
- plan->cost += cost_sort(NULL, plan->plan_size, plan->plan_width);
- plan->state = (EState *) NULL;
- plan->targetlist = tlist;
- plan->qual = NIL;
- plan->lefttree = lefttree;
- plan->righttree = NULL;
- node->nonameid = nonameid;
- node->keycount = keycount;
- return node;
- }
- static Material *
- make_material(List *tlist,
- Oid nonameid,
- Plan *lefttree,
- int keycount)
- {
- Material *node = makeNode(Material);
- Plan *plan = &node->plan;
- copy_costsize(plan, lefttree);
- plan->state = (EState *) NULL;
- plan->targetlist = tlist;
- plan->qual = NIL;
- plan->lefttree = lefttree;
- plan->righttree = NULL;
- node->nonameid = nonameid;
- node->keycount = keycount;
- return node;
- }
- Agg *
- make_agg(List *tlist, Plan *lefttree)
- {
- Agg *node = makeNode(Agg);
- copy_costsize(&node->plan, lefttree);
- node->plan.state = (EState *) NULL;
- node->plan.qual = NULL;
- node->plan.targetlist = tlist;
- node->plan.lefttree = lefttree;
- node->plan.righttree = (Plan *) NULL;
- node->aggs = NIL;
- return node;
- }
- Group *
- make_group(List *tlist,
- bool tuplePerGroup,
- int ngrp,
- AttrNumber *grpColIdx,
- Sort *lefttree)
- {
- Group *node = makeNode(Group);
- copy_costsize(&node->plan, (Plan *) lefttree);
- node->plan.state = (EState *) NULL;
- node->plan.qual = NULL;
- node->plan.targetlist = tlist;
- node->plan.lefttree = (Plan *) lefttree;
- node->plan.righttree = (Plan *) NULL;
- node->tuplePerGroup = tuplePerGroup;
- node->numCols = ngrp;
- node->grpColIdx = grpColIdx;
- return node;
- }
- /*
- * A unique node always has a SORT node in the lefttree.
- *
- * the uniqueAttr argument must be a null-terminated string,
- * either the name of the attribute to select unique on
- * or "*"
- */
- Unique *
- make_unique(List *tlist, Plan *lefttree, char *uniqueAttr)
- {
- Unique *node = makeNode(Unique);
- Plan *plan = &node->plan;
- copy_costsize(plan, lefttree);
- plan->state = (EState *) NULL;
- plan->targetlist = tlist;
- plan->qual = NIL;
- plan->lefttree = lefttree;
- plan->righttree = NULL;
- node->nonameid = _NONAME_RELATION_ID_;
- node->keycount = 0;
- if (strcmp(uniqueAttr, "*") == 0)
- node->uniqueAttr = NULL;
- else
- node->uniqueAttr = pstrdup(uniqueAttr);
- return node;
- }
- #ifdef NOT_USED
- List *
- generate_fjoin(List *tlist)
- {
- List tlistP;
- List newTlist = NIL;
- List fjoinList = NIL;
- int nIters = 0;
- /*
- * Break the target list into elements with Iter nodes, and those
- * without them.
- */
- foreach(tlistP, tlist)
- {
- List tlistElem;
- tlistElem = lfirst(tlistP);
- if (IsA(lsecond(tlistElem), Iter))
- {
- nIters++;
- fjoinList = lappend(fjoinList, tlistElem);
- }
- else
- newTlist = lappend(newTlist, tlistElem);
- }
- /*
- * if we have an Iter node then we need to flatten.
- */
- if (nIters > 0)
- {
- List *inner;
- List *tempList;
- Fjoin *fjoinNode;
- DatumPtr results = (DatumPtr) palloc(nIters * sizeof(Datum));
- BoolPtr alwaysDone = (BoolPtr) palloc(nIters * sizeof(bool));
- inner = lfirst(fjoinList);
- fjoinList = lnext(fjoinList);
- fjoinNode = (Fjoin) MakeFjoin(false,
- nIters,
- inner,
- results,
- alwaysDone);
- tempList = lcons(fjoinNode, fjoinList);
- newTlist = lappend(newTlist, tempList);
- }
- return newTlist;
- return tlist; /* do nothing for now - ay 10/94 */
- }
- #endif