- n 2343 2402 m 2262 2495 l 2289 2375 l 2316 2389 l 2343 2402 l cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr col-1 s
- % Open spline
- gs clippath
- 3693 2402 m 3612 2495 l 3639 2375 l 3566 2520 l 3620 2547 l cp clip
- n 3915.0 1800.0 m 4050.0 1800.0 l
- 4050.0 1800.0 4185.0 1800.0 4185.0 2070.0 DrawSplineSection
- 4185.0 2070.0 4185.0 2340.0 3937.5 2340.0 DrawSplineSection
- 3937.5 2340.0 3690.0 2340.0 3645.0 2430.0 DrawSplineSection
- 3600.0 2520.0 l gs col-1 s gr
- gr
- % arrowhead
- n 3693 2402 m 3612 2495 l 3639 2375 l 3666 2389 l 3693 2402 l cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr col-1 s
- % Open spline
- gs clippath
- 3712 3230 m 3616 3308 l 3664 3194 l 3567 3324 l 3615 3360 l cp clip
- n 3915.0 2070.0 m 4117.5 2070.0 l
- 4117.5 2070.0 4320.0 2070.0 4320.0 2632.5 DrawSplineSection
- 4320.0 2632.5 4320.0 3195.0 4027.5 3172.5 DrawSplineSection
- 4027.5 3172.5 3735.0 3150.0 3667.5 3240.0 DrawSplineSection
- 3600.0 3330.0 l gs col-1 s gr
- gr
- % arrowhead
- n 3712 3230 m 3616 3308 l 3664 3194 l 3688 3212 l 3712 3230 l cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr col-1 s
- % Open spline
- gs clippath
- 3693 4292 m 3612 4385 l 3639 4265 l 3566 4410 l 3620 4437 l cp clip
- n 4005.0 3960.0 m 3982.5 4072.5 l
- 3982.5 4072.5 3960.0 4185.0 3825.0 4207.5 DrawSplineSection
- 3825.0 4207.5 3690.0 4230.0 3645.0 4320.0 DrawSplineSection
- 3600.0 4410.0 l gs col-1 s gr
- gr
- % arrowhead
- n 3693 4292 m 3612 4385 l 3639 4265 l 3666 4279 l 3693 4292 l cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr col-1 s
- % Open spline
- gs clippath
- 2362 3230 m 2266 3308 l 2314 3194 l 2217 3324 l 2265 3360 l cp clip
- n 2565.0 2070.0 m 2767.5 2070.0 l
- 2767.5 2070.0 2970.0 2070.0 2970.0 2632.5 DrawSplineSection
- 2970.0 2632.5 2970.0 3195.0 2677.5 3172.5 DrawSplineSection
- 2677.5 3172.5 2385.0 3150.0 2317.5 3240.0 DrawSplineSection
- 2250.0 3330.0 l gs col-1 s gr
- gr
- % arrowhead
- n 2362 3230 m 2266 3308 l 2314 3194 l 2338 3212 l 2362 3230 l cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr col-1 s
- % Open spline
- gs clippath
- 3363 330 m 3483 360 l 3363 390 l 3525 390 l 3525 330 l cp clip
- n 1260.0 585.0 m 1687.5 585.0 l
- 1687.5 585.0 2115.0 585.0 2407.5 472.5 DrawSplineSection
- 2407.5 472.5 2700.0 360.0 3105.0 360.0 DrawSplineSection
- 3510.0 360.0 l gs col-1 s gr
- gr
- % arrowhead
- n 3363 330 m 3483 360 l 3363 390 l 3363 360 l 3363 330 l cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr col-1 s
- % Open spline
- gs clippath
- 4277 3628 m 4161 3674 l 4241 3579 l 4110 3675 l 4146 3723 l cp clip
- n 3645.0 360.0 m 3645.0 585.0 l
- 3645.0 585.0 3645.0 810.0 4140.0 1102.5 DrawSplineSection
- 4140.0 1102.5 4635.0 1395.0 4635.0 2362.5 DrawSplineSection
- 4635.0 2362.5 4635.0 3330.0 4387.5 3510.0 DrawSplineSection
- 4140.0 3690.0 l gs col-1 s gr
- gr
- % arrowhead
- n 4277 3628 m 4161 3674 l 4241 3579 l 4259 3604 l 4277 3628 l cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr col-1 s
- % Open spline
- gs clippath
- 2608 5282 m 2679 5382 l 2569 5327 l 2692 5433 l 2731 5387 l cp clip
- n 1665.0 5130.0 m 2025.0 5130.0 l
- 2025.0 5130.0 2385.0 5130.0 2542.5 5265.0 DrawSplineSection
- 2700.0 5400.0 l gs col-1 s gr
- gr
- % arrowhead
- n 2608 5282 m 2679 5382 l 2569 5327 l 2588 5304 l 2608 5282 l cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr col-1 s
- % Open spline
- gs clippath
- 1290 4353 m 1260 4473 l 1230 4353 l 1230 4515 l 1290 4515 l cp clip
- n 1260.0 1125.0 m 1417.5 1125.0 l
- 1417.5 1125.0 1575.0 1125.0 1552.5 1935.0 DrawSplineSection
- 1552.5 1935.0 1530.0 2745.0 1395.0 3127.5 DrawSplineSection
- 1395.0 3127.5 1260.0 3510.0 1260.0 4005.0 DrawSplineSection
- 1260.0 4500.0 l gs col-1 s gr
- gr
- % arrowhead
- n 1290 4353 m 1260 4473 l 1230 4353 l 1260 4353 l 1290 4353 l cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr col-1 s
- % Open spline
- gs clippath
- 2238 4695 m 2358 4725 l 2238 4755 l 2400 4755 l 2400 4695 l cp clip
- n 1665.0 4860.0 m 1845.0 4860.0 l
- 1845.0 4860.0 2025.0 4860.0 2092.5 4792.5 DrawSplineSection
- 2092.5 4792.5 2160.0 4725.0 2272.5 4725.0 DrawSplineSection
- 2385.0 4725.0 l gs col-1 s gr
- gr
- % arrowhead
- n 2238 4695 m 2358 4725 l 2238 4755 l 2238 4725 l 2238 4695 l cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr col-1 s
- % Open spline
- gs clippath
- 3678 5595 m 3798 5625 l 3678 5655 l 3840 5655 l 3840 5595 l cp clip
- n 3105.0 5760.0 m 3285.0 5760.0 l
- 3285.0 5760.0 3465.0 5760.0 3532.5 5692.5 DrawSplineSection
- 3532.5 5692.5 3600.0 5625.0 3712.5 5625.0 DrawSplineSection
- 3825.0 5625.0 l gs col-1 s gr
- gr
- % arrowhead
- n 3678 5595 m 3798 5625 l 3678 5655 l 3678 5625 l 3678 5595 l cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr col-1 s
- % Open spline
- gs clippath
- 5118 6495 m 5238 6525 l 5118 6555 l 5280 6555 l 5280 6495 l cp clip
- n 4545.0 6660.0 m 4725.0 6660.0 l
- 4725.0 6660.0 4905.0 6660.0 4972.5 6592.5 DrawSplineSection
- 4972.5 6592.5 5040.0 6525.0 5152.5 6525.0 DrawSplineSection
- 5265.0 6525.0 l gs col-1 s gr
- gr
- % arrowhead
- n 5118 6495 m 5238 6525 l 5118 6555 l 5118 6525 l 5118 6495 l cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr col-1 s
- % Open spline
- gs clippath
- 4048 6182 m 4119 6282 l 4009 6227 l 4132 6333 l 4171 6287 l cp clip
- n 3105.0 6030.0 m 3465.0 6030.0 l
- 3465.0 6030.0 3825.0 6030.0 3982.5 6165.0 DrawSplineSection
- 4140.0 6300.0 l gs col-1 s gr
- gr
- % arrowhead
- n 4048 6182 m 4119 6282 l 4009 6227 l 4028 6204 l 4048 6182 l cp gs 0.00 setgray ef gr col-1 s
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 3375 2700 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (Resdom) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 3150 2925 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (resname: count) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 1845 2925 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (resname: sno) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 2025 2700 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (Resdom) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 3240 4815 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (varno: 1) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 3240 5085 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (varattno: 2) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 3375 3510 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (Aggreg) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 3105 4005 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (target) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 3105 3735 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (aggname: count) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 1890 3735 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (varno: 1) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 1890 4005 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (varattno: 1) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 2070 3510 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (VAR) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 810 1530 m
- gs 1 -1 sc 90.0 rot (. . .) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 720 405 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (AGG) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 3915 5445 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (Pointer to ) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 3915 5835 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (SORT node) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 3915 5640 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (targetlist of) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 405 900 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (qptargetlist) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 405 630 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (aggs) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 810 4905 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (qptargetlist) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 810 5175 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (lefttree) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 1170 5535 m
- gs 1 -1 sc 90.0 rot (. . .) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 2655 6435 m
- gs 1 -1 sc 90.0 rot (. . .) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 3690 6975 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (lefttree) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 2250 5805 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (qptargetlist) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 2250 6075 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (lefttree) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 3915 6480 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (SeqScan) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 4095 7290 m
- gs 1 -1 sc 90.0 rot (. . .) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 405 1170 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (lefttree) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 3690 6705 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (qptargetlist) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 1125 4680 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (GRP) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 3465 4590 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (VAR) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 2520 5580 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (SORT) col-1 sh gr
- showpage
- $F2psEnd
- rs
- %%EndDocument
- @endspecial 679 2950 a Ft(Figure)f(3.8:)16 b Fp(Plantr)n(ee)d
- Ft(for)e(the)i(query)f(of)g(e)o(xample)g(3.2)p eop
- %%Page: 65 65
- 65 64 bop 198 60 a Fm(3.7.)29 b(THE)13 b(REALIZA)-6 b(TION)14
- b(OF)e(THE)h(HA)-7 b(VING)12 b(CLA)m(USE)622 b Ft(65)198
- 234 y Fn(Executor)198 329 y Ft(The)13 b Fp(e)o(xecutor)f
- Ft(uses)h(the)f(function)g Fr(execAgg())f Ft(to)h(e)o(x)o(ecute)g
- Fr(AGG)g Ft(nodes.)k(As)d(described)f(earlier)f(it)198
- 389 y(uses)k(one)g(main)f(function)f Fr(ExecProcNode)h
- Ft(which)g(is)h(called)f(recursi)o(v)o(ely)g(to)g(e)o(x)o(ecute)h
- (subtrees.)198 449 y(The)e(follo)o(wing)e(steps)i(are)f(performed)f(by)
- h Fr(execAgg())p Ft(:)273 552 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(The)15
- b(list)g(attached)h(to)f(the)g( 02eld)g Fr(aggs)f Ft(of)h(the)g
- Fr(AGG)g Ft(node)g(is)h(e)o(xamined)f(and)g(for)f(e)o(v)o(ery)h
- Fp(ag-)323 612 y(gr)n(e)n(gate)f(function)f Ft(included)h(the)g
- Fp(tr)o(ansition)g(functions)f Ft(are)h(fetched)g(from)f(a)h
- Fp(function)f(table)p Ft(.)323 671 y(Calculating)f(the)g(v)o(alue)g(of)
- g(an)h Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)e(function)h Ft(is)h(done)f(using)g(three)g
- (functions:)382 775 y Fn(226)25 b Ft(The)18 b Fp( 02rst)g(tr)o
- (ansition)g(function)f Fr(xfn1)g Ft(is)h(called)g(with)g(the)f(current)
- g(v)o(alue)g(of)h(the)f(at-)432 835 y(trib)o(ute)c(the)h
- Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)f(function)g Ft(is)h(applied)f(to)h(and)g(changes)g
- (its)g(internal)f(state)h(using)432 895 y(the)e(attrib)o(ute')m(s)g(v)o
- (alue)g(gi)o(v)o(en)g(as)h(an)g(ar)o(gument.)382 976
- y Fn(226)25 b Ft(The)e Fp(second)f(tr)o(ansition)g(function)f
- Fr(xfn2)h Ft(is)g(called)g(without)f(an)o(y)h(ar)o(guments)g(and)432
- 1036 y(changes)13 b(its)g(internal)e(state)i(only)f(according)g(to)g
- (internal)g(rules.)382 1118 y Fn(226)25 b Ft(The)13
- b Fp( 02nal)g(function)f Fr(finalfn)g Ft(takes)h(the)g( 02nal)f
- (states)h(of)g Fr(xfn1)f Ft(and)h Fr(xfn2)f Ft(as)i(ar)o(gu-)432
- 1178 y(ments)f(and)f( 02nishes)h(the)f Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gation)p
- Ft(.)323 1302 y Fn(Example)g(3.3)25 b Ft(Recall)19 b(the)f(functions)g
- (necessary)h(to)f(implement)g(the)g Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)g(function)323
- 1362 y Fr(avg)12 b Ft(b)o(uilding)g(the)h(a)o(v)o(erage)g(o)o(v)o(er)f
- (all)h(v)o(alues)g(of)f(an)h(attrib)o(ute)f(in)g(a)h(group)f((see)h
- (section)g(2.5.5)323 1422 y Fp(Extending)f(Aggr)n(e)n(gates)p
- Ft():)382 1526 y Fn(226)25 b Ft(The)10 b( 02rst)f(transition)g
- (function)g Fr(xfn1)g Ft(has)h(to)f(be)g(a)h(function)f(that)g(takes)g
- (the)h(actual)f(v)o(alue)432 1585 y(of)15 b(the)h(attrib)o(ute)e
- Fr(avg)h Ft(is)h(applied)f(to)h(as)g(an)f(ar)o(gument)g(and)g(adds)h
- (it)f(to)h(the)f(internally)432 1645 y(stored)d(sum)h(of)f(pre)o(vious)
- g(calls.)382 1727 y Fn(226)25 b Ft(The)15 b(second)h(transition)d
- (function)h Fr(xfn2)h Ft(only)f(increases)h(an)g(internal)f(counter)g
- (e)o(v)o(ery)432 1787 y(time)e(it)g(is)h(called.)382
- 1868 y Fn(226)25 b Ft(The)10 b( 02nal)g(function)f
- Fr(finalfn)g Ft(di)o(vides)g(the)h(result)g(of)f Fr(xfn1)g
- Ft(by)h(the)g(counter)f(of)g Fr(xfn2)432 1928 y Ft(to)j(calculate)h
- (the)f(a)o(v)o(erage.)323 2053 y(Note)h(that)h Fr(xfn2)f
- Ft(and)h Fr(finalfn)f Ft(may)h(be)f(absent)i((e.g.)20
- b(for)13 b(the)g Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)g(function)g Fr(sum)323
- 2113 y Ft(which)f(simply)g(sums)h(up)f(all)g(v)o(alues)h(of)f(the)g(gi)
- o(v)o(en)g(attrib)o(ute)g(within)f(a)i(group.)323 2232
- y Fr(execAgg())25 b Ft(creates)i(an)g(array)f(containing)g(one)h
- (entry)f(for)g(e)o(v)o(ery)h Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)f(func-)323
- 2292 y(tion)16 b Ft(found)h(in)g(the)g(list)g(attached)g(to)g(the)g
- ( 02eld)g Fr(aggs)p Ft(.)30 b(The)18 b(array)e(will)h(hold)g
- (information)323 2352 y(needed)25 b(for)f(the)i(e)o(x)o(ecution)f(of)g
- (e)o(v)o(ery)g Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)g(function)g Ft((including)f(the)h
- Fp(tr)o(ansition)323 2412 y(functions)12 b Ft(described)g(abo)o(v)o
- (e).)273 2515 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(The)15 b(follo)o(wing)f(steps)i(are)f
- (e)o(x)o(ecuted)h(in)f(a)g(loop)g(as)g(long)g(as)h(there)f(are)g(still)
- g(tuples)g(returned)323 2575 y(by)e(the)h(subplan)g((i.e.)20
- b(as)15 b(long)e(as)i(there)e(are)h(still)g(tuples)g(left)f(in)h(the)g
- (current)f(group).)19 b(When)323 2635 y(there)12 b(are)h(no)g(tuples)g
- (left)f(in)h(the)g(group)f(a)h Fr(NULL)g Ft(pointer)f(is)h(returned)f
- (indicating)h(the)g(end)g(of)323 2695 y(the)f(group.)382
- 2798 y Fn(226)25 b Ft(A)15 b(ne)o(w)f(tuple)h(from)e(the)i(subplan)g
- ((i.e.)22 b(the)15 b Fp(plan)f Ft(attached)h(to)f(the)h( 02eld)f
- Fr(lefttree)p Ft())432 2858 y(is)e(fetched)f(by)g(recursi)o(v)o(ely)f
- (calling)h Fr(ExecProcNode())f Ft(with)h(the)g(subplan)g(as)h(ar)o
- (gu-)432 2918 y(ment.)382 3000 y Fn(226)25 b Ft(F)o(or)14
- b(e)o(v)o(ery)g Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)f(function)h Ft((contained)f(in)h
- (the)g(array)g(created)g(before))f(apply)h(the)432 3059
- y(transition)e(functions)h Fr(xfn1)f Ft(and)h Fr(xfn2)f
- Ft(to)h(the)g(v)o(alues)g(of)f(the)h(appropriate)f(attrib)o(utes)432
- 3119 y(of)g(the)g(current)g(tuple.)273 3223 y Fo( 17)25
- b Ft(When)13 b(we)g(get)g(here,)g(all)g(tuples)g(of)g(the)g(current)f
- (group)g(ha)o(v)o(e)i(been)f(processed)g(and)g(the)g
- Fp(tr)o(an-)323 3283 y(sition)18 b(functions)h Ft(of)g(all)g
- Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)g(functions)f Ft(ha)o(v)o(e)i(been)f(applied)g(to)g
- (the)g(v)o(alues)g(of)g(the)323 3342 y(attrib)o(utes.)c(W)l(e)d(are)g
- (no)o(w)g(ready)f(to)h(complete)g(the)g Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gation)f
- Ft(by)h(applying)f(the)h Fp( 02nal)g(func-)323 3402
- y(tion)f Ft(()p Fr(finalfn)p Ft())g(for)h(e)o(v)o(ery)g
- Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)g(function)p Ft(.)p eop
- %%Page: 66 66
- 66 65 bop 270 60 a Ft(66)82 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(3.)28 b(POSTGRESQL)13
- b(FR)n(OM)f(THE)i(PR)n(OGRAMMER'S)f(POINT)f(OF)g(VIEW)345
- 234 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(Store)10 b(the)i(tuple)f(containing)g(the)h(ne)o
- (w)g(v)o(alues)f((the)h(results)f(of)h(the)f Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)g
- (functions)p Ft())g(and)395 294 y(hand)h(it)g(back.)270
- 405 y(Note)j(that)g(the)g(procedure)f(described)i(abo)o(v)o(e)f(only)g
- (returns)g(one)g(tuple)g((i.e.)24 b(it)15 b(processes)h(just)f(one)270
- 465 y(group)f(and)h(when)f(the)h(end)g(of)f(the)h(group)f(is)h
- (detected)g(it)f(processes)i(the)f Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)f(functions)g
- Ft(and)270 524 y(hands)21 b(back)f(one)h(tuple).)39
- b(T)l(o)20 b(retrie)o(v)o(e)g(all)g(tuples)h((i.e.)40
- b(to)20 b(process)h(all)f(groups))g(the)g(function)270
- 584 y Fr(execAgg())15 b Ft(has)i(to)f(be)g(called)h((returning)d(a)i
- (ne)o(w)h(tuple)e(e)o(v)o(ery)h(time))g(until)f(it)h(returns)g(a)g
- Fr(NULL)270 644 y Ft(pointer)c(indicating)f(that)h(there)g(are)h(no)f
- (groups)g(left)g(to)g(process.)270 807 y Fh(3.7.2)59
- b(Ho)o(w)15 b(the)g(Ha)o(ving)e(Clause)i(is)g(Implemented)270
- 908 y Ft(The)k(basic)g(idea)f(of)g(the)g(implementation)f(is)i(to)f
- (attach)h(the)f Fp(oper)o(ator)h(tr)n(ee)g Ft(b)o(uilt)f(for)f(the)h
- Fp(having)270 968 y(clause)e Ft(to)f(the)g( 02eld)g
- Fr(qpqual)f Ft(of)h(node)g Fr(AGG)g Ft((which)g(is)h(the)f(top)g(node)
- g(of)g(the)g(query)g(tree).)23 b(No)o(w)270 1028 y(the)17
- b(e)o(x)o(ecutor)g(has)h(to)f(e)o(v)o(aluate)g(the)g(ne)o(w)g
- Fp(oper)o(ator)h(tr)n(ee)g Ft(attached)f(to)g Fr(qpqual)g
- Ft(for)f(e)o(v)o(ery)h(group)270 1087 y(processed.)26
- b(If)15 b(the)h(e)o(v)o(aluation)e(returns)h Fr(true)h
- Ft(the)f(group)g(is)h(taken)f(into)g(account)h(otherwise)f(it)h(is)270
- 1147 y(ignored)c(and)g(the)g(ne)o(xt)h(group)e(will)h(be)h(e)o
- (xamined.)270 1267 y(In)21 b(order)g(to)g(implement)g(the)g
- Fp(having)g(clause)h Ft(a)f(v)o(ariety)g(of)g(changes)h(ha)o(v)o(e)g
- (been)f(made)h(to)f(the)270 1326 y(follo)o(wing)11 b(stages:)345
- 1437 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(The)15 b Fp(parser)h(stage)f Ft(has)h(been)f
- (modi 02ed)g(slightly)g(to)g(b)o(uild)g(up)g(and)h(transform)e(an)h
- Fp(oper)o(ator)395 1497 y(tr)n(ee)e Ft(for)e(the)h Fp(having)h(clause)p
- Ft(.)345 1612 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(The)12 b Fp(r)n(e)o(write)i(system)f
- Ft(has)g(been)g(adapted)f(to)g(be)h(able)f(to)h(use)f
- Fp(vie)o(ws)i Ft(with)e(the)g Fp(having)g(logic)p Ft(.)345
- 1727 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(The)12 b Fp(planner/optimizer)g
- Ft(no)o(w)g(takes)g(the)g Fp(oper)o(ator)h(tr)n(ee)g
- Ft(of)f(the)g Fp(having)g(clause)g Ft(and)h(attaches)395
- 1787 y(it)f(to)g(the)g Fr(AGG)g Ft(node)h((which)e(is)i(the)f(top)h
- (node)f(of)g(the)g Fp(queryplan)p Ft().)345 1901 y Fo( 17)25
- b Ft(The)13 b Fp(e)o(xecutor)g Ft(has)g(been)g(modi 02ed)e(to)i(e)o(v)
- o(aluate)f(the)h Fp(oper)o(ator)g(tr)n(ee)g Ft((i.e.)k(the)12
- b(internal)g(repre-)395 1961 y(sentation)g(of)f(the)i
- Fp(having)e(quali 02cation)p Ft())g(attached)h(to)g(the)h
- Fr(AGG)f Ft(node)g(and)g(the)g(results)g(of)g(the)395
- 2021 y Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gation)f Ft(are)h(only)g(considered)g(if)g(the)g
- (e)o(v)o(aluation)g(returns)g Fr(true)p Ft(.)270 2132
- y(In)g(the)g(follo)o(wing)e(sections)j(we)f(will)g(describe)g(the)g
- (changes)h(made)f(to)g(e)o(v)o(ery)g(single)g(stage)h(in)f(detail.)270
- 2285 y Fn(The)g(Parser)i(Stage)270 2386 y Ft(The)g(grammar)f(rules)g
- (of)g(the)h Fp(parser)g Ft(de 02ned)g(in)f Fr(gram.y)g
- Ft(did)g(not)h(require)e(an)o(y)i(changes)h((i.e.)k(the)270
- 2446 y(rules)14 b(had)g(already)g(been)g(prepared)g(for)f(the)h
- Fp(having)g(clause)p Ft().)21 b(The)15 b Fp(oper)o(ator)f(tr)n(ee)h
- Ft(b)o(uilt)f(up)g(for)f(the)270 2506 y Fp(having)f(clause)h
- Ft(is)f(attached)h(to)f(the)g( 02eld)g Fr(havingClause)f
- Ft(of)h(the)h Fr(SelectStmt)e Ft(node)h(handed)270 2565
- y(back)h(by)f(the)g Fp(parser)p Ft(.)270 2685 y(The)18
- b Fp(tr)o(ansformation)g Ft(procedures)f(applied)h(to)f(the)h(tree)f
- (handed)h(back)g(by)f(the)h Fp(parser)g Ft(transform)270
- 2745 y(the)d Fp(oper)o(ator)g(tr)n(ee)g Ft(attached)g(to)g(the)f
- ( 02eld)h Fr(havingClause)e Ft(using)i(e)o(xactly)g(the)f(same)i
- (functions)270 2804 y(used)j(for)f(the)h(transformation)e(of)i(the)g
- Fp(oper)o(ator)g(tr)n(ee)h Ft(for)e(the)h Fp(wher)n(e)g(clause)p
- Ft(.)36 b(This)20 b(is)f(possible)270 2864 y(because)c(both)e(trees)h
- (are)g(b)o(uilt)g(up)f(by)h(the)g(same)h(grammar)d(rules)i(of)g(the)g
- Fp(parser)g Ft(and)g(are)g(therefore)270 2924 y(compatible.)h
- (Additional)9 b(checks)j(which)e(make)g(sure)h(that)f(the)h
- Fp(having)f(clause)h Ft(in)n(v)o(olv)o(es)f(at)h(least)g(one)270
- 2984 y Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)f(function)g Ft(etc.)15 b(are)c(performed)e
- (at)h(a)h(later)f(point)g(in)g(time)h(in)f(the)h Fp(planner/optimizer)f
- Ft(stage.)270 3103 y(The)24 b(necessary)h(changes)f(ha)o(v)o(e)g(been)g
- (applied)g(to)g(the)f(follo)o(wing)g(functions)g(included)g(in)h(the)
- 270 3163 y( 02le)19 b Fk(:)8 b(:)g(:)p Fr
- (/src/backend/parser/analyze.c)o Ft(.)33 b(Note,)21 b(that)d(only)h
- (the)g(rele)o(v)o(ant)f(parts)h(of)270 3223 y(the)e(af)o(fected)f(code)
- g(are)h(presented)f(instead)h(of)g(the)f(whole)h(functions.)28
- b(Ev)o(ery)17 b(added)g(source)f(line)270 3283 y(will)f(be)h(marked)e
- (by)h(a)h Fr('+')f Ft(at)h(the)f(be)o(ginning)g(of)g(the)g(line)h(and)f
- (e)o(v)o(ery)g(changed)h(source)f(line)g(will)270 3342
- y(be)f(marked)f(by)h(a)g Fr('!')19 b Ft(throughout)13
- b(the)h(follo)o(wing)e(code)i(listings.)21 b(Whene)o(v)o(er)13
- b(a)h(part)g(of)f(the)h(code)270 3402 y(which)e(is)h(not)f(rele)o(v)o
- (ant)f(at)i(the)f(moment)g(is)h(skipped,)f(three)g(v)o(ertical)h(dots)f
- (are)g(inserted)g(instead.)p eop
- %%Page: 67 67
- 67 66 bop 198 60 a Fm(3.7.)29 b(THE)13 b(REALIZA)-6 b(TION)14
- b(OF)e(THE)h(HA)-7 b(VING)12 b(CLA)m(USE)622 b Ft(67)273
- 234 y Fo( 17)25 b Fr(transformInsertStmt())323 294
- y Ft(This)14 b(function)e(becomes)i(is)g(in)n(v)o(oked)e(e)o(v)o(ery)i
- (time)f(a)g(SQL)h Fr(insert)f Ft(statement)g(in)n(v)o(olving)g(a)323
- 354 y Fr(select)e Ft(is)i(used)g(like)e(the)i(follo)o(wing)e(e)o
- (xample)h(illustrates:)382 467 y Fr(insert)30 b(into)f(t2)382
- 527 y(select)h(x,)f(y)382 587 y(from)h(t1;)323 700 y
- Ft(T)l(wo)10 b(statements)h(ha)o(v)o(e)h(been)f(added)f(to)h(this)g
- (function.)j(The)e( 02rst)e(one)h(performs)f(the)g(transfor)o(-)323
- 760 y(mation)g(of)h(the)h Fp(oper)o(ator)g(tr)n(ee)g
- Ft(attached)f(to)h(the)f( 02eld)g Fr(havingClause)f
- Ft(using)i(the)f(function)323 819 y Fr(transformWhereClause())h
- Ft(as)j(done)f(for)g(the)h Fp(wher)n(e)g(clause)p Ft(.)23
- b(It)14 b(is)h(possible)g(to)g(use)323 879 y(the)c(same)h(function)f
- (for)g(both)g(clauses,)j(because)e(the)o(y)g(are)f(both)h(b)o(uilt)f
- (up)h(by)f(the)h(same)g Fp(gr)o(am-)323 939 y(mar)g(rules)h
- Ft(gi)o(v)o(en)f(in)h Fr(gram.y)e Ft(and)i(are)f(therefore)f
- (compatible.)323 1017 y(The)h(second)h(statement)f(makes)g(sure,)h
- (that)f Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)f(functions)h Ft(are)g(in)n(v)o(olv)o(ed)g
- (in)g(the)h(query)323 1077 y(whene)o(v)o(er)h(a)h Fp(having)f(clause)h
- Ft(is)g(used,)i(otherwise)d(the)h(query)f(could)g(ha)o(v)o(e)i(been)e
- (formulated)323 1137 y(using)e(only)g(a)h Fp(wher)n(e)g(clause)p
- Ft(.)382 1250 y Fr(static)30 b(Query)f(*)382 1310 y
- (transformInsertStmt(ParseState)e(*pstate,)980 1370
- y(InsertStmt)i(*stmt))382 1430 y({)442 1489 y(/*)h(make)f(a)h(new)g
- (query)f(tree)g(*/)442 1549 y(Query)g(*qry)h(=)g(makeNode(Query);)
- 1159 1609 y(.)1159 1669 y(.)1159 1729 y(.)442 1788 y(/*)g(fix)f(where)h
- (clause)f(*/)442 1848 y(qry->qual)g(=)h(transformWhereClause(pstate,)
- 1428 1908 y(stmt->whereClause);)323 2027 y(+)89 b(/*)30
- b(The)f(havingQual)g(has)h(a)f(similar)g(meaning)h(as)f("qual")g(in)323
- 2087 y(+)119 b(*)30 b(the)f(where)h(statement.)e(So)i(we)g(can)f
- (easily)g(use)h(the)323 2147 y(+)119 b(*)30 b(code)f(from)h(the)f
- ("where)g(clause")g(with)h(some)f(additional)323 2207
- y(+)119 b(*)30 b(traversals)f(done)g(in)h(.../optimizer/plan/planner.c)
- 323 2267 y(+)119 b(*/)323 2326 y(+)89 b(qry->havingQual)28
- b(=)i(transformWhereClause(pstate,)323 2386 y(+)1045
- b(stmt->havingClause);)1159 2446 y(.)1159 2506 y(.)1159
- 2565 y(.)323 2625 y(+)89 b(/*)30 b(If)f(there)h(is)f(a)h(havingQual)f
- (but)g(there)h(are)f(no)323 2685 y(+)119 b(*)30 b(aggregates,)e(then)i
- (there)f(is)h(something)f(wrong)g(with)323 2745 y(+)119
- b(*)30 b(the)f(query)h(because)f(having)g(must)g(contain)g(aggregates)
- 323 2804 y(+)119 b(*)30 b(in)f(its)h(expressions!)f(Otherwise)f(the)i
- (query)f(could)323 2864 y(+)119 b(*)30 b(have)f(been)h(formulated)e
- (using)i(the)f(where)h(clause.)323 2924 y(+)119 b(*/)323
- 2984 y(+)89 b(if((qry->hasAggs)28 b(==)i(false))f(&&)323
- 3044 y(+)179 b((qry->havingQual)28 b(!=)i(NULL)))323
- 3103 y(+)89 b({)323 3163 y(+)149 b(elog(ERROR,"This)28
- b(is)i(not)f(a)h(valid)f(having)g(query!");)323 3223
- y(+)149 b(return)29 b((Query)g(*)NIL;)323 3283 y(+)89
- b(})442 3342 y(return)29 b((Query)h(*))f(qry;)382 3402
- y(})p eop
- %%Page: 68 68
- 68 67 bop 270 60 a Ft(68)82 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(3.)28 b(POSTGRESQL)13
- b(FR)n(OM)f(THE)i(PR)n(OGRAMMER'S)f(POINT)f(OF)g(VIEW)345
- 234 y Fo( 17)25 b Fr(transformSelectStmt())395 294
- y Ft(Exactly)17 b(the)g(same)h(statements)f(added)g(to)g(the)g
- (function)f Fr(transformInsertStmt())395 354 y Ft(abo)o(v)o(e)c(ha)o
- (v)o(e)h(been)g(added)f(here)g(as)h(well.)454 555 y Fr(static)30
- b(Query)f(*)454 614 y(transformSelectStmt(ParseState)e(*pstate,)1052
- 674 y(SelectStmt)i(*stmt))454 734 y({)514 794 y(Query)59
- b(*qry)30 b(=)g(makeNode(Query);)514 913 y(qry->commandType)e(=)i
- (CMD_SELECT;)1231 973 y(.)1231 1033 y(.)1231 1093 y(.)514
- 1152 y(qry->qual)f(=)h(transformWhereClause(pstate,)1500
- 1212 y(stmt->whereClause);)395 1332 y(+)89 b(/*)30 b(The)f(havingQual)
- g(has)h(a)f(similar)g(meaning)h(as)f("qual")g(in)395
- 1391 y(+)119 b(*)30 b(the)f(where)h(statement.)e(So)i(we)g(can)f
- (easily)g(use)h(the)395 1451 y(+)119 b(*)30 b(code)f(from)h(the)f
- ("where)g(clause")g(with)h(some)f(additional)395 1511
- y(+)119 b(*)30 b(traversals)f(done)g(in)h(.../optimizer/plan/planner.c)
- 395 1571 y(+)119 b(*/)395 1631 y(+)89 b(qry->havingQual)28
- b(=)i(transformWhereClause(pstate,)395 1690 y(+)1045
- b(stmt->havingClause);)1231 1750 y(.)1231 1810 y(.)1231
- 1870 y(.)395 1929 y(+)89 b(/*)30 b(If)f(there)h(is)f(a)h(havingQual)f
- (but)g(there)h(are)f(no)395 1989 y(+)119 b(*)30 b(aggregates,)e(then)i
- (there)f(is)h(something)f(wrong)g(with)395 2049 y(+)119
- b(*)30 b(the)f(query)h(because)f(having)g(must)g(contain)g(aggregates)
- 395 2109 y(+)119 b(*)30 b(in)f(its)h(expressions!)f(Otherwise)f(the)i
- (query)f(could)395 2169 y(+)119 b(*)30 b(have)f(been)h(formulated)e
- (using)i(the)f(where)h(clause.)395 2228 y(+)119 b(*/)395
- 2288 y(+)89 b(if((qry->hasAggs)28 b(==)i(false))f(&&)395
- 2348 y(+)179 b((qry->havingQual)28 b(!=)i(NULL)))395
- 2408 y(+)89 b({)395 2467 y(+)149 b(elog(ERROR,"This)28
- b(is)i(not)f(a)h(valid)f(having)g(query!");)395 2527
- y(+)149 b(return)29 b((Query)g(*)NIL;)395 2587 y(+)89
- b(})514 2647 y(return)29 b((Query)h(*))f(qry;)454 2707
- y(})270 2951 y Fn(The)12 b(Rewrite)h(System)270 3083
- y Ft(This)19 b(section)g(describes)g(the)g(changes)g(to)g(the)f
- Fp(r)n(e)o(write)i(system)g Ft(of)e(PostgreSQL)g(that)h(ha)o(v)o(e)g
- (been)270 3143 y(necessary)c(to)f(support)g(the)g(use)h(of)f
- Fp(vie)o(ws)h Ft(within)f(queries)g(using)g(a)h Fp(having)f(clause)g
- Ft(and)g(to)h(support)270 3203 y(the)d(de 02nition)g(of)g
- Fp(vie)o(ws)h Ft(by)f(queries)h(using)f(a)h Fp(having)f(clause)p
- Ft(.)345 3283 y(As)f(described)h(in)f(section)g(3.4.1)h
- Fp(T)-5 b(ec)o(hniques)12 b(T)-5 b(o)11 b(Implement)g(V)l(ie)o(ws)i
- Ft(a)e(query)g(re)o(write)f(technique)270 3342 y(is)i(used)h(to)f
- (implement)f Fp(vie)o(ws)p Ft(.)17 b(There)12 b(are)g(two)f(cases)j(to)
- e(be)g(handled)g(within)f(the)h Fp(r)n(e)o(write)i(system)f
- Ft(as)270 3402 y(far)e(as)i(the)g Fp(having)f(clause)g
- Ft(is)h(concerned:)p eop
- %%Page: 69 69
- 69 68 bop 198 60 a Fm(3.7.)29 b(THE)13 b(REALIZA)-6 b(TION)14
- b(OF)e(THE)h(HA)-7 b(VING)12 b(CLA)m(USE)622 b Ft(69)273
- 234 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(The)10 b Fp(vie)o(w)h(de 02nition)f
- Ft(does)h(not)f(contain)g(a)h Fp(having)f(clause)g Ft(b)o(ut)h(the)f
- (queries)g(e)o(v)o(aluated)g(against)323 294 y(this)i(vie)o(w)g(may)g
- (contain)g Fp(having)g(clauses)p Ft(.)273 423 y Fo( 17)25
- b Ft(The)15 b Fp(vie)o(w)g(de 02nition)f Ft(contains)g(a)h
- Fp(having)g(clause)p Ft(.)22 b(In)14 b(this)h(case)h(queries)e(e)o(v)o
- (aluated)g(against)323 483 y(this)e(vie)o(w)g(must)g(meet)h(some)f
- (restrictions)g(as)h(we)g(will)f(describe)g(later)m(.)198
- 655 y Fn(No)h(ha)o(ving)f(clause)i(in)f(the)g(view)g(de 02nition:)47
- b Ft(First)13 b(we)h(will)f(look)g(at)g(the)g(changes)h(necessary)g(to)
- 198 715 y(support)e(queries)g(using)h(a)f Fp(having)g(clause)h
- Ft(against)f(a)h Fp(vie)o(w)g Ft(de 02ned)f(without)g(a)g
- Fp(having)g(clause)p Ft(.)198 835 y(Let)h(the)f(follo)o(wing)f(vie)o(w)
- h(de 02nition)g(be)g(gi)o(v)o(en:)258 964 y Fr(create)29
- b(view)g(test_view)258 1023 y(as)g(select)h(sno,)f(pno)347
- 1083 y(from)h(sells)347 1143 y(where)g(sno)f(>)h(2;)198
- 1264 y Ft(and)12 b(the)h(follo)o(wing)e(query)h(made)g(against)g
- Fr(test)p 1083 1264 15 2 v 18 w(view)p Ft(:)258 1393
- y Fr(select)29 b(*)258 1453 y(from)g(testview)258 1513
- y(where)g(sno)h(<>)f(5;)198 1634 y Ft(The)13 b(query)f(will)g(be)g(re)o
- (written)f(to:)258 1763 y Fr(select)29 b(sno,)g(pno)258
- 1823 y(from)g(sells)258 1883 y(where)g(sno)h(>)f(2)h(and)437
- 1943 y(sno)g(<>)f(5;)198 2064 y Ft(The)13 b(query)g(gi)o(v)o(en)g(in)f
- (the)h(de 02nition)f(of)h(the)g Fp(vie)o(w)g Fr(test)p
- 1221 2064 V 18 w(view)f Ft(is)h(the)g Fp(bac)o(kbone)g
- Ft(of)g(the)f(re)o(written)198 2124 y(query)m(.)k(The)d
- Fp(tar)n(getlist)f Ft(is)h(taken)f(from)g(the)h(user')m(s)g(query)f
- (and)g(also)h(the)g Fp(wher)n(e)h(quali 02cation)24
- b Ft(of)12 b(the)198 2184 y(user')m(s)e(query)f(is)h(added)f(to)h(the)f
- Fp(wher)n(e)i(quali 02cation)d Ft(of)h(the)h(ne)o(w)f(query)g(by)h
- (using)f(an)h Fr(AND)f Ft(operation.)198 2303 y(No)o(w)j(consider)g
- (the)h(follo)o(wing)e(query:)258 2432 y Fr(select)29
- b(sno,)g(count(pno))258 2492 y(from)g(testview)258
- 2552 y(where)g(sno)h(<>)f(5)258 2611 y(group)g(by)h(sno)258
- 2671 y(having)f(count(pno))g(>)h(1;)198 2793 y Ft(From)12
- b(no)o(w)g(on)h(it)g(is)g(no)f(longer)h(suf)o( 02cient)f(to)g(add)h
- (just)g(the)g Fp(wher)n(e)h(clause)f Ft(and)g(the)f Fp(tar)n(getlist)h
- Ft(of)f(the)198 2853 y(user')m(s)i(query)f(to)h(the)g(ne)o(w)f(query)m
- (.)19 b(The)c Fp(gr)n(oup)e(clause)h Ft(and)g(the)g Fp(having)f
- (quali 02cation)g Ft(also)h(ha)o(v)o(e)g(to)198 2912
- y(be)e(added)h(to)f(the)g(re)o(written)f(query:)258 3041
- y Fr(select)29 b(sno,)g(count(pno))258 3101 y(from)g(sells)258
- 3161 y(where)g(sno)h(>)f(2)h(and)437 3221 y(sno)g(<>)f(5)258
- 3280 y(group)g(by)h(sno)258 3340 y(having)f(count(pno))g(>)h(1;)p
- eop
- %%Page: 70 70
- 70 69 bop 270 60 a Ft(70)82 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(3.)28 b(POSTGRESQL)13
- b(FR)n(OM)f(THE)i(PR)n(OGRAMMER'S)f(POINT)f(OF)g(VIEW)270
- 234 y Ft(Se)o(v)o(eral)i(changes)g(that)h(ha)o(v)o(e)f(already)g(been)g
- (applied)g(to)g(the)h Fp(tar)n(getlist)f Ft(and)g(the)g
- Fp(wher)n(e)h(clause)g Ft(also)270 294 y(ha)o(v)o(e)c(to)g(be)g
- (applied)f(to)h(the)g Fp(having)f(clause)p Ft(.)16 b(Here)10
- b(is)h(a)g(collection)g(of)f(all)h Fp(additional)f Ft(steps)h(that)g
- (ha)o(v)o(e)270 354 y(to)g(be)g(performed)f(in)h(order)g(to)g(re)o
- (write)f(a)h(query)g(using)g(a)h Fp(having)e(clause)i
- Ft(against)f(a)h(simple)f Fp(vie)o(w)h Ft((i.e.)270
- 413 y(a)h Fp(vie)o(w)g Ft(whose)f(de 02nition)g(does)h(not)f(use)g(an)
- o(y)h Fp(gr)n(oup)f Ft(and)h Fp(having)f(clauses)p Ft():)345
- 523 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(Re)o(write)11 b(the)i(subselects)g(contained)f
- (in)h(the)f Fp(having)g(clause)h Ft(if)f(an)o(y)g(are)g(present.)345
- 635 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(Adapt)12 b(the)g Fr(varno)g Ft(and)g
- Fr(varattno)f Ft( 02elds)i(of)e(all)i Fr(VAR)f Ft(nodes)g(contained)g
- (in)g(the)g Fp(oper)o(ator)395 695 y(tr)n(ee)i Ft(representing)g(the)f
- Fp(having)h(clause)h Ft(in)e(the)h(same)h(way)e(as)i(it)f(has)g(been)g
- (done)g(for)f(the)h(tree)395 755 y(representing)e(the)g
- Fp(wher)n(e)i(clause)p Ft(.)j(The)d Fr(varno)e Ft( 02elds)h(are)f
- (changed)h(to)g(use)g(the)g Fp(base)g(tables)395 814
- y Ft(gi)o(v)o(en)g(in)g(the)h Fp(vie)o(w)g(de 02nition)e
- Ft((which)h(ha)o(v)o(e)h(been)g(inserted)f(into)g(the)g
- Fp(r)o(ange)h(table)f(entry)h(list)395 874 y Ft(in)h(the)h(meantime))f
- (instead)i(of)e(the)h Fp(virtual)g(tables)p Ft(.)27 b(The)17
- b(positions)f(of)f(the)h(attrib)o(utes)g(used)395 934
- y(in)d(the)g Fp(vie)o(w)h Ft(may)g(dif)o(fer)e(from)g(the)h(positions)h
- (of)f(the)g(corresponding)g(attrib)o(utes)g(in)g(the)h
- Fp(base)395 994 y(tables)p Ft(.)h(That')m(s)e(why)f(the)h
- Fr(varattno)e Ft( 02elds)i(also)f(ha)o(v)o(e)h(to)f(be)h(adapted.)345
- 1106 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(Adapt)i(the)h Fr(varno)f Ft(and)h
- Fr(varattno)f Ft( 02elds)h(of)f(all)h Fr(VAR)f Ft(nodes)h(contained)g
- (in)f(the)395 1166 y Fr(groupClause)11 b Ft(of)h(the)g(user')m(s)h
- (query)f(in)g(the)g(way)g(and)g(for)g(the)g(reasons)h(described)f(abo)o
- (v)o(e.)345 1278 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(Attach)19 b(the)g(tree)g
- (representing)g(the)h Fp(having)f(quali 02cation)f Ft((which)h(is)h
- (currently)e(attached)395 1338 y(to)d(the)i( 02eld)e
- Fr(havingClause)g Ft(of)h(the)g Fr(Query)f Ft(node)i(for)e(the)h(user')
- m(s)g(query))f(to)h(the)g( 02eld)395 1398 y Fr(havingClause)11
- b Ft(of)h(the)g Fr(Query)g Ft(node)g(for)g(the)g(ne)o(w)g((re)o
- (written))e(query)m(.)345 1510 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(Attach)j(the)h(list)g
- (representing)f(the)h Fp(gr)n(oup)g(clause)g Ft((currently)f(attached)
- h(to)g(the)f( 02eld)395 1570 y Fr(groupClause)10 b Ft(of)h(the)g
- Fr(Query)g Ft(node)g(for)f(the)h(user')m(s)h(query))e(to)i(the)f
- ( 02eld)g Fp(gr)n(oup)g(clause)h Ft(of)395 1630 y(the)g(node)g(for)g
- (the)g(ne)o(w)g((re)o(written))e(query)m(.)270 1780
- y Fn(The)15 b(view)h(de 02nition)d(contains)i(a)g(ha)o(ving)f(clause:)
- 50 b Ft(No)o(w)15 b(we)g(will)g(look)g(at)g(the)g(problems)g(that)270
- 1840 y(can)e(arise)f(using)g Fp(vie)o(ws)i Ft(that)e(are)g(de 02ned)g
- (using)h(a)f(query)g(in)n(v)o(olving)g(a)g Fp(having)g(clause)p
- Ft(.)270 1959 y(Let)h(the)f(follo)o(wing)f Fp(vie)o(w)i(de 02nition)f
- Ft(be)g(gi)o(v)o(en:)330 2072 y Fr(create)29 b(view)g(test_view)330
- 2132 y(as)g(select)h(sno,)f(count(pno))g(as)h(number)419
- 2191 y(from)g(sells)419 2251 y(where)g(sno)f(>)h(2)419
- 2311 y(group)g(by)f(sno)419 2371 y(having)h(count(pno))e(>)i(1;)270
- 2480 y Ft(Simple)12 b(queries)g(against)g(this)h Fp(vie)o(w)g
- Ft(will)f(not)g(cause)h(an)o(y)f(troubles:)330 2592 y
- Fr(select)29 b(*)330 2652 y(from)g(test_view)330 2712
- y(where)g(sno)h(<>)f(5;)270 2821 y Ft(This)17 b(query)g(can)g(easily)g
- (be)g(re)o(written)f(by)g(adding)h(the)g Fp(wher)n(e)g(quali 02cation)
- f Ft(of)h(the)f(user')m(s)i(query)270 2881 y(()p Fr(sno)29
- b Fk(<>)h Fr(5)p Ft())11 b(to)i(the)f Fp(wher)n(e)h(quali 02cation)f
- Ft(of)g(the)g Fp(vie)o(w)h(de 02nition')n(s)24 b Ft(query)m(.)270
- 3000 y(The)f(ne)o(xt)g(query)f(is)h(also)g(simple)g(b)o(ut)f(it)g(will)
- h(cause)g(troubles)f(when)h(it)f(is)h(e)o(v)o(aluated)f(against)270
- 3060 y(the)12 b(abo)o(v)o(e)h(gi)o(v)o(en)f Fp(vie)o(w)h(de 02nition)p
- Ft(:)330 3173 y Fr(select)29 b(*)330 3232 y(from)g(test_view)330
- 3292 y(where)g(number)g(>)h(1;)g(/*)f(count(pno))g(in)h(the)f(view)h
- (def.)898 3352 y(*)f(is)h(called)59 b(number)29 b(here)h(*/)p
- eop
- %%Page: 71 71
- 71 70 bop 198 60 a Fm(3.7.)29 b(THE)13 b(REALIZA)-6 b(TION)14
- b(OF)e(THE)h(HA)-7 b(VING)12 b(CLA)m(USE)622 b Ft(71)198
- 234 y(The)13 b(currently)e(implemented)h(techniques)g(for)g(query)g(re)
- o(writing)e(will)i(re)o(write)g(the)g(query)g(to:)258
- 368 y Fr(select)29 b(*)258 428 y(from)g(sells)258 487
- y(where)g(sno)h(>)f(2)h(and)437 547 y(count(pno))f(>)h(1)258
- 607 y(group)f(by)h(sno)258 667 y(having)f(count(pno))g(>)h(1;)198
- 792 y Ft(which)12 b(is)h(an)f(in)n(v)o(alid)g(query)g(because)h(an)f
- Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)g(function)g Ft(appears)g(in)h(the)f
- Fp(wher)n(e)h(clause)p Ft(.)198 912 y(Also)g(the)f(ne)o(xt)g(query)g
- (will)g(cause)h(troubles:)258 1045 y Fr(select)29 b(pno,)g
- (count(sno))258 1105 y(from)g(test_view)258 1165 y(group)g(by)h(pno;)
- 198 1290 y Ft(As)16 b(you)f(can)h(see)g(this)g(query)f(does)h(neither)f
- (in)n(v)o(olv)o(e)g(a)h Fp(wher)n(e)g(clause)g Ft(nor)f(a)h
- Fp(having)f(clause)h Ft(b)o(ut)f(it)198 1350 y(contains)i(a)g
- Fp(gr)n(oup)g(clause)g Ft(which)g(groups)g(by)g(the)g(attrib)o(ute)f
- Fr(pno)p Ft(.)29 b(The)18 b(query)e(in)h(the)g(de 02nition)198
- 1410 y(of)d(the)g Fp(vie)o(w)h Ft(also)g(contains)f(a)h
- Fp(gr)n(oup)f(clause)h Ft(that)f(groups)g(by)g(the)h(attrib)o(ute)e
- Fr(sno)p Ft(.)22 b(The)15 b(two)e Fp(gr)n(oup)198 1469
- y(clauses)19 b Ft(are)f(in)h(con 03ict)e(with)i(each)f(other)g(and)g
- (therefore)g(the)g(query)g(cannot)g(be)h(re)o(written)e(to)h(a)198
- 1529 y(form)11 b(that)h(would)g(make)g(sense.)198 1649
- y Fn(Note:)38 b Ft(There)24 b(is)g(no)g(solution)g(to)g(the)g(abo)o(v)o
- (e)g(mentioned)g(problems)f(at)h(the)g(moment)f(and)h(it)198
- 1709 y(does)12 b(not)f(make)g(sense)h(to)f(put)g(much)h(ef)o(fort)d
- (into)i(that)h(because)g(the)f(implementation)f(of)h(the)h(support)198
- 1768 y(for)g(queries)g(like:)258 1902 y Fr(select)29
- b(pno_count,)g(count(sno))258 1962 y(from)g(()h(select)f(sno,)h
- (count(pno))e(as)i(pno_count)467 2022 y(from)f(sells)467
- 2081 y(where)g(sno)h(>)g(2)467 2141 y(group)f(by)h(sno)467
- 2201 y(having)f(count(pno))g(>)h(1))258 2261 y(group)f(by)h
- (pno_count;)198 2386 y Ft((which)12 b(is)g(part)g(of)g(the)h(SQL92)f
- (standard))g(will)g(automatically)f(also)i(solv)o(e)g(these)g
- (problems.)198 2506 y(In)26 b(the)h(ne)o(xt)g(part)f(of)h(the)g
- (current)f(section)h(we)g(will)f(present)h(the)g(changes)g(applied)f
- (to)h(the)198 2565 y(source)15 b(code)f(in)h(order)f(to)g(realize)h
- (the)f(abo)o(v)o(e)h(described)g(items.)22 b(Note)15
- b(that)f(it)h(is)g(not)f(necessary)h(to)198 2625 y(understand)e(the)h
- (meaning)g(of)f(e)o(v)o(ery)h(single)g(source)f(line)h(here)g(and)f
- (therefore)g(we)h(will)g(not)f(discuss)198 2685 y(detailed)j(questions)
- g(like)g(224Why)g(has)g(the)g(v)o(ariable)g Fr(varno)f
- Ft(to)h(be)g(increased)h(by)f(3?224.)27 b(Questions)198
- 2745 y(like)13 b(that)h(belong)f(to)h(a)g(chapter)f(dealing)g(with)h
- (the)g(implementation)e(of)h Fp(vie)o(ws)i Ft(in)f(PostgreSQL)f(and)198
- 2804 y(to)k(be)g(able)g(to)g(answer)g(them)g(it)g(would)f(be)h
- (necessary)h(to)f(kno)o(w)f(all)h(the)g(functions)g(and)g(not)f(only)
- 198 2864 y(those)g(described)g(here.)25 b(The)17 b(fact)e(important)f
- (for)h(us)h(is)g(to)g(make)f(sure,)i(that)f(whate)o(v)o(er)f(is)h
- (applied)198 2924 y(to)d(the)g Fp(tar)n(getlist)g Ft(and)g(the)g(data)h
- (structures)f(representing)f(the)h Fp(wher)n(e)i(clause)e
- Ft(is)h(also)f(applied)g(to)g(the)198 2984 y(data)f(structures)h(for)e
- (the)h Fp(having)g(clause)p Ft(.)17 b(There)12 b(are)h(three)f( 02les)
- g(af)o(fected:)273 3103 y Fk(:)c(:)g(:)p Fr
- (/src/backend/rewrite/rewriteHa)o(ndler.c)273 3163 y
- Fk(:)g(:)g(:)p Fr(/src/backend/rewrite/rewriteMa)o(nip.c)273
- 3223 y Fk(:)g(:)g(:)p Fr(/src/backend/commands/view.c)198
- 3342 y Ft(Here)29 b(is)h(a)g(description)f(of)g(the)g(changes)h(made)g
- (to)f(the)g(functions)g(contained)h(in)f(the)g( 02le)198
- 3402 y Fk(:)8 b(:)g(:)p Fr(/src/backend/rewrite/rewriteHandl)o(er.c)p
- Ft(:)p eop
- %%Page: 72 72
- 72 71 bop 270 60 a Ft(72)82 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(3.)28 b(POSTGRESQL)13
- b(FR)n(OM)f(THE)i(PR)n(OGRAMMER'S)f(POINT)f(OF)g(VIEW)345
- 234 y Fo( 17)25 b Fr(ApplyRetrieveRule())395 294 y
- Ft(This)g(function)g(becomes)g(in)n(v)o(oked)f(whene)o(v)o(er)h(a)g
- Fr(select)g Ft(statement)g(against)g(a)g Fp(vie)o(w)395
- 354 y Ft(is)f(recognized)g(and)g(applies)g(the)g Fp(r)n(e)o(write)h
- (rule)g Ft(stored)f(in)f(the)h Fp(system)h(catalogs)p
- Ft(.)51 b(The)395 413 y(additional)23 b(source)h(lines)g(gi)o(v)o(en)f
- (in)h(the)g(listing)f(belo)o(w)h(make)f(sure)h(that)g(the)g(functions)
- 395 473 y Fr(OffsetVarNodes())12 b Ft(and)j Fr(ChangeVarNodes())d
- Ft(that)i(are)h(in)n(v)o(oked)e(for)h(the)g Fp(wher)n(e)395
- 533 y(clause)g Ft(and)h(the)f Fp(tar)n(getlist)g Ft(of)g(the)g(query)g
- (gi)o(v)o(en)g(in)h(the)f Fp(vie)o(w)h(de 02nition)f
- Ft(are)g(also)h(called)f(for)395 593 y(the)i Fp(having)h(clause)g
- Ft(and)g(the)g Fp(gr)n(oup)g(clause)g Ft(of)f(the)h(query)f(in)h(the)g
- Fp(vie)o(w)g(de 02nition)p Ft(.)29 b(These)395 653 y(functions)11
- b(adapt)i(the)f Fr(varno)g Ft(and)g Fr(varattno)g Ft( 02elds)g(of)g
- (the)h Fr(VAR)f Ft(nodes)g(in)n(v)o(olv)o(ed.)395 730
- y(The)g(additional)g(source)g(lines)g(at)g(the)g(end)g(of)g
- Fr(ApplyRetrieveRule())e Ft(attach)i(the)g(data)395
- 790 y(structures)k(representing)g(the)h Fp(having)f(clause)i
- Ft(and)e(the)h Fp(gr)n(oup)g(clause)g Ft(of)f(the)h(query)f(in)h(the)
- 395 850 y Fp(vie)o(w)h(de 02nition)g Ft(to)g(the)g(re)o(written)e
- Fp(parsetr)n(ee)p Ft(.)34 b(As)19 b(mentioned)e(earlier)n(,)j(a)e
- Fp(vie)o(w)h(de 02nition)395 910 y Ft(in)n(v)o(olving)8
- b(a)i Fp(gr)n(oup)g(clause)g Ft(will)g(cause)g(troubles)f(whene)o(v)o
- (er)h(a)g(query)f(using)h(a)g(dif)o(ferent)e Fp(gr)n(oup)395
- 969 y(clause)i Ft(against)f(this)h Fp(vie)o(w)h Ft(is)f(e)o(x)o
- (ecuted.)16 b(There)10 b(is)g(no)f(mechanism)h(pre)o(v)o(enting)f
- (these)i(troubles)395 1029 y(included)h(at)g(the)g(moment.)395
- 1107 y(Note)30 b(that)g(the)g(functions)g Fr(OffsetVarNodes())e
- Ft(,)36 b Fr(ChangeVarNodes())28 b Ft(and)395 1167
- y Fr(AddHavingQual())14 b Ft(appearing)i(in)g Fr
- (ApplyRetrieveRule())e Ft(are)i(described)h(at)f(a)395
- 1227 y(later)c(point)f(in)i(time.)454 1337 y Fr(static)30
- b(void)454 1397 y(ApplyRetrieveRule(Query)e(*parsetree,)g(RewriteRule)
- h(*rule,)992 1456 y(int)h(rt_index,)f(int)g(relation_level,)992
- 1516 y(Relation)g(relation,)g(int)h(*modified))454 1576
- y({)514 1636 y(Query)59 b(*rule_action)29 b(=)h(NULL;)514
- 1696 y(Node)89 b(*rule_qual;)514 1755 y(List)g(*rtable,)1231
- 1815 y(.)1231 1875 y(.)1231 1935 y(.)514 1994 y(OffsetVarNodes((Node)
- 28 b(*))h(rule_action->targetList,)962 2054 y(rt_length);)514
- 2114 y(OffsetVarNodes(rule_qual,)e(rt_length);)395
- 2233 y(+)89 b(OffsetVarNodes((Node)28 b(*))h
- (rule_action->groupClause,)395 2293 y(+)537 b(rt_length);)395
- 2353 y(+)89 b(OffsetVarNodes((Node)28 b(*))h
- (rule_action->havingQual,)395 2413 y(+)537 b(rt_length);)1231
- 2473 y(.)1231 2532 y(.)1231 2592 y(.)514 2652 y
- (ChangeVarNodes(rule_qual,)962 2712 y(PRS2_CURRENT_VARNO)28
- b(+)i(rt_length,)962 2771 y(rt_index,)f(0);)395 2891
- y(+)89 b(ChangeVarNodes((Node)28 b(*))h(rule_action->groupClause,)
- 395 2951 y(+)537 b(PRS2_CURRENT_VARNO)28 b(+)i(rt_length,)395
- 3011 y(+)537 b(rt_index,)29 b(0);)395 3070 y(+)89 b
- (ChangeVarNodes((Node)28 b(*))h(rule_action->havingQual,)395
- 3130 y(+)537 b(PRS2_CURRENT_VARNO)28 b(+)i(rt_length,)395
- 3190 y(+)537 b(rt_index,)29 b(0);)1231 3250 y(.)1231
- 3309 y(.)1231 3369 y(.)p eop
- %%Page: 73 73
- 73 72 bop 198 60 a Fm(3.7.)29 b(THE)13 b(REALIZA)-6 b(TION)14
- b(OF)e(THE)h(HA)-7 b(VING)12 b(CLA)m(USE)622 b Ft(73)442
- 234 y Fr(if)30 b((*modified)f(&&)g(!badsql))442 294
- y({)502 354 y(AddQual(parsetree,)f(rule_action->qual);)323
- 413 y(+)149 b(/*)30 b(This)f(will)g(only)h(work)f(if)h(the)f(query)h
- (made)f(to)h(the)323 473 y(+)179 b(*)30 b(view)f(defined)g(by)h(the)f
- (following)g(groupClause)323 533 y(+)179 b(*)30 b(groups)f(by)g(the)h
- (same)f(attributes)g(or)h(does)f(not)h(use)323 593 y(+)179
- b(*)30 b(groups)f(at)g(all!)323 653 y(+)179 b(*/)323
- 712 y(+)g(if)29 b((parsetree->groupClause)f(==)h(NULL))323
- 772 y(+)268 b(parsetree->groupClause)28 b(=)323 832 y(+)597
- b(rule_action->groupClause;)323 892 y(+)179 b
- (AddHavingQual(parsetree,)323 951 y(+)597 b
- (rule_action->havingQual);)323 1011 y(+)179 b(parsetree->hasAggs)28
- b(=)323 1071 y(+)268 b((rule_action->hasAggs)28 b(||)i
- (parsetree->hasAggs);)323 1131 y(+)179 b(parsetree->hasSubLinks)27
- b(=)323 1191 y(+)268 b((rule_action->hasSubLinks)27
- b(||)323 1250 y(+)298 b(parsetree->hasSubLinks);)442
- 1310 y(})382 1370 y(})273 1529 y Fo( 17)25 b Fr
- (QueryRewriteSubLink())323 1588 y Ft(This)17 b(function)e(is)i
- (called)g(by)g Fr(QueryRewrite())e Ft(to)h(process)h(possibly)g
- (contained)f(sub-)323 1648 y(queries)d( 02rst.)k(It)c(searches)h(for)e
- (nested)i(queries)f(by)g(recursi)o(v)o(ely)f(tracing)h(through)f(the)h
- Fp(parse-)323 1708 y(tr)n(ee)h Ft(gi)o(v)o(en)g(as)g(ar)o(gument.)20
- b(The)15 b(additional)e(statement)h(makes)g(sure)g(that)f(the)h
- Fp(having)g(clause)323 1768 y Ft(is)e(also)h(e)o(xamined.)382
- 1911 y Fr(static)30 b(void)382 1970 y(QueryRewriteSubLink(Node)e
- (*node))382 2030 y({)442 2090 y(if)i((node)f(==)h(NULL))532
- 2150 y(return;)442 2209 y(switch)f((nodeTag(node)))442
- 2269 y({)502 2329 y(case)g(T_SubLink:)502 2389 y({)1159
- 2449 y(.)1159 2508 y(.)1159 2568 y(.)592 2628 y
- (QueryRewriteSubLink((Node)e(*))i(query->qual);)323
- 2688 y(+)239 b(QueryRewriteSubLink((Node)27 b(*))323
- 2747 y(+)836 b(query->havingQual);)1159 2807 y(.)1159
- 2867 y(.)1159 2927 y(.)502 2987 y(})1159 3046 y(.)1159
- 3106 y(.)1159 3166 y(.)442 3226 y(})442 3285 y(return;)382
- 3345 y(})p eop
- %%Page: 74 74
- 74 73 bop 270 60 a Ft(74)82 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(3.)28 b(POSTGRESQL)13
- b(FR)n(OM)f(THE)i(PR)n(OGRAMMER'S)f(POINT)f(OF)g(VIEW)345
- 234 y Fo( 17)25 b Fr(QueryRewrite())395 294 y Ft(This)c(function)g
- (takes)g(the)g Fp(parsetr)n(ee)h Ft(of)f(a)h(query)f(and)g(re)o(writes)
- f(it)i(using)f(PostgreSQL)-5 b(')m(s)395 354 y Fp(r)n(e)o(write)27
- b(system)p Ft(.)58 b(Before)26 b(the)g(query)g(itself)g(can)h(be)f(re)o
- (written,)j(subqueries)d(that)g(are)395 413 y(possibly)33
- b(part)f(of)g(the)h(query)f(ha)o(v)o(e)i(to)e(be)h(processed.)78
- b(Therefore)32 b(the)h(function)395 473 y Fr(QueryRewriteSubLink())17
- b Ft(is)k(called)f(for)g(the)g Fp(wher)n(e)h(clause)g
- Ft(and)f(for)f(the)h Fp(having)395 533 y(clause)p Ft(.)454
- 648 y Fr(List)30 b(*)454 708 y(QueryRewrite(Query)e(*parsetree))454
- 768 y({)514 828 y(QueryRewriteSubLink(parsetree->q)o(ual);)395
- 887 y(+)89 b(QueryRewriteSubLink(parsetree->h)o(avingQual)o();)514
- 947 y(return)29 b(QueryRewriteOne(parsetree);)454 1007
- y(})270 1122 y Ft(Here)c(we)h(present)f(the)g(changes)h(applied)f(to)g
- (the)h(functions)e(that)i(are)f(contained)g(in)g(the)g( 02le)270
- 1182 y Fk(:)8 b(:)g(:)p Fr(/src/backend/rewrite/rewriteManip)o(.c)p
- Ft(:)345 1278 y Fo( 17)25 b Fr(OffsetVarNodes())395
- 1338 y Ft(Recursi)o(v)o(ely)15 b(steps)h(through)f(the)g
- Fp(parsetr)n(ee)i Ft(gi)o(v)o(en)e(as)h(the)g( 02rst)f(ar)o(gument)g
- (and)g(increments)395 1398 y(the)h Fr(varno)f Ft(and)h
- Fr(varnoold)f Ft( 02elds)h(of)g(e)o(v)o(ery)g Fr(VAR)f
- Ft(node)h(found)g(by)g(the)g Fp(of)o(fset)g Ft(gi)o(v)o(en)g(as)395
- 1457 y(the)f(second)h(ar)o(gument.)24 b(The)16 b(additional)f
- (statements)g(are)h(necessary)g(to)f(be)g(able)h(to)f(handle)395
- 1517 y Fr(GroupClause)e Ft(nodes)h(and)g Fr(Sublink)g
- Ft(nodes)h(that)f(may)g(appear)g(in)g(the)g Fp(parsetr)n(ee)h
- Ft(from)395 1577 y(no)o(w)d(on.)454 1692 y Fr(void)454
- 1752 y(OffsetVarNodes(Node)28 b(*node,)h(int)h(offset))454
- 1812 y({)544 1871 y(if)g((node)f(==)h(NULL))634 1931
- y(return;)544 1991 y(switch)f((nodeTag(node)))544
- 2051 y({)1231 2111 y(.)1231 2170 y(.)1231 2230 y(.)395
- 2290 y(+)209 b(/*)29 b(This)h(has)f(to)h(be)g(done)f(to)h(make)f
- (queries)g(using)395 2350 y(+)239 b(*)29 b(groupclauses)g(work)g(on)h
- (views)395 2409 y(+)239 b(*/)395 2469 y(+)g(case)29 b(T_GroupClause:)
- 395 2529 y(+)239 b({)395 2589 y(+)298 b(GroupClause)29
- b(*group)g(=)h((GroupClause)e(*))i(node;)395 2649 y(+)395
- 2708 y(+)298 b(OffsetVarNodes((Node)28 b(*)(group->entry),)395
- 2768 y(+)747 b(offset);)395 2828 y(+)239 b(})395 2888
- y(+)g(break;)1231 2947 y(.)1231 3007 y(.)1231 3067 y(.)395
- 3127 y(+)g(case)29 b(T_SubLink:)395 3187 y(+)239 b({)395
- 3246 y(+)298 b(SubLink)29 b(*sublink)g(=)h((SubLink)f(*))h(node;)395
- 3306 y(+)298 b(List)30 b(*tmp_oper,)f(*tmp_lefthand;)395
- 3366 y(+)p eop
- %%Page: 75 75
- 75 74 bop 198 60 a Fm(3.7.)29 b(THE)13 b(REALIZA)-6 b(TION)14
- b(OF)e(THE)h(HA)-7 b(VING)12 b(CLA)m(USE)622 b Ft(75)323
- 234 y Fr(+)298 b(/*)30 b(We)g(also)f(have)h(to)f(adapt)g(the)h
- (variables)f(used)323 294 y(+)328 b(*)30 b(in)g(sublink->lefthand)e
- (and)h(sublink->oper)323 354 y(+)328 b(*/)323 413 y(+)298
- b(OffsetVarNodes((Node)28 b(*)(sublink->lefthand),)323
- 473 y(+)747 b(offset);)323 533 y(+)323 593 y(+)298 b(/*)30
- b(Make)f(sure)h(the)f(first)h(argument)f(of)323 653 y(+)328
- b(*)30 b(sublink->oper)e(points)i(to)f(the)h(same)f(var)h(as)323
- 712 y(+)328 b(*)30 b(sublink->lefthand)e(does)h(otherwise)g(we)h(will)
- 323 772 y(+)328 b(*)30 b(run)g(into)f(troubles)g(using)g(aggregates)g
- ((aggno)323 832 y(+)328 b(*)30 b(will)f(not)h(be)g(set)f(correctly))
- 323 892 y(+)328 b(*/)323 951 y(+)298 b(tmp_lefthand)29
- b(=)h(sublink->lefthand;)323 1011 y(+)298 b(foreach(tmp_oper,)28
- b(sublink->oper))323 1071 y(+)298 b({)323 1131 y(+)358
- b(lfirst(((Expr)29 b(*)lfirst(tmp_oper))->args))d(=)323
- 1191 y(+)1016 b(lfirst(tmp_lefthand);)323 1250 y(+)358
- b(tmp_lefthand)29 b(=)g(lnext(tmp_lefthand);)323 1310
- y(+)298 b(})323 1370 y(+)239 b(})323 1430 y(+)g(break;)1159
- 1489 y(.)1159 1549 y(.)1159 1609 y(.)472 1669 y(})382
- 1729 y(})273 1838 y Fo( 17)25 b Fr(ChangeVarNodes())323
- 1898 y Ft(This)d(function)f(is)h(similar)f(to)h(the)g(abo)o(v)o(e)g
- (described)g(function)f Fr(OffsetVarNodes())323 1958
- y Ft(b)o(ut)e(instead)h(of)f(incrementing)g(the)h( 02elds)g
- Fr(varno)f Ft(and)h Fr(varnoold)f Ft(of)g Fp(all)g Fr(VAR)h
- Ft(nodes)323 2017 y(found,)j(it)e(processes)h(only)f(those)g
- Fr(VAR)g Ft(nodes)h(whose)f Fr(varno)g Ft(v)o(alue)g(matches)g(the)g
- (pa-)323 2077 y(rameter)13 b Fr(old)p 582 2077 15 2 v
- 18 w(varno)h Ft(gi)o(v)o(en)g(as)h(ar)o(gument)f(and)g(whose)h
- Fr(varlevelsup)f Ft(v)o(alue)g(matches)323 2137 y(the)i(parameter)g
- Fr(sublevels)p 889 2137 V 17 w(up)p Ft(.)29 b(Whene)o(v)o(er)17
- b(such)g(a)g(node)g(is)g(found,)h(the)f Fr(varno)f Ft(and)323
- 2197 y Fr(varnoold)10 b Ft( 02elds)h(are)g(set)g(to)g(the)g(v)o(alue)g
- (gi)o(v)o(en)g(in)g(the)g(parameter)f Fr(new)p 1615 2197
- V 18 w(varno)p Ft(.)15 b(The)d(addi-)323 2257 y(tional)g(statements)i
- (are)f(necessary)h(to)f(be)h(able)f(to)g(handle)g Fr(GroupClause)f
- Ft(and)i Fr(Sublink)323 2316 y Ft(nodes.)382 2419 y Fr(void)382
- 2479 y(ChangeVarNodes(Node)28 b(*node,)h(int)h(old_varno,)831
- 2539 y(int)f(new_varno,)g(int)g(sublevels_up))382 2599
- y({)442 2658 y(if)h((node)f(==)h(NULL))532 2718 y(return;)442
- 2778 y(switch)f((nodeTag(node)))442 2838 y({)1159
- 2897 y(.)1159 2957 y(.)1159 3017 y(.)323 3077 y(+)149
- b(/*)30 b(This)f(has)h(to)f(be)h(done)f(to)h(make)f(queries)g(using)323
- 3137 y(+)179 b(*)30 b(groupclauses)e(work)i(on)f(views)g(*/)323
- 3196 y(+)149 b(case)29 b(T_GroupClause:)323 3256 y(+)149
- b({)323 3316 y(+)209 b(GroupClause)58 b(*group)29 b(=)h((GroupClause)f
- (*))g(node;)323 3376 y(+)p eop
- %%Page: 76 76
- 76 75 bop 270 60 a Ft(76)82 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(3.)28 b(POSTGRESQL)13
- b(FR)n(OM)f(THE)i(PR)n(OGRAMMER'S)f(POINT)f(OF)g(VIEW)395
- 234 y Fr(+)209 b(ChangeVarNodes((Node)27 b(*)(group->entry),)395
- 294 y(+)657 b(old_varno,)29 b(new_varno,)395 354 y(+)657
- b(sublevels_up);)395 413 y(+)149 b(})395 473 y(+)g(break;)1231
- 533 y(.)1231 593 y(.)1231 653 y(.)574 712 y(case)29 b(T_Var:)574
- 772 y({)1231 832 y(.)1231 892 y(.)1231 951 y(.)634 1011
- y(/*)g(This)h(is)f(a)h(hack:)g(Whenever)e(an)i(attribute)664
- 1071 y(*)f(from)h(the)f("outside")g(query)g(is)h(used)g(within)664
- 1131 y(*)f(a)h(nested)f(subquery,)g(the)h(varlevelsup)e(will)664
- 1191 y(*)h(be)h(>0.)g(Nodes)f(having)g(varlevelsup)g(>)g(0)h(are)664
- 1250 y(*)f(forgotten)g(to)h(be)g(processed.)e(The)i(call)f(to)664
- 1310 y(*)g(OffsetVarNodes())f(should)i(really)f(be)g(done)h(at)664
- 1370 y(*)f(another)g(place)h(but)f(this)h(hack)f(makes)g(sure)664
- 1430 y(*)g(that)h(also)f(those)h(VAR)f(nodes)g(are)h(processed.)664
- 1489 y(*/)395 1549 y(+)209 b(if)29 b((var->varlevelsup)f(>)i(0))395
- 1609 y(+)298 b(OffsetVarNodes((Node)28 b(*)var,3);)574
- 1669 y(})574 1729 y(break;)1231 1788 y(.)1231 1848 y(.)1231
- 1908 y(.)574 1968 y(case)h(T_SubLink:)574 2027 y({)1231
- 2087 y(.)1231 2147 y(.)1231 2207 y(.)395 2267 y(+)209
- b(ChangeVarNodes((Node)27 b(*))j(query->havingQual,)395
- 2326 y(+)657 b(old_varno,)29 b(new_varno,)395 2386 y(+)657
- b(sublevels_up);)395 2446 y(+)209 b(ChangeVarNodes((Node)27
- b(*))j(query->targetList,)395 2506 y(+)657 b(old_varno,)29
- b(new_varno,)395 2565 y(+)657 b(sublevels_up);)395 2625
- y(+)395 2685 y(+)209 b(/*)29 b(We)h(also)f(have)h(to)g(adapt)f(the)g
- (variables)g(used)h(in)395 2745 y(+)239 b(*)29 b(sublink->lefthand)f
- (and)i(sublink->oper)395 2804 y(+)239 b(*/)395 2864 y(+)209
- b(ChangeVarNodes((Node)27 b(*))j((sublink->lefthand),)395
- 2924 y(+)657 b(old_varno,)29 b(new_varno,)395 2984 y(+)657
- b(sublevels_up);)574 3044 y(})574 3103 y(break;)1231
- 3163 y(.)1231 3223 y(.)1231 3283 y(.)514 3342 y(})454
- 3402 y(})p eop
- %%Page: 77 77
- 77 76 bop 198 60 a Fm(3.7.)26 b(THE)13 b(REALIZA)-6 b(TION)14
- b(OF)e(THE)h(HA)-7 b(VING)12 b(CLA)m(USE)625 b Ft(77)273
- 234 y Fo( 17)25 b Fr(AddHavingQual())323 294 y Ft(This)17
- b(function)f(adds)h(the)g Fp(oper)o(ator)g(tr)n(ee)h
- Ft(gi)o(v)o(en)e(by)h(the)g(parameter)f Fr(havingQual)g
- Ft(to)g(the)323 354 y(one)k(attached)g(to)g(the)g( 02eld)g
- Fr(havingQual)f Ft(of)h(the)g Fp(parsetr)n(ee)i Ft(gi)o(v)o(en)e(by)g
- (the)g(parameter)323 413 y Fr(parsetree)p Ft(.)28 b(This)17
- b(is)g(done)g(by)g(adding)f(a)h(ne)o(w)g Fr(AND)g Ft(node)f(and)h
- (attaching)g(the)g(old)f(and)323 473 y(the)d(ne)o(w)h
- Fp(oper)o(ator)h(tr)n(ee)f Ft(as)h(ar)o(guments)f(to)f(it.)21
- b Fr(AddHavingQual())12 b Ft(has)i(not)g(been)g(e)o(xist-)323
- 533 y(ing)e(until)f(v6.3.2.)17 b(It)12 b(has)h(been)f(created)g(for)g
- (the)g Fp(having)g(logic)p Ft(.)382 667 y Fr(void)382
- 727 y(AddHavingQual(Query)28 b(*parsetree,)h(Node)g(*havingQual))382
- 787 y({)442 847 y(Node)59 b(*copy,)30 b(*old;)442 966
- y(if)g((havingQual)e(==)i(NULL))532 1026 y(return;)442
- 1146 y(copy)g(=)f(havingQual;)442 1265 y(old)h(=)f
- (parsetree->havingQual;)442 1325 y(if)h((old)f(==)h(NULL))562
- 1385 y(parsetree->havingQual)d(=)j(copy;)442 1445 y(else)562
- 1504 y(parsetree->havingQual)d(=)681 1564 y((Node)j(*))f
- (make_andclause()1010 1624 y(makeList(parsetree->havingQual,)1279
- 1684 y(copy,)g(-1));)382 1743 y(})273 1878 y Fo( 17)c
- Fr(AddNotHavingQual())323 1938 y Ft(This)17 b(function)f(is)i
- (similar)e(to)h(the)g(abo)o(v)o(e)h(described)f(function)f
- Fr(AddHavingQual())p Ft(.)29 b(It)323 1998 y(also)14
- b(adds)g(the)f Fp(oper)o(ator)i(tr)n(ee)f Ft(gi)o(v)o(en)g(by)f(the)h
- (parameter)f Fr(havingQual)f Ft(b)o(ut)i(pre 02x)o(es)g(it)f(by)323
- 2057 y(a)h Fr(NOT)g Ft(node.)22 b Fr(AddNotHavingQual())13
- b Ft(has)i(also)g(not)f(been)h(e)o(xisting)f(until)g(v6.3.2)h(and)323
- 2117 y(has)d(been)h(created)f(for)g(the)g Fp(having)g(logic)p
- Ft(.)382 2252 y Fr(void)382 2311 y(AddNotHavingQual(Query)28
- b(*parsetree,)890 2371 y(Node)i(*havingQual))382 2431
- y({)442 2491 y(Node)g(*copy;)442 2610 y(if)g((havingQual)e(==)i
- (NULL))532 2670 y(return;)442 2790 y(copy)g(=)f((Node)h(*))f
- (make_notclause((Expr)f(*)havingQual);)442 2849 y
- (AddHavingQual(parsetree,)f(copy);)323 2909 y(})273
- 3044 y Fo( 17)e Fr(nodeHandleViewRule())323 3103 y
- Ft(This)20 b(function)f(is)h(called)g(by)g Fr(HandleViewRule())p
- Ft(.)36 b(It)20 b(replaces)g(all)g Fr(VAR)f Ft(nodes)i(of)323
- 3163 y(the)16 b Fp(user)i(query)f Ft(e)o(v)o(aluated)f(against)g(the)h
- Fp(vie)o(w)g Ft((the)f( 02elds)h(of)f(these)h Fr(VAR)g
- Ft(nodes)f(represent)323 3223 y(the)g(positions)h(of)f(the)g(attrib)o
- (utes)g(in)h(the)f Fp(virtual)h Ft(table))f(by)g Fr(VAR)g
- Ft(nodes)h(that)f(ha)o(v)o(e)h(already)323 3283 y(been)c(prepared)g(to)
- h(represent)f(the)h(positions)g(of)f(the)h(corresponding)f(attrib)o
- (utes)g(in)g(the)h Fp(phys-)323 3342 y(ical)h Ft(tables)h((gi)o(v)o
- (en)f(in)h(the)g Fp(vie)o(w)g(de 02nition)p Ft().)25
- b(The)16 b(additional)f(statements)h(make)f(sure)h(that)323
- 3402 y Fr(GroupClause)11 b Ft(nodes)h(and)h Fr(Sublink)e
- Ft(nodes)i(are)f(handled)h(correctly)m(.)p eop
- %%Page: 78 78
- 78 77 bop 270 60 a Ft(78)85 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(3.)25 b(POSTGRESQL)13
- b(FR)n(OM)f(THE)i(PR)n(OGRAMMER'S)f(POINT)f(OF)g(VIEW)454
- 234 y Fr(static)30 b(void)454 294 y(nodeHandleViewRule(Node)e
- (**nodePtr,)g(List)i(*rtable,)1022 354 y(List)g(*targetlist,)e(int)i
- (rt_index,)1022 413 y(int)g(*modified,)e(int)i(sublevels_up))454
- 473 y({)514 533 y(Node)g(*node)f(=)h(*nodePtr;)514 593
- y(if)g((node)f(==)h(NULL))604 653 y(return;)514 712
- y(switch)f((nodeTag(node)))514 772 y({)1231 832 y(.)1231
- 892 y(.)1231 951 y(.)395 1011 y(+)149 b(/*)30 b(This)f(has)h(to)f(be)h
- (done)f(to)h(make)f(queries)g(using)395 1071 y(+)179
- b(*)30 b(groupclauses)e(work)i(on)f(views)395 1131 y(+)179
- b(*/)395 1191 y(+)149 b(case)29 b(T_GroupClause:)395
- 1250 y(+)149 b({)395 1310 y(+)209 b(GroupClause)58 b(*group)29
- b(=)h((GroupClause)f(*))g(node;)395 1370 y(+)209 b
- (nodeHandleViewRule((Node)27 b(**))i((&(group->entry)),)395
- 1430 y(+)777 b(rtable,)29 b(targetlist,)f(rt_index,)395
- 1489 y(+)777 b(modified,)28 b(sublevels_up);)395 1549
- y(+)149 b(})395 1609 y(+)g(break;)1231 1669 y(.)1231
- 1729 y(.)1231 1788 y(.)574 1848 y(case)29 b(T_Var:)574
- 1908 y({)1231 1968 y(.)1231 2027 y(.)1231 2087 y(.)634
- 2147 y(if)g((n)h(==)g(NULL))634 2207 y({)693 2267 y(*nodePtr)f(=)h
- (make_null(((Var)e(*)node)->vartype);)634 2326
- y(})634 2386 y(else)395 2446 y(+)209 b(/*)29 b(This)h(is)f(a)h(hack:)g
- (The)f(varlevelsup)g(of)g(the)395 2506 y(+)239 b(*)29
- b(original)g(variable)g(and)h(the)f(new)h(one)f(should)395
- 2565 y(+)239 b(*)29 b(be)h(the)g(same.)f(Normally)g(we)g(adapt)h(the)f
- (node)395 2625 y(+)239 b(*)29 b(by)h(changing)f(a)h(pointer)f(to)g
- (point)h(to)f(a)h(var)395 2685 y(+)239 b(*)29 b(contained)g(in)h
- ('targetlist'.)e(In)i(the)395 2745 y(+)239 b(*)29 b(targetlist)g(all)h
- (varlevelsups)e(are)i(0)f(so)h(if)395 2804 y(+)239 b(*)29
- b(we)h(want)f(to)h(change)f(it)h(to)g(the)f(original)395
- 2864 y(+)239 b(*)29 b(value)h(we)f(have)h(to)f(copy)h(the)f(node)h
- (before!)395 2924 y(+)239 b(*)29 b((Maybe)h(this)f(will)g(cause)h
- (troubles)f(with)g(some)395 2984 y(+)239 b(*)29 b(sophisticated)g
- (queries)g(on)g(views?))395 3044 y(+)239 b(*/)395 3103
- y(+)209 b({)395 3163 y(+)268 b(if(this_varlevelsup>0))395
- 3223 y(+)g({)395 3283 y(+)358 b(*nodePtr)29 b(=)h(copyObject(n);)395
- 3342 y(+)268 b(})395 3402 y(+)g(else)p eop
- %%Page: 79 79
- 79 78 bop 198 60 a Fm(3.7.)29 b(THE)13 b(REALIZA)-6 b(TION)14
- b(OF)e(THE)h(HA)-7 b(VING)12 b(CLA)m(USE)622 b Ft(79)323
- 234 y Fr(+)268 b({)323 294 y(+)328 b(*nodePtr)29 b(=)h(n;)323
- 354 y(+)268 b(})323 413 y(+)g(((Var)30 b(*)*nodePtr)->varlevelsup)d
- (=)323 473 y(+)836 b(this_varlevelsup;)323 533 y(+)209
- b(})562 593 y(*modified)29 b(=)g(TRUE;)502 653 y(})502
- 712 y(break;)1159 772 y(.)1159 832 y(.)1159 892 y(.)502
- 951 y(case)g(T_SubLink:)502 1011 y({)1159 1071 y(.)1159
- 1131 y(.)1159 1191 y(.)323 1250 y(+)209 b(nodeHandleViewRule()323
- 1310 y(+)508 b((Node)29 b(**))g(&(query->havingQual),)323
- 1370 y(+)508 b(rtable,)29 b(targetlist,)f(rt_index,)323
- 1430 y(+)508 b(modified,)28 b(sublevels_up);)323 1489
- y(+)209 b(nodeHandleViewRule()323 1549 y(+)508 b((Node)29
- b(**))g(&(query->targetList),)323 1609 y(+)508 b(rtable,)29
- b(targetlist,)f(rt_index,)323 1669 y(+)508 b(modified,)28
- b(sublevels_up);)323 1729 y(+)209 b(/*)29 b(We)h(also)f(have)h(to)g
- (adapt)f(the)g(variables)g(used)323 1788 y(+)239 b(*)29
- b(in)h(sublink->lefthand)e(and)h(sublink->oper)323 1848
- y(+)239 b(*/)323 1908 y(+)209 b(nodeHandleViewRule()323
- 1968 y(+)508 b((Node)29 b(**))g(&(sublink->lefthand),)323
- 2027 y(+)508 b(rtable,)29 b(targetlist,)f(rt_index,)323
- 2087 y(+)508 b(modified,)28 b(sublevels_up);)323 2147
- y(+)209 b(/*)29 b(Make)h(sure)f(the)h(first)f(argument)g(of)323
- 2207 y(+)239 b(*)29 b(sublink->oper)g(points)g(to)h(the)f(same)h(var)f
- (as)323 2267 y(+)239 b(*)29 b(sublink->lefthand)f(does)i(otherwise)f
- (we)g(will)323 2326 y(+)239 b(*)29 b(run)h(into)f(troubles)g(using)h
- (aggregates)323 2386 y(+)239 b(*)29 b((aggno)h(will)f(not)h(be)f(set)h
- (correctly!))323 2446 y(+)239 b(*/)323 2506 y(+)209
- b(pfree(lfirst(((Expr)27 b(*))323 2565 y(+)597 b
- (lfirst(sublink->oper))->args));)323 2625 y(+)209
- b(tmp_lefthand)28 b(=)i(sublink->lefthand;)323 2685 y(+)209
- b(foreach(tmp_oper,)28 b(sublink->oper))323 2745 y(+)209
- b({)323 2804 y(+)298 b(lfirst(((Expr)29 b(*))g
- (lfirst(tmp_oper))->args))f(=)323 2864 y(+)1016 b
- (lfirst(tmp_lefthand);)323 2924 y(+)298 b(tmp_lefthand)29
- b(=)h(lnext(tmp_lefthand);)323 2984 y(+)209 b(})502
- 3044 y(})502 3103 y(break;)1159 3163 y(.)1159 3223 y(.)1159
- 3283 y(.)442 3342 y(})382 3402 y(})p eop
- %%Page: 80 80
- 80 79 bop 270 60 a Ft(80)82 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(3.)28 b(POSTGRESQL)13
- b(FR)n(OM)f(THE)i(PR)n(OGRAMMER'S)f(POINT)f(OF)g(VIEW)345
- 234 y Fo( 17)25 b Fr(HandleViewRule())395 294 y Ft(This)11
- b(function)g(calls)g Fr(nodeHandleViewRule())f Ft(for)g(the)h
- Fp(wher)n(e)h(clause)p Ft(,)h(the)e Fp(tar)n(getlist)p
- Ft(,)395 354 y(the)h Fp(gr)n(oup)g(clause)h Ft(and)f(the)h
- Fp(having)f(clause)g Ft(of)g(the)h Fp(user)g(query)g
- Ft(e)o(v)o(aluated)f(against)g(the)g(gi)o(v)o(en)395
- 413 y Fp(vie)o(w)p Ft(.)454 537 y Fr(void)454 597 y
- (HandleViewRule(Query)28 b(*parsetree,)h(List)g(*rtable,)903
- 656 y(List)g(*targetlist,)g(int)g(rt_index,)903 716 y(int)g
- (*modified))454 776 y({)1231 836 y(.)1231 895 y(.)1231
- 955 y(.)395 1015 y(+)89 b(/*)30 b(The)f(variables)g(in)h(the)f
- (havingQual)g(and)395 1075 y(+)119 b(*)30 b(groupClause)e(also)i(have)f
- (to)h(be)g(adapted)395 1135 y(+)119 b(*/)395 1194 y(+)89
- b(nodeHandleViewRule(&parsetree->h)o(avingQual)o(,)27
- b(rtable,)395 1254 y(+)657 b(targetlist,)29 b(rt_index,)395
- 1314 y(+)657 b(modified,)29 b(0);)395 1374 y(+)89 b
- (nodeHandleViewRule()395 1433 y(+)328 b((Node)30 b
- (**)(&(parsetree->groupClaus)o(e)),)395 1493 y(+)328
- b(rtable,)29 b(targetlist,)g(rt_index,)g(modified,)g(0);)454
- 1553 y(})270 1676 y Ft(The)13 b(follo)o(wing)e(function)g(is)i
- (contained)f(in)g Fk(:)c(:)g(:)p Fr(/src/backend/commands/view.c)p
- Ft(:)345 1790 y Fo( 17)25 b Fr(UpdateRangeTableOfViewParse()o())395
- 1849 y Ft(This)f(function)f(updates)h(the)g Fp(r)o(ange)g(table)f
- Ft(of)g(the)h Fp(parsetr)n(ee)h Ft(gi)o(v)o(en)e(by)h(the)g(parameter)
- 395 1909 y Fr(viewParse)p Ft(.)14 b(The)e(additional)e(statement)h
- (makes)g(sure)g(that)g(the)g Fr(VAR)g Ft(nodes)g(of)f(the)h
- Fp(having)395 1969 y(clause)h Ft(are)h(modi 02ed)e(in)h(the)h(same)f
- (way)g(as)h(the)g Fr(VAR)f Ft(nodes)g(of)g(the)h Fp(wher)n(e)g(clause)g
- Ft(are.)454 2092 y Fr(static)30 b(void)454 2152 y
- (UpdateRangeTableOfViewParse(char)d(*viewName,)1291
- 2212 y(Query)i(*viewParse))454 2272 y({)1231 2331 y(.)1231
- 2391 y(.)1231 2451 y(.)514 2511 y(OffsetVarNodes(viewParse->qual,)d
- (2);)395 2630 y(+)89 b(OffsetVarNodes(viewParse->having)o(Qual,)27
- b(2);)1231 2690 y(.)1231 2750 y(.)1231 2810 y(.)454
- 2869 y(})270 3007 y Fn(Planner/Optimizer)270 3102 y Ft(The)18
- b Fp(planner)g Ft(b)o(uilds)f(a)h Fp(queryplan)g Ft(like)e(the)i(one)f
- (sho)o(wn)h(in)f( 02gure)g(3.8)h(and)g(in)f(addition)g(to)g(that)270
- 3162 y(it)f(takes)g(the)g Fp(oper)o(ator)h(tr)n(ee)g
- Ft(attached)f(to)g(the)g( 02eld)g Fr(havingClause)f
- Ft(of)g(the)h Fr(Query)g Ft(node)g(and)270 3222 y(attaches)d(is)g(to)f
- (the)g Fr(qpqual)g Ft( 02eld)g(of)g(the)g Fr(AGG)g Ft(node.)345
- 3283 y(Unfortunately)18 b(this)i(is)g(not)f(the)g(only)h(thing)f(to)g
- (do.)38 b(Remember)19 b(from)g(section)h(3.7.1)g Fp(How)270
- 3342 y(Aggr)n(e)n(gate)11 b(Functions)g(ar)n(e)g(Implemented)f
- Ft(that)g(the)h Fp(tar)n(getlist)f Ft(is)h(searched)g(for)f
- Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)f(functions)270 3402 y Ft(which)k(are)g(appended)g
- (to)g(a)g(list)g(that)g(will)g(be)g(attached)g(to)g(the)g( 02eld)g
- Fr(aggs)g Ft(of)g(the)g Fr(AGG)f Ft(node.)18 b(This)p
- eop
- %%Page: 81 81
- 81 80 bop 198 60 a Fm(3.7.)29 b(THE)13 b(REALIZA)-6 b(TION)14
- b(OF)e(THE)h(HA)-7 b(VING)12 b(CLA)m(USE)622 b Ft(81)198
- 234 y(was)14 b(suf)o( 02cient)f(as)i(long)e(as)i Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)e
- (functions)h Ft(ha)o(v)o(e)g(only)g(been)g(allo)o(wed)f(to)h(appear)g
- (within)f(the)198 294 y Fp(tar)n(getlist)p Ft(.)24 b(No)o(w)16
- b(the)f Fp(having)g(clause)h Ft(is)f(another)g(source)h(of)f
- Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)f(functions)p Ft(.)25 b(Consider)15
- b(the)198 354 y(follo)o(wing)c(e)o(xample:)258 459 y
- Fr(select)29 b(sno,)g(max(pno))258 519 y(from)g(sells)258
- 579 y(group)g(by)h(sno)258 638 y(having)f(count(pno))g(>)h(1;)198
- 742 y Ft(Here)14 b(the)g Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)f(functions)h
- Fr(max)g Ft(and)g Fr(count)g Ft(are)g(in)g(use.)21 b(If)14
- b(only)f(the)h Fp(tar)n(getlist)g Ft(is)h(scanned)198
- 802 y((as)f(it)g(was)g(the)f(case)i(before)e(the)h Fp(having)g(clause)
- g Ft(had)g(been)g(implemented))f(we)h(will)f(only)h( 02nd)f(and)198
- 862 y(process)18 b(the)g Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)g(function)f
- Fr(max)p Ft(.)32 b(The)19 b(second)f(function)f Fr(count)h
- Ft(is)g(not)g(processed)g(and)198 922 y(therefore)f(an)o(y)i(reference)
- f(to)g(the)g(result)g(of)g Fr(count)g Ft(from)g(within)f(the)i
- Fp(having)f(clause)h Ft(will)f(fail.)198 981 y(The)g(solution)g(to)f
- (this)h(problem)f(is)h(to)g(scan)g(the)g(whole)g Fp(oper)o(ator)g(tr)n
- (ee)h Ft(representing)e(the)g Fp(having)198 1041 y(clause)12
- b Ft(for)g Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)f(functions)h Ft(not)f(contained)h(in)g
- (the)g Fp(tar)n(getlist)g Ft(yet)g(and)g(add)g(them)g(to)f(the)h(list)h
- (of)198 1101 y Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)g(functions)g Ft(attached)h(to)f(the)
- h( 02eld)f Fr(aggs)g Ft(of)h(the)f Fr(AGG)g Ft(node.)20
- b(The)14 b(scanning)g(is)g(done)f(by)198 1161 y(the)18
- b(function)f Fr(check)p 614 1161 15 2 v 18 w(having)p
- 812 1161 V 17 w(qual)p 949 1161 V 17 w(for)p 1056 1161
- V 18 w(aggs())h Ft(which)g(steps)g(recursi)o(v)o(ely)g(through)f(the)
- 198 1220 y(tree.)198 1340 y(While)25 b(scanning)h(the)g
- Fp(having)f(clause)h Ft(for)f Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)g(functions)g
- Ft(not)h(contained)f(in)h(the)f Fp(tar)o(-)198 1400 y(getlist)18
- b Ft(yet,)j(an)e(additional)f(check)h(is)g(made)g(to)g(make)f(sure)h
- (that)f Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)g(functions)h Ft(are)g(used)198
- 1460 y(within)12 b(the)g Fp(having)g(clause)g Ft((otherwise)g(the)g
- (query)g(could)g(ha)o(v)o(e)g(been)h(formulated)e(using)h(the)g
- Fp(wher)n(e)198 1519 y(clause)p Ft().)k(Consider)c(the)g(follo)o(wing)
- f(query)h(which)g(is)h(not)f(a)h(v)o(alid)f(SQL92)g(query:)258
- 1625 y Fr(testdb=>)29 b(select)g(sno,)g(max(pno))258
- 1684 y(testdb->)g(from)g(sells)258 1744 y(testdb->)g(group)g(by)h(sno)
- 258 1804 y(testdb->)f(having)g(sno)h(>)f(1;)258 1864
- y(ERROR:)59 b(This)29 b(could)h(have)f(been)h(done)f(in)h(a)f(where)h
- (clause!!)258 1924 y(testdb=>)198 2027 y Ft(There)19
- b(is)f(no)g(need)h(to)f(e)o(xpress)h(this)f(query)g(using)h(a)f
- Fp(having)g(clause)p Ft(,)j(this)d(kind)g(of)g(quali 02cation)198
- 2087 y(belongs)12 b(to)h(the)f Fp(wher)n(e)h(clause)p
- Ft(:)258 2192 y Fr(select)29 b(sno,)g(max(pno))258
- 2252 y(from)g(sells)258 2312 y(where)g(sno)h(>)f(1)258
- 2372 y(group)g(by)h(sno;)198 2476 y Ft(There)17 b(is)g(still)f(an)g
- (unsolv)o(ed)h(problem)f(left.)27 b(Consider)17 b(the)f(follo)o(wing)f
- (query)h(where)h(we)f(want)g(to)198 2535 y(kno)o(w)c(just)g(the)h
- (supplier)f(numbers)g(()p Fr(sno)p Ft())f(of)h(all)g(suppliers)g
- (selling)h(more)f(than)g(one)g(part:)258 2641 y Fr(select)29
- b(sno)258 2701 y(from)g(sells)258 2760 y(group)g(by)h(sno)258
- 2820 y(having)f(count(pno))g(>)h(1;)198 2924 y Ft(The)14
- b Fp(planner)f Ft(creates)g(a)h Fp(queryplan)f Ft((like)f(the)h(one)g
- (sho)o(wn)g(in)g( 02gure)f(3.8))h(where)g(the)g Fp(tar)n(getlists)h
- Ft(of)198 2984 y(all)e(nodes)f(in)n(v)o(olv)o(ed)h(contain)f(only)g
- (entries)h(of)f(those)h(attrib)o(utes)f(listed)h(after)f(the)g
- Fr(select)g Ft(ke)o(yword)198 3044 y(of)18 b(the)h(query)m(.)35
- b(Looking)19 b(at)f(the)h(e)o(xample)g(abo)o(v)o(e)h(this)f(means)g
- (that)f(the)h Fp(tar)n(getlists)g Ft(of)g(the)f Fr(AGG)198
- 3103 y Ft(node,)c(the)f Fr(GRP)f Ft(node)h(the)g Fr(SORT)g
- Ft(node)g(and)g(the)g Fr(SeqScan)f Ft(node)h(contain)g(only)g(the)f
- (entry)h(for)f(the)198 3163 y(attrib)o(ute)d Fr(sno)p
- Ft(.)15 b(As)c(described)f(earlier)g(the)g Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gation)f
- (logic)h Ft(operates)g(on)g(attrib)o(utes)g(of)g(the)g(tuples)198
- 3223 y(returned)h(by)g(the)h(subplan)g(of)f(the)h Fr(AGG)f
- Ft(node)h((i.e.)j(the)d(result)g(of)f(the)g Fr(GRP)h
- Ft(node).)j(Which)d(attrib)o(utes)198 3283 y(are)17
- b(contained)f(in)g(the)h(tuples)g(handed)f(back)h(by)g(a)g(subplan)f
- (is)h(determined)f(by)h(the)f Fp(tar)n(getlist)p Ft(.)29
- b(In)198 3342 y(the)13 b(case)h(of)e(our)h(e)o(xample)g(the)f(attrib)o
- (ute)g Fr(pno)h Ft(needed)g(for)f(the)h Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)f(function)h
- Fr(count)f Ft(is)h(not)198 3402 y(included)f(and)g(therefore)g(the)g
- Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gation)f Ft(will)h(fail.)p eop
- %%Page: 82 82
- 82 81 bop 270 60 a Ft(82)85 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(3.)25 b(POSTGRESQL)13
- b(FR)n(OM)f(THE)i(PR)n(OGRAMMER'S)f(POINT)f(OF)g(VIEW)270
- 234 y Ft(The)h(solution)f(to)g(this)h(problem)e(is)i(gi)o(v)o(en)f(in)g
- (the)g(follo)o(wing)f(steps:)345 334 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(Make)12
- b(a)g(copy)g(of)g(the)h(actual)f Fp(tar)n(getlist)g Ft(of)g(the)g
- Fr(AGG)g Ft(node.)345 433 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(Search)17
- b(the)h Fp(oper)o(ator)h(tr)n(ee)g Ft(representing)e(the)h
- Fp(having)g(clause)h Ft(for)e(attrib)o(utes)g(that)h(are)g(not)395
- 493 y(contained)12 b(in)h(the)g Fp(tar)n(getlist)f Ft(of)h(the)g
- Fr(AGG)f Ft(node)h(yet)g(and)g(add)g(them)f(to)h(the)g(pre)o(viously)f
- (made)395 553 y(copy)m(.)345 653 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(The)12
- b(e)o(xtended)f Fp(tar)n(getlist)g Ft(is)h(used)g(to)f(create)h(the)f
- (subplan)h(attached)f(to)g(the)h Fr(lefttree)e Ft( 02eld)395
- 712 y(of)18 b(the)h Fr(AGG)f Ft(node.)35 b(That)19 b(means)g(that)g
- (the)f Fp(tar)n(getlists)h Ft(of)g(the)f Fr(GRP)h Ft(node,)h(of)f(the)f
- Fr(SORT)395 772 y Ft(node)g(and)g(of)f(the)h Fr(SeqScan)g
- Ft(node)g(will)f(no)o(w)h(contain)g(an)g(entry)f(for)h(the)g(attrib)o
- (ute)f Fr(pno)p Ft(.)395 832 y(The)c Fp(tar)n(getlist)g
- Ft(of)g(the)g Fr(AGG)g Ft(node)g(itself)g(will)g(not)g(be)h(changed)f
- (because)h(we)f(do)h(not)f(want)f(to)395 892 y(include)g(the)g(attrib)o
- (ute)f Fr(pno)i Ft(into)f(the)g(result)g(returned)f(by)i(the)f(whole)g
- (query)m(.)270 991 y(Care)17 b(has)g(to)f(be)h(taken)f(that)h(the)f
- Fr(varattno)g Ft( 02elds)h(of)f(the)h Fr(VAR)f Ft(nodes)h(used)g(in)f
- (the)h Fp(tar)n(getlists)270 1051 y Ft(contain)e(the)h(position)f(of)g
- (the)h(corresponding)e(attrib)o(ute)h(in)g(the)h Fp(tar)n(getlist)f
- Ft(of)g(the)h(subplan)f((i.e)h(the)270 1111 y(subplan)c(deli)o(v)o
- (ering)g(the)g(tuples)h(for)e(further)g(processing)i(by)f(the)g(actual)
- h(node).)270 1230 y(The)23 b(follo)o(wing)e(part)h(deals)g(with)g(the)
- h(source)f(code)h(of)f(the)g(ne)o(w)g(and)g(changed)h(functions)f(in-)
- 270 1290 y(v)o(olv)o(ed)12 b(in)h(the)f(planner/optimizer)e(stage.)17
- b(The)c( 02les)f(af)o(fected)g(are:)345 1410 y Fk(:)c(:)g(:)p
- Fr(/src/backend/optimizer/plan/se)o(trefs.c)345 1469
- y Fk(:)g(:)g(:)p Fr(/src/backend/optimizer/plan/pl)o(anner.c)270
- 1589 y Ft(Since)25 b(all)f(of)h(the)g(functions)f(presented)h(here)g
- (are)f(v)o(ery)h(long)g(and)g(would)f(need)h(v)o(ery)f(much)270
- 1649 y(space)13 b(if)f(presented)g(as)h(a)g(whole,)f(we)h(just)f(list)h
- (the)f(most)g(important)g(parts.)270 1768 y(The)23 b(follo)o(wing)e
- (two)g(functions)h(are)g(ne)o(w)g(and)g(ha)o(v)o(e)h(been)f(introduced)
- g(for)f(the)h Fp(having)g(logic)p Ft(.)270 1828 y(The)o(y)13
- b(are)f(contained)g(in)h(the)f( 02le)g Fk(:)c(:)g(:)p
- Fr(/src/backend/optimizer/plan/setref)o(s.c)p Ft(:)345
- 1928 y Fo( 17)25 b Fr(check)p 548 1928 15 2 v 17 w(having)p
- 745 1928 V 17 w(qual)p 882 1928 V 18 w(for)p 990 1928
- V 17 w(aggs())395 1988 y Ft(This)19 b(function)g(takes)g(the)g
- (representation)f(of)h(a)g Fp(having)g(clause)h Ft(gi)o(v)o(en)f(by)g
- (the)g(parameter)395 2047 y Fr(clause)p Ft(,)14 b(a)h
- Fp(tar)n(getlist)f Ft(gi)o(v)o(en)h(by)f(the)h(parameter)e
- Fr(subplanTargetList)g Ft(and)i(a)f Fp(gr)n(oup)395 2107
- y(clause)j Ft(gi)o(v)o(en)h(by)f(the)g(parameter)g Fr(groupClause)f
- Ft(as)j(ar)o(guments)e(and)g(scans)i(the)e(repre-)395
- 2167 y(sentation)e(of)g(the)h Fp(having)g(clause)g Ft(recursi)o(v)o
- (ely)f(for)g Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)g(functions)p Ft(.)25
- b(If)15 b(an)h Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)395 2227 y(function)i
- Ft(is)h(found)f(it)g(is)h(attached)g(to)g(a)g(list)f((internally)g
- (called)g Fr(agg)p 1682 2227 V 18 w(list)p Ft())g(and)h( 02nally)395
- 2286 y(returned)11 b(by)h(the)h(function.)395 2366 y(Additionally)g
- (the)i Fr(varno)f Ft( 02eld)g(of)g(e)o(v)o(ery)h Fr(VAR)f
- Ft(node)h(found)f(is)h(set)g(to)f(the)h(position)f(of)g(the)395
- 2426 y(corresponding)d(attrib)o(ute)g(in)i(the)f Fp(tar)n(getlist)g
- Ft(gi)o(v)o(en)g(by)g Fr(subplanTargetList)p Ft(.)395
- 2506 y(If)17 b(the)h Fp(having)f(clause)h Ft(contains)g(a)g(subquery)g
- (the)g(function)f(also)h(makes)g(sure,)i(that)d(e)o(v)o(ery)395
- 2565 y(attrib)o(ute)f(from)f(the)i Fp(main)g(query)g
- Ft(that)g(is)g(used)g(within)g(the)f(subquery)h(also)g(appears)g(in)g
- (the)395 2625 y Fp(gr)n(oup)11 b(clause)i Ft(gi)o(v)o(en)e(by)h
- Fr(groupClause)p Ft(.)j(If)c(the)h(attrib)o(ute)f(cannot)h(be)g(found)f
- (in)h(the)g Fp(gr)n(oup)395 2685 y(clause)g Ft(an)h(error)e(message)i
- (is)g(printed)e(to)i(the)f(screen)h(and)f(the)g(query)g(processing)h
- (is)f(aborted.)454 2804 y Fr(List)30 b(*)454 2864 y
- (check_having_qual_for_aggs(Node)d(*clause,)1261 2924
- y(List)j(*subplanTargetList,)1261 2984 y(List)g(*groupClause))454
- 3044 y({)514 3103 y(List)g(*t,)f(*l1;)514 3163 y(List)h(*agg_list)e(=)i
- (NIL;)514 3223 y(int)60 b(contained_in_group_clause)27
- b(=)i(0;)514 3342 y(if)h((IsA(clause,)e(Var)))514
- 3402 y({)p eop
- %%Page: 83 83
- 83 82 bop 198 60 a Fm(3.7.)29 b(THE)13 b(REALIZA)-6 b(TION)14
- b(OF)e(THE)h(HA)-7 b(VING)12 b(CLA)m(USE)622 b Ft(83)502
- 234 y Fr(TargetEntry)29 b(*subplanVar;)502 354 y(subplanVar)g(=)g
- (match_varid((Var)f(*))i(clause,)1249 413 y(subplanTargetList);)502
- 473 y(/*)g(Change)f(the)g(varattno)g(fields)g(of)h(the)532
- 533 y(*)g(var)f(node)h(to)f(point)h(to)f(the)h(resdom->resnofields)532
- 593 y(*)g(of)f(the)h(subplan)f((lefttree))532 653 y(*/)502
- 712 y(((Var)g(*))h(clause)->varattno)e(=)562 772
- y(subplanVar->resdom->resno;)502 832 y(return)h(NIL;)442
- 892 y(})442 951 y(else)502 1011 y(if)h((is_funcclause(clause))d(||)j
- (not_clause(clause))621 1071 y(||)g(or_clause(clause))e(||)i
- (and_clause(clause)))502 1131 y({)562 1191 y(int)f(new_length=0,)g
- (old_length=0;)562 1310 y(/*)g(This)h(is)f(a)h(function.)f(Recursively)
- g(call)g(this)592 1370 y(*)g(routine)g(for)h(its)g(arguments...)e
- ((i.e.)h(for)h(AND,)592 1430 y(*)f(OR,)h(...)f(clauses!))592
- 1489 y(*/)562 1549 y(foreach(t,)f(((Expr)i(*))f(clause)->args))
- 562 1609 y({)621 1669 y(old_length=length((List)f(*)agg_list);)621
- 1729 y(agg_list)h(=)h(nconc(agg_list,)741 1788 y
- (check_having_qual_for_aggs(lfir)o(st(t),)1309 1848
- y(subplanTargetList,)1309 1908 y(groupClause));)621
- 1968 y(if(((new_length=length((List)d(*)agg_list)))i(==)741
- 2027 y(old_length))g(||)g((new_length)g(==)h(0)))621
- 2087 y({)681 2147 y(elog(ERROR,"This)e(could)i(have)f(been)g(done)1309
- 2207 y(in)g(a)h(where)g(clause!!");)681 2267 y(return)f(NIL;)621
- 2326 y(})562 2386 y(})562 2446 y(return)g(agg_list;)502
- 2506 y(})502 2565 y(else)562 2625 y(if)g((IsA(clause,)g(Aggreg)))
- 562 2685 y({)621 2745 y(return)h(lcons(clause,)1040
- 2804 y(check_having_qual_for_aggs()1159 2864 y(((Aggreg)f
- (*)clause)->target,)1159 2924 y(subplanTargetList,)1159
- 2984 y(groupClause));)562 3044 y(})562 3103 y(else)1159
- 3163 y(.)1159 3223 y(.)1159 3283 y(.)382 3342 y(})p eop
- %%Page: 84 84
- 84 83 bop 270 60 a Ft(84)85 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(3.)25 b(POSTGRESQL)13
- b(FR)n(OM)f(THE)i(PR)n(OGRAMMER'S)f(POINT)f(OF)g(VIEW)345
- 234 y Fo( 17)25 b Fr(check)p 548 234 15 2 v 17 w(having)p
- 745 234 V 17 w(qual)p 882 234 V 18 w(for)p 990 234 V
- 17 w(vars())395 294 y Ft(This)19 b(function)g(takes)g(the)g
- (representation)f(of)h(a)g Fp(having)g(clause)h Ft(gi)o(v)o(en)f(by)g
- (the)g(parameter)395 354 y Fr(clause)11 b Ft(and)h(the)g(actual)h
- Fp(tar)n(getlist)e Ft(gi)o(v)o(en)h(by)h(the)f(parameter)f
- Fr(targetlist)p 1835 354 V 17 w(so)p 1912 354 V 18 w(far)h
- Ft(as)395 413 y(ar)o(guments)e(and)h(recursi)o(v)o(ely)f(scans)i(the)e
- (representation)g(of)h(the)f Fp(having)h(clause)g Ft(for)f(attrib)o
- (utes)395 473 y(that)i(are)g(not)h(included)f(in)g(the)h(actual)f
- Fp(tar)n(getlist)g Ft(yet.)k(Whene)o(v)o(er)d(such)g(an)f(attrib)o(ute)
- g(is)h(found)395 533 y(it)f(is)g(added)h(to)f(the)g(actual)h
- Fp(tar)n(getlist)f Ft(which)g(is)h( 02nally)e(returned)h(by)g(the)g
- (function.)395 611 y(Attrib)o(utes)20 b(contained)h(in)g(the)g
- Fp(having)g(clause)g Ft(b)o(ut)g(not)g(in)g(the)g Fp(tar)n(getlist)f
- Ft(sho)o(w)h(up)g(with)395 671 y(queries)12 b(like:)454
- 785 y Fr(select)30 b(sid)454 844 y(from)60 b(part)454
- 904 y(group)30 b(by)f(sid)454 964 y(having)h(min(pid))f(>)g(1;)395
- 1077 y Ft(In)9 b(the)g(abo)o(v)o(e)h(query)f(the)g(attrib)o(ute)g
- Fr(pid)g Ft(is)h(used)f(in)h(the)f Fp(having)g(clause)h
- Ft(b)o(ut)f(it)g(does)h(not)f(appear)395 1137 y(in)j(the)h
- Fp(tar)n(getlist)f Ft((i.e.)17 b(the)c(list)f(of)h(attrib)o(utes)f
- (after)g(the)g(ke)o(yword)g Fr(select)p Ft().)k(Unfortunately)395
- 1197 y(only)f(those)g(attrib)o(utes)g(are)g(deli)o(v)o(ered)g(by)g(the)
- h(subplan)f(and)h(can)f(therefore)f(be)i(used)g(within)395
- 1257 y(the)e Fp(having)g(clause)p Ft(.)22 b(T)l(o)15
- b(become)f(able)h(to)f(handle)g(queries)h(like)e(that)i(correctly)m(,)f
- (we)g(ha)o(v)o(e)h(to)395 1316 y(e)o(xtend)c(the)h(actual)g
- Fp(tar)n(getlist)f Ft(by)g(those)h(attrib)o(utes)g(used)g(in)f(the)h
- Fr(having)29 b(clause)11 b Ft(b)o(ut)g(not)395 1376 y(already)h
- (appearing)f(in)i(the)f Fp(tar)n(getlist)p Ft(.)454 1489
- y Fr(List)30 b(*)454 1549 y(check_having_qual_for_vars(Node)d
- (*clause,)1261 1609 y(List)j(*targetlist_so_far))454
- 1669 y({)514 1729 y(List)149 b(*t;)514 1848 y(if)30 b((IsA(clause,)e
- (Var)))514 1908 y({)574 1968 y(Rel)269 b(tmp_rel;)574
- 2087 y(tmp_rel.targetlist)28 b(=)i(targetlist_so_far;)574
- 2147 y(/*)g(Check)f(if)h(the)f(VAR)h(is)f(already)g(contained)g(in)h
- (the)604 2207 y(*)g(targetlist)604 2267 y(*/)574 2326
- y(if)g((tlist_member((Var)d(*)clause,)933 2386 y((List)i
- (*)targetlist_so_far))e(==)j(NULL))574 2446 y({)634
- 2506 y(add_tl_element(&tmp_rel,)d((Var)i(*)clause);)574
- 2565 y(})574 2625 y(return)g(tmp_rel.targetlist;)514
- 2685 y(})514 2745 y(else)574 2804 y(if)h((is_funcclause(clause))d
- (||)j(not_clause(clause))693 2864 y(||)g(or_clause(clause))e(||)i
- (and_clause(clause)))574 2924 y({)634 2984 y(/*)f(This)h(is)f(a)h
- (function.)f(Recursively)g(call)g(this)664 3044 y(*)g(routine)g(for)h
- (its)g(arguments...)664 3103 y(*/)634 3163 y(foreach(t,)e(((Expr)i
- (*))f(clause)->args))634 3223 y({)693 3283 y(targetlist_so_far)f(=)
- 753 3342 y(check_having_qual_for_vars(lfirst)o((t),)1231
- 3402 y(targetlist_so_far);)p eop
- %%Page: 85 85
- 85 84 bop 198 60 a Fm(3.7.)29 b(THE)13 b(REALIZA)-6 b(TION)14
- b(OF)e(THE)h(HA)-7 b(VING)12 b(CLA)m(USE)622 b Ft(85)562
- 234 y Fr(})562 294 y(return)29 b(targetlist_so_far;)502
- 354 y(})502 413 y(else)562 473 y(if)g((IsA(clause,)g(Aggreg)))562
- 533 y({)621 593 y(targetlist_so_far)f(=)681 653 y
- (check_having_qual_for_vars()1159 712 y(((Aggreg)h
- (*)clause)->target,)1159 772 y(targetlist_so_far);)621
- 832 y(return)h(targetlist_so_far;)562 892 y(})1159 951
- y(.)1159 1011 y(.)1159 1071 y(.)382 1131 y(})198 1271
- y Ft(The)13 b(ne)o(xt)f(function)g(is)h(found)e(in)h
- Fk(:)c(:)g(:)q Fr(/src/backend/optimizer/plan/)o(planner.c)o
- Ft(:)273 1386 y Fo( 17)25 b Fr(union)p 476 1386 15 2
- v 17 w(planner())323 1446 y Ft(This)14 b(function)f(creates)h(a)g
- Fp(plan)f Ft(from)g(the)h Fp(parsetr)n(ee)g Ft(gi)o(v)o(en)g(to)g(it)f
- (by)h(the)g(parameter)f Fr(parse)323 1505 y Ft(that)f(can)g(be)h(e)o(x)
- o(ecuted)g(by)f(the)g Fp(e)o(xecutor)p Ft(.)323 1595
- y(If)g Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)g(functions)g Ft(are)h(present)f((indicated)
- h(by)f Fr(parse->hasAggs)f Ft(set)j(to)e(true))g(the)323
- 1655 y( 02rst)f(step)i(is)g(to)f(e)o(xtend)g(the)g Fp(tar)n(getlist)g
- Ft(by)g(those)h(attrib)o(utes)f(that)g(are)g(used)h(within)e(the)h
- Fp(having)323 1715 y(clause)h Ft((if)e(an)o(y)i(is)h(present))e(b)o
- (ut)g(do)h(not)f(appear)h(in)g(the)f Fp(select)i(list)e
- Ft((Refer)g(to)h(the)g(description)323 1775 y(of)e Fr(check)p
- 529 1775 V 18 w(having)p 727 1775 V 17 w(qual)p 864 1775
- V 18 w(for)p 972 1775 V 17 w(vars())h Ft(abo)o(v)o(e).)323
- 1865 y(The)17 b(ne)o(xt)g(step)g(is)g(to)g(call)f(the)h(function)f
- Fr(query)p 1224 1865 V 17 w(planner())g Ft(creating)g(a)h
- Fp(plan)g Ft(without)323 1924 y(taking)c(the)g Fp(gr)n(oup)h(clause)p
- Ft(,)h(the)e Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)g(functions)g Ft(and)h(the)g
- Fp(having)f(clause)h Ft(into)f(account)323 1984 y(for)e(the)h(moment.)
- 323 2074 y(Ne)o(xt)j(insert)h(a)f Fr(GRP)h Ft(node)f(at)h(the)f(top)h
- (of)f(the)g Fp(plan)h Ft(according)f(to)g(the)h Fp(gr)n(oup)f(clause)h
- Ft(of)f(the)323 2134 y Fp(parsetr)n(ee)e Ft(if)f(an)o(y)g(is)h
- (present.)323 2224 y(Add)d(an)h Fr(AGG)g Ft(node)f(to)h(the)g(top)f(of)
- h(the)f(current)g Fp(plan)h Ft(if)f Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)g(functions)h
- Ft(are)f(present)h(and)323 2284 y(if)g(a)i Fp(having)f(clause)h
- Ft(is)f(present)h(additionally)e(perform)g(the)h(follo)o(wing)f(steps:)
- 382 2404 y Fn(226)25 b Ft(Perform)9 b(v)o(arious)i(transformations)e
- (to)i(the)g(representation)f(of)g(the)h Fp(having)f(clause)h
- Ft((e.g.)432 2463 y(transform)g(it)h(to)h(CNF)l(,)f
- Fk(:)c(:)g(:)q Ft().)382 2553 y Fn(226)25 b Ft(Attach)30
- b(the)f(transformed)f(representation)h(of)g(the)h Fp(having)f(clause)h
- Ft(to)f(the)g( 02eld)432 2613 y Fr(plan.qual)12 b Ft(of)g(the)g(just)g
- (created)h Fr(AGG)f Ft(node.)382 2703 y Fn(226)25 b
- Ft(Examine)15 b(the)g(whole)g Fp(having)f(clause)h Ft(and)g(search)g
- (for)f Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)g(functions)p Ft(.)23 b(This)16
- b(is)432 2763 y(done)10 b(using)g(the)g(function)f Fr(check)p
- 1057 2763 V 17 w(having)p 1254 2763 V 18 w(qual)p 1392
- 2763 V 17 w(for)p 1499 2763 V 18 w(aggs())g Ft(which)h(appends)432
- 2823 y(e)o(v)o(ery)i Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)g(function)g
- Ft(found)f(to)h(a)h(list)f(that)h(is)f( 02nally)g(returned.)382
- 2913 y Fn(226)25 b Ft(Append)12 b(the)h(list)f(just)h(created)f(to)g
- (the)g(list)h(already)f(attached)g(to)h(the)f( 02eld)g
- Fr(aggs)g Ft(of)g(the)432 2972 y Fr(AGG)g Ft(node)h((this)f(list)g
- (contains)g(the)h Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)e(functions)h Ft(found)g(in)g(the)
- h Fp(tar)n(getlist)p Ft().)382 3062 y Fn(226)25 b Ft(Make)10
- b(sure)h(that)f Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)f(functions)h Ft(do)h(appear)f(in)g
- (the)g Fp(having)g(clause)p Ft(.)16 b(This)11 b(is)f(done)432
- 3122 y(by)15 b(comparing)f(the)g(length)g(of)h(the)f(list)h(attached)g
- (to)f Fr(aggs)h Ft(before)f(and)g(after)g(the)h(call)432
- 3182 y(to)h Fr(check)p 640 3182 V 17 w(having)p 837 3182
- V 18 w(qual)p 975 3182 V 17 w(for)p 1082 3182 V 18 w(aggs())p
- Ft(.)26 b(If)15 b(the)h(length)g(has)h(not)e(changed,)j(we)432
- 3242 y(kno)o(w)e(that)h(no)g Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)f(function)g
- Ft(has)h(been)g(detected)g(and)g(that)f(this)h(query)f(could)432
- 3302 y(ha)o(v)o(e)d(been)g(formulated)f(using)g(only)h(a)g
- Fp(wher)n(e)h(clause)p Ft(.)j(In)12 b(this)h(case)h(an)f(error)e
- (message)432 3361 y(is)i(printed)e(to)i(the)f(screen)h(and)f(the)g
- (processing)h(is)f(aborted.)p eop
- %%Page: 86 86
- 86 85 bop 270 60 a Ft(86)85 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(3.)25 b(POSTGRESQL)13
- b(FR)n(OM)f(THE)i(PR)n(OGRAMMER'S)f(POINT)f(OF)g(VIEW)454
- 234 y Fr(Plan)30 b(*)454 294 y(union_planner(Query)e(*parse))454
- 354 y({)544 413 y(List)209 b(*tlist)29 b(=)h(parse->targetList;)395
- 533 y(+)119 b(/*)30 b(copy)f(the)h(original)f(tlist,)g(we)g(will)h
- (need)f(the)395 593 y(+)149 b(*)30 b(original)f(one)g(for)h(the)f(AGG)h
- (node)f(later)h(on)f(*/)395 653 y(+)149 b(List)29 b(*new_tlist)g(=)h
- (new_unsorted_tlist(tlist);)1231 712 y(.)1231 772 y(.)1231
- 832 y(.)395 892 y(+)268 b(if)30 b((parse->hasAggs))395
- 951 y(+)268 b({)395 1011 y(+)328 b(/*)30 b(extend)f(targetlist)g(by)g
- (variables)g(not)395 1071 y(+)358 b(*)30 b(contained)f(already)g(but)g
- (used)h(in)f(the)395 1131 y(+)358 b(*)30 b(havingQual.)395
- 1191 y(+)358 b(*/)395 1250 y(+)328 b(if)30 b((parse->havingQual)e(!=)h
- (NULL))395 1310 y(+)388 b({)395 1370 y(+)448 b(new_tlist)29
- b(=)395 1430 y(+)508 b(check_having_qual_for_vars()395
- 1489 y(+)896 b(parse->havingQual,)395 1549 y(+)g(new_tlist);)395
- 1609 y(+)388 b(})395 1669 y(+)268 b(})1231 1729 y(.)1231
- 1788 y(.)1231 1848 y(.)693 1908 y(/*)30 b(Call)g(the)f(planner)g(for)h
- (everything)723 1968 y(*)g(but)g(groupclauses)e(and)i(aggregate)f
- (funcs.)723 2027 y(*/)693 2087 y(result_plan)g(=)h
- (query_planner(parse,)1411 2147 y(parse->commandType,)1411
- 2207 y(new_tlist,)1411 2267 y((List)f(*))h(parse->qual);)1231
- 2326 y(.)1231 2386 y(.)1231 2446 y(.)634 2506 y(/*)f(If)h(aggregate)f
- (is)h(present,)e(insert)i(the)f(AGG)h(node)664 2565 y(*/)634
- 2625 y(if)f((parse->hasAggs))634 2685 y({)693 2745
- y(int)h(old_length=0,)e(new_length=0;)693 2804 y(/*)i(Create)f(the)h
- (AGG)f(node)h(but)f(use)h('tlist')f(not)723 2864 y(*)h('new_tlist')f
- (as)g(target)h(list)f(because)g(we)723 2924 y(*)h(don't)f(want)h(the)f
- (additional)g(attributes)723 2984 y(*)h((only)f(used)h(for)f(the)h
- (havingQual,)f(see)723 3044 y(*)h(above))f(to)h(show)f(up)h(in)g(the)f
- (result.)723 3103 y(*/)693 3163 y(result_plan)g(=)h((Plan)f(*))h
- (make_agg(tlist,)1560 3223 y(result_plan);)1231 3283
- y(.)1231 3342 y(.)1231 3402 y(.)p eop
- %%Page: 87 87
- 87 86 bop 198 60 a Fm(3.7.)29 b(THE)13 b(REALIZA)-6 b(TION)14
- b(OF)e(THE)h(HA)-7 b(VING)12 b(CLA)m(USE)622 b Ft(87)323
- 234 y Fr(+)268 b(/*)30 b(Check)f(every)h(clause)f(of)h(the)f
- (havingQual)g(for)323 294 y(+)298 b(*)30 b(aggregates)f(used)g(and)h
- (append)f(them)g(to)323 354 y(+)298 b(*)30 b(the)g(list)f(in)h
- (result_plan->aggs)323 413 y(+)298 b(*/)323 473 y(+)268
- b(foreach(clause,)323 533 y(+)508 b(((Agg)29 b(*))h
- (result_plan)->plan.qual))323 593 y(+)268 b({)323 653
- y(+)328 b(/*)30 b(Make)f(sure)h(there)f(are)h(aggregates)e(in)i(the)323
- 712 y(+)358 b(*)30 b(havingQual)f(if)g(so,)h(the)f(list)h(must)f(be)323
- 772 y(+)358 b(*)30 b(longer)f(after)g(check_having_qual_for_aggs)323
- 832 y(+)358 b(*/)323 892 y(+)328 b(old_length)29 b(=)323
- 951 y(+)388 b(length(((Agg)29 b(*))g(result_plan)->aggs);)323
- 1011 y(+)323 1071 y(+)328 b(((Agg)30 b(*))f(result_plan)->aggs)f(=)
- 323 1131 y(+)418 b(nconc(((Agg)29 b(*))g(result_plan)->aggs,)323
- 1191 y(+)597 b(check_having_qual_for_aggs()323 1250
- y(+)657 b((Node)29 b(*))h(lfirst(clause),)323 1310
- y(+)657 b(((Agg)29 b(*)result_plan)->)323 1370 y(+)777
- b(plan.lefttree->targetlist,)323 1430 y(+)657 b(((List)29
- b(*))h(parse->groupClause)));)323 1489 y(+)328 b(/*)30
- b(Have)f(a)h(look)g(at)f(the)h(length)f(of)h(the)f(returned)323
- 1549 y(+)358 b(*)30 b(list.)f(If)h(there)f(is)h(no)f(difference,)g(no)
- 323 1609 y(+)358 b(*)30 b(aggregates)f(have)g(been)g(found)h(and)f
- (that)h(means)323 1669 y(+)358 b(*)30 b(that)f(the)h(Qual)f(belongs)g
- (to)h(the)g(where)f(clause)323 1729 y(+)358 b(*/)323
- 1788 y(+)328 b(if)30 b((((new_length)e(=)323 1848
- y(+)508 b(length(((Agg)28 b(*))i(result_plan)->aggs))==)323
- 1908 y(+)508 b(old_length))28 b(||)i((new_length)e(==)i(0)))323
- 1968 y(+)328 b({)323 2027 y(+)388 b(elog(ERROR,"This)28
- b(could)h(have)h(been)f(done)h(in)f(a)323 2087 y(+)1135
- b(where)29 b(clause!!");)323 2147 y(+)388 b(return)29
- b((Plan)h(*)NIL;)323 2207 y(+)328 b(})323 2267 y(+)268
- b(})1159 2326 y(.)1159 2386 y(.)1159 2446 y(.)382 2506
- y(})198 2647 y Fn(Executor)198 2743 y Ft(The)17 b Fp(e)o(xecutor)g
- Ft(takes)g(the)f Fp(queryplan)h Ft(produced)f(by)g(the)h
- Fp(planner/optimizer)g Ft(in)f(the)h(way)f(just)g(de-)198
- 2803 y(scribed)c(and)g(processes)h(all)e Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)g
- (functions)h Ft(in)g(the)g(way)f(described)h(in)g(section)g(3.7.1)g
- Fp(The)g(Im-)198 2863 y(plementation)g(of)g(Aggr)n(e)n(gate)g
- (Functions)h Ft(b)o(ut)f(before)g(the)g(tuple)g(deri)o(v)o(ed)g(is)h
- (handed)f(back)h(the)f Fp(oper)o(-)198 2922 y(ator)h(tr)n(ee)g
- Ft(attached)f(to)g(the)h( 02eld)f Fr(qpqual)g Ft(is)g(e)o(v)o(aluated)
- g(by)h(calling)f(the)g(function)g Fr(ExecQual())p Ft(.)198
- 2982 y(This)i(function)e(recursi)o(v)o(ely)g(steps)i(through)e(the)h
- Fp(oper)o(ator)h(tr)n(ee)f Ft((i.e.)18 b(the)13 b Fp(having)g(clause)p
- Ft())g(and)g(e)o(v)o(al-)198 3042 y(uates)k(the)g(predicates)f
- (appearing)g(there.)29 b(Thanks)17 b(to)g(our)f(changes)h(that)f(ha)o
- (v)o(e)h(been)g(made)g(to)f(the)198 3102 y Fp(planner)i
- Ft(the)g(v)o(alues)f(of)h(all)g(operands)f(needed)h(to)g(e)o(v)o
- (aluate)f(the)h(predicates)g((e.g.)32 b(the)18 b(v)o(alues)g(of)198
- 3162 y(all)13 b Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)f(functions)p Ft())g(are)h(already)
- f(present)h(and)g(can)g(be)g(accessed)i(throughout)c(the)i(e)o(v)o
- (aluation)198 3221 y(without)f(an)o(y)g(problems.)273
- 3283 y(If)i(the)h(e)o(v)o(aluation)e(of)i(the)f Fp(having)h
- (quali 02cation)f Ft(returns)g Fr(true)g Ft(the)h(tuple)g(is)g
- (returned)e(by)i(the)198 3342 y(function)c Fr(execAgg())h
- Ft(otherwise)g(it)g(is)h(ignored)f(and)g(the)g(ne)o(xt)h(group)e(is)i
- (processed.)p eop
- %%Page: 88 88
- 88 87 bop 270 60 a Ft(88)82 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(3.)28 b(POSTGRESQL)13
- b(FR)n(OM)f(THE)i(PR)n(OGRAMMER'S)f(POINT)f(OF)g(VIEW)270
- 234 y Ft(The)26 b(necessary)h(changes)f(and)g(enhancements)g(ha)o(v)o
- (e)g(been)g(applied)f(to)h(the)g(follo)o(wing)e(func-)270
- 294 y(tion)12 b(in)g(the)g( 02le)h Fk(:)8 b(:)g(:)p
- Fr(/src/backend/executor/nodeAgg)o(.c)p Ft(:)345 391
- y Fo( 17)25 b Fr(execAgg())17 b Ft(Whene)o(v)o(er)g(the)h
- Fp(e)o(xecutor)h Ft(gets)f(to)g(an)g Fr(AGG)g Ft(node)g(this)g
- (function)f(is)i(called.)395 451 y(Before)d(the)g Fp(having)g(logic)g
- Ft(had)g(been)h(implemented,)g(all)g(the)f Fp(tuples)h
- Ft(of)f(the)g(current)g(group)395 511 y(were)j(fetched)f(from)g(the)h
- Fp(subplan)g Ft(and)h(all)f Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)f(functions)h
- Ft(were)g(applied)g(to)g(these)395 571 y(tuples.)c(After)d(that,)h(the)
- f(results)g(were)h(handed)f(back)h(to)f(the)g(calling)g(function.)395
- 650 y(Since)i(the)g Fp(having)h(logic)f Ft(has)h(been)f(implemented)g
- (there)h(is)f(one)h(additional)f(step)h(e)o(x)o(ecuted.)395
- 710 y(Before)d(the)h(results)g(of)f(applying)g(the)h
- Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gate)f(functions)g Ft(are)h(handed)g(back,)g(the)g
- (function)395 769 y Fr(ExecQual())d Ft(is)i(called)f(with)h(the)f
- (representation)g(of)g(the)g Fp(having)h(clause)g Ft(as)g(an)f(ar)o
- (gument.)395 829 y(If)h Fr(true)h Ft(is)h(returned,)f(the)g(results)g
- (are)g(handed)h(back,)g(otherwise)f(the)o(y)g(are)g(ignored)g(and)g(we)
- 395 889 y(start)18 b(from)f(the)i(be)o(ginning)f(for)f(the)i(ne)o(xt)f
- (group)g(until)g(a)g(group)g(meeting)g(the)h(restrictions)395
- 949 y(gi)o(v)o(en)12 b(in)g(the)g Fp(having)g(clause)h
- Ft(is)g(found.)454 1066 y Fr(TupleTableSlot)29 b(*)454
- 1125 y(ExecAgg(Agg)g(*node))454 1185 y({)1231 1245
- y(.)1231 1305 y(.)1231 1364 y(.)634 1424 y(/*)g(We)h(loop)f(retrieving)
- g(groups)g(until)h(we)f(find)h(one)664 1484 y(*)f(matching)g
- (node->plan.qual)664 1544 y(*/)395 1603 y(+)209 b(do)395
- 1663 y(+)g({)1231 1723 y(.)1231 1783 y(.)1231 1843 y(.)693
- 1902 y(/*)30 b(Apply)f(*all*)h(aggregate)f(function)g(to)g(the)723
- 1962 y(*)h(tuples)f(of)h(the)g(*current*)e(group)723
- 2022 y(*/)1231 2082 y(.)1231 2141 y(.)1231 2201 y(.)693
- 2261 y(econtext->ecxt_scantuple)g(=)962 2321 y
- (aggstate->csstate.css_ScanTupleSlot)o(;)693 2381 y(resultSlot)h(=)h
- (ExecProject(projInfo,)d(&isDone);)395 2500 y(+)268
- b(/*)30 b(As)g(long)f(as)h(the)f(retrieved)g(group)h(does)f(not)395
- 2560 y(+)298 b(*)30 b(match)f(the)h(qualifications)e(it)i(is)g(ignored)
- f(and)395 2620 y(+)298 b(*)30 b(the)g(next)f(group)g(is)h(fetched)395
- 2679 y(+)298 b(*/)395 2739 y(+)268 b(if(node->plan.qual)28
- b(!=)i(NULL))395 2799 y(+)268 b({)395 2859 y(+)328 b(qual_result)29
- b(=)395 2919 y(+)448 b(ExecQual(fix_opids(node->plan)o(.qual),)395
- 2978 y(+)717 b(econtext);)395 3038 y(+)268 b(})395 3098
- y(+)g(if)30 b((oneTuple))f(pfree(oneTuple);)395 3158
- y(+)209 b(})395 3217 y(+)g(while((node->plan.qual!=NULL)o())27
- b(&&)395 3277 y(+)926 b((qual_result!=true));)634
- 3337 y(return)29 b(resultSlot;)454 3397 y(})p eop
- %%Page: 89 89
- 89 88 bop 198 60 a Fm(3.8.)29 b(THE)13 b(REALIZA)-6 b(TION)14
- b(OF)e(UNION,)g(INTERSECT)i(AND)f(EXCEPT)349 b Ft(89)198
- 234 y Fi(3.8)71 b(The)18 b(Realization)f(of)g(Union,)g(Intersect)g(and)
- h(Except)198 352 y Ft(SQL92)12 b(supports)g(the)h(well)f(kno)o(wn)g
- (set)g(theoretic)g(operations)g Fp(union)p Ft(,)g Fp(intersect)h
- Ft(and)f Fp(set)h(dif)o(fer)n(ence)198 411 y Ft((the)j
- Fp(set)h(dif)o(fer)n(ence)f Ft(is)h(called)f Fp(e)o(xcept)h
- Ft(in)f(SQL92).)27 b(The)17 b(operators)f(are)g(used)h(to)f(connect)g
- (two)g(or)198 471 y(more)c Fr(select)g Ft(statements.)18
- b(Ev)o(ery)13 b Fr(select)f Ft(statement)h(returns)f(a)h(set)g(of)f
- (tuples)h(and)g(the)g(opera-)198 531 y(tors)f(between)h(the)f
- Fr(select)g Ft(statements)g(tell)h(ho)o(w)f(to)g(mer)o(ge)g(the)g
- (returned)g(sets)h(of)f(tuples)g(into)g(one)198 591 y(result)g
- (relation.)198 729 y Fn(Example)h(3.4)25 b Ft(Let)13
- b(the)f(follo)o(wing)f(tables)i(be)f(gi)o(v)o(en:)616
- 842 y Fr(A)60 b(C1|C2|C3)268 b(B)60 b(C1|C2|C3)706 902
- y(--+--+--)358 b(--+--+--)736 961 y(1|)30 b(a|)f(b)389
- b(1|)29 b(a|)h(b)736 1021 y(2|)g(a|)f(b)389 b(5|)29 b(a|)h(b)736
- 1081 y(3|)g(c|)f(d)389 b(3|)29 b(c|)h(d)736 1141 y(4|)g(e|)f(f)389
- b(8|)29 b(e|)h(f)945 1260 y(C)60 b(C1|C2|C3)1035 1320
- y(--+--+--)1065 1380 y(4|)29 b(e|)h(f)1065 1440 y(8|)f(e|)h(f)198
- 1549 y Ft(No)o(w)12 b(let')m(s)h(ha)o(v)o(e)f(a)h(look)f(at)g(the)h
- (results)f(of)g(the)g(follo)o(wing)f(queries:)258 1661
- y Fr(select)29 b(*)h(from)f(A)258 1721 y(union)258 1781
- y(select)g(*)h(from)f(B;)198 1890 y Ft(deri)o(v)o(es)12
- b(the)h(set)f(theoretic)g Fp(union)g Ft(of)g(the)g(two)g(tables:)1035
- 2002 y Fr(C1|C2|C3)1035 2062 y(--+--+--)1065 2122 y(1|)29
- b(a|)h(b)1065 2182 y(2|)f(a|)h(b)1065 2242 y(3|)f(c|)h(d)1065
- 2301 y(4|)f(e|)h(f)1065 2361 y(5|)f(a|)h(b)1065 2421
- y(8|)f(e|)h(f)198 2530 y Ft(The)13 b Fr(select)f Ft(statements)g(used)h
- (may)f(be)h(more)f(comple)o(x:)258 2643 y Fr(select)29
- b(C1,)h(C3)f(from)h(A)318 2702 y(where)f(C2)h(=)f('a')258
- 2762 y(union)258 2822 y(select)g(C1,)h(C2)f(from)h(B)318
- 2882 y(where)f(C3)h(=)f('b';)198 2991 y Ft(will)12 b(return)f(the)i
- (follo)o(wing)e(table:)1065 3103 y Fr(C1|C3)1065 3163
- y(--+--)1095 3223 y(1|)29 b(b)1095 3283 y(2|)g(b)1095
- 3342 y(1|)g(a)1095 3402 y(5|)g(a)p eop
- %%Page: 90 90
- 90 89 bop 270 60 a Ft(90)85 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(3.)25 b(POSTGRESQL)13
- b(FR)n(OM)f(THE)i(PR)n(OGRAMMER'S)f(POINT)f(OF)g(VIEW)270
- 234 y Ft(Note)j(that)f(the)h(selected)g(columns)f(do)h(not)f(need)h(to)
- g(ha)o(v)o(e)g(identical)f(names,)i(the)o(y)f(only)f(ha)o(v)o(e)h(to)g
- (be)270 294 y(of)e(the)g(same)h(type.)k(In)13 b(the)g(pre)o(vious)g(e)o
- (xample)g(we)h(selected)g(for)e Fr(C1)h Ft(and)g Fr(C3)g
- Ft(in)h(the)f( 02rst)g Fr(select)270 354 y Ft(statement)i(and)h(for)e
- Fr(C1)h Ft(and)g Fr(C2)g Ft(in)h(the)f(second)g(one.)25
- b(The)16 b(names)f(of)g(the)g(resulting)g(columns)g(are)270
- 413 y(taken)d(from)f(the)h( 02rst)g Fr(select)g Ft(statement.)270
- 533 y(Let')m(s)h(ha)o(v)o(e)g(a)f(look)g(at)h(a)f(query)g(using)h
- Fr(intersect)p Ft(:)330 634 y Fr(select)29 b(*)h(from)f(A)330
- 694 y(intersect)330 754 y(select)g(*)h(from)f(B;)270
- 855 y Ft(will)12 b(return:)1107 956 y Fr(C1|C2|C3)1107
- 1016 y(--+--+--)1137 1076 y(1|)29 b(a|)h(b)1137 1136
- y(3|)f(c|)h(d)270 1236 y Ft(Here)12 b(is)h(an)f(e)o(xample)h(using)f
- Fr(except)p Ft(:)330 1338 y Fr(select)29 b(*)h(from)f(A)330
- 1398 y(except)330 1457 y(select)g(*)h(from)f(B;)270 1558
- y Ft(will)12 b(return:)1107 1660 y Fr(C1|C2|C3)1107 1719
- y(--+--+--)1137 1779 y(2|)29 b(a|)h(b)1137 1839 y(4|)f(e|)h(f)270
- 1940 y Ft(The)11 b(last)g(e)o(xamples)g(were)f(rather)g(simple)g
- (because)h(the)o(y)g(only)f(used)h(one)g(set)g(operator)e(at)i(a)f
- (time)g(with)270 2000 y(only)h(two)f(operands.)15 b(No)o(w)c(we)g(look)
- g(at)g(some)g(more)f(comple)o(x)h(queries)g(in)n(v)o(olving)f(more)h
- Fp(oper)o(ators)p Ft(:)330 2101 y Fr(select)29 b(*)h(from)f(A)330
- 2161 y(union)330 2221 y(select)g(*)h(from)f(B)330 2280
- y(intersect)330 2340 y(select)g(*)h(from)f(C;)270 2441
- y Ft(will)12 b(return:)1107 2542 y Fr(C1|C2|C3)1107 2602
- y(--+--+--)1137 2662 y(4|)29 b(e|)h(f)1137 2722 y(8|)f(e|)h(f)270
- 2823 y Ft(The)11 b(abo)o(v)o(e)g(query)f(performs)f(the)i(set)g
- (theoretic)f(computation)f Fl(()p Fk(A)t Fo([)t Fk(B)r
- Fl())t Fo(\)t Fk(C)t Ft(.)17 b(When)10 b(no)h(parentheses)270
- 2882 y(are)j(used,)h(the)f(operations)g(are)g(considered)g(to)g(be)g
- (left)f(associati)o(v)o(e,)j(i.e.)21 b Fk(A)13 b Fo([)f
- Fk(B)j Fo([)e Fk(C)i Fo([)e Fk(D)i Ft(will)f(be)270 2942
- y(treated)e(as)h Fl((()p Fk(A)f Fo([)f Fk(B)r Fl())h
- Fo([)f Fk(C)t Fl())g Fo([)g Fk(D)q Ft(.)270 3062 y(The)i(same)g(query)
- f(using)g(parenthesis)h(can)f(lead)h(to)f(a)g(completely)g(dif)o
- (ferent)f(result:)330 3163 y Fr(select)29 b(*)h(from)f(A)330
- 3223 y(union)330 3283 y((select)g(*)h(from)f(B)360 3342
- y(intersect)360 3402 y(select)g(*)h(from)f(C);)p eop
- %%Page: 91 91
- 91 90 bop 198 60 a Fm(3.8.)29 b(THE)13 b(REALIZA)-6 b(TION)14
- b(OF)e(UNION,)g(INTERSECT)i(AND)f(EXCEPT)349 b Ft(91)198
- 234 y(performs)11 b Fk(A)h Fo([)f Fl(()p Fk(B)j Fo(\)d
- Fk(C)t Fl())h Ft(and)g(will)g(return:)1035 333 y Fr(C1|C2|C3)1035
- 393 y(--+--+--)1065 453 y(1|)29 b(a|)h(b)1065 513 y(2|)f(a|)h(b)1065
- 572 y(3|)f(c|)h(d)1065 632 y(4|)f(e|)h(f)1065 692 y(8|)f(e|)h(f)198
- 835 y Fh(3.8.1)59 b(Ho)o(w)15 b(Unions)h(ha)o(v)o(e)e(been)g(Realized)g
- (Until)g(V)-6 b(ersion)14 b(6.3.2)198 928 y Ft(First)d(we)h(gi)o(v)o(e)
- g(a)g(description)f(of)h(the)f(implementation)g(of)g
- Fp(union)h Ft(and)f Fp(union)h(all)f Ft(until)h(v)o(ersion)f(6.3.2)198
- 988 y(because)g(we)f(need)g(it)g(to)g(understand)g(the)g
- (implementation)f(of)g Fp(intersect)h Ft(and)g Fp(e)o(xcept)h
- Ft(described)f(later)m(.)198 1107 y(A)i Fp(union)g Ft(query)g(is)h
- (passed)g(through)f(the)g(usual)h(stages:)273 1206 y
- Fo( 17)25 b Ft(parser)273 1306 y Fo( 17)g Ft(re)o(write)11
- b(system)273 1405 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(planner/optimizer)273
- 1505 y Fo( 17)g Ft(e)o(x)o(ecutor)198 1604 y(and)11
- b(we)g(will)f(no)o(w)g(describe)h(what)g(e)o(v)o(ery)f(single)h(stage)g
- (does)g(to)g(the)f(query)m(.)15 b(F)o(or)10 b(our)g(e)o(xplanation)h
- (we)198 1664 y(assume)j(to)f(process)g(a)h(simple)f(query)f((i.e.)19
- b(a)13 b(query)g(without)f Fp(subselects)p Ft(,)j Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gates)e
- Ft(and)g(without)198 1724 y(in)n(v)o(olving)e Fp(vie)o(ws)p
- Ft())198 1856 y Fn(The)h(Parser)i(Stage)198 1949 y Ft(As)f(described)f
- (earlier)g(the)g Fp(parser)h(stage)f Ft(can)g(be)h(di)o(vided)e(into)h
- (two)g(parts:)273 2049 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(the)12 b Fp(parser)h
- Ft(b)o(uilt)f(up)g(by)g(the)h(grammar)e(rules)h(gi)o(v)o(en)g(in)g
- Fr(gram.y)g Ft(and)273 2148 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(the)12
- b Fp(tr)o(ansformation)g(r)n(outines)g Ft(performing)e(a)i(lot)g(of)g
- (changes)g(and)g(analysis)h(to)f(the)g(tree)g(b)o(uilt)323
- 2208 y(up)g(by)g(the)g(parser)m(.)k(Most)d(of)f(these)h(routines)f
- (reside)g(in)g Fr(analyze.c)p Ft(.)198 2307 y(A)18 b
- Fp(union)f Ft(statement)h(consists)h(of)e(two)h(or)f(more)g
- Fp(select)i Ft(statements)f(connected)g(by)g(the)f(ke)o(yword)198
- 2367 y Fr(union)12 b Ft(as)h(the)f(follo)o(wing)f(e)o(xample)i(sho)o
- (ws:)258 2466 y Fr(select)29 b(*)h(from)f(A)318 2526
- y(where)g(C1=1)258 2586 y(union)258 2645 y(select)g(*)h(from)f(B)318
- 2705 y(where)g(C2)h(=)f('a')258 2765 y(union)258 2825
- y(select)g(*)h(from)f(C)318 2885 y(where)g(C3)h(=)f('f')198
- 2984 y Ft(The)17 b(abo)o(v)o(e)f Fp(union)g Ft(statement)g(consists)g
- (of)g(three)g Fp(select)g Ft(statements)h(connected)f(by)f(the)h(ke)o
- (yword)198 3044 y Fr(union)p Ft(.)i(W)l(e)13 b(will)g(refer)f(to)h(the)
- h( 02rst)e Fp(select)i Ft(statement)f(by)g(A,)h(to)f(the)g(second)h
- (one)f(by)g(B)h(and)f(to)g(the)198 3103 y(third)i(one)g(by)h(C)g(for)e
- (our)h(further)g(e)o(xplanation)g((in)g(the)g(ne)o(w)h(notation)f(our)
- g(query)g(looks)g(like)g(this:)198 3163 y Fr(A)30 b(union)f(B)h(union)f
- (C)p Ft().)198 3283 y(The)g Fp(parser)g Ft((gi)o(v)o(en)f(by)h
- Fr(gram.y)p Ft())e(processes)j(all)e(three)h Fr(select)e
- Ft(statements,)34 b(creates)29 b(a)198 3342 y Fr(SelectStmt)13
- b Ft(node)g(for)g(e)o(v)o(ery)g Fr(select)g Ft(and)h(attaches)g(the)g
- Fr(where)f Ft(quali 02cations,)h Fp(tar)n(getlists)198
- 3402 y Ft(etc.)48 b(to)23 b(the)g(corresponding)g(nodes.)48
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- (third)p eop
- %%Page: 92 92
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- % Polyline
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- % Polyline
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- % Polyline
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- % Polyline
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- % arrowhead
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- % arrowhead
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- % Polyline
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- % Polyline
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- % Polyline
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- % Polyline
- n 450 1800 m 1800 1800 l 1800 2925 l 450 2925 l cp gs col-1 s gr
- % Polyline
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- % Polyline
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- % Polyline
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- % Polyline
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- % arrowhead
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- 2114 874 m 2228 826 l 2150 922 l 2280 825 l 2244 777 l cp clip
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- 1259 1733 m 1146 1783 l 1222 1686 l 1095 1786 l 1132 1833 l cp clip
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- 1339.3 1640.3 1271.8 1685.3 1125 1800 curveto
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- @endspecial 743 1945 a(Figure)g(3.10:)j Fp(Plan)e Ft(for)e(a)i(union)f
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- (all)g(the)f(deli)o(v)o(ered)g(tuples)h(to)198 2387 y(a)e(single)g
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- (performed)f(to)h(make)g(its)h(work)e(easier)m(.)198
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- Ft(,)i Fp(planner/optimizer)p Ft(,)g Fp(e)o(xecutor)p
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- (statements)g(in)n(v)o(olving)f(all)h Fp(set)h(oper)o(ators)p
- Ft())198 2956 y(we)c(choose)f(a)h(dif)o(ferent)e(approach)h(based)g
- (on)h Fp(query)g(r)n(e)o(writing)p Ft(.)198 3076 y(The)26
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- Ft(and)g Fp(e)o(xcept)h Ft(statements)g(are)f(redundant)f(in)198
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- 473 y(where)f(C2)h(=)g('c';)270 564 y Ft(is)13 b(equi)o(v)o(alent)e
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- (C1,)g(C2)898 895 y(from)g(B)898 955 y(where)g(C2)h(=)f('c');)270
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- ((select)g(C1,)h(C3)1017 1798 y(from)g(B)1017 1857 y(where)g(C3)f(=)h
- ('f');)270 1949 y Ft(The)13 b(transformations)e(used)i(in)g(e)o
- (xample)f(3.5)h(are)g(always)f(v)o(alid)g(because)h(the)o(y)g(just)f
- (implement)g(the)270 2008 y(set)h(theoretic)f(de 02nition)f(of)h
- Fp(intersect)g Ft(and)h Fp(e)o(xcept)p Ft(:)270 2122
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- Ft(of)g(two)g(sets)h Fk(A)g Ft(and)f Fk(B)j Ft(is)d(de 02ned)h(as:)828
- 2280 y Fl(()p Fk(A)f Fo(\)f Fk(B)r Fl())k(:=)e Fo(f)p
- Fk(x)h Fo(j)g Fk(x)g Fo(2)g Fk(A)e Fo(^)f Fk(x)k Fo(2)f
- Fk(B)r Fo(g)270 2380 y Ft(The)f Fp(intersection)f Ft(of)g
- Fk(n)g Ft(sets)i Fk(A)828 2387 y Fg(1)850 2380 y Fk(;)8
- b(:)g(:)g(:)h(;)f(A)998 2387 y Ff(n)1038 2380 y Ft(is)13
- b(de 02ned)f(as:)918 2453 y Ff(n)903 2468 y Fb(\)899
- 2575 y Ff(i)p Fg(=1)971 2516 y Fk(A)1008 2523 y Ff(i)1039
- 2516 y Fl(:=)i Fo(f)p Fk(x)g Fo(j)1220 2453 y Ff(n)1205
- 2468 y Fb(^)1200 2575 y Ff(i)p Fg(=1)1273 2516 y Fk(x)h
- Fo(2)f Fk(A)1400 2523 y Ff(i)1417 2516 y Fo(g)270 2672
- y Fn(De 02nition)d(3.2)270 2732 y Ft(The)i Fp(dif)o(fer)n(ence)g
- Ft(of)f(two)f(sets)j Fk(A)e Ft(and)h Fk(B)i Ft(is)d(de 02ned)g(as:)843
- 2831 y Fl(()p Fk(A)p Fo(n)p Fk(B)r Fl())k(:=)d Fo(f)p
- Fk(x)h Fo(j)g Fk(x)g Fo(2)g Fk(A)e Fo(^)f Fk(x)j Fo(62)g
- Fk(B)r Fo(g)270 2944 y Fn(De 02nition)d(3.3)270 3004
- y Ft(The)i Fp(union)f Ft(of)g(two)f(sets)j Fk(A)e Ft(and)h
- Fk(B)i Ft(is)d(de 02ned)g(as:)828 3103 y Fl(()p Fk(A)g
- Fo([)f Fk(B)r Fl())k(:=)e Fo(f)p Fk(x)h Fo(j)g Fk(x)g
- Fo(2)g Fk(A)e Fo(_)f Fk(x)k Fo(2)f Fk(B)r Fo(g)270 3202
- y Ft(The)f Fp(union)f Ft(of)g Fk(n)g Ft(sets)h Fk(A)706
- 3209 y Fg(1)729 3202 y Fk(;)8 b(:)g(:)g(:)h(;)f(A)877
- 3209 y Ff(n)917 3202 y Ft(is)k(de 02ned)g(as:)918 3276
- y Ff(n)903 3291 y Fb([)899 3397 y Ff(i)p Fg(=1)971 3338
- y Fk(A)1008 3345 y Ff(i)1039 3338 y Fl(:=)i Fo(f)p Fk(x)g
- Fo(j)1220 3276 y Ff(n)1205 3291 y Fb(_)1200 3397 y Ff(i)p
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- 3338 y Fo(g)p eop
- %%Page: 95 95
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- 234 y Fn(De 02nition)11 b(3.4)25 b Ft(Disjuncti)o(v)o(e)12
- b(Normal)g(F)o(orm)f((DNF))198 294 y(Let)k Fk(F)24
- b Fl(=)17 b Fk(C)427 301 y Fg(1)461 294 y Fo(_)c Fk(:)8
- b(:)g(:)13 b Fo(_)f Fk(C)659 301 y Ff(n)700 294 y Ft(be)j(gi)o(v)o(en)f
- (where)g(e)o(v)o(ery)g Fk(C)1180 301 y Ff(i)1210 294
- y Ft(is)h(of)f(the)g(form)f Fl(()p Fk(L)1553 276 y Fg(1)1553
- 307 y Ff(i)1588 294 y Fo(^)g Fk(:)8 b(:)g(:)k Fo(^)h
- Fk(L)1784 272 y Ff(k)1805 277 y Fa(i)1784 308 y Ff(i)1823
- 294 y Fl())i Ft(and)f Fk(L)1977 270 y Ff(j)1977 308
- y(i)198 354 y Ft(is)g(a)f(propositional)g(v)o(ariable)f(or)h(the)h(ne)o
- (gation)f(of)g(a)g(propositional)g(v)o(ariable.)18 b(No)o(w)13
- b(we)g(say)h Fk(F)21 b Ft(is)13 b(in)198 413 y(DNF)l(.)198
- 549 y Fn(Example)g(3.6)25 b Ft(In)12 b(the)g(follo)o(wing)f(e)o(xample)
- h(the)h Fk(L)1106 525 y Ff(j)1106 563 y(i)1139 549 y
- Ft(are)f(of)g(the)h(form)e Fk(x)j Fo(2)g Fk(X)j Ft(or)12
- b Fo(:)p Fl(()p Fk(x)j Fo(2)f Fk(X)t Fl())p Ft(:)273
- 609 y Fl((()p Fk(x)h Fo(2)f Fk(A)d Fo(^)h(:)p Fl(()p
- Fk(x)i Fo(2)g Fk(B)r Fl())e Fo(^)f Fk(x)k Fo(2)f Fk(C)t
- Fl())c Fo(_)i Fl(()p Fk(x)i Fo(2)g Fk(D)f Fo(^)e Fk(x)k
- Fo(2)f Fk(E)s Fl()))f Ft(is)f(a)h(formula)e(in)h(DNF)273
- 669 y Fl((()p Fk(x)j Fo(2)f Fk(A)d Fo(_)h Fk(x)i Fo(2)g
- Fk(B)r Fl())e Fo(^)f Fl(()p Fk(x)k Fo(2)f Fk(C)g Fo(_)d(:)p
- Fl(()p Fk(x)k Fo(2)f Fk(D)q Fl())))g Ft(is)f(not)f(in)g(DNF)l(.)198
- 779 y(The)g(transformation)e(of)i(an)o(y)g(formula)e(in)i
- (propositional)e(logic)i(into)f(DNF)h(is)g(done)f(by)h(successi)o(v)o
- (ely)198 839 y(applying)g(the)g(follo)o(wing)f(rules:)273
- 959 y Fl(()p Fk(R)p Fl(1))25 b Fo(:)p Fl(()p Fk(F)483
- 966 y Fg(1)518 959 y Fo(_)11 b Fk(F)594 966 y Fg(2)616
- 959 y Fl())j Fo())g Fl(()p Fo(:)p Fk(F)797 966 y Fg(1)831
- 959 y Fo(^)d(:)p Fk(F)940 966 y Fg(2)963 959 y Fl())273
- 1018 y(()p Fk(R)p Fl(2))25 b Fo(:)p Fl(()p Fk(F)483
- 1025 y Fg(1)518 1018 y Fo(^)11 b Fk(F)594 1025 y Fg(2)616
- 1018 y Fl())j Fo())g Fl(()p Fo(:)p Fk(F)797 1025 y
- Fg(1)831 1018 y Fo(_)d(:)p Fk(F)940 1025 y Fg(2)963 1018
- y Fl())273 1078 y(()p Fk(R)p Fl(3))25 b Fk(F)431 1085
- y Fg(1)465 1078 y Fo(^)11 b Fl(()p Fk(F)560 1085 y Fg(2)594
- 1078 y Fo(_)g Fk(F)670 1085 y Fg(3)693 1078 y Fl())j
- Fo())g Fl(()p Fk(F)841 1085 y Fg(1)874 1078 y Fo(^)e
- Fk(F)951 1085 y Fg(2)973 1078 y Fl())f Fo(_)h Fl(()p
- Fk(F)1099 1085 y Fg(1)1133 1078 y Fo(^)f Fk(F)1209 1085
- y Fg(3)1231 1078 y Fl())273 1138 y(()p Fk(R)p Fl(4))25
- b(()p Fk(F)450 1145 y Fg(1)484 1138 y Fo(_)12 b Fk(F)561
- 1145 y Fg(2)583 1138 y Fl())f Fo(^)h Fk(F)690 1145 y
- Fg(3)726 1138 y Fo())i Fl(()p Fk(F)841 1145 y Fg(1)874
- 1138 y Fo(^)e Fk(F)951 1145 y Fg(3)973 1138 y Fl())f
- Fo(_)h Fl(()p Fk(F)1099 1145 y Fg(2)1133 1138 y Fo(^)f
- Fk(F)1209 1145 y Fg(3)1231 1138 y Fl())198 1257 y Ft(It)24
- b(can)i(be)f(sho)o(wn)f(that)h(the)g(transformation)e(using)i(the)g
- (rules)g((R1))f(to)h((R4))f(always)g(termi-)198 1317
- y(nates)13 b(after)f(a)g( 02nite)g(number)g(of)g(steps.)198
- 1465 y Fn(Set)g(Operations)f(as)i(Pr)o(opositional)f(Logic)g(F)o
- (ormulas)198 1563 y Ft(Using)j(the)f(de 02nitions)h(from)e(abo)o(v)o
- (e)i(we)g(can)g(treat)g(formulas)e(in)n(v)o(olving)h(set)h(theoretic)f
- (operations)198 1623 y(as)d(formulas)f(of)h Fp(pr)n(opositional)f
- (logic)p Ft(.)k(As)d(we)g(will)f(see)i(later)e(these)h(formulas)f(can)h
- (easily)g(be)g(used)g(in)198 1683 y(the)h Fr(where-)g
- Ft(and)g Fr(having)g Ft(quali 02cations)g(of)g(the)g
- Fr(select)g Ft(statements)h(in)n(v)o(olv)o(ed)f(in)g(the)h(query)m(.)
- 198 1819 y Fn(Example)g(3.7)25 b Ft(Here)12 b(are)g(some)h(e)o
- (xamples:)273 1938 y Fl((()p Fk(A)f Fo([)f Fk(B)r Fl())h
- Fo(\)f Fk(C)t Fl())j(:=)f Fo(f)p Fk(x)h Fo(j)g Fl(()p
- Fk(x)h Fo(2)f Fk(A)d Fo(_)g Fk(x)k Fo(2)f Fk(B)r Fl())d
- Fo(^)h Fk(x)i Fo(2)g Fk(C)t Fo(g)273 1998 y Fl((()p
- Fk(A)e Fo([)f Fk(B)r Fl())h Fo(\)f Fl(()p Fk(C)k Fo([)c
- Fk(D)q Fl()))k(:=)f Fo(f)p Fk(x)g Fo(j)g Fl(()p Fk(x)g
- Fo(2)g Fk(A)e Fo(_)f Fk(x)j Fo(2)g Fk(B)r Fl())e Fo(^)f
- Fl(()p Fk(x)k Fo(2)f Fk(C)g Fo(_)e Fk(x)i Fo(2)g Fk(D)q
- Fl())p Fo(g)273 2058 y Fl((()p Fk(A)e Fo(\)f Fk(B)r
- Fl())p Fo(n)p Fk(C)t Fl())j(:=)g Fo(f)p Fk(x)g Fo(j)f
- Fl(()p Fk(x)i Fo(2)f Fk(A)e Fo(^)f Fk(x)j Fo(2)g Fk(B)r
- Fl())e Fo(^)f Fk(x)k Fo(62)f Fk(C)t Fo(g)273 2117 y
- Fl(()p Fk(A)p Fo(n)p Fl(()p Fk(B)g Fo([)d Fk(C)t Fl()))j(:=)g
- Fo(f)p Fk(x)g Fo(j)f Fk(x)i Fo(2)f Fk(A)d Fo(^)g(:)p
- Fl(()p Fk(x)k Fo(2)f Fk(B)g Fo(_)d Fk(x)j Fo(2)g Fk(C)t
- Fl())p Fo(g)273 2177 y Fl(((()p Fk(A)e Fo(\)g Fk(B)r
- Fl())f Fo([)h Fl(()p Fk(C)t Fo(n)p Fk(D)q Fl()))f
- Fo(\)h Fk(E)s Fl())i(:=)f Fo(f)p Fl((()p Fk(x)i Fo(2)f
- Fk(A)d Fo(^)h Fk(x)i Fo(2)g Fk(B)r Fl())e Fo(_)f Fl(()p
- Fk(x)k Fo(2)f Fk(C)g Fo(^)d Fk(x)k Fo(62)f Fk(D)q Fl()))e
- Fo(^)f Fk(x)k Fo(2)f Fk(E)s Fo(g)198 2335 y Fh(3.8.3)59
- b(Implementing)19 b(Intersect)h(and)g(Except)g(Using)g(the)g(Union)h
- (Capabili-)377 2404 y(ties)198 2503 y Ft(W)l(e)14 b(want)g(to)g(be)g
- (able)g(to)g(use)h(queries)f(in)n(v)o(olving)f(more)h(than)g(just)g
- (one)g(type)g(of)g(set)g(operation)f((e.g.)198 2563
- y(only)18 b Fp(union)g Ft(or)g(only)g Fp(intersect)p
- Ft())g(at)g(a)h(time,)h(so)f(we)f(ha)o(v)o(e)h(to)f(look)g(for)g(a)g
- (solution)g(that)g(supports)198 2622 y(correct)12 b(handling)h(of)g
- (queries)g(like)f(that.)18 b(As)13 b(described)g(abo)o(v)o(e)h(there)e
- (is)i(a)f(solution)g(for)f(pure)h Fp(union)198 2682 y
- Ft(statements)19 b(implemented)f(already)m(,)i(so)f(we)g(ha)o(v)o(e)g
- (to)g(de)o(v)o(elop)f(an)h(approach)f(that)h(makes)f(use)i(of)198
- 2742 y(these)13 b Fp(union)f Ft(capabilities.)198 2862
- y(As)27 b( 02gure)g(3.9)g(illustrates,)k(the)c(operands)g(of)f(a)i
- Fp(union)e Ft(operation)g(are)h(just)g Fr(Query)g Ft(nodes)198
- 2921 y((the)14 b( 02rst)h(operand)f(is)h(the)g(top)g(node)f(and)h
- (all)g(further)e(operands)i(form)f(a)h(list)g(which)f(is)h(attached)g
- (to)198 2981 y(the)h( 02eld)f Fr(unionClause)g Ft(of)g(the)g(top)h
- (node).)25 b(So)15 b(our)h(goal)f(will)g(be)h(to)g(transform)e(e)o(v)o
- (ery)i(query)198 3041 y(in)n(v)o(olving)11 b(set)i(operations)f(into)f
- (this)i(form.)h((Note)e(that)g(the)g(operands)g(to)g(the)g
- Fp(union)g Ft(operation)f(may)198 3101 y(be)h(comple)o(x,)h(i.e.)k
- Fp(subselects)p Ft(,)c Fp(gr)n(ouping)p Ft(,)g Fp(aggr)n(e)n(gates)f
- Ft(etc.)k(are)c(allo)o(wed.))273 3163 y(The)k(transformation)e(of)i(a)
- g(query)f(in)n(v)o(olving)g(set)i(operations)e(in)h(an)o(y)g(order)f
- (into)h(a)g(query)f(that)198 3223 y(can)g(be)f(accepted)h(by)g(the)f
- Fp(union)g Ft(logic)g(is)h(equi)o(v)o(alent)f(to)g(transforming)f(the)i
- Fp(membership)f(formula)198 3283 y Ft((see)d(de 02nitions)g(3.1,)h
- (3.2)f(and)g(3.3))g(in)g(propositional)f(logic)g(into)h
- Fp(disjunctive)g(normal)g(form)g Ft((DNF).)198 3342
- y(The)j(transformation)d(of)i(an)o(y)g(formula)f(in)h(propositional)g
- (logic)g(into)f(DNF)h(is)h(always)e(possible)i(in)f(a)198
- 3402 y( 02nite)f(number)g(of)f(steps.)p eop
- %%Page: 96 96
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- 234 y Ft(The)18 b(adv)o(antage)f(of)g(this)g Fp(tr)o(ansformation)h
- (tec)o(hnique)f Ft(is)g(the)h(little)e(impact)h(on)g(the)h(whole)f
- (system)270 294 y(and)12 b(the)f(implicit)g(in)n(v)o(ocation)g(of)g
- (the)h Fp(planner/optimizer)p Ft(.)k(The)c(only)f(changes)h(necessary)h
- (are)e(made)270 354 y(to)h(the)h Fp(parser)g(stage)e
- Ft(and)i(the)f Fp(r)n(e)o(write)i(system)p Ft(.)270 473
- y(Here)24 b(are)f(some)h(changes)g(that)g(had)f(to)h(be)g(applied)f(to)
- h(the)f(source)h(code)g(before)f(the)g Fp(parser)270
- 533 y(stage)12 b Ft(and)g(the)g Fp(r)n(e)o(write)i(system)f
- Ft(could)f(be)h(adapted:)345 636 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(Add)19
- b(the)g(additional)g( 02eld)g Fr(intersectClause)f Ft(to)h(the)g(data)
- h(structures)f Fr(Query)g Ft(and)395 695 y Fr(InsertStmt)11
- b Ft(de 02ned)h(in)g(the)g( 02le)h Fk(:)8 b(:)g(:)p
- Fr(/src/include/nodes/parsenodes)o(.h)p Ft(:)454 819
- y Fr(typedef)29 b(struct)h(Query)454 878 y({)514 938
- y(NodeTag)119 b(type;)514 998 y(CmdType)g(commandType;)753
- 1058 y(.)753 1118 y(.)753 1177 y(.)514 1237 y(Node)209
- b(*havingQual;)395 1297 y(+)89 b(List)209 b(*intersectClause;)514
- 1357 y(List)g(*unionClause;)514 1416 y(List)g(*base_relation_list_;)514
- 1476 y(List)g(*join_relation_list_;)454 1536 y(})30 b(Query;)454
- 1656 y(typedef)f(struct)h(InsertStmt)454 1715 y({)514
- 1775 y(NodeTag)119 b(type;)753 1835 y(.)753 1895 y(.)753
- 1954 y(.)514 2014 y(bool)209 b(unionall;)395 2074 y(+)89
- b(List)209 b(*intersectClause;)454 2134 y(})30 b(InsertStmt;)345
- 2257 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(Add)63 b(the)g(ne)o(w)g(ke)o(ywords)g
- Fr(EXCEPT)g Ft(and)g Fr(INTERSECT)g Ft(to)g(the)g( 02le)395
- 2317 y Fk(:)8 b(:)g(:)p Fr(/src/backend/parser/keywords.)o(c)p
- Ft(:)454 2440 y Fr(static)30 b(ScanKeyword)e(ScanKeywords[])g(=)i({)514
- 2500 y({"abort",)f(ABORT_TRANS},)514 2560 y({"action",)g(ACTION},)813
- 2620 y(.)813 2679 y(.)813 2739 y(.)514 2799 y({"end",)g(END_TRANS},)395
- 2859 y(+)89 b({"except",)29 b(EXCEPT},)813 2919 y(.)813
- 2978 y(.)813 3038 y(.)514 3098 y({"instead",)g(INSTEAD},)395
- 3158 y(+)89 b({"intersect",)29 b(INTERSECT},)813 3217
- y(.)813 3277 y(.)813 3337 y(.)454 3397 y(};)p eop
- %%Page: 97 97
- 97 96 bop 198 60 a Fm(3.8.)29 b(THE)13 b(REALIZA)-6 b(TION)14
- b(OF)e(UNION,)g(INTERSECT)i(AND)f(EXCEPT)349 b Ft(97)273
- 234 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(PostgreSQL)14 b(contains)h(functions)g(to)f(con)n
- (v)o(ert)h(the)g(internal)f(representation)g(of)h(a)g
- Fp(parsetr)n(ee)323 294 y Ft(or)j Fp(plantr)n(ee)g Ft(into)g(an)h
- (ASCII)f(representation)f((that)h(can)h(easily)g(be)f(printed)g(to)g
- (the)h(screen)323 354 y((for)f(deb)o(ugging)g(purposes))i(or)f(be)g
- (stored)g(in)h(a)f( 02le))g(and)g(vice)h(v)o(ersa.)37
- b(These)21 b(functions)323 413 y(ha)o(v)o(e)g(to)g(be)h(adapted)f(to)g
- (be)g(able)g(to)g(deal)h(with)f Fp(intersects)g Ft(and)h
- Fp(e)o(xcepts)p Ft(.)43 b(These)22 b(func-)323 473 y(tions)e(can)h(be)g
- (found)f(in)h(the)f( 02les)h Fk(:)8 b(:)g(:)p Fr
- (/src/backend/nodes/outfuncs.c)18 b Ft(and)323 533 y
- Fk(:)8 b(:)g(:)p Fr(/src/backend/nodes/readfuncs.)o(c)p
- Ft(:)382 675 y Fr(static)30 b(void)382 735 y(_outQuery(StringInfo)e
- (str,)h(Query)h(*node))382 795 y({)1159 854 y(.)1159
- 914 y(.)1159 974 y(.)442 1034 y(appendStringInfo(str,)e(")h
- (:unionClause)g(");)442 1094 y(_outNode(str,)g(node->unionClause);)
- 323 1153 y(+)89 b(appendStringInfo(str,)28 b(")h(:intersectClause)f
- (");)323 1213 y(+)89 b(_outNode(str,)29 b(node->intersectClause);)
- 382 1273 y(})382 1392 y(static)h(Query)f(*)382 1452 y(_readQuery())
- 382 1512 y({)1159 1572 y(.)1159 1632 y(.)1159 1691 y(.)442
- 1751 y(token)g(=)h(lsptok(NULL,)f(&length);)442 1811
- y(local_node->unionClause)e(=)j(nodeRead(true);)323
- 1871 y(+)89 b(token)29 b(=)h(lsptok(NULL,)f(&length);)323
- 1930 y(+)89 b(local_node->intersectClause)27 b(=)j(nodeRead(true);)
- 442 2050 y(return)f((local_node);)382 2110 y(})273
- 2252 y Fo( 17)c Ft(The)14 b(function)g Fr(ExecReScan())f
- Ft(is)h(called)h(whene)o(v)o(er)f(a)g(ne)o(w)g(e)o(x)o(ecution)h(of)f
- (a)g(gi)o(v)o(en)g Fp(plan)323 2312 y Ft(has)j(to)f(be)h(started)g
- ((i.e.)29 b(whene)o(v)o(er)16 b(we)h(ha)o(v)o(e)g(to)f(start)h(from)f
- (the)g(be)o(ginning)g(with)h(the)f( 02rst)323 2371 y(tuple)k(again).)
- 41 b(The)21 b(call)g(to)f(this)h(function)f(happens)h(implicitly)m(.)40
- b(F)o(or)20 b(the)h(special)g(kind)323 2431 y(of)16 b(subqueries)h(we)g
- (are)g(using)f(for)g(the)h(re)o(written)f(queries)g((see)h(e)o(xample)
- g(3.5))g(we)g(ha)o(v)o(e)g(to)323 2491 y(take)g(that)g(also)i
- Fr(Group)e Ft(nodes)h(are)g(processed.)32 b(The)18 b(function)f(can)h
- (be)g(found)f(in)h(the)f( 02le)323 2551 y Fk(l)q(dots)p
- Fr(/backend/executor/execAmi.c)p Ft(.)382 2693 y Fr(void)382
- 2753 y(ExecReScan(Plan)29 b(*node,)g(ExprContext)f(*exprCtxt,)711
- 2812 y(Plan)i(*parent))382 2872 y({)1159 2932 y(.)1159
- 2992 y(.)1159 3052 y(.)472 3111 y(switch)f((nodeTag(node)))472
- 3171 y({)1159 3231 y(.)1159 3291 y(.)1159 3350 y(.)p
- eop
- %%Page: 98 98
- 98 97 bop 270 60 a Ft(98)82 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(3.)28 b(POSTGRESQL)13
- b(FR)n(OM)f(THE)i(PR)n(OGRAMMER'S)f(POINT)f(OF)g(VIEW)395
- 234 y Fr(+)179 b(case)29 b(T_Group:)395 294 y(+)388 b
- (ExecReScanGroup((Group)27 b(*))j(node,)395 354 y(+)896
- b(exprCtxt,)29 b(parent);)395 413 y(+)388 b(break;)1231
- 473 y(.)1231 533 y(.)1231 593 y(.)544 653 y(})454 712
- y(})345 933 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(The)g(function)e Fr(ExecReScanGroup())g
- Ft(is)i(called)f(by)h Fr(ExecReScan())e Ft(described)395
- 993 y(abo)o(v)o(e)33 b(whene)o(v)o(er)g(a)g Fr(Group)g
- Ft(node)g(is)g(detected)g(and)g(can)h(be)f(found)f(in)h(the)g( 02le)
- 395 1053 y Fk(:)8 b(:)g(:)p Fr(/src/backend/executor/nodeGro)o(up.c)i
- Ft(.)18 b(It)13 b(has)g(been)g(created)g(for)g(the)g
- Fp(in-)395 1112 y(tersect)e Ft(and)f Fp(e)o(xcept)h Ft(logic)f
- (although)g(it)h(is)g(actually)f(needed)h(by)f(the)h(special)g(kind)f
- (of)g(subselect)395 1172 y((see)i(abo)o(v)o(e).)454
- 1365 y Fr(void)454 1424 y(ExecReScanGroup(Group)28 b(*node,)h
- (ExprContext)g(*exprCtxt,)933 1484 y(Plan)g(*parent))454
- 1544 y({)514 1604 y(GroupState)g(*grpstate)g(=)h(node->grpstate;)514
- 1723 y(grpstate->grp_useFirstTuple)d(=)j(FALSE;)514 1783
- y(grpstate->grp_done)e(=)i(FALSE;)514 1843 y(grpstate->grp_firstTuple)d
- (=)j((HeapTupleData)e(*)NIL;)514 1962 y(/*)544 2022
- y(*)i(if)f(chgParam)g(of)h(subnode)f(is)h(not)f(null)h(then)f(plan)544
- 2082 y(*)h(will)f(be)h(re-scanned)f(by)g(first)h(ExecProcNode.)544
- 2142 y(*/)514 2201 y(if)g((((Plan)f(*))h
- (node)->lefttree->chgParam)d(==)i(NULL))574 2261 y
- (ExecReScan(((Plan)f(*))i(node)->lefttree,)903 2321
- y(exprCtxt,)f((Plan)g(*))g(node);)454 2381 y(})270
- 2614 y Fn(Parser)270 2742 y Ft(The)12 b Fp(parser)g Ft(de 02ned)f(in)g
- (the)g( 02le)g Fk(:)d(:)g(:)p Fr(/src/backend/parser/gram.y)g
- Ft(had)j(to)h(be)f(modi 02ed)270 2801 y(in)h(two)g(ways:)345
- 2956 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(The)17 b(grammar)f(had)g(to)h(be)g(adapted)g(to)
- f(support)h(the)g(usage)g(of)f(parenthesis)h((to)f(be)h(able)g(to)395
- 3016 y(specify)12 b(the)g(order)g(of)g(e)o(x)o(ecution)g(of)g(the)h
- (set)f(operators).)345 3188 y Fo( 17)25 b Ft(The)10
- b(code)f(b)o(uilding)g(up)h(the)f(data)h(structures)f(handed)h(back)g
- (by)f(the)h Fp(parser)g Ft(had)g(to)f(be)h(inserted.)270
- 3342 y(Here)h(is)h(a)f(part)g(of)f(the)i(grammar)e(which)h(is)g
- (responsible)g(for)g Fr(select)f Ft(statements)i(ha)o(ving)f(the)g
- (code)270 3402 y(b)o(uilding)h(up)g(the)g(data)h(structures)f
- (inserted:)p eop
- %%Page: 99 99
- 99 98 bop 198 60 a Fm(3.8.)29 b(THE)13 b(REALIZA)-6 b(TION)14
- b(OF)e(UNION,)g(INTERSECT)i(AND)f(EXCEPT)349 b Ft(99)258
- 234 y Fr(SelectStmt)29 b(:)59 b(select_w_o_sort)28 b(sort_clause)377
- 294 y({)1035 354 y(.)1035 413 y(.)1035 473 y(.)467 533
- y(/*)i($1)f(holds)h(the)f(tree)h(built)f(up)h(by)f(the)497
- 593 y(*)h(rule)f('select_w_o_sort')497 653 y(*/)467 712
- y(Node)g(*op)h(=)g((Node)f(*))h($1;)467 832 y(if)g(IsA($1,)f
- (SelectStmt))467 892 y({)527 951 y(SelectStmt)g(*n)g(=)h((SelectStmt)
- f(*)$1;)527 1011 y(n->sortClause)f(=)i($2;)527 1071
- y($$)f(=)h((Node)g(*)n;)467 1131 y(})467 1191 y(else)467
- 1250 y({)527 1310 y(/*)f(Create)h(a)f("flat)h(list")f(of)h(the)f
- (operator)557 1370 y(*)g(tree)h(built)f(up)h(by)g('select_w_o_sort')e
- (and)557 1430 y(*)h(let)h(select_list)f(point)g(to)h(it)557
- 1489 y(*/)527 1549 y(create_select_list((Node)d(*)op,)1095
- 1609 y(&select_list,)1095 1669 y(&unionall_present);)527
- 1729 y(/*)i(Replace)h(all)f(the)h(A_Expr)f(nodes)g(in)h(the)557
- 1788 y(*)f(operator)g(tree)h(by)g(Expr)f(nodes.)557 1848
- y(*/)557 1908 y(op)g(=)h(A_Expr_to_Expr(op,)e(&intersect_present);)
- 1035 1968 y(.)1035 2027 y(.)1035 2087 y(.)557 2147 y(/*)h(Get)h(the)f
- (leftmost)g(SelectStmt)g(node)h((which)587 2207 y(*)f(automatically)g
- (represents)g(the)g(first)g(Select)587 2267 y(*)g(Statement)g(of)h(the)
- f(query!))h(*/)557 2326 y(first_select)e(=)766 2386
- y((SelectStmt)h(*)lfirst(select_list);)557 2446 y(/*)g(Attach)h
- (the)f(list)h(of)f(all)h(SelectStmt)f(nodes)587 2506
- y(*)g(to)h(unionClause)587 2565 y(*/)557 2625 y
- (first_select->unionClause)d(=)j(select_list;)557 2745
- y(/*)f(Attach)h(the)f(whole)g(operator)g(tree)h(to)587
- 2804 y(*)f(intersectClause)g(*/)557 2864 y
- (first_select->intersectClause)d(=)1423 2924 y((List)k(*))f(op;)557
- 2984 y(/*)g(finally)g(attach)h(the)f(sort)h(clause)f(*/)557
- 3044 y(first_select->sortClause)e(=)j($2;)557 3163 y(/*)f(Now)h(hand)f
- (it)h(back!)f(*/)557 3223 y($$)g(=)h((Node)f(*)first_select;)497
- 3283 y(})377 3342 y(})258 3402 y(;)p eop
- %%Page: 100 100
- 100 99 bop 270 60 a Ft(100)57 b Fm(CHAPTER)14 b(3.)28
- 330 234 y Fr(select_w_o_sort)28 b(:)60 b('(')29 b(select_w_o_sort)f
- (')')449 294 y({)509 354 y($$)i(=)g($2;)449 413 y(})330
- 473 y(|)59 b(SubSelect)449 533 y({)509 593 y($$)30 b(=)g($1;)449
- 653 y(})330 712 y(|)59 b(select_w_o_sort)29 b(EXCEPT)g(select_w_o_sort)
- 449 772 y({)509 832 y($$)h(=)g((Node)f(*)makeA_Expr(AND,NULL,$1,)
- 1017 892 y(makeA_Expr(NOT,NULL,NULL,$3));)449 951
- y(})330 1011 y(|)59 b(select_w_o_sort)29 b(UNION)g(opt_union)g
- (select_w_o_sort)449 1071 y({)509 1131 y(if)h((IsA($4,)f
- (SelectStmt)))509 1191 y({)569 1250 y(SelectStmt)g(*n)g(=)h
- ((SelectStmt)f(*)$4;)569 1310 y(n->unionall)g(=)g($3;)509
- 1370 y(})509 1430 y($$)h(=)g((Node)f(*)makeA_Expr(OR,NULL,$1,$4);)
- 449 1489 y(})330 1549 y(|)59 b(select_w_o_sort)29 b(INTERSECT)g
- (select_w_o_sort)449 1609 y({)509 1669 y($$)h(=)g((Node)f
- (*)makeA_Expr(AND,NULL,$1,$3);)449 1729 y(})330 1788
- y(;)330 1896 y(SubSelect)g(:)59 b(SELECT)30 b(opt_unique)e
- (res_target_list2)718 1956 y(result)i(from_clause)e(where_clause)718
- 2016 y(group_clause)h(having_clause)390 2076 y({)449
- 2135 y(SelectStmt)g(*n)h(=)g(makeNode(SelectStmt);)449
- 2195 y(n->unique)f(=)h($2;)688 2255 y(.)688 2315 y(.)688
- 2375 y(.)449 2434 y(n->havingClause)f(=)g($8;)449 2494
- y($$)h(=)g((Node)f(*)n;)390 2554 y(})330 2614 y(;)270
- 2722 y Ft(The)e(ke)o(ywords)f Fr(SELECT)p Ft(,)h Fr(EXCEPT)p
- Ft(,)g Fr(UNION)p Ft(,)g Fr(INTERSECT)p Ft(,)f Fr('(')h
- Ft(and)g Fr(')')f Ft(are)h Fp(termi-)270 2782 y(nal)f(symbols)h
- Ft(and)f Fr(SelectStmt)p Ft(,)k Fr(select)p 1170 2782
- 15 2 v 17 w(w)p 1217 2782 V 18 w(o)p 1265 2782 V 17 w(sort)p
- Ft(,)g Fr(sort)p 1564 2782 V 18 w(clause)p Ft(,)g Fr(opt)p
- 1894 2782 V 17 w(union)p Ft(,)270 2841 y Fr(SubSelect)p
- Ft(,)57 b Fr(opt)p 702 2841 V 18 w(unique)p Ft(,)h Fr(res)p
- 1060 2841 V 17 w(target)p 1257 2841 V 17 w(list2)p Ft(,)g
- Fr(result)p Ft(,)g Fr(from)p 1864 2841 V 17 w(clause)p
- Ft(,)270 2901 y Fr(where)p 423 2901 V 17 w(clause)p Ft(,)23
- b Fr(group)p 805 2901 V 18 w(clause)p Ft(,)g Fr(having)p
- 1218 2901 V 17 w(clause)d Ft(are)h Fp(nonterminal)g(symbols)p
- Ft(.)42 b(The)270 2961 y(symbols)13 b Fr(EXCEPT)p Ft(,)h
- Fr(UNION)e Ft(and)i Fr(INTERSECT)e Ft(are)h Fp(left)g(associative)h
- Ft(meaning)f(that)g(a)g(statement)270 3021 y(like:)330
- 3119 y Fr(select)29 b(*)h(from)f(A)330 3179 y(union)330
- 3239 y(select)g(*)h(from)f(B)330 3298 y(union)330 3358
- y(select)g(*)h(from)f(C;)p eop
- %%Page: 101 101
- 101 100 bop 198 60 a Fm(3.8.)29 b(THE)13 b(REALIZA)-6
- b Ft(101)198 234 y(will)12 b(be)g(treated)g(as:)258 343
- y Fr(((select)29 b(*)h(from)f(A)318 403 y(union)318
- 463 y(select)g(*)h(from)f(B))318 523 y(union)318 583
- y(select)g(*)h(from)f(C))198 689 y Ft(The)13 b Fr(select)p
- 471 689 15 2 v 17 w(w)p 518 689 V 18 w(o)p 566 689 V
- 18 w(sort)f Ft(rule)g(b)o(uilds)g(up)h(an)f Fp(oper)o(ator)h(tr)n(ee)g
- Ft(using)g(nodes)g(of)f(type)g Fr(A)p 1767 689 V 18 w(Expr)p
- Ft(.)k(F)o(or)198 749 y(e)o(v)o(ery)f Fp(union)g Ft(an)h
- Fr(OR)f Ft(node)g(is)h(created,)g(for)f(e)o(v)o(ery)g
- Fp(intersect)h Ft(an)f Fr(AND)g Ft(node)h(and)f(for)g(e)o(v)o(ery)g
- Fp(e)o(xcept)198 809 y Ft(and)d Fr(AND)30 b(NOT)12 b
- Ft(node)g(b)o(uilding)f(up)h(a)g(representation)f(of)h(a)g(formula)f
- (in)h(propositional)f(logic.)16 b(If)11 b(the)198 869
- y(query)h(parsed)h(did)g(not)g(contain)f(an)o(y)i(set)f(operations)g
- (the)f(rule)h(hands)g(back)g(a)g Fr(SelectStmt)f Ft(node)198
- 929 y(representing)g(the)h(query)f(otherwise)h(the)f(top)h(node)g(of)f
- (the)h Fp(oper)o(ator)g(tr)n(ee)h Ft(is)f(returned.)j(Figure)c(3.11)198
- 988 y(sho)o(ws)h(a)f(typical)g Fp(oper)o(ator)h(tr)n(ee)g
- Ft(returned)f(by)g(the)g Fr(select)p 1287 988 V 18 w(w)p
- 1335 988 V 18 w(o)p 1383 988 V 17 w(sort)g Ft(rule.)388
- 2579 y @beginspecial 145 @llx 244 @lly 467 @urx 547 @ury
- 3220 @rwi @setspecial
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- 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add
- 4 -2 roll dup 1 exch sub 3 -1 roll mul add srgb}
- bind def
- /shd {dup dup currentrgbcolor 4 -2 roll mul 4 -2 roll mul
- 4 -2 roll mul srgb} bind def
- /$F2psBegin {$F2psDict begin /$F2psEnteredState save def} def
- /$F2psEnd {$F2psEnteredState restore end} def
- $F2psBegin
- 10 setmiterlimit
- n 0 792 m 0 0 l 612 0 l 612 792 l cp clip
- 0.06299 0.06299 sc
- 7.500 slw
- % Polyline
- n 990 1575 m 1890 1575 l 1890 2295 l 990 2295 l cp gs col-1 s gr
- % Polyline
- n 990 2025 m 1890 2025 l gs col-1 s gr
- % Polyline
- n 1440 2025 m 1440 2295 l gs col-1 s gr
- % Polyline
- n 990 1800 m 1890 1800 l gs col-1 s gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 1215 1755 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (A_Expr) col-1 sh gr
- /Times-Roman ff 150.00 scf sf
- 1350 1980 m
- gs 1 -1 sc (OR) col-1 sh gr
- % Polyline
- n 2025 450 m 2925 450 l 2925 1170 l 2025 1170 l cp gs col-1 s gr
- % Polyline