- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * execProcnode.c
- * contains dispatch functions which call the appropriate "initialize",
- * "get a tuple", and "cleanup" routines for the given node type.
- * If the node has children, then it will presumably call ExecInitNode,
- * ExecProcNode, or ExecEndNode on it's subnodes and do the appropriate
- * processing..
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- *
- *
- * $Header: /usr/local/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/executor/execProcnode.c,v 1.14 1999/03/23 16:50:48 momjian Exp $
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /*
- * ExecInitNode - initialize a plan node and it's subplans
- * ExecProcNode - get a tuple by executing the plan node
- * ExecEndNode - shut down a plan node and it's subplans
- *
- * This used to be three files. It is now all combined into
- * one file so that it is easier to keep ExecInitNode, ExecProcNode,
- * and ExecEndNode in sync when new nodes are added.
- *
- * suppose we want the age of the manager of the shoe department and
- * the number of employees in that department. so we have the query:
- *
- * retrieve (DEPT.no_emps, EMP.age)
- * where EMP.name = DEPT.mgr and
- * DEPT.name = "shoe"
- *
- * Suppose the planner gives us the following plan:
- *
- * Nest Loop (DEPT.mgr = EMP.name)
- * /
- * /
- * Seq Scan Seq Scan
- * (name = "shoe")
- *
- * ExecStart() is called first.
- * It calls InitPlan() which calls ExecInitNode() on
- * the root of the plan -- the nest loop node.
- *
- * * ExecInitNode() notices that it is looking at a nest loop and
- * as the code below demonstrates, it calls ExecInitNestLoop().
- * Eventually this calls ExecInitNode() on the right and left subplans
- * and so forth until the entire plan is initialized.
- *
- * * Then when ExecRun() is called, it calls ExecutePlan() which
- * calls ExecProcNode() repeatedly on the top node of the plan.
- * Each time this happens, ExecProcNode() will end up calling
- * ExecNestLoop(), which calls ExecProcNode() on its subplans.
- * Each of these subplans is a sequential scan so ExecSeqScan() is
- * called. The slots returned by ExecSeqScan() may contain
- * tuples which contain the attributes ExecNestLoop() uses to
- * form the tuples it returns.
- *
- * * Eventually ExecSeqScan() stops returning tuples and the nest
- * loop join ends. Lastly, ExecEnd() calls ExecEndNode() which
- * calls ExecEndNestLoop() which in turn calls ExecEndNode() on
- * its subplans which result in ExecEndSeqScan().
- *
- * This should show how the executor works by having
- * ExecInitNode(), ExecProcNode() and ExecEndNode() dispatch
- * their work to the appopriate node support routines which may
- * in turn call these routines themselves on their subplans.
- *
- */
- #include "postgres.h"
- #include "miscadmin.h"
- #include "tcop/tcopprot.h"
- #include "executor/executor.h"
- #include "executor/nodeResult.h"
- #include "executor/nodeAppend.h"
- #include "executor/nodeSeqscan.h"
- #include "executor/nodeIndexscan.h"
- #include "executor/nodeNestloop.h"
- #include "executor/nodeMergejoin.h"
- #include "executor/nodeMaterial.h"
- #include "executor/nodeSort.h"
- #include "executor/nodeUnique.h"
- #include "executor/nodeGroup.h"
- #include "executor/nodeAgg.h"
- #include "executor/nodeHash.h"
- #include "executor/nodeHashjoin.h"
- #include "executor/nodeSubplan.h"
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * ExecInitNode
- *
- * Recursively initializes all the nodes in the plan rooted
- * at 'node'.
- *
- * Initial States:
- * 'node' is the plan produced by the query planner
- *
- * returns TRUE/FALSE on whether the plan was successfully initialized
- * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- bool
- ExecInitNode(Plan *node, EState *estate, Plan *parent)
- {
- bool result;
- List *subp;
- /* ----------------
- * do nothing when we get to the end
- * of a leaf on tree.
- * ----------------
- */
- if (node == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- foreach(subp, node->initPlan)
- {
- result = ExecInitSubPlan((SubPlan *) lfirst(subp), estate, node);
- if (result == FALSE)
- return FALSE;
- }
- switch (nodeTag(node))
- {
- /* ----------------
- * control nodes
- * ----------------
- */
- case T_Result:
- result = ExecInitResult((Result *) node, estate, parent);
- break;
- case T_Append:
- result = ExecInitAppend((Append *) node, estate, parent);
- break;
- /* ----------------
- * scan nodes
- * ----------------
- */
- case T_SeqScan:
- result = ExecInitSeqScan((SeqScan *) node, estate, parent);
- break;
- case T_IndexScan:
- result = ExecInitIndexScan((IndexScan *) node, estate, parent);
- break;
- /* ----------------
- * join nodes
- * ----------------
- */
- case T_NestLoop:
- result = ExecInitNestLoop((NestLoop *) node, estate, parent);
- break;
- case T_MergeJoin:
- result = ExecInitMergeJoin((MergeJoin *) node, estate, parent);
- break;
- /* ----------------
- * materialization nodes
- * ----------------
- */
- case T_Material:
- result = ExecInitMaterial((Material *) node, estate, parent);
- break;
- case T_Sort:
- result = ExecInitSort((Sort *) node, estate, parent);
- break;
- case T_Unique:
- result = ExecInitUnique((Unique *) node, estate, parent);
- break;
- case T_Group:
- result = ExecInitGroup((Group *) node, estate, parent);
- break;
- case T_Agg:
- result = ExecInitAgg((Agg *) node, estate, parent);
- break;
- case T_Hash:
- result = ExecInitHash((Hash *) node, estate, parent);
- break;
- case T_HashJoin:
- result = ExecInitHashJoin((HashJoin *) node, estate, parent);
- break;
- default:
- elog(ERROR, "ExecInitNode: node %d unsupported", nodeTag(node));
- result = FALSE;
- }
- if (result != FALSE)
- {
- foreach(subp, node->subPlan)
- {
- result = ExecInitSubPlan((SubPlan *) lfirst(subp), estate, node);
- if (result == FALSE)
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
- * ExecProcNode
- *
- * Initial States:
- * the query tree must be initialized once by calling ExecInit.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- TupleTableSlot *
- ExecProcNode(Plan *node, Plan *parent)
- {
- TupleTableSlot *result;
- /* ----------------
- * deal with NULL nodes..
- * ----------------
- */
- if (QueryCancel)
- CancelQuery();
- if (node == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (node->chgParam != NULL) /* something changed */
- ExecReScan(node, NULL, parent); /* let ReScan handle this */
- switch (nodeTag(node))
- {
- /* ----------------
- * control nodes
- * ----------------
- */
- case T_Result:
- result = ExecResult((Result *) node);
- break;
- case T_Append:
- result = ExecProcAppend((Append *) node);
- break;
- /* ----------------
- * scan nodes
- * ----------------
- */
- case T_SeqScan:
- result = ExecSeqScan((SeqScan *) node);
- break;
- case T_IndexScan:
- result = ExecIndexScan((IndexScan *) node);
- break;
- /* ----------------
- * join nodes
- * ----------------
- */
- case T_NestLoop:
- result = ExecNestLoop((NestLoop *) node, parent);
- break;
- case T_MergeJoin:
- result = ExecMergeJoin((MergeJoin *) node);
- break;
- /* ----------------
- * materialization nodes
- * ----------------
- */
- case T_Material:
- result = ExecMaterial((Material *) node);
- break;
- case T_Sort:
- result = ExecSort((Sort *) node);
- break;
- case T_Unique:
- result = ExecUnique((Unique *) node);
- break;
- case T_Group:
- result = ExecGroup((Group *) node);
- break;
- case T_Agg:
- result = ExecAgg((Agg *) node);
- break;
- case T_Hash:
- result = ExecHash((Hash *) node);
- break;
- case T_HashJoin:
- result = ExecHashJoin((HashJoin *) node);
- break;
- default:
- elog(ERROR, "ExecProcNode: node %d unsupported", nodeTag(node));
- result = NULL;
- }
- return result;
- }
- int
- ExecCountSlotsNode(Plan *node)
- {
- if (node == (Plan *) NULL)
- return 0;
- switch (nodeTag(node))
- {
- /* ----------------
- * control nodes
- * ----------------
- */
- case T_Result:
- return ExecCountSlotsResult((Result *) node);
- case T_Append:
- return ExecCountSlotsAppend((Append *) node);
- /* ----------------
- * scan nodes
- * ----------------
- */
- case T_SeqScan:
- return ExecCountSlotsSeqScan((SeqScan *) node);
- case T_IndexScan:
- return ExecCountSlotsIndexScan((IndexScan *) node);
- /* ----------------
- * join nodes
- * ----------------
- */
- case T_NestLoop:
- return ExecCountSlotsNestLoop((NestLoop *) node);
- case T_MergeJoin:
- return ExecCountSlotsMergeJoin((MergeJoin *) node);
- /* ----------------
- * materialization nodes
- * ----------------
- */
- case T_Material:
- return ExecCountSlotsMaterial((Material *) node);
- case T_Sort:
- return ExecCountSlotsSort((Sort *) node);
- case T_Unique:
- return ExecCountSlotsUnique((Unique *) node);
- case T_Group:
- return ExecCountSlotsGroup((Group *) node);
- case T_Agg:
- return ExecCountSlotsAgg((Agg *) node);
- case T_Hash:
- return ExecCountSlotsHash((Hash *) node);
- case T_HashJoin:
- return ExecCountSlotsHashJoin((HashJoin *) node);
- default:
- elog(ERROR, "ExecCountSlotsNode: node not yet supported: %d",
- nodeTag(node));
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
- * ExecEndNode
- *
- * Recursively cleans up all the nodes in the plan rooted
- * at 'node'.
- *
- * After this operation, the query plan will not be able to
- * processed any further. This should be called only after
- * the query plan has been fully executed.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- void
- ExecEndNode(Plan *node, Plan *parent)
- {
- List *subp;
- /* ----------------
- * do nothing when we get to the end
- * of a leaf on tree.
- * ----------------
- */
- if (node == NULL)
- return;
- foreach(subp, node->initPlan)
- ExecEndSubPlan((SubPlan *) lfirst(subp));
- foreach(subp, node->subPlan)
- ExecEndSubPlan((SubPlan *) lfirst(subp));
- if (node->chgParam != NULL)
- {
- freeList(node->chgParam);
- node->chgParam = NULL;
- }
- switch (nodeTag(node))
- {
- /* ----------------
- * control nodes
- * ----------------
- */
- case T_Result:
- ExecEndResult((Result *) node);
- break;
- case T_Append:
- ExecEndAppend((Append *) node);
- break;
- /* ----------------
- * scan nodes
- * ----------------
- */
- case T_SeqScan:
- ExecEndSeqScan((SeqScan *) node);
- break;
- case T_IndexScan:
- ExecEndIndexScan((IndexScan *) node);
- break;
- /* ----------------
- * join nodes
- * ----------------
- */
- case T_NestLoop:
- ExecEndNestLoop((NestLoop *) node);
- break;
- case T_MergeJoin:
- ExecEndMergeJoin((MergeJoin *) node);
- break;
- /* ----------------
- * materialization nodes
- * ----------------
- */
- case T_Material:
- ExecEndMaterial((Material *) node);
- break;
- case T_Sort:
- ExecEndSort((Sort *) node);
- break;
- case T_Unique:
- ExecEndUnique((Unique *) node);
- break;
- case T_Group:
- ExecEndGroup((Group *) node);
- break;
- case T_Agg:
- ExecEndAgg((Agg *) node);
- break;
- /* ----------------
- * XXX add hooks to these
- * ----------------
- */
- case T_Hash:
- ExecEndHash((Hash *) node);
- break;
- case T_HashJoin:
- ExecEndHashJoin((HashJoin *) node);
- break;
- default:
- elog(ERROR, "ExecEndNode: node %d unsupported", nodeTag(node));
- break;
- }
- }