- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #
- # GNUMakefile.in--
- # Build and install psqlodbc (Postgres ODBC driver).
- #
- # Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California
- #
- #
- # $Header: /usr/local/cvsroot/pgsql/src/interfaces/odbc/GNUmakefile.in,v 1.11 1999/06/30 23:57:29 tgl Exp $
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NAME = psqlodbc
- SRCDIR= @top_srcdir@
- ODBCSRCDIR= @srcdir@
- include $(SRCDIR)/Makefile.global
- include Version.mk
- FIND= @find@
- # assuming gnu tar and split here
- TAR= @tar@
- SPLIT= @split@
- CFLAGS += -I. @DEFS@
- SOURCES = *.c *.h *.in Config.mk
- TODO.txt Version.mk config.guess config.sub configure
- install-sh license.txt notice.txt odbcinst.ini
- psqlodbc.def
- psqlodbc.rc readme.txt
- OBJS = info.o bind.o columninfo.o connection.o convert.o drvconn.o
- environ.o execute.o lobj.o misc.o options.o
- pgtypes.o psqlodbc.o qresult.o results.o socket.o parse.o statement.o
- gpps.o tuple.o tuplelist.o dlg_specific.o $(OBJX)
- # Shared library stuff, also default 'all' target
- include $(SRCDIR)/Makefile.shlib
- .PHONY: install install-ini beforeinstall-headers install-headers
- install: $(HEADERDIR) $(LIBDIR) $(ODBCINST) install-headers
- install-ini install-lib $(install-shlib-dep)
- mkdir -p $@
- install-headers: beforeinstall-headers isql.h isqlext.h iodbc.h
- $(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) iodbc.h $(HEADERDIR)/iodbc/iodbc.h
- $(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) isql.h $(HEADERDIR)/iodbc/isql.h
- $(INSTALL) $(INSTLOPTS) isqlext.h $(HEADERDIR)/iodbc/isqlext.h
- beforeinstall-headers:
- @if [ ! -d $(HEADERDIR)/iodbc ]; then mkdir -p $(HEADERDIR)/iodbc; fi
- install-ini: odbcinst.ini
- $(INSTALL) $(INSTL_LIB_OPTS) odbcinst.ini $(ODBCINST)/odbcinst.ini
- .PHONY: clean
- clean: clean-shlib
- -rm -f lib$(NAME).a $(OBJS)
- .PHONY: distclean
- distclean: clean
- -rm -f config.h GNUmakefile Makefile.global
- -rm -f config.cache config.log config.status
- ifeq ($(PORTNAME), win)
- @if [ $SRCDIR != $ODBCSRCDIR ]; then rm -f template makefiles port; fi
- else
- @if [ $SRCDIR ne $ODBCSRCDIR ]; then rm -f template makefiles port; fi
- endif
- .PHONY: standalone
- standalone:
- @if test "$SRCDIR" = "$ODBCSRCDIR"; then
- echo "****************************************************";
- echo "Note: This was a standalone installation already";
- echo "This may produce a slightly inconsistant tar file...";
- echo "You should use the original tar file instead";
- echo "****************************************************";
- fi
- -rm -f psqlodbc-$(SO_MAJOR_VERSION)$(SO_MINOR_VERSION).tar.gz
- $(TAR) -chf psqlodbc-$(SO_MAJOR_VERSION)$(SO_MINOR_VERSION).tar
- $(SOURCES) -C @top_srcdir@ makefiles template Makefile.shlib
- gzip psqlodbc-$(SO_MAJOR_VERSION)$(SO_MINOR_VERSION).tar
- .PHONY: integrated
- integrated:
- -rm -f psqlodbc-$(SO_MAJOR_VERSION)$(SO_MINOR_VERSION)-int.tar.gz
- $(TAR) -cf psqlodbc-$(SO_MAJOR_VERSION)$(SO_MINOR_VERSION)-int.tar $(SOURCES)
- gzip psqlodbc-$(SO_MAJOR_VERSION)$(SO_MINOR_VERSION)-int.tar
- depend dep:
- $(CC) -MM $(CFLAGS) *.c >depend
- ifeq (depend,$(wildcard depend))
- include depend
- endif