- /*
- * PyGres, version 2.2 A Python interface for PostgreSQL database. Written by
- * D'Arcy J.M. Cain, ( Based heavily on code written by
- * Pascal Andre, Copyright (c) 1995, Pascal Andre
- * (
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without a written
- * agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and
- * this paragraph and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies or in
- * any new file that contains a substantial portion of this file.
- *
- *
- *
- * Further modifications copyright 1997, 1998, 1999 by D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- * ( subject to the same terms and conditions as above.
- *
- */
- #include <Python.h>
- #include <libpq-fe.h>
- #include <libpq/libpq-fs.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- /* really bad stuff here - I'm so naughty */
- /* If you need to you can run mkdefines to get */
- /* current defines but it should not have changed */
- #define INT2OID 21
- #define INT4OID 23
- #define OIDOID 26
- #define FLOAT4OID 700
- #define FLOAT8OID 701
- #define CASHOID 790
- static PyObject *PGError;
- static const char *PyPgVersion = "2.4";
- /* taken from fileobject.c */
- #define BUF(v) PyString_AS_STRING((PyStringObject *)(v))
- /* default values */
- #define MODULE_NAME "pgsql"
- #define ARRAYSIZE 1
- /* flags for object validity checks */
- #define CHECK_OPEN 1
- #define CHECK_CLOSE 2
- #define CHECK_CNX 4
- #define CHECK_RESULT 8
- #define CHECK_DQL 16
- #define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 8192 /* maximum transaction size */
- #ifndef NO_DIRECT
- #define DIRECT_ACCESS 1 /* enables direct access functions */
- #endif /* NO_DIRECT */
- #ifndef NO_LARGE
- #define LARGE_OBJECTS 1 /* enables large objects support */
- #endif /* NO_LARGE */
- #ifndef NO_DEF_VAR
- #define DEFAULT_VARS 1 /* enables default variables use */
- #endif /* NO_DEF_VAR */
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- static PyObject *pg_default_host; /* default database host */
- static PyObject *pg_default_base; /* default database name */
- static PyObject *pg_default_opt;/* default connection options */
- static PyObject *pg_default_tty;/* default debug tty */
- static PyObject *pg_default_port; /* default connection port */
- static PyObject *pg_default_user; /* default username */
- static PyObject *pg_default_passwd; /* default password */
- #endif /* DEFAULT_VARS */
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* pg connection object */
- typedef struct
- {
- PyObject_HEAD
- int valid; /* validity flag */
- PGconn *cnx; /* PostGres connection handle */
- } pgobject;
- staticforward PyTypeObject PgType;
- #define is_pgobject(v) ((v)->ob_type == &PgType)
- /* pg query object */
- typedef struct
- {
- PyObject_HEAD
- PGresult *last_result; /* last result content */
- } pgqueryobject;
- staticforward PyTypeObject PgQueryType;
- #define is_pgqueryobject(v) ((v)->ob_type == &PgQueryType)
- /* pg large object */
- typedef struct
- {
- PyObject_HEAD
- pgobject * pgcnx; /* parent connection object */
- Oid lo_oid; /* large object oid */
- int lo_fd; /* large object fd */
- } pglargeobject;
- staticforward PyTypeObject PglargeType;
- #define is_pglargeobject(v) ((v)->ob_type == &PglargeType)
- #endif /* LARGE_OBJECTS */
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* checks connection validity */
- static int
- check_cnx_obj(pgobject * self)
- {
- if (!self->valid)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PGError, "connection has been closed");
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /* checks large object validity */
- static int
- check_lo_obj(pglargeobject * self, int level)
- {
- if (!check_cnx_obj(self->pgcnx))
- return 0;
- if (!self->lo_oid)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PGError, "object is not valid (null oid).");
- return 0;
- }
- if (level & CHECK_OPEN)
- {
- if (self->lo_fd < 0)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "object is not opened.");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if (level & CHECK_CLOSE)
- {
- if (self->lo_fd >= 0)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "object is already opened.");
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- #endif /* LARGE_OBJECTS */
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* constructor (internal use only) */
- static pglargeobject *
- pglarge_new(pgobject * pgcnx, Oid oid)
- {
- pglargeobject *npglo;
- if ((npglo = PyObject_NEW(pglargeobject, &PglargeType)) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- Py_XINCREF(pgcnx);
- npglo->pgcnx = pgcnx;
- npglo->lo_fd = -1;
- npglo->lo_oid = oid;
- return npglo;
- }
- /* destructor */
- static void
- pglarge_dealloc(pglargeobject * self)
- {
- if (self->lo_fd >= 0 && check_cnx_obj(self->pgcnx))
- lo_close(self->pgcnx->cnx, self->lo_fd);
- Py_XDECREF(self->pgcnx);
- PyMem_DEL(self);
- }
- /* opens large object */
- static char pglarge_open__doc__[] =
- "open(mode) -- open access to large object with specified mode "
- "(INV_READ, INV_WRITE constants defined by module).";
- static PyObject *
- pglarge_open(pglargeobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- int mode,
- fd;
- /* check validity */
- if (!check_lo_obj(self, CHECK_CLOSE))
- return NULL;
- /* gets arguments */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &mode))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "open(mode), with mode(integer).");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* opens large object */
- if ((fd = lo_open(self->pgcnx->cnx, self->lo_oid, mode)) < 0)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "can't open large object.");
- return NULL;
- }
- self->lo_fd = fd;
- /* no error : returns Py_None */
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
- }
- /* close large object */
- static char pglarge_close__doc__[] =
- "close() -- close access to large object data.";
- static PyObject *
- pglarge_close(pglargeobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- /* checks args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
- "method close() takes no parameters.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* checks validity */
- if (!check_lo_obj(self, CHECK_OPEN))
- return NULL;
- /* closes large object */
- if (lo_close(self->pgcnx->cnx, self->lo_fd))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "error while closing large object fd.");
- return NULL;
- }
- self->lo_fd = -1;
- /* no error : returns Py_None */
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
- }
- /* reads from large object */
- static char pglarge_read__doc__[] =
- "read(integer) -- read from large object to sized string. "
- "Object must be opened in read mode before calling this method.";
- static PyObject *
- pglarge_read(pglargeobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- int size;
- PyObject *buffer;
- /* checks validity */
- if (!check_lo_obj(self, CHECK_OPEN))
- return NULL;
- /* gets arguments */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &size))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "read(size), wih size (integer).");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (size <= 0)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "size must be positive.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* allocate buffer and runs read */
- buffer = PyString_FromStringAndSize((char *) NULL, size);
- if ((size = lo_read(self->pgcnx->cnx, self->lo_fd, BUF(buffer), size)) < 0)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "error while reading.");
- Py_XDECREF(buffer);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* resize buffer and returns it */
- _PyString_Resize(&buffer, size);
- return buffer;
- }
- /* write to large object */
- static char pglarge_write__doc__[] =
- "write(string) -- write sized string to large object. "
- "Object must be opened in read mode before calling this method.";
- static PyObject *
- pglarge_write(pglargeobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- char *buffer;
- int size;
- /* checks validity */
- if (!check_lo_obj(self, CHECK_OPEN))
- return NULL;
- /* gets arguments */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &buffer))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "write(buffer), with buffer (sized string).");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* sends query */
- if ((size = lo_write(self->pgcnx->cnx, self->lo_fd, buffer,
- strlen(buffer))) < strlen(buffer))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "buffer truncated during write.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* no error : returns Py_None */
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
- }
- /* go to position in large object */
- static char pglarge_seek__doc__[] =
- "seek(off, whence) -- move to specified position. Object must be opened "
- "before calling this method. whence can be SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR or SEEK_END, "
- "constants defined by module.";
- static PyObject *
- pglarge_lseek(pglargeobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- /* offset and whence are initialized to keep compiler happy */
- int ret,
- offset = 0,
- whence = 0;
- /* checks validity */
- if (!check_lo_obj(self, CHECK_OPEN))
- return NULL;
- /* gets arguments */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ii", &offset, &whence))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "lseek(offset, whence), with offset and whence (integers).");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* sends query */
- if ((ret = lo_lseek(self->pgcnx->cnx, self->lo_fd, offset, whence)) == -1)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "error while moving cursor.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* returns position */
- return PyInt_FromLong(ret);
- }
- /* gets large object size */
- static char pglarge_size__doc__[] =
- "size() -- return large object size. "
- "Object must be opened before calling this method.";
- static PyObject *
- pglarge_size(pglargeobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- int start,
- end;
- /* checks args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
- "method size() takes no parameters.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* checks validity */
- if (!check_lo_obj(self, CHECK_OPEN))
- return NULL;
- /* gets current position */
- if ((start = lo_tell(self->pgcnx->cnx, self->lo_fd)) == -1)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "error while getting current position.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* gets end position */
- if ((end = lo_lseek(self->pgcnx->cnx, self->lo_fd, 0, SEEK_END)) == -1)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "error while getting end position.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* move back to start position */
- if ((start = lo_lseek(self->pgcnx->cnx, self->lo_fd, start, SEEK_SET)) == -1)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError,
- "error while moving back to first position.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* returns size */
- return PyInt_FromLong(end);
- }
- /* gets large object cursor position */
- static char pglarge_tell__doc__[] =
- "tell() -- give current position in large object. "
- "Object must be opened before calling this method.";
- static PyObject *
- pglarge_tell(pglargeobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- int start;
- /* checks args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
- "method tell() takes no parameters.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* checks validity */
- if (!check_lo_obj(self, CHECK_OPEN))
- return NULL;
- /* gets current position */
- if ((start = lo_tell(self->pgcnx->cnx, self->lo_fd)) == -1)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "error while getting position.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* returns size */
- return PyInt_FromLong(start);
- }
- /* exports large object as unix file */
- static char pglarge_export__doc__[] =
- "export(string) -- export large object data to specified file. "
- "Object must be closed when calling this method.";
- static PyObject *
- pglarge_export(pglargeobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- char *name;
- /* checks validity */
- if (!check_lo_obj(self, CHECK_CLOSE))
- return NULL;
- /* gets arguments */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &name))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "export(filename), with filename (string).");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* runs command */
- if (!lo_export(self->pgcnx->cnx, self->lo_oid, name))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "error while exporting large object.");
- return NULL;
- }
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
- }
- /* deletes a large object */
- static char pglarge_unlink__doc__[] =
- "unlink() -- destroy large object. "
- "Object must be closed when calling this method.";
- static PyObject *
- pglarge_unlink(pglargeobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- /* checks args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
- "method unlink() takes no parameters.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* checks validity */
- if (!check_lo_obj(self, CHECK_CLOSE))
- return NULL;
- /* deletes the object, invalidate it on success */
- if (!lo_unlink(self->pgcnx->cnx, self->lo_oid))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IOError, "error while unlinking large object");
- return NULL;
- }
- self->lo_oid = 0;
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
- }
- /* large object methods */
- static struct PyMethodDef pglarge_methods[] = {
- {"open", (PyCFunction) pglarge_open, 1, pglarge_open__doc__},
- {"close", (PyCFunction) pglarge_close, 1, pglarge_close__doc__},
- {"read", (PyCFunction) pglarge_read, 1, pglarge_read__doc__},
- {"write", (PyCFunction) pglarge_write, 1, pglarge_write__doc__},
- {"seek", (PyCFunction) pglarge_lseek, 1, pglarge_seek__doc__},
- {"size", (PyCFunction) pglarge_size, 1, pglarge_size__doc__},
- {"tell", (PyCFunction) pglarge_tell, 1, pglarge_tell__doc__},
- {"export", (PyCFunction) pglarge_export, 1, pglarge_export__doc__},
- {"unlink", (PyCFunction) pglarge_unlink, 1, pglarge_unlink__doc__},
- };
- /* get attribute */
- static PyObject *
- pglarge_getattr(pglargeobject * self, char *name)
- {
- /* list postgreSQL large object fields */
- /* associated pg connection object */
- if (!strcmp(name, "pgcnx"))
- {
- if (check_lo_obj(self, 0))
- {
- Py_INCREF(self->pgcnx);
- return (PyObject *) (self->pgcnx);
- }
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
- }
- /* large object oid */
- if (!strcmp(name, "oid"))
- {
- if (check_lo_obj(self, 0))
- return PyInt_FromLong(self->lo_oid);
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
- }
- /* error (status) message */
- if (!strcmp(name, "error"))
- return PyString_FromString(PQerrorMessage(self->pgcnx->cnx));
- /* attributes list */
- if (!strcmp(name, "__members__"))
- {
- PyObject *list = PyList_New(3);
- if (list)
- {
- PyList_SetItem(list, 0, PyString_FromString("oid"));
- PyList_SetItem(list, 1, PyString_FromString("pgcnx"));
- PyList_SetItem(list, 2, PyString_FromString("error"));
- }
- return list;
- }
- /* module name */
- if (!strcmp(name, "__module__"))
- return PyString_FromString(MODULE_NAME);
- /* class name */
- if (!strcmp(name, "__class__"))
- return PyString_FromString("pglarge");
- /* seeks name in methods (fallback) */
- return Py_FindMethod(pglarge_methods, (PyObject *) self, name);
- }
- /* prints query object in human readable format */
- static int
- pglarge_print(pglargeobject * self, FILE *fp, int flags)
- {
- char print_buffer[128];
- if (self->lo_fd >= 0)
- {
- snprintf(print_buffer, sizeof(print_buffer),
- "Opened large object, oid %ld", (long) self->lo_oid);
- fputs(print_buffer, fp);
- }
- else
- {
- snprintf(print_buffer, sizeof(print_buffer),
- "Closed large object, oid %ld", (long) self->lo_oid);
- fputs(print_buffer, fp);
- }
- return 0;
- };
- /* object type definition */
- staticforward PyTypeObject PglargeType = {
- 0, /* ob_size */
- "pglarge", /* tp_name */
- sizeof(pglargeobject), /* tp_basicsize */
- 0, /* tp_itemsize */
- /* methods */
- (destructor) pglarge_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
- (printfunc) pglarge_print, /* tp_print */
- (getattrfunc) pglarge_getattr, /* tp_getattr */
- 0, /* tp_setattr */
- 0, /* tp_compare */
- 0, /* tp_repr */
- 0, /* tp_as_number */
- 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
- 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
- 0, /* tp_hash */
- };
- #endif /* LARGE_OBJECTS */
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* connects to a database */
- static char connect__doc__[] =
- "connect(dbname, host, port, opt, tty) -- connect to a PostgreSQL database "
- "using specified parameters (optionals, keywords aware).";
- static PyObject *
- pgconnect(pgobject * self, PyObject * args, PyObject * dict)
- {
- static const char *kwlist[] = {"dbname", "host", "port", "opt",
- "tty", "user", "passwd", NULL};
- char *pghost,
- *pgopt,
- *pgtty,
- *pgdbname,
- *pguser,
- *pgpasswd;
- int pgport;
- char port_buffer[20];
- pgobject *npgobj;
- pghost = pgopt = pgtty = pgdbname = pguser = pgpasswd = NULL;
- pgport = -1;
- /*
- * parses standard arguments With the right compiler warnings, this
- * will issue a diagnostic. There is really no way around it. If I
- * don't declare kwlist as const char *kwlist[] then it complains when
- * I try to assign all those constant strings to it.
- */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, dict, "|zzlzzzz", kwlist,
- &pgdbname, &pghost, &pgport, &pgopt, &pgtty, &pguser, &pgpasswd))
- return NULL;
- /* handles defaults variables (for unintialised vars) */
- if ((!pghost) && (pg_default_host != Py_None))
- pghost = PyString_AsString(pg_default_host);
- if ((pgport == -1) && (pg_default_port != Py_None))
- pgport = PyInt_AsLong(pg_default_port);
- if ((!pgopt) && (pg_default_opt != Py_None))
- pgopt = PyString_AsString(pg_default_opt);
- if ((!pgtty) && (pg_default_tty != Py_None))
- pgtty = PyString_AsString(pg_default_tty);
- if ((!pgdbname) && (pg_default_base != Py_None))
- pgdbname = PyString_AsString(pg_default_base);
- if ((!pguser) && (pg_default_user != Py_None))
- pguser = PyString_AsString(pg_default_user);
- if ((!pgpasswd) && (pg_default_passwd != Py_None))
- pgpasswd = PyString_AsString(pg_default_passwd);
- #endif /* DEFAULT_VARS */
- if ((npgobj = PyObject_NEW(pgobject, &PgType)) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (pgport != -1)
- {
- bzero(port_buffer, sizeof(port_buffer));
- sprintf(port_buffer, "%d", pgport);
- npgobj->cnx = PQsetdbLogin(pghost, port_buffer, pgopt, pgtty, pgdbname,
- pguser, pgpasswd);
- }
- else
- npgobj->cnx = PQsetdbLogin(pghost, NULL, pgopt, pgtty, pgdbname,
- pguser, pgpasswd);
- if (PQstatus(npgobj->cnx) == CONNECTION_BAD)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PGError, PQerrorMessage(npgobj->cnx));
- Py_XDECREF(npgobj);
- return NULL;
- }
- return (PyObject *) npgobj;
- }
- /* pgobject methods */
- /* destructor */
- static void
- pg_dealloc(pgobject * self)
- {
- if (self->cnx)
- PQfinish(self->cnx);
- PyMem_DEL(self);
- }
- /* close without deleting */
- static char pg_close__doc__[] =
- "close() -- close connection. All instances of the connection object and "
- "derived objects (queries and large objects) can no longer be used after "
- "this call.";
- static PyObject *
- pg_close(pgobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- /* gets args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "close().");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (self->cnx)
- PQfinish(self->cnx);
- self->cnx = NULL;
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
- }
- static void
- pgquery_dealloc(pgqueryobject * self)
- {
- if (self->last_result)
- PQclear(self->last_result);
- PyMem_DEL(self);
- }
- /* resets connection */
- static char pg_reset__doc__[] =
- "reset() -- reset connection with current parameters. All derived queries "
- "and large objects derived from this connection will not be usable after "
- "this call.";
- static PyObject *
- pg_reset(pgobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- if (!self->cnx)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Connection is not valid");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* checks args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
- "method reset() takes no parameters.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* resets the connection */
- PQreset(self->cnx);
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
- }
- /* get connection socket */
- static char pg_fileno__doc__[] =
- "fileno() -- return database connection socket file handle.";
- static PyObject *
- pg_fileno(pgobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- if (!self->cnx)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Connection is not valid");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* checks args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
- "method fileno() takes no parameters.");
- return NULL;
- }
- #ifdef NO_PQSOCKET
- return PyInt_FromLong((long) self->cnx->sock);
- #else
- return PyInt_FromLong((long) PQsocket(self->cnx));
- #endif
- }
- /* get number of rows */
- static char pgquery_ntuples__doc__[] =
- "ntuples() -- returns number of tuples returned by query.";
- static PyObject *
- pgquery_ntuples(pgqueryobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- /* checks args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
- "method ntuples() takes no parameters.");
- return NULL;
- }
- return PyInt_FromLong((long) PQntuples(self->last_result));
- }
- /* list fields names from query result */
- static char pgquery_listfields__doc__[] =
- "listfields() -- Lists field names from result.";
- static PyObject *
- pgquery_listfields(pgqueryobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- int i,
- n;
- char *name;
- PyObject *fieldstuple,
- *str;
- /* checks args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
- "method listfields() takes no parameters.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* builds tuple */
- n = PQnfields(self->last_result);
- fieldstuple = PyTuple_New(n);
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
- {
- name = PQfname(self->last_result, i);
- str = PyString_FromString(name);
- PyTuple_SetItem(fieldstuple, i, str);
- }
- return fieldstuple;
- }
- /* get field name from last result */
- static char pgquery_fieldname__doc__[] =
- "fieldname() -- returns name of field from result from its position.";
- static PyObject *
- pgquery_fieldname(pgqueryobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- int i;
- char *name;
- /* gets args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &i))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "fieldname(number), with number(integer).");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* checks number validity */
- if (i >= PQnfields(self->last_result))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "invalid field number.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* gets fields name and builds object */
- name = PQfname(self->last_result, i);
- return PyString_FromString(name);
- }
- /* gets fields number from name in last result */
- static char pgquery_fieldnum__doc__[] =
- "fieldnum() -- returns position in query for field from its name.";
- static PyObject *
- pgquery_fieldnum(pgqueryobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- char *name;
- int num;
- /* gets args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &name))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "fieldnum(name), with name (string).");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* gets field number */
- if ((num = PQfnumber(self->last_result, name)) == -1)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "Unknown field.");
- return NULL;
- }
- return PyInt_FromLong(num);
- }
- /* retrieves last result */
- static char pgquery_getresult__doc__[] =
- "getresult() -- Gets the result of a query. The result is returned "
- "as a list of rows, each one a list of fields in the order returned "
- "by the server.";
- static PyObject *
- pgquery_getresult(pgqueryobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- PyObject *rowtuple,
- *reslist,
- *val;
- int i,
- j,
- m,
- n,
- *typ;
- /* checks args (args == NULL for an internal call) */
- if ((args != NULL) && (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "")))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
- "method getresult() takes no parameters.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* stores result in tuple */
- reslist = PyList_New(0);
- m = PQntuples(self->last_result);
- n = PQnfields(self->last_result);
- if ((typ = malloc(sizeof(int) * n)) == NULL)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError, "memory error in getresult().");
- return NULL;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
- {
- switch (PQftype(self->last_result, j))
- {
- case INT2OID:
- case INT4OID:
- case OIDOID:
- typ[j] = 1;
- break;
- case FLOAT4OID:
- case FLOAT8OID:
- typ[j] = 2;
- break;
- case CASHOID:
- typ[j] = 3;
- break;
- default:
- typ[j] = 4;
- break;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
- {
- rowtuple = PyTuple_New(n);
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
- {
- int k;
- char *s = PQgetvalue(self->last_result, i, j);
- char cashbuf[64];
- switch (typ[j])
- {
- case 1:
- val = PyInt_FromLong(strtol(s, NULL, 10));
- break;
- case 2:
- val = PyFloat_FromDouble(strtod(s, NULL));
- break;
- case 3: /* get rid of the '$' and commas */
- if (*s == '$') /* there's talk of getting rid of
- * it */
- s++;
- if ((s[0] == '-' || s[0] == '(') && s[1] == '$')
- *(++s) = '-';
- for (k = 0; *s; s++)
- if (*s != ',')
- cashbuf[k++] = *s;
- cashbuf[k] = 0;
- val = PyFloat_FromDouble(strtod(cashbuf, NULL));
- break;
- default:
- val = PyString_FromString(s);
- break;
- }
- PyTuple_SetItem(rowtuple, j, val);
- }
- PyList_Append(reslist, rowtuple);
- Py_XDECREF(rowtuple);
- }
- free(typ);
- /* returns list */
- return reslist;
- }
- /* retrieves last result as a list of dictionaries*/
- static char pgquery_dictresult__doc__[] =
- "dictresult() -- Gets the result of a query. The result is returned "
- "as a list of rows, each one a dictionary with the field names used "
- "as the labels.";
- static PyObject *
- pgquery_dictresult(pgqueryobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- PyObject *dict,
- *reslist,
- *val;
- int i,
- j,
- m,
- n,
- *typ;
- /* checks args (args == NULL for an internal call) */
- if ((args != NULL) && (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "")))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
- "method getresult() takes no parameters.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* stores result in list */
- reslist = PyList_New(0);
- m = PQntuples(self->last_result);
- n = PQnfields(self->last_result);
- if ((typ = malloc(sizeof(int) * n)) == NULL)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError, "memory error in dictresult().");
- return NULL;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
- {
- switch (PQftype(self->last_result, j))
- {
- case INT2OID:
- case INT4OID:
- case OIDOID:
- typ[j] = 1;
- break;
- case FLOAT4OID:
- case FLOAT8OID:
- typ[j] = 2;
- break;
- case CASHOID:
- typ[j] = 3;
- break;
- default:
- typ[j] = 4;
- break;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
- {
- dict = PyDict_New();
- for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
- {
- int k;
- char *s = PQgetvalue(self->last_result, i, j);
- char cashbuf[64];
- switch (typ[j])
- {
- case 1:
- val = PyInt_FromLong(strtol(s, NULL, 10));
- break;
- case 2:
- val = PyFloat_FromDouble(strtod(s, NULL));
- break;
- case 3: /* get rid of the '$' and commas */
- if (*s == '$') /* there's talk of getting rid of
- * it */
- s++;
- if ((s[0] == '-' || s[0] == '(') && s[1] == '$')
- *(++s) = '-';
- for (k = 0; *s; s++)
- if (*s != ',')
- cashbuf[k++] = *s;
- cashbuf[k] = 0;
- val = PyFloat_FromDouble(strtod(cashbuf, NULL));
- break;
- default:
- val = PyString_FromString(s);
- break;
- }
- PyDict_SetItemString(dict, PQfname(self->last_result, j), val);
- Py_XDECREF(val);
- }
- PyList_Append(reslist, dict);
- Py_XDECREF(dict);
- }
- free(typ);
- /* returns list */
- return reslist;
- }
- /* gets asynchronous notify */
- static char pg_getnotify__doc__[] =
- "getnotify() -- get database notify for this connection.";
- static PyObject *
- pg_getnotify(pgobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- PGnotify *notify;
- PGresult *result;
- PyObject *notify_result,
- *temp;
- if (!self->cnx)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Connection is not valid");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* checks args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
- "method getnotify() takes no parameters.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* gets notify and builds result */
- /*
- * notifies only come back as result of a query, so I send an empty
- * query
- */
- result = PQexec(self->cnx, " ");
- if ((notify = PQnotifies(self->cnx)) != NULL)
- {
- notify_result = PyTuple_New(2);
- temp = PyString_FromString(notify->relname);
- PyTuple_SetItem(notify_result, 0, temp);
- temp = PyInt_FromLong(notify->be_pid);
- PyTuple_SetItem(notify_result, 1, temp);
- free(notify);
- }
- else
- {
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- notify_result = Py_None;
- }
- PQclear(result);
- /* returns result */
- return notify_result;
- }
- /* database query */
- static char pg_query__doc__[] =
- "query() -- creates a new query object for this connection.";
- static PyObject *
- pg_query(pgobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- char *query;
- PGresult *result;
- pgqueryobject *npgobj;
- int status;
- if (!self->cnx)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Connection is not valid");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* get query args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &query))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "query(sql), with sql (string).");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* gets result */
- result = PQexec(self->cnx, query);
- /* checks result validity */
- if (!result)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, PQerrorMessage(self->cnx));
- return NULL;
- }
- /* checks result status */
- if ((status = PQresultStatus(result)) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)
- {
- const char *str;
- PQclear(result);
- switch (status)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "empty query.");
- break;
- PyErr_SetString(PGError, PQerrorMessage(self->cnx));
- break;
- case PGRES_COMMAND_OK: /* could be an INSERT */
- if (*(str = PQoidStatus(result)) == 0) /* nope */
- {
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
- }
- /* otherwise, return the oid */
- return PyInt_FromLong(strtol(str, NULL, 10));
- case PGRES_COPY_OUT: /* no data will be received */
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
- default:
- PyErr_SetString(PGError, "internal error: "
- "unknown result status.");
- break;
- }
- return NULL; /* error detected on query */
- }
- if ((npgobj = PyObject_NEW(pgqueryobject, &PgQueryType)) == NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* stores result and returns object */
- npgobj->last_result = result;
- return (PyObject *) npgobj;
- }
- static char pg_putline__doc__[] =
- "putline() -- sends a line directly to the backend";
- /* direct acces function : putline */
- static PyObject *
- pg_putline(pgobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- char *line;
- if (!self->cnx)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Connection is not valid");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* reads args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &line))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "putline(line), with line (string).");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* sends line to backend */
- PQputline(self->cnx, line);
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
- }
- /* direct access function : getline */
- static char pg_getline__doc__[] =
- "getline() -- gets a line directly from the backend.";
- static PyObject *
- pg_getline(pgobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- char line[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
- PyObject *str = NULL; /* GCC */
- int ret;
- if (!self->cnx)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Connection is not valid");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* checks args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
- "method getline() takes no parameters.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* gets line */
- switch (PQgetline(self->cnx, line, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE))
- {
- case 0:
- str = PyString_FromString(line);
- break;
- case 1:
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "buffer overflow");
- str = NULL;
- break;
- case EOF:
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- str = Py_None;
- break;
- }
- return str;
- }
- /* direct access function : end copy */
- static char pg_endcopy__doc__[] =
- "endcopy() -- synchronizes client and server";
- static PyObject *
- pg_endcopy(pgobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- if (!self->cnx)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Connection is not valid");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* checks args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
- "method endcopy() takes no parameters.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* ends direct copy */
- PQendcopy(self->cnx);
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
- }
- #endif /* DIRECT_ACCESS */
- static PyObject *
- pgquery_print(pgqueryobject * self, FILE *fp, int flags)
- {
- PQprintOpt op;
- memset(&op, 0, sizeof(op));
- op.align = 1;
- op.header = 1;
- op.fieldSep = "|";
- op.pager = 1;
- PQprint(fp, self->last_result, &op);
- return 0;
- }
- /* insert table */
- static char pg_inserttable__doc__[] =
- "inserttable(string, list) -- insert list in table. The fields in the list "
- "must be in the same order as in the table.";
- static PyObject *
- pg_inserttable(pgobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- PGresult *result;
- char *table,
- *buffer,
- *temp;
- char temp_buffer[256];
- PyObject *list,
- *sublist,
- *item;
- PyObject *(*getitem) (PyObject *, int);
- PyObject *(*getsubitem) (PyObject *, int);
- int i,
- j;
- if (!self->cnx)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Connection is not valid");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* gets arguments */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "sO:filter", &table, &list))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "tableinsert(table, content), with table (string) "
- "and content (list).");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* checks list type */
- if (PyTuple_Check(list))
- getitem = PyTuple_GetItem;
- else if (PyList_Check(list))
- getitem = PyList_GetItem;
- else
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "second arg must be some kind of array.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* checks sublists type */
- for (i = 0; (sublist = getitem(list, i)) != NULL; i++)
- {
- if (!PyTuple_Check(sublist) && !PyList_Check(sublist))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "second arg must contain some kind of arrays.");
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- /* allocate buffer */
- if (!(buffer = malloc(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError, "can't allocate insert buffer.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* starts query */
- sprintf(buffer, "copy %s from stdin", table);
- if (!(result = PQexec(self->cnx, buffer)))
- {
- free(buffer);
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, PQerrorMessage(self->cnx));
- return NULL;
- }
- PQclear(result);
- /* feeds table */
- for (i = 0; (sublist = getitem(list, i)) != NULL; i++)
- {
- if (PyTuple_Check(sublist))
- getsubitem = PyTuple_GetItem;
- else
- getsubitem = PyList_GetItem;
- /* builds insert line */
- buffer[0] = 0;
- for (j = 0; (item = getsubitem(sublist, j)) != NULL; j++)
- {
- /* converts item to string */
- if (PyString_Check(item))
- PyArg_ParseTuple(item, "s", &temp);
- else if (PyInt_Check(item))
- {
- int k;
- PyArg_ParseTuple(item, "i", &k);
- sprintf(temp_buffer, "%d", k);
- temp = temp_buffer;
- }
- else if (PyLong_Check(item))
- {
- long k;
- PyArg_ParseTuple(item, "l", &k);
- sprintf(temp_buffer, "%ld", k);
- temp = temp_buffer;
- }
- else if (PyFloat_Check(item))
- {
- double k;
- PyArg_ParseTuple(item, "d", &k);
- sprintf(temp_buffer, "%g", k);
- temp = temp_buffer;
- }
- else
- {
- free(buffer);
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
- "items must be strings, integers, "
- "longs or double (real).");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* concats buffer */
- if (strlen(buffer))
- strncat(buffer, "t", MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - strlen(buffer));
- fprintf(stderr, "Buffer: '%s', Temp: '%s'n", buffer, temp);
- strncat(buffer, temp, MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - strlen(buffer));
- }
- strncat(buffer, "n", MAX_BUFFER_SIZE - strlen(buffer));
- /* sends data */
- PQputline(self->cnx, buffer);
- }
- /* ends query */
- PQputline(self->cnx, ".n");
- PQendcopy(self->cnx);
- free(buffer);
- /* no error : returns nothing */
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
- }
- /* creates large object */
- static char pg_locreate__doc__[] =
- "locreate() -- creates a new large object in the database.";
- static PyObject *
- pg_locreate(pgobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- int mode;
- Oid lo_oid;
- /* checks validity */
- if (!check_cnx_obj(self))
- return NULL;
- /* gets arguments */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &mode))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "locreate(mode), with mode (integer).");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* creates large object */
- lo_oid = lo_creat(self->cnx, mode);
- if (lo_oid == 0)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PGError, "can't create large object.");
- return NULL;
- }
- return (PyObject *) pglarge_new(self, lo_oid);
- }
- /* init from already known oid */
- static char pg_getlo__doc__[] =
- "getlo(long) -- create a large object instance for the specified oid.";
- static PyObject *
- pg_getlo(pgobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- int lo_oid;
- /* checks validity */
- if (!check_cnx_obj(self))
- return NULL;
- /* gets arguments */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "i", &lo_oid))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "loopen(oid), with oid (integer).");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (!lo_oid)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "the object oid can't be null.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* creates object */
- return (PyObject *) pglarge_new(self, lo_oid);
- }
- /* import unix file */
- static char pg_loimport__doc__[] =
- "loimport(string) -- create a new large object from specified file.";
- static PyObject *
- pg_loimport(pgobject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- char *name;
- Oid lo_oid;
- /* checks validity */
- if (!check_cnx_obj(self))
- return NULL;
- /* gets arguments */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &name))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "loimport(name), with name (string).");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* imports file and checks result */
- lo_oid = lo_import(self->cnx, name);
- if (lo_oid == 0)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PGError, "can't create large object.");
- return NULL;
- }
- return (PyObject *) pglarge_new(self, lo_oid);
- }
- /* connection object methods */
- static struct PyMethodDef pgobj_methods[] = {
- {"query", (PyCFunction) pg_query, 1, pg_query__doc__},
- {"reset", (PyCFunction) pg_reset, 1, pg_reset__doc__},
- {"close", (PyCFunction) pg_close, 1, pg_close__doc__},
- {"fileno", (PyCFunction) pg_fileno, 1, pg_fileno__doc__},
- {"getnotify", (PyCFunction) pg_getnotify, 1, pg_getnotify__doc__},
- {"inserttable", (PyCFunction) pg_inserttable, 1, pg_inserttable__doc__},
- {"putline", (PyCFunction) pg_putline, 1, pg_putline__doc__},
- {"getline", (PyCFunction) pg_getline, 1, pg_getline__doc__},
- {"endcopy", (PyCFunction) pg_endcopy, 1, pg_endcopy__doc__},
- #endif /* DIRECT_ACCESS */
- {"locreate", (PyCFunction) pg_locreate, 1, pg_locreate__doc__},
- {"getlo", (PyCFunction) pg_getlo, 1, pg_getlo__doc__},
- {"loimport", (PyCFunction) pg_loimport, 1, pg_loimport__doc__},
- #endif /* LARGE_OBJECTS */
- {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
- };
- /* get attribute */
- static PyObject *
- pg_getattr(pgobject * self, char *name)
- {
- /*
- * Although we could check individually, there are only a few
- * attributes that don't require a live connection and unless someone
- * has an urgent need, this will have to do
- */
- if (!self->cnx)
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "Connection is not valid");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* list postgreSQL connection fields */
- /* postmaster host */
- if (!strcmp(name, "host"))
- {
- char *r = PQhost(self->cnx);
- return r ? PyString_FromString(r) : PyString_FromString("localhost");
- }
- /* postmaster port */
- if (!strcmp(name, "port"))
- return PyInt_FromLong(atol(PQport(self->cnx)));
- /* selected database */
- if (!strcmp(name, "db"))
- return PyString_FromString(PQdb(self->cnx));
- /* selected options */
- if (!strcmp(name, "options"))
- return PyString_FromString(PQoptions(self->cnx));
- /* selected postgres tty */
- if (!strcmp(name, "tty"))
- return PyString_FromString(PQtty(self->cnx));
- /* error (status) message */
- if (!strcmp(name, "error"))
- return PyString_FromString(PQerrorMessage(self->cnx));
- /* connection status : 1 - OK, 0 - BAD */
- if (!strcmp(name, "status"))
- return PyInt_FromLong(PQstatus(self->cnx) == CONNECTION_OK ? 1 : 0);
- /* provided user name */
- if (!strcmp(name, "user"))
- return PyString_FromString("Deprecated facility");
- /* return PyString_FromString(fe_getauthname("<unknown user>")); */
- /* attributes list */
- if (!strcmp(name, "__members__"))
- {
- PyObject *list = PyList_New(8);
- if (list)
- {
- PyList_SetItem(list, 0, PyString_FromString("host"));
- PyList_SetItem(list, 1, PyString_FromString("port"));
- PyList_SetItem(list, 2, PyString_FromString("db"));
- PyList_SetItem(list, 3, PyString_FromString("options"));
- PyList_SetItem(list, 4, PyString_FromString("tty"));
- PyList_SetItem(list, 5, PyString_FromString("error"));
- PyList_SetItem(list, 6, PyString_FromString("status"));
- PyList_SetItem(list, 7, PyString_FromString("user"));
- }
- return list;
- }
- return Py_FindMethod(pgobj_methods, (PyObject *) self, name);
- }
- /* object type definition */
- staticforward PyTypeObject PgType = {
- 0, /* ob_size */
- "pgobject", /* tp_name */
- sizeof(pgobject), /* tp_basicsize */
- 0, /* tp_itemsize */
- /* methods */
- (destructor) pg_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
- 0, /* tp_print */
- (getattrfunc) pg_getattr, /* tp_getattr */
- 0, /* tp_setattr */
- 0, /* tp_compare */
- 0, /* tp_repr */
- 0, /* tp_as_number */
- 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
- 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
- 0, /* tp_hash */
- };
- /* query object methods */
- static struct PyMethodDef pgquery_methods[] = {
- {"getresult", (PyCFunction) pgquery_getresult, 1, pgquery_getresult__doc__},
- {"dictresult", (PyCFunction) pgquery_dictresult, 1, pgquery_dictresult__doc__},
- {"fieldname", (PyCFunction) pgquery_fieldname, 1, pgquery_fieldname__doc__},
- {"fieldnum", (PyCFunction) pgquery_fieldnum, 1, pgquery_fieldnum__doc__},
- {"listfields", (PyCFunction) pgquery_listfields, 1, pgquery_listfields__doc__},
- {"ntuples", (PyCFunction) pgquery_ntuples, 1, pgquery_ntuples__doc__},
- };
- /* gets query object attributes */
- static PyObject *
- pgquery_getattr(pgqueryobject * self, char *name)
- {
- /* list postgreSQL connection fields */
- return Py_FindMethod(pgquery_methods, (PyObject *) self, name);
- }
- /* query type definition */
- staticforward PyTypeObject PgQueryType = {
- 0, /* ob_size */
- "pgqueryobject", /* tp_name */
- sizeof(pgqueryobject), /* tp_basicsize */
- 0, /* tp_itemsize */
- /* methods */
- (destructor) pgquery_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
- (printfunc) pgquery_print, /* tp_print */
- (getattrfunc) pgquery_getattr, /* tp_getattr */
- 0, /* tp_setattr */
- 0, /* tp_compare */
- 0, /* tp_repr */
- 0, /* tp_as_number */
- 0, /* tp_as_sequence */
- 0, /* tp_as_mapping */
- 0, /* tp_hash */
- };
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* gets default host */
- static char getdefhost__doc__[] =
- "get_defhost() -- return default database host.";
- static PyObject *
- pggetdefhost(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- /* checks args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
- "method get_defhost() takes no parameter.");
- return NULL;
- }
- Py_XINCREF(pg_default_host);
- return pg_default_host;
- }
- /* sets default host */
- static char setdefhost__doc__[] =
- "set_defhost(string) -- set default database host. Return previous value.";
- static PyObject *
- pgsetdefhost(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- char *temp = NULL;
- PyObject *old;
- /* gets arguments */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "z", &temp))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "set_defhost(name), with name (string/None).");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* adjusts value */
- old = pg_default_host;
- if (temp)
- pg_default_host = PyString_FromString(temp);
- else
- {
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- pg_default_host = Py_None;
- }
- return old;
- }
- /* gets default base */
- static char getdefbase__doc__[] =
- "get_defbase() -- return default database name.";
- static PyObject *
- pggetdefbase(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- /* checks args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
- "method get_defbase() takes no parameter.");
- return NULL;
- }
- Py_XINCREF(pg_default_base);
- return pg_default_base;
- }
- /* sets default base */
- static char setdefbase__doc__[] =
- "set_defbase(string) -- set default database name. Return previous value";
- static PyObject *
- pgsetdefbase(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- char *temp = NULL;
- PyObject *old;
- /* gets arguments */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "z", &temp))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "set_defbase(name), with name (string/None).");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* adjusts value */
- old = pg_default_base;
- if (temp)
- pg_default_base = PyString_FromString(temp);
- else
- {
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- pg_default_base = Py_None;
- }
- return old;
- }
- /* gets default options */
- static char getdefopt__doc__[] =
- "get_defopt() -- return default database options.";
- static PyObject *
- pggetdefopt(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- /* checks args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
- "method get_defopt() takes no parameter.");
- return NULL;
- }
- Py_XINCREF(pg_default_opt);
- return pg_default_opt;
- }
- /* sets default opt */
- static char setdefopt__doc__[] =
- "set_defopt(string) -- set default database options. Return previous value.";
- static PyObject *
- pgsetdefopt(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- char *temp = NULL;
- PyObject *old;
- /* gets arguments */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "z", &temp))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "set_defopt(name), with name (string/None).");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* adjusts value */
- old = pg_default_opt;
- if (temp)
- pg_default_opt = PyString_FromString(temp);
- else
- {
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- pg_default_opt = Py_None;
- }
- return old;
- }
- /* gets default tty */
- static char getdeftty__doc__[] =
- "get_deftty() -- return default database debug terminal.";
- static PyObject *
- pggetdeftty(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- /* checks args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
- "method get_deftty() takes no parameter.");
- return NULL;
- }
- Py_XINCREF(pg_default_tty);
- return pg_default_tty;
- }
- /* sets default tty */
- static char setdeftty__doc__[] =
- "set_deftty(string) -- set default database debug terminal. "
- "Return previous value.";
- static PyObject *
- pgsetdeftty(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- char *temp = NULL;
- PyObject *old;
- /* gets arguments */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "z", &temp))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "set_deftty(name), with name (string/None).");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* adjusts value */
- old = pg_default_tty;
- if (temp)
- pg_default_tty = PyString_FromString(temp);
- else
- {
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- pg_default_tty = Py_None;
- }
- return old;
- }
- /* gets default username */
- static char getdefuser__doc__[] =
- "get_defuser() -- return default database username.";
- static PyObject *
- pggetdefuser(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- /* checks args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
- "method get_defuser() takes no parameter.");
- return NULL;
- }
- Py_XINCREF(pg_default_user);
- return pg_default_user;
- }
- /* sets default username */
- static char setdefuser__doc__[] =
- "set_defuser() -- set default database username. Return previous value.";
- static PyObject *
- pgsetdefuser(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- char *temp = NULL;
- PyObject *old;
- /* gets arguments */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "z", &temp))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "set_defuser(name), with name (string/None).");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* adjusts value */
- old = pg_default_user;
- if (temp)
- pg_default_user = PyString_FromString(temp);
- else
- {
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- pg_default_user = Py_None;
- }
- return old;
- }
- /* sets default password */
- static char setdefpasswd__doc__[] =
- "set_defpasswd() -- set default database password.";
- static PyObject *
- pgsetdefpasswd(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- char *temp = NULL;
- PyObject *old;
- /* gets arguments */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "z", &temp))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
- "set_defpasswd(password), with password (string/None).");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* adjusts value */
- old = pg_default_passwd;
- if (temp)
- pg_default_passwd = PyString_FromString(temp);
- else
- {
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- pg_default_passwd = Py_None;
- }
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- return Py_None;
- }
- /* gets default port */
- static char getdefport__doc__[] =
- "get_defport() -- return default database port.";
- static PyObject *
- pggetdefport(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- /* checks args */
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, ""))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError,
- "method get_defport() takes no parameter.");
- return NULL;
- }
- Py_XINCREF(pg_default_port);
- return pg_default_port;
- }
- /* sets default port */
- static char setdefport__doc__[] =
- "set_defport(integer) -- set default database port. Return previous value.";
- static PyObject *
- pgsetdefport(PyObject * self, PyObject * args)
- {
- long int port = -2;
- PyObject *old;
- /* gets arguments */
- if ((!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "l", &port)) || (port < -1))
- {
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "set_defport(port), with port "
- "(positive integer/-1).");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* adjusts value */
- old = pg_default_port;
- if (port != -1)
- pg_default_port = PyLong_FromLong(port);
- else
- {
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- pg_default_port = Py_None;
- }
- return old;
- }
- #endif /* DEFAULT_VARS */
- /* List of functions defined in the module */
- static struct PyMethodDef pg_methods[] = {
- {"connect", (PyCFunction) pgconnect, 3, connect__doc__},
- {"get_defhost", pggetdefhost, 1, getdefhost__doc__},
- {"set_defhost", pgsetdefhost, 1, setdefhost__doc__},
- {"get_defbase", pggetdefbase, 1, getdefbase__doc__},
- {"set_defbase", pgsetdefbase, 1, setdefbase__doc__},
- {"get_defopt", pggetdefopt, 1, getdefopt__doc__},
- {"set_defopt", pgsetdefopt, 1, setdefopt__doc__},
- {"get_deftty", pggetdeftty, 1, getdeftty__doc__},
- {"set_deftty", pgsetdeftty, 1, setdeftty__doc__},
- {"get_defport", pggetdefport, 1, getdefport__doc__},
- {"set_defport", pgsetdefport, 1, setdefport__doc__},
- {"get_defuser", pggetdefuser, 1, getdefuser__doc__},
- {"set_defuser", pgsetdefuser, 1, setdefuser__doc__},
- {"set_defpasswd", pgsetdefpasswd, 1, setdefpasswd__doc__},
- #endif /* DEFAULT_VARS */
- {NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
- };
- static char pg__doc__[] = "Python interface to PostgreSQL DB";
- /* Initialization function for the module */
- void init_pg(void); /* Python doesn't prototype this */
- void
- init_pg(void)
- {
- PyObject *mod,
- *dict,
- *v;
- /* Initialize here because some WIN platforms get confused otherwise */
- PglargeType.ob_type = PgType.ob_type = PgQueryType.ob_type = &PyType_Type;
- /* Create the module and add the functions */
- mod = Py_InitModule4("_pg", pg_methods, pg__doc__, NULL, PYTHON_API_VERSION);
- dict = PyModule_GetDict(mod);
- /* Add some symbolic constants to the module */
- PGError = PyString_FromString("pg.error");
- PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "error", PGError);
- /* Make the version available */
- v = PyString_FromString(PyPgVersion);
- PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "version", v);
- PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "__version__", v);
- Py_DECREF(v);
- /* create mode for large objects */
- PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "INV_READ", PyInt_FromLong(INV_READ));
- PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "INV_WRITE", PyInt_FromLong(INV_WRITE));
- /* position flags for lo_lseek */
- PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "SEEK_SET", PyInt_FromLong(SEEK_SET));
- PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "SEEK_CUR", PyInt_FromLong(SEEK_CUR));
- PyDict_SetItemString(dict, "SEEK_END", PyInt_FromLong(SEEK_END));
- #endif /* LARGE_OBJECTS */
- /* prepares default values */
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- pg_default_host = Py_None;
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- pg_default_base = Py_None;
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- pg_default_opt = Py_None;
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- pg_default_port = Py_None;
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- pg_default_tty = Py_None;
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- pg_default_user = Py_None;
- Py_INCREF(Py_None);
- pg_default_passwd = Py_None;
- #endif /* DEFAULT_VARS */
- /* Check for errors */
- if (PyErr_Occurred())
- Py_FatalError("can't initialize module _pg");
- }