



  1. <refentry id="SQL-SHOW">
  2.  <refmeta>
  3.   <refentrytitle>
  4.    SHOW
  5.   </refentrytitle>
  6.   <refmiscinfo>SQL - Language Statements</refmiscinfo>
  7.  </refmeta>
  8.  <refnamediv>
  9.   <refname>
  10.    SHOW
  11.   </refname>
  12.   <refpurpose>
  13.    Shows run-time parameters for session
  14.   </refpurpose>
  15.  </refnamediv>
  16.  <refsynopsisdiv>
  17.   <refsynopsisdivinfo>
  18.    <date>1998-09-24</date>
  19.   </refsynopsisdivinfo>
  20.   <synopsis>
  21. SHOW <replaceable class="PARAMETER">variable</replaceable>
  22.   </synopsis>
  23.   <refsect2 id="R2-SQL-SHOW-1">
  24.    <refsect2info>
  25.     <date>1998-09-24</date>
  26.    </refsect2info>
  27.    <title>
  28.     Inputs
  29.    </title>
  30.    <para>
  31.     <variablelist>
  32.      <varlistentry>
  33.       <term>
  34.        <replaceable class="PARAMETER">variable</replaceable>
  35.       </term>
  36.       <listitem>
  37.        <para>
  38. Refer to <command>SET</command> for more information on available
  39. variables.
  40.        </para>
  41.       </listitem>
  42.      </varlistentry>
  43.     </variablelist>
  44.    </para>
  45.   </refsect2>
  46.   <refsect2 id="R2-SQL-SHOW-2">
  47.    <refsect2info>
  48.     <date>1998-09-24</date>
  49.    </refsect2info>
  50.    <title>
  51.     Outputs
  52.    </title>
  53.    <para>
  54.     <variablelist>
  55.      <varlistentry>
  56.       <term>
  57.        <returnvalue>NOTICE: <replaceable
  58.  class="PARAMETER">">variab</replaceable>E> is <replaceable>value</replaceable></returnvalue>
  59.        SHOW VARIABLE
  60.       </term>
  61.       <listitem>
  62.        <para>
  63. Message returned if successfully.
  64.        </para>
  65.       </listitem>
  66.      </varlistentry>
  67.      <varlistentry>
  68.       <term>
  69.        <returnvalue>NOTICE:  Unrecognized variable <replaceable>value</replaceable></returnvalue>
  70.       </term>
  71.       <listitem>
  72.        <para>
  73. Message returned if <returnvalue>value</returnvalue> does not exist.
  74.        </para>
  75.       </listitem>
  76.      </varlistentry>
  78.      <varlistentry>
  79.       <term>
  80.        NOTICE:  Time zone is unknown
  81.        SHOW VARIABLE
  82.       </term>
  83.       <listitem>
  84.        <para>
  85. If the TZ environment variable is not set.
  86.        </para>
  87.       </listitem>
  88.      </varlistentry>
  89.     </variablelist>
  90.    </para>
  91.   </refsect2>
  92.  </refsynopsisdiv>
  93.  <refsect1 id="R1-SQL-SHOW-1">
  94.   <refsect1info>
  95.    <date>1998-09-24</date>
  96.   </refsect1info>
  97.   <title>
  98.    Description
  99.   </title>
  100.   <para>
  101.    <command>SHOW</command> will display the current
  102.    configuration parameters for
  103.    variable during a session.
  104.   </para>
  105.   <para>
  106.    The session can be configured using <command>SET</command> statement,
  107.    and values
  108.    can be restored to the defaults using <command>RESET</command> statement.
  109.    Parameters and values are case-insensitive.
  110.   </para>
  111.   <refsect2 id="R2-SQL-SHOW-3">
  112.    <refsect2info>
  113.     <date>1998-09-24</date>
  114.    </refsect2info>
  115.    <title>
  116.     Notes
  117.    </title>
  118.    <para>
  119.     The <command>SHOW</command> is a <productname>Postgres</productname>
  120.     language extension.
  121.    </para>
  122.    <para>
  123.     Refer to  <command>SET</command>/<command>RESET</command> 
  124.     to set/reset variable values.
  125.     See also  <command>SET TIME ZONE</command>.
  126.    </para>
  127.   </refsect2>
  128.  </refsect1>
  129.  <refsect1 id="R1-SQL-SHOW-2">
  130.   <title>
  131.    Usage
  132.   </title>
  133.   <para>
  134.    <programlisting>
  135. -- show DateStyle;
  136. SHOW DateStyle;
  137. NOTICE:DateStyle is Postgres with US (NonEuropean) conventions
  138. -- show Geqo;
  139. SHOW GEQO;
  140. NOTICE:GEQO is ON
  141.    </programlisting>
  142.   </para>
  143.  </refsect1>
  144.  <refsect1 id="R1-SQL-SHOW-3">
  145.   <title>
  146.    Compatibility
  147.   </title>
  148.   <para>
  149.   </para>
  150.   <refsect2 id="R2-SQL-SHOW-4">
  151.    <refsect2info>
  152.     <date>1998-09-24</date>
  153.    </refsect2info>
  154.    <title>
  155.     SQL92
  156.    </title>
  157.    <para>
  158.     There is no <command>SHOW</command> defined in <acronym>SQL92</acronym>.
  159.    </para>
  160.   </refsect2>
  161.  </refsect1>
  162. </refentry>
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