- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * clausesel.c
- * Routines to compute and set clause selectivities
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- *
- *
- * $Header: /usr/local/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/path/clausesel.c,v 1999/08/02 06:26:57 scrappy Exp $
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- #include "postgres.h"
- #include "catalog/pg_operator.h"
- #include "optimizer/clauses.h"
- #include "optimizer/cost.h"
- #include "optimizer/internal.h"
- #include "optimizer/plancat.h"
- #include "optimizer/restrictinfo.h"
- #include "parser/parsetree.h"
- #include "utils/lsyscache.h"
- static Cost compute_selec(Query *root, List *clauses, List *or_selectivities);
- /****************************************************************************
- ****************************************************************************/
- /*
- * set_clause_selectivities -
- * Sets the selectivity field for each of clause in 'restrictinfo-list'
- * to 'new-selectivity'. If the selectivity has already been set, reset
- * it only if the new one is better.
- *
- * Returns nothing of interest.
- *
- */
- void
- set_clause_selectivities(List *restrictinfo_list, Cost new_selectivity)
- {
- List *temp;
- RestrictInfo *clausenode;
- Cost cost_clause;
- foreach(temp, restrictinfo_list)
- {
- clausenode = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(temp);
- cost_clause = clausenode->selectivity;
- if (cost_clause <= 0 || new_selectivity < cost_clause)
- clausenode->selectivity = new_selectivity;
- }
- }
- /*
- * product_selec -
- * Multiplies the selectivities of each clause in 'restrictinfo-list'.
- *
- * Returns a flonum corresponding to the selectivity of 'restrictinfo-list'.
- */
- Cost
- product_selec(List *restrictinfo_list)
- {
- Cost result = 1.0;
- if (restrictinfo_list != NIL)
- {
- List *xclausenode = NIL;
- Cost temp;
- foreach(xclausenode, restrictinfo_list)
- {
- temp = ((RestrictInfo *) lfirst(xclausenode))->selectivity;
- result = result * temp;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- /*
- * set_rest_relselec -
- * Scans through clauses on each relation and assigns a selectivity to
- * those clauses that haven't been assigned a selectivity by an index.
- *
- * Returns nothing of interest.
- * MODIFIES: selectivities of the various rel's restrictinfo
- * slots.
- */
- void
- set_rest_relselec(Query *root, List *rel_list)
- {
- RelOptInfo *rel;
- List *x;
- foreach(x, rel_list)
- {
- rel = (RelOptInfo *) lfirst(x);
- set_rest_selec(root, rel->restrictinfo);
- }
- }
- /*
- * set_rest_selec -
- * Sets the selectivity fields for those clauses within a single
- * relation's 'restrictinfo-list' that haven't already been set.
- *
- * Returns nothing of interest.
- *
- */
- void
- set_rest_selec(Query *root, List *restrictinfo_list)
- {
- List *temp = NIL;
- RestrictInfo *clausenode = (RestrictInfo *) NULL;
- Cost cost_clause;
- foreach(temp, restrictinfo_list)
- {
- clausenode = (RestrictInfo *) lfirst(temp);
- cost_clause = clausenode->selectivity;
- /*
- * Check to see if the selectivity of this clause or any 'or'
- * subclauses (if any) haven't been set yet.
- */
- if (cost_clause <= 0 || valid_or_clause(clausenode))
- {
- clausenode->selectivity = compute_clause_selec(root,
- (Node *) clausenode->clause,
- lcons(makeFloat(cost_clause), NIL));
- }
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************************
- ****************************************************************************/
- /*
- * compute_clause_selec -
- * Given a clause, this routine will compute the selectivity of the
- * clause by calling 'compute_selec' with the appropriate parameters
- * and possibly use that return value to compute the real selectivity
- * of a clause.
- *
- * 'or-selectivities' are selectivities that have already been assigned
- * to subclauses of an 'or' clause.
- *
- * Returns a flonum corresponding to the clause selectivity.
- *
- */
- Cost
- compute_clause_selec(Query *root, Node *clause, List *or_selectivities)
- {
- if (is_opclause(clause))
- return compute_selec(root, lcons(clause, NIL), or_selectivities);
- else if (not_clause(clause))
- {
- /*
- * 'not' gets "1.0 - selectivity-of-inner-clause".
- */
- return (1.000000 - compute_selec(root,
- lcons(get_notclausearg((Expr *) clause),
- NIL),
- or_selectivities));
- }
- else if (or_clause(clause))
- {
- /*
- * Both 'or' and 'and' clauses are evaluated as described in
- * (compute_selec).
- */
- return compute_selec(root, ((Expr *) clause)->args, or_selectivities);
- }
- else
- return compute_selec(root, lcons(clause, NIL), or_selectivities);
- }
- /*
- * compute_selec -
- * Computes the selectivity of a clause.
- *
- * If there is more than one clause in the argument 'clauses', then the
- * desired selectivity is that of an 'or' clause. Selectivities for an
- * 'or' clause such as (OR a b) are computed by finding the selectivity
- * of a (s1) and b (s2) and computing s1+s2 - s1*s2.
- *
- * In addition, if the clause is an 'or' clause, individual selectivities
- * may have already been assigned by indices to subclauses. These values
- * are contained in the list 'or-selectivities'.
- *
- * Returns the clause selectivity as a flonum.
- *
- */
- static Cost
- compute_selec(Query *root, List *clauses, List *or_selectivities)
- {
- Cost s1 = 0;
- List *clause = lfirst(clauses);
- if (clause == NULL)
- s1 = 1.0;
- else if (IsA(clause, Param))
- {
- /* XXX How're we handling this before?? -ay */
- s1 = 1.0;
- }
- else if (IsA(clause, Const))
- s1 = ((bool) ((Const *) clause)->constvalue) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
- else if (IsA(clause, Var))
- {
- Oid relid = getrelid(((Var *) clause)->varno,
- root->rtable);
- /*
- * we have a bool Var. This is exactly equivalent to the clause:
- * reln.attribute = 't' so we compute the selectivity as if that
- * is what we have. The magic #define constants are a hack. I
- * didn't want to have to do system cache look ups to find out all
- * of that info.
- */
- s1 = restriction_selectivity(F_EQSEL,
- BooleanEqualOperator,
- relid,
- ((Var *) clause)->varoattno,
- "t",
- }
- else if (or_selectivities)
- {
- /* If s1 has already been assigned by an index, use that value. */
- List *this_sel = lfirst(or_selectivities);
- s1 = floatVal(this_sel);
- }
- else if (is_funcclause((Node *) clause))
- {
- /* this isn't an Oper, it's a Func!! */
- /*
- * This is not an operator, so we guess at the selectivity. THIS
- */
- s1 = 0.1;
- }
- else if (not_clause((Node *) clause))
- {
- /* negate this baby */
- return 1 - compute_selec(root, ((Expr *) clause)->args, or_selectivities);
- }
- else if (is_subplan((Node *) clause))
- {
- /*
- * Just for the moment! FIX ME! - vadim 02/04/98
- */
- s1 = 1.0;
- }
- else if (NumRelids((Node *) clause) == 1)
- {
- /*
- * ...otherwise, calculate s1 from 'clauses'. The clause is not a
- * join clause, since there is only one relid in the clause. The
- * clause selectivity will be based on the operator selectivity
- * and operand values.
- */
- Oid opno = ((Oper *) ((Expr *) clause)->oper)->opno;
- RegProcedure oprrest = get_oprrest(opno);
- Oid relid;
- int relidx;
- AttrNumber attno;
- Datum constval;
- int flag;
- get_relattval((Node *) clause, &relidx, &attno, &constval, &flag);
- relid = getrelid(relidx, root->rtable);
- /*
- * if the oprrest procedure is missing for whatever reason, use a
- * selectivity of 0.5
- */
- if (!oprrest)
- s1 = (Cost) (0.5);
- else if (attno == InvalidAttrNumber)
- {
- /*
- * attno can be Invalid if the clause had a function in it,
- * i.e. WHERE myFunc(f) = 10
- */
- /* this should be FIXED somehow to use function selectivity */
- s1 = (Cost) (0.5);
- }
- else
- s1 = (Cost) restriction_selectivity(oprrest,
- opno,
- relid,
- attno,
- (char *) constval,
- flag);
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * The clause must be a join clause. The clause selectivity will
- * be based on the relations to be scanned and the attributes they
- * are to be joined on.
- */
- Oid opno = ((Oper *) ((Expr *) clause)->oper)->opno;
- RegProcedure oprjoin = get_oprjoin(opno);
- int relid1,
- relid2;
- AttrNumber attno1,
- attno2;
- get_rels_atts((Node *) clause, &relid1, &attno1, &relid2, &attno2);
- relid1 = getrelid(relid1, root->rtable);
- relid2 = getrelid(relid2, root->rtable);
- /*
- * if the oprjoin procedure is missing for whatever reason, use a
- * selectivity of 0.5
- */
- if (!oprjoin)
- s1 = (Cost) (0.5);
- else
- s1 = (Cost) join_selectivity(oprjoin,
- opno,
- relid1,
- attno1,
- relid2,
- attno2);
- }
- /*
- * A null clause list eliminates no tuples, so return a selectivity of
- * 1.0. If there is only one clause, the selectivity is not that of
- * an 'or' clause, but rather that of the single clause.
- */
- if (lnext(clauses) == NIL)
- return s1;
- else
- {
- /* Compute selectivity of the 'or'ed subclauses. */
- /* Added check for taking lnext(NIL). -- JMH 3/9/92 */
- Cost s2;
- if (or_selectivities != NIL)
- s2 = compute_selec(root, lnext(clauses), lnext(or_selectivities));
- else
- s2 = compute_selec(root, lnext(clauses), NIL);
- return s1 + s2 - s1 * s2;
- }
- }