- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * preptlist.c
- * Routines to preprocess the parse tree target list
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- *
- *
- * $Header: /usr/local/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/prep/preptlist.c,v 1999/08/02 06:27:05 scrappy Exp $
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- #include "postgres.h"
- #include "catalog/pg_type.h"
- #include "nodes/makefuncs.h"
- #include "optimizer/clauses.h"
- #include "optimizer/prep.h"
- #include "parser/parsetree.h"
- #include "utils/lsyscache.h"
- #include "utils/syscache.h"
- static List *expand_targetlist(List *tlist, Oid relid, int command_type,
- Index result_relation);
- static List *replace_matching_resname(List *new_tlist,
- List *old_tlist);
- static List *new_relation_targetlist(Oid relid, Index rt_index,
- NodeTag node_type);
- /*
- * preprocess_targetlist
- * Driver for preprocessing the parse tree targetlist.
- *
- * 1. Deal with appends and replaces by filling missing attributes
- * in the target list.
- * 2. Reset operator OIDs to the appropriate regproc ids.
- *
- * Returns the new targetlist.
- */
- List *
- preprocess_targetlist(List *tlist,
- int command_type,
- Index result_relation,
- List *range_table)
- {
- List *expanded_tlist = NIL;
- Oid relid = InvalidOid;
- List *t_list = NIL;
- List *temp = NIL;
- if (result_relation >= 1 && command_type != CMD_SELECT)
- relid = getrelid(result_relation, range_table);
- /*
- * for heap_formtuple to work, the targetlist must match the exact
- * order of the attributes. We also need to fill in the missing
- * attributes here. -ay 10/94
- */
- expanded_tlist = expand_targetlist(tlist, relid, command_type, result_relation);
- /* XXX should the fix-opids be this early?? */
- /* was mapCAR */
- foreach(temp, expanded_tlist)
- {
- TargetEntry *tle = lfirst(temp);
- if (tle->expr)
- fix_opid(tle->expr);
- }
- t_list = copyObject(expanded_tlist);
- /* ------------------
- * for "replace" or "delete" queries, add ctid of the result
- * relation into the target list so that the ctid can get
- * propogate through the execution and in the end ExecReplace()
- * will find the right tuple to replace or delete. This
- * extra field will be removed in ExecReplace().
- * For convinient, we append this extra field to the end of
- * the target list.
- * ------------------
- */
- if (command_type == CMD_UPDATE || command_type == CMD_DELETE)
- {
- TargetEntry *ctid;
- Resdom *resdom;
- Var *var;
- resdom = makeResdom(length(t_list) + 1,
- -1,
- "ctid",
- 0,
- 0,
- true);
- var = makeVar(result_relation, -1, TIDOID, -1, 0, result_relation, -1);
- ctid = makeTargetEntry(resdom, (Node *) var);
- t_list = lappend(t_list, ctid);
- }
- return t_list;
- }
- /*****************************************************************************
- *
- *
- *****************************************************************************/
- /*
- * expand_targetlist
- * Given a target list as generated by the parser and a result relation,
- * add targetlist entries for the attributes which have not been used.
- *
- * XXX This code is only supposed to work with unnested relations.
- *
- * 'tlist' is the original target list
- * 'relid' is the relid of the result relation
- * 'command' is the update command
- *
- * Returns the expanded target list, sorted in resno order.
- */
- static List *
- expand_targetlist(List *tlist,
- Oid relid,
- int command_type,
- Index result_relation)
- {
- NodeTag node_type = T_Invalid;
- switch (command_type)
- {
- case CMD_INSERT:
- node_type = (NodeTag) T_Const;
- break;
- case CMD_UPDATE:
- node_type = (NodeTag) T_Var;
- break;
- }
- if (node_type != T_Invalid)
- {
- List *ntlist = new_relation_targetlist(relid,
- result_relation,
- node_type);
- return replace_matching_resname(ntlist, tlist);
- }
- else
- return tlist;
- }
- static List *
- replace_matching_resname(List *new_tlist, List *old_tlist)
- {
- List *temp,
- *i;
- List *t_list = NIL;
- foreach(i, new_tlist)
- {
- TargetEntry *new_tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(i);
- TargetEntry *matching_old_tl = NULL;
- foreach(temp, old_tlist)
- {
- TargetEntry *old_tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(temp);
- old_tle = lfirst(temp);
- if (!strcmp(old_tle->resdom->resname,
- new_tle->resdom->resname))
- {
- matching_old_tl = old_tle;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (matching_old_tl)
- {
- matching_old_tl->resdom->resno = new_tle->resdom->resno;
- t_list = lappend(t_list, matching_old_tl);
- }
- else
- t_list = lappend(t_list, new_tle);
- }
- /*
- * It is possible that 'old_tlist' has some negative attributes (i.e.
- * negative resnos). This only happens if this is a replace/append
- * command and we explicitly specify a system attribute. Of course
- * this is not a very good idea if this is a user query, but on the
- * other hand the rule manager uses this mechanism to replace rule
- * locks.
- *
- * So, copy all these entries to the end of the target list and set their
- * 'resjunk' value to true to show that these are special attributes
- * and have to be treated specially by the executor!
- */
- foreach(temp, old_tlist)
- {
- TargetEntry *old_tle,
- *new_tl;
- Resdom *newresno;
- old_tle = lfirst(temp);
- if (old_tle->resdom->resno < 0)
- {
- newresno = (Resdom *) copyObject((Node *) old_tle->resdom);
- newresno->resno = length(t_list) + 1;
- newresno->resjunk = true;
- new_tl = makeTargetEntry(newresno, old_tle->expr);
- t_list = lappend(t_list, new_tl);
- }
- /*
- * Also it is possible that the parser or rewriter added some junk
- * attributes to hold GROUP BY expressions which are not part of
- * the result attributes. We can simply identify them by looking
- * at the resgroupref in the TLE's resdom, which is a unique
- * number telling which TLE belongs to which GroupClause.
- */
- if (old_tle->resdom->resgroupref > 0)
- {
- bool already_there = FALSE;
- TargetEntry *new_tle;
- Resdom *newresno;
- /*
- * Check if the tle is already in the new list
- */
- foreach(i, t_list)
- {
- new_tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(i);
- if (new_tle->resdom->resgroupref ==
- old_tle->resdom->resgroupref)
- {
- already_there = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * If not, add it and make sure it is now a junk attribute
- */
- if (!already_there)
- {
- newresno = (Resdom *) copyObject((Node *) old_tle->resdom);
- newresno->resno = length(t_list) + 1;
- newresno->resjunk = true;
- new_tl = makeTargetEntry(newresno, old_tle->expr);
- t_list = lappend(t_list, new_tl);
- }
- }
- }
- return t_list;
- }
- /*
- * new_relation_targetlist
- * Generate a targetlist for the relation with relation OID 'relid'
- * and rangetable index 'rt_index'.
- *
- * Returns the new targetlist.
- */
- static List *
- new_relation_targetlist(Oid relid, Index rt_index, NodeTag node_type)
- {
- List *t_list = NIL;
- int natts = get_relnatts(relid);
- AttrNumber attno;
- for (attno = 1; attno <= natts; attno++)
- {
- HeapTuple tp;
- Form_pg_attribute att_tup;
- char *attname;
- Oid atttype;
- int32 atttypmod;
- bool attisset;
- tp = SearchSysCacheTuple(ATTNUM,
- ObjectIdGetDatum(relid),
- UInt16GetDatum(attno),
- 0, 0);
- if (! HeapTupleIsValid(tp))
- {
- elog(ERROR, "new_relation_targetlist: no attribute tuple %u %d",
- relid, attno);
- }
- att_tup = (Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(tp);
- attname = pstrdup(att_tup->;
- atttype = att_tup->atttypid;
- atttypmod = att_tup->atttypmod;
- attisset = att_tup->attisset;
- switch (node_type)
- {
- case T_Const: /* INSERT command */
- {
- struct varlena *typedefault = get_typdefault(atttype);
- int typlen;
- Const *temp_const;
- TargetEntry *temp_tle;
- if (typedefault == NULL)
- typlen = 0;
- else
- {
- /*
- * Since this is an append or replace, the size of
- * any set attribute is the size of the OID used to
- * represent it.
- */
- if (attisset)
- typlen = get_typlen(OIDOID);
- else
- typlen = get_typlen(atttype);
- }
- temp_const = makeConst(atttype,
- typlen,
- (Datum) typedefault,
- (typedefault == NULL),
- /* XXX ? */
- false,
- false, /* not a set */
- false);
- temp_tle = makeTargetEntry(makeResdom(attno,
- atttype,
- -1,
- attname,
- 0,
- (Oid) 0,
- false),
- (Node *) temp_const);
- t_list = lappend(t_list, temp_tle);
- break;
- }
- case T_Var: /* UPDATE command */
- {
- Var *temp_var;
- TargetEntry *temp_tle;
- temp_var = makeVar(rt_index, attno, atttype, atttypmod,
- 0, rt_index, attno);
- temp_tle = makeTargetEntry(makeResdom(attno,
- atttype,
- atttypmod,
- attname,
- 0,
- (Oid) 0,
- false),
- (Node *) temp_var);
- t_list = lappend(t_list, temp_tle);
- break;
- }
- default: /* do nothing */
- break;
- }
- }
- return t_list;
- }