- #-------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # $Id:,v 1.8 1998/09/27 19:12:22 mergl Exp $
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 Edmund Mergl
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------
- package Pg;
- #use strict;
- use Carp;
- require Exporter;
- require DynaLoader;
- require AutoLoader;
- require 5.002;
- @ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
- # Items to export into callers namespace by default.
- @EXPORT = qw(
- PQconnectdb
- PQsetdbLogin
- PQsetdb
- PQconndefaults
- PQfinish
- PQreset
- PQrequestCancel
- PQdb
- PQuser
- PQpass
- PQhost
- PQport
- PQtty
- PQoptions
- PQstatus
- PQerrorMessage
- PQsocket
- PQbackendPID
- PQtrace
- PQuntrace
- PQexec
- PQnotifies
- PQsendQuery
- PQgetResult
- PQisBusy
- PQconsumeInput
- PQgetline
- PQputline
- PQgetlineAsync
- PQputnbytes
- PQendcopy
- PQmakeEmptyPGresult
- PQresultStatus
- PQntuples
- PQnfields
- PQbinaryTuples
- PQfname
- PQfnumber
- PQftype
- PQfsize
- PQfmod
- PQcmdStatus
- PQoidStatus
- PQcmdTuples
- PQgetvalue
- PQgetlength
- PQgetisnull
- PQclear
- PQprint
- PQdisplayTuples
- PQprintTuples
- PQlo_open
- PQlo_close
- PQlo_read
- PQlo_write
- PQlo_lseek
- PQlo_creat
- PQlo_tell
- PQlo_unlink
- PQlo_import
- PQlo_export
- PGRES_InvalidOid
- );
- $Pg::VERSION = '1.8.0';
- sub AUTOLOAD {
- # This AUTOLOAD is used to 'autoload' constants from the constant()
- # XS function. If a constant is not found then control is passed
- # to the AUTOLOAD in AutoLoader.
- my $constname;
- ($constname = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://;
- my $val = constant($constname, @_ ? $_[0] : 0);
- if ($! != 0) {
- if ($! =~ /Invalid/) {
- $AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD = $AUTOLOAD;
- goto &AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD;
- }
- else {
- croak "Your vendor has not defined Pg macro $constname";
- }
- }
- eval "sub $AUTOLOAD { $val }";
- goto &$AUTOLOAD;
- }
- bootstrap Pg $VERSION;
- sub doQuery {
- my $conn = shift;
- my $query = shift;
- my $array_ref = shift;
- my ($result, $status, $i, $j);
- if ($result = $conn->exec($query)) {
- if (2 == ($status = $result->resultStatus)) {
- for $i (0..$result->ntuples - 1) {
- for $j (0..$result->nfields - 1) {
- $$array_ref[$i][$j] = $result->getvalue($i, $j);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $status;
- }
- 1;
- __END__
- =head1 NAME
- Pg - Perl5 extension for PostgreSQL
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- new style:
- use Pg;
- $conn = Pg::connectdb("dbname=template1");
- $result = $conn->exec("create database pgtest");
- old style (depreciated):
- use Pg;
- $conn = PQsetdb('', '', '', '', template1);
- $result = PQexec($conn, "create database pgtest");
- PQclear($result);
- PQfinish($conn);
- The Pg module permits you to access all functions of the
- Libpq interface of PostgreSQL. Libpq is the programmer's
- interface to PostgreSQL. Pg tries to resemble this
- interface as close as possible. For examples of how to
- use this module, look at the file For further
- examples look at the Libpq applications in
- ../src/test/examples and ../src/test/regress.
- You have the choice between the old C-style and a
- new, more Perl-ish style. The old style has the
- benefit, that existing Libpq applications can be
- ported to perl just by prepending every variable
- with a '$'. The new style uses class packages and
- might be more familiar for C++-programmers.
- =head2 new style
- The new style uses blessed references as objects.
- After creating a new connection or result object,
- the relevant Libpq functions serve as virtual methods.
- One benefit of the new style: you do not have to care
- about freeing the connection- and result-structures.
- Perl calls the destructor whenever the last reference
- to an object goes away.
- The method fetchrow can be used to fetch the next row from
- the server: while (@row = $result->fetchrow).
- Columns which have NULL as value will be set to C<undef>.
- =head2 old style
- All functions and constants are imported into the calling
- packages name-space. In order to to get a uniform naming,
- all functions start with 'PQ' (e.g. PQlo_open) and all
- constants start with 'PGRES_' (e.g. PGRES_CONNECTION_OK).
- There are two functions, which allocate memory, that has
- to be freed by the user:
- PQsetdb, use PQfinish to free memory.
- PQexec, use PQclear to free memory.
- contains one convenience function: doQuery. It fills a
- two-dimensional array with the result of your query. Usage:
- Pg::doQuery($conn, "select attr1, attr2 from tbl", @ary);
- for $i ( 0 .. $#ary ) {
- for $j ( 0 .. $#{$ary[$i]} ) {
- print "$ary[$i][$j]t";
- }
- print "n";
- }
- Notice the inner loop !
- =head1 CAVEATS
- There are few exceptions, where the perl-functions differs
- from the C-counterpart: PQprint, PQnotifies and PQconndefaults.
- These functions deal with structures, which have been
- implemented in perl using lists or hash.
- =head1 FUNCTIONS
- The functions have been divided into three sections:
- Connection, Result, Large Objects. For details please
- read L<libpq>.
- =head2 1. Connection
- With these functions you can establish and close a connection to a
- database. In Libpq a connection is represented by a structure called
- PGconn.
- When opening a connection a given database name is always converted to
- lower-case, unless it is surrounded by double quotes. All unspecified
- parameters are replaced by environment variables or by hard coded defaults:
- parameter environment variable hard coded default
- --------------------------------------------------
- host PGHOST localhost
- port PGPORT 5432
- options PGOPTIONS ""
- tty PGTTY ""
- dbname PGDATABASE current userid
- user PGUSER current userid
- password PGPASSWORD ""
- Using appropriate methods you can access almost all fields of the
- returned PGconn structure.
- $conn = Pg::setdbLogin($pghost, $pgport, $pgoptions, $pgtty, $dbname, $login, $pwd)
- Opens a new connection to the backend. The connection identifier $conn
- ( a pointer to the PGconn structure ) must be used in subsequent commands
- for unique identification. Before using $conn you should call $conn->status
- to ensure, that the connection was properly made.
- $conn = Pg::setdb($pghost, $pgport, $pgoptions, $pgtty, $dbname)
- The method setdb should be used when username/password authentication is
- not needed.
- $conn = Pg::connectdb("option1=value option2=value ...")
- Opens a new connection to the backend using connection information in a
- string. Possible options are: host, port, options, tty, dbname, user, password.
- The connection identifier $conn (a pointer to the PGconn structure)
- must be used in subsequent commands for unique identification. Before using
- $conn you should call $conn->status to ensure, that the connection was
- properly made.
- $Option_ref = Pg::conndefaults()
- while(($key, $val) = each %$Option_ref) {
- print "$key, $valn";
- Returns a reference to a hash containing as keys all possible options for
- connectdb(). The values are the current defaults. This function differs from
- his C-counterpart, which returns the complete conninfoOption structure.
- PQfinish($conn)
- Old style only !
- Closes the connection to the backend and frees the connection data structure.
- $conn->reset
- Resets the communication port with the backend and tries
- to establish a new connection.
- $ret = $conn->requestCancel
- Abandon processing of the current query. Regardless of the return value of
- requestCancel, the application must continue with the normal result-reading
- sequence using getResult. If the current query is part of a transaction,
- cancellation will abort the whole transaction.
- $dbname = $conn->db
- Returns the database name of the connection.
- $pguser = $conn->user
- Returns the Postgres user name of the connection.
- $pguser = $conn->pass
- Returns the Postgres password of the connection.
- $pghost = $conn->host
- Returns the host name of the connection.
- $pgport = $conn->port
- Returns the port of the connection.
- $pgtty = $conn->tty
- Returns the tty of the connection.
- $pgoptions = $conn->options
- Returns the options used in the connection.
- $status = $conn->status
- Returns the status of the connection. For comparing the status
- you may use the following constants:
- $errorMessage = $conn->errorMessage
- Returns the last error message associated with this connection.
- $fd = $conn->socket
- Obtain the file descriptor number for the backend connection socket.
- A result of -1 indicates that no backend connection is currently open.
- $pid = $conn->backendPID
- Returns the process-id of the corresponding backend proceess.
- $conn->trace(debug_port)
- Messages passed between frontend and backend are echoed to the
- debug_port file stream.
- $conn->untrace
- Disables tracing.
- $result = $conn->exec($query)
- Submits a query to the backend. The return value is a pointer to
- the PGresult structure, which contains the complete query-result
- returned by the backend. In case of failure, the pointer points
- to an empty structure. In this, the perl implementation differs
- from the C-implementation. Using the old style, even the empty
- structure has to be freed using PQfree. Before using $result you
- should call resultStatus to ensure, that the query was
- properly executed.
- ($table, $pid) = $conn->notifies
- Checks for asynchronous notifications. This functions differs from
- the C-counterpart which returns a pointer to a new allocated structure,
- whereas the perl implementation returns a list. $table is the table
- which has been listened to and $pid is the process id of the backend.
- $ret = $conn->sendQuery($string, $query)
- Submit a query to Postgres without waiting for the result(s). After
- successfully calling PQsendQuery, call PQgetResult one or more times
- to obtain the query results. PQsendQuery may not be called again until
- getResult has returned NULL, indicating that the query is done.
- $result = $conn->getResult
- Wait for the next result from a prior PQsendQuery, and return it. NULL
- is returned when the query is complete and there will be no more results.
- getResult will block only if a query is active and the necessary response
- data has not yet been read by PQconsumeInput.
- $ret = $conn->isBusy
- Returns TRUE if a query is busy, that is, PQgetResult would block waiting
- for input. A FALSE return indicates that PQgetResult can be called with
- assurance of not blocking.
- $result = $conn->consumeInput
- If input is available from the backend, consume it. After calling consumeInput,
- the application may check isBusy and/or notifies to see if their state has changed.
- $ret = $conn->getline($string, $length)
- Reads a string up to $length - 1 characters from the backend.
- getline returns EOF at EOF, 0 if the entire line has been read,
- and 1 if the buffer is full. If a line consists of the two
- characters "." the backend has finished sending the results of
- the copy command.
- $ret = $conn->putline($string)
- Sends a string to the backend. The application must explicitly
- send the two characters "." to indicate to the backend that
- it has finished sending its data.
- $ret = $conn->getlineAsync($buffer, $bufsize)
- Non-blocking version of getline. It reads up to $bufsize
- characters from the backend. getlineAsync returns -1 if
- the end-of-copy-marker has been recognized, 0 if no data
- is avilable, and >0 the number of bytes returned.
- $ret = $conn->putnbytes($buffer, $nbytes)
- Sends n bytes to the backend. Returns 0 if OK, EOF if not.
- $ret = $conn->endcopy
- This function waits until the backend has finished the copy.
- It should either be issued when the last string has been sent
- to the backend using putline or when the last string has
- been received from the backend using getline. endcopy returns
- 0 on success, 1 on failure.
- $result = $conn->makeEmptyPGresult($status);
- Returns a newly allocated, initialized result with given status.
- =head2 2. Result
- With these functions you can send commands to a database and
- investigate the results. In Libpq the result of a command is
- represented by a structure called PGresult. Using the appropriate
- methods you can access almost all fields of this structure.
- $result_status = $result->resultStatus
- Returns the status of the result. For comparing the status you
- may use one of the following constants depending upon the
- command executed:
- Use the functions below to access the contents of the PGresult structure.
- $ntuples = $result->ntuples
- Returns the number of tuples in the query result.
- $nfields = $result->nfields
- Returns the number of fields in the query result.
- $ret = $result->binaryTuples
- Returns 1 if the tuples in the query result are bianry.
- $fname = $result->fname($field_num)
- Returns the field name associated with the given field number.
- $fnumber = $result->fnumber($field_name)
- Returns the field number associated with the given field name.
- $ftype = $result->ftype($field_num)
- Returns the oid of the type of the given field number.
- $fsize = $result->fsize($field_num)
- Returns the size in bytes of the type of the given field number.
- It returns -1 if the field has a variable length.
- $fmod = $result->fmod($field_num)
- Returns the type-specific modification data of the field associated
- with the given field index. Field indices start at 0.
- $cmdStatus = $result->cmdStatus
- Returns the command status of the last query command.
- In case of DELETE it returns also the number of deleted tuples.
- In case of INSERT it returns also the OID of the inserted
- tuple followed by 1 (the number of affected tuples).
- $oid = $result->oidStatus
- In case the last query was an INSERT command it returns the oid of the
- inserted tuple.
- $oid = $result->cmdTuples
- In case the last query was an INSERT or DELETE command it returns the
- number of affected tuples.
- $value = $result->getvalue($tup_num, $field_num)
- Returns the value of the given tuple and field. This is
- a null-terminated ASCII string. Binary cursors will not
- work.
- $length = $result->getlength($tup_num, $field_num)
- Returns the length of the value for a given tuple and field.
- $null_status = $result->getisnull($tup_num, $field_num)
- Returns the NULL status for a given tuple and field.
- PQclear($result)
- Old style only !
- Frees all memory of the given result.
- $res->fetchrow
- New style only !
- Fetches the next row from the server and returns NULL if all rows
- have been processed. Columns which have NULL as value will be set to C<undef>.
- $result->print($fout, $header, $align, $standard, $html3, $expanded, $pager, $fieldSep, $tableOpt, $caption, ...)
- Prints out all the tuples in an intelligent manner. This function
- differs from the C-counterpart. The struct PQprintOpt has been
- implemented with a list. This list is of variable length, in order
- to care for the character array fieldName in PQprintOpt.
- The arguments $header, $align, $standard, $html3, $expanded, $pager
- are boolean flags. The arguments $fieldSep, $tableOpt, $caption
- are strings. You may append additional strings, which will be
- taken as replacement for the field names.
- $result->displayTuples($fp, $fillAlign, $fieldSep, $printHeader, qiet)
- Kept for backward compatibility. Use print.
- $result->printTuples($fout, $printAttName, $terseOutput, $width)
- Kept for backward compatibility. Use print.
- =head2 3. Large Objects
- These functions provide file-oriented access to user data.
- The large object interface is modeled after the Unix file
- system interface with analogies of open, close, read, write,
- lseek, tell. In order to get a consistent naming, all function
- names have been prepended with 'PQ' (old style only).
- $lobj_fd = $conn->lo_open($lobjId, $mode)
- Opens an existing large object and returns an object id.
- For the mode bits see lo_create. Returns -1 upon failure.
- $ret = $conn->lo_close($lobj_fd)
- Closes an existing large object. Returns 0 upon success
- and -1 upon failure.
- $nbytes = $conn->lo_read($lobj_fd, $buf, $len)
- Reads $len bytes into $buf from large object $lobj_fd.
- Returns the number of bytes read and -1 upon failure.
- $nbytes = $conn->lo_write($lobj_fd, $buf, $len)
- Writes $len bytes of $buf into the large object $lobj_fd.
- Returns the number of bytes written and -1 upon failure.
- $ret = $conn->lo_lseek($lobj_fd, $offset, $whence)
- Change the current read or write location on the large object
- $obj_id. Currently $whence can only be 0 (L_SET).
- $lobjId = $conn->lo_creat($mode)
- Creates a new large object. $mode is a bit-mask describing
- different attributes of the new object. Use the following constants:
- Upon failure it returns PGRES_InvalidOid.
- $location = $conn->lo_tell($lobj_fd)
- Returns the current read or write location on the large object
- $lobj_fd.
- $ret = $conn->lo_unlink($lobjId)
- Deletes a large object. Returns -1 upon failure.
- $lobjId = $conn->lo_import($filename)
- Imports a Unix file as large object and returns
- the object id of the new object.
- $ret = $conn->lo_export($lobjId, $filename)
- Exports a large object into a Unix file.
- Returns -1 upon failure, 1 otherwise.
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Edmund Mergl <>
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<libpq>, L<large_objects>
- =cut