- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * heap.c
- * code to create and destroy POSTGRES heap relations
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- *
- *
- * $Header: /usr/local/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/catalog/heap.c,v 1.89 1999/07/08 02:46:37 momjian Exp $
- *
- *
- * heap_create() - Create an uncataloged heap relation
- * heap_create_with_catalog() - Create a cataloged relation
- * heap_destroy_with_catalog() - Removes named relation from catalogs
- *
- * this code taken from access/heap/create.c, which contains
- * the old heap_create_with_catalog, amcreate, and amdestroy.
- * those routines will soon call these routines using the function
- * manager,
- * just like the poorly named "NewXXX" routines do. The
- * "New" routines are all going to die soon, once and for all!
- * -cim 1/13/91
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- #include "postgres.h"
- #include "miscadmin.h"
- #include "access/heapam.h"
- #include "catalog/catalog.h"
- #include "catalog/catname.h"
- #include "catalog/heap.h"
- #include "catalog/index.h"
- #include "catalog/indexing.h"
- #include "catalog/pg_attrdef.h"
- #include "catalog/pg_index.h"
- #include "catalog/pg_inherits.h"
- #include "catalog/pg_ipl.h"
- #include "catalog/pg_relcheck.h"
- #include "catalog/pg_type.h"
- #include "commands/trigger.h"
- #include "fmgr.h"
- #include "nodes/plannodes.h"
- #include "optimizer/tlist.h"
- #include "parser/parse_expr.h"
- #include "parser/parse_node.h"
- #include "parser/parse_target.h"
- #include "parser/parse_type.h"
- #include "parser/parse_coerce.h"
- #include "rewrite/rewriteRemove.h"
- #include "storage/bufmgr.h"
- #include "storage/lmgr.h"
- #include "storage/smgr.h"
- #include "tcop/tcopprot.h"
- #include "utils/catcache.h"
- #include "utils/builtins.h"
- #include "utils/mcxt.h"
- #include "utils/relcache.h"
- #include "utils/syscache.h"
- #include "utils/tqual.h"
- #include "utils/temprel.h"
- #ifndef HAVE_MEMMOVE
- #include <regex/utils.h>
- #else
- #include <string.h>
- #endif
- static void AddNewRelationTuple(Relation pg_class_desc,
- Relation new_rel_desc, Oid new_rel_oid, unsigned natts,
- char relkind, char *temp_relname);
- static void AddToNoNameRelList(Relation r);
- static void DeleteAttributeTuples(Relation rel);
- static void DeleteRelationTuple(Relation rel);
- static void DeleteTypeTuple(Relation rel);
- static void RelationRemoveIndexes(Relation relation);
- static void RelationRemoveInheritance(Relation relation);
- static void RemoveFromNoNameRelList(Relation r);
- static void AddNewRelationType(char *typeName, Oid new_rel_oid);
- static void StoreConstraints(Relation rel);
- static void RemoveConstraints(Relation rel);
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * these should all be moved to someplace in the lib/catalog
- * module, if not obliterated first.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /*
- * Note:
- * Should the executor special case these attributes in the future?
- * Advantage: consume 1/2 the space in the ATTRIBUTE relation.
- * Disadvantage: having rules to compute values in these tuples may
- * be more difficult if not impossible.
- */
- static FormData_pg_attribute a1 = {
- 0xffffffff, {"ctid"}, TIDOID, 0, sizeof(ItemPointerData),
- SelfItemPointerAttributeNumber, 0, -1, -1, ' ', ' ', 'i', ' ', ' '
- };
- static FormData_pg_attribute a2 = {
- 0xffffffff, {"oid"}, OIDOID, 0, sizeof(Oid),
- ObjectIdAttributeNumber, 0, -1, -1, ' 01', ' ', 'i', ' ', ' '
- };
- static FormData_pg_attribute a3 = {
- 0xffffffff, {"xmin"}, XIDOID, 0, sizeof(TransactionId),
- MinTransactionIdAttributeNumber, 0, -1, -1, ' 01', ' ', 'i', ' ', ' '
- };
- static FormData_pg_attribute a4 = {
- 0xffffffff, {"cmin"}, CIDOID, 0, sizeof(CommandId),
- MinCommandIdAttributeNumber, 0, -1, -1, ' 01', ' ', 'i', ' ', ' '
- };
- static FormData_pg_attribute a5 = {
- 0xffffffff, {"xmax"}, XIDOID, 0, sizeof(TransactionId),
- MaxTransactionIdAttributeNumber, 0, -1, -1, ' 01', ' ', 'i', ' ', ' '
- };
- static FormData_pg_attribute a6 = {
- 0xffffffff, {"cmax"}, CIDOID, 0, sizeof(CommandId),
- MaxCommandIdAttributeNumber, 0, -1, -1, ' 01', ' ', 'i', ' ', ' '
- };
- static Form_pg_attribute HeapAtt[] = {&a1, &a2, &a3, &a4, &a5, &a6};
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /* the tempRelList holds
- the list of temporary uncatalogued relations that are created.
- these relations should be destroyed at the end of transactions
- */
- typedef struct tempRelList
- {
- Relation *rels; /* array of relation descriptors */
- int num; /* number of temporary relations */
- int size; /* size of space allocated for the rels
- * array */
- } TempRelList;
- static TempRelList *tempRels = NULL;
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
- * heap_create - Create an uncataloged heap relation
- *
- * Fields relpages, reltuples, reltuples, relkeys, relhistory,
- * relisindexed, and relkind of rel->rd_rel are initialized
- * to all zeros, as are rd_last and rd_hook. Rd_refcnt is set to 1.
- *
- * Remove the system relation specific code to elsewhere eventually.
- *
- * Eventually, must place information about this temporary relation
- * into the transaction context block.
- *
- *
- * if heap_create is called with "" as the name, then heap_create will create
- * a temporary name "pg_noname.$PID.$SEQUENCE" for the relation
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- Relation
- heap_create(char *relname,
- TupleDesc tupDesc,
- bool isnoname,
- bool istemp)
- {
- unsigned i;
- Oid relid;
- Relation rel;
- int len;
- bool nailme = false;
- int natts = tupDesc->natts;
- static unsigned int uniqueId = 0;
- extern GlobalMemory CacheCxt;
- MemoryContext oldcxt;
- /* ----------------
- * sanity checks
- * ----------------
- */
- AssertArg(natts > 0);
- if (relname && !allowSystemTableMods && IsSystemRelationName(relname) && IsNormalProcessingMode())
- {
- elog(ERROR, "Illegal class name '%s'"
- "ntThe 'pg_' name prefix is reserved for system catalogs",
- relname);
- }
- /* ----------------
- * switch to the cache context so that we don't lose
- * allocations at the end of this transaction, I guess.
- * -cim 6/14/90
- * ----------------
- */
- if (!CacheCxt)
- CacheCxt = CreateGlobalMemory("Cache");
- oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo((MemoryContext) CacheCxt);
- /* ----------------
- * real ugly stuff to assign the proper relid in the relation
- * descriptor follows.
- * ----------------
- */
- if (relname && !strcmp(RelationRelationName, relname))
- {
- relid = RelOid_pg_class;
- nailme = true;
- }
- else if (relname && !strcmp(AttributeRelationName, relname))
- {
- relid = RelOid_pg_attribute;
- nailme = true;
- }
- else if (relname && !strcmp(ProcedureRelationName, relname))
- {
- relid = RelOid_pg_proc;
- nailme = true;
- }
- else if (relname && !strcmp(TypeRelationName, relname))
- {
- relid = RelOid_pg_type;
- nailme = true;
- }
- else
- relid = newoid();
- if (isnoname)
- {
- Assert(!relname);
- relname = palloc(NAMEDATALEN);
- snprintf(relname, NAMEDATALEN, "pg_noname.%d.%u",
- (int) MyProcPid, uniqueId++);
- }
- if (istemp)
- {
- /* replace relname of caller */
- snprintf(relname, NAMEDATALEN, "pg_temp.%d.%u",
- MyProcPid, uniqueId++);
- }
- /* ----------------
- * allocate a new relation descriptor.
- *
- * XXX the length computation may be incorrect, handle elsewhere
- * ----------------
- */
- len = sizeof(RelationData);
- rel = (Relation) palloc(len);
- MemSet((char *) rel, 0, len);
- /*
- * create a new tuple descriptor from the one passed in
- */
- rel->rd_att = CreateTupleDescCopyConstr(tupDesc);
- /* ----------------
- * nail the reldesc if this is a bootstrap create reln and
- * we may need it in the cache later on in the bootstrap
- * process so we don't ever want it kicked out. e.g. pg_attribute!!!
- * ----------------
- */
- if (nailme)
- rel->rd_isnailed = true;
- RelationSetReferenceCount(rel, 1);
- rel->rd_rel = (Form_pg_class) palloc(sizeof *rel->rd_rel);
- /* ----------------
- * initialize the fields of our new relation descriptor
- * ----------------
- */
- MemSet((char *) rel->rd_rel, 0, sizeof *rel->rd_rel);
- namestrcpy(&(rel->rd_rel->relname), relname);
- rel->rd_rel->relkind = RELKIND_UNCATALOGED;
- rel->rd_rel->relnatts = natts;
- if (tupDesc->constr)
- rel->rd_rel->relchecks = tupDesc->constr->num_check;
- for (i = 0; i < natts; i++)
- rel->rd_att->attrs[i]->attrelid = relid;
- RelationGetRelid(rel) = relid;
- if (nailme)
- {
- /* for system relations, set the reltype field here */
- rel->rd_rel->reltype = relid;
- }
- /* ----------------
- * remember if this is a noname relation
- * ----------------
- */
- rel->rd_isnoname = isnoname;
- /* ----------------
- * have the storage manager create the relation.
- * ----------------
- */
- rel->rd_nonameunlinked = TRUE; /* change once table is created */
- rel->rd_fd = (File) smgrcreate(DEFAULT_SMGR, rel);
- rel->rd_nonameunlinked = FALSE;
- RelationRegisterRelation(rel);
- MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
- /*
- * add all noname relations to the tempRels list so they can be
- * properly disposed of at the end of transaction
- */
- if (isnoname)
- AddToNoNameRelList(rel);
- return rel;
- }
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
- * heap_create_with_catalog - Create a cataloged relation
- *
- * this is done in 6 steps:
- *
- * 1) CheckAttributeNames() is used to make certain the tuple
- * descriptor contains a valid set of attribute names
- *
- * 2) pg_class is opened and RelationFindRelid()
- * preforms a scan to ensure that no relation with the
- * same name already exists.
- *
- * 3) heap_create_with_catalog() is called to create the new relation
- * on disk.
- *
- * 4) TypeDefine() is called to define a new type corresponding
- * to the new relation.
- *
- * 5) AddNewAttributeTuples() is called to register the
- * new relation's schema in pg_attribute.
- *
- * 6) AddNewRelationTuple() is called to register the
- * relation itself in the catalogs.
- *
- * 7) StoreConstraints is called () - vadim 08/22/97
- *
- * 8) the relations are closed and the new relation's oid
- * is returned.
- *
- * old comments:
- * A new relation is inserted into the RELATION relation
- * with the specified attribute(s) (newly inserted into
- * the ATTRIBUTE relation). How does concurrency control
- * work? Is it automatic now? Expects the caller to have
- * attname, atttypid, atttyparg, attproc, and attlen domains filled.
- * Create fills the attnum domains sequentually from zero,
- * fills the attdisbursion domains with zeros, and fills the
- * attrelid fields with the relid.
- *
- * scan relation catalog for name conflict
- * scan type catalog for typids (if not arg)
- * create and insert attribute(s) into attribute catalog
- * create new relation
- * insert new relation into attribute catalog
- *
- * Should coordinate with heap_create_with_catalog(). Either
- * it should not be called or there should be a way to prevent
- * the relation from being removed at the end of the
- * transaction if it is successful ('u'/'r' may be enough).
- * Also, if the transaction does not commit, then the
- * relation should be removed.
- *
- * XXX amcreate ignores "off" when inserting (for now).
- * XXX amcreate (like the other utilities) needs to understand indexes.
- *
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /* --------------------------------
- * CheckAttributeNames
- *
- * this is used to make certain the tuple descriptor contains a
- * valid set of attribute names. a problem simply generates
- * elog(ERROR) which aborts the current transaction.
- * --------------------------------
- */
- static void
- CheckAttributeNames(TupleDesc tupdesc)
- {
- unsigned i;
- unsigned j;
- int natts = tupdesc->natts;
- /* ----------------
- * first check for collision with system attribute names
- * ----------------
- *
- * also, warn user if attribute to be created has
- * an unknown typid (usually as a result of a 'retrieve into'
- * - jolly
- */
- for (i = 0; i < natts; i += 1)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < sizeof HeapAtt / sizeof HeapAtt[0]; j += 1)
- {
- if (nameeq(&(HeapAtt[j]->attname),
- &(tupdesc->attrs[i]->attname)))
- {
- elog(ERROR, "Attribute '%s' has a name conflict"
- "ntName matches an existing system attribute",
- HeapAtt[j]->attname.data);
- }
- }
- if (tupdesc->attrs[i]->atttypid == UNKNOWNOID)
- {
- elog(NOTICE, "Attribute '%s' has an unknown type"
- "ntRelation created; continue",
- tupdesc->attrs[i]->attname.data);
- }
- }
- /* ----------------
- * next check for repeated attribute names
- * ----------------
- */
- for (i = 1; i < natts; i += 1)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < i; j += 1)
- {
- if (nameeq(&(tupdesc->attrs[j]->attname),
- &(tupdesc->attrs[i]->attname)))
- {
- elog(ERROR, "Attribute '%s' is repeated",
- tupdesc->attrs[j]->attname.data);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* --------------------------------
- * RelnameFindRelid
- *
- * this preforms a scan of pg_class to ensure that
- * no relation with the same name already exists.
- * --------------------------------
- */
- Oid
- RelnameFindRelid(char *relname)
- {
- HeapTuple tuple;
- Oid relid;
- /*
- * If this is not bootstrap (initdb) time, use the catalog index on
- * pg_class.
- */
- if (!IsBootstrapProcessingMode())
- {
- tuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(RELNAME,
- PointerGetDatum(relname),
- 0, 0, 0);
- if (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
- relid = tuple->t_data->t_oid;
- else
- relid = InvalidOid;
- }
- else
- {
- Relation pg_class_desc;
- ScanKeyData key;
- HeapScanDesc pg_class_scan;
- pg_class_desc = heap_openr(RelationRelationName);
- /* ----------------
- * At bootstrap time, we have to do this the hard way. Form the
- * scan key.
- * ----------------
- */
- ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&key,
- 0,
- (AttrNumber) Anum_pg_class_relname,
- (RegProcedure) F_NAMEEQ,
- (Datum) relname);
- /* ----------------
- * begin the scan
- * ----------------
- */
- pg_class_scan = heap_beginscan(pg_class_desc,
- 0,
- SnapshotNow,
- 1,
- &key);
- /* ----------------
- * get a tuple. if the tuple is NULL then it means we
- * didn't find an existing relation.
- * ----------------
- */
- tuple = heap_getnext(pg_class_scan, 0);
- if (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
- relid = tuple->t_data->t_oid;
- else
- relid = InvalidOid;
- heap_endscan(pg_class_scan);
- heap_close(pg_class_desc);
- }
- return relid;
- }
- /* --------------------------------
- * AddNewAttributeTuples
- *
- * this registers the new relation's schema by adding
- * tuples to pg_attribute.
- * --------------------------------
- */
- static void
- AddNewAttributeTuples(Oid new_rel_oid,
- TupleDesc tupdesc)
- {
- Form_pg_attribute *dpp;
- unsigned i;
- HeapTuple tup;
- Relation rel;
- bool hasindex;
- Relation idescs[Num_pg_attr_indices];
- int natts = tupdesc->natts;
- /* ----------------
- * open pg_attribute
- * ----------------
- */
- rel = heap_openr(AttributeRelationName);
- /* -----------------
- * Check if we have any indices defined on pg_attribute.
- * -----------------
- */
- Assert(rel);
- Assert(rel->rd_rel);
- hasindex = RelationGetForm(rel)->relhasindex;
- if (hasindex)
- CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, Name_pg_attr_indices, idescs);
- /* ----------------
- * initialize tuple descriptor. Note we use setheapoverride()
- * so that we can see the effects of our TypeDefine() done
- * previously.
- * ----------------
- */
- setheapoverride(true);
- fillatt(tupdesc);
- setheapoverride(false);
- /* ----------------
- * first we add the user attributes..
- * ----------------
- */
- dpp = tupdesc->attrs;
- for (i = 0; i < natts; i++)
- {
- (*dpp)->attrelid = new_rel_oid;
- (*dpp)->attdisbursion = 0;
- tup = heap_addheader(Natts_pg_attribute,
- (char *) *dpp);
- heap_insert(rel, tup);
- if (hasindex)
- CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_attr_indices, rel, tup);
- pfree(tup);
- dpp++;
- }
- /* ----------------
- * next we add the system attributes..
- * ----------------
- */
- dpp = HeapAtt;
- for (i = 0; i < -1 - FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber; i++)
- {
- (*dpp)->attrelid = new_rel_oid;
- /* (*dpp)->attdisbursion = 0; unneeded */
- tup = heap_addheader(Natts_pg_attribute,
- (char *) *dpp);
- heap_insert(rel, tup);
- if (hasindex)
- CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_attr_indices, rel, tup);
- pfree(tup);
- dpp++;
- }
- heap_close(rel);
- /*
- * close pg_attribute indices
- */
- if (hasindex)
- CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_attr_indices, idescs);
- }
- /* --------------------------------
- * AddNewRelationTuple
- *
- * this registers the new relation in the catalogs by
- * adding a tuple to pg_class.
- * --------------------------------
- */
- static void
- AddNewRelationTuple(Relation pg_class_desc,
- Relation new_rel_desc,
- Oid new_rel_oid,
- unsigned natts,
- char relkind,
- char *temp_relname)
- {
- Form_pg_class new_rel_reltup;
- HeapTuple tup;
- Relation idescs[Num_pg_class_indices];
- bool isBootstrap;
- /* ----------------
- * first we munge some of the information in our
- * uncataloged relation's relation descriptor.
- * ----------------
- */
- new_rel_reltup = new_rel_desc->rd_rel;
- /* CHECK should get new_rel_oid first via an insert then use XXX */
- /* ----------------
- * Here we insert bogus estimates of the size of the new relation.
- * In reality, of course, the new relation has 0 tuples and pages,
- * and if we were tracking these statistics accurately then we'd
- * set the fields that way. But at present the stats will be updated
- * only by VACUUM or CREATE INDEX, and the user might insert a lot of
- * tuples before he gets around to doing either of those. So, instead
- * of saying the relation is empty, we insert guesstimates. The point
- * is to keep the optimizer from making really stupid choices on
- * never-yet-vacuumed tables; so the estimates need only be large
- * enough to discourage the optimizer from using nested-loop plans.
- * With this hack, nested-loop plans will be preferred only after
- * the table has been proven to be small by VACUUM or CREATE INDEX.
- * Maintaining the stats on-the-fly would solve the problem more cleanly,
- * but the overhead of that would likely cost more than it'd save.
- * (NOTE: CREATE INDEX inserts the same bogus estimates if it finds the
- * relation has 0 rows and pages. See index.c.)
- * ----------------
- */
- new_rel_reltup->relpages = 10; /* bogus estimates */
- new_rel_reltup->reltuples = 1000;
- new_rel_reltup->relowner = GetUserId();
- new_rel_reltup->relkind = relkind;
- new_rel_reltup->relnatts = natts;
- /* ----------------
- * now form a tuple to add to pg_class
- * XXX Natts_pg_class_fixed is a hack - see pg_class.h
- * ----------------
- */
- tup = heap_addheader(Natts_pg_class_fixed,
- (char *) new_rel_reltup);
- tup->t_data->t_oid = new_rel_oid;
- /* ----------------
- * finally insert the new tuple and free it.
- *
- * Note: I have no idea why we do a
- * SetProcessingMode(BootstrapProcessing);
- * here -cim 6/14/90
- * ----------------
- */
- isBootstrap = IsBootstrapProcessingMode() ? true : false;
- SetProcessingMode(BootstrapProcessing);
- heap_insert(pg_class_desc, tup);
- if (temp_relname)
- create_temp_relation(temp_relname, tup);
- if (!isBootstrap)
- {
- /*
- * First, open the catalog indices and insert index tuples for the
- * new relation.
- */
- CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, Name_pg_class_indices, idescs);
- CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_class_indices, pg_class_desc, tup);
- CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_class_indices, idescs);
- /* now restore processing mode */
- SetProcessingMode(NormalProcessing);
- }
- pfree(tup);
- }
- /* --------------------------------
- * AddNewRelationType -
- *
- * define a complex type corresponding to the new relation
- * --------------------------------
- */
- static void
- AddNewRelationType(char *typeName, Oid new_rel_oid)
- {
- Oid new_type_oid;
- /*
- * The sizes are set to oid size because it makes implementing sets
- * MUCH easier, and no one (we hope) uses these fields to figure out
- * how much space to allocate for the type. An oid is the type used
- * for a set definition. When a user requests a set, what they
- * actually get is the oid of a tuple in the pg_proc catalog, so the
- * size of the "set" is the size of an oid. Similarly, byval being
- * true makes sets much easier, and it isn't used by anything else.
- * Note the assumption that OIDs are the same size as int4s.
- */
- new_type_oid = TypeCreate(typeName, /* type name */
- new_rel_oid, /* relation oid */
- typeLen(typeidType(OIDOID)), /* internal size */
- typeLen(typeidType(OIDOID)), /* external size */
- 'c', /* type-type (catalog) */
- ',', /* default array delimiter */
- "int4in", /* input procedure */
- "int4out", /* output procedure */
- "int4in", /* receive procedure */
- "int4out", /* send procedure */
- NULL, /* array element type - irrelevent */
- "-", /* default type value */
- (bool) 1, /* passed by value */
- 'i'); /* default alignment */
- }
- /* --------------------------------
- * heap_create_with_catalog
- *
- * creates a new cataloged relation. see comments above.
- * --------------------------------
- */
- Oid
- heap_create_with_catalog(char *relname,
- TupleDesc tupdesc,
- char relkind,
- bool istemp)
- {
- Relation pg_class_desc;
- Relation new_rel_desc;
- Oid new_rel_oid;
- int natts = tupdesc->natts;
- char *temp_relname = NULL;
- /* ----------------
- * sanity checks
- * ----------------
- */
- Assert(IsNormalProcessingMode() || IsBootstrapProcessingMode());
- if (natts == 0 || natts > MaxHeapAttributeNumber)
- elog(ERROR, "Number of attributes is out of range"
- "ntFrom 1 to %d attributes may be specified",
- MaxHeapAttributeNumber);
- CheckAttributeNames(tupdesc);
- /* temp tables can mask non-temp tables */
- if ((!istemp && RelnameFindRelid(relname)) ||
- (istemp && get_temp_rel_by_name(relname) != NULL))
- elog(ERROR, "Relation '%s' already exists", relname);
- /* invalidate cache so non-temp table is masked by temp */
- if (istemp)
- {
- Oid relid = RelnameFindRelid(relname);
- if (relid != InvalidOid)
- RelationForgetRelation(relid);
- }
- /* save user relation name because heap_create changes it */
- if (istemp)
- {
- temp_relname = pstrdup(relname); /* save original value */
- relname = palloc(NAMEDATALEN);
- strcpy(relname, temp_relname); /* heap_create will change this */
- }
- /* ----------------
- * ok, relation does not already exist so now we
- * create an uncataloged relation and pull its relation oid
- * from the newly formed relation descriptor.
- *
- * Note: The call to heap_create() does all the "real" work
- * of creating the disk file for the relation.
- * This changes relname for noname and temp tables.
- * ----------------
- */
- new_rel_desc = heap_create(relname, tupdesc, false, istemp);
- new_rel_oid = new_rel_desc->rd_att->attrs[0]->attrelid;
- /* ----------------
- * since defining a relation also defines a complex type,
- * we add a new system type corresponding to the new relation.
- * ----------------
- */
- AddNewRelationType(relname, new_rel_oid);
- /* ----------------
- * now add tuples to pg_attribute for the attributes in
- * our new relation.
- * ----------------
- */
- AddNewAttributeTuples(new_rel_oid, tupdesc);
- /* ----------------
- * now update the information in pg_class.
- * ----------------
- */
- pg_class_desc = heap_openr(RelationRelationName);
- AddNewRelationTuple(pg_class_desc,
- new_rel_desc,
- new_rel_oid,
- natts,
- relkind,
- temp_relname);
- StoreConstraints(new_rel_desc);
- if (istemp)
- {
- pfree(relname);
- pfree(temp_relname);
- }
- /* ----------------
- * ok, the relation has been cataloged, so close our relations
- * and return the oid of the newly created relation.
- *
- * SOMEDAY: fill the STATISTIC relation properly.
- * ----------------
- */
- heap_close(new_rel_desc);
- heap_close(pg_class_desc);
- return new_rel_oid;
- }
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
- * heap_destroy_with_catalog - removes all record of named relation from catalogs
- *
- * 1) open relation, check for existence, etc.
- * 2) remove inheritance information
- * 3) remove indexes
- * 4) remove pg_class tuple
- * 5) remove pg_attribute tuples
- * 6) remove pg_type tuples
- * 7) RemoveConstraints ()
- * 8) unlink relation
- *
- * old comments
- * Except for vital relations, removes relation from
- * relation catalog, and related attributes from
- * attribute catalog (needed?). (Anything else?)
- *
- * get proper relation from relation catalog (if not arg)
- * check if relation is vital (strcmp()/reltype?)
- * scan attribute catalog deleting attributes of reldesc
- * (necessary?)
- * delete relation from relation catalog
- * (How are the tuples of the relation discarded?)
- *
- * XXX Must fix to work with indexes.
- * There may be a better order for doing things.
- * Problems with destroying a deleted database--cannot create
- * a struct reldesc without having an open file descriptor.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /* --------------------------------
- * RelationRemoveInheritance
- *
- * Note: for now, we cause an exception if relation is a
- * superclass. Someday, we may want to allow this and merge
- * the type info into subclass procedures.... this seems like
- * lots of work.
- * --------------------------------
- */
- static void
- RelationRemoveInheritance(Relation relation)
- {
- Relation catalogRelation;
- HeapTuple tuple;
- HeapScanDesc scan;
- ScanKeyData entry;
- bool found = false;
- /* ----------------
- * open pg_inherits
- * ----------------
- */
- catalogRelation = heap_openr(InheritsRelationName);
- /* ----------------
- * form a scan key for the subclasses of this class
- * and begin scanning
- * ----------------
- */
- ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&entry, 0x0, Anum_pg_inherits_inhparent,
- ObjectIdGetDatum(RelationGetRelid(relation)));
- scan = heap_beginscan(catalogRelation,
- false,
- SnapshotNow,
- 1,
- &entry);
- /* ----------------
- * if any subclasses exist, then we disallow the deletion.
- * ----------------
- */
- tuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0);
- if (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
- {
- heap_endscan(scan);
- heap_close(catalogRelation);
- elog(ERROR, "Relation '%u' inherits '%s'",
- ((Form_pg_inherits) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->inhrel,
- RelationGetRelationName(relation));
- }
- /* ----------------
- * If we get here, it means the relation has no subclasses
- * so we can trash it. First we remove dead INHERITS tuples.
- * ----------------
- */
- entry.sk_attno = Anum_pg_inherits_inhrel;
- scan = heap_beginscan(catalogRelation,
- false,
- SnapshotNow,
- 1,
- &entry);
- while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0)))
- {
- heap_delete(catalogRelation, &tuple->t_self, NULL);
- found = true;
- }
- heap_endscan(scan);
- heap_close(catalogRelation);
- /* ----------------
- * now remove dead IPL tuples
- * ----------------
- */
- catalogRelation = heap_openr(InheritancePrecidenceListRelationName);
- entry.sk_attno = Anum_pg_ipl_iplrel;
- scan = heap_beginscan(catalogRelation,
- false,
- SnapshotNow,
- 1,
- &entry);
- while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0)))
- heap_delete(catalogRelation, &tuple->t_self, NULL);
- heap_endscan(scan);
- heap_close(catalogRelation);
- }
- /* --------------------------------
- * RelationRemoveIndexes
- *
- * --------------------------------
- */
- static void
- RelationRemoveIndexes(Relation relation)
- {
- Relation indexRelation;
- HeapTuple tuple;
- HeapScanDesc scan;
- ScanKeyData entry;
- indexRelation = heap_openr(IndexRelationName);
- ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&entry, 0x0, Anum_pg_index_indrelid,
- ObjectIdGetDatum(RelationGetRelid(relation)));
- scan = heap_beginscan(indexRelation,
- false,
- SnapshotNow,
- 1,
- &entry);
- while (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple = heap_getnext(scan, 0)))
- index_destroy(((Form_pg_index) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->indexrelid);
- heap_endscan(scan);
- heap_close(indexRelation);
- }
- /* --------------------------------
- * DeleteRelationTuple
- *
- * --------------------------------
- */
- static void
- DeleteRelationTuple(Relation rel)
- {
- Relation pg_class_desc;
- HeapTuple tup;
- /* ----------------
- * open pg_class
- * ----------------
- */
- pg_class_desc = heap_openr(RelationRelationName);
- tup = SearchSysCacheTupleCopy(RELOID,
- ObjectIdGetDatum(rel->rd_att->attrs[0]->attrelid),
- 0, 0, 0);
- if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
- {
- heap_close(pg_class_desc);
- elog(ERROR, "Relation '%s' does not exist",
- &rel->rd_rel->relname);
- }
- /* ----------------
- * delete the relation tuple from pg_class, and finish up.
- * ----------------
- */
- heap_delete(pg_class_desc, &tup->t_self, NULL);
- pfree(tup);
- heap_close(pg_class_desc);
- }
- /* --------------------------------
- * DeleteAttributeTuples
- *
- * --------------------------------
- */
- static void
- DeleteAttributeTuples(Relation rel)
- {
- Relation pg_attribute_desc;
- HeapTuple tup;
- int2 attnum;
- /* ----------------
- * open pg_attribute
- * ----------------
- */
- pg_attribute_desc = heap_openr(AttributeRelationName);
- /* -----------------
- * Get a write lock _before_ getting the read lock in the scan
- * ----------------
- */
- LockRelation(pg_attribute_desc, AccessExclusiveLock);
- for (attnum = FirstLowInvalidHeapAttributeNumber + 1;
- attnum <= rel->rd_att->natts;
- attnum++)
- {
- if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup = SearchSysCacheTupleCopy(ATTNUM,
- ObjectIdGetDatum(RelationGetRelid(rel)),
- Int16GetDatum(attnum),
- 0, 0)))
- {
- heap_delete(pg_attribute_desc, &tup->t_self, NULL);
- pfree(tup);
- }
- }
- /* ----------------
- * Release the write lock
- * ----------------
- */
- UnlockRelation(pg_attribute_desc, AccessExclusiveLock);
- heap_close(pg_attribute_desc);
- }
- /* --------------------------------
- * DeleteTypeTuple
- *
- * If the user attempts to destroy a relation and there
- * exists attributes in other relations of type
- * "relation we are deleting", then we have to do something
- * special. presently we disallow the destroy.
- * --------------------------------
- */
- static void
- DeleteTypeTuple(Relation rel)
- {
- Relation pg_type_desc;
- HeapScanDesc pg_type_scan;
- Relation pg_attribute_desc;
- HeapScanDesc pg_attribute_scan;
- ScanKeyData key;
- ScanKeyData attkey;
- HeapTuple tup;
- HeapTuple atttup;
- Oid typoid;
- /* ----------------
- * open pg_type
- * ----------------
- */
- pg_type_desc = heap_openr(TypeRelationName);
- /* ----------------
- * create a scan key to locate the type tuple corresponding
- * to this relation.
- * ----------------
- */
- ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&key, 0,
- Anum_pg_type_typrelid,
- ObjectIdGetDatum(RelationGetRelid(rel)));
- pg_type_scan = heap_beginscan(pg_type_desc,
- 0,
- SnapshotNow,
- 1,
- &key);
- /* ----------------
- * use heap_getnext() to fetch the pg_type tuple. If this
- * tuple is not valid then something's wrong.
- * ----------------
- */
- tup = heap_getnext(pg_type_scan, 0);
- if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
- {
- heap_endscan(pg_type_scan);
- heap_close(pg_type_desc);
- elog(ERROR, "DeleteTypeTuple: %s type nonexistent",
- &rel->rd_rel->relname);
- }
- /* ----------------
- * now scan pg_attribute. if any other relations have
- * attributes of the type of the relation we are deleteing
- * then we have to disallow the deletion. should talk to
- * stonebraker about this. -cim 6/19/90
- * ----------------
- */
- typoid = tup->t_data->t_oid;
- pg_attribute_desc = heap_openr(AttributeRelationName);
- ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&attkey,
- 0,
- Anum_pg_attribute_atttypid,
- typoid);
- pg_attribute_scan = heap_beginscan(pg_attribute_desc,
- 0,
- SnapshotNow,
- 1,
- &attkey);
- /* ----------------
- * try and get a pg_attribute tuple. if we succeed it means
- * we can't delete the relation because something depends on
- * the schema.
- * ----------------
- */
- atttup = heap_getnext(pg_attribute_scan, 0);
- if (HeapTupleIsValid(atttup))
- {
- Oid relid = ((Form_pg_attribute) GETSTRUCT(atttup))->attrelid;
- heap_endscan(pg_type_scan);
- heap_close(pg_type_desc);
- heap_endscan(pg_attribute_scan);
- heap_close(pg_attribute_desc);
- elog(ERROR, "DeleteTypeTuple: att of type %s exists in relation %u",
- &rel->rd_rel->relname, relid);
- }
- heap_endscan(pg_attribute_scan);
- heap_close(pg_attribute_desc);
- /* ----------------
- * Ok, it's safe so we delete the relation tuple
- * from pg_type and finish up. But first end the scan so that
- * we release the read lock on pg_type. -mer 13 Aug 1991
- * ----------------
- */
- heap_delete(pg_type_desc, &tup->t_self, NULL);
- heap_endscan(pg_type_scan);
- heap_close(pg_type_desc);
- }
- /* --------------------------------
- * heap_destroy_with_catalog
- *
- * --------------------------------
- */
- void
- heap_destroy_with_catalog(char *relname)
- {
- Relation rel;
- Oid rid;
- bool istemp = (get_temp_rel_by_name(relname) != NULL);
- /* ----------------
- * first open the relation. if the relation does exist,
- * heap_openr() returns NULL.
- * ----------------
- */
- rel = heap_openr(relname);
- if (rel == NULL)
- elog(ERROR, "Relation '%s' does not exist", relname);
- LockRelation(rel, AccessExclusiveLock);
- rid = rel->rd_id;
- /* ----------------
- * prevent deletion of system relations
- * ----------------
- */
- /* allow temp of pg_class? Guess so. */
- if (!istemp &&
- !allowSystemTableMods && IsSystemRelationName(RelationGetRelationName(rel)->data))
- elog(ERROR, "System relation '%s' cannot be destroyed",
- &rel->rd_rel->relname);
- /* ----------------
- * remove inheritance information
- * ----------------
- */
- RelationRemoveInheritance(rel);
- /* ----------------
- * remove indexes if necessary
- * ----------------
- */
- if (rel->rd_rel->relhasindex)
- RelationRemoveIndexes(rel);
- /* ----------------
- * remove rules if necessary
- * ----------------
- */
- if (rel->rd_rules != NULL)
- RelationRemoveRules(rid);
- /* triggers */
- if (rel->rd_rel->reltriggers > 0)
- RelationRemoveTriggers(rel);
- /* ----------------
- * delete attribute tuples
- * ----------------
- */
- DeleteAttributeTuples(rel);
- if (istemp)
- remove_temp_relation(rid);
- /* ----------------
- * delete type tuple. here we want to see the effects
- * of the deletions we just did, so we use setheapoverride().
- * ----------------
- */
- setheapoverride(true);
- DeleteTypeTuple(rel);
- setheapoverride(false);
- /* ----------------
- * delete relation tuple
- * ----------------
- */
- /* must delete fake tuple in cache */
- DeleteRelationTuple(rel);
- /*
- * release dirty buffers of this relation
- */
- ReleaseRelationBuffers(rel);
- /* ----------------
- * flush the relation from the relcache
- * ----------------
- * Does nothing!!! Flushing moved below. - vadim 06/04/97
- RelationIdInvalidateRelationCacheByRelationId(rel->rd_id);
- */
- RemoveConstraints(rel);
- /* ----------------
- * unlink the relation and finish up.
- * ----------------
- */
- if (!(rel->rd_isnoname) || !(rel->rd_nonameunlinked))
- smgrunlink(DEFAULT_SMGR, rel);
- rel->rd_nonameunlinked = TRUE;
- UnlockRelation(rel, AccessExclusiveLock);
- heap_close(rel);
- RelationForgetRelation(rid);
- }
- /*
- * heap_destroy
- * destroy and close temporary relations
- *
- */
- void
- heap_destroy(Relation rel)
- {
- ReleaseRelationBuffers(rel);
- if (!(rel->rd_isnoname) || !(rel->rd_nonameunlinked))
- smgrunlink(DEFAULT_SMGR, rel);
- rel->rd_nonameunlinked = TRUE;
- heap_close(rel);
- RemoveFromNoNameRelList(rel);
- }
- /**************************************************************
- functions to deal with the list of temporary relations
- **************************************************************/
- /* --------------
- InitTempRellist():
- initialize temporary relations list
- the tempRelList is a list of temporary relations that
- are created in the course of the transactions
- they need to be destroyed properly at the end of the transactions
- MODIFIES the global variable tempRels
- >> NOTE <<
- malloc is used instead of palloc because we KNOW when we are
- going to free these things. Keeps us away from the memory context
- hairyness
- */
- void
- InitNoNameRelList(void)
- {
- if (tempRels)
- {
- free(tempRels->rels);
- free(tempRels);
- }
- tempRels = (TempRelList *) malloc(sizeof(TempRelList));
- tempRels->size = NONAME_REL_LIST_SIZE;
- tempRels->rels = (Relation *) malloc(sizeof(Relation) * tempRels->size);
- MemSet(tempRels->rels, 0, sizeof(Relation) * tempRels->size);
- tempRels->num = 0;
- }
- /*
- removes a relation from the TempRelList
- MODIFIES the global variable tempRels
- we don't really remove it, just mark it as NULL
- and DestroyNoNameRels will look for NULLs
- */
- static void
- RemoveFromNoNameRelList(Relation r)
- {
- int i;
- if (!tempRels)
- return;
- for (i = 0; i < tempRels->num; i++)
- {
- if (tempRels->rels[i] == r)
- {
- tempRels->rels[i] = NULL;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- add a temporary relation to the TempRelList
- MODIFIES the global variable tempRels
- */
- static void
- AddToNoNameRelList(Relation r)
- {
- if (!tempRels)
- return;
- if (tempRels->num == tempRels->size)
- {
- tempRels->size += NONAME_REL_LIST_SIZE;
- tempRels->rels = realloc(tempRels->rels,
- sizeof(Relation) * tempRels->size);
- }
- tempRels->rels[tempRels->num] = r;
- tempRels->num++;
- }
- /*
- go through the tempRels list and destroy each of the relations
- */
- void
- DestroyNoNameRels(void)
- {
- int i;
- Relation rel;
- if (!tempRels)
- return;
- for (i = 0; i < tempRels->num; i++)
- {
- rel = tempRels->rels[i];
- /* rel may be NULL if it has been removed from the list already */
- if (rel)
- heap_destroy(rel);
- }
- free(tempRels->rels);
- free(tempRels);
- tempRels = NULL;
- }
- static void
- StoreAttrDefault(Relation rel, AttrDefault *attrdef)
- {
- char str[MAX_PARSE_BUFFER];
- char cast[2 * NAMEDATALEN] = {0};
- Form_pg_attribute atp = rel->rd_att->attrs[attrdef->adnum - 1];
- List *queryTree_list;
- List *planTree_list;
- Query *query;
- TargetEntry *te;
- Resdom *resdom;
- Node *expr;
- Oid type;
- char *adbin;
- MemoryContext oldcxt;
- Relation adrel;
- Relation idescs[Num_pg_attrdef_indices];
- HeapTuple tuple;
- Datum values[4];
- char nulls[4] = {' ', ' ', ' ', ' '};
- extern GlobalMemory CacheCxt;
- start:
- /*
- * Surround table name with double quotes to allow mixed-case and
- * whitespaces in names. - BGA 1998-11-14
- */
- snprintf(str, MAX_PARSE_BUFFER,
- "select %s%s from "%.*s"", attrdef->adsrc, cast,
- NAMEDATALEN, rel->rd_rel->relname.data);
- setheapoverride(true);
- planTree_list = pg_parse_and_plan(str, NULL, 0,
- &queryTree_list, None, FALSE);
- setheapoverride(false);
- query = (Query *) lfirst(queryTree_list);
- if (length(query->rtable) > 1 ||
- flatten_tlist(query->targetList) != NIL)
- elog(ERROR, "Cannot use attribute(s) in DEFAULT clause");
- te = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(query->targetList);
- resdom = te->resdom;
- expr = te->expr;
- type = exprType(expr);
- if (type != atp->atttypid)
- {
- if (IS_BINARY_COMPATIBLE(type, atp->atttypid))
- ; /* use without change */
- else if (can_coerce_type(1, &(type), &(atp->atttypid)))
- expr = coerce_type(NULL, (Node *) expr, type, atp->atttypid,
- atp->atttypmod);
- else if (IsA(expr, Const))
- {
- if (*cast != 0)
- elog(ERROR, "DEFAULT clause const type '%s' mismatched with column type '%s'",
- typeidTypeName(type), typeidTypeName(atp->atttypid));
- snprintf(cast, 2 * NAMEDATALEN, ":: %s", typeidTypeName(atp->atttypid));
- goto start;
- }
- else
- elog(ERROR, "DEFAULT clause type '%s' mismatched with column type '%s'",
- typeidTypeName(type), typeidTypeName(atp->atttypid));
- }
- adbin = nodeToString(expr);
- oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo((MemoryContext) CacheCxt);
- attrdef->adbin = pstrdup(adbin);
- (void) MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
- pfree(adbin);
- values[Anum_pg_attrdef_adrelid - 1] = rel->rd_id;
- values[Anum_pg_attrdef_adnum - 1] = attrdef->adnum;
- values[Anum_pg_attrdef_adbin - 1] = PointerGetDatum(textin(attrdef->adbin));
- values[Anum_pg_attrdef_adsrc - 1] = PointerGetDatum(textin(attrdef->adsrc));
- adrel = heap_openr(AttrDefaultRelationName);
- tuple = heap_formtuple(adrel->rd_att, values, nulls);
- CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_attrdef_indices, Name_pg_attrdef_indices, idescs);
- heap_insert(adrel, tuple);
- CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_attrdef_indices, adrel, tuple);
- CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_attrdef_indices, idescs);
- heap_close(adrel);
- pfree(DatumGetPointer(values[Anum_pg_attrdef_adbin - 1]));
- pfree(DatumGetPointer(values[Anum_pg_attrdef_adsrc - 1]));
- pfree(tuple);
- }
- static void
- StoreRelCheck(Relation rel, ConstrCheck *check)
- {
- char str[MAX_PARSE_BUFFER];
- List *queryTree_list;
- List *planTree_list;
- Query *query;
- Plan *plan;
- List *qual;
- char *ccbin;
- MemoryContext oldcxt;
- Relation rcrel;
- Relation idescs[Num_pg_relcheck_indices];
- HeapTuple tuple;
- Datum values[4];
- char nulls[4] = {' ', ' ', ' ', ' '};
- extern GlobalMemory CacheCxt;
- /*
- * Check for table's existance. Surround table name with double-quotes
- * to allow mixed-case and whitespace names. - thomas 1998-11-12
- */
- snprintf(str, MAX_PARSE_BUFFER,
- "select 1 from "%.*s" where %s",
- NAMEDATALEN, rel->rd_rel->relname.data, check->ccsrc);
- setheapoverride(true);
- planTree_list = pg_parse_and_plan(str, NULL, 0,
- &queryTree_list, None, FALSE);
- setheapoverride(false);
- query = (Query *) lfirst(queryTree_list);
- if (length(query->rtable) > 1)
- elog(ERROR, "Only relation '%.*s' can be referenced",
- NAMEDATALEN, rel->rd_rel->relname.data);
- plan = (Plan *) lfirst(planTree_list);
- qual = plan->qual;
- ccbin = nodeToString(qual);
- oldcxt = MemoryContextSwitchTo((MemoryContext) CacheCxt);
- check->ccbin = (char *) palloc(strlen(ccbin) + 1);
- strcpy(check->ccbin, ccbin);
- (void) MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcxt);
- pfree(ccbin);
- values[Anum_pg_relcheck_rcrelid - 1] = rel->rd_id;
- values[Anum_pg_relcheck_rcname - 1] = PointerGetDatum(namein(check->ccname));
- values[Anum_pg_relcheck_rcbin - 1] = PointerGetDatum(textin(check->ccbin));
- values[Anum_pg_relcheck_rcsrc - 1] = PointerGetDatum(textin(check->ccsrc));
- rcrel = heap_openr(RelCheckRelationName);
- tuple = heap_formtuple(rcrel->rd_att, values, nulls);
- CatalogOpenIndices(Num_pg_relcheck_indices, Name_pg_relcheck_indices, idescs);
- heap_insert(rcrel, tuple);
- CatalogIndexInsert(idescs, Num_pg_relcheck_indices, rcrel, tuple);
- CatalogCloseIndices(Num_pg_relcheck_indices, idescs);
- heap_close(rcrel);
- pfree(DatumGetPointer(values[Anum_pg_relcheck_rcname - 1]));
- pfree(DatumGetPointer(values[Anum_pg_relcheck_rcbin - 1]));
- pfree(DatumGetPointer(values[Anum_pg_relcheck_rcsrc - 1]));
- pfree(tuple);
- return;
- }
- static void
- StoreConstraints(Relation rel)
- {
- TupleConstr *constr = rel->rd_att->constr;
- int i;
- if (!constr)
- return;
- if (constr->num_defval > 0)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < constr->num_defval; i++)
- StoreAttrDefault(rel, &(constr->defval[i]));
- }
- if (constr->num_check > 0)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < constr->num_check; i++)
- StoreRelCheck(rel, &(constr->check[i]));
- }
- return;
- }
- static void
- RemoveAttrDefault(Relation rel)
- {
- Relation adrel;
- HeapScanDesc adscan;
- ScanKeyData key;
- HeapTuple tup;
- adrel = heap_openr(AttrDefaultRelationName);
- ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&key, 0, Anum_pg_attrdef_adrelid,
- F_OIDEQ, rel->rd_id);
- LockRelation(adrel, AccessExclusiveLock);
- adscan = heap_beginscan(adrel, 0, SnapshotNow, 1, &key);
- while (HeapTupleIsValid(tup = heap_getnext(adscan, 0)))
- heap_delete(adrel, &tup->t_self, NULL);
- heap_endscan(adscan);
- UnlockRelation(adrel, AccessExclusiveLock);
- heap_close(adrel);
- }
- static void
- RemoveRelCheck(Relation rel)
- {
- Relation rcrel;
- HeapScanDesc rcscan;
- ScanKeyData key;
- HeapTuple tup;
- rcrel = heap_openr(RelCheckRelationName);
- ScanKeyEntryInitialize(&key, 0, Anum_pg_relcheck_rcrelid,
- F_OIDEQ, rel->rd_id);
- LockRelation(rcrel, AccessExclusiveLock);
- rcscan = heap_beginscan(rcrel, 0, SnapshotNow, 1, &key);
- while (HeapTupleIsValid(tup = heap_getnext(rcscan, 0)))
- heap_delete(rcrel, &tup->t_self, NULL);
- heap_endscan(rcscan);
- UnlockRelation(rcrel, AccessExclusiveLock);
- heap_close(rcrel);
- }
- static void
- RemoveConstraints(Relation rel)
- {
- TupleConstr *constr = rel->rd_att->constr;
- if (!constr)
- return;
- if (constr->num_defval > 0)
- RemoveAttrDefault(rel);
- if (constr->num_check > 0)
- RemoveRelCheck(rel);
- return;
- }