- /*
- * testlibpq4.cc
- * Test the C++ version of LIBPQ, the POSTGRES frontend library.
- * tests the copy in features
- *
- */
- #include <iostream.h>
- #include <libpq++.H>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- main()
- {
- // Begin, by connecting to the backend using hardwired constants
- // and a test database created by the user prior to the invokation
- // of this test program. Connect using transaction interface.
- char* dbName = "dbname=template1";
- PgTransaction data(dbName);
- // check to see that the backend connection was successfully made
- if ( data.ConnectionBad() ) {
- cerr << "Connection to database '" << dbName << "' failed." << endl
- << data.ErrorMessage();
- exit(1);
- }
- else cout << "Connected to database '" << dbName << "'..." << endl;
- // Create a new table
- if ( !data.ExecCommandOk("CREATE TABLE foo (a int4, b char16, d float8)") ) {
- cerr << "CREATE TABLE foo command failed" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- else cout << "CREATEd TABLE foo successfully.." << endl;
- // Initiate Copy command
- if ( data.ExecCommandOk("COPY foo FROM STDIN") ) {
- cerr << "COPY foo FROM STDIN" << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- else cout << "COPY foo FROM STDIN was successful.." << endl;
- // Put some test data into the table
- data.PutLine("3thello worldt4.5n");
- cout << "Line: "3thello worldt4.5" copied..." << endl;
- data.PutLine("4tgoodbye wordt7.11n");
- cout << "Line: "4tgoodbye wordt7.11" copied..." << endl;
- data.PutLine("\.n");
- cout << "Line: "\." copied..." << endl;
- if ( !data.EndCopy() )
- cout << "Ended COPY succesfully..." << endl;
- else cerr << "End Copy failed..." << endl;
- // Print the data that was inserted into the table
- if ( data.ExecTuplesOk("SELECT * FROM foo") )
- data.PrintTuples();
- else cerr << "SELECT * FROM foo failed..." << endl;
- // Drop the test table
- data.Exec("DROP TABLE foo");
- }