- <Chapter Id="xplang">
- <Title>Procedural Languages</Title>
- <!-- **********
- * General information about procedural language support
- **********
- -->
- <Para>
- Beginning with the release of version 6.3,
- <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> supports
- the definition of procedural languages.
- In the case of a function or trigger
- procedure defined in a procedural language, the database has
- no builtin knowlege how to interpret the functions source
- text. Instead, the calls are passed into
- a handler that knows the details of the language. The
- handler itself is a special programming language function
- compiled into a shared object
- and loaded on demand.
- </Para>
- <!-- **********
- * Installation of procedural languages
- **********
- -->
- <Sect1>
- <Title>Installing Procedural Languages</Title>
- <Procedure>
- <Title>
- Procedural Language Installation
- </Title>
- <para>
- A procedural language is installed in the database in three steps.
- </para>
- <Step Performance="Required">
- <Para>
- The shared object for the language handler
- must be compiled and installed. By default the
- handler for PL/pgSQL is built and installed into the
- database library directory. If Tcl/Tk support is
- configured in, the handler for PL/Tcl is also built
- and installed in the same location.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- Writing a handler for a new procedural language (PL)
- is outside the scope of this manual.
- </Para>
- </Step>
- <Step Performance="Required">
- <Para>
- The handler must be declared with the command
- <ProgramListing>
- CREATE FUNCTION <Replaceable>handler_function_name</Replaceable> () RETURNS OPAQUE AS
- '<Filename>path-to-shared-object</Filename>' LANGUAGE 'C';
- </ProgramListing>
- The special return type of <Acronym>OPAQUE</Acronym> tells
- the database, that this function does not return one of
- the defined base- or composite types and is not directly usable
- in <Acronym>SQL</Acronym> statements.
- </Para>
- </Step>
- <Step Performance="Required">
- <Para>
- The PL must be declared with the command
- <ProgramListing>
- CREATE [ TRUSTED ] PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE '<Replaceable>language-name</Replaceable>'
- HANDLER <Replaceable>handler_function_name</Replaceable>
- LANCOMPILER '<Replaceable>description</Replaceable>';
- </ProgramListing>
- The optional keyword <Acronym>TRUSTED</Acronym> tells
- if ordinary database users that have no superuser
- privileges can use this language to create functions
- and trigger procedures. Since PL functions are
- executed inside the database backend it should only be used for
- languages that don't gain access to database backends
- internals or the filesystem. The languages PL/pgSQL and
- PL/Tcl are known to be trusted.
- </Para>
- </Step>
- </Procedure>
- <Procedure>
- <Title>Example</Title>
- <Step Performance="Required">
- <Para>
- The following command tells the database where to find the
- shared object for the PL/pgSQL languages call handler function.
- </Para>
- <ProgramListing>
- CREATE FUNCTION plpgsql_call_handler () RETURNS OPAQUE AS
- '/usr/local/pgsql/lib/plpgsql.so' LANGUAGE 'C';
- </ProgramListing>
- </Step>
- <Step Performance="Required">
- <Para>
- The command
- </Para>
- <ProgramListing>
- HANDLER plpgsql_call_handler
- </ProgramListing>
- <Para>
- then defines that the previously declared call handler
- function should be invoked for functions and trigger procedures
- where the language attribute is 'plpgsql'.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- PL handler functions have a special call interface that is
- different from regular C language functions. One of the arguments
- given to the handler is the object ID in the <FileName>pg_proc</FileName>
- tables entry for the function that should be executed.
- The handler examines various system catalogs to analyze the
- functions call arguments and it's return data type. The source
- text of the functions body is found in the prosrc attribute of
- <FileName>pg_proc</FileName>.
- Due to this, in contrast to C language functions, PL functions
- can be overloaded like SQL language functions. There can be
- multiple different PL functions having the same function name,
- as long as the call arguments differ.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- Procedural languages defined in the <FileName>template1</FileName>
- database are automatically defined in all subsequently created
- databases. So the database administrator can decide which
- languages are available by default.
- </Para>
- </Step>
- </Procedure>
- </Sect1> <!-- **** End of PL installation **** -->
- <!-- **********
- * The procedural language PL/pgSQL
- **********
- -->
- <Sect1>
- <Title>PL/pgSQL</Title>
- <Para>
- PL/pgSQL is a loadable procedural language for the
- <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> database system.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- This package was originally written by Jan Wieck.
- </Para>
- <!-- **** PL/pgSQL overview **** -->
- <Sect2>
- <Title>Overview</Title>
- <Para>
- The design goals of PL/pgSQL were to create a loadable procedural
- language that
- <ItemizedList>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- can be used to create functions and trigger procedures,
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- adds control structures to the <Acronym>SQL</Acronym> language,
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- can perform complex computations,
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- inherits all user defined types, functions and operators,
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- can be defined to be trusted by the server,
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- is easy to use.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </ItemizedList>
- </Para>
- <Para>
- The PL/pgSQL call handler parses the functions source text and
- produces an internal binary instruction tree on the first time, the
- function is called by a backend. The produced bytecode is identified
- in the call handler by the object ID of the function. This ensures,
- that changing a function by a DROP/CREATE sequence will take effect
- without establishing a new database connection.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- For all expressions and <Acronym>SQL</Acronym> statements used in
- the function, the PL/pgSQL bytecode interpreter creates a
- prepared execution plan using the SPI managers SPI_prepare() and
- SPI_saveplan() functions. This is done the first time, the individual
- statement is processed in the PL/pgSQL function. Thus, a function with
- conditional code that contains many statements for which execution
- plans would be required, will only prepare and save those plans
- that are really used during the entire lifetime of the database
- connection.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- Except for input-/output-conversion and calculation functions
- for user defined types, anything that can be defined in C language
- functions can also be done with PL/pgSQL. It is possible to
- create complex conditional computation functions and later use
- them to define operators or use them in functional indices.
- </Para>
- </Sect2>
- <!-- **** PL/pgSQL Description **** -->
- <Sect2>
- <Title>Description</Title>
- <!-- **** PL/pgSQL structure **** -->
- <Sect3>
- <Title>Structure of PL/pgSQL</Title>
- <Para>
- The PL/pgSQL language is case insensitive. All keywords and
- identifiers can be used in mixed upper- and lowercase.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- PL/pgSQL is a block oriented language. A block is defined as
- <ProgramListing>
- [<<label>>]
- <replaceable>declarations</replaceable>]
- <replaceable>statements</replaceable>
- END;
- </ProgramListing>
- There can be any number of subblocks in the statement section
- of a block. Subblocks can be used to hide variables from outside a
- block of statements. The variables
- declared in the declarations section preceding a block are
- initialized to their default values every time the block is entered,
- not only once per function call.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- It is important not to misunderstand the meaning of BEGIN/END for
- grouping statements in PL/pgSQL and the database commands for
- transaction control. Functions and trigger procedures cannot
- start or commit transactions and <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>
- does not have nested transactions.
- </Para>
- </Sect3>
- <!-- **** PL/pgSQL comments **** -->
- <Sect3>
- <Title>Comments</Title>
- <Para>
- There are two types of comments in PL/pgSQL. A double dash '--'
- starts a comment that extends to the end of the line. A '/*'
- starts a block comment that extends to the next occurence of '*/'.
- Block comments cannot be nested, but double dash comments can be
- enclosed into a block comment and a double dash can hide
- the block comment delimiters '/*' and '*/'.
- </Para>
- </Sect3>
- <!-- **** PL/pgSQL declarations **** -->
- <Sect3>
- <Title>Declarations</Title>
- <Para>
- All variables, rows and records used in a block or it's
- subblocks must be declared in the declarations section of a block
- except for the loop variable of a FOR loop iterating over a range
- of integer values. Parameters given to a PL/pgSQL function are
- automatically declared with the usual identifiers $n.
- The declarations have the following syntax:
- </Para>
- <VariableList>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- <Replaceable>name</Replaceable> [ CONSTANT ] <Replaceable>type</Replaceable> [ NOT NULL ] [ DEFAULT | := <Replaceable>value</Replaceable> ];
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- Declares a variable of the specified base type. If the variable
- is declared as CONSTANT, the value cannot be changed. If NOT NULL
- is specified, an assignment of a NULL value results in a runtime
- error. Since the default value of all variables is the
- <Acronym>SQL</Acronym> NULL value, all variables declared as NOT NULL
- must also have a default value specified.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- The default value is evaluated ever time the function is called. So
- assigning '<Replaceable>now</Replaceable>' to a variable of type
- <Replaceable>datetime</Replaceable> causes the variable to have the
- time of the actual function call, not when the function was
- precompiled into it's bytecode.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- <Replaceable>name</Replaceable> <Replaceable>class</Replaceable>%ROWTYPE;
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- Declares a row with the structure of the given class. Class must be
- an existing table- or viewname of the database. The fields of the row
- are accessed in the dot notation. Parameters to a function can
- be composite types (complete table rows). In that case, the
- corresponding identifier $n will be a rowtype, but it
- must be aliased using the ALIAS command described below. Only the user
- attributes of a table row are accessible in the row, no Oid or other
- system attributes (hence the row could be from a view and view rows
- don't have useful system attributes).
- </Para>
- <Para>
- The fields of the rowtype inherit the tables fieldsizes
- or precision for char() etc. data types.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- <Replaceable>name</Replaceable> RECORD;
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- Records are similar to rowtypes, but they have no predefined structure.
- They are used in selections and FOR loops to hold one actual
- database row from a SELECT operation. One and the same record can be
- used in different selections. Accessing a record or an attempt to assign
- a value to a record field when there is no actual row in it results
- in a runtime error.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- The NEW and OLD rows in a trigger are given to the procedure as
- records. This is necessary because in <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>
- one and the same trigger procedure can handle trigger events for
- different tables.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- <Replaceable>name</Replaceable> ALIAS FOR $n;
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- For better readability of the code it is possible to define an alias
- for a positional parameter to a function.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- This aliasing is required for composite types given as arguments to
- a function. The dot notation $1.salary as in SQL functions is not
- allowed in PL/pgSQL.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- RENAME <Replaceable>oldname</Replaceable> TO <Replaceable>newname</Replaceable>;
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- Change the name of a variable, record or row. This is useful
- if NEW or OLD should be referenced by another name inside a
- trigger procedure.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- </VariableList>
- </Sect3>
- <!-- **** PL/pgSQL data types **** -->
- <Sect3>
- <Title>Data Types</Title>
- <Para>
- The type of a varible can be any of the existing basetypes of
- the database. <Replaceable>type</Replaceable> in the declarations
- section above is defined as:
- </Para>
- <Para>
- <ItemizedList>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>-basetype
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- <Replaceable>variable</Replaceable>%TYPE
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- <Replaceable>class.field</Replaceable>%TYPE
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </ItemizedList>
- </Para>
- <Para>
- <Replaceable>variable</Replaceable> is the name of a variable,
- previously declared in the
- same function, that is visible at this point.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- <Replaceable>class</Replaceable> is the name of an existing table
- or view where <Replaceable>field</Replaceable> is the name of
- an attribute.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- Using the <Replaceable>class.field</Replaceable>%TYPE
- causes PL/pgSQL to lookup the attributes definitions at the
- first call to the funciton during the lifetime of a backend.
- Have a table with a char(20) attribute and some PL/pgSQL functions
- that deal with it's content in local variables. Now someone
- decides that char(20) isn't enough, dumps the table, drops it,
- recreates it now with the attribute in question defined as
- char(40) and restores the data. Ha - he forgot about the
- funcitons. The computations inside them will truncate the values
- to 20 characters. But if they are defined using the
- <Replaceable>class.field</Replaceable>%TYPE
- declarations, they will automagically handle the size change or
- if the new table schema defines the attribute as text type.
- </Para>
- </Sect3>
- <!-- **** PL/pgSQL expressions **** -->
- <Sect3>
- <Title>Expressions</Title>
- <Para>
- All expressions used in PL/pgSQL statements are processed using
- the backends executor. Expressions which appear to contain
- constants may in fact require run-time evaluation (e.g. 'now' for the
- datetime type) so
- it is impossible for the PL/pgSQL parser
- to identify real constant values other than the NULL keyword. All
- expressions are evaluated internally by executing a query
- <ProgramListing>
- SELECT <Replaceable>expression</Replaceable>
- </ProgramListing>
- using the SPI manager. In the expression, occurences of variable
- identifiers are substituted by parameters and the actual values from
- the variables are passed to the executor in the parameter array. All
- expressions used in a PL/pgSQL function are only prepared and
- saved once.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- The type checking done by the <productname>Postgres</productname>
- main parser has some side
- effects to the interpretation of constant values. In detail there
- is a difference between what the two functions
- <ProgramListing>
- CREATE FUNCTION logfunc1 (text) RETURNS datetime AS '
- logtxt ALIAS FOR $1;
- INSERT INTO logtable VALUES (logtxt, ''now'');
- RETURN ''now'';
- END;
- ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
- </ProgramListing>
- and
- <ProgramListing>
- CREATE FUNCTION logfunc2 (text) RETURNS datetime AS '
- logtxt ALIAS FOR $1;
- curtime datetime;
- curtime := ''now'';
- INSERT INTO logtable VALUES (logtxt, curtime);
- RETURN curtime;
- END;
- ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
- </ProgramListing>
- do. In the case of logfunc1(), the <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>
- main parser
- knows when preparing the plan for the INSERT, that the string 'now'
- should be interpreted as datetime because the target field of logtable
- is of that type. Thus, it will make a constant from it at this time
- and this constant value is then used in all invocations of logfunc1()
- during the lifetime of the backend. Needless to say that this isn't what the
- programmer wanted.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- In the case of logfunc2(), the <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>
- main parser does not know
- what type 'now' should become and therefor it returns a datatype of
- text containing the string 'now'. During the assignment
- to the local variable curtime, the PL/pgSQL interpreter casts this
- string to the datetime type by calling the text_out() and datetime_in()
- functions for the conversion.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- This type checking done by the <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> main
- parser got implemented after PL/pgSQL was nearly done.
- It is a difference between 6.3 and 6.4 and affects all functions
- using the prepared plan feature of the SPI manager.
- Using a local
- variable in the above manner is currently the only way in PL/pgSQL to get
- those values interpreted correctly.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- If record fields are used in expressions or statements, the data types of
- fields should not change between calls of one and the same expression.
- Keep this in mind when writing trigger procedures that handle events
- for more than one table.
- </Para>
- </Sect3>
- <!-- **** PL/pgSQL statements **** -->
- <Sect3>
- <Title>Statements</Title>
- <Para>
- Anything not understood by the PL/pgSQL parser as specified below
- will be put into a query and sent down to the database engine
- to execute. The resulting query should not return any data.
- </Para>
- <VariableList>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- Assignment
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- An assignment of a value to a variable or row/record field is
- written as
- <ProgramListing>
- <Replaceable>identifier</Replaceable> := <Replaceable>expression</Replaceable>;
- </ProgramListing>
- If the expressions result data type doesn't match the variables
- data type, or the variable has a size/precision that is known
- (as for char(20)), the result value will be implicitly casted by
- the PL/pgSQL bytecode interpreter using the result types output- and
- the variables type input-functions. Note that this could potentially
- result in runtime errors generated by the types input functions.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- An assignment of a complete selection into a record or row can
- be done by
- <ProgramListing>
- SELECT <Replaceable>expressions</Replaceable> INTO <Replaceable>target</Replaceable> FROM ...;
- </ProgramListing>
- <Replaceable>target</Replaceable> can be a record, a row variable or a
- comma separated list of variables and record-/row-fields.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- if a row or a variable list is used as target, the selected values
- must exactly match the structure of the target(s) or a runtime error
- occurs. The FROM keyword can be followed by any valid qualification,
- grouping, sorting etc. that can be given for a SELECT statement.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- There is a special variable named FOUND of type bool that can be used
- immediately after a SELECT INTO to check if an assignment had success.
- <ProgramListing>
- SELECT * INTO myrec FROM EMP WHERE empname = myname;
- RAISE EXCEPTION ''employee % not found'', myname;
- </ProgramListing>
- If the selection returns multiple rows, only the first is moved
- into the target fields. All others are silently discarded.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- Calling another function
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- All functions defined in a <ProductName>Prostgres</ProductName>
- database return a value. Thus, the normal way to call a function
- is to execute a SELECT query or doing an assignment (resulting
- in a PL/pgSQL internal SELECT). But there are cases where someone
- isn't interested int the functions result.
- <ProgramListing>
- PERFORM <Replaceable>query</Replaceable>
- </ProgramListing>
- executes a 'SELECT <Replaceable>query</Replaceable>' over the
- SPI manager and discards the result. Identifiers like local
- variables are still substituted into parameters.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- Returning from the function
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- <ProgramListing>
- RETURN <Replaceable>expression</Replaceable>
- </ProgramListing>
- The function terminates and the value of <Replaceable>expression</Replaceable>
- will be returned to the upper executor. The return value of a function
- cannot be undefined. If control reaches the end of the toplevel block
- of the function without hitting a RETURN statement, a runtime error
- will occur.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- The expressions result will be automatically casted into the
- functions return type as described for assignments.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- Aborting and messages
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- As indicated in the above examples there is a RAISE statement that
- can throw messages into the <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>
- elog mechanism.
- <ProgramListing>
- RAISE <replaceable class="parameter">level</replaceable> ''<replaceable class="parameter">format</replaceable>'' [, <replaceable class="parameter">identifier</replaceable> [...]];
- </ProgramListing>
- Inside the format, <quote>%</quote> is used as a placeholder for the
- subsequent comma-separated identifiers. Possible levels are
- DEBUG (silently suppressed in production running databases), NOTICE
- (written into the database log and forwarded to the client application)
- and EXCEPTION (written into the database log and aborting the transaction).
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- Conditionals
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- <ProgramListing>
- IF <Replaceable>expression</Replaceable> THEN
- <replaceable>statements</replaceable>
- <replaceable>statements</replaceable>]
- </ProgramListing>
- The <Replaceable>expression</Replaceable> must return a value that
- at least can be casted into a boolean type.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- Loops
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- There are multiple types of loops.
- <ProgramListing>
- [<<label>>]
- <replaceable>statements</replaceable>
- </ProgramListing>
- An unconditional loop that must be terminated explicitly
- by an EXIT statement. The optional label can be used by
- EXIT statements of nested loops to specify which level of
- nesting should be terminated.
- <ProgramListing>
- [<<label>>]
- WHILE <Replaceable>expression</Replaceable> LOOP
- <replaceable>statements</replaceable>
- </ProgramListing>
- A conditional loop that is executed as long as the evaluation
- of <Replaceable>expression</Replaceable> is true.
- <ProgramListing>
- [<<label>>]
- FOR <Replaceable>name</Replaceable> IN [ REVERSE ] <Replaceable>expression</Replaceable> .. <Replaceable>expression</Replaceable> LOOP
- <replaceable>statements</replaceable>
- </ProgramListing>
- A loop that iterates over a range of integer values. The variable
- <Replaceable>name</Replaceable> is automatically created as type
- integer and exists only inside the loop. The two expressions giving
- the lower and upper bound of the range are evaluated only when entering
- the loop. The iteration step is always 1.
- <ProgramListing>
- [<<label>>]
- FOR <Replaceable>record | row</Replaceable> IN <Replaceable>select_clause</Replaceable> LOOP
- <replaceable>statements</replaceable>
- </ProgramListing>
- The record or row is assigned all the rows resulting from the select
- clause and the statements executed for each. If the loop is terminated
- with an EXIT statement, the last assigned row is still accessible
- after the loop.
- <ProgramListing>
- EXIT [ <Replaceable>label</Replaceable> ] [ WHEN <Replaceable>expression</Replaceable> ];
- </ProgramListing>
- If no <Replaceable>label</Replaceable> given,
- the innermost loop is terminated and the
- statement following END LOOP is executed next.
- If <Replaceable>label</Replaceable> is given, it
- must be the label of the current or an upper level of nested loop
- blocks. Then the named loop or block is terminated and control
- continues with the statement after the loops/blocks corresponding
- END.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- </VariableList>
- </Sect3>
- <!-- **** PL/pgSQL trigger procedures **** -->
- <Sect3>
- <Title>Trigger Procedures</Title>
- <Para>
- PL/pgSQL can be used to define trigger procedures. They are created
- with the usual CREATE FUNCTION command as a function with no
- arguments and a return type of OPAQUE.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- There are some <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> specific details
- in functions used as trigger procedures.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- First they have some special variables created automatically in the
- toplevel blocks declaration section. They are
- </Para>
- <VariableList>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- Datatype RECORD; variable holding the new database row on INSERT/UPDATE
- operations on ROW level triggers.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- Datatype RECORD; variable holding the old database row on UPDATE/DELETE
- operations on ROW level triggers.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- Datatype name; variable that contains the name of the trigger actually
- fired.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- Datatype text; a string of either 'BEFORE' or 'AFTER' depending on the
- triggers definition.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- Datatype text; a string of either 'ROW' or 'STATEMENT' depending on the
- triggers definition.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- Datatype text; a string of 'INSERT', 'UPDATE' or 'DELETE' telling
- for which operation the trigger is actually fired.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- Datatype oid; the object ID of the table that caused the
- trigger invocation.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- Datatype name; the name of the table that caused the trigger
- invocation.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- Datatype integer; the number of arguments given to the trigger
- procedure in the CREATE TRIGGER statement.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- Datatype array of text; the arguments from the CREATE TRIGGER statement.
- The index counts from 0 and can be given as an expression. Invalid
- indices (< 0 or >= tg_nargs) result in a NULL value.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- </VariableList>
- <Para>
- Second they must return either NULL or a record/row containing
- exactly the structure of the table the trigger was fired for.
- Triggers fired AFTER might always return a NULL value with no
- effect. Triggers fired BEFORE signal the trigger manager
- to skip the operation for this actual row when returning NULL.
- Otherwise, the returned record/row replaces the inserted/updated
- row in the operation. It is possible to replace single values directly
- in NEW and return that or to build a complete new record/row to
- return.
- </Para>
- </Sect3>
- <!-- **** PL/pgSQL exceptions **** -->
- <Sect3>
- <Title>Exceptions</Title>
- <Para>
- <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> does not have a very smart
- exception handling model. Whenever the parser, planner/optimizer
- or executor decide that a statement cannot be processed any longer,
- the whole transaction gets aborted and the system jumps back
- into the mainloop to get the next query from the client application.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- It is possible to hook into the error mechanism to notice that this
- happens. But currently it's impossible to tell what really
- caused the abort (input/output conversion error, floating point
- error, parse error). And it is possible that the database backend
- is in an inconsistent state at this point so returning to the upper
- executor or issuing more commands might corrupt the whole database.
- And even if, at this point the information, that the transaction
- is aborted, is already sent to the client application, so resuming
- operation does not make any sense.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- Thus, the only thing PL/pgSQL currently does when it encounters
- an abort during execution of a function or trigger
- procedure is to write some additional DEBUG level log messages
- telling in which function and where (line number and type of
- statement) this happened.
- </Para>
- </Sect3>
- </Sect2>
- <!-- **** PL/pgSQL Examples **** -->
- <Sect2>
- <Title>Examples</Title>
- <Para>
- Here are only a few functions to demonstrate how easy PL/pgSQL
- functions can be written. For more complex examples the programmer
- might look at the regression test for PL/pgSQL.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- One painful detail of writing functions in PL/pgSQL is the handling
- of single quotes. The functions source text on CREATE FUNCTION must
- be a literal string. Single quotes inside of literal strings must be
- either doubled or quoted with a backslash. We are still looking for
- an elegant alternative. In the meantime, doubling the single qoutes
- as in the examples below should be used. Any solution for this
- in future versions of <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> will be
- upward compatible.
- </Para>
- <Sect3>
- <Title>Some Simple PL/pgSQL Functions</Title>
- <Para>
- The following two PL/pgSQL functions are identical to their
- counterparts from the C language function discussion.
- <ProgramListing>
- CREATE FUNCTION add_one (int4) RETURNS int4 AS '
- RETURN $1 + 1;
- END;
- ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
- </ProgramListing>
- <ProgramListing>
- CREATE FUNCTION concat_text (text, text) RETURNS text AS '
- RETURN $1 || $2;
- END;
- ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
- </ProgramListing>
- </Para>
- </Sect3>
- <Sect3>
- <Title>PL/pgSQL Function on Composite Type</Title>
- <Para>
- Again it is the PL/pgSQL equivalent to the example from
- The C functions.
- <ProgramListing>
- CREATE FUNCTION c_overpaid (EMP, int4) RETURNS bool AS '
- emprec ALIAS FOR $1;
- sallim ALIAS FOR $2;
- IF emprec.salary ISNULL THEN
- RETURN ''f'';
- RETURN emprec.salary > sallim;
- END;
- ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
- </ProgramListing>
- </Para>
- </Sect3>
- <Sect3>
- <Title>PL/pgSQL Trigger Procedure</Title>
- <Para>
- This trigger ensures, that any time a row is inserted or updated
- in the table, the current username and time are stamped into the
- row. And it ensures that an employees name is given and that the
- salary is a positive value.
- <ProgramListing>
- empname text,
- salary int4,
- last_date datetime,
- last_user name);
- -- Check that empname and salary are given
- RAISE EXCEPTION ''empname cannot be NULL value'';
- RAISE EXCEPTION ''% cannot have NULL salary'', NEW.empname;
- -- Who works for us when she must pay for?
- IF NEW.salary < 0 THEN
- RAISE EXCEPTION ''% cannot have a negative salary'', NEW.empname;
- -- Remember who changed the payroll when
- NEW.last_date := ''now'';
- NEW.last_user := getpgusername();
- END;
- ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
- </ProgramListing>
- </Para>
- </Sect3>
- </Sect2>
- </Sect1>
- <!-- **********
- * The procedural language PL/Tcl
- **********
- -->
- <Sect1>
- <Title>PL/Tcl</Title>
- <Para>
- PL/Tcl is a loadable procedural language for the
- <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> database system
- that enables the Tcl language to be used to create functions and
- trigger-procedures.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- This package was originally written by Jan Wieck.
- </Para>
- <!-- **** PL/Tcl overview **** -->
- <Sect2>
- <Title>Overview</Title>
- <Para>
- PL/Tcl offers most of the capabilities a function
- writer has in the C language, except for some restrictions.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- The good restriction is, that everything is executed in a safe
- Tcl-interpreter. In addition to the limited command set of safe Tcl, only
- a few commands are available to access the database over SPI and to raise
- messages via elog(). There is no way to access internals of the
- database backend or gaining OS-level access under the permissions of the
- <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> user ID like in C.
- Thus, any unprivileged database user may be
- permitted to use this language.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- The other, internal given, restriction is, that Tcl procedures cannot
- be used to create input-/output-functions for new data types.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- The shared object for the PL/Tcl call handler is automatically built
- and installed in the <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>
- library directory if the Tcl/Tk support is specified
- in the configuration step of the installation procedure.
- </Para>
- </Sect2>
- <!-- **** PL/Tcl description **** -->
- <Sect2>
- <Title>Description</Title>
- <Sect3>
- <Title><ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> Functions and Tcl Procedure Names</Title>
- <Para>
- In <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>, one and the
- same function name can be used for
- different functions as long as the number of arguments or their types
- differ. This would collide with Tcl procedure names. To offer the same
- flexibility in PL/Tcl, the internal Tcl procedure names contain the object
- ID of the procedures pg_proc row as part of their name. Thus, different
- argtype versions of the same <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>
- function are different for Tcl too.
- </Para>
- </Sect3>
- <Sect3>
- <Title>Defining Functions in PL/Tcl</Title>
- <Para>
- To create a function in the PL/Tcl language, use the known syntax
- <ProgramListing>
- CREATE FUNCTION <Replaceable>funcname</Replaceable> (<Replaceable>argument-types</Replaceable>) RETURNS <Replaceable>returntype</Replaceable> AS '
- # PL/Tcl function body
- ' LANGUAGE 'pltcl';
- </ProgramListing>
- When calling this function in a query, the arguments are given as
- variables $1 ... $n to the Tcl procedure body. So a little max function
- returning the higher of two int4 values would be created as:
- <ProgramListing>
- CREATE FUNCTION tcl_max (int4, int4) RETURNS int4 AS '
- if {$1 > $2} {return $1}
- return $2
- ' LANGUAGE 'pltcl';
- </ProgramListing>
- Composite type arguments are given to the procedure as Tcl arrays.
- The element names
- in the array are the attribute names of the composite
- type. If an attribute in the actual row
- has the NULL value, it will not appear in the array! Here is
- an example that defines the overpaid_2 function (as found in the
- older <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName> documentation) in PL/Tcl
- <ProgramListing>
- CREATE FUNCTION overpaid_2 (EMP) RETURNS bool AS '
- if {200000.0 < $1(salary)} {
- return "t"
- }
- if {$1(age) < 30 && 100000.0 < $1(salary)} {
- return "t"
- }
- return "f"
- ' LANGUAGE 'pltcl';
- </ProgramListing>
- </Para>
- </Sect3>
- <Sect3>
- <Title>Global Data in PL/Tcl</Title>
- <Para>
- Sometimes (especially when using the SPI functions described later) it
- is useful to have some global status data that is held between two
- calls to a procedure.
- All PL/Tcl procedures executed in one backend share the same
- safe Tcl interpreter.
- To help protecting PL/Tcl procedures from side effects,
- an array is made available to each procedure via the upvar
- command. The global name of this variable is the procedures internal
- name and the local name is GD.
- </Para>
- </Sect3>
- <Sect3>
- <Title>Trigger Procedures in PL/Tcl</Title>
- <Para>
- Trigger procedures are defined in <ProductName>Postgres</ProductName>
- as functions without
- arguments and a return type of opaque. And so are they in the PL/Tcl
- language.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- The informations from the trigger manager are given to the procedure body
- in the following variables:
- </Para>
- <VariableList>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term><Replaceable class="Parameter">
- $TG_name
- </Replaceable></Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- The name of the trigger from the CREATE TRIGGER statement.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term><Replaceable class="Parameter">
- $TG_relid
- </Replaceable></Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- The object ID of the table that caused the trigger procedure
- to be invoked.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term><Replaceable class="Parameter">
- $TG_relatts
- </Replaceable></Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- A Tcl list of the tables field names prefixed with an empty list element.
- So looking up an element name in the list with the lsearch Tcl command
- returns the same positive number starting from 1 as the fields are numbered
- in the pg_attribute system catalog.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term><Replaceable class="Parameter">
- $TG_when
- </Replaceable></Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- The string BEFORE or AFTER depending on the event of the trigger call.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term><Replaceable class="Parameter">
- $TG_level
- </Replaceable></Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- The string ROW or STATEMENT depending on the event of the trigger call.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term><Replaceable class="Parameter">
- $TG_op
- </Replaceable></Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- The string INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE depending on the event of the
- trigger call.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term><Replaceable class="Parameter">
- $NEW
- </Replaceable></Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- An array containing the values of the new table row on INSERT/UPDATE
- actions, or empty on DELETE.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term><Replaceable class="Parameter">
- $OLD
- </Replaceable></Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- An array containing the values of the old table row on UPDATE/DELETE
- actions, or empty on INSERT.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term><Replaceable class="Parameter">
- $GD
- </Replaceable></Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- The global status data array as described above.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term><Replaceable class="Parameter">
- $args
- </Replaceable></Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- A Tcl list of the arguments to the procedure as given in the
- CREATE TRIGGER statement. The arguments are also accessible as $1 ... $n
- in the procedure body.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- </VariableList>
- <Para>
- The return value from a trigger procedure is one of the strings OK or SKIP,
- or a list as returned by the 'array get' Tcl command. If the return value
- is OK, the normal operation (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) that fired this trigger
- will take place. Obviously, SKIP tells the trigger manager to silently
- suppress the operation. The list from 'array get' tells PL/Tcl
- to return a modified row to the trigger manager that will be inserted instead
- of the one given in $NEW (INSERT/UPDATE only). Needless to say that all
- this is only meaningful when the trigger is BEFORE and FOR EACH ROW.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- Here's a little example trigger procedure that forces an integer value
- in a table to keep track of the # of updates that are performed on the
- row. For new row's inserted, the value is initialized to 0 and then
- incremented on every update operation:
- <ProgramListing>
- switch $TG_op {
- set NEW($1) 0
- }
- set NEW($1) $OLD($1)
- incr NEW($1)
- }
- default {
- return OK
- }
- }
- return [array get NEW]
- ' LANGUAGE 'pltcl';
- CREATE TABLE mytab (num int4, modcnt int4, desc text);
- FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE trigfunc_modcount('modcnt');
- </ProgramListing>
- </Para>
- </Sect3>
- <Sect3>
- <Title>Database Access from PL/Tcl</Title>
- <Para>
- The following commands are available to access the database from
- the body of a PL/Tcl procedure:
- </Para>
- <VariableList>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- elog <Replaceable>level</Replaceable> <Replaceable>msg</Replaceable>
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- Fire a log message. Possible levels are NOTICE, WARN, ERROR,
- like for the elog() C function.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- quote <Replaceable>string</Replaceable>
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- Duplicates all occurences of single quote and backslash characters.
- It should be used when variables are used in the query string given
- to spi_exec or spi_prepare (not for the value list on spi_execp).
- Think about a query string like
- <ProgramListing>
- "SELECT '$val' AS ret"
- </ProgramListing>
- where the Tcl variable val actually contains "doesn't". This would result
- in the final query string
- <ProgramListing>
- "SELECT 'doesn't' AS ret"
- </ProgramListing>
- what would cause a parse error during spi_exec or spi_prepare.
- It should contain
- <ProgramListing>
- "SELECT 'doesn''t' AS ret"
- </ProgramListing>
- and has to be written as
- <ProgramListing>
- "SELECT '[ quote $val ]' AS ret"
- </ProgramListing>
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- spi_exec ?-count <Replaceable>n</Replaceable>? ?-array <Replaceable>name</Replaceable>? <Replaceable>query</Replaceable> ?<Replaceable>loop-body</Replaceable>?
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- Call parser/planner/optimizer/executor for query.
- The optional -count value tells spi_exec the maximum number of rows
- to be processed by the query.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- If the query is
- a SELECT statement and the optional loop-body (a body of Tcl commands
- like in a foreach statement) is given, it is evaluated for each
- row selected and behaves like expected on continue/break. The values
- of selected fields are put into variables named as the column names. So a
- <ProgramListing>
- spi_exec "SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM pg_proc"
- </ProgramListing>
- will set the variable $cnt to the number of rows in the pg_proc system
- catalog. If the option -array is given, the column values are stored
- in the associative array named 'name' indexed by the column name
- instead of individual variables.
- <ProgramListing>
- spi_exec -array C "SELECT * FROM pg_class" {
- elog DEBUG "have table $C(relname)"
- }
- </ProgramListing>
- will print a DEBUG log message for every row of pg_class. The return value
- of spi_exec is the number of rows affected by query as found in
- the global variable SPI_processed.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- spi_prepare <Replaceable>query</Replaceable> <Replaceable>typelist</Replaceable>
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- Prepares AND SAVES a query plan for later execution. It is a bit different
- from the C level SPI_prepare in that the plan is automatically copied to the
- toplevel memory context. Thus, there is currently no way of preparing a
- plan without saving it.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- If the query references arguments, the type names must be given as a Tcl
- list. The return value from spi_prepare is a query ID to be used in
- subsequent calls to spi_execp. See spi_execp for a sample.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- spi_exec ?-count <Replaceable>n</Replaceable>? ?-array <Replaceable>name</Replaceable>? ?-nulls <Replaceable>str</Replaceable>? <Replaceable>query</Replaceable> ?<Replaceable>valuelist</Replaceable>? ?<Replaceable>loop-body</Replaceable>?
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- Execute a prepared plan from spi_prepare with variable substitution.
- The optional -count value tells spi_execp the maximum number of rows
- to be processed by the query.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- The optional value for -nulls is a string of spaces and 'n' characters
- telling spi_execp which of the values are NULL's. If given, it must
- have exactly the length of the number of values.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- The queryid is the ID returned by the spi_prepare call.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- If there was a typelist given to spi_prepare, a Tcl list of values of
- exactly the same length must be given to spi_execp after the query. If
- the type list on spi_prepare was empty, this argument must be omitted.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- If the query is a SELECT statement, the same as described for spi_exec
- happens for the loop-body and the variables for the fields selected.
- </Para>
- <Para>
- Here's an example for a PL/Tcl function using a prepared plan:
- <ProgramListing>
- CREATE FUNCTION t1_count(int4, int4) RETURNS int4 AS '
- if {![ info exists GD(plan) ]} {
- # prepare the saved plan on the first call
- set GD(plan) [ spi_prepare \
- "SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM t1 WHERE num >= \$1 AND num <= \$2" \
- int4 ]
- }
- spi_execp -count 1 $GD(plan) [ list $1 $2 ]
- return $cnt
- ' LANGUAGE 'pltcl';
- </ProgramListing>
- Note that each backslash that Tcl should see must be doubled in
- the query creating the function, since the main parser processes
- backslashes too on CREATE FUNCTION.
- Inside the query string given to spi_prepare should
- really be dollar signs to mark the parameter positions and to not let
- $1 be substituted by the value given in the first function call.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- <VarListEntry>
- <Term>
- Modules and the unknown command
- </Term>
- <ListItem>
- <Para>
- PL/Tcl has a special support for things often used. It recognizes two
- magic tables, pltcl_modules and pltcl_modfuncs.
- If these exist, the module 'unknown' is loaded into the interpreter
- right after creation. Whenever an unknown Tcl procedure is called,
- the unknown proc is asked to check if the procedure is defined in one
- of the modules. If this is true, the module is loaded on demand.
- To enable this behavior, the PL/Tcl call handler must be compiled
- </Para>
- <Para>
- There are support scripts to maintain these tables in the modules
- subdirectory of the PL/Tcl source including the source for the
- unknown module that must get installed initially.
- </Para>
- </ListItem>
- </VarListEntry>
- </VariableList>
- </Sect3>
- </Sect2>
- </Sect1>
- </Chapter>