- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * costsize.c
- * Routines to compute (and set) relation sizes and path costs
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- *
- *
- * $Header: /usr/local/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/path/costsize.c,v 1999/08/02 06:26:57 scrappy Exp $
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- #include <math.h>
- #include "postgres.h"
- #ifdef HAVE_LIMITS_H
- #include <limits.h>
- #ifndef MAXINT
- #define MAXINT INT_MAX
- #endif
- #else
- #ifdef HAVE_VALUES_H
- #include <values.h>
- #endif
- #endif
- #include "optimizer/cost.h"
- #include "optimizer/internal.h"
- #include "optimizer/tlist.h"
- #include "utils/lsyscache.h"
- extern int NBuffers;
- static int compute_attribute_width(TargetEntry *tlistentry);
- static double relation_byte_size(int tuples, int width);
- static double base_log(double x, double b);
- static int compute_targetlist_width(List *targetlist);
- int _disable_cost_ = 30000000;
- bool _enable_seqscan_ = true;
- bool _enable_indexscan_ = true;
- bool _enable_sort_ = true;
- bool _enable_hash_ = true;
- bool _enable_nestloop_ = true;
- bool _enable_mergejoin_ = true;
- bool _enable_hashjoin_ = true;
- Cost _cpu_page_weight_ = _CPU_PAGE_WEIGHT_;
- Cost _cpu_index_page_weight_ = _CPU_INDEX_PAGE_WEIGHT_;
- /*
- * cost_seqscan
- * Determines and returns the cost of scanning a relation sequentially.
- * If the relation is a temporary to be materialized from a query
- * embedded within a data field (determined by 'relid' containing an
- * attribute reference), then a predetermined constant is returned (we
- * have NO IDEA how big the result of a POSTQUEL procedure is going to
- * be).
- *
- * disk = p
- * cpu = *CPU-PAGE-WEIGHT* * t
- *
- * 'relid' is the relid of the relation to be scanned
- * 'relpages' is the number of pages in the relation to be scanned
- * (as determined from the system catalogs)
- * 'reltuples' is the number of tuples in the relation to be scanned
- *
- * Returns a flonum.
- *
- */
- Cost
- cost_seqscan(int relid, int relpages, int reltuples)
- {
- Cost temp = 0;
- if (!_enable_seqscan_)
- temp += _disable_cost_;
- if (relid < 0)
- {
- /*
- * cost of sequentially scanning a materialized temporary relation
- */
- temp += _NONAME_SCAN_COST_;
- }
- else
- {
- temp += relpages;
- temp += _cpu_page_weight_ * reltuples;
- }
- Assert(temp >= 0);
- return temp;
- }
- /*
- * cost_index
- * Determines and returns the cost of scanning a relation using an index.
- *
- * disk = expected-index-pages + expected-data-pages
- * cpu = *CPU-PAGE-WEIGHT* *
- * (expected-index-tuples + expected-data-tuples)
- *
- * 'indexid' is the index OID
- * 'expected-indexpages' is the number of index pages examined in the scan
- * 'selec' is the selectivity of the index
- * 'relpages' is the number of pages in the main relation
- * 'reltuples' is the number of tuples in the main relation
- * 'indexpages' is the number of pages in the index relation
- * 'indextuples' is the number of tuples in the index relation
- *
- * Returns a flonum.
- *
- */
- Cost
- cost_index(Oid indexid,
- int expected_indexpages,
- Cost selec,
- int relpages,
- int reltuples,
- int indexpages,
- int indextuples,
- bool is_injoin)
- {
- Cost temp = 0;
- if (!_enable_indexscan_ && !is_injoin)
- temp += _disable_cost_;
- /*
- * We want to be sure we estimate the cost of an index scan as more
- * than the cost of a sequential scan (when selec == 1.0), even if we
- * don't have good stats. So, disbelieve zero index size.
- */
- if (expected_indexpages <= 0)
- expected_indexpages = 1;
- if (indextuples <= 0)
- indextuples = 1;
- /* expected index relation pages */
- temp += expected_indexpages;
- /*
- * expected base relation pages XXX this isn't really right, since we
- * will access the table nonsequentially and might have to fetch the
- * same page more than once. This calculation assumes the buffer
- * cache will prevent that from happening...
- */
- temp += ceil(((double) selec) * ((double) relpages));
- /* per index tuples */
- temp += _cpu_index_page_weight_ * selec * indextuples;
- /* per heap tuples */
- temp += _cpu_page_weight_ * selec * reltuples;
- Assert(temp >= 0);
- return temp;
- }
- /*
- * cost_sort
- * Determines and returns the cost of sorting a relation by considering
- * the cost of doing an external sort: XXX this is probably too low
- * disk = (p lg p)
- * cpu = *CPU-PAGE-WEIGHT* * (t lg t)
- *
- * 'pathkeys' is a list of sort keys
- * 'tuples' is the number of tuples in the relation
- * 'width' is the average tuple width in bytes
- *
- * NOTE: some callers currently pass NULL for pathkeys because they
- * can't conveniently supply the sort keys. Since this routine doesn't
- * currently do anything with pathkeys anyway, that doesn't matter...
- * but if it ever does, it should react gracefully to lack of key data.
- *
- * Returns a flonum.
- */
- Cost
- cost_sort(List *pathkeys, int tuples, int width)
- {
- Cost temp = 0;
- int npages = page_size(tuples, width);
- double log_npages;
- if (!_enable_sort_)
- temp += _disable_cost_;
- /*
- * We want to be sure the cost of a sort is never estimated as zero,
- * even if passed-in tuple count is zero. Besides, mustn't do
- * log(0)...
- */
- if (tuples <= 0)
- tuples = 1;
- if (npages <= 0)
- npages = 1;
- log_npages = ceil(base_log((double) npages, 2.0));
- if (log_npages <= 0.0)
- log_npages = 1.0;
- temp += npages * log_npages;
- /*
- * could be base_log(tuples, NBuffers), but we are only doing 2-way
- * merges
- */
- temp += _cpu_page_weight_ * tuples * base_log((double) tuples, 2.0);
- Assert(temp > 0);
- return temp;
- }
- /*
- * cost_result
- * Determines and returns the cost of writing a relation of 'tuples'
- * tuples of 'width' bytes out to a result relation.
- *
- * Returns a flonum.
- *
- */
- #ifdef NOT_USED
- Cost
- cost_result(int tuples, int width)
- {
- Cost temp = 0;
- temp = temp + page_size(tuples, width);
- temp = temp + _cpu_page_weight_ * tuples;
- Assert(temp >= 0);
- return temp;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * cost_nestloop
- * Determines and returns the cost of joining two relations using the
- * nested loop algorithm.
- *
- * 'outercost' is the (disk+cpu) cost of scanning the outer relation
- * 'innercost' is the (disk+cpu) cost of scanning the inner relation
- * 'outertuples' is the number of tuples in the outer relation
- *
- * Returns a flonum.
- *
- */
- Cost
- cost_nestloop(Cost outercost,
- Cost innercost,
- int outertuples,
- int innertuples,
- int outerpages,
- bool is_indexjoin)
- {
- Cost temp = 0;
- if (!_enable_nestloop_)
- temp += _disable_cost_;
- temp += outercost;
- temp += outertuples * innercost;
- Assert(temp >= 0);
- return temp;
- }
- /*
- * cost_mergejoin
- * 'outercost' and 'innercost' are the (disk+cpu) costs of scanning the
- * outer and inner relations
- * 'outersortkeys' and 'innersortkeys' are lists of the keys to be used
- * to sort the outer and inner relations (or NIL if no explicit
- * sort is needed because the source path is already ordered)
- * 'outertuples' and 'innertuples' are the number of tuples in the outer
- * and inner relations
- * 'outerwidth' and 'innerwidth' are the (typical) widths (in bytes)
- * of the tuples of the outer and inner relations
- *
- * Returns a flonum.
- *
- */
- Cost
- cost_mergejoin(Cost outercost,
- Cost innercost,
- List *outersortkeys,
- List *innersortkeys,
- int outersize,
- int innersize,
- int outerwidth,
- int innerwidth)
- {
- Cost temp = 0;
- if (!_enable_mergejoin_)
- temp += _disable_cost_;
- temp += outercost;
- temp += innercost;
- if (outersortkeys) /* do we need to sort? */
- temp += cost_sort(outersortkeys, outersize, outerwidth);
- if (innersortkeys) /* do we need to sort? */
- temp += cost_sort(innersortkeys, innersize, innerwidth);
- temp += _cpu_page_weight_ * (outersize + innersize);
- Assert(temp >= 0);
- return temp;
- }
- /*
- * cost_hashjoin-- XXX HASH
- * 'outercost' and 'innercost' are the (disk+cpu) costs of scanning the
- * outer and inner relations
- * 'outerkeys' and 'innerkeys' are lists of the keys to be used
- * to hash the outer and inner relations
- * 'outersize' and 'innersize' are the number of tuples in the outer
- * and inner relations
- * 'outerwidth' and 'innerwidth' are the (typical) widths (in bytes)
- * of the tuples of the outer and inner relations
- *
- * Returns a flonum.
- */
- Cost
- cost_hashjoin(Cost outercost,
- Cost innercost,
- List *outerkeys,
- List *innerkeys,
- int outersize,
- int innersize,
- int outerwidth,
- int innerwidth)
- {
- Cost temp = 0;
- int outerpages = page_size(outersize, outerwidth);
- int innerpages = page_size(innersize, innerwidth);
- if (!_enable_hashjoin_)
- temp += _disable_cost_;
- /*
- * Bias against putting larger relation on inside.
- *
- * Code used to use "outerpages < innerpages" but that has poor
- * resolution when both relations are small.
- */
- if (relation_byte_size(outersize, outerwidth) <
- relation_byte_size(innersize, innerwidth))
- temp += _disable_cost_;
- /* cost of source data */
- temp += outercost + innercost;
- /* cost of computing hash function: must do it once per tuple */
- temp += _cpu_page_weight_ * (outersize + innersize);
- /* cost of main-memory hashtable */
- temp += (innerpages < NBuffers) ? innerpages : NBuffers;
- /*
- * if inner relation is too big then we will need to "batch" the join,
- * which implies writing and reading most of the tuples to disk an
- * extra time.
- */
- if (innerpages > NBuffers)
- temp += 2 * (outerpages + innerpages);
- Assert(temp >= 0);
- return temp;
- }
- /*
- * compute_rel_size
- * Computes the size of each relation in 'rel_list' (after applying
- * restrictions), by multiplying the selectivity of each restriction
- * by the original size of the relation.
- *
- * Sets the 'size' field for each relation entry with this computed size.
- *
- * Returns the size.
- */
- int
- compute_rel_size(RelOptInfo *rel)
- {
- Cost temp;
- int temp1;
- temp = rel->tuples * product_selec(rel->restrictinfo);
- Assert(temp >= 0);
- if (temp >= (MAXINT - 1))
- temp1 = MAXINT;
- else
- temp1 = ceil((double) temp);
- Assert(temp1 >= 0);
- Assert(temp1 <= MAXINT);
- return temp1;
- }
- /*
- * compute_rel_width
- * Computes the width in bytes of a tuple from 'rel'.
- *
- * Returns the width of the tuple as a fixnum.
- */
- int
- compute_rel_width(RelOptInfo *rel)
- {
- return compute_targetlist_width(get_actual_tlist(rel->targetlist));
- }
- /*
- * compute_targetlist_width
- * Computes the width in bytes of a tuple made from 'targetlist'.
- *
- * Returns the width of the tuple as a fixnum.
- */
- static int
- compute_targetlist_width(List *targetlist)
- {
- List *temp_tl;
- int tuple_width = 0;
- foreach(temp_tl, targetlist)
- {
- tuple_width = tuple_width +
- compute_attribute_width(lfirst(temp_tl));
- }
- return tuple_width;
- }
- /*
- * compute_attribute_width
- * Given a target list entry, find the size in bytes of the attribute.
- *
- * If a field is variable-length, it is assumed to be at least the size
- * of a TID field.
- *
- * Returns the width of the attribute as a fixnum.
- */
- static int
- compute_attribute_width(TargetEntry *tlistentry)
- {
- int width = get_typlen(tlistentry->resdom->restype);
- if (width < 0)
- else
- return width;
- }
- /*
- * compute_joinrel_size
- * Computes the size of the join relation 'joinrel'.
- *
- * Returns a fixnum.
- */
- int
- compute_joinrel_size(JoinPath *joinpath)
- {
- Cost temp = 1.0;
- int temp1 = 0;
- /* cartesian product */
- temp *= ((Path *) joinpath->outerjoinpath)->parent->size;
- temp *= ((Path *) joinpath->innerjoinpath)->parent->size;
- temp = temp * product_selec(joinpath->pathinfo);
- if (temp >= (MAXINT - 1) / 2)
- {
- /* if we exceed (MAXINT-1)/2, we switch to log scale */
- /* +1 prevents log(0) */
- temp1 = ceil(log(temp + 1 - (MAXINT - 1) / 2) + (MAXINT - 1) / 2);
- }
- else
- temp1 = ceil((double) temp);
- Assert(temp1 >= 0);
- return temp1;
- }
- /*
- * relation_byte_size
- * Estimate the storage space in bytes for a given number of tuples
- * of a given width (size in bytes).
- * To avoid overflow with big relations, result is a double.
- */
- static double
- relation_byte_size(int tuples, int width)
- {
- return ((double) tuples) * ((double) (width + sizeof(HeapTupleData)));
- }
- /*
- * page_size
- * Returns an estimate of the number of pages covered by a given
- * number of tuples of a given width (size in bytes).
- */
- int
- page_size(int tuples, int width)
- {
- int temp;
- temp = (int) ceil(relation_byte_size(tuples, width) / BLCKSZ);
- Assert(temp >= 0);
- return temp;
- }
- static double
- base_log(double x, double b)
- {
- return log(x) / log(b);
- }