- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * pg_operator.c
- * routines to support manipulation of the pg_operator relation
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- *
- *
- * $Header: /usr/local/cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/catalog/pg_operator.c,v 1999/08/02 05:56:55 scrappy Exp $
- *
- * these routines moved here from commands/define.c and somewhat cleaned up.
- *
- *-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- #include "postgres.h"
- #include "access/heapam.h"
- #include "catalog/catname.h"
- #include "catalog/pg_operator.h"
- #include "catalog/pg_proc.h"
- #include "catalog/pg_type.h"
- #include "miscadmin.h"
- #include "parser/parse_func.h"
- #include "utils/builtins.h"
- #include "utils/syscache.h"
- static Oid OperatorGetWithOpenRelation(Relation pg_operator_desc,
- const char *operatorName,
- Oid leftObjectId,
- Oid rightObjectId,
- bool *defined);
- static Oid OperatorGet(char *operatorName,
- char *leftTypeName,
- char *rightTypeName,
- bool *defined);
- static Oid OperatorShellMakeWithOpenRelation(Relation pg_operator_desc,
- char *operatorName,
- Oid leftObjectId,
- Oid rightObjectId);
- static Oid OperatorShellMake(char *operatorName,
- char *leftTypeName,
- char *rightTypeName);
- static void OperatorDef(char *operatorName,
- char *leftTypeName,
- char *rightTypeName,
- char *procedureName,
- uint16 precedence,
- bool isLeftAssociative,
- char *commutatorName,
- char *negatorName,
- char *restrictionName,
- char *oinName,
- bool canHash,
- char *leftSortName,
- char *rightSortName);
- static void OperatorUpd(Oid baseId, Oid commId, Oid negId);
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
- * OperatorGetWithOpenRelation
- *
- * preforms a scan on pg_operator for an operator tuple
- * with given name and left/right type oids.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------
- * pg_operator_desc -- reldesc for pg_operator
- * operatorName -- name of operator to fetch
- * leftObjectId -- left data type oid of operator to fetch
- * rightObjectId -- right data type oid of operator to fetch
- * defined -- set TRUE if defined (not a shell)
- */
- static Oid
- OperatorGetWithOpenRelation(Relation pg_operator_desc,
- const char *operatorName,
- Oid leftObjectId,
- Oid rightObjectId,
- bool *defined)
- {
- HeapScanDesc pg_operator_scan;
- Oid operatorObjectId;
- HeapTuple tup;
- static ScanKeyData opKey[3] = {
- {0, Anum_pg_operator_oprname, F_NAMEEQ},
- {0, Anum_pg_operator_oprleft, F_OIDEQ},
- {0, Anum_pg_operator_oprright, F_OIDEQ},
- };
- fmgr_info(F_NAMEEQ, &opKey[0].sk_func);
- fmgr_info(F_OIDEQ, &opKey[1].sk_func);
- fmgr_info(F_OIDEQ, &opKey[2].sk_func);
- opKey[0].sk_nargs = opKey[0].sk_func.fn_nargs;
- opKey[1].sk_nargs = opKey[1].sk_func.fn_nargs;
- opKey[2].sk_nargs = opKey[2].sk_func.fn_nargs;
- /* ----------------
- * form scan key
- * ----------------
- */
- opKey[0].sk_argument = PointerGetDatum(operatorName);
- opKey[1].sk_argument = ObjectIdGetDatum(leftObjectId);
- opKey[2].sk_argument = ObjectIdGetDatum(rightObjectId);
- /* ----------------
- * begin the scan
- * ----------------
- */
- pg_operator_scan = heap_beginscan(pg_operator_desc,
- 0,
- SnapshotSelf, /* no cache? */
- 3,
- opKey);
- /* ----------------
- * fetch the operator tuple, if it exists, and determine
- * the proper return oid value.
- * ----------------
- */
- tup = heap_getnext(pg_operator_scan, 0);
- if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
- {
- regproc oprcode = ((Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(tup))->oprcode;
- operatorObjectId = tup->t_data->t_oid;
- *defined = RegProcedureIsValid(oprcode);
- }
- else
- {
- operatorObjectId = InvalidOid;
- *defined = false;
- }
- /* ----------------
- * close the scan and return the oid.
- * ----------------
- */
- heap_endscan(pg_operator_scan);
- return operatorObjectId;
- }
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
- * OperatorGet
- *
- * finds the operator associated with the specified name
- * and left and right type names.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- static Oid
- OperatorGet(char *operatorName,
- char *leftTypeName,
- char *rightTypeName,
- bool *defined)
- {
- Relation pg_operator_desc;
- Oid operatorObjectId;
- Oid leftObjectId = InvalidOid;
- Oid rightObjectId = InvalidOid;
- bool leftDefined = false;
- bool rightDefined = false;
- /* ----------------
- * look up the operator data types.
- *
- * Note: types must be defined before operators
- * ----------------
- */
- if (leftTypeName)
- {
- leftObjectId = TypeGet(leftTypeName, &leftDefined);
- if (!OidIsValid(leftObjectId) || !leftDefined)
- elog(ERROR, "OperatorGet: left type '%s' nonexistent",
- leftTypeName);
- }
- if (rightTypeName)
- {
- rightObjectId = TypeGet(rightTypeName, &rightDefined);
- if (!OidIsValid(rightObjectId) || !rightDefined)
- elog(ERROR, "OperatorGet: right type '%s' nonexistent",
- rightTypeName);
- }
- if (!((OidIsValid(leftObjectId) && leftDefined) ||
- (OidIsValid(rightObjectId) && rightDefined)))
- elog(ERROR, "OperatorGet: must have at least one argument type");
- /* ----------------
- * open the pg_operator relation
- * ----------------
- */
- pg_operator_desc = heap_openr(OperatorRelationName);
- /* ----------------
- * get the oid for the operator with the appropriate name
- * and left/right types.
- * ----------------
- */
- operatorObjectId = OperatorGetWithOpenRelation(pg_operator_desc,
- operatorName,
- leftObjectId,
- rightObjectId,
- defined);
- /* ----------------
- * close the relation and return the operator oid.
- * ----------------
- */
- heap_close(pg_operator_desc);
- return operatorObjectId;
- }
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
- * OperatorShellMakeWithOpenRelation
- *
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- static Oid
- OperatorShellMakeWithOpenRelation(Relation pg_operator_desc,
- char *operatorName,
- Oid leftObjectId,
- Oid rightObjectId)
- {
- int i;
- HeapTuple tup;
- Datum values[Natts_pg_operator];
- char nulls[Natts_pg_operator];
- Oid operatorObjectId;
- NameData oname;
- TupleDesc tupDesc;
- /* ----------------
- * initialize our *nulls and *values arrays
- * ----------------
- */
- for (i = 0; i < Natts_pg_operator; ++i)
- {
- nulls[i] = ' ';
- values[i] = (Datum) NULL; /* redundant, but safe */
- }
- /* ----------------
- * initialize *values with the operator name and input data types.
- * Note that oprcode is set to InvalidOid, indicating it's a shell.
- * ----------------
- */
- i = 0;
- namestrcpy(&oname, operatorName);
- values[i++] = NameGetDatum(&oname);
- values[i++] = Int32GetDatum(GetUserId());
- values[i++] = (Datum) (uint16) 0;
- values[i++] = (Datum) 'b'; /* assume it's binary */
- values[i++] = (Datum) (bool) 0;
- values[i++] = (Datum) (bool) 0;
- values[i++] = ObjectIdGetDatum(leftObjectId); /* <-- left oid */
- values[i++] = ObjectIdGetDatum(rightObjectId); /* <-- right oid */
- values[i++] = ObjectIdGetDatum(InvalidOid);
- values[i++] = ObjectIdGetDatum(InvalidOid);
- values[i++] = ObjectIdGetDatum(InvalidOid);
- values[i++] = ObjectIdGetDatum(InvalidOid);
- values[i++] = ObjectIdGetDatum(InvalidOid);
- values[i++] = ObjectIdGetDatum(InvalidOid);
- values[i++] = ObjectIdGetDatum(InvalidOid);
- values[i++] = ObjectIdGetDatum(InvalidOid);
- /* ----------------
- * create a new operator tuple
- * ----------------
- */
- tupDesc = pg_operator_desc->rd_att;
- tup = heap_formtuple(tupDesc,
- values,
- nulls);
- /* ----------------
- * insert our "shell" operator tuple and
- * close the relation
- * ----------------
- */
- heap_insert(pg_operator_desc, tup);
- operatorObjectId = tup->t_data->t_oid;
- /* ----------------
- * free the tuple and return the operator oid
- * ----------------
- */
- pfree(tup);
- return operatorObjectId;
- }
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
- * OperatorShellMake
- *
- * Specify operator name and left and right type names,
- * fill an operator struct with this info and NULL's,
- * call heap_insert and return the Oid
- * to the caller.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- static Oid
- OperatorShellMake(char *operatorName,
- char *leftTypeName,
- char *rightTypeName)
- {
- Relation pg_operator_desc;
- Oid operatorObjectId;
- Oid leftObjectId = InvalidOid;
- Oid rightObjectId = InvalidOid;
- bool leftDefined = false;
- bool rightDefined = false;
- /* ----------------
- * get the left and right type oid's for this operator
- * ----------------
- */
- if (leftTypeName)
- leftObjectId = TypeGet(leftTypeName, &leftDefined);
- if (rightTypeName)
- rightObjectId = TypeGet(rightTypeName, &rightDefined);
- if (!((OidIsValid(leftObjectId) && leftDefined) ||
- (OidIsValid(rightObjectId) && rightDefined)))
- elog(ERROR, "OperatorShellMake: no valid argument types??");
- /* ----------------
- * open pg_operator
- * ----------------
- */
- pg_operator_desc = heap_openr(OperatorRelationName);
- /* ----------------
- * add a "shell" operator tuple to the operator relation
- * and recover the shell tuple's oid.
- * ----------------
- */
- operatorObjectId = OperatorShellMakeWithOpenRelation(pg_operator_desc,
- operatorName,
- leftObjectId,
- rightObjectId);
- /* ----------------
- * close the operator relation and return the oid.
- * ----------------
- */
- heap_close(pg_operator_desc);
- return operatorObjectId;
- }
- /* --------------------------------
- * OperatorDef
- *
- * This routine gets complicated because it allows the user to
- * specify operators that do not exist. For example, if operator
- * "op" is being defined, the negator operator "negop" and the
- * commutator "commop" can also be defined without specifying
- * any information other than their names. Since in order to
- * add "op" to the PG_OPERATOR catalog, all the Oid's for these
- * operators must be placed in the fields of "op", a forward
- * declaration is done on the commutator and negator operators.
- * This is called creating a shell, and its main effect is to
- * create a tuple in the PG_OPERATOR catalog with minimal
- * information about the operator (just its name and types).
- * Forward declaration is used only for this purpose, it is
- * not available to the user as it is for type definition.
- *
- * Algorithm:
- *
- * check if operator already defined
- * if so, but oprcode is null, save the Oid -- we are filling in a shell
- * otherwise error
- * get the attribute types from relation descriptor for pg_operator
- * assign values to the fields of the operator:
- * operatorName
- * owner id (simply the user id of the caller)
- * precedence
- * operator "kind" either "b" for binary or "l" for left unary
- * isLeftAssociative boolean
- * canHash boolean
- * leftTypeObjectId -- type must already be defined
- * rightTypeObjectId -- this is optional, enter ObjectId=0 if none specified
- * resultType -- defer this, since it must be determined from
- * the pg_procedure catalog
- * commutatorObjectId -- if this is NULL, enter ObjectId=0
- * else if this already exists, enter it's ObjectId
- * else if this does not yet exist, and is not
- * the same as the main operatorName, then create
- * a shell and enter the new ObjectId
- * else if this does not exist but IS the same
- * name & types as the main operator, set the ObjectId=0.
- * (We are creating a self-commutating operator.)
- * The link will be fixed later by OperatorUpd.
- * negatorObjectId -- same as for commutatorObjectId
- * leftSortObjectId -- same as for commutatorObjectId
- * rightSortObjectId -- same as for commutatorObjectId
- * operatorProcedure -- must access the pg_procedure catalog to get the
- * ObjectId of the procedure that actually does the operator
- * actions this is required. Do an amgetattr to find out the
- * return type of the procedure
- * restrictionProcedure -- must access the pg_procedure catalog to get
- * the ObjectId but this is optional
- * joinProcedure -- same as restrictionProcedure
- * now either insert or replace the operator into the pg_operator catalog
- * if the operator shell is being filled in
- * access the catalog in order to get a valid buffer
- * create a tuple using ModifyHeapTuple
- * get the t_self from the modified tuple and call RelationReplaceHeapTuple
- * else if a new operator is being created
- * create a tuple using heap_formtuple
- * call heap_insert
- * --------------------------------
- * "X" indicates an optional argument (i.e. one that can be NULL)
- * operatorName; -- operator name
- * leftTypeName; -- X left type name
- * rightTypeName; -- X right type name
- * procedureName; -- procedure name for operator code
- * precedence; -- operator precedence
- * isLeftAssociative; -- operator is left associative?
- * commutatorName; -- X commutator operator name
- * negatorName; -- X negator operator name
- * restrictionName; -- X restriction sel. procedure name
- * joinName; -- X join sel. procedure name
- * canHash; -- can hash join be used with operator?
- * leftSortName; -- X left sort operator (for merge join)
- * rightSortName; -- X right sort operator (for merge join)
- */
- static void
- OperatorDef(char *operatorName,
- char *leftTypeName,
- char *rightTypeName,
- char *procedureName,
- uint16 precedence,
- bool isLeftAssociative,
- char *commutatorName,
- char *negatorName,
- char *restrictionName,
- char *joinName,
- bool canHash,
- char *leftSortName,
- char *rightSortName)
- {
- int i,
- j;
- Relation pg_operator_desc;
- HeapScanDesc pg_operator_scan;
- HeapTuple tup;
- char nulls[Natts_pg_operator];
- char replaces[Natts_pg_operator];
- Datum values[Natts_pg_operator];
- Oid operatorObjectId;
- bool operatorAlreadyDefined;
- Oid leftTypeId = InvalidOid;
- Oid rightTypeId = InvalidOid;
- Oid commutatorId = InvalidOid;
- Oid negatorId = InvalidOid;
- bool leftDefined = false;
- bool rightDefined = false;
- bool selfCommutator = false;
- char *name[4];
- Oid typeId[8];
- int nargs;
- NameData oname;
- TupleDesc tupDesc;
- static ScanKeyData opKey[3] = {
- {0, Anum_pg_operator_oprname, F_NAMEEQ},
- {0, Anum_pg_operator_oprleft, F_OIDEQ},
- {0, Anum_pg_operator_oprright, F_OIDEQ},
- };
- fmgr_info(F_NAMEEQ, &opKey[0].sk_func);
- fmgr_info(F_OIDEQ, &opKey[1].sk_func);
- fmgr_info(F_OIDEQ, &opKey[2].sk_func);
- opKey[0].sk_nargs = opKey[0].sk_func.fn_nargs;
- opKey[1].sk_nargs = opKey[1].sk_func.fn_nargs;
- opKey[2].sk_nargs = opKey[2].sk_func.fn_nargs;
- operatorObjectId = OperatorGet(operatorName,
- leftTypeName,
- rightTypeName,
- &operatorAlreadyDefined);
- if (operatorAlreadyDefined)
- elog(ERROR, "OperatorDef: operator "%s" already defined",
- operatorName);
- /*
- * At this point, if operatorObjectId is not InvalidOid then we are
- * filling in a previously-created shell.
- */
- /* ----------------
- * look up the operator data types.
- *
- * Note: types must be defined before operators
- * ----------------
- */
- if (leftTypeName)
- {
- leftTypeId = TypeGet(leftTypeName, &leftDefined);
- if (!OidIsValid(leftTypeId) || !leftDefined)
- elog(ERROR, "OperatorDef: left type '%s' nonexistent",
- leftTypeName);
- }
- if (rightTypeName)
- {
- rightTypeId = TypeGet(rightTypeName, &rightDefined);
- if (!OidIsValid(rightTypeId) || !rightDefined)
- elog(ERROR, "OperatorDef: right type '%s' nonexistent",
- rightTypeName);
- }
- if (!((OidIsValid(leftTypeId) && leftDefined) ||
- (OidIsValid(rightTypeId) && rightDefined)))
- elog(ERROR, "OperatorDef: must have at least one argument type");
- for (i = 0; i < Natts_pg_operator; ++i)
- {
- values[i] = (Datum) NULL;
- replaces[i] = 'r';
- nulls[i] = ' ';
- }
- /* ----------------
- * Look up registered procedures -- find the return type
- * of procedureName to place in "result" field.
- * Do this before shells are created so we don't
- * have to worry about deleting them later.
- * ----------------
- */
- MemSet(typeId, 0, 8 * sizeof(Oid));
- if (!leftTypeName)
- {
- typeId[0] = rightTypeId;
- nargs = 1;
- }
- else if (!rightTypeName)
- {
- typeId[0] = leftTypeId;
- nargs = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- typeId[0] = leftTypeId;
- typeId[1] = rightTypeId;
- nargs = 2;
- }
- tup = SearchSysCacheTuple(PRONAME,
- PointerGetDatum(procedureName),
- Int32GetDatum(nargs),
- PointerGetDatum(typeId),
- 0);
- if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
- func_error("OperatorDef", procedureName, nargs, typeId, NULL);
- values[Anum_pg_operator_oprcode - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(tup->t_data->t_oid);
- values[Anum_pg_operator_oprresult - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(((Form_pg_proc)
- GETSTRUCT(tup))->prorettype);
- /* ----------------
- * find restriction
- * ----------------
- */
- if (restrictionName)
- { /* optional */
- MemSet(typeId, 0, 8 * sizeof(Oid));
- typeId[0] = OIDOID; /* operator OID */
- typeId[1] = OIDOID; /* relation OID */
- typeId[2] = INT2OID; /* attribute number */
- typeId[3] = 0; /* value - can be any type */
- typeId[4] = INT4OID; /* flags - left or right selectivity */
- tup = SearchSysCacheTuple(PRONAME,
- PointerGetDatum(restrictionName),
- Int32GetDatum(5),
- PointerGetDatum(typeId),
- 0);
- if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
- func_error("OperatorDef", restrictionName, 5, typeId, NULL);
- values[Anum_pg_operator_oprrest - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(tup->t_data->t_oid);
- }
- else
- values[Anum_pg_operator_oprrest - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(InvalidOid);
- /* ----------------
- * find join - only valid for binary operators
- * ----------------
- */
- if (joinName)
- { /* optional */
- MemSet(typeId, 0, 8 * sizeof(Oid));
- typeId[0] = OIDOID; /* operator OID */
- typeId[1] = OIDOID; /* relation OID 1 */
- typeId[2] = INT2OID; /* attribute number 1 */
- typeId[3] = OIDOID; /* relation OID 2 */
- typeId[4] = INT2OID; /* attribute number 2 */
- tup = SearchSysCacheTuple(PRONAME,
- PointerGetDatum(joinName),
- Int32GetDatum(5),
- PointerGetDatum(typeId),
- 0);
- if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
- func_error("OperatorDef", joinName, 5, typeId, NULL);
- values[Anum_pg_operator_oprjoin - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(tup->t_data->t_oid);
- }
- else
- values[Anum_pg_operator_oprjoin - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(InvalidOid);
- /* ----------------
- * set up values in the operator tuple
- * ----------------
- */
- i = 0;
- namestrcpy(&oname, operatorName);
- values[i++] = NameGetDatum(&oname);
- values[i++] = Int32GetDatum(GetUserId());
- values[i++] = UInt16GetDatum(precedence);
- values[i++] = leftTypeName ? (rightTypeName ? 'b' : 'r') : 'l';
- values[i++] = Int8GetDatum(isLeftAssociative);
- values[i++] = Int8GetDatum(canHash);
- values[i++] = ObjectIdGetDatum(leftTypeId);
- values[i++] = ObjectIdGetDatum(rightTypeId);
- ++i; /* Skip "oprresult", it was filled in
- * above */
- /*
- * Set up the other operators. If they do not currently exist, create
- * shells in order to get ObjectId's.
- */
- name[0] = commutatorName;
- name[1] = negatorName;
- name[2] = leftSortName;
- name[3] = rightSortName;
- for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
- {
- if (name[j])
- {
- char *otherLeftTypeName = NULL;
- char *otherRightTypeName = NULL;
- Oid otherLeftTypeId = InvalidOid;
- Oid otherRightTypeId = InvalidOid;
- Oid other_oid = InvalidOid;
- bool otherDefined = false;
- switch (j)
- {
- case 0: /* commutator has reversed arg types */
- otherLeftTypeName = rightTypeName;
- otherRightTypeName = leftTypeName;
- otherLeftTypeId = rightTypeId;
- otherRightTypeId = leftTypeId;
- other_oid = OperatorGet(name[j],
- otherLeftTypeName,
- otherRightTypeName,
- &otherDefined);
- commutatorId = other_oid;
- break;
- case 1: /* negator has same arg types */
- otherLeftTypeName = leftTypeName;
- otherRightTypeName = rightTypeName;
- otherLeftTypeId = leftTypeId;
- otherRightTypeId = rightTypeId;
- other_oid = OperatorGet(name[j],
- otherLeftTypeName,
- otherRightTypeName,
- &otherDefined);
- negatorId = other_oid;
- break;
- case 2: /* left sort op takes left-side data type */
- otherLeftTypeName = leftTypeName;
- otherRightTypeName = leftTypeName;
- otherLeftTypeId = leftTypeId;
- otherRightTypeId = leftTypeId;
- other_oid = OperatorGet(name[j],
- otherLeftTypeName,
- otherRightTypeName,
- &otherDefined);
- break;
- case 3: /* right sort op takes right-side data
- * type */
- otherLeftTypeName = rightTypeName;
- otherRightTypeName = rightTypeName;
- otherLeftTypeId = rightTypeId;
- otherRightTypeId = rightTypeId;
- other_oid = OperatorGet(name[j],
- otherLeftTypeName,
- otherRightTypeName,
- &otherDefined);
- break;
- }
- if (OidIsValid(other_oid))
- {
- /* other op already in catalogs */
- values[i++] = ObjectIdGetDatum(other_oid);
- }
- else if (strcmp(operatorName, name[j]) != 0 ||
- otherLeftTypeId != leftTypeId ||
- otherRightTypeId != rightTypeId)
- {
- /* not in catalogs, different from operator */
- other_oid = OperatorShellMake(name[j],
- otherLeftTypeName,
- otherRightTypeName);
- if (!OidIsValid(other_oid))
- elog(ERROR,
- "OperatorDef: can't create operator shell '%s'",
- name[j]);
- values[i++] = ObjectIdGetDatum(other_oid);
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * self-linkage to this operator; will fix below. Note
- * that only self-linkage for commutation makes sense.
- */
- if (j != 0)
- elog(ERROR,
- "OperatorDef: operator can't be its own negator or sort op");
- selfCommutator = true;
- values[i++] = ObjectIdGetDatum(InvalidOid);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* other operator is omitted */
- values[i++] = ObjectIdGetDatum(InvalidOid);
- }
- }
- /* last three fields were filled in above */
- /*
- * If we are adding to an operator shell, get its t_self
- */
- pg_operator_desc = heap_openr(OperatorRelationName);
- if (operatorObjectId)
- {
- opKey[0].sk_argument = PointerGetDatum(operatorName);
- opKey[1].sk_argument = ObjectIdGetDatum(leftTypeId);
- opKey[2].sk_argument = ObjectIdGetDatum(rightTypeId);
- pg_operator_scan = heap_beginscan(pg_operator_desc,
- 0,
- SnapshotSelf, /* no cache? */
- 3,
- opKey);
- tup = heap_getnext(pg_operator_scan, 0);
- if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
- {
- tup = heap_modifytuple(tup,
- pg_operator_desc,
- values,
- nulls,
- replaces);
- setheapoverride(true);
- heap_replace(pg_operator_desc, &tup->t_self, tup, NULL);
- setheapoverride(false);
- }
- else
- elog(ERROR, "OperatorDef: no operator %u", operatorObjectId);
- heap_endscan(pg_operator_scan);
- }
- else
- {
- tupDesc = pg_operator_desc->rd_att;
- tup = heap_formtuple(tupDesc, values, nulls);
- heap_insert(pg_operator_desc, tup);
- operatorObjectId = tup->t_data->t_oid;
- }
- heap_close(pg_operator_desc);
- /*
- * If a commutator and/or negator link is provided, update the other
- * operator(s) to point at this one, if they don't already have a
- * link. This supports an alternate style of operator definition
- * wherein the user first defines one operator without giving negator
- * or commutator, then defines the other operator of the pair with the
- * proper commutator or negator attribute. That style doesn't require
- * creation of a shell, and it's the only style that worked right
- * before Postgres version 6.5. This code also takes care of the
- * situation where the new operator is its own commutator.
- */
- if (selfCommutator)
- commutatorId = operatorObjectId;
- if (OidIsValid(commutatorId) || OidIsValid(negatorId))
- OperatorUpd(operatorObjectId, commutatorId, negatorId);
- }
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
- * OperatorUpd
- *
- * For a given operator, look up its negator and commutator operators.
- * If they are defined, but their negator and commutator fields
- * (respectively) are empty, then use the new operator for neg or comm.
- * This solves a problem for users who need to insert two new operators
- * which are the negator or commutator of each other.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- static void
- OperatorUpd(Oid baseId, Oid commId, Oid negId)
- {
- int i;
- Relation pg_operator_desc;
- HeapScanDesc pg_operator_scan;
- HeapTuple tup;
- char nulls[Natts_pg_operator];
- char replaces[Natts_pg_operator];
- Datum values[Natts_pg_operator];
- static ScanKeyData opKey[1] = {
- {0, ObjectIdAttributeNumber, F_OIDEQ},
- };
- fmgr_info(F_OIDEQ, &opKey[0].sk_func);
- opKey[0].sk_nargs = opKey[0].sk_func.fn_nargs;
- for (i = 0; i < Natts_pg_operator; ++i)
- {
- values[i] = (Datum) NULL;
- replaces[i] = ' ';
- nulls[i] = ' ';
- }
- pg_operator_desc = heap_openr(OperatorRelationName);
- /* check and update the commutator, if necessary */
- opKey[0].sk_argument = ObjectIdGetDatum(commId);
- pg_operator_scan = heap_beginscan(pg_operator_desc,
- 0,
- SnapshotSelf, /* no cache? */
- 1,
- opKey);
- tup = heap_getnext(pg_operator_scan, 0);
- /*
- * if the commutator and negator are the same operator, do one update.
- * XXX this is probably useless code --- I doubt it ever makes sense
- * for commutator and negator to be the same thing...
- */
- if (commId == negId)
- {
- if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
- {
- Form_pg_operator t;
- t = (Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(tup);
- if (!OidIsValid(t->oprcom)
- || !OidIsValid(t->oprnegate))
- {
- if (!OidIsValid(t->oprnegate))
- {
- values[Anum_pg_operator_oprnegate - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(baseId);
- replaces[Anum_pg_operator_oprnegate - 1] = 'r';
- }
- if (!OidIsValid(t->oprcom))
- {
- values[Anum_pg_operator_oprcom - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(baseId);
- replaces[Anum_pg_operator_oprcom - 1] = 'r';
- }
- tup = heap_modifytuple(tup,
- pg_operator_desc,
- values,
- nulls,
- replaces);
- setheapoverride(true);
- heap_replace(pg_operator_desc, &tup->t_self, tup, NULL);
- setheapoverride(false);
- }
- }
- heap_endscan(pg_operator_scan);
- heap_close(pg_operator_desc);
- return;
- }
- /* if commutator and negator are different, do two updates */
- if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup) &&
- !(OidIsValid(((Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(tup))->oprcom)))
- {
- values[Anum_pg_operator_oprcom - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(baseId);
- replaces[Anum_pg_operator_oprcom - 1] = 'r';
- tup = heap_modifytuple(tup,
- pg_operator_desc,
- values,
- nulls,
- replaces);
- setheapoverride(true);
- heap_replace(pg_operator_desc, &tup->t_self, tup, NULL);
- setheapoverride(false);
- values[Anum_pg_operator_oprcom - 1] = (Datum) NULL;
- replaces[Anum_pg_operator_oprcom - 1] = ' ';
- }
- heap_endscan(pg_operator_scan);
- /* check and update the negator, if necessary */
- opKey[0].sk_argument = ObjectIdGetDatum(negId);
- pg_operator_scan = heap_beginscan(pg_operator_desc,
- 0,
- SnapshotSelf, /* no cache? */
- 1,
- opKey);
- tup = heap_getnext(pg_operator_scan, 0);
- if (HeapTupleIsValid(tup) &&
- !(OidIsValid(((Form_pg_operator) GETSTRUCT(tup))->oprnegate)))
- {
- values[Anum_pg_operator_oprnegate - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(baseId);
- replaces[Anum_pg_operator_oprnegate - 1] = 'r';
- tup = heap_modifytuple(tup,
- pg_operator_desc,
- values,
- nulls,
- replaces);
- setheapoverride(true);
- heap_replace(pg_operator_desc, &tup->t_self, tup, NULL);
- setheapoverride(false);
- }
- heap_endscan(pg_operator_scan);
- heap_close(pg_operator_desc);
- }
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------
- * OperatorCreate
- *
- * This is now just an interface procedure for OperatorDef ...
- *
- * "X" indicates an optional argument (i.e. one that can be NULL)
- * operatorName; -- operator name
- * leftTypeName; -- X left type name
- * rightTypeName; -- X right type name
- * procedureName; -- procedure for operator
- * precedence; -- operator precedence
- * isLeftAssociative; -- operator is left associative
- * commutatorName; -- X commutator operator name
- * negatorName; -- X negator operator name
- * restrictionName; -- X restriction sel. procedure
- * joinName; -- X join sel. procedure
- * canHash; -- hash join can be used with this operator
- * leftSortName; -- X left sort operator (for merge join)
- * rightSortName; -- X right sort operator (for merge join)
- */
- void
- OperatorCreate(char *operatorName,
- char *leftTypeName,
- char *rightTypeName,
- char *procedureName,
- uint16 precedence,
- bool isLeftAssociative,
- char *commutatorName,
- char *negatorName,
- char *restrictionName,
- char *joinName,
- bool canHash,
- char *leftSortName,
- char *rightSortName)
- {
- if (!leftTypeName && !rightTypeName)
- elog(ERROR, "OperatorCreate: at least one of leftarg or rightarg must be defined");
- if (!(leftTypeName && rightTypeName))
- {
- /* If it's not a binary op, these things mustn't be set: */
- if (commutatorName)
- elog(ERROR, "OperatorCreate: only binary operators can have commutators");
- if (negatorName)
- elog(ERROR, "OperatorCreate: only binary operators can have negators");
- if (restrictionName || joinName)
- elog(ERROR, "OperatorCreate: only binary operators can have selectivity");
- if (canHash)
- elog(ERROR, "OperatorCreate: only binary operators can hash");
- if (leftSortName || rightSortName)
- elog(ERROR, "OperatorCreate: only binary operators can have sort links");
- }
- /* ----------------
- * Use OperatorDef() to define the specified operator and
- * also create shells for the operator's associated operators
- * if they don't already exist.
- * ----------------
- */
- OperatorDef(operatorName,
- leftTypeName,
- rightTypeName,
- procedureName,
- precedence,
- isLeftAssociative,
- commutatorName,
- negatorName,
- restrictionName,
- joinName,
- canHash,
- leftSortName,
- rightSortName);
- }