- <chapter id="sql-commands">
- <Title>SQL Commands</Title>
- <abstract>
- <Para>
- This is reference information for the <acronym>SQL</acronym>
- commands supported by <productname>Postgres</productname>.
- </Para>
- </abstract>
- &abort;
- &alterTable;
- &alterUser;
- &begin;
- &close;
- &cluster;
- &commit;
- ©Table;
- &createAggregate;
- &createDatabase;
- &createFunction;
- &createIndex;
- &createLanguage;
- &createOperator;
- &createRule;
- &createSequence;
- &createTable;
- &createTableAs;
- &createTrigger;
- &createType;
- &createUser;
- &createView;
- &declare;
- &delete;
- &dropAggregate;
- &dropDatabase;
- &dropFunction;
- &dropIndex;
- &dropLanguage;
- &dropOperator;
- &dropRule;
- &dropSequence;
- &dropTable;
- &dropTrigger;
- &dropType
- &dropUser;
- &dropView;
- &explain;
- &fetch;
- &grant;
- &insert;
- &listen;
- &load;
- &lock;
- &move;
- ¬ify;
- &reset;
- &revoke;
- &rollback;
- &select;
- &selectInto;
- &set;
- &show;
- &unlisten;
- &update;
- &vacuum;
- </Chapter>
- <!--
- Disable this chapter until we have more functions documented.
- - thomas 1998-10-27
- <chapter Id="sql-functions">
- <title>SQL Functions</title>
- <para>
- This chapter provides reference information for the <acronym>SQL</acronym>
- functions supported by <productname>Postgres</productname>.
- </para>
- ¤tDate;
- ¤tTime;
- ¤tTimestamp;
- ¤tUser;
- </chapter>
- -->
- <chapter Id="utilities">
- <title>Applications</title>
- <abstract>
- <para>
- This is reference information for
- <productname>Postgres</productname> applications
- and support utilities.
- </para>
- </abstract>
- &createdb;
- &createuser;
- &destroydb;
- &destroyuser;
- &initdb;
- &initlocation;
- &pgAccess;
- &pgAdmin;
- &pgDump;
- &pgDumpall;
- &postgres;
- &postmaster;
- &psqlRef;
- &vacuumdb;
- </chapter>
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